Manual Instruçao CPF200 - CPVS250
Manual Instruçao CPF200 - CPVS250
Manual Instruçao CPF200 - CPVS250
Model CPF 200 & CPVS 250
62 305 799 65
The CP COMPRESSOR should never be operated beyond its capabilities
or in any way which does not comply with the instructions contained
in this operating and maintenance guide.
For the guarantee to be valid, the unit must be assembled in covered
premises with temperatures not exceeding :
Nominal pressure at full capacity PSI 100 125 150 175 100 125 150 175
Real flow*
(as per ISO 1217 ed 1996) cfm 865 820 744 603 1011 966 876 729
Motor power hp 175 200
Ø Pressure outlet (F) Inch 3" PN16 DN80 3" PN16 DN80
Oil receiver capacity gal 23,7 23,7
Residual quantity of oil ppm 3 3
WARNING: the operation connection cables between the different elements must never follow the same path as the existing power
cords. A separate installation from the power cords must be carried out.
• Install an RC filter on all the relay coils of the external operation units.
Air delivery
Ø0.78 0.39
* Hole 0.32x0.32
4.76 30.31
Air inlet
43.30 7.40 24.56 7.40
94 62.38
4.72 111.89
Air inlet side
Air delivery
option standard
on the CPVS 250
Cooling air outlet
0.39 *
3.54 25.98
* Hole 0.32x0.32
When the atmosphere is contaminated by organic or mineral dust or Fig. 5b - Sleeve with an elbow
by corrosive chemical emanations the following precautions must be
taken: V maxi = 18,04 ft/s
1. Provide another air inlet as close as possible to the (Ratio of volume flow rate of the ventilation to the sleeve
compressor suction.(recommendation which is valid if the cross section)
only room available is excessively damp). L maxi = 32.8 ft (without mechanical extractor)
2 - Use an additional air supply filter. Consult us.
Cross section of room air inlet > 2 x Duct outlet cross section
2 elbows accepted with large radius of curve and fluid gui-
dance vanes
Installation with heat dispersion sleeve
Ratio (Length/Width of sleeve) maxi = 1.6
If the operation of the compressor increases the ambient
Make sure that no outside air, especially if humid, can be fed
temperature above 104°F, it is necessary to discharge the hot air
back into the machine and damage electric and electronic
leaving the cooler to the exterior by means of a sleeve.
components or rust metal parts.
Prevailing wind The maximum admissible pressure loss of the sleeve should not
exceed 30 Pa (3 mmCE). In case of higher value, provide an
additional ventilation (mechanical extractor) with a flow
equivalent to that of the machine, C1 converter controlled (see
V electrical diagram).
L Regulation type 0-10V
Flexible fitting
0V extractor shutdown
10V full rate operation
C - Assembly
Compressor Put the unit on a stable surface. The CP does not need foundations.
Any flat surface that can support their weight will be sufficient
(industrial floor).
Fig. 5a - Sleeve with roof outlet
D - Air discharge pipes
The diameter of the air discharge pipe must be at least 3" gas for
the CPF 175/200 and CPVS 200/250.Current legislation requires
Ventilation Duct minimum cross section that a valve which is lockable in the closed position be installed
flow rate ( d ≤ L ≤ 1,6d ) at the air box outlet, connected to the compressor by a union
cfm sqm and flexible line to allow it to be cut off during repair work.
CPF 175 11780 10.87
CPVS 200 16485 15.22
CPF 200 16485 15.22
CPVS 250 16485 15.22
Equipment with 230 V star-delta starting: in accordance with decree
69164 in application of act 601375, this setup can only be supplied
if expressly requested by the customer.
The electric motors are only guaranteed if the voltage at the motor
terminals doesn't exceed 10% of nominal voltage. The CP input
wiring must correspond to the following table:
Reference conditions:
• 460V tri, 60 Hz
• TNC setting
• Ambient temperature: 106°F
• Installation in cable troughs in the open air
• Maximum length: 32.8 ft
• Type of cables to be used: Cu-PVC
For variable speed machines see Chapter 6.
E - Safety
The oil used for cooling the machine is a liquid combustible under
1 the effect of strong heat. In case of fire in the machine, it is essential
to respect the regulatory measures on the compressor. The type of
fire in a compressor is defined as "class B" and in presence of a live
electrical conductor, it is recommended to use a CO2 extinguisher
functioning by "smothering" (starvation of oxygen) while observing
the user instructions applicable to the model.
Fig. 9
56 51A
20 55
41 45
38 34
21 37
23 49
46 47
VORTEX pre-filter
1 4
Air filter
2 5
x y
The high quality of the ventilation air is also essential for protecting
internal components of the compressor and, more specifically,
the motor and the air / air and air / oil exchangers. Clogging in the
exchangers creates an increase in temperature, deterioration of
the lubricant and the motor becomes overloaded thus increasing
the energy consumed. Galvanised steel covered frame.
Flammable medium (belonging to fire protection class M1) made
The quality of the air drawn in by a compressor is essential. Low of polyester fibres.
quality air results in the following :
Pleated medium on support grid placed downwards in the direc-
tion of the airflow.
• Fast pollution of the oil thus an increase in oil change cycles.
Support grid
• Increased pollution of the air and oil filtering components that
increases the deterioration of the mechanical components in the Fig. 15
compressor, screw block, ...
Pre-filtration pannels
• Binding of the air / oil separator before 6000 Hours thus an Pre-ventilation
increase in maintenance cycles and maintenance costs. lock
This management system enables the compressor to be restarted 2 - Description of the option
automatically after a power cut.
Rotair Xtra
2 - Option overview The properties of these oils enable the maintenance planning
Not available in standard version in order to prevent any incident during schedule to be based on main drainage operations of 4000 or
maintenance operations carried out by a non-trained person. This op- 8000 hours (under standard conditions of use).
tion is proposed in cases where the production of compressed air should The maintenance tasks are consequently less frequent, thus making
suffer only the minimum periods of shutdowns. for certain savings, such as the availability of the equipment and
The standard microcut time accepted by AIRLOGIC is lower operating cost of the compressor.
approximately : 40 ms. Food Grade Oil
However, certain electrical fittings create longer micro cut-offs This oil has been specially developed for use as a lubricant that
that will cause a compressor shut down, then a manual restart. may come into contact with foodstuffs.
Automatic compressor restarting enables immediate air produc-
tion after a power cut and thus avoids the time lapse required for G - Centrifugal separator
manual compressor restarting that would mean a fall in pressure
in the air circuit. (see B chapter 1)
Particularly used for industries where air production should not
be subject to shut downs that waste the products manufactured or
Fig. 17
damage the production equipment.
3 - Technical features
This option requires configuration of the electronic controler and
installation of an informative insert on the door of the compressor
electric cabinet.
1 - Description
Every time the compressor stops, it must be secured by
opening and locking the electric section switch. This device allows bleeding of the condensates formed in the air
E - Remote starting and stopping
2 - Description of the option
This option allows the compressor to be remotely started and
stopped. However, in all cases, stopping the compressor at the The cooling of the compressed air allows the suction air to be
machine itself is essential. If the compressor is shut down from a dried, thus removing the humidity that collects in the bottom of
distance, it may be restarted from a distance as well. For any in- the separator after being condensed in the aftercooler. The
tervention to be conducted on the machine, it is essential to activate condensates are evacuated from the separator through a trap with
the emergency stop of the machine in order to ensure safe condi- a solenoid drip valve or a trap with level detector if this option is
tions (Refer to AIRLOGIC Manual) installed.
Frequency speed
Pressure sensor
stop timing
minimun time
Min speed
Flow Q
Min Q
E - Operating incidents
The staff in charge of maintenance of the CPVS compressor must become fully acquainted with this machine, in order to be able to easily
diagnose any anomaly. Under normal operating conditions, the CPVS compressor must provide full satisfaction.
1 - Main incidents
The main incidents likely to occur are listed below, along with the remedies to be applied. The keys to the control lamps relate to the
instrument panel (refer to the AIRLOGIC Manual).
NOTE : maintenance kits are available (see spare parts list). (*) or at least every year
Fig. 21 Fig. 22
Fig. 23 Check that the suction oil return tube is clean (transparent) to avoid
clogging of the nozzle (see fig. 22).
1 The unit must first be checked to make sure that there is no oil
loss and that the oil return is working properly.
H - Motors
The motors must be lubricated in accordance with manufacturer
instructions printed on the motor plate. K - Temperature safety tests
Type of lubricant for motor IP55: ASONIC HQ 72-102
(see Notice AIRLOGIC - E chapter 1).
(Kluber Lubrication)
In the event of a motor replacement, check for the correct direc- CHANGED.
tion of rotation by starting then IMMEDIATELY stopping the
motor. If the direction of rotation is incorrect, change two phases L - Refastening electric connections
on the motor power cable in the electrical cabinet.
A loosening of the electric power cables leads to the contactors
If you have chosen the phase control option check that the ove-rheating which can lead to their destruction.
controller indicator is on (sequence correct).
Periodic refastening is therefore necessary at the star and triangle
I - Coupling line contactor arrivals and departures.
Non-lubricated flexible coupling doesn't require any particular All electric power supply to the machine must be cut off before
maintenance. It is made up of two half-flanges and one or more opening the electric cabinet.
intermediary rubber elements. The rubber elements must be
checked periodically for any cracks, tears, loss of elasticity or M - Decommissioning the compressor at
signs of excessive wear.
the end of its useful life
1. Stop the compressor and close the air outlet valve.
Testing the wear tell-tale 2. Unplug the compressor from the electric supply.
3. Decompress the compressor : unplug the 4/6 piping on the
oil separator cover.
4. Close and decompress the section of the air network which
is linked to the exit valve. Disconnect from the compressed
air exit pipe from the air network.
5. Empty the circuits of oil and condensates.
6. Disconnect the compressor condensate piping from the
condensate draining system.
Machine running at fixed speed
A - Main incidents
The main incidents likely to occur are listed below, along with the remedies to be applied. The markers of the indicator lights relate to the
control panel.
2. THE COMPRESSOR a) Ambient temperature too high. a) Make openings or install ducts to
OVERHEATS evacuate the hot air (see Chapter 2).
b) Obstruction of the passage of cooling b) Clean the coolers (see Chapter 7).
through the oil cooler. c) Check and top-up oil level.
c) Oil level too low. d) Check that the oil filter is clean. Drain.
d) Oil circuit blocked. Replace the cartridge. Check the tightness
of connections.
3. THE COMPRESSOR STOPS WHEN a) Compressor motor overload. a) Check it is connected and the electric
THE MOTOR PROTECTION connections are tight. Check the pressure
UNIT TRIPS of the compressed air and the pressure
switch settings.
b) Phase unbalance b) Check the phase intensities
4. OPENING OF SAFETY VALVE a) To clean oil separator cartridge. a) Change the oil separator cartridge.
b) Valve of suction box out of use or b) Check valve, piston and joints of suction
not closed. box.
c) Faulty pressure switch, sensor c) Check that the pressure switch and
or solenoid valve. solenoid valve and sensor pressure are in
d) Working pressure too high good working order.
5. EXCESSIVE OIL CONSUMPTION a) Blocked oil retainer. a) Check the oil return pipes.
b) Oil leaks in the CP Compressor. b) Look for oil leaks and rectify.
c) Faulty oil separator element c) Replace the oil separator cartridge.
(see Chapter 7-E)
6. DELIVERY PRESSURE TOO LOW a) Incorrect pressure settings. a) Adjust the pressure.
b) The desired output is higher than that b) Check consumption and possible leaks.
of the compressor.
c) Closed suction valve. c) Check solenoid valve, pressure switch,
d) Release nozzle incorrectly adjusted valve.
(modulating adjustment option). d) Check setting.
A - Water pipe
For water-cooled units.
The diameters of the pipes to be provided are as follows:
- refrigerant input/output: 1" 1/4 gas thread.
The input filter is recommended for protection of refrigerants and valves. The set is equipped with an automatic solenoid
valve for closing off the water. This is situated on the water inlet pipe. A manual control and check valve will be installed
on the water discharge to optimize flow.
If the inlet water temperature is lower than 25°C, the minimum recommended flow rate is 7.5 m3/h for the CPF 200/ CPVS 250.
Figures 1 show the water rates necessary to obtain the proper compressed air temperature in accordance with requirements.
The cooling water tends to be acid and often needs special treatment. The pH level can vary between 7 and 9. For optimum
results, the water used must be analysed and treated in order to meet the above specifications.
- No algae nor oil.
- Chlorides and sulphates are interactive. In open systems, the sum of the square of these values must not exceed 85 000. In
closed systems which are carefully controlled and treated, the sum of the squares can go up to 520 000. Note that the value of the
sulphates must include any presence of sulphites.
CP Compressors
1800 Overview Dr
Rock Hill, SC 29730