Economic Systems
Economic Systems
Economic Systems
Economic systems
An economic system, or economic order, is a means by which societies or
governments organize and distribute available resources, services, and goods
across a geographic region or country. Economic systems regulate the factors of
production, including land, capital, labor, and physical resources. The role and
significance of the participants like government and private entities vary with
the types of the economic systems. There are many economic systems such as
traditional economy, capitalism, socialism, communism and mixed economy.
However, which are the advantages and disadvantages of each one of them?
Applying this type of economic system can keep the traditions and
customs alive and preserve skills and art within respective communities, tribes
and families. Moreover, it will be little conflict among individuals because there
is little competition, individuals roles are clearly defined and the system is well-
understood by the participants. On the other hand, this economic system does
not allow growth and development, changes are slow and individual’s roles are
determined at birth. Furthermore, People may suffer from starvation due to food
shortage if there is a lack of agricultural, hunting, or fishing produce.
democratic system of governance. It is characterized by the social ownership of
the means of production for the society. The good thing about socialism is the
absence of exploitation and the rejection of discrimination. Indeed, each person
does what he is good at or what he enjoys best. If there are jobs that should be
done and there is no one to perform them, a higher remuneration is provided.
Natural resources are protected for posterity. Therefore, socialism creates a
society that focuses on economic equality and reduces poverty. The bad thing
about socialism is the fact that it does not reward entrepreneurial ventures or
competitiveness. Consequently, a socialistic system does not encourage
innovation as much as capitalism. The society expects cooperation and not
competitiveness and people who are competitive in the community are viewed
in a negative light because competitive individuals tend to find ways to cause
social unrest for personal gain.
Fourthly, the term “communism” was derived from the Latin word
meaning “universal” or “common”. As an ideology, it encompasses social,
political and economic attributes which aims to create a society of equality
devoid of social classes, money and state. Its goal is to provide education and
health care to all citizens with an ideology of common ownership. Despite its
good intentions, however, there are pros and cons to a communist society. One
of the greatest advantages of communism is that it embodies equality because it
will be no social classes in society and all the resources of the country like
property are under the control of the government. It also makes health care,
education and employment accessible for citizens and does not allow business
monopolies. One of the setbacks of communism is its being too controlling on
the lives of the people. Since it is a classless society, everyone is equal in social
status and no one is above the other. This can also be a disadvantage since
people will feel they are at the end of the road because there is no room for
personal improvement. In Cuba, for example, all medical professionals,
medicines and hospitals are controlled by the government. The fees of these
professionals are regulated by the government and they cannot demand for
higher fees. Another setback of communism is the fact that entrepreneurs cannot
expect to make more money than the others. As opposed to a free market
economy, the command economy which is practiced by most communist
countries ties the hands of business people. Consequently, it is hard to get rich in
these countries.