9890 ArticleText 18020 2 10 201910241
9890 ArticleText 18020 2 10 201910241
9890 ArticleText 18020 2 10 201910241
5 authors, including:
M. O. Oluwe
Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic, Unwana
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
Adaptive Model based Control Strategies for Precision Irrigation View project
All content following this page was uploaded by Abioye ABIODUN Emmanuel on 30 May 2022.
Authors’ contributions
This work was carried out in collaboration between all authors. Author AEA designed and
simulated the circuit and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. Author MO. Ogbuatu, MO. Oluwe
and BOE did the implementation and performance evaluation. Author KE proof read the draft and
managed the literature searches. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Article Information
DOI: 10.9734/JERR/2018/v2i19890
(1) Anuj Kumar Goel, Associate Professor, Maharishi Markandeshwar University, (Deemed to be University), Ambala,
(1) Rajinder Tiwari, Model Institute of Engineering and Technology, India.
(2) Ali Algaddafi, Sirte University, Libya.
Complete Peer review History: http://www.sciencedomain.org/review-history/25897
The inverter system is a device that converts the Direct Current (DC) from a battery to an
Alternating author:
(AC)[email protected];
which can be used for appliances. It does not only convert the current but
also steps the voltage of the battery up to the required value. The inverter system does not require
fuel to make it function, that makes it cheap.
The circuit has seven (7) embedded circuits in it; namely the oscillator circuit, which comprises the
4047 Oscillator Integrated Circuit (IC), It converts the DC current signal to AC signal at the same
The current modification circuit, this comprises the switching transistors and the cascaded
MOSFETs, which modifies the current to the desired input to the step up transformer which steps
it up to the required voltage and current. The battery low circuit indicates when the inverter battery
is low, while the battery full circuit indicates when the inverter battery is full. The change over
circuit changes the source from AC main to battery automatically. The rectifying circuit charges
the battery and lastly the inverter on circuit: this indicates when the inverter is on.
The inverter system also has the battery full indicator, which helps to safe – guard the life of
Abioye et al.; JERR, 2(1): 1-14, 2018; Article
battery while charging and it automatically switches of charging mode once the battery is full. The
inverter system has timer for delaying the incoming current surge to protect the inverter from the
large surge current and increase the working life of the inverter. The inverter was tested and the
result obtained showed that it was able to bear the load up to 870 VA.
Keywords: Inverter; direct current; alternating current; step up transformer; MOSFET; oscillator IC.
Abioye et al.; JERR, 2(1): 1-14, 2018; Article
Abioye et al.; JERR, 2(1): 1-14, 2018; Article
The IRF 150 is a metal oxide semiconductor with voltage divider combination of resistor at the gate
From the data sheet, it has on-state resistance of 0.05X and a drain current of 38A.
Abioye et al.; JERR, 2(1): 1-14, 2018; Article
Now, using IRF 150 MOSFET (cascaded) for the power transmission and current modification,
1000 w𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑠
= number of IRF 150 MOSFETS required for the cascade (6)
Frequency = 50Hz
IC = ICE (7)
To obtain the suitable current for the cascaded MOSFET, I have chosen 220X resistor for R3 and R4
so that,
=13 (8)
= 0.06Amp
the pusl eperiod =
frequenCy = = 0.02 seconds (9)
Abioye et al.; JERR, 2(1): 1-14, 2018; Article
3.1.3 Design of the battery low circuit Vsupply is the voltage from the battery.
From the circuit above, the diode D7 (IN4733A) V+ = 5.1 volts (fixed by zener diode (IN4733A)
is a zener diode used as a voltage regulator to fix When the supply voltage (battery voltage) is 14
a 5.1V voltage at the positive input of the volts (fully charged)
operational amplifier(LM358N1) (non-inverting
input). 470Ω resistor will be used as R 4, 49 mA is V−= ( 10kΩ
) 14vol ts (12)
maximum input current from the op-Amp 10kΩ+10kΩ
(LM358N) data sheet. = ( ) 14 vol ts
= 7 volts
= 0.025319Amp
470 V+ = 5.1 volts
=25.5319mA V- > V+, the output voltage of the Op Amp is low
no current drives through the external circuit.
Any value other than 470Ω can be used but for
the sake of allowance, we have chosen 470Ω When the supply voltage (battery voltage) is 11
Abioye et al.; JERR, 2(1): 1-14, 2018; Article
𝑉−= ( 10kv+10kΩ)11volts The capacitor of capacitance 1000µF has been
connected across LED (light emitting diode) to
= ( ) 11 vol ts supply 2V and a resistor of 1kΩ has been
= 5.5 volts connected to the LED to protect the LED from
blowing up as the maximum current requirement
V+ = 5.5 volts. for the LED is 10 mA.
V- > V+, the output voltage of Op-amp is low, The LED is an indicator, showing battery is low.
and no current drives through the external circuit.
When the supply voltage ( Battery voltage) is 10 The thyristor (D6) in Fig. 3, has been installed
volts. also across the transistor Q1 to protect the
transistor from the sudden charge from the relay.
10kΩ )volts= 1(10) volts
𝑉−= (10kΩ+10𝐾Ω 2 (Vs−Vi)
R = Ω (15)
6 i
V- = 5 volts
Vs is the source voltage = 12 V
V+= 5.1 volts Voltage required by LED = 2 V
i is LED current rating = 10 mA
V+ > V-, the output voltage of the Op Amp is high
and current drives through the external circuit. (12−2) 10
R6 = = mA
10 10
At the external circuit, a transistor BC 547(Q1)
has been selected for efficient switching. R6 = 1000 Ω
Abioye et al.; JERR, 2(1): 1-14, 2018; Article
Again, 100mA
= = 0.037mA
When the supply voltage is 12 volts
R The base resistance Rb Vb 14
= 0.037 mA
= Ib
( R8 + R9 ) 12 Vol ts
Ib = 378.37kΩ
and current gain (hfe) of 270
R8 = R9
( ) 12 Vol ts= V+ (non inverting input)
V+ = 6 volts
Abioye et al.; JERR, 2(1): 1-14, 2018; Article
R11 = 3.78MΩ
R11 = 2.2kΩ
When the transistor is switched on, current
flow through the relay (RL3) and the relay
closes, the inverter turns on and the inverter
is ready to power the load.
Abioye et al.; JERR, 2(1): 1-14, 2018; Article
R12 12 − 2
= mA = 1000Ω = 1kΩ
10 Diode D2 in Fig. 5 below, has been connected to
prevent current from flowing to the ground from
Vs = 12 volts, Vload consumed by LED is 2v the 12 volts battery supply also isolates the
Max current needed by LED is 10 mA MAINS and the battery.
Abioye et al.; JERR, 2(1): 1-14, 2018; Article
Abioye et al.; JERR, 2(1): 1-14, 2018; Article
Abioye et al.; JERR, 2(1): 1-14, 2018; Article
Abioye et al.; JERR, 2(1): 1-14, 2018; Article
Abioye et al.; JERR, 2(1): 1-14, 2018; Article
© 2018 Abioye et al.; This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
Peer-review history:
The peer review history for this paper can be accessed
here: http://www.sciencedomain.org/review-history/25897