Literary Analysis Rubric

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Use the scoring guide to evaluate your literary analysis.

Writing Task Scoring Guide: Literary Analysis

Organization/Progression Development of Ideas Use of Language and


• The organization is very effective • The introduction grabs the • Language and word choice is
and appropriate to the purpose. reader’s attention and states a purposeful and precise.
• The controlling idea is stated very compelling controlling idea. • Sources are correctly cited.
clearly. • The analysis offers insightful • Sentences include a variety of
• Body paragraphs clearly relate interpretations of the chosen text. phrases and clauses.
4 to the controlling idea, and ideas • The analysis contains clear main • Grammar, spelling, capitalization,
within each body paragraph follow ideas supported by well-chosen punctuation, and usage are
a logical order. examples and quotations. correct.
• There are very clear transitions • The conclusion effectively
between paragraphs. summarizes the analysis.

• The organization is effective and • The introduction could be • Language and word choice is
appropriate to the purpose. more engaging, but it states a somewhat purposeful and precise.
• The controlling idea is stated controlling idea. • Sources are mentioned but may
clearly. • The analysis offers reasonable not be correctly cited.
• Body paragraphs relate to the interpretations of the text. • Sentences include a variety of
3 controlling idea, and ideas within
each body paragraph are mostly
• The analysis is developed with
clear main ideas supported by
phrases and clauses, and most are
punctuated correctly.
easy to follow. mostly relevant examples and • Grammar, spelling, capitalization,
• There are clear transitions quotations. punctuation, and usage are mostly
between paragraphs. • The conclusion summarizes the correct.

• The organization is somewhat • The introduction is not engaging; • Language is often vague and
confusing or lacking in purpose. the controlling idea is unclear or general.
• The controlling idea is not stated missing. • Sources are not correctly cited.
very clearly. • The interpretations of the text are • Some phrases or clauses are
• It is unclear how ideas within body unclear or questionable. punctuated incorrectly.
2 paragraphs are related.
• More transitions are needed
• The analysis is minimally
developed. Main ideas are unclear
• There are errors in grammar,
spelling, capitalization,
to show connections between or lack appropriate examples and punctuation, and usage, but they
paragraphs. quotations to support them. do not make reading difficult.
• The conclusion only partially
summarizes the analysis.
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

• The organization is not • The introduction is missing or • Language is inappropriate, vague,

appropriate to the purpose. confusing. or confusing.
• The controlling idea is missing. • The analysis offers no clear • No sources are mentioned.
• The order of paragraphs or ideas interpretations of the text. • Phrases and clauses are
1 within paragraphs is confusing. • The analysis is poorly developed. punctuated incorrectly.
• There are no transitions between Examples and quotations are • There are many errors in grammar,
paragraphs. irrelevant or missing. usage, and mechanics that make
• The conclusion is missing. the analysis difficult to follow.

148 Unit 2

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