Flotronic System Manager: Application Guide

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Flotronic System


Application Guide
Flotronic System

Application Guide
This document is the property of Carrier Corporation and is delivered on
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Carrier reserves the right to change or modify the information or product

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© 1993, Carrier Corporation


Overview␣ ............................................................................. 1

About this Manual ...................................................... 1

Features and Functions............................................... 1
Inputs .................................................. 2
Outputs ............................................... 2
Basic System Architecture ......................................... 3
Operator Interfaces ..................................................... 3
CCN Products Available for Additional
Functionality .............................................................. 3
Chilled Water Plants .................................................. 4

FSM Features and Functions␣ ............................................... 7

Multiple Chiller Sequencing ...................................... 7

Occupancy-Based Plant Operation ............................ 8
Starting Lead Chiller(s) .............................................. 8
Stopping Lead Chiller(s) ............................................ 9
Performance Band Staging for Lag Chillers .............. 9
Starting Lag Chillers .................................................. 9
Stopping Lag Chillers .............................................. 10
Chilled Water Supply Temperature Control ............ 11
Chilled Water Reset ................................................. 12
Occupancy Override/Ice Setpoint Select
Switch....................................................................... 12
Occupancy Override Switch ............ 12
Ice Setpoint Select Switch................ 12
Chiller Fault Handling ............................................. 13
Power Failure Restart ............................................... 13
Chiller Plant Demand Limiting ................................ 13
Alarm Detection and Annunciation ......................... 14

Secondary Pump Control ......................................... 15
Bypass Valve Applications ...................................... 16
Differential Pressure Control ........... 16
Differential Temperature
Control ............................................. 16
Single Bypass Valve ........................ 17
Dual Bypass Valve ........................... 17
Chilled Water Load Return
Temperature ..................................... 18
Timeclock Discrete Output .............. 18

Sample Chilled Water Plant Applications␣....................... 19

Flotronic II Phase 3 PIC Input and Output

Channels ................................................................... 20
Key for Chilled Water Plant Diagrams .................... 21
Parallel Chillers, Dedicated Primary
Pumping, Constant Flow .......................................... 22
Characteristics .................................. 22
Special Flow Control
Requirements ................................... 22
Control Sequence ............................. 23
Parallel Chillers, Dedicated Primary
Pumping, Constant Flow with Secondary
Pumping, Variable Flow .......................................... 24
Characteristics .................................. 24
Special Flow Control
Requirements ................................... 24
Control Sequence ............................. 25

Parallel Chillers, Dedicated Primary
Pumping, Variable Flow .......................................... 26
Characteristics .................................. 26
Special Flow Control
Requirements ................................... 26
Control Sequence ............................. 27
Parallel Chillers, Common Primary
Pumping, Constant Flow .......................................... 28
Characteristics .................................. 28
Special Flow Control
Requirements ................................... 28
Control Sequence ............................. 29
Parallel Chillers, Common Primary
Pumping, Constant Flow with Secondary
Pumping, Variable Flow .......................................... 30
Characteristics .................................. 30
Special Flow Control
Requirements ................................... 30
Control Sequence ............................. 31
Parallel Chillers, Common Primary
Pumping, Variable Flow .......................................... 32
Characteristics .................................. 32
Special Flow Control
Requirements ................................... 32
Control Sequence ............................. 33
Series Chillers, Dedicated Primary
Pumping, Constant Flow .......................................... 34
Characteristics .................................. 34
Special Flow Control
Requirements ................................... 34
Control Sequence ............................. 35

Operator Interfaces␣ ........................................................... 37

Primary Interfaces .................................................... 37

Operating Mode Switch ................... 37
LID1B with Stop Button .................. 37
Secondary Interfaces ................................................ 39
Local Alarm Printer
Interface ........................................... 39
Building Supervisor ......................... 39
Remote Building Supervisor
with Autodial Gateway .................... 40

CCN System Features␣........................................................ 41

UT203 FID ............................................................... 41

Air Side Integration to Optimize Chilled
Water Supply............................................................ 42
Loadshed Demand Limiting Option ........................ 43
Management Reports ............................................... 43
Example System 1 .................................................... 44
Example System 2 .................................................... 44
Example System 3 .................................................... 45

FSM Specifications and Wiring Requirements␣ ................ 47

Specifications ........................................................... 47
Connectors ............................................................... 48
Typical Wiring Applications .................................... 50
Wiring Chilled Water Pumps or Other
Inductive Loads ........................................................ 51
Components Available from Carrier ........................ 51

Power Transformer for
Discrete Input Power ........................ 51
Resistor Toggle Switch for
Operating Mode Switch ................... 51
LID1B User Interface....................... 52

FSM Guide Specification␣................................................... 53

1.0 Flotronic System Manager (FSM) ..................... 53

1.01 FSM Attributes ......................... 54
1.02 FSM System
Requirements ................................... 55
1.03 FSM Control
Requirements ................................... 55
1.04 Network Compatibility ............ 66
1.05 Local Interface Device ............. 66
1.06 Network Program
Display, Service, and
Configuration Screens ...................... 67
1.07 Sequence of Operation
Description ....................................... 68


This manual is an application guide that describes the capabilities of

About this Manual the Flotronic System Manager (FSM) and provides examples of
some of the systems the FSM can support.

The Flotronic System Manager Application Guide consists of the

seven sections listed and described below.

Overview - describes basic FSM features

FSM Features and Functions - describes control features and


Chilled Water Plant Applications - describes seven typical

plants the FSM can control

Operator Interfaces - describes user interface offerings for

the FSM

CCN System Features - describes additional functionality

available with CCN products

FSM Specifications and Wiring Requirements - describes

FSM’s technical specifications

Guide Specification - summarizes the FSM’s features for

specification-writing purposes

The Flotronic System Manager (FSM) is a plant controller for

Features and Carrier 30 Series Flotronic II Chillers. The FSM coordinates the
Functions operations of a multiple chiller plant with up to eight air-cooled or
water-cooled chillers feeding a common chilled water loop. Pumps,
bypass valves, and other ancillary equipment are also directly
controllable with the FSM.

The FSM provides the following major control functions:

Multiple chiller sequencing

Occupancy-based plant operation
Lead chiller starting and stopping

Lag chiller starting and stopping
Chilled water supply temperature control
Chilled water reset
Chiller fault handling
Power failure restart
Chiller plant demand limiting
Alarm detection and annunciation

The FSM has the following twelve input channels and six output
channels to provide additional control options:

Inputs Chilled Water Supply Temperature*

Chilled Water Return Temperature*
Chilled Water Load Return Temperature
Chilled Water Reset Signal
Demand Limit Signal
Chilled Water Differential Pressure
Operating Mode Switch (Enable/Disable/Stop)
Chiller Start Sequence Select Switch
Occupancy Override or Ice Setpoint Select Switch
Secondary Pump 1 Status
Secondary Pump 2 Status
Chiller Plant kW Meter

Outputs Secondary Pump 1 Start/Stop

Secondary Pump 2 Start/Stop
Bypass Valve 1 Control Signal
Bypass Valve 2 Control Signal
Timeclock Discrete Output
Alarm Status Discrete Output

* Input required for all systems

The FSM can operate as a stand-alone plant controller or as part of a
Basic System larger Carrier Comfort Network (CCN) system. The FSM communi-
Architecture cates electronically with the microprocessor-based Product Inte-
grated Controls (PICs) built into each Flotronic II chiller. The
communication architecture is illustrated in Figure 1.

FSM Communication

The FSM offers a choice of two primary operator interfaces to set

Operator the operating mode (Enable, Stop, or Disable):
Interfaces • A three-position toggle switch, or
• A Local Interface Device (LID1B) with its stop button attached
to the FSM

Several secondary interface offerings are also available:

• A Building Supervisor
• A remote Building Supervisor with an Autodial Gateway
• An Alarm Printer Interface Module

Details of the operator interfaces are presented in the Operator

Interfaces section of this manual.

Water System Manager for Digital Air Volume (DAV) air-side

CCN Products system compatibility
Available for Loadshed Option for demand limiting
Functionality UT203 FID for controlling cooling towers, additional pumps,
variable speed drives, ice storage, lighting, and other equipment
Data Collection for report generation
Maintenance Management Option for work order generation

The FSM can control many types of chilled water plants. Several of
Chilled Water the most common plant applications are illustrated below. These
Plants applications are discussed in detail in the Sample Chilled Water
Plant Applications section of this manual. This list is for reference
only and is not exhaustive. It does not constitute endorsement of
any system design.

Figure 2
Parallel Chillers,
Dedicated Primary
Constant Flow

Figure 3
Parallel Chillers,
Dedicated Primary
Constant Flow with
Secondary Pumping,
Variable Flow

Figure 4
Parallel Chillers,
Dedicated Primary
Variable Flow

Figure 5
Parallel Chillers,
Common Primary
Constant Flow

Figure 6
Parallel Chillers,
Common Primary
Constant Flow with
Secondary Pumping,
Variable Flow

Figure 7
Parallel Chillers,
Common Primary
Variable Flow

Figure 8
Series Chillers,
Dedicated Primary
Constant Flow

FSM Features and
FSM Features
and Functions
This section of the manual describes the many standard and optional
control features offered by the FSM.

The FSM can provide independent starting and stopping sequences

Multiple Chiller for up to eight chillers.
Chiller starting sequences can be assigned three ways:

• Fixed sequence — Two fixed sequences can be programmed,

and discrete input Channel 8 can be used to alternate between
the two configured sequences as illustrated in Figure 9 below

• Rotating — Lead chiller becomes last and all others move up

one spot

• Runtime equalization — Chillers with lowest run hours will be

started first

Figure 9
Optional Sequence
Select Switch

The starting sequence can be updated either upon operator com-

mand or automatically once a week.

Chiller stopping sequences can be determined three ways:

• Last chiller to start is first to stop

• Smallest capacity chiller is first to stop
• Largest capacity chiller is first to stop

The FSM controls the chiller plant during its occupied mode and
Occupancy- shuts the plant down during its unoccupied mode. Full time (24-
Based Plant hour) occupancy is permissible.
Occupancy mode can be determined by any combination of the
following factors:

• Time schedule with eight occupancy periods

• Water System Manager (WSM) commanded state
• Occupancy override discrete input
• Operator override from a LID1B or Building Supervisor

The FSM starts the first chiller when occupancy begins.

Starting Lead
Chiller(s) The FSM can also start multiple lead chillers for systems that need
extra capacity or pumps on line. The operator simply enters the
Minimum Capacity Required. The FSM starts chillers until the sum
of their full load capacities exceeds the Minimum Capacity Re-
quired, as illustrated in Figure 10 below.

Figure 10
Starting Multiple Lead

Note that although the chillers’ full load capacity values are used for
this process, the first chillers are not fully loaded before the next
chillers are started.

After the lead chiller(s) are started, the FSM waits for an operator-
entered Pulldown Time while they load up to “pull down” the
chilled water loop temperature. This prevents starting extra chillers
that will be stopped soon after.

All chillers are stopped when occupancy ends.

Stopping Lead

The FSM’s Performance Band Staging starts and stops chillers to

Performance operate them in the loading range that is most efficient for the whole
Band Staging for plant.
Lag Chillers
Reciprocating compressor chillers operate most efficiently at low
loads because that is where their ratio of heat exchange surface to
compressor displacement is best. Taken alone, this would mean it is
best to spread the load evenly over all the available chillers. How-
ever, the true system efficiency point is actually higher when cooler
pumps, condenser pumps, and cooling towers are taken into account.

Performance Band Staging allows the operator to select the optimal

loading thresholds where the system is most efficient.

When all the on-line chillers are loaded up to the Additional Cool-
Starting Lag ing Required Loading Factor (ALF), which is the threshold for
Chillers adding chillers, the FSM starts a lag chiller. Refer to Figure 11

The FSM also provides optional overrides to delay lag chiller

starting if it is preferred to trade off some control accuracy for
reduced equipment runtimes and power consumption.

Figure 11
Starting Lag Chiller

The FSM watches the timer when the on-line chillers are loaded
Stopping Lag below the Reduced Cooling Required Unloading Factor (RUF),
Chillers which is the threshold for dropping chillers. Refer to Figure 12

Figure 12
Chillers Operating Below
RCR Unloading Factor

The FSM then projects how the remaining chillers will load up if one
is stopped, as illustrated in Figure 13 below. When the projected
loading level is below the ALF minus the deadband value (ADB), the
FSM stops the chiller. Note that lead chillers are not stopped based on
load; lead chillers are only stopped when occupancy ends.

Figure 13
Projected Chiller Loading
If One Chiller Is Stopped

The FSM accurately maintains the chilled water temperature in the

Chilled Water common supply header using Carrier’s patented leaving temperature
Supply control with return compensation.
The process controls individual chiller loading to minimize simultane-
ous compressor starting and also to distribute cooling load and the
compressor cycling evenly among the chillers.

This provides accurate temperature control under variable flow condi-

tions, minimizes compressor wear, and maximizes heat transfer

The chilled water supply and return temperature sensors are wired to
FSM Channels 1 and 2, respectively. These sensors are required for
all FSM applications and must be located in the common chilled water
lines as shown in the Sample Chilled Water Plant Applications section
of this manual.

Chilled water reset is an energy saving control strategy for chilled
Chilled Water water plants. It reduces the chillers’ work load by increasing the
Reset chilled water setpoint in response to a load indication input. Unless
the WSM is used, chilled water reset is not recommended for chilled
water plants that serve VAV air handlers or perform dehumidifica-

The FSM provides several input options for resetting the chilled
water temperature. The FSM receives its reset signal from input
Channel 4 or from communication with another CCN controller,
typically a WSM.

Channel 4 can be wired as a 5K thermistor, or as a 4 - 20 mA or 0 -

10 Vdc input. Common applications of Channel 4 are for outside air
temperature or a signal from an existing energy management system.

Discrete input Channel 9 can be used either as an occupancy override

Occupancy switch or as an ice setpoint select switch.
Setpoint Select

Occupancy Override There are two basic ways to use Channel 9 for occupancy override.
First, it can be used as the only source of occupancy, so it is effec-
tively a system on/off switch. This requires setting the FSM occu-
pancy schedule to be always unoccupied.

Second, it can be used in adddition to the occupancy schedule and/or

WSM. In this application, it is truly an override mechanism used to
extend the normal occupancy periods. Note that it cannot override the
occupancy schedule or the WSM to force the system into an unoccu-
pied mode.

Ice Setpoint Select Discrete input Channel 9 can be used to switch between the normal
Switch live load chilling setpoint and an ice making setpoint for thermal
energy storage applications. When the ice setpoint is in effect, chilled
water reset is temporarily disabled.

Figure 14
Dual Setpoint
Changeover Input

The FSM detects chiller failures during both startup and steady state
operation. When a chiller fails to run, the FSM automatically starts
Chiller Fault the next chiller in the starting sequence as a replacement.
The FSM automatically restarts the plant after a power failure. After
power is restored, the FSM returns the chiller plant to its pre-failure
Power Failure operating capacity. An operator-selectable time delay between
Restart power restoration and restarting the lead chiller is also included to
allow the facility to avoid demand spikes during the power restora-
tion. The lag chillers are then restarted at one minute intervals.

The FSM provides several options for limiting the chiller’s electrical
demand. Demand limiting is a utility cost saving strategy for build-
Chiller Plant ing management. Demand limiting is recommended for systems that
Demand Limiting can trade off control accuracy for energy savings.

A plant wide demand limit can be applied to all the chillers from
any of the following sources:

• Configured plant demand limit

• Plant demand limit reset using input Channel 5
• Operator override

Input Channel 5 can accept 4-20 mA or 2-10 Vdc input signals. This
input is generally used to interface with an existing energy manage-
ment system.

The CCN Loadshed Option can also be used to prevent the chillers
from further loading or to unload the chillers when demand thresh-
olds are exceeded. FSM input Channel 12 is available to provide
electrical usage readings from a pulsed type kW meter to the Load-
shed Option. The Loadshed Option is further illustrated in the CCN
System Features section of this manual, starting on Page 43.

Figure 15
Master Demand Limit

The FSM monitors its software configuration, vital sensors, chiller

Alarm Detection performance, and secondary pumps for abnormal conditions. When
and Annunciation abnormal conditions are detected, the FSM generates alarm or alert
messages. Depending on the severity of the condition, the FSM may
also shut down the plant to prevent chiller damage.

Discrete output Channel 18 can be used to indicate when the FSM

detects an alarm condition. Possible uses of this 24 Vdc relay driver
output are for a local alarm light on a LID1B, an audio annunciator,
or as input to an existing energy management system.

Alarm messages can be viewed with a LID1B or a Building Supervi-

sor, and also sent to a printer by an Alarm Printer Interface Module
or a Building Supervisor. These products are further illustrated in the
Operator Interfaces section of this manual, beginning on Page 37.

Figure 16
Alarm Annunciation

The FSM can start and stop two secondary chilled water pumps. The
Secondary Pump pumps are controlled on a lead/standby basis so only one pump runs
Control at a time. The lead and lag pump sequence can be rotated either
upon operator command or automatically once a week.

The FSM starts the lead pump upon becoming occupied and stops
the pump one minute after becoming unoccupied. If a pump fails,
the other pump is automatically started to replace it and an alarm is
generated. If both pumps fail, the plant is shut down to protect the
Discrete output Channels 13 and 14 are used to start and stop the
pumps. Discrete input Channels 10 and 11 are used to provide pump
status feedback from either a paddle or differential pressure switch.

Each pump’s runtime is automatically collected for display and

reporting by a Building Supervisor.
Note that the FSM can control either secondary pumps or bypass
valve(s), but not both.

Figure 17
Lead and Standby Pump

Bypass valves are used in variable flow systems to ensure sufficient
Bypass Valve flow through the chillers to prevent low flow safety tripouts. The
Applications FSM offers control of single or dual normally open valve arrange-
ments using either differential pressure or differential temperature
for flow feedback. The FSM provides a 4mA output signal for 100%
bypass flow and a 20mA signal for 0% bypass flow.

Differential Pressure This type of control uses input from a differential pressure sensor
Control with pressure taps in the common supply and return headers. Differ-
ential pressure provides accurate control feedback for maintaining
flow conditions when up to three chillers/pumps operate in parallel.
When four or more pumps operate in parallel, the pressure change
from bypass valve modulation becomes so small that it becomes
inadequate for control feedback.

Figure 18
Differential Pressure

Differential Differential temperature control is a unique Carrier control tech-

Temperature Control nique that provides accurate system flow control above the four
chiller/pump range where traditional pressure feedback loses its
accuracy. This method controls the valve(s) using real-time informa-
tion communicated from the chillers together with chilled water
supply and return temperatures to determine the required valve
Note that the FSM can control either secondary pumps or bypass
valve(s), but not both.
Figure 19
Differential Temperature

Single Bypass Valve Analog output Channel 15 can be used to control a single bypass
valve sized to bypass one chiller’s flow rate.

Figure 20
Single Bypass Valve

Dual Bypass Valve Analog output Channels 15 and 16 can be used to control two
parallel bypass valves, where one valve is sized for 25% of one
chiller’s flow rate and the other valve is sized for 75% of one
chiller’s flow rate. This two valve arrangement helps prevent cavita-
tion and resulting damage to pipes and pumps during times of low
bypass flow. The FSM controls these valves in sequence, opening
the small valve before the large one and closing the large valve
before the small one.

Figure 21
Dual Bypass Valve

Chilled Water Load Channel 3 can be used for monitoring the chilled water temperature
Return Temperature as it returns from the load before it mixes with any bypassed water.

This temperature can be used in bypass valve systems to override

the starting and stopping of lag chillers as a function of the amount
of water bypassed. The amount of water bypassed is calculated
using the mixing ratio of the supply, return, and load return tempera-
tures. This technique is more accurate than bypass valve position,
which is commonly used as a chiller start/stop signal.

Figure 22
Chilled Water Load
Return Temperature

Timeclock Discrete Channel 17 is a timeclock-actuated discrete output point that can be

Output used for interlocking cooling towers, heat reclaim pumps, chemical
feed pumps, and other equipment to the FSM system. It can be
programmed similar to any other time of day and day of week
timeclock. Note that this point cannot be interlocked to the WSM or
to occupancy override Channel 9.

Sample Chilled
Water Plant
Sample Chilled
Water Plant
This section illustrates FSM applications for some of the most
common plant layouts. This list is in no way exhaustive and should
not be used as a guideline for chiller plant design.

FSM supports plants with up to eight Carrier 30 Series Flotronic II

Phase 3 Chillers.

Each chiller must be equipped with Flotronic II Phase 3 Product

Integrated Controls.

The FSM supports both air-cooled and water-cooled chillers, but

not heat machines.

For best control, the plant chilled water loop must have at least 3
gallons of water per nominal ton of cooling capacity (3.25 liter/
kW). Air-cooled systems that operate in low ambient conditions
should have 6 to 10 gallons/ton (6.5 to 10.5 liter/kW).

All chilled water plants require both chilled water supply (CHWST)
and return (CHWRT) temperature sensors located in the common
headers as indicated on the system piping schematic diagrams.

The 30 Series Flotronic II Phase 3 chillers provide a cooler pump
Flotronic II Phase discrete output interlock that energizes when the chiller starts. This
3 PIC Input and interlock can be used to start primary chilled water pumps, open
Output Channels cooler isolation valves, and start condenser pumps. Each chilled
water plant application in this Sample Chilled Water Plant Appli-
cations section describes how this output must be used.

The 30 Series Flotronic II Phase 3 chillers also provide various

demand limit and setpoint reset input options. Because chiller plant
demand limiting and chiller plant setpoint control are fundamental
parts of the FSM control strategy, the local chiller demand limit and
setpoint reset inputs must not be used.

Figure 23
Flotronic II Phase 3 Chilled
Water Pump Discrete

Figure 24 below depicts the symbols that are used in the chilled
Key for Chilled water plant figures that appear throughout this section.
Water Plant

Figure 24
Diagram Key

Parallel Chillers,
Primary Pumping,
Constant Flow

Characteristics • 2 to 8 parallel chillers with dedicated pumps

• 3-way valves on loads

Figure 25
Parallel Chillers,
Dedicated Primary
Pumping, Constant Flow

Special Flow Control 1. Pumps

• Each chiller must start and stop its own chilled water

• Control the pump with the Flotronic II Phase 3 PIC by

wiring the pump starter to CWP1 interlock and setting
Cooler Pump Select configuration code to 1.

Note: Because chillers must be running to maintain

system flow, this pumping configuration is most
suitable for systems where the expected annual load
variation is small. Thus, the Minimum Capacity
Required should be configured to keep at least one
or two chillers on-line during occupied periods.

Control Sequence Upon becoming occupied, the FSM starts the lead chiller(s) to
satisfy the configured Minimum Capacity Required. Each chiller
starts its own chilled water pump.

The FSM then allows the lead chillers to “pull down” the chilled
water loop temperature for a configured Pulldown Time.

After Pulldown Time elapses the FSM checks the ACR load indica-
tors to determine whether a lag chiller is needed to cool the load.
The Additional Cooling Required (ACR) indicators are:

• the operating level of the chillers (Percent Unit Capacity).

• the Chilled Water Supply Temperature (optional).

When multiple chillers are running, the FSM controls the plant like
one big chiller starting and stopping individual compressors to
maintain the desired temperature in the common chilled water
supply header.

The FSM then checks the RCR load indicators to determine

whether it can cool the load with one less chiller. The Reduced
Cooling Required (RCR) indicators are:

• the estimated capacity required to cool the load versus the

capacity that will remain on-line if a chiller is stopped.

• the average operating level of the chillers (Percent Unit


Upon becoming unoccupied, the FSM unloads and stops the chill-
ers. Each chiller stops its own chilled water pump.

Parallel Chillers,
Primary Pumping,
Constant Flow
with Secondary
Pumping, Variable

Characteristics • 2 to 8 parallel chillers with dedicated pumps

• Hydraulic decoupling line between primary and secondary


• Lead and standby secondary loop pumps

• Some 3-way valves or system bypass to allow minimum flow in

secondary loop

Figure 26
Parallel Chillers,
Dedicated Primary
Pumping, Constant Flow
with Secondary Pumping,
Variable Flow

Special Flow Control 1. Dedicated Primary Pumps

• Each chiller must start and stop its own chilled water

• Control the pump with the Flotronic II Phase 3 PIC by

wiring the pump starter to CWP1 interlock and setting
Cooler Pump Select configuration code to 1.

2. Secondary Pumps
• The FSM must start and stop the secondary pumps.

• Control the pumps by wiring the pump starters to FSM

Channels 13 and 14 and setting Secondary Loop Control
(SENSCONF Table) to 3.

• Wire pump status inputs to FSM Channels 10 and 11.

Control Sequence Upon becoming occupied, the FSM starts one of the secondary
pumps and starts the lead chiller(s) to satisfy the configured Mini-
mum Capacity Required. Each chiller starts its own primary chilled
water pump.

The FSM then allows the lead chillers to “pull down” the chilled
water loop temperature for a configured Pulldown Time.

After Pulldown Time elapses, the FSM checks the ACR load
indicators to determine whether a lag chiller is needed to cool the
load. The Additional Cooling Required (ACR) indicators are:

• the operating level of the chillers (Percent Unit Capacity).

• the Chilled Water Supply Temperature (optional).

When multiple chillers are running, the FSM controls the plant like
one big chiller starting and stopping individual compressors to
maintain the desired temperature in the common chilled water
supply header.

The FSM then checks the RCR load indicators to determine

whether it can cool the load with one less chiller. The Reduced
Cooling Required (RCR) indicators are:

• the estimated capacity required to cool the load versus the

capacity that will remain on-line if a chiller is stopped.

• the average operating level of the chillers (Percent Unit


Upon becoming unoccupied, the FSM unloads and stops the chill-
ers. Each chiller stops its own primary chilled water pump. After all
chillers have stopped the FSM stops the secondary pump.

Parallel Chillers,
Primary Pumping,
Variable Flow

Characteristics • 2 to 8 parallel chillers with dedicated pumps

• 2-way valves on loads

• Normally open bypass valve between primary and secondary


• Either a single valve sized for one chiller’s flow rate, or

• dual valves sized for 25% and 75% of one chiller’s flow rate

Figure 27
Parallel Chillers,
Dedicated Primary
Pumping, Variable Flow

Special Flow Control 1. Dedicated Primary Pumps

• Each chiller must start and stop its own chilled water

• Control the pump with the Flotronic II Phase 3 PIC by

wiring the pump starter to CWP1 interlock and setting
Cooler Pump Select configuration code to 1.

2. Bypass Valve
• Bypass valves can be controlled directly by the FSM.

• The four application options are presented in the FSM

Features and Functions section of this manual.

Control Sequence Upon becoming occupied, the FSM starts the lead chiller(s) to
satisfy the configured Minimum Capacity Required. Each chiller
starts its own chilled water pump. The FSM opens the bypass
valve(s) before it starts each chiller to allow a clear flow path for
the pump to establish flow.

The FSM then allows the lead chillers to “pull down” the chilled
water loop temperature for a configured Pulldown Time.

After Pulldown Time elapses, the FSM checks the ACR load
indicators to determine whether a lag chiller is needed to cool the
load. The Additional Cooling Required (ACR) indicators are:

• the operating level of the chillers (Percent Unit Capacity).

• the Chilled Water Supply Temperature (optional).
• the percentage of one chiller’s design flow rate flowing through
the bypass valve(s) (optional).

The FSM opens the bypass valve(s) for one minute before it starts
each chiller to allow a clear flow path for the pump to establish
When multiple chillers are running, the FSM controls the plant like
one big chiller starting and stopping individual compressors to
maintain the desired temperature in the common chilled water
supply header.
The FSM then checks the RCR load indicators to determine
whether it can cool the load with one less chiller. The Reduced
Cooling Required (RCR) indicators are:
• the estimated capacity required to cool the load versus the
capacity that will remain on-line if a chiller is stopped.

• the average operating level of the chillers (Percent Unit


• the percentage of one chiller’s design flow rate flowing through

the bypass valve(s) (optional).

Upon becoming unoccupied, the FSM unloads and stops the chill-
ers. Each chiller stops its own chilled water pump. After all chillers
have stopped, the FSM opens the bypass valve(s).

Parallel Chillers,
Common Primary
Constant Flow

Characteristics • 2 to 8 parallel chillers with automatic isolation valves

• 1 or more permanent standby chillers

• Common lead and standby chilled water pumps

• 3-way valves on loads

Figure 28
Parallel Chillers, Common
Primary Pumping,
Constant Flow

Special Flow Control 1. Pumps

• The FSM must start and stop the chilled water pumps.

• Control the pumps by wiring the pump starters to FSM

Channels 13 and 14 and setting Secondary Loop Control
(SENSCONF Table) to 3.

• Wire pump status inputs to FSM Channels 10 and 11.

2. Chiller isolation valves

• Each chiller must open and close its own chilled water
isolation valve.

• The valves must be normally closed.

• Control the valve using the Flotronic II Phase 3 PIC by
wiring the valve actuator to CWP1 interlock and setting
Cooler Pump Select configuration code to 1, so when the
chiller starts, the cooler pump output energizes, thus
opening the valve.

Control Sequence Upon becoming occupied, the FSM starts the lead chilled water
pump and starts the lead chiller(s) to satisfy the configured Mini-
mum Capacity Required. Each chiller opens its own chilled water
isolation valve.

The FSM then allows the lead chillers to “pull down” the chilled
water loop temperature for a configured Pulldown Time.

After Pulldown Time elapses, the FSM checks the ACR load
indicators to determine whether a lag chiller is needed to cool the
load. The Additional Cooling Required (ACR) indicators are:

• the operating level of the chillers (Percent Unit Capacity).

• the Chilled Water Supply Temperature (optional).

When multiple chillers are running, the FSM controls the plant like
one big chiller starting and stopping individual compressors to
maintain the desired temperature in the common chilled water
supply header.

The FSM then checks the RCR load indicators to determine

whether it can cool the load with one less chiller. The Reduced
Cooling Required (RCR) indicators are:

• the estimated capacity required to cool the load versus the

capacity that will remain on-line if a chiller is stopped.

• the average operating level of the chillers (Percent Unit


Upon becoming unoccupied, the FSM unloads and stops the chill-
ers. Each chiller closes its own chilled water isolation valve. After
all chillers have stopped the FSM stops the chilled water pump.

Parallel Chillers,
Common Primary
Pumping, Constant
Flow with Secondary
Pumping, Variable
Characteristics: • 2 to 8 parallel chillers with automatic isolation valves
• Dedicated primary chilled water pumps on common header
• Hydraulic decoupling line between primary and secondary loops
• Lead and standby secondary loop pumps
• Some 3-way valves or system bypass to allow minimum flow in
secondary loop

Figure 29
Parallel Chillers, Common
Primary Pumping,
Constant Flow with
Secondary Pumping,
Variable Flow

Special Flow Control 1. Chiller isolation valves

• Each chiller must open and close its own chilled water
isolation valve.
• The valves must be normally closed and have end switch
• Control the valve with the Flotronic II Phase 3 PIC by
wiring the valve actuator to CWP1 interlock and setting
Cooler Pump Select configuration code to 1, so when the
chiller starts, the cooler pump output energizes, thus
opening the valve.

2. Dedicated Primary Pumps

• Each chiller must start its own chilled water pump after its
isolation valve opens and close its valve after its pump

• Control the pump by wiring the pump starter to the
isolation valve end switch.

3. Secondary Pumps
• The FSM must start and stop the secondary pumps.
• Control the pumps by wiring the pump starters to FSM
Channels 13 and 14 and setting Secondary Loop Control
(SENSCONF Table) to 3.
• Wire pump status inputs to FSM Channels 10 and 11.

Control Sequence Upon becoming occupied, the FSM starts the secondary pump and
starts the lead chiller(s) to satisfy the configured Minimum Capacity
Required. Each chiller opens its own chilled water isolation valve
and then starts its own chilled water pump.

The FSM then allows the lead chillers to “pull down” the chilled
water loop temperature for a configured Pulldown Time.

After Pulldown Time elapses, the FSM checks the ACR load
indicators to determine whether a lag chiller is needed to cool the
load. The Additional Cooling Required (ACR) indicators are:
• the operating level of the chillers (Percent Unit Capacity).
• the Chilled Water Supply Temperature (optional).
When multiple chillers are running, the FSM controls the plant like
one big chiller; starting and stopping individual compressors to
maintain the desired temperature in the common chilled water
supply header.
The FSM then checks the RCR load indicators to determine
whether it can cool the load with one less chiller. The Reduced
Cooling Required (RCR) indicators are:
• the estimated capacity required to cool the load versus the
capacity that will remain on-line if a chiller is stopped.
• the average operating level of the chillers (Percent Unit
Upon becoming unoccupied, the FSM unloads and stops the chill-
ers. Each chiller stops its own chilled water pump and then closes
its own chilled water isolation valve. After all chillers have stopped,
the FSM stops the secondary pump.

Parallel Chillers,
Common Primary
Pumping, Variable

Characteristics • 2 to 8 parallel chillers with automatic isolation valves

• Dedicated chilled water pumps on common header
• 2-way valves on loads
• Normally open bypass valve between primary and secondary loops
• either single valve sized for one chiller's flow rate, or
• dual valves sized for 25% and 75% of one chiller’s flow rate

Figure 30
Parallel Chillers, Common
Primary Pumping, Variable

Special Flow Control 1. Chiller isolation valves

Requirements • Each chiller must open and close its own chilled water
isolation valve.
• The valve must be normally closed and have end switch
• Control the valve with the Flotronic II Phase 3 PIC by
wiring the valve actuator to CWP1 interlock and setting
Cooler Pump Select configuration code to 1, so when the
chiller starts, the cooler pump output energizes, thus open-
ing the valve.
2. Dedicated Primary Pumps
• Each chiller must start its own chilled water pump after its
isolation valve opens and close its valve after its pump
• Control the pump by wiring the pump starter to the isola-
tion valve end switch.

3. Bypass Valve
• Bypass valves can be controlled directly by the FSM.
• The four application options are presented in the FSM
Features and Functions section of this manual.

Control Sequence Upon becoming occupied, the FSM starts the lead chiller(s) to satisfy
the configured Minimum Capacity Required. Each chiller opens its own
chilled water isolation valve and then starts its own chilled water pump.
The FSM opens the bypass valves before it starts each chiller to allow
a clear flow path for the pump to establish flow.
The FSM then allows the lead chillers to “pull down” the chilled water
loop temperature for a configured Pulldown Time. After Pulldown
Time elapses, the FSM checks the ACR load indicators to determine
whether a lag chiller is needed to cool the load. The Additional Cooling
Required (ACR) indicators are:
• the operating level of the chillers (Percent Unit Capacity).
• the Chilled Water Supply Temperature (optional).
• the percentage of one chiller’s design flow rate flowing through the
bypass valve(s) (optional).
The FSM opens the bypass valves for one minute before it starts each
chiller to allow a clear flow path for the pump to establish flow.
When multiple chillers are running, the FSM controls the plant like one
big chiller starting and stopping individual compressors to maintain the
desired temperature in the common chilled water supply header.
The FSM then checks the RCR load indicators to determine whether it
can cool the load with one less chiller. The Reduced Cooling Required
(RCR) indicators are:
• the estimated capacity required to cool the load versus the capacity
that will remain on-line if a chiller is stopped.
• the average operating level of the chillers (Percent Unit Capacity).
• the percentage of one chiller's design flowrate flowing through the
bypass valve(s) (optional).
Upon becoming unoccupied, the FSM unloads and stops the chillers.
Each chiller stops its own chilled water pump and then closes its own
isolation valve. After all chillers have stopped, the FSM opens the
bypass valves.

Series Chillers,
Primary Pumping,
Constant Flow

Characteristics • 2 chillers in series

• Lead and standby chilled water pumps
• Chiller isolation and bypass valves are optional
• should be automatic
• manual valves for emergency only
• 3-way valves on loads

Figure 31
Series Chillers, Dedicated
Primary Pumping,
Constant Flow

Special Flow Control 1. Pumps

Requirements • The FSM must start and stop the chilled water pumps.
• Control the pumps by wiring the pump starters to FSM
Channels 13 and 14 and setting Secondary Loop Control
(SENSCONF Table) to 3.
• Wire pump status inputs to FSM Channels 10 and 11.

2. Chiller isolation and bypass valves

• Each chiller must open and close its own chilled water
isolation valve.
• Isolation valves V1 and V2 must be normally closed.
• Bypass valves V3 and V4 must be normally open.
• Control valves V1 and V3 with the Flotronic II Phase 3
PIC by wiring V1 and V3 actuators to Chiller1 CWP1
interlock and setting Cooler Pump Select configuration
code to 1.

• When Chiller1 starts, the cooler pump output energizes,
thus opening V1 and closing V3 to allow flow through
• Control valves V2 and V4 with the Flotronic II Phase 3
PIC by wiring V2 and V4 actuators to Chiller2 CWP1
interlock and setting Cooler Pump Select configuration
code to 1.
• When Chiller2 starts, the cooler pump output energizes,
thus opening V2 and closing V4 to allow flow through

Control Sequence Upon becoming occupied, the FSM starts the lead chilled water pump
and starts the lead chiller(s) to satisfy the configured Minimum
Capacity Required. Each chiller positions its own isolation and
bypass valves for flow through its cooler.
The FSM then allows the lead chillers to “pull down” the chilled
water loop temperature for a configured Pulldown Time.
After Pulldown Time elapses, the FSM checks the ACR load indica-
tors to determine whether a lag chiller is needed to cool the load. The
Additional Cooling Required (ACR) indicators are:
• the operating level of the chillers (Percent Unit Capacity).
• the Chilled Water Supply Temperature (optional).
When multiple chillers are running, the FSM controls the plant like
one big chiller; starting and stopping individual compressors to
maintain the desired temperature in the common chilled water supply
The FSM then checks the RCR load indicators to determine whether
it can cool the load with one less chiller. The Reduced Cooling
Required (RCR) indicators are:
• the estimated capacity required to cool the load versus the capac-
ity that will remain on-line if a chiller is stopped.
• the average operating level of the chillers (Percent Unit Capacity).
Upon becoming unoccupied, the FSM unloads and stops the chillers.
Each chiller positions its own isolation and bypass valves to bypass
its cooler. After all chillers have stopped, the FSM stops the chilled
water pump.

Operator Interfaces
There are several choices of user interfaces available for the FSM.
They range from a simple toggle switch to sophisticated monitoring,
alarm printing, and management report generation.

All FSM systems require one primary interface to enable and disable
Primary Interfaces the FSM control and to provide an emergency stop mechanism for
the chiller plant. There are two primary interfaces available: an
operating mode switch and a LID1B with its stop button attached to
the FSM.

Operating Mode This three-position toggle switch allows the operator to:
• enable FSM control of chiller plant based on occuancy status.

• stop all chillers.

• disable FSM control of chiller plant leaving chillers in their

current state of operation (on/off).

FSM software configurations must be entered with a LID1B, Build-

ing Supervisor, or Network Service Tool.

Figure 32
Operating Mode Switch

LID1B with Stop Button The Local Interface Device (LID1B) is a 16-line, menu driven user
interface that allows the operator to enable and disable FSM control
of the chilled water plant. The Stop button allows emergency stop-
ping of the chiller plant at the touch of a button.

The LID1B gives the operator full access to all FSM chiller PIC and
CCN operation points, setpoints, time schedules, configurations,
alarms, and diagnostic data.

The LID1B also provides an alarm indicator light that can be wired
to the FSM alarm annunciation output.

Data can be displayed in either metric or customary US units. Text

can be displayed in the local language.

Figure 33
LID1B with Stop Button

Several secondary interfaces are also available for the FSM:
Interfaces • A Local Alarm Printer Interface Module
• A Building Supervisor
• A Remote Building Supervisor with an Autodial Gateway

All secondary interfaces are compatible with both primary inter-

faces. They can be used together in any combination.

Local Alarm Printer The Alarm Printer Interface Module (APIM) is a data translator that
Interface outputs alarm messages from its RS-232 port to a printer in ASCII
format. The APIM allows local printing of all chiller plant alarms.

Figure 34
Local Alarm Printing

Building Supervisor The Building Supervisor is a personal computer software package

that allows the user to interface with the Carrier Comfort Network
in both text and graphic modes. The Building Supervisor gives the
operator access to all CCN points, setpoints, time schedules, con-
figurations, diagnostic data, and alarms. Full and limited access
passwords are available. It can be used with the Data Collection
Option for generating runtime and history reports. Alarm printing
can also be provided.

Figure 35
Building Supervisor

Remote Building A remote Building Supervisor provides all the Building Supervisor
Supervisor with capabilities remotely using telephone modems. Multiple remote
Autodial Gateway buildings can be monitored from a single location.

Figure 36
Remote Building

CCN System
CCN System
The FSM can coordinate with other CCN products to provide total
chiller plant and HVAC system control.

This general purpose HVAC controller has 60 I/O channels that can
UT203 FID be used along with the FSM for controlling:

• cooling towers,
• variable speed pumps,
• ice storage,
• lighting,
• other ancillary equipment.

The UT203 FID offers both standard control algorithms and custom
programming capability.

Figure 37
Cooling Tower Control
with UT203 FID

Figure 38
Ice Storage Control with

Digital Air Volume (DAV) is the Carrier integrated control of air
Air Side side equipment.
Integration to
Optimize Chilled The Terminal System Manager (TSM) electronically links CCN-
Water Supply controlled VAV air handlers with the air terminals to provide for
optimum operation. Adaptive Optimal Start, Morning Warm Up,
Night Time Free Cooling, Supply Air Reset, and other control
routines are provided by the CCN air handler controls.

The Water System Manager (WSM) is also part of the DAV system.
The WSM continually communicates with CCN air side controls
(including the TSM) to determine the building load and computes
the optimum chilled water temperature to meet the load.

The FSM provides demand optimized cooling by communicating

with the WSM. The WSM tells the FSM when to run the plant and
what setpoint to use.

Together, these “System Managers,” FSM, WSM, and TSM, pro-

vide fully integrated and energy optimized building HVAC control.

Figure 39
FSM Integrated with DAV

The Loadshed Option (LDS) monitors electrical usage and sends
Loadshed redline and shed commands to CCN controlled loads whenever
Demand Limiting operator defined thresholds are reached. The FSM-controlled chiller
Option plant can be demand limited as one of those loads. A pulsed-type
kW meter can be connected to the FSM for use with the Loadshed

Figure 40
FSM with the Loadshed

The CCN Data Collection Option collects runtime and input/output

Management point history data for generating management reports. The Mainte-
Reports nance Management Option generates maintenance work orders
triggered by alarm conditions or date. These options require a
Building Supervisor to format and print the reports.

Figure 41
FSM with the
Management Report

FSM Controlling Two Chillers
Example System 1 Operating Mode Switch
Chiller Start Sequence Select Switch

FSM Controlling Eight Chillers

Example System 2 LID1B
Alarm Printer Interface Module
Autodial Gateway and Modem

FSM Controlling Eight Chillers
Example System 3 Operating Mode Switch
Data Collection for Management Reports
Building Supervisor with Printer
WSM Air Side Integration
UT203 FIDs

FSM Specifications
and Wiring
and Wiring
Specifications Supply Voltage ..................... 20 Vac + 15%, 50/60 Hz
24 to 28 Vdc, 18 W

Thermistor ............................ 5KΩ nominal @ 25°C
Operating Mode Switch:
Position A (Enable) ........ 0 to 1,962Ω
Position B (Stop) ............ > 168,250Ω
Position C (Disable)........ 11,396 to 43,245Ω
Voltage Analog Input ........... 0 to 10 Vdc
Milliamp Analog Inputs Must be converted to voltage input.
Refer to Figure 3.
Discrete Input Voltage 24 Vac + 15% @ 1.0 VA max. Refer
to Figures 5 and 6.
Pulsed Discrete Input ............ Maximum: 4 pulses/sec
Minimum: Sustained contact closure/
open for 125 msec.

Analog Output 4-20 mA into 600Ω max load
Discrete Output ..................... 20 Vdc @ 50 mA max.

Wiring Requirements
Communication .................... 3-conductor shielded
Input/Output.......................... 2-conductor twisted pair

Operating Environment
Temperature .......................... -40 to 70°C
Humidity ............................... 10 to 90%, non-condensing

Agency Approvals
UL 873
UL 916
FCC Class A, Part 15, Subpart J

Figure 42, Connectors, indicates the connectors that will be used to
Connectors provide power to the Flotronic System Manager Module, to connect
it to the CCN, and to wire the inputs and outputs. See Tables 1 and
2 following the figure for the input and output channel designations.
The Flotronic System Manager should be connected to a secondary
CCN Communication Bus dedicated to the chiller system (use a

Figure 42

Table 1 — Input (J7) Connector Terminals

Sensor Type/Terminal Number

Channel Description Req'd/Opt (#,#) 0-10 Vdc
Therm 4-20 mA Disc Notes
(+)(-) (+)(-)

1 CHWST Req'd 2,3 1,2 1,2 N/A 4

2 CHWRT Req'd 5,6 4,5 4,5 N/A 4
3 CHWLRT Optional 8,9 7,8 7,8 N/A 4
4 Ext Reset Optional 11,12 10,11 10,11 N/A
5 Ext Dem Lim Optional N/A N/A 13,14 13,14
6 Diff Pressure Optional N/A 16,17 16,17 N/A
7 Op Mode Req'd 20,21 N/A N/A N/A 1
8 Seq Select Optional N/A N/A N/A 22,23
9 Occ Override
/Ice Setpoint Optional N/A N/A N/A 25,26 5
10 Pmp1 Status Optional N/A N/A N/A 28,29 2
11 Pmp2 Status Optional N/A N/A N/A 31,32 2
12 Plant kW Optional N/A N/A N/A 34,35 3

Table 2 — Output (J6) Connector Terminals

Output Type/Terminal Number

Channel Description Req'd/Opt 4-20 mA 24 Vdc Relay Notes
(+)(-) (+)(-)

13 Pmp1 S/S Optional N/A 39,38 2

14 Pmp2 S/S Optional N/A 42,41 2
15 BPV1 Optional 43,44 N/A 6
16 BPV2 Optional 46,47 N/A 6
17 Timed DO Optional N/A 51,50
18 Alarm Optional N/A 54,53

1. Operating Mode must have either a 3-position switch or a SAM Stop button.
2. Pump Status is needed when Pump Start/Stop is used.
3. Plant kW is a pulsed discrete input.
4. Sensor location shown in Sample Chilled Water Plant Applications section begins on Page 19.
5. Channel 9 can be used for Occupancy Override or Ice Setpoint Switchover, but not both at once.
6. Bypass valves must be normally open. FSM sends an output signal of 4mA for 100% bypass
flow and 20mA for 0% bypass flow.

Figures 43 to 46 illustrate some typical FSM wiring applications.
Typical Wiring

Figure 43
Converting a Typical
4-20 mA Input Signal to
2-10 Vdc

Figure 44
Wiring a 3-position
Operating Mode Switch

Figure 45
Wiring a Single Discrete

Figure 46
Wiring Multiple Discrete

To reduce noise generated by an inductive load (for example, a
Wiring Chilled CHW pump motor), it is recommended that you install a Resistor
Water Pumps or Capacitor (RC) circuit across each inductive load. Wire the output
Other Inductive as shown in Figure 47 below.
An appropriate RC circuit is manufactured by Okaya Electric
Industries Co., Part # XEB0471. This part is available in the USA
from: Zaslow Sales Co.
800 Cottage Grove Rd.
PO Box F
Bloomfield, CT 06002
Phone (203) 242-7781
FAX (203) 243-9442

Figure 47
Wiring RC Circuit

The following is a list of FSM-specific components that are avail-

Components able from Carrier.
Available from

Power Transformer for Part Number .................................................................. HT01AW232

Discrete Input Power Rating....................................................................................... 60 VA
Hertz .......................................................................................... 50/60
Primary ...........................................................................115/230 Vac
Secondary ................................................................................24 Vac

Resistor Toggle Switch Part Number ................................................................... HR53ZK001

for Operating Mode Switch Type .................................................... DPDT (neutral center)
Switch Contact Ratings....................................................... 20 mA maximum
Voltage................................................................... 14 Vdc maximum

Terminals .................................... Three 1/4-inch male quick connect
Position Resistance .................................................. Terminals 2 to 3
Position A (Enable) ....................................................... 1.2 to 1.8KΩ
Position B (Stop) ....................................................................... Open
Position C (Disable)................................................... 14.4 to 21.6KΩ

LID1B User Interface Type ......................................... CCN Communication Bus interface

Menu Driven with 4 soft-keys
Operating Voltage..................................................... 20 Vac +/- 15%
28 Vdc +/- 15%
Wiring Connections:
Power Supply .............................................................. Connector JP6
Terminal 1 to AC+ (yellow wire)
Terminal 2 to AC - (brown wire)
CCN Communication ................................................. Connector JP7
Terminal 1 to signal + (red wire)
Terminal 2 to signal - (black wire)
Terminal 3 to signal gnd (white wire)
Protective Ground .................................Connector JP10 (green wire)
Alarm Light ............................................................... Connector JP9
Terminal 3 to signal +
Terminal 4 to signal -
Stop Button ................................................................. Connector JP9
Terminals 1 & 2

Figure 48
Wiring FSM Alarm Light
Output to LID1B

Figure 49
Wiring FSM Stop Button
Input to LID1B

Guide Specification
FSM Guide
A factory furnished, programmed, microprocessor-based controller
1.0 Flotronic is provided to supervise and optimize the operation of the individual
System Manager PIC controllers for each chiller. All application software actually
(FSM) performing the required control functions is factory supplied with
the controller and is pre-tested and pre-configured.

The network chiller PICs interface with a Flotronic System Manager

(FSM) installed on the network. The FSM includes software that
allows dynamic interaction between the FSM and the chiller PICs to
create a complete chilled water plant system as described within this

The FSM does not interfere with the PICs’ stand-alone operating or
safety algorithms but enhances their operation by providing the
following inherent capabilities as a minimum:

• Control of up to eight chillers of equal or unequal sizes based on

the system load

• Control of associated secondary pumps and differential bypass


• Ability to enable/disable the chiller plant based on the FSM’s

internal time schedule and time schedule override, remote
contact closure, network command, or Water System Manager

• Chiller and secondary pump fault logic and the automatic start-
ing of lag chillers or pumps

• Operator-selected chiller sequencing or automatic weekly/daily

selection based on fixed rotation or runtime equalization

• Chiller capacity control based on system load

• Demand limiting

• Chilled water reset

• Power fail restart

• Automatic switching to an ice storage setpoint based on an
operator command or the closing of a discrete input

• Alarm capability

The FSM contains factory programmed software for the following

common types of mechanical systems:

• Two to eight parallel chillers, dedicated primary pumps, con-

stant flow (three-way valves)

• Two to eight parallel chillers, dedicated primary pumps, con-

stant speed secondary pumps, hydronic coupler, and variable
flow (two-way valves)

• Two to eight parallel chillers, dedicated primary pumps, variable

flow (two-way valves), with a differential pressure line and
bypass valve

• Two to eight parallel chillers, common primary pumps and

constant flow (three-way valves)

• Two to eight parallel chillers, common primary pumps, constant

flow (common constant speed secondary pumps), variable flow
(two-way valves) with a differential pressure valve and bypass

• Two to eight parallel chillers, common primary pumps, variable

flow (two-way valves), with a differential pressure valve and
bypass line

• Series chillers with dedicated primary pumps, and constant flow

(three-way valves)

1.01 FSM Attributes The operator can modify, add, or delete time schedules, setpoints,
chiller sequences, kW setpoints, etc. using a portable, PC, Building
Supervisor (local or remote), and a local interface device.

The FSM includes a 365-day internal electronic clock. The clock

provides up to eight occupied/unoccupied periods and supports
hour, minute, day of week, day, month, year, leap year, and holiday

The FSM maintains its programs in battery backed up RAM. The
battery is rated at a minimum for one year’s continuous use. Con-
trollers that are supplied with batteries that require changing before
one year are backed up by an uninterrupted power supply.

The FSM includes inherent input/output capabilities for monitoring

of temperatures, pressure sensors, kW meters, etc. and the control of
secondary pumps, bypass valve(s), alarm indicators, etc., as defined
within this specification.

1.02 FSM System The FSM utilizes common chilled water supply and return tempera-
Requirements ture sensors wired to the FSM as its primary control sensors. An
optional load return sensor is supplied if the input/output summary
requires such or the sequence of operation requires the starting and
stopping of equally sized chillers as a function of how much water is
being bypassed.

1.03 FSM Control Program Enable/Disable: The FSM includes the ability to manu-
Requirements ally enable/disable the FSM programs or stop all chillers through
any of the interface devices:
• A three-position enable/disable/stop switch wired to the FSM
• A local interface device described later within this specification
• A Building Supervisor either local or remote
• A portable PC

The FSM automatically disables itself if an erroneous entry is made

during the configuration or if a primary control sensor fails. An
alarm is generated whenever the program disables itself.

Lead/Lag Determination: The chiller start sequence is operator-

selectable from the first chiller through the last. The FSM includes
the ability of allowing an operator to select a fixed sequence, to shift
the sequence by one every week/day, or to automatically rotate once
a week/day based on runtimes.

The FSM also includes the ability of changing the sequence based
on a discrete input wired to the FSM. The FSM includes the ability
to rotate the chiller sequence while the chillers are running if the
operator selects such. If the chiller sequence change is requested
while the chiller(s) are running the FSM starts all required chillers
(in one minute intervals) before the unneeded chillers are turned off.

The operator has the ability to select whether the last chiller turned
on will be the first chiller turned off, or to have the program auto-
matically turn off the chiller with the smallest or largest capacity

Occupancy: The occupancy status determines when to operate the

chilled water plant. When occupied, the chiller plant is enabled and
when unoccupied, disabled. Occupancy status is automatically
indexed by any of the following factors:

• Operator Override

The operator has the ability to override the unoccupied mode by

entering an override value (0-1-2-3-4 hours) through any of the
interface devices mentioned earlier. If the timed override option
is initiated during an occupied period the time schedule remains
occupied for the duration of the time entered. If the operator
initiates an override during the unoccupied period the time
schedule is indexed to occupied for the duration of the value

• Occupancy Override

The FSM includes the ability of monitoring a remote on/off

discrete input wired to it. Whenever the switch is indexed to on,
the FSM indexes itself to the occupied mode. Refer to the input/
output summary and/or the sequence of operation to determine if
this switch is required.

• Water System Manager (WSM)

A WSM sends an enable signal through the network to index the

system to the occupied mode to satisfy the needs of the loads
(i.e., air handler adaptive optimal start, terminal occupancy
timed override, etc.).

• Time Schedule Occupied

When the FSM time of day reaches the operator adjustable

occupancy time the FSM is occupied. When the time of day
reaches the unoccupied time the FSM becomes unoccupied
unless one of the above overrides is initiated or a network
command initiates an override.

• Starting
When the FSM has been indexed to the occupied mode and the
FSM has successfully completed the prestart checks, the FSM
starts the secondary pump or opens the bypass valve(s) if appli-
cable. If the secondary pump starts successfully the first chiller
in the sequence is enabled to start. If the running chiller is less
than the minimum capacity required, the FSM starts the next
available chiller in the start sequence (pausing one minute after
each start) until the sum of the effective capacity of the running
chillers is greater than or equal to the configured capacity re-
The running chiller(s) runs under its own native control (until
the end of the pulldown cycle) to maintain the chilled water
plant control point. If a bypass valve is present, it opens each
time a chiller is started.
After an adjustable pulldown period ends and the chillers have
ended their ramping, additional chillers are brought on-line if the
Additional Cooling Required (ACR) routine, described later
within this specification, requires such.
Additional Cooling Required Algorithm: The starting of addi-
tional chiller(s) beyond the lead is enabled if the following base
criteria are met:
• Load indicator timer has timed out. This operator-adjustable
value is used by the FSM to determine how long the ACR load
indictors must be true before an additional chiller is started.

• New chiller inhibit timer is not active. This operator-adjustable

value is used by the FSM to determine how many hours before
the start of the unoccupied cycle to stop performing the ACR
load indicator tests. The helps prevent the starting of a chiller
that will have to be stopped shortly thereafter when the FSM
becomes unoccupied.
• The chiller(s) is not faulted, ramping, or in a power fail restart
• Resequencing is not occurring.
• The pulldown timer has timed out.

If all of the above base criteria are met, one of the following two
conditions is also true for all running chillers:
• The percent unit running capacity for all running chillers is
above an operator-entered value or
• The available capacity for all running chillers is 100 percent.

The ACR routine includes the capability of allowing the operator to

include either of the following additional criteria before starting an
additional chiller:
• When the common supply water temperature is used as the
control criterion and the ACR temperature sensor is at least 1°F
greater (or some other operator-defined value, configurable to a
tenth of a degree) than the current chilled water control point.

• When the return water temperature sensor is used as the control

criterion and the ACR temperature sensor is at least 1°F greater
(or some other operator-defined value, configurable to a tenth of
a degree) than the current chilled water supply temperature plus
an adjustable delta temperature. (Where delta temperature is the
design difference between the chilled water supply and return.)

If the sequence of operation requires a chilled water load return

algorithm, the FSM determines the percentage of bypassed water
based on an algorithm that calculates the mixing ratio of the supply,
return, and mixed temperatures. The FSM compares this calculated
value to an operator-entered percent bypass value and turns on a
chiller if the bypassed value is less than the value entered and the
effective capacity is the same for all chillers.

An alarm is generated if the algorithm determines that an additional

chiller is required to maintain setpoint and no chillers are available.

Ramping: The FSM monitors all newly started chillers’ percent

unit capacity to determine when a chiller has finished loading. The
ramping routine runs whenever any of the following conditions
• The lead or lag chiller(s) is turned on.
• A replacement for a faulted chiller starts and there are other
chillers running.

• The resequencing routine starts a chiller and there are other
chillers running.

Whenever the FSM determines that ramping is active, the following

control algorithms are affected:
• The capacity control routine is inhibited from increasing the
capacity of any running chillers to help distribute the load evenly
among the newly started and already running chillers. The routine
is able to decrease capacities of the running chillers if necessary.
• The Loadshed Option does not force any running chillers’ active
demand limit in response to a Loadshed alert (mentioned later
within this specification) until the chiller is finished loading.

The newly started chiller is considered to be in a ramping mode until

any of the following conditions are true:
• The percent unit capacity is within five percent of the active
demand limit. The active demand limit is the percent of the
chiller’s total capacity that can be operated.
• The percent unit capacity has changed less than two percent in the
last two minutes.
• The percent unit capacity has decreased.

Capacity Control: The routine maintains the calculated chilled

water control temperature by adjusting each chiller’s active demand
limit (ADL). The ADL is that percentage of a chiller’s total capacity
that is not to be exceeded. This routine helps keep all chillers evenly
loaded without simultaneously starting more than one compressor.
Changing each chiller’s ADL causes the chiller to turn its compres-
sors and unloaders on and off to maintain the chilled water supply
temperature at the calculated chilled water control point temperature.

The capacity routine determines whether to increase or decrease the

active demand limit based on the difference between the chilled water
control point setpoint and the actual chilled water supply and return
temperatures, and the expected impact of adding or removing a stage
of cooling.

The capacity control routine runs whenever at least two chillers are
running and the following conditions are true:

• Not in a pulldown mode.

• Have not just started or stopped a chiller.
• Resequencing has not occurred.
• Not faulted or in a power fail restart condition.

The FSM increases or decreases the active demand limit by adding

or subtracting a demand increment. If a chiller is ramping, there is
no change in the chiller’s active demand limit, or if the FSM is in a
Loadshed mode (discussed later within this specification) the FSM
does not increase that chiller’s active demand.

The algorithm attempts to keep all chillers running at approximately

the same percent running capacity. If the algorithm decides to
increase a demand limit, it does so for the chiller with the lowest
percent unit capacity. Conversely, if it decides to decrease a demand
limit, it does so for the chiller with the highest percent unit capacity.

The FSM does not cycle the same chiller two times in a row and
does not increase a chiller’s active demand limit above an operator-
adjustable plant demand limit.

When only one chiller is running the routine does not run, and the
chiller runs under its local native controller. The chiller’s setpoint is
set to the chilled water plant’s setpoint and the active demand limit
is set to the plant limit.

Plant Demand Limit: The plant demand limit is the maximum

value to which an FSM can set a chiller’s active demand limit.
(Active demand limit is described under the Ramping section of this
specification). The FSM includes the ability to reset this value based
on a reset sensor (analog or discrete) wired to the FSM. The opera-
tor has the ability to force this value through any of the interface
devices mentioned within this specification.

Chilled Water Control Point (CHW): This algorithm determines
the temperature that the plant attempts to produce through the
individual chillers. The control point temperature is based on one of
the following:
• Ice storage setpoint signal from an external switch wired to the
• Water System Manager setpoint override based on the needs of
the building’s HVAC loads
• Setpoint value
• Setpoint value plus external sensor reset

Reduced Cooling Required Algorithm (RCR): The RCR routine

decides whether the cooling load has decreased enough to turn off a
running chiller. The routine runs when at least two chillers are
operating and the system is occupied.

The following base conditions must be true before the routine turns
off a chiller:
• Load indicator timer has timed out. This operator-adjustable
value is used by the FSM to determine how long the RCR load
indicators must be true before a chiller is stopped.
• Not in a pulldown mode
• Not resequencing
• Not faulted or in a power fail restart routine
• Not ramping

If the above is true then the RCR routine determines which of the
following sequences the operator selected:
• The first chiller that was turned on will be the first chiller turned
• The chiller with the smallest effective capacity is turned off first.
• The chiller with the largest effective capacity is the first chiller
turned off.

The RCR routine does not turn off a chiller if the sum of the effec-
tive capacity of the chillers left on-line will be less than the mini-
mum capacity required.

The RCR next calculates how much cooling it is providing and how
much effective capacity it will have available if it turns a chiller off.
Based on this calculation the FSM calculates the percent unit capac-
ity of the remaining chillers if it does turn a chiller off. This value is
then compared to an operator adjustable ACR loading factor (minus
hysteresis) to ensure that it will not turn the chiller back on. If the
value is below the ACR loading factor (minus hysteresis) and the
average percent unit capacity for all on-line chillers is less than the
RCR unloading factor, a chiller is stopped.

If the sequence of operation requires a chilled water load return

algorithm, the FSM calculates the mixing ratio of the supply, return,
and mixed water temperatures and determines how much water is
being bypassed. If the amount of water being bypassed is greater
than the operator configured percent bypassed value, then a chiller
is stopped.

Chiller Shutdown: The FSM shuts down chillers upon a request

from the Reduced Cooling Required (RCR) routine, which is de-
scribed earlier within this specification, when the FSM enters the
unoccupied mode, or when the FSM receives a stop command from
the operator.

When a selected chiller is to be shut down, the FSM sets the

chiller’s active demand limit to the value equal to the shutdown
demand limit. When the chiller’s percent unit capacity drops to
within ten percent of this value or when five minutes have timed
out, the chiller shuts down.

If the FSM commands all chillers to shut down, the routine sets the
chiller’s active demand limit equal to the shutdown demand limit for
all chillers.

The FSM shuts down the chillers at one minute intervals as they
unload to the shutdown demand clamp. One minute after the chiller
status for all previously running chillers changes to off, the routine
shuts down any secondary pumps controlled by the FSM if appli-

Chiller Faulting: A chiller is considered faulted if it fails to run or
shut down when commanded to do so. When a chiller is faulted it is
considered unavailable. A chiller may fault during startup, while it is
running, or when it is commanded to shut down.

• Faulting During Startup

A chiller’s status may be off, on, local, restart, or fault. If the

status for any chiller that is requested to start is in any other state
but on, the FSM commands the chiller to shut down and gener-
ate an alarm. If the status of any chiller commanded on stays off
for five minutes, the FSM considers the chiller faulted, com-
mands the chiller off, and generates an alarm.

If a chiller is faulted during startup and there are not other

chillers running, the FSM starts the next available chiller in the
start sequence. If other chillers are running, the FSM determines
if the sum of the effective capacity of all running chillers is less
than the minimum capacity required. If so, the FSM starts the
next chiller. If not, the FSM allows the ACR routine to decide if
a replacement chiller is still needed based on its calculations,
which are described earlier within this specification. If the FSM
cannot start any of the chillers in the current start sequence, an
alarm is generated.

• Faulting While Running

If the chiller status of any chiller in the current sequence changes

from on to fault of communication failure, that chiller shall be
considered faulted. If a chiller faults while running the FSM
calculates the sum of the effective capacity of all on line chillers
(including the faulted one), and starts the available chiller until it
has at least as much capacity on line as it did before the chiller

If all chillers fault, the FSM generates an alarm, leaves the

secondary pumps running (if applicable), and waits for a chiller
to become available.

• Faulting When Commanded to Stop

If the status of any chiller that is commanded off stays on for

five minutes, the FSM sets the status to FAILSTOP and gener-
ates an alarm.

Power Fail Restart (PFR): This routine detects and automatically

recovers from power failures to the FSM only and from power
failures to the FSM and the chiller PICs. The following FSM out-
puts are de-energized on either type of failure as applicable:

• Secondary pumps
• Bypass valve(s) - open
• Spare digital output
• Alarm status

If power is lost to the FSM only, the chiller PICs continue to run
under their stand alone control capability and the FSM picks up the
plant “on the fly.” If power is lost to the FSM and chiller PICs, the
chiller PICs restart themselves. The FSM sets the required capacity
to the sum of the effective capacity of all chillers that were restarted.
The FSM then commands all chillers to shut down. After an adjust-
able time delay the FSM starts the secondary pump or runs the
bypass valve routine (if applicable) and starts the first chiller in the
start sequence. If the effective capacity of the running chillers is less
than the required capacity the FSM starts the next available chiller
until the effective capacity of the running chillers is greater than or
equal to the required capacity.

Pump Control: The FSM includes the capability of starting and

stopping secondary loop pumps. The FSM includes fault logic and
the automatic rotation of the pumps. The chilled water plant is not
enabled if the secondary pump is not running or the plant is disabled
if both a pump and standby fail.

Primary pumps are controlled and interlocked with the individual

chiller PICs.

Bypass Valve Control: The FSM includes the capability of control-
ling up to two chilled water bypass valves for variable flow systems.
If two valves are shown on the plans or points list, the smaller valve
is the first valve to open and the last valve to close. The valve(s)
control signal is wired directly to the FSM.

The bypass valve(s) opens whenever a chiller is commanded on. The

valve(s) opening rate is unrestricted to open the valve(s) quickly
when a chiller starts. The closing rate is restricted (operator-adjust-
able) to help prevent unstable operation.

The routine is capable of performing differential pressure or differen-

tial temperature control as described below:

• Differential Pressure Control

The algorithm modules the differential pressure valve(s) to

maintain its operator-adjustable differential pressure setpoint. The
delta pressure sensor is wired directly to the FSM.

• Differential Temperature Control

The algorithm monitors the difference between the temperature in

the supply and return header and modules the differential pressure
valve(s) to maintain its differential temperature setpoint. The
algorithm bases its setpoint on the chiller design difference
temperature and the lowest operating percent unit capacity.

Spare Time Clock Output: The FSM includes the capability to

control a digital output for ancillary devices. The output is energized
whenever the FSM’s time clock is indexed to the occupied mode and
de-energized whenever the FSM’s time clock is indexed to the unoc-
cupied mode.

Loadshed: The FSM includes the capability of wiring a pulse-type
wattmeter directly to the FSM. The value of the wattmeter is used
by a global Loadshed program (See the point list and sequence of
operation to determine if this program is required). The FSM is
capable of reacting to two levels of Loadshed as follows:
• Redline Alert
When the FSM receives a Redline alert from the network, it
suspends the starting of new chillers and does not allow the
capacity routine to increase the demand limit of any chiller. If a
chiller is ramping when the Redline alert occurs, the routine
allows the chiller to finish ramping.
• Loadshed Alert
When the FSM receives a Loadshed alert from the network, it
decreases the active demand limit for each chiller by an opera-
tor-adjustable value. If a chiller is ramping when the alert oc-
curs, the routine allows the chiller to finish ramping.
When Loadshed and Redline have ended, the chillers shall return to
their normal control.
The FSM contains operator-adjustable maximum off times.

1.04 Network The FSM supports the following network features:

• Data Collection and Data Transfer
• Interface to a local or remote Building Supervisor or portable PC
• Water System Manager Commands
• Loadshed
• Timed override
• Maintenance Management
• Alarm printer interface

1.05 Local Interface A Local Interface Device (LID1B) is included to view points and
Device maintenance screens, adjust setpoints and time schedules, modify
configuration, force and auto points, provide alarm indication, select
operating modes, etc.

The LID1B connects directly to the FSM and is capable of display-
ing at least 16 lines of data. The LID1B includes softkeys for ac-
cessing screens, viewing and configuring time schedules, etc. The
last line of each screen indicates the purpose of the softkeys. The
LID1B also includes a separate Stop key.

The LID1B also includes an alarm indicator. When an alarm condi-

tion occurs the alarm light illuminates and remains illuminated until
all alarms have returned to normal.

The LID1B allows the operator full access to the FSM and each
chiller PIC.
Access to the service configuration parameters is password pro-

The LID1B supports both customary US and metric units.

The LID1B also support multiple foreign languages.

1.06 Network Program Points Display: The proposed system is capable of providing the
Display, Service, and following information as a minimum at any of the interface devices
Configuration Screens listed in Section 1.05 of this specification:
• Program, occupancy, and alarm status
• Current chiller start sequence. Status of each chiller (on, off,
fault, etc.)
• CHW control point, supply, return and load return temperatures
• ACR temperature
• RCR control point and load capacity percent
• ACR and RCR unloading factors
• Plant demand limit
• Time to start/stop chillers
• Chiller LCW control point temperature

The proposed system provides simple, fill in the blanks configura-

tion screens. The screens include all necessary entries and help
prompts are provided for each required entry.

Maintenance and Service Screens: A maintenance screen is
provided to ease the task of troubleshooting. The screen includes the
capability to display the following type of pertinent information for
the FSM, chiller plant, and chillers as a minimum:

• Pulldown, resequencing, Power Fail Restart, Chiller fault status

• Required capacity

• Occupancy and occupancy override status

• Pump runtimes

• Peak Demand Limiting status

• Next chiller to add or reduce capacity

• External demand limit signal

• Chiller status, runtime, available capacity, active demand limit,


• Occupancy screens

Timed override status and duration, next occupied and unoccu-

pied time and day, last occupied and unoccupied time and day,

1.07 Sequence of Note: The following is a sample of a typical sequence of opera-

Operation Description tion that may be adapted for each particular project. This is
provided as a suggestion on how to write a sequence of
operation. This sample assumes a variable flow system
with a differential bypass valve or secondary pumps, and
an ACR sensor located in the common chilled water
supply line.

Occupied - Start-up (With the selector switch in the enable

position): When the FSM is indexed to the occupied mode by its
internal time clock, it starts the secondary pump or opens the differ-
ential bypass valves and performs its prestart tests (confirms that the

minimum required configuration is valid, sensors are reading valid
values, etc.). After the secondary pump has been confirmed as
running and the FSM has successfully passed its pre-start tests, the
FSM determines if any chillers are running and if so picks up the
plant “on the fly.” If no chillers are running, the FSM starts the
configured or calculated lead chiller(s). The lead chiller sets its
percent unit capacity to the plant demand limit and starts its ramping
routine to maintain the calculated CHW control point temperature.
No additional chillers are allowed to run until the pulldown timer
has expired.

The FSM modules the differential pressure valve to maintain its

adjustable differential pressure setpoint.

System Load Increases: As the load increases or fails to decrease

the lead chiller continues to load. When the percent unit capacity
exceeds the ACR loading factor, the load indicator timer (described
earlier) begins to count down. If the timer has timed out, the percent
unit capacity is still above the ACR loading factor, the chiller load is
stable and chilled water is at least 1°F above the control point tem-
perature, the bypass valve opens and the next lag chiller is enabled
to start. The lead chiller is unloaded and the chillers are loaded to
maintain the control point temperature.

System Load Decreases: When the average percent unit capacity is

less than the RCR unloading factor and the FSM determines that the
effect of shutting down a chiller is viable, the FSM shuts down a lag
chiller. The remaining chiller(s) load up to handle the remaining
Unoccupied: When the FSM is indexed to the unoccupied mode,
the chillers are shut down and after the FSM has confirmed that all
chillers have shutdown the secondary pump shall be disabled or the
bypass valve opens.

Faulting: If a chiller is faulted during start-up or during its normal

operation mode the FSM automatically generates an alarm and starts
a replacement chiller(s).

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