Performance of Thermoplastic Road Marking Material: Technical Paper

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Performance of thermoplastic TECHNICAL PAPER

road‑marking material Journal of the South African

Institution of Civil Engineering
ISSN 1021-2019
Vol 60 No 2, June 2018, Pages 9–22, Paper 1584
S Naidoo, W J vd M Steyn

SOMA NAIDOO (Pr Tech Eng) is a Deputy

Director in the Roads and Transport
The most important aspect of road markings is that they must be retroreflective. The minimum
Department at the City of Tshwane
night-time visibility (retroreflectivity) (RL) for white and yellow road markings must be Metropolitan Municipality. He has a BSc
100 mcd/‌m2/lx and 70 mcd/m2/lx respectively. There are also other important parameters to (Hons) degree in Civil Engineering and an
which road markings should conform, such as the day-time visibility (luminance) (Qd), colour and MSc degree in Transportation Planning,
both obtained at the University of Pretoria.
skid resistance. The South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) regulations on plastic road-marking
He has experience in the construction of
materials are insufficient, and therefore road-marking applicators could be applying inferior roads and bridges, and is currently involved in infrastructure asset
quality plastic road-marking materials. Since the European specifications are widely adopted by management. He is also a Professional Member of IMESA (Institute of
many countries, the BS EN 2007 specification was used in conjunction with the available South Municipal Engineering of Southern Africa),

African standards in this study to determine the performance of thermoplastic road-marking Contact details:
materials. Retroreflectivity testing is important in controlling the final road-marking product. PO Box 1290
Pretoria 0001
The objectives of this study were: South Africa
T: +27 12 358 4870
■■ To determine the RL and Qd service lives of various road-marking paints and road-marking
E: [email protected]
materials on asphalt and chip seal road surfaces.
■■ To determine if there are significant differences in RL, Qd and the colour of the road
markings when washed with liquid soap mixed with water and hard brooms. Head of the Department of Civil Engineering
■■ To check if the colour and skid resistance of the applied road markings comply with the and full professor (focusing on road
pavement related subjects) at the University
of Pretoria. His research interests centre on
Based on the data obtained from the study, the following conclusions were drawn: vehicle-pavement interaction, accelerated
pavement testing, pavement engineering,
■■ The RL and Qd service lives of various road-marking paints and road-marking materials on
pavement materials and instrumentation.
asphalt and chip seal road surfaces were determined as between 1 and 48 months, and 1 He has authored, co-authored and edited 27 journal papers, 20 book
and 30 months respectively. chapters (author / co-author / editor) and 97 conference papers. He is
■■ There was no significant increase in RL or colour compliance of the washed road markings, Associate Editor of the International Journal for Pavement Engineering
and has a B3 National Research Foundation (NRF) rating. He is a Member
while there was generally an increase in Qd after washing the test markings. of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering.
■■ White road markings generally complied with the colour specification, while yellow road
Contact details:
markings did not comply with the specification. Department of Civil Engineering
■■ The initial skid resistance of white and yellow 1.2 mm thermoplastic road markings complied University of Pretoria
with the specification, while all other road markings did not comply with the specification. Private Bag X20
Hatfield 0028
South Africa
T: +27 12 420 2171
INTRODUCTION experienced high road fatality rates com- E: [email protected]
Public roads without road markings, espe- pared with high-income countries with
cially roads carrying high traffic volumes, high vehicle ownership (Letsoalo 2012).
would lead to chaos and accidents result- This could be attributed to the lack of
ing in injuries and loss of life. The road road safety awareness campaigns, and the
authorities need to ensure that all signage, lack of maintenance of roads and roadside
i.e. horizontal (road markings) and vertical furniture. The contributing factors to the
(traffic signs), are well maintained and con- high number of road accident fatalities are
form to the Southern African Development human factors, vehicle factors, road factors
Community Road Traffic Signs Manual and environmental factors (Letsoalo 2012).
(SADC RTSM) (SADC 1997) and the The highest percentage of road accidents
South African Road Traffic Signs Manual occur at night, and this is the main reason
(SARTSM) (1999). for road markings to be retroreflective
According to Letsoalo (2012), there are in order to guide the road user. It may
approximately 27 road accident fatalities not necessarily be that the road accidents
per 100 000 in South Africa, while globally have occurred as a result of defective road
it is approximately 10.3 road accident fatali- markings, but as road authorities have a
ties per 100 000. Approximately 14 000 certain degree of control over road mark-
people are killed annually on the roads ings, the authorities should ensure that the
in South Africa. Middle and low-income markings are continuously maintained to
countries with low vehicle ownership the required standards to eliminate road Keywords: retroreflectivity, luminance, skid resistance, colour

Naidoo S, Steyn WJ vd M. Performance of thermoplastic road-marking material.

J. S. Afr. Inst. Civ. Eng. 2018:60(2), Art. #1584, 14 pages. 9
markings as a possible cause of accidents. road-marking practices and materials, that contain no or lesser quantities of
According to Martin et al (1996), an and it remains necessary that on-going carcinogens, hence the introduction of
effective road-marking system facilitates attention be given to the development of thermoplastic road-marking materials
driver guidance, improves traffic flow, con- the local road-marking materials and their (Martin et al 1996).
tributes to driving comfort and enhances application. It is advised in the SARTSM Although South Africa does not have
traffic safety. (1999) that each road authority should a thermoplastic road-marking material
develop its own estimated service life based standard, there are good EN standards that
on local conditions and experience, due to could be written into contract documents
BACKGROUND the variations in the parameters associated to ensure quality control of the road-
The most important aspect of road mark- with the service life of road-marking paints marking product.
ings is that it must be retroreflective and materials.
(brightness at night under headlights). Although thermoplastic road markings
The minimum R L for white and yel- have been in use for a number of years, ROAD-MARKING STANDARDS
low road markings must be 100 mil- there is little agreement on their service The standards commonly used for road-
licandelas/m2/‌lux (mcd/m2/lx) and life. The problem arises in attempting marking materials worldwide are:
70 mcd/‌m2/lx respectively (SADC RTSM) to establish an expected service life of a ■■ American Association of State
(SADC 1997). There are other important particular material on a given roadway. Highway and Transportation Officials
parameters that road markings should There are too many factors influencing (AASHTO) Standards
conform to, such as Qd, colour, and skid performance to permit an average life to ■■ British Standards (BS)
resistance. There are various types of road- be predicted with any confidence without ■■ European Standards (EN).
marking paints and road-marking materi- carrying out research. The South African Almost all national standards are based
als, namely solvent-borne, waterborne, National Roads Agency Limited (SANRAL) on one or the other of these standards. BS
cold plastic, thermoplastic and preformed has adopted a performance-based specifi- has merged with EN and thus the current
tape applied universally. In South Africa, cation in its road-marking contracts. The BS for thermoplastic road markings is
solvent-borne paints, waterborne paints specification indicates only the required BS EN 2007. The original road-marking
and thermoplastic materials are widely R L , but experience has shown that some standard (BS 3262) was what is known as a
used, with cold plastic materials being of the important performance standards “recipe” standard. It specified the percent-
increasingly used of late. There are SABS may not be satisfactory. For example, age of each material to be included in the
standards on solvent-borne and waterborne yellow road markings tend to look white thermoplastic. Recipe standards have been
road-marking paints covering a wide range at night and in South Africa yellow road discontinued for two decades in Europe,
of aspects. However, there are insufficient markings have a different meaning to white but are still widespread elsewhere in the
standards on plastic road-marking materi- road markings, and as such could lead to world. Many countries are now switching
als, and road-marking applicators could the wrong action taken by the driver. In to performance-based standards.
therefore be applying inferior quality plas- the City of Tshwane (CoT) the current A recipe-based specification dictates to
tic road-marking materials. road-marking maintenance programme is the manufacturer what has to be included
The Committee of Land Transport determined mostly by the visibility of the in the material in terms of the ingredients.
Officials (COLTO) (1998) specifications road marking. This is not objective, since Any particular thermoplastic made to
refer to the use of hot melt thermoplastic each engineer may view the road markings this specification may perform well or
as a possible road-marking material, differently, and as such there may be incon- badly, depending on the quality of the raw
subject to its specification in the project sistencies in the road-marking maintenance materials used, the skill with which they
specifications. No further guidance or programme over the city roads. are blended and the application, but poor
specifications for this material are given. performance is not the manufacturer’s
Thermoplastic road-marking material is a problem, as the manufacturer has met
100% solid, environmentally and user-safe TYPES OF ROAD-MARKING the specification. A performance-based
compound which consists of binder, pig- PAINTS AND MATERIALS specification, on the other hand, allows the
ment, filler and intermix glass beads. There There are various types of road-marking manufacturer to use whatever raw materi-
are various suppliers of raw materials from materials available which vary in price als he chooses, but it lays down the perfor-
countries such as the UK, US, China, India, and performance. Commonly used road- mance standards that the thermoplastic
Singapore and Saudi Arabia. Some of the marking materials include solvent-borne road marking must meet in use.
local suppliers in South Africa are import- and waterborne paints, thermoplastic
ing the constituents and formulating the (including preformed tape) and cold plastic.
mix, which is sold to road-marking applica- The most common road marking applied THERMOPLASTIC ROAD-
tors who then apply it on the road network. in South Africa for many years has been MARKING MATERIAL
It is important to draw up a specification the solvent-borne paint, as it has been the Thermoplastic road-marking material is
and establish testing systems to ensure cheapest in the market and readily avail- a mixture of glass beads, binder, pigment
that imported road-marking materials are able, being locally manufactured. Solvents and filler material. Dry thermoplastic
suitable for the environment and climate, contain volatile organic compounds compound is generally heated in a thermo-
and that it should perform to at least a (VOCs) which are carcinogenic. Concern statically controlled pre-heater or boiler
certain degree. There is little published over carcinogens prompted research to to a temperature of 220°C and agitated
information specific to South African develop other pavement marking materials continuously until a homogenised liquid

10 Volume 60 Number 2 June 2018 Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering
is achieved, before transferring it to an Filler Screed thermoplastic
application vehicle (AASHTO 2016). The Filler is a powder added to assist the Screed thermoplastic is generally applied by
hot, melted liquid is applied onto the road dispersion of the pigment, thereby provid- manual hand-push equipment for small road
surface with drop-on glass beads added on ing colour uniformity throughout the markings, such as transverse road markings,
top to produce high initial R L as may be mix (SS 2002a). Fillers are made up of a arrows, words and symbols. Thermoplastic
stipulated in the specifications of the road mixture of calcium carbonate, sand and that is required to be applied thicker than
authority. The material usually dries within other inert materials to impart body to the 2 mm for small markings is usually applied
a short space of time. mixture. The filler is also an important by the screed method.
constituent to ensure that RL is achieved,
Glass beads as well as for the daylight appearance of the Preformed thermoplastic
Road markings must be applied with glass road markings. Preformed thermoplastic which is
beads on roads where R L is required. The manufactured in sheets (commonly
retroreflection of road markings in wet or 600 mm × 900 mm) will have to be cut
rainy conditions is much lower than in dry APPLICATION OF up into the road marking size required
conditions, and as such the road markings THERMOPLASTIC ROAD- before application (TMRS 2012). The road
should be enhanced with special properties MARKING MATERIALS surface must be cleaned and then the cut-
to improve the R L (BS EN 2007). Thermoplastic road-marking materials up preformed thermoplastic is placed in its
Drop-on glass beads are applied to the can be applied in either a liquid or a solid final position and heated with the flame of
surface of both thermoplastic markings form. Liquid thermoplastic is applied in a blow torch to between 150°C and 180°C
and liquid paint markings through a bead three ways, namely by spraying, extruding (TMRS 2012). It is usually manufactured
dispenser which should be an integral part or by screed (TMRS 2012). Thermoplastic to a thickness of 3 mm, and the dry film
of any paint sprayer. Glass beads are fed in a solid form is commonly referred to as thickness is approximately 2 mm after
onto the paint by means of a mechanical preformed thermoplastic. application onto the road surface. It can
process or by gravity. Thermoplastic road be seen that, due to the manufactured
markings also contain intermix beads Spray thermoplastic sheet size, preformed thermoplastic will be
which become exposed as the surface of Spray thermoplastic is applied by mobile more conducive as road marking arrows
the thermoplastic wears off, thereby pro- equipment at a rapid application rate and and symbols. It is also an ideal product
ducing R L throughout most of its service dries almost instantly. This results in the to be used as Control of Speed by Illusion
life. The added advantage of glass beads requirement for minimal traffic accom- (COSBI) lines for traffic calming purposes.
is that it provides skid resistance. The modation and shorter periods of road
important properties of glass beads to be closures, which reduce travel time delays.
analysed in order for the beads to perform Spray thermoplastic is usually applied at a METHODOLOGY
optimally include gradation, refractive thickness of 1.2 mm in South Africa, while Road trials of permanent road markings
index, roundness and clarity, and coating in most European countries the minimum should be conducted over the full climatic
(Gates et al 2003; Miglets et al 1994). application thickness is 1.5 mm, and 2 mm cycles of at least one year (BS EN 2011;
in the US. In Australia spray thermoplastic SANS 2006a; SANS 2006b). The SABS con-
Binder is applied at 2 mm (TMRS 2012). One of ducts road trials only on transversely applied
Binder (resin) is the constituent that pro- the reasons for thermoplastic road marking test markings (SANS 2006a; SANS 2006b).
vides adhesion to the road surface and the being applied thicker in Europe and the According to BS EN (2011), the test mark-
other constituents (the pigments, fillers and US is due to the scraping away of some of ings are applied transversely and longitudi-
glass beads (SS 2002a). An effective road the thermoplastic under the action of the nally on a flat asphalt road which has been
marking system requires not only quality snowplough where snow has settled on established for at least a year.
glass beads, but also a quality binder. If the road. The other reason is that the US,
either part of the road marking system is Australia and Europe consider road safety
not good, or they are not installed properly, as a high priority and allocate sufficient RESEARCH DESIGN
then the road marking system will not budgets for road-marking maintenance. The following activities were undertaken as
perform as well as it could. part of this study:
Extruded thermoplastic ■■ Nine roads were selected, which
Pigment Extruded thermoplastic is also applied by included asphalt roads and chip seal
Pigment is a fine powder added primarily mobile equipment, but the mix design of roads, both new and long established.
to impart colour and opacity to the mix- the material is different and the viscosity is The roads were categorised into “clean
ture. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is a common also higher than spray thermoplastic. The asphalt surfaced roads” (roads that are
reflective pigment used in white road applied product takes a longer time to dry self-cleansing, for example when it rains
markings, and higher levels in R L can be than spray plastic, as it is usually applied and sand from the edge of the road is
achieved by adding more TiO2 (Smadi et al at a thickness of 3 mm in South Africa. washed onto the road, the sand will flow
2013). Too much TiO2 used in yellow road In Singapore extruded thermoplastic is into the stormwater system due to the
markings may result in the road markings applied between 2.5 mm and 3 mm, while effective gradient and efficient storm-
appearing a lighter yellow, and this is usu- in Europe and the US it is applied up to water system), “dirty asphalt surfaced
ally observed on road markings where a 5 mm and 4.8 mm respectively (SS 2002b; roads” (sub-standard roads resulting
high initial R L is specified. AASHTO 2016). in sand remaining on the roads due to

Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering Volume 60 Number 2 June 2018 11
the ineffective gradient and also due to
a lack of stormwater systems), “clean
sealed roads” and “dirty sealed roads”.
■■ A link of the road, as can be seen in
Figure 1, was selected, and at least two
blocks of transverse markings were
applied, depending on the length of
the link. A set of transverse markings
comprised various types of road mark-

Section 1
ings, namely waterborne road-marking
Block 1
paints, cold plastic and thermoplastic
road-marking materials.
■■ A block of transverse test road mark-

Typical detail of a block of test road markings

ings was made up of three sections of
various white and yellow road-marking
paints and materials, as can be seen in
Figure 2. Each road marking was applied

Typical link
to a width of 150 mm, as recommended

Section 2
in SANS (2006a) with a gap of 200 mm Block 2
over the width of a lane selected.
■■ The positions of the longitudinal test
road markings were also broken up into
blocks, similar to that of the transverse
test road markings.
■■ The test road markings were applied on
clean, dry surfaces and the temperature
Section 3

of the road surface was greater than 10°C, Block 3

as recommended in COLTO (1998).
■■ The test road markings were applied on
the road surface as follows: waterborne
road-marking paints (0.42 l/m2), cold
plastic (1 mm), and thermoplastic
(1.2 mm and 3 mm). The road-marking
paints and materials were applied
on test plates at the same time when
applying the test road markings on the
road surface to ensure that the correct
application rates were achieved. Figure 1 Typical layout of the test road markings on a link of road
■■ Initially five service providers agreed
to provide road-marking paints and
road-marking materials. At the time of 150 mm line White waterborne (SP2)
applying the road-marking paints and White waterborne (SP1)
materials, only four service providers White waterborne (SP3)
White 1.2 mm thermoplastic (SP2)
kept to the arrangements. The acronym White 1.2 mm thermoplastic (SP1)
SP1 means service provider one, SP2 White 1.2 mm thermoplastic (SP5)
200 mm gap
means service provider two, and so on. White 1 mm cold plastic (SP2)
White 1 mm cold plastic (SP4)
■■ The traffic counting system was set
White 1 mm cold plastic (SP1)
up such that the traffic counts were White 3 mm screed (SP1)
obtained from the lane where the trans-
1 000 mm gap
verse test road markings were applied.
The counts were obtained over 14 Yellow waterborne (SP2)
Yellow waterborne (SP1)
consecutive days during a period while Yellow waterborne (SP3)
schools were operational, and converted Yellow 1.2 mm thermoplastic (SP2)
into Annual Average Daily Traffic Yellow 1.2 mm thermoplastic (SP1)
Yellow 1.2 mm thermoplastic (SP5)
(AADT). Yellow 1 mm cold plastic (SP2)
The following road-marking paints and Yellow 1 mm cold plastic (SP4)
materials (both white and yellow) were Yellow 1 mm cold plastic (SP1)
Yellow 3 mm screed (SP1)
applied on the test sites:
■■ Waterborne road-marking paint which
conformed to SANS (2006b) Figure 2 Typical detail of a section of transverse test road markings

12 Volume 60 Number 2 June 2018 Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering
■■ Imported waterborne road-marking
■■ Cold plastic road-marking material
blended in South Africa
■■ Imported cold plastic road-marking
■■ Thermoplastic road-marking material
blended in South Africa
■■ Imported thermoplastic road-marking


According to the SADC RTSM
(SADC 1997), the minimum RL for used
white and yellow road markings must be
100 mcd/m2/lx and 70 mcd/m2/lx respec-
tively. These values were used to determine
the RL service life of the test road markings
in this study. There is no standard published Figure 3 Long-established clean asphalt road (Middel Street)
by the SABS with regard to Qd on road
markings, hence the BS EN (2007) specifica-
tion was used to analyse this parameter.
According to BS EN (2007), the minimum
Qd for white and yellow road markings
must be 100 mcd/m2/lx and 80 mcd/m2/‌lx
respectively. These values were used to
determine the Qd service life of the test
road markings in this study. There is a
possible error with the colour coordinates
indicated in Table 7.2 of the SADC RTSM
(SADC 1997), as the coordinates indi-
cated for the yellow road-marking colour
specification do not form a logical envelope
when plotted on the chromaticity diagram.
Therefore the BS EN (2007) specification
was used to analyse the colour parameter.
For the colour test, the calculated values of
the actual measurements of the test road
markings were plotted on the graph to Figure 4 LTL-X retroreflectometer
determine if the white and yellow test road
markings conformed to the colour range. When comparing between two groups, was conducted approximately four months
According to Table 7.2 of the SADC RTSM Friedman’s Chi Square Test was used. after the application of the test markings,
(SADC 1997), the minimum skid resistance Descriptive statistics were used to indicate due to the unavailability of the machine. The
of white and yellow road markings must be the mean, Standard Deviation (SD) and measurements were conducted during the
50 Skid Resistance Test (SRT) units. Coefficient of Variation (CV). day under appropriate traffic accommoda-
Although the markings were analysed tion according to the SARTSM (1999). Only
in the unwashed and washed condition, the one set of skid-resistance measurements was
service lives of the test markings in RL , Qd EXAMINATION OF THE TEST conducted on the test plates in a laboratory.
and colour are that of the markings in the ROAD MARKINGS White and yellow test markings were applied
unwashed condition, as road markings are Four sets of RL, Qd and colour measure- on nine different roads, but the detailed
generally viewed by road users in the dirty ments were conducted over at least one year analysis of the long-established clean asphalt
condition. Both unwashed and washed road on the applied test road markings. The first road (Middel Street in the City of Tshwane
marking graphs are presented to indicate set of measurements on RL and Qd was con- (Figure 3)) is presented in this paper.
the differences in the decline of RL , Qd ducted within a month of application of the
and colour. test road markings, and the remaining three Measuring retroreflectivity
The use of non-parametric methods sets of measurements were conducted more The LTL-X retroreflectometer (Figure 4) was
was applied to compare group means of or less evenly, depending on the availability used to measure RL. Nine measurements
the various types of road-marking paints of the testing equipment and weather condi- were conducted on each test road-marking
and materials due to the small sample size. tions. The first set of colour measurements line applied. Three measurements each

Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering Volume 60 Number 2 June 2018 13
Figure 6 X-Rite Model SP60 colour machine

Figure 5 LTL-XL retroreflectometer brooms and left to dry. Nine measurements Measuring luminance
were conducted over the length of the white The LTL-XL (Figure 5) was used to measure
were conducted in the region of the left and yellow longitudinal test road markings. Qd. The number of Qd measurements con-
and right wheel part of each transverse test The measurement points were distributed ducted was equal to the number of RL meas-
road-marking line painted, and three meas- more or less evenly over the length of the urements conducted in the dirty and washed
urements were conducted towards the centre longitudinally applied test road markings. condition. Similar to RL, the Qd value was
of each of the transverse road-marking lines The longitudinal lines were only measured established as the average of a number of
painted. Two sets of measurements were in the dirty condition, as the washing of only measurements conducted with shifts of the
conducted during the same day on trans- the transverse markings was sufficient to instrument in steps along the marking.
verse lines. The first set of measurements identify if there were significant differences
was conducted on the test road markings in the various parameters in the “dirty” Measuring colour
as found on that day, and the second set and “washed” condition. The RL value was An X-Rite Model SP60 colour machine
of measurements was conducted after established as the average of a number of (Figure 6) was used to conduct the
washing the test road markings with liquid measurements conducted with shifts of the measurements of the test road markings.
soap added into clean drinkable water with instrument in steps along the marking. When conducting measurements with this



Retroreflectivity (mcd/m2/lx)






23 July 2013 5 November 2013 20 March 2014 29 July 2014
Measurement dates
Waterborne (SP2) 1 mm cold plastic (SP1) 1.2 mm thermoplastic (SP2)
Waterborne (SP1) 1 mm cold plastic (SP4) 1.2 mm thermoplastic (SP1)
Waterborne (SP3) 3 mm screed (SP1)

Figure 8 U
 nwashed white transverse markings in retroreflectivity on long-established clean
Figure 7 Skid-resistance tester asphalt road

14 Volume 60 Number 2 June 2018 Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering
Table 1 D
 escriptive statistics of white transverse markings in retroreflectivity on long-established clean asphalt road

Type of road-marking 23 July 2013 5 November 2013 20 March 2014 29 July 2014
paint / material Unwashed Washed Unwashed Washed Unwashed Washed Unwashed Washed

Mean (mcd/m2/lx) 215.2 196.3 175.3 176.3 151.8 149.5 136.4 138.4
Waterborne N 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
(SP2) SD 37.6 35.7 28.5 28.3 30.8 18.0 23.7 14.0
CV 0.18 0.18 0.16 0.16 0.20 0.12 0.17 0.10

Mean (mcd/m2/lx) 254.2 222.6 203.9 207.2 168.1 171.4 149.4 161.0
Waterborne N 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
(SP1) SD 46.6 28.7 31.0 36.6 27.4 28.4 16.8 29.5
CV 0.18 0.13 0.15 0.18 0.16 0.17 0.11 0.18

Mean (mcd/m2/lx) 220.5 202.3 170.9 173.0 147.2 152.5 128.3 128.7
Waterborne N 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
(SP3) SD 31.0 21.6 19.2 17.5 22.7 14.7 18.1 16.2
CV 0.14 0.11 0.11 0.10 0.15 0.10 0.14 0.13

Mean (mcd/m2/lx) 167.1 159.7 130.7 127.4 139.4 135.8 103.8 102.7
1.2 mm
N 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
SD 18.3 12.3 16.5 12.5 12.8 10.4 9.6 10.8
CV 0.11 0.08 0.13 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.09 0.11

Mean (mcd/m2/lx) 352.2 294.5 285.7 273.6 285.9 270.1 213.6 223.0
1.2 mm
N 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
SD 57.9 79.7 53.7 44.6 69.4 52.0 48.2 30.0
CV 0.17 0.27 0.18 0.16 0.24 0.19 0.23 0.14

Mean (mcd/m2/lx) 264.2 266.0 247.6 245.5 256.8 254.7 196.4 198.9
1 mm
N 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
Cold plastic
SD 26.4 30.4 49.4 36.8 19.4 32.2 32.3 34.7
CV 0.10 0.11 0.20 0.15 0.08 0.13 0.16 0.18

Mean (mcd/m2/lx) 370.4 304.6 285.2 292.9 308.2 291.1 223.0 227.7
3 mm Screed N 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
(SP1) SD 46.7 55.3 49.0 25.9 50.4 37.8 40.0 43.6
CV 0.12 0.18 0.17 0.08 0.16 0.13 0.18 0.19

Mean (mcd/m2/lx) 194.6 200.0 122.2 129.5 125.1 116.5 86.7 82.4
1 mm
N 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
Cold plastic
SD 49.0 36.4 37.3 22.9 23.6 19.9 17.7 18.9
CV 0.25 0.18 0.31 0.18 0.19 0.17 0.20 0.23

machine, the tristimuli values of X, Y and

Z are obtained and converted into chroma- 400
ticity coordinates x and y which are plotted
on the chromaticity diagram. According to 350

the X-Rite manual, the formulae to calcu-

Retroreflectivity (mcd/m2/lx)

late x and y are as follows:

X+Y+Z 200

y= 150
Measuring skid resistance
A British Portable Pendulum skid resist- 50
ance tester (Figure 7) was used to measure
the skid resistance of the test markings 0
23 July 2013 5 November 2013 20 March 2014 29 July 2014
applied on the test plates. A pendulum Measurement dates
fitted with a spring-loaded slider at its free Waterborne (SP2) 1 mm cold plastic (SP1) 1.2 mm thermoplastic (SP2)
end was released from a fixed position, Waterborne (SP1) 1 mm cold plastic (SP4) 1.2 mm thermoplastic (SP1)
and the frictional energy loss caused by Waterborne (SP3) 3 mm screed (SP1)
the dragging motion of the rubber rear
edge of the slider over the markings was Figure 9 W
 ashed white transverse markings in retroreflectivity on long-established clean
measured and expressed in SRT units. The asphalt road

Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering Volume 60 Number 2 June 2018 15
Table 2 Summary of white transverse markings in luminance on long-established clean asphalt road

Type of road-marking 23 July 2013 5 November 2013 20 March 2014 29 July 2014
paint / material Unwashed Washed Unwashed Washed Unwashed Washed Unwashed Washed

Mean (mcd/m2/lx) 141.7 145.4 128.7 136.5 108.1 107.0 103.6 105.8
Waterborne N 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
(SP2) SD 11.7 12.5 9.8 9.1 1.7 1.5 1.7 1.6
CV 0.08 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02

Mean (mcd/m2/lx) 136.6 141.8 119.5 125.5 106.9 108.0 102.8 106.1
Waterborne N 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
(SP1) SD 6.2 6.1 7.2 6.3 1.7 3.7 2.2 2.0
CV 0.05 0.04 0.06 0.05 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.02

Mean (mcd/m2/lx) 138.0 141.3 122.5 129.1 106.4 106.9 101.5 103.5
Waterborne N 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
(SP3) SD 7.0 6.8 8.6 7.8 2.4 1.6 1.7 2.1
CV 0.05 0.05 0.07 0.06 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02

Mean (mcd/m2/lx) 144.2 147.1 134.0 140.0 108.7 112.7 103.0 105.5
1.2 mm
N 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
SD 9.4 9.5 12.3 10.1 2.9 4.8 0.9 3.4
CV 0.07 0.07 0.09 0.07 0.03 0.04 0.01 0.03

Mean (mcd/m2/lx) 153.7 158.1 143.8 152.3 116.1 122.1 111.0 108.3
1.2 mm
N 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
SD 9.9 8.7 10.9 9.6 6.9 4.0 3.9 3.6
CV 0.07 0.06 0.08 0.06 0.05 0.03 0.04 0.04

Mean (mcd/m2/lx) 139.4 143.3 134.3 139.8 111.2 109.4 103.6 107.1
1 mm
N 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
Cold plastic
SD 5.0 3.2 7.6 7.3 3.2 2.2 2.6 1.7
CV 0.04 0.02 0.06 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.02

Mean (mcd/m2/lx) 155.5 160.0 144.8 151.2 121.8 122.8 116.9 121.1
3 mm Screed N 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
(SP1) SD 12.2 9.6 15.1 15.2 2.5 2.6 3.3 3.1
CV 0.08 0.06 0.10 0.10 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03

Mean (mcd/m2/lx) 139.7 144.7 125.9 131.3 109.6 109.6 101.3 104.6
1 mm
N 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
Cold pastic
SD 11.0 10.5 6.9 6.5 1.7 2.5 1.9 2.6
CV 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03

test method used was in accordance with

SANS 6260 (SANS 2007). 180

Luminance (mcd/m2/lx)

Retroreflectivity 120
There was generally no significant increase
in the RL service life of the washed test road
markings, as can be seen in Table 1, and 80
Figures 8 and 9. Some of the unwashed white
test road markings had a longer RL service 60
life than washed markings. There could be a
few possible reasons for this, namely:
■■ The measurements of the washed mark- 20
ings could have been conducted before
the road markings were completely dry, 0
23 July 2013 5 November 2013 20 March 2014 29 July 2014
which possibly reduced the R L measure- Measurement dates
ments after washing. Waterborne (SP2) 1 mm cold plastic (SP1) 1.2 mm thermoplastic (SP2)
■■ The method of washing the markings Waterborne (SP1) 1 mm cold plastic (SP4) 1.2 mm thermoplastic (SP1)
was not very effective. Waterborne (SP3) 3 mm screed (SP1)
■■ The measurements might not have been
conducted at the exact spot before wash- Figure 10 U
 nwashed white transverse markings in luminance on long-established clean
ing and after washing the markings. asphalt road

16 Volume 60 Number 2 June 2018 Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering
produced a longer Qd service than
180 the unwashed markings. The possible
reasons for the increase in the Qd after
washing are:
140 ■■ The fines from the sand particles which
had been stuck to the test road mark-
Luminance (mcd/m2/lx)

120 ings were removed to a certain extent,

exposing more of the actual area of the
road marking.
80 ■■ Some of the oils and exhaust fumes
were removed from the test road
60 markings.

20 Higher percentages of the later measure-
ments in some instances fell into the
0 compliance regions, as can be seen in
23 July 2013 5 November 2013 20 March 2014 29 July 2014
Measurement dates
Table 3, and Figures 12 and 13. The pos-
Waterborne (SP2) 1 mm cold plastic (SP1) 1.2 mm thermoplastic (SP2) sible reasons are:
Waterborne (SP1) 1 mm cold plastic (SP4) 1.2 mm thermoplastic (SP1) ■■ The measurements might not have been
Waterborne (SP3) 3 mm screed (SP1) conducted on the exact spot, as the
machine measures only approximately
Figure 11 W
 ashed white transverse markings in luminance on long-established clean asphalt road 1 cm in diameter.
■■ The rains might have cleaned the
■■ A certain amount of dirt on road mark- Luminance markings.
ings do not make a significant differ- There was generally an increase in the The washing of road markings generally
ence in the R L . Qd measurement values of the washed did not positively contribute to colour
■■ Possible removal of glass beads could test road markings, as can be seen in compliance. Although the colour of road
have happened while washing the mark- Table 2, and Figures 10 and 11. As a markings complied in a few instances with
ings with hard brooms. result of this, some of the washed markings the specification after being washed, road

Table 3 Summary of the white markings colour analysis on long-established clean asphalt road
White transverse road markings

Measurement 1 Measurement 2 Measurement 3 Measurement 4

5 November 2013 20 March 2014 29 July 2014 3 February 2015
Middel Street
Falling Falling Falling Falling Falling Falling Falling Falling
out of within out of within out of within out of within
region (%) region (%) region (%) region (%) region (%) region (%) region (%) region (%)

Waterborne (SP1) 0.0 100.0 33.3 66.7 0.0 100.0 0.0 100.0

Waterborne (SP2) 66.7 33.3 0.0 100.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 100.0

Waterborne (SP3) 33.3 66.7 0.0 100.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 100.0

1 mm Cold plastic (SP1) 66.7 33.3 0.0 100.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 100.0

1 mm Cold plastic (SP4) 33.3 66.7 0.0 100.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 100.0

1.2 mm Thermoplastic (SP1) 66.7 33.3 66.7 33.3 0.0 100.0 0.0 100.0

1.2 mm Thermoplastic (SP2) 100.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 33.3 66.7 100.0 0.0

3 mm Screed (SP1) 33.3 66.7 66.7 33.3 0.0 100.0 0.0 100.0

Waterborne (SP1) 0.0 100.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 100.0

Waterborne (SP2) 0.0 100.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 100.0

Waterborne (SP3) 33.3 66.7 0.0 100.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 100.0

1 mm Cold plastic (SP1) 66.7 33.3 0.0 100.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 100.0

1 mm Cold plastic (SP4) 0.0 100.0 66.7 33.3 0.0 100.0 0.0 100.0

1.2 mm Thermoplastic (SP1) 33.3 66.7 33.3 66.7 0.0 100.0 0.0 100.0

1.2 mm Thermoplastic (SP2) 100.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 0.0

3 mm Screed (SP1) 66.7 33.3 100.0 0.0 33.3 66.7 0.0 100.0

Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering Volume 60 Number 2 June 2018 17
0.9 0.9
520 530 520 530
515 515
0.8 540 0.8 540

510 550 510 550

0.7 0.7
505 560 505 560
0.6 570 0.6 570
500 500
0.5 580 0.5 580
y 590 y 590
495 495
0.4 0.4
600 600
610 610
0.3 490 620 0.3 490 620
650 700 650 700

0.2 485 0.2 485

480 480
0.1 0.1
470 470
0 460 400 0 460 400
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
x x

Figure 12 U
 nwashed white markings in colour on clean established Figure 13 W
 ashed white markings in colour on clean established
asphalt road asphalt road

markings are generally not washed by the The cold plastic and thermoplastic road seem to start getting closer to the minimum
road authorities, and also the rainy season marking materials generally declined over RL of 100 mcd/m2/lx after a year.
is usually of limited duration. the year. However, it can be seen in Table 1 The fact that there is no overlap
and Figure 8 that the R L mean of some of between the 95% CIs of the first and last
Skid resistance the measurements conducted later were measurements, as can be seen in Figure 14,
The skid resistance of the test road mark- higher than the R L mean values of the mea- is an indication that the difference between
ings was conducted on test plates in the surements conducted earlier. For example, them is statistically significant. Friedman’s
laboratory, which might not be a true the R L mean of unwashed 1.2 mm ther- Chi Square Test revealed that there is at
reflection of the road markings on the road moplastic (SP2) was 130.7 mcd/m2/lx on least one pair of measurements over time
surface. It is likely that the skid resistance 5 November 2013, and the same marking that is significantly different within each
of the road markings applied on the road was 139.4 mcd/m2/lx on 20 March 2014, of the different road-marking paints and
surface will be higher due to the rough- which is 4.5 months later. The intermix materials, and referring to Figure 14 it
ness of the road surface, especially road beads in the plastic road marking materials seems as though these differences exist at
markings applied onto chip seal surfaces. became exposed over time as a result of the least between the first and last repetitions.
The skid resistance of road markings is wheels of the vehicles passing over the road
important, especially for motor cyclists markings, which contributed positively to
in urban areas (De Witt et al 2000). The the R L . LUMINANCE SERVICE LIFE OF
high percentage of area that is covered Waterborne (SP1, SP2 and SP3), 1 mm WHITE TRANSVERSE MARKINGS
with road markings ahead of intersections cold plastic (SP1), 1.2 mm thermoplastic All the test road markings applied on the
is extremely dangerous for motor cyclists (SP1 and SP2) and 3 mm thermoplastic (SP1) long-established clean asphalt road were
if the skid resistance is not up to standard produced RL service lives of more than 12 higher than the minimum specification of
(De Witt et al 2000). months. The average decline in RL of all test 100 mcd/m2/lx over the four measurement
markings over the year was approximately periods, as can be seen in Table 2 and
40%, and if the decline continues at the Figure 10. The average decline in Qd of all
RETROREFLECTIVITY same rate, then thermoplastic materials will test markings over the year was approxi-
SERVICE LIFE OF WHITE produce a RL service life of approximately mately 26%. If the decline in Qd continues
TRANSVERSE MARKINGS two years. Although most of the test road at the same rate, 1.2 mm thermoplastic
All the test road markings, except for markings applied on Middel Street complied (SP1) and 3 mm thermoplastic (SP1) will
1 mm cold plastic (SP4), applied on the with the specification for more than a year, produce Qd service lives of approximately
long-established clean asphalt road, were the RL means of 1.2 mm thermoplastic (SP1) 15 months and 17 months respectively. All
higher than the minimum specification and 3 mm thermoplastic (SP1) were in the the other road marking paints and materi-
of 100 mcd/m2/lx over the four measure- region of 200 mcd/m2/lx after a year. This als produced Qd service lives of approxi-
ment periods, as can be seen in Table 1 is an indication that thermoplastic road mately one year.
and Figure 8. In the fourth measurement marking materials are much more durable The fact that there is no overlap
period, the R L mean of 1 mm cold plastic on clean asphalt roads, compared with between the 95% CIs of the first and last
(SP4) was 86.7 mcd/m2/lx. waterborne road marking paints, which measurements, as can be seen in Figure 15,

18 Volume 60 Number 2 June 2018 Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering


Mean retroflectivity reading – 95% CI






Waterborne Waterborne Waterborne 1.2 mm 1.2 mm 1 mm 3 mm 1 mm
(SP2) (SP1) (SP3) thermoplastic thermoplastic cold plasic screed cold plasic
(SP2) (SP1) (SP1) (SP1) (SP4)
Type of road marking paint/material (application date: 8 July 2013)
23 July 2013 5 November 2013 20 March 2014 29 July 2014

Figure 14 95% Confidence interval in retroreflectivity of unwashed white transverse markings on clean established asphalt road



Mean retroflectivity reading – 95% CI






Waterborne Waterborne Waterborne 1.2 mm 1.2 mm 1 mm 3 mm 1 mm
(SP2) (SP1) (SP3) thermoplastic thermoplastic cold plasic screed cold plasic
(SP2) (SP1) (SP1) (SP1) (SP4)
Type of road marking paint/material (application date: 8 July 2013)
23 July 2013 5 November 2013 20 March 2014 29 July 2014

Figure 15 95% Confidence interval in luminance of unwashed white transverse markings on clean established asphalt road

Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering Volume 60 Number 2 June 2018 19
Table 4 Summary of thermoplastic road marking material performance
Initial skid

Condition of road
RL service life Qd service Colour
(months) life (months) compliance


Class of road
Type of road

Transverse /

1.2 mm

1.2 mm

1.2 mm

1.2 mm


3 mm

3 mm

3 mm

3 mm
Transverse 4 to 9 4 to 9 1 to 4 1 to 4 Yes Yes
Light = 6557 Longitudinal 4 to 9 4 to 9 4 to 9 4 to 9 N/A N/A
Chip seal Newly Dirty 3 Heavy = 255 Yes No
Total = 6814 Transverse 1 to 4 1 to 4 4 to 9 4 to 9 No No
Longitudinal 9 to 12 9 to 12 9 to 12 4 to 9 N/A N/A

Transverse 1 to 5 1 to 5 4 to 9 4 to 9 Yes Yes

Light = 2454 Longitudinal 1 to 5 1 to 5 4 to 9 4 to 9 N/A N/A
Chip seal Long Dirty 4 Heavy = 109 Yes No
Total = 2563 Transverse 1 to 5 1 to 5 9 to 12 9 to 12 No No
Longitudinal 9 to 12 5 to 9 9 to 12 9 to 12 N/A N/A

Transverse >12 >12 4 to 8 4 to 8 Yes Yes

Light = 7753 Longitudinal 8 to 12 >12 4 to 8 4 to 8 N/A N/A
Chip seal Newly Clean 2 Heavy = 284 Yes No
Total = 8037 Transverse 4 to 8 8 to 12 8 to 12 8 to 12 No No
Longitudinal >12 >12 8 to 12 8 to 12 N/A N/A

Transverse >12 >12 4 to 8 4 to 8 Yes Yes

Light = 5508 Longitudinal >12 >12 >12 >12 N/A N/A
Chip seal Long Clean 2 Heavy = 739 Yes No
Total = 6246 Transverse 8 to 12 8 to 12 8 to 12 8 to 12 No No
Longitudinal 8 to 12 8 to 12 8 to 12 8 to 12 N/A N/A

Transverse 4 to 7 4 to 7 1 to 4 4 to 7 Yes Yes

Light = 7822 Longitudinal 7 to 10 4 to 7 7 to 10 1 to 4 N/A N/A
Asphalt Newly Dirty 3 Heavy = 434 Yes No
Total = 8315 Transverse 1 to 4 1 to 4 4 to 7 7 to 10 No No
Longitudinal 1 to 4 4 to 7 7 to 10 7 to 10 N/A N/A

Transverse 1 to 6 1 to 6 6 to 9 6 to 9 Yes Yes

Light = 1732 Longitudinal 1 to 6 1 to 6 1 to 6 1 to 6 N/A N/A
Asphalt Long Dirty 4 Heavy = 213 Yes No
Total = 1945 Transverse 1 to 6 1 to 6 9 to 12 >12 No No
Longitudinal 1 to 6 1 to 6 6 to 9 6 to 9 N/A N/A

Transverse 9 to 13 >13 9 to 13 9 to 13 Yes Yes

Light = 3981 Longitudinal >13 >13 >13 9 to 13 N/A N/A
Asphalt Newly Clean 3 Heavy = 629 Yes No
Total = 4610 Transverse 9 to 13 9 to 13 >13 >13 No No
Longitudinal >13 >13 9 to 13 9 to 13 N/A N/A

Transverse >12 >12 >12 >12 Yes Yes

Light = 5547 Longitudinal >12 >12 9 to 12 >12 N/A N/A
Asphalt Long Clean 3 Heavy = 273 Yes No
Total = 5821 Transverse >12 >12 >12 >12 No No
Longitudinal >12 >12 >12 >12 N/A N/A

White Light = 1764 Transverse 7 to 11 7 to 11 4 to 7 4 to 7 Yes Yes

Asphalt Long 3 Heavy = 548 Yes No
Yellow Total = 2312 Transverse 4 to 7 7 to 11 4 to 7 4 to 7 No No

Class 2 – Metropolitan Distributor, Class 3 – District Distributor, Class 4 – Collector

20 Volume 60 Number 2 June 2018 Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering
is an indication that the difference between high R L over long periods of time, the out- increase when the road-marking material
them is statistically significant. Friedman’s come of the study indicates that RL is not is worn away by the action of the tyres.
Chi Square Test revealed that there is at maintained for long periods on dirty type More test points should be considered, or
least one pair of measurements over time roads. It can be seen that road authorities measurements should be conducted a few
that is significantly different within each are applying thermoplastic road marking days later.
of the different road marking paints and materials that do not comply with the yel- Although thermoplastic road-marking
materials, and referring to Figure 15 it low colour specification. It can be further materials generally produced the longest
seems as though these differences are at seen that the skid resistance of 3 mm service life, especially in respect of RL , it
least between the first and last repetitions. thermoplastic road-marking material did might not be cost-effective to apply them
not comply with the specification. on roads where they will have similar ser-
vice lives to those of cheaper road-marking
SKID-RESISTANCE ANALYSIS OF paints, such as waterborne. After clas-
MARKINGS ON THE TEST PLATES CONCLUSIONS sifying the roads into the dirty and clean
Only white waterborne (SP3), 1 mm Based on the data obtained from the study, categories, and using the tendered rates,
cold plastic (SP1 and SP4), white 1.2 mm the following conclusions are drawn: a more realistic road-marking budget can
thermoplastic (SP1) and yellow 1.2 mm ■■ The R L and Qd service lives of various be requested. The outcome of the results
thermoplastic (SP1) complied with the road-marking paints and road marking on the applied test road markings was not
minimum specification of 50 SRT units. materials on asphalt and chip seal road affected by extraordinary weather condi-
All other test markings were between 35 surfaces were determined as between tions, as the rainfall and temperature were
and 45 SRT units. It is likely that the skid 1 and 48 months and 1 and 30 months similar to those of previous years.
resistance of road markings will be higher respectively. The range in service lives The SABS should seriously consider
on the road surface due to the combined were wide, due to the low service lives continuing the work it started in develop-
effect of the road surface and the mark- of waterborne road-marking paints ing a national thermoplastic road-marking
ings. Road-marking applicators need to on dirty roads and high service lives standard, which will offer much guidance
consider increasing the amount of antiskid of plastic road-marking materials on to all stakeholders involved.
aggregates to improve the skid resistance of clean roads.
the markings. ■■ There was no significant increase in
R L or colour compliance of the washed ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
road markings, while there was gener- The authors would like to thank the City of
COLOUR ANALYSIS ally an increase in Qd after washing the Tshwane for the funding made available to
OF MARKINGS test markings. execute this research project.
The white test road markings generally ■■ White road markings generally com-
complied with the BS EN (2007) specifica- plied with the colour specification,
tion except for 1.2 mm thermoplastic (SP2) while yellow road markings did not DISCLAIMER
after one-and-a-half years of application. comply with the specification. This paper reflects the views of the
Figures 12 and 13 indicate the graphical ■■ The initial skid resistance of white and authors, who are responsible for the facts
positions of the white test road markings yellow 1.2 mm thermoplastic complied and the accuracy of the data presented
on the chromaticity diagrams. with the specification, while all other herein.
road markings did not comply with the
PERFORMANCE OF As R L is the most critical parameter in REFERENCES
THERMOPLASTIC ROAD road markings, the type of road-marking AASHTO (American Association for State and Highway
MARKING MATERIAL selection should be mainly based on the Transportation Officials) 2016. M249‑12 2012.
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the performance of thermoplastic road- should be given to the other three param- Reflective Thermoplastic Striping Material (Solid
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skid resistance is summarised in Table 4. skid resistance. For example, specifying BS EN (British Standard) 2007. BS EN 1436: 2007. Road
It can be seen that even though the traffic a very high R L on yellow road markings Marking Materials: Road Marking Performance for
volumes were higher on some of the clean may result in the service provider apply- Road Users. London: British Standards Institution.
roads than on the dirty roads, the service ing lighter shade yellow markings, which BS EN (British Standard) 2011. BS EN 1824 2011. Road
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clean roads than on the dirty roads. For the markings will tend to look white in Standards Institution.
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six months on the long-established dirty ments should not simply be rejected, De Witt, A J, Smith, R A F & Visser, A T 2000. Durability
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22 Volume 60 Number 2 June 2018 Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering

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