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Lab Manual

Power Electronics Applications to Power Systems(2MPS1-07)

EXP NO: 1(a)
Aim: To Study
a) Single phase controlled / uncontrolled converter
b) three phase Semi controlled / uncontrolled converters
c) Full controlled / uncontrolled converters and obtain results for R & RL loads. and also
Design & simulate a model to compare both hardware setup and simulation results.
Apparatus Multisim simulation software
Theory: A single phase half wave circuit is one which produces only one pulse of load
current during one cycle of source voltage. A simple controlled rectifier circuit consists of a
thyristor connected to a source and a load. The SCR conducts only when the anode current is
more positive than the cathode and a gating signal is applied. It blocks the current until it is
triggered. It turns OFF by reversal of voltage at ωt = π.3π, 5π etc. since it reverse biases the
device. Firing angle is defined as the angle between the instant the thyristor conducts if it
were a diode and the instant it is triggered.
Procedure: Switch ON the computer double click on the multisim icon. You get the drawing
window. Pick the components from the virtual component library.ON the grid. Rig the circuit
for the R, RL and RLE loads .Pick the CRO from the instrument bar and connect it across the
load also pick and drop the multimeter across the load. Connect a square wave source
between the gate and the anode of the SCR as firing pulse and Observe the wave forms.
Circuit Diagram:
R-L Load
Simulation Results Of Output Voltage:

Semiconverter with R Load

Results: The multisim software is learnt. The wave forms for single, phase half wave R and
RL loads have been observed.
Discussion of Result:
 Comment on changes in output voltage waveform with change in firing angle.
 Comment on changes in output voltage waveform with change in load.

EXP NO: 1(b)

Apparatus: Multisim simulation software
Theory: A single phase half wave circuit is one which produces only one pulse of load
current during positive half cycle of source voltage and another pulse of load current in
negative half cycle of source voltage, both in same direction. Hence producing DC voltage
for an applied Ac voltage. A Full bridge half controlled rectifier circuit consists of a 2-
thyristors and two diodes connected to a source and a load whereas a Full bridge full
controlled rectifier circuit consists of a 4-thyristors connected to a source and a load. The
SCR conducts only when the anode current is more positive than the cathode and a gating
signal is applied. It blocks the current until it is triggered. It turns OFF by reversal of voltage
at ωt = π. 3π, 5π etc. since it reverse biases the device.
Firing angle is defined as the angle between the instant the thyristor conducts if it were a
diode and the instant it is triggered.
Procedure: Switch ON the computer double click on the multisim icon. You get the drawing
window. Pick the components from the virtual component library.ON the grid. Rig the circuit
for the R, RL, RL with Freewheeling Diode and RLE loads .Pick the CRO from the
instrument bar and connect it across the load also pick and drop the multimeter across the
load. Connect a square wave source between the gate and the anode as firing pulse of the
SCR and Observe the wave forms
Circuit Diagram :
Full Converter half controlled with R-Load:

Full Converter half controlled with RL-Load:

Full & half controlled Converter with RL-Load

Results: The multisim software is learnt. The wave forms for single phase half wave with R
RL and RLE loads have been observed.
Discussion of Result:
 Comment on changes in output voltage waveform with change in firing angle.
 Comment on changes in output voltage waveform with change in load.
EXP NO: 1(c)

Apparatus: Three Phase bridge rectifier trainer Kit CRO, DC Voltmeter Patch chords
Theory: Phase control thyristors can control the output voltage of a rectifier, by varying the
firing angle or delay angle α of the thyristor. In phase control thyristor commutation or
turning OFF takes place by line or natural commutation. It has applications in industrial
variable speed drives from very low to very high power levels as high as few Mega watts.
Circuit Diagram:
Half controlled Rectifier
Observation Table:

Half controlled
Results: The output waveforms across the load have been observed for half controlled 3
phase rectifier.
Discussion of Result:
 Compare the theoretical and practical values of output voltage and analyse the output
voltage waveform for different firing angles.
 Comment on conduction period of each thyristor.
Experiment No.-2
Aim:- To study an open & close loop for DC-DC Choppers.
a) Buck Converter
b) Boost Converter
c) Buck- Boost Converter and trace the curve of output voltage.
and also Design & simulate a model to compare both hardware setup and simulation results.

Experiment No.-2(a)
a) Buck Converter
Apparatus: DC-DC Converter trainer Kit Pulse Patch Chord Rheostat CRO Multimeter
Circuit Diagram:

Procedure-A :
Line Regulation
1. Connect the P8 of PWM generator to the PWM input of Buck-Boost Converter Circuit
2. Connect the feedback voltage of buck-boost converter circuit to feed back volt input PWM
3. Connect the CRO at T3
4. Connect the 0-30V DC RPS across P1 & P2 Switch ON the AC power supply
5. Switch on the power ON/OFF switch
6. View the carrier signal in the CRO, at T3 as in fig.
7. Set the switch SW1 in upward position, SW2 in downward direction and view the PWM signal
at T1 as in fig. The duty cycle may be changed by changing the SET VOLTAGE.
8. Note down Ton and Toff values to calculate the duty cycle (D = Ton/T) .
9. Switch ON the DC 15V supply
10. View the following wave forms
a. Device Current IQ across I1 & I2
b. Diode current ID across I3 & I4
c. Inductor Current IL across I3 & I7
d. Device Voltage VQ across I2 & I3
e. Rectified Voltage across I5 & I8
f. Inductor voltage VL across I7 & I8
g. The feed back signal at T6
11. Connect the CRO across P5 & P6 to view the output voltage and calculate the output voltage
using the formula V0 = [D] * Vs
12.Vary the input voltage from 0 to 15V.
Line Regulation
Measure and tabulate the following readings.
SET voltage = below 15 V Note:
Buck operation not possible for maximum set voltage of the pulses ie.4.7 V
Set pulse voltage: minimum (1.2)V
Line Regulation
The close loop response for buck converter for line regulation has been examined The output
Voltage is maintained at _______________ Volts with an input voltage from ----------------Volt to
--------------- Volt.
Load Regulation The close loop response of buck converter with load regulation has been
Discussion of Result:

 Compare the theoretical results with practical results.

 Effect of change in duty cycle on output voltage for line & load regulation.
Experiment No.-2(b)
Aim:- To study an open & close loop for DC-DC Choppers.
b) Boost Converter
Apparatus: DC-DC Converter trainer Kit Pulse Patch Chord 0-30V DC supply CRO
Circuit Diagram
Circuit Diagram:-

Procedure-A :
Line Regulation
Switch the circuit to boost operation mode:
1. Connect the P8 of PWM generator to the PWM input of Buck-Boost Converter Circuit
2. Connect the feedback voltage of buck-boost converter circuit to feed back volt input PWM
3. Connect the CRO at T3
4. Connect the 0-30V DC RPS across P1 & P2 Switch ON the AC power supply
5. Switch on the power ON/OFF switch
6. View the carrier signal in the CRO, at T3 as in fig 1.
7. Set the switch SW1 and SW2 in downward direction and view the PWM signal at T1 as in
fig 2. The duty cycle may be changed by changing the SET VOLTAGE.
8. Switch ON the DC 15V supply
9. View the following wave forms
a. Device Current IQ across I1 & I2 (fig 3)
b. Diode current ID across I3 & I4 (fig4)
c. Inductor Current IL across I3 & I7 (fig5)
d. Device Voltage VQ across I2 & I3 (fig 6)
e. Rectified Voltage across I5 & I8 (fig7)
f. Inductor voltage VL across I7 & I8 (fig 8)
g. The feed back signal at T6
10 Connect the CRO across P5 & P6 to view the output voltage.
Procedure-B :
Load Regulation
1. Connect the rheostat bet P5 and P6
2. Connect an ammeter in series with the rheostat
3. For 0 external resistance the output is 5V, (IL=.3-.7Amp)
4. vary the resistance till the load current is 0.7Amp
5. Tabulate the measured readings.
A- Line Regulation
Measure and tabulate the following readings.
Note: Boost operation not possible for minimum set voltage of the pulsesie.1.2 V.

Vary input voltage below and above 15V.

B- Load Regulation
Measure and tabulate the following readings.
SET Input voltage = 15V
Set voltage: 4.7V (Boost operation )
Vary the rheostat for (Il = 0.3 to 0.7)
Expected Waveforms For Line And Load Regulation:

A- Line Regulation
The closed loop response for BOOST operation for line regulation has been examined The
output Voltage is maintained at _______________ Volts with an input voltage from
----------------Volt to --------------- Volts.
B- Load Regulation
The closed loop response for BOOST operation for load regulation has been examined.
Discussion of Result:
 Compare the theoretical results with practical results.
 Effect of change in duty cycle on output voltage for line & load regulation.
Experiment No.-2(c)
Aim:- To study an open & close loop for DC-DC Choppers.
c) Buck- Boost Converter and trace the curve of output voltage.

Apparatus: DC-DC Converter trainer Kit Pulse Patch Chord Rheostat CRO Multimeter
Circuit Diagram:

Buck Converter
A : Line Regulation (OPEN LOOP)
Buck operation (Set pulse voltage to 50% ie 2.7V) & for Boost operation (Set pulse
voltage max-100% ie. 4.6V)
1. Connect the P8 of PWM generator to the PWM input of Buck-Boost Converter Circuit.
2. Connect the feedback voltage of buck-boost converter circuit to feed back volt input PWM
3. Connect the CRO at T3
4. Connect the 0-30V DC RPS across P1 & P2 Switch ON the AC power supply
5. Switch on the power ON/OFF switch
6. View the carrier signal in the CRO, at T3.
7. Set the switch SW1 in downward position, SW2 in upward direction and view the PWM
signal at T1 as in fig 2. The duty cycle may be changed by changing the SET VOLTAGE.
8. Switch ON the DC 15V supply
9. View the following wave forms a. Device Current IQ across I1 & I2 b. Diode current ID
across I3 & I4 c. Inductor Current IL across I3 & I7 d. Device Voltage VQ across I2 & I3 e.
Rectified Voltage across I5 & I8 f. Inductor voltage VL across I7 & I8 g. The feed back
signal at T6
10. Connect the CRO across P5 & P6 to view the output voltage.
Observation Table:
Line Regulation
Vary input voltage below and above 15V

Set voltage: 2.7V (Buck operation )

Expected Waveforms For Line And Load Regulation:

a- Line Regulation
The open loop response for buck & boost operation for line regulation has been
examined The output Voltage is maintained at _______________ Volts with an input
voltage from ----------------Volt to --------------- Volts
b- Load Regulation
The open loop response for buck & boost operation for load regulation has been
Discussion of Result:
 Compare the theoretical results with practical results.
 Effect of change in duty cycle on output voltage for line & load regulation.

Experiment No.-3
Aim:- . To study an open & close loop for a) Single phase Inverter b) Three phase inverters
using IGBTs, and trace the output curve for different values of input voltage and also Design
& simulate a model to compare both hardware setup and simulation results.
Apparatus: Multisim software.
Theory: Inverter basically converts DC to AC. In three phase inverter the output is three
phase ac. It works in two modes depending upon the conduction period of each transistor in
the circuit ie.180◦& 120◦ .In both the modes each transistor is triggered in the same sequence
as they are numbered with an interval of 60◦ .In complete one cycle of output there exists six
steps of operation each of duration 60◦ .In every step of 60◦ duration in 180◦ mode of
operation, three switches are conducting two from upper group and one from lower group &
in 120◦ mode of operation, one switch from upper group and one from lower group conducts.
Procedure: Switch ON the computer, double click on the multisim icon. You get the drawing
window. Pick the components from the virtual component library. ON the grid, rig the circuit
for the 3-phase inverter circuit with R-load. Connect a square wave source between the gate
and the anode of all six transistors. Pick the CRO from the instrument bar and connect it
across the load Observe the output wave forms for 180◦& 120◦ (line & phase voltages) modes
of operation. Instead of thyristors, transistors are used as switches in order to avoid the
complexity of the circuit as use of thyristors will add the commutation circuit input being DC.
Result: The multisim software is learnt and the waveforms of three phase inverter with R-
Load (phase & line voltages) are observed for both180◦ & 120◦ modes of operation.
Discussion of Result:  Analyze the output voltage (line & phase) waveforms for both180◦
modes of operation and comment on the result.
Exp - 4
Aim:- . Design & simulate a model of AC-AC voltage regulators and trace the output curve
for different values of input voltage.
Apparatus: Trainer Kit, CRO, Patch chords
R- Load
An AC voltage regulator consists of two SCRs connected in anti parallel During positive half
cycle, the SCR2 is forward biased. The current flow is through terminal P – SCR2 – the load
and the terminal N. During the negative half cycle the SCR1 is forward biased. The current
flow is through terminal N – SCR2 – load –terminal P.
The firing angle of the SCRs is kept at 450 If tha delay angles of the two SCRs are equal, and
the input voltage is Vm sinωt, the RMS output voltage will be given by formula stated in
model calculation.
Thus by varying α from 0 to π, the RMS value of output voltage can be controlled from RMS
input voltage to 0.
R- L Load
During the positive half cycle SCR2 is triggered into a firing angle delay of α, the current
rises slowly due to the inductor. The current continues to flow even after the supply voltage
reverses, due to the energy stored in the inductor.
As long as the SCR2 conducts, the conduction drop across it will reverse bias SCR1 , hence it
will not conduct even if gating signal is applied. It can be triggered into conduction during
the negative half cycle after SCR2 turns OFF. The wave forms are shown for both continuous
and discontinuous current.
Circuit Diagram:

R-L Load

R –Load
1. Connect anode of SCR2 to the cathode of SCR1
2. Connect the 24V AC positive terminal to anode of SCR2
3. Connect R load terminal between cathode of SCR1 and 24V AC output.
4. Connect the CRO across the load
5. Connect the voltmeter across the load terminals
6. Connect G2 & K2 of firing circuit to G2 & K2 of SCR 2
7. Switch ON the trainer kit
8. Place the switch S2 in SCR mode
9. Switch ON the 24V AC supply
10. Switch ON the denounce switch.
11. Note down the peak value of voltage Vm , triggering angle α and conduction angle γ
12. By varying the firing angle the output can be varied
13. Plot the graph Vm versus α and γ
RL – Load
1. Connect R and L in series then connect the load terminals between cathode of SCR1 and
24V ac input.
2. Repeat the above steps
3. Observe the waveforms

Continuous current Mode

Results: The SCR based single phase AC voltage controller or regulator with R & RL load is
studied and the required graphs are plotted.
Discussion of Result:
 Mention the Purpose of Ac voltage controller.
 Analyze the effect of change in firing angle on output Voltage waveform.
 Compare the Theoretical values of Output voltage with Practical values with different firing
Aim:- Design & simulate a model of single phase cyclo-converter and trace the curve of
output voltage.
Apparatus: Multisim software
Theory: In cycloconverter one group of thyristors produce positive polarity of the load
voltage and other group produces the negative polarity of the load voltage. Only one of them
will conduct at a time. When ‘P’ is positive with respect to ‘O’, then SCR1 will conduct
otherwise SCR2 will conduct. Thus in both the half cycles of the input, the load voltage will
be positive. The SCR’s get turned off by natural commutation at the end of every half cycle.
Depending on the desired frequency gating pulses to positive group of SCR’s (T1, T2) &
negative group of SCR’s (T3, T4) are given.
Procedure: Switch ON the computer, double click on the multisim icon. You get the drawing
window. Pick the components from the virtual component library. ON the grid, rig the circuit
for the cycloconverter circuit with R-load. Connect a pulse voltage by selecting a signal
voltage source from the virtual component between the gate and the cathode of all thyristors.
Pick the CRO from the instrument bar and connect it across the load. Observe the output
wave forms for f, f/2, f/3, f/4 modes of operation as per their respective circuits and triggering
pulse sequences..
Result: The multisim software is learnt and the waveforms of Cycloconverter with R-Load
are observed for f, f/2, f/3, f/4 modes of operation.
Discussion of Result:
 Comment on Time Period and frequency with reference to input frequency for different
levels of output frequency.
Aim:- Design & simulate a model of CuK converter and trace the curve of output voltage.
Apparatus: NL5 software
The purpose of this lab is to simulate the Cuk converter using NL5to better familiarize the
student with some of its operating characteristics.
Figure 1 below shows the Cuk converter implemented with ideal switches. Unlike the SEPIC
converter which maintains the input to output polarity, the Cuk converter inverts the polarity
from input to output. The drawback to this converter is the additional pole created with
additional LC network which makes the control loop more complicated than a simple buck,
boost or buck/boost topology. [See additional reading at end of this lab]. The Cuk converter
utilizes an input and output inductor which enables low voltage ripple and RMS current on
both the input and the output.
Below is the Cuk (Pronounced like Book) converter with the ideal switches replaced by a
Mosfet and diode for a practical circuit realization.

The Cuk converter inverts its output and its conversion ration is M(D) = -D/(1-D)

To provide isolation such as a medical device application, the inductor can be replaced with a
transformer as seen below
The circuit below is a Cuk converter used to take a +5V supply and invert it for a -5V supply.
In typical product design, a single high current voltage is fed to all the system’s circuit cards
and each circuit will derive the additional lower current voltages as needed.
Implement the schematic below (minus the controller and feedback parts) to set up a
‘standard’ Cuk converter topology in NL5.

To implement the schematic shown above in NL5 use the component values listed below. It
should look like Figure 7 (below) when complete.
Vg is a DC voltage source (VDC) from the source library. It needs to be set for 5 volts.
L1 is an ideal inductor from the library. Set to 15 µH.
RL1 is an ideal resistor from the library simulating the resistance ofL1. Set to 1 mΩ.
C1 is an ideal capacitor from the library. Set to 1 µF.
L2 is an ideal inductor from the library. Set to 47 µH.
RL2 is an ideal resistor from the library simulating the resistance of L2. Set to 1 mΩ.
D1 is an ideal diode from the library. Set to 700 mV (diode drop). C2 is an ideal capacitor
from the library. Set to 22 µF. O1 is an ideal comparator used to turn the switch S1 on and
off. By varying the width of V3 below, its output will act as a Pulse Width Modulator.
S1 is a voltage controlled switch, a standard component in the library.
V2 is 0.5 volt reference for the Schmitt trigger comparator O1. Set V2 to 500 mV.
V3 is Pulsing source. Set to values listed below using the components editing window. This
sets it to a switching frequency of ~1.4 MHz with a 50% duty cycle.
Set the transient simulation parameters (Transient->Settings pull down menu) to those shown
First select (highlight) V3 on the schematic view to allow the V3 parameters to be sweeped.
Now, select from the pull down menu item Tool->Script and set up to run the pulse width
from 71 nS to 710 nS to see the effects of varying duty cycle on the converter. For future
sweeps of a components values, remember to always select the component on the schematic
and then its name will show up on the sweep list.
Now press the blue arrow on the Tools-Script screen to start the simulations. The results
should look like the window below

Result:- We have succesfully Design & simulate a model of CuK converter and trace the
curve of output voltage.
Aim:- To Study, Design & simulate a model for grid integration of DFIG and PMSG.
Apparatus:- MATLAB software required


Nowadays the demand of electrical energy is increasing day by day but the presence of coal, fossils
fuels are towards the end. So it is very much required to find another way to generate the electricity.
Wind energy is a non conventional source of energy and often installed in remote, rural areas which
areas usually have weak grids, often with voltage unbalances and under voltage conditions. Wind
energy has been the subject of much recent research and development .With increased penetration
of wind power into electrical grids, DFIG wind turbines are largely deployed due to their variable
speed feature and hence influencing system dynamics. This has created an interest in developing
suitable models for DFIG to be integrated into power system studies. The continuous trend of having
high penetration of wind power, in recent years, has made it necessary to introduce new practices.
For example, grid codes are being revised to ensure that wind turbines would contribute to the
control of voltage and frequency and also to stay connected to the host network following a
disturbance. Renewable energy sources not contributing to the enhanced greenhouse effect,
especially wind power, are becoming an important component of the total generation. Hence,
research concerning the dynamic behavior of wind energy systems is important to achieve a better
knowledge. In response to the new grid code requirements, several DFIG models have been
suggested recently, including the full-model which is a 5th order model. These models use
quadrature and direct components of rotor voltage in an appropriate reference frame to provide
fast regulation of voltage.

The power demands are increasing due to demand of the conventional fuel sources. Renewable
energy source based power generations are needed to distribute and compensate the requirement
with uninterrupted continuous power supply. Wind energy electrical conversion system is a most
popular in overall renewable energy sources. In this wind energy conversion system is operating the
non-linear characteristics due to continuous variation of wind velocity. Various techniques are
implemented for extracting maximum power from wind energy conversion system and fed to the
utility grid. In last few years permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSG) are used in wind
energy conversion system because it is a direct driven fully controlled machine . The maximum
power extracted from PMSG wind system with help of perturb and observe (P&O) method based
maximum power point tracker (MPPT) . The variable ac three phase electrical output of the PMSG is
converted to dc electric power by using three phase diode bridge rectifier (DBR) and it’s consisting of
six diodes. In this DBR dc output is boost and regulated output power is fed to the inverter with help
of dc-dc boost converter. The dc-link voltage is a reference value for MPPT and compare with actual
value of the PMSG output power, this error value is given to the PI controller. In this PI controller can
vary dc-dc converter pulse signal based on error values for maintain constant dc-link voltage. The
inverter is convert dc power into ac power and connected to the grid and it’s maintaining constant
grid voltage with required constant grid frequency. The VSI output voltage is measured by phase
locked loop (PLL) and converted to direct axis and quadrature axis (dq0). The dq axis conversion
voltage and reference voltage is compared and error value is given to the VSI driver circuits. The
single phase voltage source inverter (VSI) is controlled by many driver control technique like
sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM), space vector modulation technique. The most suitable
an easy control technique is a SPWM method to drive the voltage source inverter. In this proposed
grid connected system consist of (i) PMSG based WECs, (ii) diode bridge rectifier (DBR), (iii) dc-dc
boost converter, (iv) single phase voltage source inverter (VSI), maximum power point tracker
(MPPT), battery bank storage system.


The proposed grid connected system as shown in Figure 1. It is comprised of permanent magnet
synchronous generator based (PMSG) WECs operating with maximum power point tracker (MPPT),
battery is using for energy storage, voltage source inverter (VSI), LC filter and single phase utility grid.
The WECs is designed at maximum power rating of 1 kW. The MPPT is extract maximum power from
PMSG and to control dc-dc converter for constant voltage. The battery bank designed the
combination of series and parallel connection of battery with respect to required voltage and
current. The battery bank is designed with 8 battery of 12 V, 100 Ah. A constant DC bus voltage is
maintained by bidirectional converter and it power transfer to the VSI. The VSI is fed the power from
PMSG wind conversion system with battery bank. The VSI single phase output is fed to the utility grid
through LC filter. It is used for pure AC power feed to the grid without any harmonic disturbances.
The constant voltage, current and frequency are fed to the utility grid. In this system configuration
helps extract the maximum power from WECs at varying wind velocity, load and power fed to the
utility grid. The system ensure constant power feed to the grid that excess WECs energy is stored to
the battery bank which is useful for peak load demand and to maintain constant output power
during fluctuation of wind velocity and load.


Wind turbines use a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) consisting of a wound rotor induction
generator and an AC/DC/AC IGBT-based PWM converter. The stator winding is connected directly to
the 50 Hz grid while the rotor is fed at variable frequency through the AC/DC/AC converter. The DFIG
technology allows extracting maximum energy from the wind for low wind speeds by optimizing the
turbine speed, while minimizing mechanical stresses on the turbine during gusts of wind. The
optimum turbine speed producing maximum mechanical energy for a given wind speed is
proportional to the wind speed. Another advantage of the DFIG technology is the ability for power
electronic converters to generate or absorb reactive power, thus eliminating the need for installing
capacitor banks as in the case of squirrel-cage induction generator. The stator is directly connected
to the AC grid, while the wound rotor is fed from the Power Electronics Converter via slip rings to
allow DIFG to operate at a variety of speeds in response to changing wind speed. Indeed, the basic
concept is to interpose a frequency converter between the variable frequency induction generator
and fixed frequency grid. To achieve full control of grid current, the DC-link voltage must be boosted
to a level higher than the amplitude of grid line-to-line voltage. The slip power can flow in both
directions, i.e. to the rotor from the supply and from supply to the rotor and hence the speed of the
machine can be controlled from either rotor- or stator-side converter in both super and sub-
synchronous speed ranges. As a result, the machine can be controlled as a generator or a motor in
both super and sub-synchronous operating modes realizing four operating modes.


The proposed system design of single phase two stage grid connected WECs system is described in
this section. The design of grid connected system is based on utility grid standard voltage and
frequency. The switching frequency of the inverter is higher than the line frequency.

The first wind turbines were based on a direct grid coupled synchronous generator with pitch
controlled rotor blades to limit the mechanical power in high wind speeds. Therefore, the first
modeling efforts were devoted to this wind turbine concept The directly grid coupled synchronous
generator was followed by a directly grid coupled asynchronous squirrel cage induction generator.
To limit the power extracted from the wind at high wind speeds, either pitch control or stall control
can be applied. Many papers on modeling of a wind turbine with a directly grid coupled squirrel cage
induction generator can be found in the literature, both in combination with pitch control and with
stall control of the mechanical power, and Nowadays, a more modern variable speed wind turbine
with a doubly fed induction generator has replaced the conventional constant speed wind turbine
with a directly grid coupled squirrel cage induction generator. As the power developed is
proportional to the cube of the wind speed it is obviously important to locate any electricity
generating turbines in areas of high mean annual wind speed, and the available wind resource is an
important factor in determining where the wind farms are sited . Wind turbine rotor of a given rating
is much larger in size than a hydro-turbine.

Rotor Equation

A wind turbine operates by extracting kinetic energy from the wind passing through its rotor. The
power developed by a wind turbine is given by:

The back to back PWM converter has two converters, one is connected to rotor side and another is
connected to grid side. Control by both converters has been discussed here. The rotor-side converter
is used to control the wind turbine output power and the voltage measured at the grid terminals.
The power is controlled in order to follow a pre-defined power-speed characteristic, named tracking

For the rotor-side controller the d-axis of the rotating reference frame used for d-q transformation is
aligned with air-gap flux. The actual electrical output power, measured at the grid terminals of the
wind turbine, is added to the total power losses (mechanical and electrical) and is compared with
the reference power obtained from the tracking characteristic. A Proportional-Integral (PI) regulator
is used to reduce the power error to zero. The output of this regulator is the reference rotor current
Iqr_ref that must be injected in the rotor by converter C rotor. This is the current component that
produces the electromagnetic torque Tem. The voltage at grid terminals is controlled by the reactive
power generated or absorbed by the converter C rotor.


The Grid side converter is used to regulate the voltage of the DC bus capacitor. For the gridside
controller the d-axis of the rotating reference frame used for d-q transformation is aligned with the
positive sequence of grid voltage.

This is the Simulink diagram for a doubly fed induction generator connected to grid side with wind
turbine protection schemes involved for protection from single phase faults and ground faults. The
system is connected to a 120 KV, 3 phase source which is connected to a 9MW wind farm (6 of 1.5
MW each) via. Step down transformers, fault protection and pi- transmission line.

The wind-turbine model is a phasor model that allows transient stability type studies with long,
simulation times. In this demo, the system is observed during 50 s.

Turbine response to a change in wind speed "Wind Speed" step block specifying the wind speed.
Initially, wind speed is set at 8 m/s, then at t = 5s, wind speed increases suddenly at 14 m/s. Start
simulation and observe the signals on the "Wind Turbine" scope monitoring the wind turbine
voltage, current, generated active and Reactive powers, DC bus voltage and turbine speed.


The proposed single phase grid connected system is validated on a simulation at steady state
condition of wind speed is 12 m/s. The implemented perturb and observe (P&O) algorithm based
maximum power point tracker (MPPT) for wind generator is track the maximum power and output
voltage is compared with the dc-link voltage. The dc-dc converter and grid side inverter is effectively
transferred the renewable energy power generation to utility grid, which is validated from the
simulation results as shown in Figures 5 (a) and (b). It shows the simulation results of single phase
inverter output voltage and current under constant wind speed of 12 m/s with corresponding value
of total harmonic distraction (THD) waveforms. The experimental hardware prototype implemented
for single phase grid connected system. The maximum power tracked from the 1 kW PMSG wind
generator using MPPT, its convert and regulated to dc constant 48V dc supply with help of wind
charge controller. The charge controller is interfaced to 48V, 800 Ah battery bank and 1.5 kW single
phase grid tie inverter.

Figure 5. Simulation results of, (a) Output voltage and current of VSI, (b) Voltage and current THD of

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