Low Cost Hybrid Propulsion Submarine Concept Design
Low Cost Hybrid Propulsion Submarine Concept Design
Low Cost Hybrid Propulsion Submarine Concept Design
Concept Design
Imran Khan 1, a, Simon Harrison 2, b, Daniel Patten 3, c, Asif Raza 4 d
Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works Ltd, West Wharf Road, Karachi, 74000, Pakistan
Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO), Australia
Ministery of Defence (MoD), United Kingdom
PN Dockyard, West Wharf Road, Karachi, 74000, Pakistan
[email protected], b [email protected]
[email protected], d [email protected]
Abstract—Nuclear Submarines (SSNs) and Conventional decades, there has been little induction of nuclear
Submarines (SSKs) have traditionally been approached submarines owing to increasing focus on littoral
with entirely different design philosophies. SSN designs are operations. The modularity, in the context of roles
typically ocean going and offer endurance limited only by performed by a single platform, gives the operator a
stores and crew. SSK designs, whilst traditionally smaller
than SSN designs, are capable of operations in littoral
higher level of capability which is not available in current
waters and deploy low signature propulsion systems designs. Moreover, through life cost and maintainability is
compared to SSN boats. The purpose of this paper is to another key driver in submarine designs under
present the concept design of a low cost hybrid propulsion consideration.
submarine. The design is an amalgam of an ocean going This hybrid submarine concept explores the design
SSN and littoral operating SSK, with long endurance & space between the ocean going SSN and the littoral
high transit speeds of SSNs and quiet & littoral capabilities operating SSK. This is an area of submarine design that
of SSKs. The study will explore tradeoffs between payloads has yet not been explored in detail. There are benefits to
(ammunition) options, sensors and types of propulsion be gained from amalgamation of high transit speeds of the
systems. The task is uphill and the technologies considered
need to be proven at this point in time, however, the results
SSN boats with slow and quiet characteristics of SSK
envisaged are very promising. The selection of technology designs.
and sizing of each element of the nuclear/conventional The submarine is designed around the following
hybrid propulsion system is discussed in detail. The concept benchmarks:
of mission specific ammunition has been applied as a major i. SSN & SSK hybrid propulsion (rechargeable)
strategy for cost reduction. This is materialized through a
Payload Delivery Tube (PDT) covering range of
ii. Rapid re-role capability
ammunition options including UUVs. The propulsion system iii. High overall capability
is fully electric comprising of a compact nuclear power plant iv. Stealth
and an onboard rechargeable AIP (Air Independent v. UXV capability
Propulsion) system. vi. Cost of $1.1Billion (65% Astute Submarine)
The submarine is designed to have following
I. INTRODUCTION capabilities (not all simultaneously):
Traditionally SSN and SSK submarine designs have i. Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW)
remained very separate, as each is suited for different ii. Anti-Surface Ship Warfare (ASuW)
roles. SSN designs are typically ocean going and provide iii. Land Attack
the capability for endurance limited only by stores and by iv. Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR)
crew stamina. SSK designs are traditionally smaller and
provide the capability for operations in littoral waters with
low signatures. Following hypothetical operational scenarios have
The end of cold war marked a decline in nuclear force been generated to better understand the roles and
portfolios and reduction in defence budgets. This marked development of platform requirements.
the beginning of a new era in submarine design for future A. Hypothetical Operational Scenario I - Land Strike
roles. In addition, there has been an increasing focus on In the year 2030, International Security Assistance
littoral operations during last decade. There is a need for Force (ISAF) has long withdrawn from Afghanistan
submerged platforms with capabilities of long transit and having disbanded the Terrorists. The Terrorists have
littoral operations. however regrouped and have taken power in
The requirement for modularity has become a driving Afghanistan’s capital Kabul. Intelligence has shown that
factor in submarine design since early 21st century for Terrorists forces are currently constructing military
both operations and build to save costs. Over the past few infrastructure including munitions and training facilities
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around Kabul. B. Hypothetical Fictional Scenario II - Low Capability
A United Kingdom Royal Navy hybrid submarine has Ally Assistance
been deployed to the Arabian Sea to conduct a land strike In the year 2030, the Philippines are having territorial
on these strategic military infrastructure targets. The disputes with China in the South China Sea. Chinese have
submarine deploys from Faslane in the UK and transits deployed a naval task force of ships and submarines which
6600NM to the operational area in the Arabian Sea. The has blockaded shipping routes to Philippines. The
scenario has been illustrated in “Fig. 1”. Shortly after Philippines have a relatively small naval force and
arriving in the operational area, the submarine is required requested the assistance of friendly nations.
to come to periscope depth (PD) and receive targeting As a close ally of the Philippines, Australia has
information from base. After receiving the targeting deployed its new hybrid submarine to the area as part of
information, the submarine retires to the predetermined an Australian naval task force including ships and
area to conduct the missile launch for land strike. submarines. The Australian submarine has been deployed
Iran has become a close ally of Afghanistan in 2030. from Stirling to provide a deterrent to the Chinese
Immediately following the missile launch, they are blockade. The submarine transits to the area of operation,
detected by an Iranian coastal radar station. In response, shown in “Fig. 2”, along with the naval task force. The
Iran immediately deploys two midget submarines to the boat is initially tasked with providing a deterrent presence
area. The submarine is now required to conduct anti- to the Chinese blockade particularly to Chinese
submarine warfare (ASW) activities against the Iranian submarines in the area. After arriving in the operational
midget submarines. This requires the submarine to detect area, the submarine is required to operate in a quiet patrol
and neutralise the midget submarines whilst remaining state so as to remain undetected by Chinese surface ships
undetected by both the midget submarines and over-watch and submarines.
aircraft in the area. As tensions escalate in the area, a Chinese corvette
After confirming that both midget submarines have sinks a Philippine container ship 5 days after the
been neutralised, the submarine will transit back to its Australian submarine arrives in the operational area. The
base whilst remaining undetected. The total transit hybrid submarine is tasked to perform ASW and ASuW
distance to the area of operation is approximately activities against Chinese submarines and surface ships in
6600NM. The submarine is required to transit to the the area for remaining 55 days of 60 days deployment.
operations area at a speed of 16 knots. This scenario The total transit distance to the operational area is
encompasses a 94 day deployment, 60 days on station and 4000NM. The submarine is required to transit at sufficient
17 days in transit each way. speed to maintain contact with the naval task group i.e.
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Figure 2 – Transit path for scenario 2 [23]
approximately 16 knots. The total deployment period is 82 slow speed whilst conducting the intelligence collection.
days with comprises of 60 days on station and 11 days The sensors deployed by the submarine may include a
transit each way. combination of UUV's or remote off board sensors. The
C. Hypothetical Operational Scenario III - Littoral ISR UUV's may be recoverable or one time use.
Operation The hybrid submarine remains on station for a period of
In the year 2045, the United States of America has 60 days. The submarine must be able to spend more than
developed a new class of ultra-quiet submarines. half of the time in close proximity to where the new USA
Operational test and evaluation trials of the new class are submarine trails are being conducted. The submarine may
to begin shortly off the east coast of Georgia. A UK retire to a distance safe while conducting noisy evolutions
hybrid submarine has been deployed on an intelligence during remaining of the times.
mission to gather signatures data on the new class of The total deployment time for this operation is 82 days.
submarine as it undergoes trials. The mission is broken down in 60 days on station and 11
The hybrid submarine is deployed from Faslane and days of transit each way. The total transit distance from
transits across the North Atlantic ocean to Georgia, shown base to the area of operations is 4100NM. The submarine
in “Fig. 3”, where the trials are being conducted. The is required to transit at a speed of not less than 16 knots.
submarine has been loaded with an ISR specific payload. D. Development of Requirements
Upon arrival at the operational area, the submarine will The scenarios in this section are now analysed in terms
deploy a range of off board sensors and retire to safe of the roles/ capabilities required to be fulfilled during the
distance to collect the signatures data. The submarine is operation of each platform. The comparison is shown in
required to operate in an ultra-quiet patrol state at a very Table 1 where a requirement to fulfil a role is indicated by
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a shaded cell. This helps determine the core role/capability Table 2 – Payload requirements for operational scenarios
of the platform and roles/ capabilities to be allocated as
Payload Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3
part of the rapid re-role capability. The rapid re-role Requirements
capabilities are not required on every deployment. Weapons Land strike ASW, Nil
Table 1 – Role/ capability requirements for scenarios missile, ASW ASuW
Onboard & Yes Yes Yes
ASW ASuW Land Strike ISR
Offboard Sensors
Scenario 1 Communications Satellite, Naval Task UXV
Scenario 2 Base Force
Scenario 3 Countermeasures Yes Yes Nil
Covert Capability Yes Yes Yes
Long Range Yes Yes Yes
From Table 1, it is evident that ASW is a key role/ Transit
capability across the scenarios set. Due to the fact that
requirements for ASW and ASuW capabilities are very The combat systems and payloads associated with land
similar in terms of payload, these will form the core roles/ attack and ISR roles will be part of re-role capabilities.
capabilities at the stage of concept design. The combat systems and payloads for re-role capabilities
The highlights of requirements for hybrid submarine in will not be available during every deployment.
view of benchmarks, roles/ capabilities and hypothetical The requirements dictate that nuclear power is used
operational scenarios are listed below: only during transit stage of deployment. However, hybrid
i. The hybrid submarine shall be capable of long submarine is to conduct all mission related activities with
range transit i.e. 7000NM and 99 days endurance. AIP system. Hence, systems are selected in accordance
ii. The hybrid submarine shall transit to the with SSK type submarines to keep power requirements to
operational area under power of a nuclear propulsion minimum to reduce design risks. The limitation is that
system, at transit speeds of 16-18kts. combat system elements, sensors etc. are similar to those
iii. The hybrid submarine shall be able to go off on conventional boats. Following payloads are selected
nuclear propulsion in silent mode while on station. The for this concept design:
submarine shall shift on an AIP system during silent A. Torpedoes
mode. The submarine shall be capable of conducting all 21 inch heavy weight torpedoes (HWT) are selected as
mission related activities with AIP system at patrol the main weapon for ASW and ASuW role. This is the
speeds of 2-6kts. most common weapon size in use by nations with
iv. The hybrid submarine shall be capable of submarine capability. Moreover, there exists familiarity
recharging the AIP in submerged condition. The with handling and stowage of HWT. Furthermore, it is a
submarine can go off station during recharge phase in suited payload for target export countries from cost
case of threat or avoid detection. The submarine is to be reduction point of view.
able to do evasions at 20kts for limited time (2hrs) till There are several variants of the HWT available being
nuclear power can be turned on used by different countries as depicted in Table 3, [9]. The
v. The submarine shall be capable of anti-submarine UK HWT Spearfish shown in “Fig. 4” is chosen for
warfare, anti-surface ship warfare, land attack and inclusion in the payload. A total of 18 torpedoes will be
intelligence, surveillance & reconnaissance activities carried for launch through 4 torpedo tubes. This this HWT
with respective mission specific payloads. variant has the largest volume and the greatest mass,
vi. The hybrid submarine shall have ready rapid re- reference Table 3, thus requires extra trim and
role payload module for flexible re-tasking in a different compensation for weapons stowage.
vii. Defence budget cuts are expected to continue to be
a concern in foreseeable future. The hybrid submarine
shall cost 65% of Astute Submarine i.e. UPC in the
range of $1.1 Billion.
viii. The hybrid submarine is to incorporate readily
available/ used & off-the-shelf systems/ payload to be a Figure 4 – Spearfish Torpedo [25]
competitive low cost export platform. Table 3 - Comparison of heavyweight torpedo sizes [9]
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Swim out discharge is not selected as currently not all
target navies are using it, however it can be included in
concept design if specifically required.
The selected torpedo handling equipment includes a
centreline lift for loading via a weapons embarkation
hatch whilst alongside jetty. The option of Lightweight
torpedoes was also considered, however same did not
offer any particular advantage over the HWT in this
concept design. Nevertheless Lightweight torpedoes can
be carried in case of requirement by target export
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Depending on the mission, the submarine will have the
capability to carry and launch small Unmanned
Underwater Vehicles (UUVs), ranging from 200mm to
1000mm in diameter, through the Payload Delivery Tube
(PDT). These vehicles will perform several tasks
including the Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance
(ISR) missions, Mine Counter Measure (MCM) missions
and Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) training.
After being projected out of a PDT, the UUV will
search a pre-programmed area. The UUV will surface
every 9 to 12 hours to get a Global Positioning System Figure 8 – PDT concept [24]
(GPS) satellite location fix and signal back data to
submarine via radio. The UUV can also receive Initially, the tubes were considered in horizontal
instructions from submarine for a change of mission. It arrangement and penetrating pressure hull, similar to
will repeat this process, until its sortie is completed, and conventional torpedo tubes. To preserve pressure hull
then rendezvous with submarine. This will allow the volume, advice from seasoned submarine operators and
submarine to conduct other missions in the meanwhile. unproven nature of horizontal launch technologies: the
The Torpedo Tube Launch and Recovery (TTLR) PDTs were made vertical and non-penetrating. This allow
system, developed by NUWC and being built by Boeing, for a simple and quick reload when alongside via a crane
will be used to recover UUVs in submerged mode. TLLR or similar platform. The entire tube can be removed and a
does not include battery recharge and data transfer new “cartridge” (PDT) containing same/ different
facilities. TLLR deploys an articulated arm and an aft payload e.g. tomahawks, mines, UUVS (ISR & MCM),
facing receiver cone to physically recover an UUV. UUV UAV specific to the required role can be inserted.
takes station parallel to submarine using an acoustic The hybrid submarine is fitted with two payload
homing system. A retractable probe from its nose is delivery tubes (PDTs), external to the pressure hull. This
deployed to drive the UUV into the receiver cone. The eradicates the complexity of large dome openings while
mid-body of the UUV is held, creating a two point four torpedo openings already exist.
connect. The arm pushed the UUV into the PDT and A PDT cross-section with different payload
retracts. The tube doors are closed [26]. The system has configurations/ options is shown in “Fig. 9” and “Fig. 10”
1600 Kg weight for 18m long arm. The characteristics of below:
different UUVs used are tabulated in Table 4:
Table 4 – UUV options [22, 30]
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The PDT is fitted for when leaving home port i.e. capability. It would be like having core members of the
nothing can be changed at sea. The detection is crew allocated to submarine operations and other
unavoidable during launch of TLAMs i.e. GPS members allocated as per re-role requirement i.e.
coordinates of launch position. Therefore, escape of air equipment specific crew for different deployments will be
bubbles during firing is not dealt with as an issue. brought into the complement as required. However,
However, an air containments system will be utilized to further investigation of role specific crew is
hold bubbles to remain covert during deployment of recommended.
underwater weapons e.g. torpedoes, UUVs etc. For this
purpose, PDT will be fitted with flooding and air VI. CONCEPT DESIGN & SIZING
extraction system similar to a torpedo tube. Moreover, the A. Payload
payload will not be free flooded for the purpose of The final selection of the nominal payload of concept
preservation of systems/ UUVs/ installations against design is recorded in command and control, armaments
seawater. Table 5 presents some of the payload and variable items groups, [9]. The final volume required
arrangements/ options which may be employed in a PDT: for the payload summed across these three groups is
Table 5 - Payload delivery tube configuration options (per tube) 744m3.
B. Initial Sizing & Iterations
PDT Arrangements Payload
Option 1 (ISR) 7 x Bluefin-21 From [10] the initial estimate of the pressure hull
Option 2 (ISR) 3 x Bluefin-21, 1 x Hugin-3000 volume is given by:
Option 3 (ISR) 2 x Bluefin-21, 1 x Hugin-1000,
1 x Hugin-3000 . . .
Option 4 (ISR) 1 x Bluefin-21, 3 x Hugin-1000 Where is pressure hull volume and p.v.f is the
Option 5 (ISR + MCM) 6 x Bluefin-21, 7 x Minesweeper Mk-II payload volume fraction and assumed to be 0.2, [9, 10].
Option 6 (Land Attack) 7 x TLAM
This gives an initial estimate for the pressure hull volume
of 3718m3. Assuming initial pressure hull diameter of
B. Modular Mast 8m, the displacement was estimated. The calculation
A modular mast design is incorporated as part of the steps for this estimation are contained in chapter 1 of
rapid re-role capability. Unlike typical submarine designs UCL Submarine design procedure [10]. The group wise
there are no hull penetrating masts, thus providing a lot of weight breakdown is presented below:
freedom with the placement of bridge fin and therefore
Table 6 – Group wise weight breakdown
the mast configuration. Moreover, there is no requirement
of the bridge fin structure to be located directly over the Group 1 Hull Structure 1413 Te
command deck as in case of hull penetrating command Group 2 Propulsion 490 Te
periscope. Group 3 Electrical Services 42 Te
The modular mast design allows for the quick addition Group 4 Control & Communications 23 Te
or removal of specific or specialist mast types that are Group 5 Ship Services 178 Te
Group 6 Outfit & Furnishing 86 Te
required for different mission types i.e based on the Group 7 Armament & Pyro 206 Te
requirement of deployments missions. It is expected that Group 8 Ballast 140 Te
an additional mast would be added to achieve the high Group 9 Variable Items 557 Te
bandwidth communications required for land strike Total 3135 Te
activities. Additional masts may be added for ISR related
activities such as additional optical masts or improved
performance RADAR masts.
The concept design includes eight mast bays in the
bridge fin structure where the nominal fit would include
four masts. “Fig. 11” shows the mast bay configuration.
C. Role specific Crew After iterating through the design procedure several
Role specific crew option has been considered by the times the final submerged displacement is of 3200 tonnes
Team as a means of increasing the rapid re-role and a diameter of 9m.
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VII. HYBRID PROULSION SYSTEM replacement for an LM2500 gas turbine was selected, [5].
A. Overview A similar concept is also presented by McDonanld for the
powering of submarines [4].
The features of the concept design stipulate that it The HTGCR represented the reactor technology with a
should incorporate a hybrid propulsion system containing slightly lower risk, as gas cooled turbines are well
both a nuclear propulsion and conventional AIP system. understood and employed in several industries. HTGCR
From analysis of scenarios it was determined that a are also being proposed for use in the power industry.
nuclear propulsion system will make the platform ocean The HTGCR presented by Miller, [5], is particularly
going. Therefore the nuclear propulsion will be used for attractive as it is comprises of a single, replaceable, unit
the transit stage of the deployment only and would be with built in shielding. This will eliminate the need for
turned down or turned off during the patrol phase as a shielding incorporated into the bulkheads and decks of
means of managing signatures. reactor compartment, of the platform. Moreover, the
Following different concepts are considered for the power output of the HTGCR proposed by Miller is
propulsion system to obtain a good mix between the 18MW shaft power, which fulfils the concept design
conventional and nuclear systems: requirement.
i. Nuclear + Small high energy density battery C. Nuclear Plant Sizing
ii. Nuclear + Battery and conventional AIP system
iii. Nuclear + Fuel cells The original HTGCR unit presented by Miller, [5],
Why an AIP system has been included and simply the provides 18MW of shaft power. However, for transit
nuclear system is not used for propulsion when on patrol, operation the platform requires a maximum of 4MW
it is due following reasons: power. Hence, the HTGCR is scaled of a 4MW output.
i. Life of the reactor – It is expected that that by 4000
sizing the reactor for operation at transit speed and not
Shaft Power (kW)
utilizing it for through life deployment, life of the 3000
reactor could potentially be increased so as to not to 2500
refuel during platform life. 2000
ii. Novel design – The combination of nuclear 1500
system and fuel cells is an area that has not been 1000
explored by current submarine designs. Moreover, 500
recharging of AIP at sea is a novel idea. This all 0
provides option for a better design. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
B. Selection of Nuclear Powering Technology Speed (knots)
Traditional SSN designs utilize a pressurized water
reactor (PWR) which is the driver for pressure hull Figure 13 - Shaft power vs speed
diameter (typically ≈ 10m). The PWR also requires
cooling pumps and circulation of cooling water The HTGC reactor was scaled based on the volume
constantly even at low load. This is unacceptable for the of the core. It was assumed that output power of the unit
concept design as the platform shall have the capability to would scale linearly with the volume of the core,
achieve an ultra-quiet patrol state. Additionally, to keep however the length-diameter ratio of the core (a cylinder)
the displacement of concept design low, PWR would not was maintained. The shielding plating of the pressure
be a choice. Furthermore a larger diameter and vessel “Fig. 12” was scaled based on surface area whilst
displacement would limit the operating capability in maintaining the mass per unit area of shielding. This
littoral waters. allowed for the calculation of the size of the pressure
Reactor technology from the space industry and from vessel based on the new output shaft power of 4 MW.
the domestic power industry was researched as an The mass and volume of the heat exchanger assembly
alternative for the PWR. Several technologies were was scaled based on the mass and volume per unit of
established as being viable for the concept design power from the original unit. Turbo machinery was sized
including: based on an average of aircraft turbo prop data taken
i. Solid core heat pipe reactors, [3] from a range of sources. Auxiliary systems were scaled
ii. High temperature gas cooled reactors , [4,5] directly from the mass and volume per unit power of the
iii. Free piston Stirling engine systems , [7] original reactor unit design.
iv. Stirling radioisotope generator, [6] However, it is unsure that how life of the reactor would
The details of each of these technologies are beyond scale in response to the reduced size of the unit, this is an
the scope of this study. Finally the high temperature gas area that will require further investigation. The racking
cooled reactor (HTGCR) presented by Miller [5], as a for the system was assumed to be once half of the unit
concept for the powering of a cargo liner as a mass.
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Figure 14 - High temperature gas cooled reactor presented in Miller, [5]
D. Battery System Selection & Sizing A quick analysis of utilizing batteries instead of AIP
The battery of concept design is a small high energy was also conducted which proved AIP to be low on cost
density battery. It will be used during evasion activities and space budget. Therefore, AIP will be providing the
from enemy submarines or to avoid collision. The battery main power for the mission time i.e max 9 days while the
will be sized to allow for sprint speed of 18 knots for 2 battery will remain on float. So the battery design has
hours. This endurance is selected to be sufficient to bring been done for 2 hours of 18kts sprint speed (7500 kWh)
the nuclear system up from sleep condition to rated power i.e the time required to bring the nuclear power online.
output, to take over from the battery for propulsion power 30 120
requirement. During the patrol state battery will remain in Endurance
25 100
Endurance (hours)
a float state to supply power if speeds greater than the Range (nm)
maximum AIP speed are required i.e above 6 knots.
Range (nm)
20 80
Five type of batteries are considered for use: 15 60
i. Lead Acid
10 40
ii. Lithium Titanate
iii. Zebra 5 20
iv. Lithium Polymer 0 0
v. Lithium Ion. 0 5 10 15
Speed (knots)
20 25
A weight, volume and cost analysis is shown below:
Figure 15 - Battery range and endurance
Table 7 - Comparison of battery types
The above analysis shows Li-Ion to be the best option E. AIP Selection
for a futuristic submarine, as they are the cheapest option
As rechargeable AIP constitutes the basic features of
and create least constraint on weight and volume budget
the concept design, Hydrogen fuel cells are considered as
of design. Thus enabling this design to achieve a balance
the most viable AIP technology. The chemical reaction
between an SSK and SSN. To achieve the requirement of
occurring in the fuel cell is:
7500 kWh the required number of battery cells is 460.
Traditionally lead acid batteries have been used and are 2H2 + O2 = 2H2O (2)
considered safe and help with keeping the VCG down, The waste water can be collected (which solves the
thus using a lighter battery might create issues in respect problem of compensating for the weight of the used AIP
of achieving stability. Utilization of Li-Ion has already fuels) and the fuel cell may be run in reverse to
been experimented on US Nuclear Submarines. electrolyze the water and produce oxygen and hydrogen.
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The power required for this process will be provided by F. Selection of AIP fuel regeneration technology
the nuclear system. The concept of a rechargeable hydrogen/oxygen PEM
fuel cell is workable for liquid hydrogen and oxygen
only, as gaseous storage would require enormous space.
This would require liquefaction of oxygen and hydrogen,
which is technically and realistically possible only
through the use of a cryocooler. This would lower the
temperature and increases the pressure to change the state
of the hydrogen and oxygen into their liquid forms.
Recent marinisation of an existing cryocooler has been
on board Nimitz class aircraft carrier (USS Gerald R
Ford) for medical and possibly superconductivity
purposes. It was the QDrive 2S362K which is claimed to
be the most powerful cryocooler at this time and is able to
Figure 16 – AIP patrol & recharging concept produce 22 liters of liquid hydrogen/oxygen per hour, [8].
Battery was considered however, the endurance The required capability to fully replenish the tanks is
required for the patrol state was not possible. shown in Table 8 and Table 9.
The Siemens reversible fuel cell was selected as the Table 8: Cryogenic capability requirement for O2
most risk free technology to be used in the concept
Total volume of O2 required 24.34 m3
design, [27]. Storage of Hydrogen and Oxygen for use in
Cryocooler LO2 production per hour 22.00 lt/hr
the system presented a design challenge. Cryocooler LO2 production per day 0.53 m3/Day
Weight of Cryocooler unit 0.59 Te
Volume of Cryocooler unit 1.00 m3
Power required per unit 20.00 kW
Number of cryocooler units 16.00 qty
Total weight 9.44 Te
Total volume 16.00 m3
Days required 2.88 days
Total power required 320.00 kW
Table 9: Cryogenic capability requirement for H2
Figure 17 – Siemens PEM fuel cell, [28] Total volume of H2 required 50.96 m3
Initially storage of hydrogen was considered as metal Cryocooler LH2 production per hour 22.00 lt/hr
hydride or in methanol alongwith a reformer, [11]. But Cryocooler LH2 production per day 0.53 m3/Day
Weight of Cryocooler unit 0.59 Te
finally it was decided to generate both hydrogen and Volume of Cryocooler unit 1.00 m3
oxygen on-board. Power required per unit 20.00 kW
The hotel load estimate based on formula given in Number of cryocooler units 34.00 qty
Burcher and Rydil, [1], is 270 kW which is viewed as a Total weight 20.06 Te
conservative estimate in the context of installed power Total volume 34.00 m3
Days required 2.84 days
requirement. Four Siemens PEM fuel cells are selected Total power required 680.00 kW
bringing the installed power of the AIP system to
480kWe. It is calculated that the recharging of selected The storage of liquid oxygen and in particular liquid
AIP would require a little less than 3 days for a full hydrogen is a very significant safety concerns as both can
recharge, off-patrol area. cause extreme fire and explosion. To mitigate this risk to
The calculation for the endurance and LOX and H2 an acceptable level the Hydrogen has been stored
requirement of the AIP system is done utilizing values externally to the pressure hull, so as to limit the impact of
from Carlberg, [2]. explosion and catastrophic failure of the pressure hull.
However, liquid oxygen is stored internally, providing
12 1200 physically separation of hydrogen and oxygen, thus
minimizing possible mixture explosion risk. Moreover,
Endurance (Days)
10 1000
internal storage of LOX has been demonstrated onboard
Range (nm)
8 800
6 600 German 214 SSK submarine, [29].
4 Endurance (days)
The enhanced fire risk in the compartment will be
Range (nm) mitigated through enhanced fire protection in terms of
2 200
containment and firefighting capability.
0 0
Speed (knots)
The propulsion technology has been selected to be a
Figure 18 - AIP range and endurance rim drive propulsor as it offers significant benefits over a
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traditional hub driven propulsor [12], along with the General Dynamics Electric Boat (EB) have developed
benefit of an all-electric boat. a military Rim Drive concept RIMJET which is currently
The main benefits of a rim drive system are: being investigated on the ONR SEAJET test bed under
i. No pressure hull shaft penetration the banner of applications to surface ship technology,
ii. Lower advance speed for given thrust [15]. This can be helpful to submarine design future
iii. Greater diameter achievable application
iv. Consistent with pump-jet design style
vi. Smaller internal machinery compartment There are three power sources, and the whole
vii. Ultra quiet operation owing to lower tip speed submarine has been divided into three electrical zones.
viii. Freedom of arrangement However, there exist four compartments, based on
ix. Improved system efficiency bulkhead division i.e 02 reactor containment bulkheads
x. Allows more than 1 prime mover to propel the and 01 AIP containment bulkhead. Therefore, zone 2
submarine, due gear box free operation covers two compartment. Below is the schematic of
Through estimation of resistance 5 MW is required to electrical system onboard the concept design submarine.
drive the submarine at top speed of 20 knots and 2.7MW
at cruise speed of 16 knots. To best solve this problem a
system of two contra rotating propellers with
corresponding stators of 2MW and 3MW is adopted, as
seen in “Fig. 19” below:
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X. STRUCTURAL DESIGN For the pressure hull plate thickness, in order to
The pressure hull for the concept design is calculated minimise cost only standard plate thickness were
through the use of structure tool, [16]. A variety of considered. Therefore, the plate thickness considered
standard stiffeners were considered but they worked out were 30 mm, 40 mm, 45 mm and 50mm. For the dome
to be large and heavy. However the use of custom made structures, the plate thickness was iteratively increased in
thick and small stiffeners worked well. steps of 5mm until the required strength to meet the deep
A. Pressure Hull diving depth was achieved.
The minimum space between frames was initially
For initial estimates structural weights were made from considered to be 0.5m however later it was finalized to be
extrapolation of data from [9]. Finally the pressure hull 0.7m taking into account the ease of fabrication.
for concept design was calculated through the use of Following failure load factors are used for analysis:
structure tool, [16]. Custom made thick and small
Table 13 - Load factors in failure [17]
stiffeners were selected for the concept design.
Following type of pressure hull materials were evaluated: Failure mechanism Load factor on failure
Interframe collapse 1.5
Table 11 - Pressure Hull Material Properties [17]
Overall collapse 1.8
Type of Alloy ρ (ton/m3) σy(MPa) E (GPa) γ Torispherical dome collapse 2.3
Q1-N (HY 80) 7,85 600 207 0,3
Q2-N (HY 100) 7,85 770 207 0,3 To keep the cost & construction time low, the main
pressure hull has is a constant diameter cylindrical. It
For the final structural calculations the UCL Subsea consists of an internally stiffened cylindrical body in the
Structures Sizing Spreadsheet, [17], was used in order to middle and the unstiffened torispherical domes at the
evaluate the hull material necessary to meet the deep ends. The torispherical dome ends are chosen as they
diving depth requirement. The concept design has a offer lower stress concentrations at transitions to the
pressure hull diameter of 9.0 m and a deep diving depth cylinder and better utilization of internal volume.
(DDD) of 370m. The following scantlings were finally selected for a
Few deep diving depths were studied and are presented deep diving depth of 370m:
as follows:
a. Hull Plating = 40mm
i. Collins Class - 200m+
b. Stiffener = 225 (40t) x 275 (60t)
ii. Dolphin Class - 350m
c. Dome thickness = 80mm
iii. HDW Class - 250m
d. Material = HY-100
iv. Oberon Class - 200m
e. Pressure collapse depth = 370m
f. Bulkhead/Deep stiffener spacing = 10m
g. Pressure hull length = 40m
h. Type of domes = Torospherical
j. Pressure hull diameter = 9m
Following are a few screen shots of Structural
calculation tool [17]:
Figure 23 - Frame Geometry
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B. Casing c) Cold and cooled stores consumption: 0.009
The submarine is of single hull construction, with m3/man/day, [9]
casing on top to provide walking access and space for d) Fresh water: 14litres/man/day, [9]
undercasing fittings. The following is estimated for the floor areas of
C. Pressure Hull accommodation, sanitary, dinning, recreational spaces
and stores:
The submarine is divided into four compartments by Table 16 - Living spaces and stores - Areas and Volumes
three containment bulkheads. These are designed to Officers SR JR Vol(m3) Derived
contain safety cases for the reactor compartment and AIP from
regeneration compartment. It is considered that by the Sleeping, dining 15.0 21.3 45.5 163.6 SSK
& recreation area
time they are strong enough to contain the mishaps of (sq.m)
these compartments, they will be water tight as well. Bathroom & 2.1 1.8 3.6 15.1 SSK
heads (sq.m)
XI. CREW, ACCOMODATION & GA Washbasins (no) 2 2 2 1.5 SSK
In order to estimate the required size of the Showers (no) 1 1 1 4.5 SSK
Heads (no) 1 1 2 5.1 SSK
complement, UCL Submarine Data Book [9], was Galley (sq.m) 1.4 2.5 6.1 20.0 SSK
initially referred. It describes the overall complement Pantry offices 2.1 0.0 0.0 4.3 SSN
depending upon the level of automation, amount of on- (sq.m)
board maintenance and the watch system appropriate to Laundry (sq.m) 0.5 0.9 2.3 7.5 SSN
the mission. Stowage volume 1.6 1.8 3.3 13.5 SSK
However, to get to a real number existing Communal 0.8 1.1 1.8 7.5 SSK
commonwealth nations submarines displacement vs crew Stowage vol
data was utilized, which is as follows: (cu.m)
Total Volume 242.5
Table 14 - Commonwealth Nation Submarines - Displacement vs Crew
Country Class (Sub Type) Displacement Complement In order to keep the size & displacement to minimum
UK Astute (SSN) 7400 109 SSK standards were adopted and Japanese hotel pods
UK Trafalgar (SSN) 5300 130 type accommodation was adopted, the screenshot of the
UK Swiftsure (SSN) 4900 120 same can be seen below:
Australia Collins (SSK) 3400 58
Canada Victoria (SSK) 2500 47
Pakistan Khalid (SSK) 2000 41
Singapore Archer (SSK) 1700 28
Singapore Challenger (SSK) 1500 23
India Sindhughosh (SSK) 3000 53
India Shishumar (SSK) 1900 40
Complement vs displacement
80 SSN
y = 0.017x + 2.4665
40 Linear
20 (SSK)
0 2000 4000 6000 8000
Displacement (Te)
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of operation.
When surfaced the stability is governed by the
metacentric height and the righting lever arm (GZ) and
hence restoring moment when forced into a heel angle.
The analysis was undertaken for the worst possible
case of all keel tanks and main ballast tanks empty. The
“Fig. 30” below shows the boat in the surfaced condition,
with the waterplane represented by the green surface, the
level trim in this state can be seen.
Figure 31 - GZ Curve
The graph indicates that the static surfaced stability
appears to be adequate, this was checked against
submarine surfaced stability of DefStan 08-102, [18].
Results can be seen in Table 17 below:
Table 17 - DEFSTAN 08-102 assessment results
Figure 29 – General Arrangement
Criteria Achieved Limit Actual value
The concept design is too small to be survivable in an GM Pass 0.3 m 0.527 m
GZ at 30° heel Pass 0.15 m 0.278 m
event of a torpedo strike, but the redundancy gained from Area 0° - 30° Pass 0.042 mrad 0.073 mrad
the zonal distribution of the propulsion systems Area 0° - 40° Pass 0.07 mrad 0.129 mrad
complemented by the all-electric zonal DC distribution Angle of max GZ Pass 50° 95.8°
system adds redundancy in terms of system failure.
It should be noted that the accommodation Submerged buoyancy is achieved through the centre of
compartment is located aft of the reactor compartment gravity being maintained beneath the centre of buoyancy
which is not the convention on current SSN designs. in all conditions, as there is no metacentre when fully
However this was required to satisfy the stability submerged and hence GM is zero.
conditions for the boat. Additionally with the reactor The submerged stability was assessed in the worst
compartment being an unmanned (but accessible if possible state of all keel tanks empty and main ballast
required) compartment, it is expected that there will be no tanks flooded, which is required to achieve neutral
exposure issues in the thoroughfare, being the forward buoyancy. The stability also assessed in
machinery compartment. PARAMARINE® using the submarine stability tool. The
results show that the distance BG is positive, with a value
A. Stability B. Trim
Static stability analysis was undertaken using The trim polygon, “Fig. 32”, has been created using the
PARAMARINE ®to assess the stability characteristics of UCL Trim Tool, [19]. The bounding volume of the trim
the concept design in both the surfaced and dived modes polygon represents the weight and moment variation
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possible for the boat to maintain neutral buoyancy and The design needs more attention in the areas of AIP
level trim. The inner bound contains a permeability regeneration, through utilization of cryo technology, and
margin and hence is smaller. The consumables polygon is storage of liquid hydrogen. Moreover, there is also need
entirely within the trim polygon, meaning that the boat to further investigate the un-manned operation of AIP
can achieve neutral buoyancy and level trim in all regeneration compartment.
operating conditions.
Trim Polygon The cost estimate below, [9, 10], shows that the
UPC is approximately $100M under budget. It is
expected that this surplus can be used for de-risking of
above discussed safety cases related to this concept
Weight (te)
Table 19 - Costing estimate
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and output power necessitating quietness and stealth. This [4]. C. F. McDonald, “Closed-Cycle Gas Turbine
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Length pressure hull 40 metres [17]. Subsea Structures Sizing Spreadsheet, Department
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Length overall 73 metres [18]. DEFSTAN 08-102, UK MoD, 2010.
L/D 8.11 [19]. Trim Tool of Department of Naval Architecture,
Reserve of buoyancy 10.1 % University College London.
Fixed ballast 140 tonnes [20]. I Khan, IFEP for Nuclear Submarines, Lambert
Deep dive depth 370 metres Academic Publishing, 2012.
Crew 50 [21]. [online]. http://www.freerepublic.com
Transit speed 16 knots [22]. C. Hollosi, Janes Unmanned Maritime Vehicles,
Patrol speed 4 knots Issue-5, IHS Global Limited, 2011.
Max speed 20 knots [23]. [online]. http://www.seasroutefinder.com
Mission endurance 99 days
Indiscretion Ratio 0.0
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Cost UPC £998M html
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS [25]. [online]. http://www.baesystems.com
[26]. L. A. Gish, “Design of an AUV Recharging
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