Honor Printable

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Teaching Your Kids

to Honor Others
created by
B.J. Meurer

Help Me
Parent © 2021 JesusHelpMeParent.com
Teaching Your Kids
to Honor Others
created by
B.J. Meurer

Help Me
Parent © 2021 JesusHelpMeParent.com
Honor changes Kids and Families
Family life can be a place of joy, peace, and connection. It can also be a place self-
centeredness, frustration, and loneliness. What changes the dynamics in family life in the
right direction is Honor.

The Bible defines Honor as:

Treating others as special
Doing more than expected
Having a good attitude

Scripture tells us in Romans 12:10 to "Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another
above yourselves." Honor is at the heart of the Gospel. It places others ahead of ourselves.
It gets the focus off of us and onto others. When we honor others, we are loving them the
way Jesus loves by treating them as special, doing more than what they expect, and doing it
all with a good attitude. When we teach our kids to honor, we teach them to live like Jesus.

This printable resource provides you with multiple tools to begin the process of helping
children live like Jesus by treating others as special, doing more than what's expected, and
having a good attitude. Some of these resources are for you to use directly with your child
while other ones provide you with practical parenting strategies for you to use.

A brief summary of each tool is provided on the next page. Other videos and helpful
strategies can be found on the Jesus, Help me Parent YouTube channel including this video
on Honor. You can also go to JesusHelpMeParent.com to find additional resources. You can
also learn more about working directly with B.J. through the Biblical Parenting Coaching
Program at JesusHelpMeParent.com/about.

Intellectual Property Jesus,

I LOVE when parents enjoy my work enough to share it with others. You are welcome to print copies of this printable
for your own personal use or for use with children you are teaching. Please do not share a print or digital copy of this Help Me
original with others. I would LOVE though if you would send them this link (http://bit.ly/HonorPrintable) so they can get
their own copy and so I can connect with them as well. Share the link instead of the product. Thanks in advance.
© 2021 JesusHelpMeParent.com
created by B.J. Meurer, Biblical Parenting Coach
Honor Poster
Honor is when we treat others as special, do more than expected, and have a good attitude.
Help your kids and family commit this definition to heart by printing this one-page poster,
using it during your family time, and then hanging copies up in prominent places such as in
bedrooms, the kitchen, etc. Read it when you get up, go to bed, eat a meal together, or any
other regular family activity.

Honor Parent Guide

This is the one page parent guide that gives you all you need to get started teaching your
kids to honor. It is filled with definitions, Bible references, examples of Honor both in the
Bible and in daily life, and even a few additional parenting tips. A great companion video can
be found on the Jesus, Help Me Parent YouTube channel by going to

Honor Song
Use these lyrics set to the tune of the popular children's nursery rhyme song Frere Jacques
(also known as Brother John) to commit the definition of Honor to memory.

Continuum of Obligation
Family life can be a place of joy, peace, and connection. It can also be a place self-
centeredness, frustration, and loneliness. What changes this is what each person in a family
is either adding to or taking from family life. Check out the Continuum of Obligation to learn
how to keep things moving in the positive direction.

Additional Resources
Looking for additional support as a parent? Check out the additional resources on this list to
continue learning how to use a heart-based approach to parenting so you can see God bring
transformation in your kids and family.

Intellectual Property Jesus,

I LOVE when parents enjoy my work enough to share it with others. You are welcome to print copies of this printable
for your own personal use or for use with children you are teaching. Please do not share a print or digital copy of this Help Me
original with others. I would LOVE though if you would send them this link (http://bit.ly/HonorPrintable) so they can get
their own copy and so I can connect with them as well. Share the link instead of the product. Thanks in advance.
© 2021 JesusHelpMeParent.com
created by B.J. Meurer, Biblical Parenting Coach
Treat others as

Do more than

Have a good

Help Me © 2021 created by B.J. Meurer, Biblical Parenting Coach - JesusHelpMeParent.com

Parent adapted from the book Say Goodbye to Whining, Complaining, and Bad Attitudes... in You and Your Kids
by Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller, RN, BSN - BiblicalParenting.org
Honor song
Honor others
Honor others

All the time

All the time

Treat others as special

Do more than expected

Good attitude
Good attitude

Help Me
Parent © 2021 created by B.J. Meurer, Biblical Parenting Coach - JesusHelpMeParent.com
What is it?
Honor is when we treat others as special, do more than expected, and have a good attitude.

How do I teach Honor to my kids and get them to start doing it?
Provide your kids with examples from the Bible.
Model honor for your kids by the way you live. Remember that more is caught than taught.
Invite your kids to co-honor someone else (aka another parent, a sibling, a neighbor) by having them
help you as you honor that person.
Issue an honor challenge when your kids are completing chores to see if they can find a way to do
more than expected in daily chores.
Give positive feedback to your kids when you see them honoring on their own.

Biblical Examples of Honor Bible Verses about Honor

Rebekah waters camels - Genesis 24 Romans 12:10 - Be devoted to one another in
A servant girl helps Naaman - 2 Kings 5 love. Honor one another above yourselves.
Ruth honors Naomi - Ruth 1:1-18 Philippians 2:14 - Do everything without
Jesus heals a sick woman - Mark 5:21-34 complaining.
The Good Samaritan Parable - Luke 10:25-37 Colossians 3:12 - Therefore, as God’s chosen
The Lost Sons Parable - Luke 15:11-32 people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves
Mary anoints Jesus - John 12:1-8 with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness
and patience.
Practical Examples of Honor Matthew 6:1, 4 - Be careful not to do your acts
of righteousness before others, to be seen by
Letting a sibling have the last cookie, the larger
them ... Your Father, who sees what is done in
slice of cake, the better seat in the car, etc.
secret, will reward you.
Writing a note of encouragement or coloring a
1 Samuel 16:7 - The LORD does not look at the
picture for someone
things people look at. People look at the
Doing extra when completing a daily chore
outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the
Noticing the trash needs to be taken out and
taking it out even though it is a sibling's chore
Matthew 7:12 - Do to others what you would
Helping out without being asked
have them do to you.
Offering a compliment or kind word to a sibling
Mark 9:35 - If anyone wants to be first, s/he
without being prompted to do so
must be the very last and the servant of all.

What else should I remember?

Teach kids that honor never looks for credit. The rewards for honor are seeing the smile on the
person's face and knowing that Jesus is smiling no matter what.
Honor needs to be your kids' own ideas because it needs to come from their hearts. Telling a kid to
do something because it would be honoring turns the task into obedience.

Help Me Check out this video on the Jesus, Help Me Parent YouTube channel for more - https://youtu.be/pbxzNtyrlH4
Parent © 2021 created by B.J. Meurer, Biblical Parenting Coach - JesusHelpMeParent.com
Continuum of Obligation
What is it?
Family life can be a place of joy, peace, and connection. It can also be a place self-centeredness, frustration, and loneliness.
What changes this is what each person in a family is either adding to or taking from family life.

For children, the Continuum of Obligation is fluid. A child may be cooperating and adding to family life when it comes to
morning routines but taking away from family life when it comes to chores. So no one child (or adult) is completely in one
spot on the continuum. Our goal though is to continually be seeking ways to move towards the positive side of the

Disobedience Cooperation Honor

Lacking responsiveness to authority and Following through on what you're told to Treating others as special, doing
allowing personal desires to outweigh do by obeying instantly, completely, and more than what's expected, and
instructions from others cheerfully having a good attitude

Compliance Contribution
Doing what you are told to do but Following through on what you're told to do and
delaying when you do it, not doing it noticing ways to add to family life
completely, or doing it with the wrong

How can I help my child progress in the right direction?

A heart-based approach to parenting challenges the beliefs, desires, and conclusions in a child in order to mold the child’s
inner character, goals, and attitudes about life. It focuses our attention where God focuses His: on the heart. When we
work on bringing about change at the heart level, we can help children move further along the continuum towards adding
to family life.

Go to JesusHelpMeParent.com to learn more about a heart-based approach to parenting and the tools Jesus provides for
bringing about heart transformation.

Help Me
Parent © 2021 created by B.J. Meurer, Biblical Parenting Coach - JesusHelpMeParent.com
adapted from the National Center for Biblical Parenting - BiblicalParenting.org
Additional Resources
Honor videos on Jesus, Help Me Parent on YouTube
The Solution for Sibling Conflicts is Honor - https://youtu.be/pbxzNtyrlH4
Teaching Kids to be Peacemakers - https://youtu.be/YLmbrUoSo4A
Teaching Kids to be Helpers - https://youtu.be/x91yQjVDhJU
Teaching Kids to Listen to Wisdom - https://youtu.be/UkgT9ACPF34

Helping Your Child with Anger and Other Big Emotions FREE Printable
This free resource provides you with multiple tools to begin the process of helping your children manage
anger and other big feelings. The tools and strategies in this printable are practical, Biblically-based, and
time-tested to bring about heart change that lasts in your kids and family. Get started using these tools
directly with your children today!
Go to bit.ly/AngerHelp for your FREE copy of this printable
Check out the playlist on YouTube for additional videos that show you how to get the most from this
resource - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL-btr0_3589tDuy5nCNYxa-MsM2flSEq

Your Child's Heart Report Card FREE Printable

Answer one page of quick questions about your child and then read on to understand your child's
conscience and what you can do today to strengthen it!
Go to http://bit.ly/HeartReportCard for your FREE copy of this printable

Work with B.J. in a 10 Week Biblical Parenting Coaching Program

Give God 10 weeks and watch Him transform your family! This includes weekly 1:1 personalized coaching
sessions with B.J. as well as lifetime access to the online course for the Biblical Parenting Coaching
Go to http://jesushelpmeparent.com/about to learn more.

Books from the National Center for Biblical Parenting

Say Goodbye to Whining, Complaining, and Bad Attitudes ... in You and Your Kids! - This is the go-to honor
book for parents. Go to http://bit.ly/HonorBook to buy your copy.
Join the Kids Honor Club - This is a great children's curriculum with 13 lessons on honor for ages 3-12. Go to
http://bit.ly/HonorBook to buy your copy.
Parenting is Heart Work - This is the foundational book for a heart-based approach to parenting. Go to
bit.ly/ParentingisHeartWork to buy your copy.
Motivate Your Child - This is a great book for putting a heart-based approach to parenting into action in your
family. Go to bit.ly/MotivateChild to buy your copy.

Help Me
Parent © 2021 created by B.J. Meurer, Biblical Parenting Coach - JesusHelpMeParent.com
Intellectual Property
I LOVE when parents enjoy my work enough to share it with others. You are
welcome to print copies of this printable for your own personal use or for use
with children you are teaching. Please do not share a printed or digital copy of
this original with others. I would LOVE though if you would send them this link
(http://bit.ly/HonorPrintable) so they can get their own copy and so I can Jesus,
connect with them as well. Share the link instead of the product. Thanks in Help Me
advance. Parent
© 2021 JesusHelpMeParent.com
created by B.J. Meurer, Biblical Parenting Coach

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