This document outlines a 30-day gratitude challenge with daily prompts to help cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Some of the daily activities include writing thank you notes, telling others why you appreciate them, recognizing things you take for granted, spending quality time with loved ones without screens, and avoiding negative speech. The overall goal of the challenge is to consciously focus on gratitude through simple daily practices for a month.
This document outlines a 30-day gratitude challenge with daily prompts to help cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Some of the daily activities include writing thank you notes, telling others why you appreciate them, recognizing things you take for granted, spending quality time with loved ones without screens, and avoiding negative speech. The overall goal of the challenge is to consciously focus on gratitude through simple daily practices for a month.
This document outlines a 30-day gratitude challenge with daily prompts to help cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Some of the daily activities include writing thank you notes, telling others why you appreciate them, recognizing things you take for granted, spending quality time with loved ones without screens, and avoiding negative speech. The overall goal of the challenge is to consciously focus on gratitude through simple daily practices for a month.
This document outlines a 30-day gratitude challenge with daily prompts to help cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Some of the daily activities include writing thank you notes, telling others why you appreciate them, recognizing things you take for granted, spending quality time with loved ones without screens, and avoiding negative speech. The overall goal of the challenge is to consciously focus on gratitude through simple daily practices for a month.
Write down three Tell someone why Go one full day Write down the Take time to smile people who you you are grateful without best thing that at everyone you are thankful for. to have them in complaining. happened today. see today. your life.
Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10
Do a random act Spend 30 minutes Write down three Write thank you Recognize of kindness for doing something things that you notes to five someone in your someone. you love. are grateful for. people in your family who looks life. after you.
Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15
Do something Sit down with Write down three Turn any negative Write down five nice for a class- someone and things that you thoughts into things that you mate. share what you are like about school. positive thoughts. love about both grateful for. yourself.
Day 16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 20
Think about three Write about your Think about what Tell three people Watch for a things that you hobbies and why you’re grateful in your life why classmate doing usually take for you love them. for before going you appreciate a good job and granted. to bed tonight. them. thank them for it.
Day 21 Day 22 Day 23 Day 24 Day 25
Think of someone Write down three Notice positive Spend quality Think of something who helped you things that you traits about each time with loved great that has today and thank appreciate about of your ones, without any happened to you them for it. your teacher. classmates. screens. this month or year.
Day 26 Day 27 Day 28 Day 29 Day 30
Write a Avoid gossip or Compliment a Start a gratitude Well done! You’ve thank-you note speaking stranger. journal and keep done a great job. to a classmate. negatively about practicing Congratulate others. gratitude. yourself today.