ANSI 15.4 (2016) Selection Training RO
ANSI 15.4 (2016) Selection Training RO
ANSI 15.4 (2016) Selection Training RO
Published by the
American Nuclear Society
555 N. Kensington Ave
La Grange Park, IL 60526
American Nuclear Society
Prepared by the
American Nuclear Society
Standards Committee
Working Group ANS-15.4
Published by the
American Nuclear Society
555 North Kensington Avenue
La Grange Park, Illinois 60526 USA
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American National Standard ANSI/ANS-15.4-2016
American National Standard ANSI/ANS-15.4-2016
Foreword (This foreword is not part of American National Standard “Selection and Training of Personnel
for Research Reactors,” ANSI/ANS-15.4-2016.)
The standard “Selection and Training of Personnel for Research Reactors,” ANS-15.4,
was first published in 1977. It was revised in 2007 to incorporate requirements for
requalification and medical competence of licensed or certified operations personnel. It is
again being revised, to address changes in regulatory requirements and attitudes and
changes to medical techniques. The standard is designed to be easily adopted by the wide
range of research reactors in operation in the United States and abroad.
Critical facilities and fast pulse reactors should rely on existing standards ANSI/ANS-1-
2000 (R2012), “Conduct of Critical Experiments,” and ANSI/ANS-14.1-2004 (R2014),
“Operation of Fast Pulse Reactors,” and should use ANS-15.4 to supplement these
standards to the extent applicable.
This standard might reference documents and other standards that have been superseded
or withdrawn at the time the standard is applied. A statement has been included in the
reference section that provides guidance on the use of the references.
This standard does not incorporate the concepts of generating risk-informed insights,
performance-based requirements, or a graded approach to quality assurance. The user is
advised that one or more of these techniques could enhance the application of this
The family of research reactor standards that would be helpful for operators, users, and
regulators of these facilities are the following:
• ANSI/ANS-15.1-2007 (R2013), “The Development of Technical Specifications
for Research Reactors”;
• ANSI/ANS-15.2-1999 (R2016), “Quality Control for Plate-Type Uranium-
Aluminum Fuel Elements”;
• ANSI/ANS-15.8-1995 (R2013), “Quality Assurance Program Requirements for
Research Reactors”;
• ANSI/ANS-15.11-2009, “Radiation Protection at Research Reactor Facilities”;
• ANSI/ANS-15.15-1978 (R1986), “Criteria for the Reactor Safety Systems of Re-
search Reactors” (withdrawn);
• ANSI/ANS-15.16-2015, “Emergency Planning for Research Reactors”;
• ANSI/ANS-15.21-2012, “Format and Content for Safety Analysis Reports for
Research Reactors.”
The ANS-15.4 Working Group that developed the standard under the auspices of the
Operation of Research Reactors Subcommittee was composed of the following members:
American National Standard ANSI/ANS-15.4-2016
The Operation of Research Reactors Subcommittee had the following membership at the
time of approval of this standard:
The Research and Advanced Reactors Consensus Committee had the following
membership at the time it reviewed and approved the standard:
American National Standard ANSI/ANS-15.4-2016
Section Page
1 Scope .................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Definitions .......................................................................................................................... 1
2.1 Shall, should, and may ............................................................................................... 1
2.2 Definitions .................................................................................................................. 1
3 Functional levels and assignments of responsibility ........................................................... 3
3.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 3
3.2 Level 1........................................................................................................................ 3
3.3 Level 2........................................................................................................................ 4
3.4 Level 3........................................................................................................................ 4
3.5 Level 4........................................................................................................................ 4
3.6 Other technical personnel ........................................................................................... 4
4 Qualification ....................................................................................................................... 4
4.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 4
4.2 Level 1........................................................................................................................ 4
4.3 Level 2........................................................................................................................ 4
4.4 Level 3........................................................................................................................ 5
4.5 Level 4........................................................................................................................ 5
4.6 Other technical personnel ........................................................................................... 5
5 Initial training and licensing ............................................................................................... 5
5.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 5
5.2 Initial training ............................................................................................................. 5
5.3 Training methods ....................................................................................................... 6
5.3.1 General ........................................................................................................... 6
5.3.2 Classroom methods ........................................................................................ 6
5.3.3 Self-study methods ......................................................................................... 6
5.3.4 On-the-job training methods .......................................................................... 6
5.3.5 Other methods ................................................................................................ 6
5.4 Examinations .............................................................................................................. 6
5.5 Examination administration and evaluation ............................................................... 7
5.6 Medical examination .................................................................................................. 7
5.7 Licensing .................................................................................................................... 7
5.8 Special or limited license ........................................................................................... 8
5.9 Other technical personnel ........................................................................................... 8
6 Requalification and relicensing .......................................................................................... 8
6.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 8
6.2 Requalification program............................................................................................. 8
6.2.1 Refresher training ........................................................................................... 9
6.2.2 Written examination ....................................................................................... 9
6.2.3 Medical examination ...................................................................................... 9
6.2.4 Reactivity control manipulations.................................................................... 9
6.2.5 Operating test or evaluation ........................................................................... 9
6.2.6 Document review ........................................................................................... 9
6.3 Evaluation and retraining ........................................................................................... 9
6.4 Relicensing ............................................................................................................... 10
6.5 Absence from licensed functions ............................................................................. 10
6.6 Exemptions............................................................................................................... 10
7 Medical certification and monitoring of licensed personnel ............................................. 10
American National Standard ANSI/ANS-15.4-2016
Figure 1 Organization Chart … ........................................................................................ 3
American National Standard ANSI/ANS-15.4-2016
This standard is predicated on levels of responsibility rather than on a particular organizational concept.
2 Definitions
2.1 Shall, should, and may
The word “shall” is used to denote a requirement; the word “should” is used to denote a recommendation;
and the word “may” is used to denote permission, neither a requirement nor a recommendation.
2.2 Definitions
The following special definitions will be useful in understanding this and companion or reference
American National Standard ANSI/ANS-15.4-2016
nuclear experience: Experience acquired in reactor facility start-up activities or operation. Experience in
design, construction, maintenance, or related technical services that are job-related may also be
considered. On-the-job training at the reactor facility may qualify as equivalent nuclear experience on a
one-for-one–time basis. Appropriate research or teaching or both may be includable as nuclear
on-the-job training: A systematic, structured method using a qualified person to provide the required
job-related knowledge and skills to a trainee, usually in the actual workplace, with proficiency
permanent medical condition: A change in the medical status of a licensed operator of probable
duration greater than 90 days and for which the activities of the licensed operator may be restricted by the
Level 2 person. Notification of this change shall be made to the responsible authority within 30 days of
defining the condition as permanent.
performance-based training: The type of training that continues or is repeated until established results
are achieved.
research reactor: A research reactor is defined as a device that is designed to support a self-sustaining
neutron chain reaction for research, developmental, educational, training, or experimental purposes and
that may have provisions for the production of radioisotopes.
research reactor facility: Includes all areas within which the owner or operator directs authorized
activities associated with the reactor.
responsible authority: A governmental or other entity with the authority to issue licenses, charters,
permits, or certificates.
safety-related systems: Those systems, structures, and components that perform functions necessary to
shut down the reactor and maintain it in a safe shutdown condition and to minimize radioactive releases to
the environment.
senior reactor operator: An individual who is licensed to direct the activities of reactor operators. Such
an individual is also a reactor operator.
solo operation: Operation of the controls, including monitoring of instrumentation, during reactor
operation with no other person at the facility.
technical support personnel: Unlicensed personnel principally involved in the calibration, maintenance,
repair, and radiation protection activities or performance of other craft and technical activities at the
facility. Examples are laboratory technicians, instrument technicians, and health physics personnel.
temporary medical condition: A change in the medical status of a licensed operator of duration of no
more than 90 days and for which the activities of a licensed operator may be restricted by the Level 2
person. This change does not require a notification to the responsible authority.
American National Standard ANSI/ANS-15.4-2016
The establishment of functional levels and assignments of responsibility is the prerogative of the
organization authorized to operate the research reactor. The functional levels and titles used below are not
intended to define a specific organization or to completely define the responsibilities of each level of an
Responsibilities for various levels of an organization are typically described in the administrative section
of facility technical specifications, as in ANSI/ANS-15.1-2007 (R2013) [1] 1).
It is recognized that for some research reactor facilities, the operating organization may include members
of the design, experimental, or management staff.
For purposes of this standard, the operating organization consists of personnel concerned with operation
and maintenance of a research reactor. The significant functional levels of the operating organizations are
suggested in Fig. 1. The operating organization shall define the assignments and responsibilities of
individuals explicitly in licensing documents if not clearly listed in the technical specifications.
Level 1
Unit or Organization Head
Level 2
Facility Director, Manager, or
Level 3
Reactor or Shift Supervisor
Level 4
Senior Reactor Operators
or Reactor Operators
3.2 Level 1
Number in brackets refers to corresponding number in Sec. 10, “Reference.”
American National Standard ANSI/ANS-15.4-2016
3.3 Level 2
3.4 Level 3
Individual responsible for day-to-day operation or shift. There may be little distinction between Level 3
and Level 4 for smaller facilities.
3.5 Level 4
These are personnel not directly involved in the management and operation of the reactor but who provide
technical support in areas involving the reactor. Examples are laboratory technicians, instrument
technicians, and health physics personnel.
4 Qualification
4.1 General
Research reactor personnel shall have that combination of academic training, job-related experience,
health, and skills commensurate with their level of responsibility that provides reasonable assurance that
decisions and actions during all normal and abnormal conditions will be such that the reactor is operated
in a safe manner.
Nuclear experience acquired at a nuclear reactor may qualify on a one-for-one–time basis (i.e., 1 year of
nuclear experience for 1 year of research reactor experience).
4.2 Level 1
At the time of appointment to the position, the Level 1 person shall receive briefings sufficient to provide
an understanding of the general operational and emergency aspects of the reactor facility.
4.3 Level 2
At the time of appointment to the position, the Level 2 person shall have a minimum of 6 years of nuclear
experience. The individual shall have a recognized baccalaureate or higher degree in an engineering or
scientific field. The degree may fulfill up to 4 years of the 6 years of nuclear experience required. Educa-
tion and or experience that is job related may be substituted for a degree on a case-by-case basis. The
individual shall receive appropriate facility-specific training based upon a comparison of the individual’s
background and abilities with the responsibilities and duties of the position. Because of the educational
and experience requirements of the position, continued formal training may not be required. If this
individual is also to be licensed, the individual shall meet the licensing requirements of the respective
position and responsible authority.
American National Standard ANSI/ANS-15.4-2016
4.4 Level 3
At the time of appointment to the position, the individual shall have received sufficient training at the
facility or elsewhere to satisfy the requirements for licensing as a senior reactor operator. This individual
shall also have 3 years of nuclear experience. A maximum of 2 years equivalent full-time academic train-
ing may be substituted for 2 years of the 3 years of nuclear experience required. Individuals assigned to
Level 3 positions should have a high-school diploma or have successfully completed a General Education
Development (GED) test. Additional academic training is highly recommended.
4.5 Level 4
At the time of appointment to the position, the individual shall have received sufficient training at the
facility or elsewhere to satisfy the requirements for licensing at the appropriate level. Individuals assigned
to Level 4 positions should have a high-school diploma or have successfully completed a GED test.
Individuals who do not have a high-school diploma or GED should not be excluded. Previous job-related
experience or education should also be considered. An individual’s ability to successfully complete the
training program for the Level 4 position and satisfy all job performance requirements should be the
determining factors for appointment to the position.
Technical support personnel shall have a minimum of 1 year of working experience in their specialty or
craft and shall be qualified to perform the work for the position.
All personnel requiring reactor operator or senior reactor operator licenses shall receive comprehensive
training and meet licensing requirements of qualification, training, medical condition, and proficiency
prior to issuance of the license.
A training program shall be established at each reactor facility based on the knowledge and skill required
for reactor operators and senior reactor operators to perform their functions safely and effectively. The
amount and depth of training should be commensurate with the level of responsibility and should take
into account previous experience and training. A performance-based–type training program is preferred.
Both general and specific training shall be provided. The training may be in any combination of
classroom, on-the-job, and self-study. A trainee who manipulates the controls and performs the functions
of a licensed operator shall do so only under the direct supervision of a licensed operator.
(1) General training. Includes nuclear and reactor technology, general operating characteristics, and
radiation protection principles. Training or experience elsewhere or licensing at another facility
may be substituted for general training;
(2) Specific training. Applies to the individual facility and includes plant systems and reactor design
and operation, instrumentation and controls, safety features, procedures and technical
specifications, and applicable rules and requirements. The training shall cover the as-built and
existing facility as described in the safety analysis report or similar documentation.
American National Standard ANSI/ANS-15.4-2016
5.3.1 General
The training of research reactor operations personnel may be in any combination of classroom training,
on-the-job training, self-study, and simulator training. Instructors and evaluators shall have the knowledge
and the ability to teach their subject matter or evaluate candidates. The depth of the training should be
based on the trainees’ performance.
Classroom training should include formal lectures, exercises and problems, and demonstrations as
Self-study methods should be structured and include appropriate monitoring and measurement of
achievement of learning objectives.
On-the-job training methods should be performed under the direction of qualified individuals, preferably
licensed, and should include an evaluation of training performance.
Unstructured activities such as participation in facility-related design and safety review groups,
experimental activities, related technical publications and presentations, and performance of maintenance
and calibration activities are important contributors to operational knowledge and should be credited for
qualification and training.
5.4 Examinations
Written, operating, and oral examinations for initial licensing shall be administered by or under the
direction of the responsible authority. The examinations should be designed and weighted for the
appropriate license level. Appropriate reference materials should be made available. To test the
candidate’s full understanding of the reactor facility, there should be no restrictions on the selection of
questions covering the categories listed below. All examinations should be designed such that the
minimum acceptance criteria of Sec. 5.5 can be achieved.
(1) Written examination. Written examinations shall be operationally oriented, practical, and
objective. The recommended type is multiple choice, 20 questions with four answers per question
in each of the following categories:
(a) Theory. Topics include nuclear theory, principles of reactor operations, general and specific
facility operating characteristics, and applicable thermodynamics,
(b) Procedures and radiological controls. Topics include normal procedures, abnormal
procedures, emergency procedures, radiation protection principles and procedures,
administrative rules, and technical specifications,
(c) Systems. Topics include plant systems, radiation protection systems, instrumentation and
American National Standard ANSI/ANS-15.4-2016
(2) Operating and oral examinations. Operating and oral examinations shall be designed to test the
candidate’s knowledge and skill to properly operate the reactor under normal and abnormal
circumstances. Examples of those skills are anticipation of and response to events, facility
awareness, use of references, and communications. The number and type of tasks to be performed
are dictated by the complexity of the facility. The recommended number is five or more and
should include reactor start-up and shutdown. Tasks may be actual or simulated.
Examples of tasks to be performed under normal and abnormal circumstances are as follows:
(a) Operations and procedures tasks including pre-start-up, restart, and shutdown checklists;
reactor start-up; shutdown; reactivity manipulations to change power; and application of
administrative rules such as tagging of equipment, radiation work permits, etc.,
(b) Other reactivity tasks including fuel movements, insertion and removal of experiments, and
rod exchange or movements without power change,
(c) Maintenance and monitoring tasks including verifying operability of equipment for the
purpose of technical specification compliance, routine inspection of the facility, surveillance
tests, water chemistry analysis, and demonstrating knowledge of reactor system and auxiliary
systems’ controls and indications;
(a) Response to alarms and trips such as scrams, rundowns, high radiation, low water level, loss
of coolant, loss of flow, and loss of electrical power,
The minimum acceptance score shall be 70% for each category of the written examination and 70% for
the entire operating and oral examination. Individuals who did not achieve passing scores in one or more
of the categories listed in Sec. 5.4 may be reexamined following retraining in the deficient areas. The
responsible authority may waive reexamination in categories with passing scores provided the candidate
has demonstrated proficiency in those portions of an examination.
5.7 Licensing
Licenses for reactor operators and senior reactor operators shall be issued by the responsible authority
upon successful completion of all licensing requirements including qualification, training, medical
certification, and examinations.
American National Standard ANSI/ANS-15.4-2016
For nonoperating reactors that continue to hold fuel sufficient to achieve criticality, a special license
limited to fuel handling may be issued to individuals by the responsible authority. All requirements of
licensing, training, examination, and requalification should be limited to this aspect of the operation
including fuel storage and monitoring, fuel handling and movement, associated systems, instrumentation,
and procedures. Examinations may be combined into a single category that covers these areas.
It shall be the responsibility of Level 2 to assure that technical support personnel have the necessary
knowledge and skills to work on safety-related systems. Because of the experience required of these
individuals, additional technical training may not be required. Training covering general facility
operations, administrative controls and procedures, and radiation protection as pertinent to the job
requirements of technical support personnel and the safety of the facility shall be given.
A program for the periodic requalification of licensed individuals shall be established. The objectives of
the program are to refresh in areas of infrequent operation, to review facility and procedural changes, to
address subject matter not reinforced by direct use, and to improve in areas of performance weakness. The
program should be designed to evaluate a candidate’s knowledge and proficiency to perform his or her
duties and retrain where necessary. Emphasis is on those subjects necessary for continued proficiency.
The program shall take into consideration the specialized nature and mode of operation of the research
reactor and the background, skill, degree of responsibility, and participation of reactor operations
personnel in related activities. The program shall reflect facility modifications and changes in procedures.
Requalification examinations shall be administered by an individual or group designated by Level 2.
Successful completion of the program is required in order for the individual to continue to perform
licensed activities.
The requalification program shall be conducted over a period not to exceed 24 months, to be followed by
successive 24-month programs. During the 24-month period, the following shall be provided or
For the first 12-month interval and for the second 12-month interval of the 24-month period, the licensed
individual shall
The operating test or evaluation shall be completed no later than the last day of the 12th month.
American National Standard ANSI/ANS-15.4-2016
This training shall be provided in critical areas not routinely used by the operator such as emergency
planning, response to abnormal conditions, selected topics in radiation protection and reactor operation
principles, and changes to facility design and procedures.
This examination shall be written, administered, and evaluated in the same way as the initial licensing
examination, with emphasis on licensed activities and changes in design and procedures.
Each licensed individual shall undergo medical examination and evaluation as part of the requalification
program and shall meet the requirements of Sec. 7.
The licensed individual shall perform a number of reactivity manipulations in any combination of reactor
start-ups, shutdowns, and reactivity or power changes as approved in the facility’s requalification
program or established by Level 2. The recommended number is five. For senior reactor operators, direct
supervision of these operations may be considered equivalent to actual performance.
At least five tasks selected from Sec. 5.4 including a reactor start-up and shutdown shall be performed
and evaluated. The performance of the task may be actual or simulated.
All licensed individuals shall review the contents of abnormal and emergency procedures. All licensed
individuals shall be cognizant of facility technical specifications, design, and procedure changes in a
timely manner.
The same scoring criteria used in the original licensing, Sec. 5.5, shall be used for requalification.
Additional requalification training in the form of formal lectures, tutoring, self-study, or on-the-job
training shall be based on the results of the requalification examination. The following considerations
should be used:
(1) A score on the written examination equal to or greater than the acceptance criteria may require no
additional training;
(2) A score on the written examination below the acceptance criteria shall require additional training
in those topics where weakness or deficiencies are indicated. This retraining and retesting shall be
completed prior to the candidate’s being relicensed;
(3) An overall score on the written examination of 60% shall require that an evaluation by Level 2 or
designated representative be performed. The evaluation shall determine if the deficiencies require
that the individual’s license be withdrawn pending completion of an accelerated retraining effort.
The evaluation shall take into account the individual’s past performance record, the supervisor’s
American National Standard ANSI/ANS-15.4-2016
evaluation, and past test scores, as well as current deficiencies. Additional oral or operational
examinations may also be given to aid in the evaluation. In any case, the individual shall be
removed from solo operation or licensed activities within 4 months if the candidate cannot
achieve passing scores after reexamination;
(4) Regardless of the score, if the evaluation indicates a deficiency in a critical area that affects
safety, training shall be administered to promptly correct the critical deficiency;
(5) An evaluation of the operating performance of licensed individuals shall be documented. The
operational evaluation provides a measure of the knowledge, competence, and dexterity to
operate the reactor and to take proper action in response to situations that may arise. Additional
operational training shall be provided to correct performance weaknesses. Such additional
training shall be completed prior to the conclusion of the requalification program for that
6.4 Relicensing
Licenses may be renewed prior to their expiration upon application and successful completion of the
requalification program and medical certification.
Licensed personnel who have not actively performed the functions of an operator or senior operator for a
minimum of 4 hours per calendar quarter shall perform a minimum of 6 hours of licensed functions under
the direction of a qualified individual holding the same or higher-level license prior to being reinstated.
6.6 Exemptions
At the discretion of the responsible authority, any portion of the requalification examination may be
waived for Level 2 or for individuals preparing the examination.
The primary responsibility for assuring that qualified personnel are on-duty rests with Level 2. The health
requirements set forth herein shall be considered to determine the physical condition and general health of
the individual in order to perform certain assigned duties as determined by Level 2. Each requirement
should be considered in the context of the certain assigned duties of the individual at the particular facility
as related to the consequences of health-induced operational errors endangering public health and safety.
The designated medical examiner shall be conversant with this standard.
Medical examinations shall be conducted prior to initial licensing and no less than every 2 years
thereafter, with the periodic examination completed no later than the last day of the 12th month of the
second year. More frequent examinations may be required if conditions warrant as determined by Level 2
or upon the recommendation of the designated medical examiner.
American National Standard ANSI/ANS-15.4-2016
The physical condition and the general health of research reactor operators shall be such that they are
capable of properly carrying out licensed activities under normal, abnormal, and emergency conditions
and are able to perform the associated tasks. Conditions that can cause sudden incapacitation such as
coronary heart disease, stroke, epilepsy, mental disorder, diabetes, fainting spells, impaired hearing or vi-
sion, and effects of medication are most serious in solo operation but shall be considered at any research
Many of the conditions indicated above may be accommodated by restricting the activities of the
individual, requiring close surveillance of the condition, imposing a medical regime, or requiring a second
individual to be present when the individual in question is performing certain assigned duties. As a
minimum, the second individual shall be able to shut down the reactor and summon competent help.
(1) Capacity. The examinee shall demonstrate stability and capacity for all of the following:
(b) Acuity of senses and ability of expression to allow accurate communications by spoken,
written, or other audible, visible, or tactile signals,
(c) Stamina, motor power, range of motion, and dexterity as needed to allow ready access to and
safe execution of certain assigned duties for the specific facility;
(2) Freedom from incapacity. The examinee shall be free of any of the following conditions that are
considered by the designated medical examiner and Level 2 as predisposing to incapacity for
(c) Any condition, habit, or practice that might result in sudden or unexpected incapacitation.
The presence of any of the following conditions, which have a high probability of sudden or unexpected
incapacitation, unless adequately compensated, shall disqualify the individual for solo operation.
Laboratory tests such as electrocardiogram (ECG), blood and urinalysis, and X-rays should be used to
evaluate the individual prior to disqualification for solo operation.
(a) Frequent severe uncontrolled attacks of asthma within the previous 2 years,
(b) Tracheostomy or laryngectomy if they severely impair speech or cause shortness of breath,
American National Standard ANSI/ANS-15.4-2016
(a) Ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, coronary insufficiency or angina pectoris
unless thorough history, physical examination, ECG, and other test procedures indicate
satisfactory cardiac function and reserve,
(e) Pacemaker,
(a) Diabetes mellitus. Uncontrolled diabetes, ketoacidosis, diabetic coma, or insulin shock within
the previous 2 years,
(i) Stable diabetics adequately controlled by diet or oral medication may be qualified for
solo operation,
(ii) Insulin-dependent stable diabetics may also be qualified for solo operation providing
adequate provisions are made to guard against insulin shock as certified by the designated
medical examiner;
(a) History of epilepsy, unless the examinee has remained seizure-free for at least the previous 5
years with medication or has remained seizure-free during the previous 2 years without
(5) Mental condition. An established history or clinical diagnosis of any of the following:
(a) Any psychological or mental condition that could cause impaired alertness, judgment, or
motor ability. Clinically significant emotional or behavioral problems shall require thorough
clinical evaluation that may include psychological testing and psychiatric evaluation,
(b) A personality disorder that is severe enough to have repeatedly manifested itself by overt
bizarre, disruptive, or similar acts, unless the condition has been relieved and certified.
Otherwise, the disorder shall be disqualifying for all operations,
(c) History or threat of suicide attempt shall be disqualifying for all operations,
(e) Alcohol abuse or dependence, unless treated and corrected, shall be disqualifying for all
American National Standard ANSI/ANS-15.4-2016
(f) Abuse of drugs other than alcohol, tobacco, or ordinary caffeine-containing beverages, as
evidenced by nonprescribed habitual use of the drug, unless the condition is treated and
corrected. Otherwise, abuse shall be disqualifying for all operations;
(6) Medication. Any medication taken in such a dosage that the taking or temporary delay of taking
might be expected to result in high probability of sudden incapacitation.
(1) Ears. Puretone audiometric threshold average better than 30 dB, for speech frequencies 500,
1000, 2000, and 3000 Hz in better ear with or without the use of a hearing aid. If audiometric
scores are unacceptable, qualification may be based upon on-site demonstration to the satisfaction
of the facility operator of the examinee’s ability to safely detect, interpret, and respond to speech
and other auditory signals;
(2) Eyes.
(a) Near and distant visual acuity 20/40 in better eye, corrected or uncorrected. Corrective lenses
may be used only as needed to correct a specific vision deficiency,
(b) Field of vision shall be at least 70 degrees in the horizontal meridian in each eye measured by
(c) For initial examination only, color vision adequate to distinguish among red, green, and
orange-yellow signal lamps, and any other unique coding if required for safe operation of the
particular facility as defined by the facility operator;
(4) Cardiovascular. Normal configuration and function including normal blood pressure with
tolerance to postural changes and capacity for exertion during emergencies. The examining
physician shall report whether asymmetrical neck and peripheral pulses or resting pulse rates less
than 50 or more than 100 beats per minute are normal for the individual and of no significance. If
the examination reveals significant cardiac arrhythmia, murmur, untreated hypertension (over
160/100 mmHg sustained) intolerance to postural changes, cardiac enlargement, or other
evidence to cardiovascular abnormality, a report of an evaluation shall accompany the medical
examination report. This evaluation shall include, but is not limited to, an interpretation of an
ECG and chest X-ray to indicate whether condition will cause sudden incapacitation;
(5) Musculoskeletal. Normal symmetrical structure, range of motion, and power. If any impairment
exists, the applicant shall demonstrate ability to effectively perform certain assigned duties;
(8) Neurological. Normal central and peripheral nervous system function. Tactile discrimination
(stereognosis) sufficient to distinguish among various shapes of control knobs and handles by touch.
If the results of the examination including medical history are inconclusive, more comprehensive
examination and testing as indicated by the designated medical examiner should be performed in order to
determine whether or not the individual meets the requirements of the standard and is free of
disqualifying conditions.
American National Standard ANSI/ANS-15.4-2016
If an examinee fails to meet any of the preceding specified minimum requirements but can demonstrate to
the satisfaction of Level 2 complete capacity to perform assigned duties, the designated medical examiner
may recommend waiver of that portion of this standard. It is the examinee’s responsibility to supply
additional information necessary for consideration of the granting of such a waiver. Documentation sup-
porting the waiver shall include
(1) Medical history and results of physical examination and other pertinent medical findings;
(2) Description by Level 2 or higher of specific practical tests and demonstrations of ability to
perform certain assigned duties that might be reasonably expected to have a high probability to be
affected by the impairment;
(3) Certification from Level 2 indicating that the individual can safely perform his or her assigned duties.
Examinees who do not meet all requirements for either qualification or waiver for unrestricted research
reactor operator duties may be granted limited approval. The following limitations shall apply:
(1) A second person shall be present at the facility at all times when the individual is performing
certain assigned duties (nonsolo operation);
(2) A system of communications or checks shall be established such that the second person is alerted
when assistance is needed.
Results of prescribed medical examinations shall be documented and shall include sufficient detail to
support the Level 2 justification of the examinee’s physical condition and general health. The
documentation should also include the examinee’s authorization for use or disclosure of the results of
medical examinations. Records shall be kept for the duration of the currently valid license.
To establish a new program, the following elements should be incorporated into the program:
(2) If illegal substance use has been confirmed, prompt treatment shall be sought and provided;
American National Standard ANSI/ANS-15.4-2016
(3) On-the-job use of legal substances including alcohol that would impair alertness, judgment, or
actions shall be prohibited;
(4) Substance abuse including alcohol that would impair alertness, judgment, or actions shall be
addressed and treated;
(5) Sufficient time shall be allowed following the use of legal drugs or consumption of alcohol for
their effect to dissipate such that alertness, judgment, or actions are not impaired;
(6) Each facility should make provisions to provide assistance including counseling to affected
(7) Management should be diligent in early detection of symptoms that may indicate use of
substances that would impair alertness, judgment, or actions.
The qualifications of licensed personnel shall be appropriately documented. The documentation should
include the following:
9.2 Records
Records of the qualification, training, retraining, examinations, and evaluations of each licensed
individual in the organization shall be retained for the duration of the currently valid license.
10 Reference
The user is advised to review the following reference to determine whether it, a more recent version, or a
replacement document is the most pertinent for each application. When alternate documents are used, the
user is advised to document this decision and its basis.
[1] ANSI/ANS-15.1-2007 (R2013), “The Development of Technical Specifications for Research Reactors,”
American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, Illinois.