Wonderland: Instructions by Christopher John Abbey
Wonderland: Instructions by Christopher John Abbey
Wonderland: Instructions by Christopher John Abbey
by Christopher John Abbey
Copyright © 1989, 2017
U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
Made in China
Published by
U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
179 Ludlow Street
Stamford, CT 06902 USA
First of all, I recommend that you
obtain a copy of Alice’s Adventures in
Wonderland, and Through the Looking
Glass and What Alice Found There,
both by Lewis Carroll, before you go
too much further into The Wonderland
Tarot deck. Be sure to get an edition
illustrated by Sir John Tenniel,
because the imagery presented in The
Wonderland Tarot is based on the work
of Tenniel.
Many generations of children have
grown up loving these fascinating and
entertaining stories, while scholars and
those in the know laugh it up, having
discerned the historical persons behind
the satirical characters.
I first began to know Alice when I was
a little child, before I could read. My
mother would tuck me in at night
and tell me the fantastic adventures,
and I would eat them up over and
over. When I think of all the things
that started me on my way to being a
budding science fiction writer, Alice
must rate up there with Oz, Narnia and
The Little Prince.
My interest in the tarot came much
later, when I was about ten. For this
I have to thank my Aunt Isis, who
showed me the wonder and mystery
of that ancient wisdom. Whether or
not you believe in the cards, they have
proven themselves over the years to
be a way of finding out about one’s
thoughts and feelings. There is magic in
that, all by itself.
Strangely enough, The Wonderland
Tarot almost didn’t come about at
all. The idea was going to remain
nothing but a note in my journal, until
I mentioned it to Morgana. She made
me sit down and flesh the idea out. Her
help in the design and her fabulous pen
and paint have made the entire deck
come alive with color and feeling. It is
almost shocking to think that before
this project, she had only a passing
knowledge of the Alice books.
The main sources of this booklet are
The Encyclopedia of Tarot, volume I, by
Stuart R. Kaplan, and The Pictorial Key
to the Tarot, by Arthur Edward Waite.
III THE EMPRESS The Sheep sits in
the back of a boat on a river, passing
by an ever-changing landscape She
holds a multitude of knitting needles
in her hands. Alice, her face unseen,
is in the front of the boat. The entire
journey actually takes place in the
Sheep’s shop. The Sheep is the ultimate
woman figure, self-assured, level-
headed, patient and kind. Divinatory
meanings: The Empress is a mother
figure, as well as the figure of a sister
and wife, and marriage. She is all
aspects of feminine influence. She
makes decisions based on humanity,
not on her own best interests, though
the two often intersect. A good
partner. Practical, decisive, intuitive.
A motivator. Reverse meanings:
Wavering. Hesitation. Ennui. Inability
or unwillingness to concentrate.
Procrastination. Nervous tension.
Throwing away resources through
idiocy. Fickleness. Vanity.
IV THE EMPEROR The Cheshire Cat
is not really a cat, but can appear as
one through his strange powers of
teleportation. He is pictured sitting in
a tree, grinning. Contrary to general
belief, he is brown and black, not
orange. Originally seen in the house
of the Duchess, he pops up now and
then to give Alice advice. His is the
wisdom, the floating conscience, in
Wonderland. It is assumed that Alice
is not the only person to benefit from
his insight. Divinatory meanings: The
Emperor is higher than the kings, more
worldly wise and confident, a symbol
of stability and leadership, as well as
of a male family member. Logic above
emotion. A giver of aid and comfort.
Sometimes, an overly dominant person.
Reverse meanings: A benevolent
man, but immature and ineffective.
Given to petty emotional outbursts, and
extremely retentive of gains. Confusing
to those who don’t know him.
V THE HIEROPHANT The Caterpillar
sits on his mushroom throne, smoking
his hookah and thinking about life,
taking not the slightest notice of
anything. His smile is benevolent.
The two sides of the mushroom, one
for growing and one for shrinking,
contrast the good and the evil sides
of life. The Caterpillar will disappear,
leaving Alice to choose her own path.
Divinatory meanings: The wise one.
A religious or spiritual leader. Mercy
and goodness. Someone to admire and
to look to for help. Sticking with ideas
that don’t work. Ritualism. Reserve
and introspection. Other-worldly
philosophy. Alignment with good or
bad without proper balance. Reverse
meanings: Extreme irreverence,
especially toward religion. Gullibility.
Repeated errors. Inability to cope with
different philosophies.
VI THE LOVERS The twin brothers,
Tweedledee and Tweedledum, are the
closest pair in either book. They are
pictured here arm in arm, and above
them is the crow who broke up their
battle by blocking out the sun. This is
the card of interaction between two
people and among family and friends.
It also represents unexpected events
and meetings, as Alice met the pair
by chance, and as the crow surprised
the twins. Divinatory meanings:
Unanimity and harmony. Setbacks
overcome and confidence in the
future. Blindness to the future and
its certain trials. All aspects of love,
especially that of friends and relatives.
Freedom. Strong emotions. Reverse
meanings: Inability to overcome
trials. Meanness, frustration, hate and
jealousy. Someone else butting in
on a relationship and destroying it.
Untrustworthiness. Divorce.
VII THE CHARIOT Alice sits in
a train. Across from her is a man
wearing a newspaper hat and reading
a newspaper. The porter is looking at
something in the car, his binoculars
obscuring all of his features except
for hair. Divinatory meanings: Body
and soul pushing toward a common
goal. Possibly too much speed toward
a goal, without the actual end firmly
in sight. Urgency, turmoil, revenge. An
inability to focus on minor details that
contribute to the big picture. Reverse
meanings: Falling short of a goal.
Inability to cope with life. Defeat and
regression. Rebelling against nothing.
VIII STRENGTH The Lion and the
Unicorn are engaged in mock combat.
The Lion wears glasses. The Unicorn
appears to be winning, but the animals
are actually equally matched. They
each do what must be done for the
sake of their own prestige. Divinatory
meanings: Control of a situation.
Bravery, unwavering attention to
a quest, elan, ability to overcome
temptation, physical strength. Mind
over matter; matter over mind. A
Herculean effort for a personal end
or for the sake of the world at large.
Reverse meanings: Inability due to
weakness of body or soul. Sickness.
Drive for empirical knowledge at the
expense of others. Indifference to
others’ thoughts and feelings.
IX THE HERMIT The Dormouse sits
in a teapot, asleep as usual. His lantern
sheds light on all. He dreams, possibly
of the past, possibly of the future. He is
neither young nor old, aged or ageless.
Most of all, he is at peace with himself.
Divinatory meanings: Attempting to
know oneself. Inner strength. Discretion
to withdraw from a fight. Infinite
patience. Caution. Sometimes, the
card represents insincerity, hypocrisy,
withholding of emotion, secrecy, and
fear of discovery. Unused knowledge
that could help someone else. Reverse
meanings: Indiscretion. Jumping into
action without forethought. Bad advice.
Hesitation to the point of failure.
Babyish reaction. Withdrawing from the
world too much.
the Mouse, an Owl, the Eaglet and
a Guinea Pig have just completed a
Caucus-race, whose stopping point is
in the hands of fate. All opportunities
are present, and many will be grabbed
and held. Good and evil, beginnings
and endings, all things that are, that
were, and that are yet to be are on the
Wheel of Life. Divinatory meanings:
Birth and death. Anything unusual
or beyond conscious control. The
beginning and the end. Resolution.
Good or bad luck. Going forward or
retreating into trouble. Positive or
negative, depending on surrounding
cards. Reverse meanings: The bad
side of the coin. Defeat, bad luck.
Unexpected tragedy. Detrimental
outside forces.
XI JUSTICE Father William stands
on his head, balancing the scales of
fairness between his feet. Behind him
are the pillars that uphold truth. The
curtain represents the blindness of
justice, or ultimate fairness. Father
William learned early on that when life
is lived only to prolong itself, then it
is merely existence with no meaning.
All things must balance. Divinatory
meanings: Justice is the light side of
yin and yang. Equanimity. A psyche in
perspective. A fair solution. Logic in life
and deeds. Impartiality. Good advice
and firmness of character. Reverse
meanings: Unfairness. Falseness of
character. Prejudice and intolerance.
is hung by its tail, probably over a
cooking pot. It is the lobster’s fate to
be boiled for someone’s dinner. We
cannot see who the perpetrator is, but
we may assume it is one of the cooks
for any one of the kings or queens.
This is life in suspension, not in the pot,
not out of the pot. Does the lobster
know yet what fate awaits it, or is it
confident in its immortality, as are
all humans and animals? Divinatory
meanings: This is a card of change not
yet fully realized. A lull before a storm.
A question between heaven and earth.
A regeneration or disintegration of the
spirit. Sometimes, decision to sacrifice
one’s goals or family. An improvement.
Reverse meanings: Selfishness.
Unwillingness to change or sacrifice.
Not giving a task or goal full effort.
Senseless sacrifice. Going with the
crowd. A great egotism.
XIII DEATH The Queen of Hearts
points at some unknown person,
shouting, “Off with his head!” One
of the cards is lying down, playing
possum so that he will not suffer a
similar fate. The Queen shouts a lot,
but no one ever really dies. The victims
change so they will not be recognized.
In the real world, those that die are in
transition and will come back to live in
another form. Divinatory meanings:
Change. Transformation from one
form to another or from one situation
to another. Changing of the guard.
Moving away from the familiar. Loss of
security, bad luck. Abrupt or gradual
change. Illness, possibly death. A bad
loan. Reverse meanings: Complete
lack of change. Standing still to the
point of stagnation. Possibility of slow
or partial change, with the proper
surrounding cards. A close call in an
Messenger, takes a ham sandwich
out of his bag. He wears the costume
of an Anglo-Saxon page. He looks
into the bag and sees nothing more
than hay. He has one foot on land,
one foot in the water, a unifying of
the forces that work on the body and
the mind. A long road winds through
the background, the road he has
traveled to arrive and must travel in
order to leave. Divinatory meanings:
Moderation. Temperance. What comes
with compromise and compatibility.
A mixing of things in unanimity. An
ability to recognize and analyze. No
excessive tendencies. Maintaining
a good image. Possibly, being too
temperate. The past, present and
future. Reverse meanings: Chaos,
discord and disunion. Incompatibility.
Intolerance and frustration. Impotence.
Religious intolerance.
XV THE DEVIL The Jabberwock
is pure evil. He has a long neck
supporting a head with bulging eyes
and four rending teeth. His legs are
outstretched in attack position. The
frightened hero is prepared to fight
the monster with his vorpal blade.
Jabberwocky is the story of a man
overcoming a monster who has killed
many people and terrorized the
countryside. It illustrates the human
hope that one day good will overcome
evil for once and for all time.
Divinatory meanings: Subordination.
Ravaging at will. All that is evil.
Bondage. Failure. Inability to attain a
goal. Dependence to the point of ruin.
Violence and destruction. Things that
go bump in the night. Bad temper,
with no humor unless malicious.
Unprincipled. Strange experiences.
Temptation and controversy. Reverse
meanings: Freedom. Bailing out
of a bad situation. Receiving help.
Overcoming obstacles. Spiritual
understanding. Beginning on the path
to enlightenment.
XVI THE TOWER This card depicts
two events. The first is Alice grabbing
at air and the Rabbit falling into the
cucumberframe (a small greenhouse)
as a result. The second event is Bill
falling, after Alice has kicked him out
of the chimney. Both creatures are
extremely ruffled by the unexpected
turn of events. The White Rabbit
thought that Alice was Mary Ann, his
maid, and therefore felt he could order
her about. Alice got her revenge when
she grew to mammoth proportions,
and the Rabbit was forced to change
his position in the world after giant
Alice made a shambles of his house.
Divinatory meanings: Rapid change.
Failure of events to go as expected.
Beliefs don’t live up to their promises.
Anything unforeseen, with a negative
implication. Good friends turned
bad. Loss of money, security or love.
Setbacks, disasters, insanity, disruption.
The end of grace. Reverse meanings:
Too much stability. Continuation
of the old and bad ways. Sloth. A
bad situation that won’t change.
XVII THE STAR The Gryphon sleeps
contentedly beside the waters of life.
Behind him are the mountains. Seven
stars, one large and six smaller, are
above him. The stars are of wishes
and dreams, the most important gifts
of the heavens. As sleep eventually
brings waking, so is all of life a series
of deaths and rebirths. Through this
is the divination of the future and a
clearing out of the past. Divinatory
meanings: Hope, faith and inspiration.
The optimism of wishes. A bright
future. Learning from experience.
Fulfillment, satisfaction and pleasure.
Moving easily toward a goal.
Astrology. Reverse meanings: Dreams
abandoned. Continued striving without
results. Arrogance. Cutting off a bad
relationship, with nothing new on the
horizon. Bad luck and disappointment.
Lack of balance between dreams and
XVIII THE MOON The Walrus and
the Carpenter sit on a rock, chatting
with a group of oysters they invited
for a walk. In the background, the
Moon is distraught, because the Sun
has decided to shine in the nighttime,
a rude imposition. The Walrus speaks
about trivial subjects while trying
to decide which of the oysters to
eat first. He laments their fate, but
that doesn’t stop him. Divinatory
meanings: Deception in all its
forms. Trickery, deceit, cajolery, bad
motives, dishonesty, false friends, false
pretenses. Unknown enemies. A trap.
Being led to ruin. Reverse meanings:
Minor errors. A slight deception.
Avoiding temptation. Easy gain. Taking
advantage of someone.
XIX THE SUN Alice meets Humpty
Dumpty, who sits on a wall, holding a
banner of unknown origin. He has just
given himself a compliment and so is
allowing Alice to shake his hand. The
King has promised to bring around all
the horses and all the men if Humpty
Dumpty should fall from his perch.
Divinatory meanings: Satisfaction,
accomplishment and success. Love and
friendship. Reveling in the pleasures
of life. Freedom from boredom.
Happiness. New or old friends.
Warmth. Truth. Artistic achievement.
Reverse meanings: Unhappiness.
Boredom. Loneliness, possibly a
broken relationship. Attainment of goal
delayed. Uncertain future.
XX JUDGEMENT The White Rabbit
blows a trumpet, signifying the
beginning of the trial of the Knave of
Hearts, who foolishly stole some tarts
from the Queen. In the foreground,
the Knave stands before a barrister.
On the table are the tarts in question.
Before the verdict can be given, the
entire court is transformed into playing
cards which swirl around Alice, who
then wakes up from her dream of
Wonderland. Divinatory meanings:
Confessing all sins. Accounting for
deeds and thoughts. New life, possibly
a bettering of oneself. Reward. The
spiritual self. Warning of someone’s
unfair advantage. Outcome of a
conflict. Consideration of actions.
Reverse meanings: Blindness to
the world. Delay or disappointment.
Divorce, procrastination, theft, lost
affection. Morbid thoughts.
XXI THE WORLD Alice stands in
one of the squares that make up the
Looking Glass world. Only a few steps
remain in Alice’s adventures, and
then she becomes the White Queen.
The symbolism is that of completion,
of having the world put into proper
order, of things going the way they
should. Divinatory meanings: The
goal to which all other cards have led.
Perfection. Eden. Fulfillment. The end
of the path to wisdom. Spirit and life
everlasting. A pleasant outcome. In
some cases, what might be if other
warnings are obeyed. High magic.
Reverse meanings: Shortcomings.
Falling short of a goal. Disappointment.
The suit of flamingos corresponds to
the suit of swords, or the suit of spades.
Superficially, it is a suit of battle, but
beneath the surface there is friendship
and other major relationships.
meanings: The power of life and death.
The king mitigates the excesses of the
queen. Reverse meanings: Beating
a dead horse. Perversity. Cruel and
arbitrary person.
meanings: Sorrow, often widowhood.
Intelligence, with knowledge of the
darker side of the world. One who
has gone from happiness to failure.
Reverse meanings: An evil person
who cannot perceive ways other than
his or her own. Vengeance and malice.
meanings: Rushing without fear into
the unknown. Bloodlust. This card
magnifies other cards dealing with
death. With cards of wisdom, indicates
foolishness. War, opposition, heroism.
Reverse meanings: Rushing into
danger. Dispute over a person of the
opposite sex. Naiveté. Physical, mental
or spiritual incapacity.
meanings: Seeing beyond the
surface. A spy. Vigilance. Respect for
authority. A person who will complete
a task regardless of danger. Insight.
Discretion. Reverse meanings:
The evil side of these qualities.
An unexpected illness. Lack of
preparation. A powerless person.
meanings: A pain that feels like
a violent death. A mental death.
Ruination. Mental anguish. Guilt
that cannot be reconciled. Trouble
and misfortune. Reverse meanings:
A victory won at excessive cost. A
moment of power.
meanings: Anxiety over a loved one.
Worry and concern. A quarrel or
other major unhappiness. Miscarriage.
Despair and suffering. Sometimes,
death. Desolation. Reverse
meanings: Suspicion of a close friend.
Imprisonment and intrigue. Gossip,
shame and timidity. A reasonable fear.
meanings: Censure and censorship.
Bad news. Temporary bondage. A
person dominated by another person
or by a situation. Making one’s own
prison. Sickness, conflict or a severe
disaster. Reverse meanings: A
skeleton in the closet. Industriousness.
Depression or disquiet. An accident,
possibly fatal.
meanings: A wonderful fantasy
and a new hope. Confidence and
perseverance. Wishes. A grand design
for life and the pleasurable living
thereof. Artistry of thought. Reverse
meanings: Uncertain advice. Beating
around the bush. Arguments.
meanings: A journey, usually pleasant.
Hoping for a fast solution to a
problem. Success after many attempts.
Sometimes, a messenger. Expediency.
The end of a journey. Reverse
meanings: Stagnation. A difficulty
without end. A public confession. An
unwanted and unwarranted proposal.
meanings: A grave defeat, possibly
the final battle. Infamy and dishonor.
New enemies arising. Disaster. Reverse
meanings: The same as the upright
meaning, but less definite. Strong
possibility of redemption.
meanings: A rest after a long period
of adversity. Sleep and dreaming in
solitude. Temporary abandonment
or hermitage. Sometimes, a tomb
or a coffin, signifying the ultimate
rest. Reverse meanings: Activity. A
cautious moving forward. Gathering
wisdom or counsel. A desire for the
lost. Back door influence.
meanings: Disappointment, opposition
and separation. A breaking apart of
a relationship. Delay and absence.
Reverse meanings: A mistake or
a loss. Confusion, distraction and
anxiety. Alienation.
meanings: Balance in a conflict.
Alternatively, friendship and harmony. A
stalemate or truce. Reverse meanings:
Treachery and lies. Mind out of balance.
False friends or bad business dealings.
Duplicity and disloyalty.
meanings: A great effort leading to an
overwhelming victory. Strength, power,
success and fertility. A conquest for the
sake of conquest. Excessive behavior.
Deep emotion. Reverse meanings:
Complete disaster. Violent and self-
destructive behavior. Obstacles and
infertility. Tyranny and embarrassment.
meanings: Honest and true. Unable to
understand bad motives. Fatherly and
kind, yet sometimes quick to anger.
Educated and sympathetic. Often a
man with a close family. Reverse
meanings: Well-intentioned, but
severe. A martinet. Idealistic to the
point of blindness. Overly religious and
intolerant. Prone to exaggeration.
Divinatory meanings: An honest
and homey woman, able to cure ills
of the mind. A dark woman who is
very secretive. Sincere and charming.
Capable of love and affection. Reverse
meanings: Jealous and overly
emotional. An unstable and fickle liar
of a mean stripe. Opposition.
Divinatory meanings: A journey into
the unknown. An important message
to be delivered. A general change of
location. Running away or escaping a
bad situation. A mysterious character.
Reverse meanings: Chaos. An
unexpected and unwanted change.
A fight, possibly with someone very
close. A dissolution or temporary
interruption of a relationship.
meanings: A loyal and true person.
A man who speaks well of others.
An envoy, messenger or stranger
coming to help. Intelligent. A bearer of
important news, usually good. Reverse
meanings: Cruel and malicious stories.
A bounder. Inability to make decisions.
Harbinger of bad news.
meanings: Giving in to excessive
burdens. Being controlled by
possessions. A faithful servant. The
pressure of maintaining a lie or
disguise. Selfishness. Loser of a dispute.
Reverse meanings: Intolerable
difficulties. A traitor or deceiver.
Subterfuge and intrigue. A definite loss.
meanings: Waiting for a fight. A mental
standoff. A deterrent to enemy attack.
Prepared for any difficulties. A pause in
an ongoing battle. Order and discipline.
Reverse meanings: Calamity or ill
health. Being caught by surprise. A wall
of adversity. Long delay. Unhappiness.
meanings: Swift activity. A sudden
progress or movement. Hasty
movements. Advancement too quick for
easy assimilation. Reverse meanings:
A dispute among a previously close-knit
group. Jealousy. A family quarrel.
meanings: The king of the hill. A
brave person facing incredible odds.
Business or competition. Debate.
Success. Victory. Reverse meanings:
Anxiety. Being unsure of one’s
position. Hesitancy to the point of loss.
Embarrassment. Hard failure.
meanings: A great triumph. A
victory. Good news with far-reaching
ramifications. Expectations rewarded.
Hope. Reverse meanings: Fear of the
future. Paranoia. Uncertain victory or
gain. Long delay. Disloyalty.
meanings: Youth imitating their elders.
A future of constant competition,
labor and strife. Reverse meanings:
Complexity of deeds or decisions.
Trickery. An intense involvement.
meanings: The best of home and
hearth. The warding off of evils.
Romance or unexpected happiness.
Prosperity, peace and tranquility. The
achievement of a dream that leads
to wealth and/or happiness. Country
life. A rest after a struggle. Reverse
meanings: A false sense of security.
Uneasiness, even in the face of full
security. Never being sure of what
one has. Ruthlessly holding onto
possessions. Happiness diluted by
subconscious inhibitions.
Divinatory meanings: Discovery of a
new way. A stability in job performance
and abilities. Broad knowledge of the
world. The thrill of negotiation. Trade.
Reverse meanings: Someone giving
help in order to gain future influence.
Treachery. A problem diminished.
meanings: A man set apart, often a
ruler. Courage to face and contemplate
the world. Great riches and
magnificent stature not appreciated.
Reverse meanings: Great sadness,
as in a monumental loss of faith.
Imprisonment by others’ actions. A
meanings: The beginning of all things.
Life, love, family, business. The start
of a new adventure. A meaningful
experience. Inheritance and fortune.
Home. Reverse meanings: Ruination. A
senseless delay or a cancellation before
beginning. Anger. Unfulfilled dream.
Decadence and meaningless existence.
PAGE OF HATS Divinatory
meanings: A person given to intense
concentration on studies or on a
project. Reflective. Loyal, helpful and
trustworthy. A good type for secretive
work. News or messages. Reverse
meanings: Susceptible to distraction.
Artifice. Unable to ignore impulses.
Seductive, destructive.
TEN OF HATS Divinatory meanings:
Home and hearth. Serenity of a familiar
place. All that comes with family and
friends. Someone looking out for the
querent’s interests. Reverse meanings:
False heart. Violence within the home.
Petty jealousies and rivalries. Loss of
NINE OF HATS Divinatory meanings:
Contentment. Personal advantage,
sometimes financial. Material gains and
business growth. Success, good health.
Victory. Reverse meanings: Bad
decisions, but also a liberty that comes
from them. Opposition, disputes,
difficulties. A false sense of security or
EIGHT OF HATS Divinatory
meanings: Running away from
responsibility or friendship. The
yin and yang of choices. Leaving
behind that which is best in a
person. Abandoning a plan or goal.
Disillusionment. Making a great matter
of something that is really trivial.
Reverse meanings: Happiness. Joy.
Feasting. Striving for a goal.
SEVEN OF HATS Divinatory
meanings: There are seven hats with
themes of dreams and nightmares, and
the querent will choose among them.
The first holds a maiden, the second
holds an unknown spirit, and the third
holds a serpent. The fourth holds a
castle of riches, the fifth holds the
demon of hell, the sixth holds jewels
of wealth, and the seventh holds the
crown. A goal within sight. Desires.
A dream fulfilled but unrecognized.
Reverse meanings: Desire and
determination. A dream attainable.
Willpower. Resolution of a conflict.
SIX OF HATS Divinatory meanings:
Thoughts of childhood. Nostalgia. The
sweetness of memory. A desire for
the old, without measuring the true
worth of the past. At times, the future.
Reverse meanings: The future. Goals
attainable. That which will be or which
should be. Plans that go awry.
FIVE OF HATS Divinatory meanings:
Partial loss. Seeing the broken and
ignoring the whole. Friendship without
devotion. Marriage without love. That
which could be perfect, yet isn’t. An
incomplete view of the world and of
people. Reverse meanings: The hope
of the future. A good companion. A
reunion with an old friend, or a truce
with an old enemy.
FOUR OF HATS Divinatory meanings:
Aversion to imaginary flaws. Not wanting
what is offered. A former bad choice
which influences all future choices. A
need for perfection. A stagnant period
of life. Reverse meanings: Hope. Great
expectations that are to be delivered.
New approaches. New friends. New
access to knowledge or dreams.
THREE OF HATS Divinatory
meanings: A happy solution to a
problem. Joy and dancing. Healing
of the soul. Victory. Solace. Partial
fulfillment or a compromise. Reverse
meanings: Burning out on pleasure.
Excess in recreation and inability
to find new diversions. Decadence.
Loss of respect. Delay. Inadvertent or
malicious exploitation.
TWO OF HATS Divinatory meanings:
The relations between males and
females as well as between friends.
Discord, with unity and happiness
to follow. Cooperation. Marriage or
engagement. A mutual understanding
of divergent opinions. New friend
or relationship. Reverse meanings:
Unrequited love. A dangerous or
false friend. Separation or divorce.
Incompatible desires. Misunderstanding.
ACE OF HATS Divinatory meanings:
Something above the material world.
The spirit of the universe. A happy
home, beauty and pleasure. Something
beyond the veil of the tarot. A great
and unexpected opulence. Goodness
overflowing. Reverse meanings: A
revolution of feelings. A false heart. Joy
tempered with tragedy. Inconsistency.
the oysters are the most prized of all
things, and they are bought and sold,
and tricked.
meanings: A person of grace and
charm, with natural leadership and
business abilities. Intelligent, loyal and
successful. Courageous. Punctual.
Reverse meanings: Corruption
and collusion. A codger. Danger.
Faithlessness. Going for ends without
consideration of means.
meanings: Extreme wealth.
Magnificence and grace, opulence.
Security, liberty, generosity.
Intelligence. Reverse meanings:
False front. Underdeveloped ego.
Need to impress. Evil and suspicion.
Viciousness. Irresponsibility.
meanings: Mature and responsible.
Reliable, patient, persistent. Organized
and dependable. Confident spirituality.
Reverse meanings: Complacency.
Stagnation. A refusal to move forward,
and thereby being pushed back.
meanings: Academic tradition.
Plodding scholar. A love of the new.
Stable and loyal within boundaries.
Do-gooder. Reverse meanings:
Inability to face reality. Overlooking
the obvious. Illogical and rebellious.
Loss or bad news.
meanings: Home and hearth.
Prosperity, riches and security. Safety
and a long family history. Inheritance.
Reverse meanings: Loss of family
security, gambling, burglary or
squandered funds. Financial burdens
meanings: An accomplishment and a
feeling of safety. Physical pleasure and
love of nature. Discretion. Foresight.
Reverse meanings: Bad faith. Villainy.
Danger to self or spirit. Loss of a friend
or a treasured keepsake. Abandoned
meanings: Artistry. Quickness of
thought. Modesty. Straight talk. Great
personal effort for craft or art. Talent.
Reverse meanings: Sloth. Conceit. False
gifts. Flattery. Being untrustworthy and
vain. Intrigue. Talent misused. Extortion.
meanings: Naiveté. Innocence.
Progress toward wealth and personal
gain. Moving away from old ways,
into the new. Growth and hard work.
Reverse meanings: Worry, especially
about money. Loss of money. Loss of
innocence in a detrimental fashion.
meanings: Generosity to those less
fortunate. Kindness and gifts from
the heart. Well-being that comes
from kindness and giving. Reverse
meanings: Envy, jealousy. An illusion
of generosity. Bad debts, unpaid loans.
Overwhelming greed.
meanings: Trouble. Destitution.
Insoluble problems with family or
lovers. Failure in a goal or attempted
gain. Reverse meanings: Turnaround
in a bad situation. New goals.
Reconciliation with family or lover.
meanings: Love of wealth. Obsession
with possessions. Miser, selfishness.
Inability to understand or support
charity. Reverse meanings: Loss
of material wealth. Inability to gain
wealth. Encountering a less charitable
meanings: Nobility. Glory. Great
renown or respect. Tradesmen or
workers. Fun with artistry. Reverse
meanings: Lack of initiative. Pettiness
and mediocrity. No artistry. Money
meanings: Fearing the consequences
of a new project. Worry and
embarrassment. Looking into the
infinite. Reverse meanings: Literary
talent. Bills. Feigned enjoyment. Any
message or letter.
meanings: Paradise. Perfection.
Contentment. Money. The body and
soul gaining wealth. Items of beauty
and value. Reverse meanings: Money
without happiness. Wealth abused.
Corruption and greed. Becoming a
The ten-card spread is one of the most
popular and effective methods of using
the tarot for divination. It is a slightly
altered version of the Ancient Celtic
Method described by Arthur Edward
Waite in The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.
The person seeking an answer to a
question is known as the questioner or
querent. The questioner sits at a table
opposite the diviner and both persons
maintain a serious attitude.
This question is stated aloud to the
diviner while the questioner shuffles
the face down deck. When the
questioner is satisfied with the shuffling,
the deck is placed face down in front
of the diviner. The cards are always
viewed from the diviner’s position.
Beginning with the top card as number
one, the second card as number two,
and so on, the diviner turns over the
first six cards, one at a time, placing
them face up on the table in the
sequence shown in the diagram.
The cards with pictures upside down to
the diviner are said to be reversed and
therefore the reverse meanings apply
to them. Generally if more than half
the cards are reversed, the diviner may
find a better reading is obtained by
moving the reversed cards to upright
Card 1: Present position. Atmosphere
in which the questioner is presently
working and living.
Card 2: Immediate influence.
The nature of the influences or the
obstacles that lie just ahead.
Card 3: Goal or destiny. The ultimate
goal or destiny of the questioner. The
best that can be accomplished by the
5 2 6
When The Wonderland Tarot was
created by Christopher Abbey and
Morgana Abbey in 1989, U.S. Games
Systems decided to include playing
card suit marks on the Minor Arcana
cards. These indices allow the cards
to be used for traditional card games
and are a playful nod to the Queen
of Hearts and the many references
to playing cards and games in Alice’s
Adventures in Wonderland. Playing
cards also have a long history of being
used for divination. The four Minor
Arcana suits of tarot correspond to the
four playing card suits:
Spades: Swords (Flamingos)
Clubs: Wands (Peppermills)
Hearts: Cups (Hats)
Diamonds: Coins or Pentacles (Oysters)
In The Wonderland Tarot, the court
cards have the following designations:
Kings: (K)ings
Queens: (Q)ueens
Pages: (J)acks
Knights: (C)avaliers, following the
French tradition in tarot and playing
card decks.
Whether reading tarot for fortunetelling
or for fun, or playing Hearts, enjoy The
Wonderland Tarot deck. Just don’t lose
your head!
As Alice says “Why, they’re only a
pack of cards, after all. I needn’t be
afraid of them.”
For our complete line of tarot decks,
books, meditation cards, oracle sets,
and other inspirational products
please visit our website:
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