Reportage Village 4 Bed 5 Sep
Reportage Village 4 Bed 5 Sep
Reportage Village 4 Bed 5 Sep
Phase Payment plan Plan 1** Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5 - Plan 6
Plot + Unit No. A-R14-009 10% Dp, 1% monthly 15% Dp, 1% monthly 20% Dp, 1% monthly 30% Dp, 1% monthly 30% dp, 70% HO 100% Dp
Type Townhouse Down payment 10% 15% 20% 30% 30% 100%
Simplex/ Loft/
1% for 51months 1% for 51months 1% for 51months 1% for 51months 0%
Duplex Triplex Monthly 0
Bedrooms 61% 66% 71% 81% 30%
4B During construction 100%
View Community Handover 39% 34% 29% 19% 70% 0
ROW Single Row Discount 5% 7.50% 10% 15% 5% 40%
Location Middle Final Price 2,085,238 2,030,363 1,975,488 1,865,739 2,085,238 1,316,992.20
Internal Area
(SQ.Ft) 1,670
External Area
605 DP 208,524 304,554 395,098 559,722 625,571 1,316,992.20
Total Area (SQ.Ft) 2,275 Monthly 20,852 20,304 19,755 18,657 0
Plot area Total of all (51)
1,063,471 1,035,485 1,007,499 951,527
(SQ.Ft) 947 months 0
Original Price 2,194,987 Handover 813,243 690,323 572,892 354,490 1,459,666 0
Total 2,085,238 2,030,363 1,975,488 1,865,739 2,085,238 1,316,992
Additional fees
Installment in
84,503 82,308 80,113 75,723 84,503
months 51 DLD+ Oqood 53,772.69
Utility Connections
DLD (Approx Charges) At 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00
4% + AED1093 Handover
Completion 2027 Q4
Payment Plan Exchange Rate 1
Figures (USD) USD= 3.60 Aed
Final Price with
parking (USD) 579,232.68 563,989.72 548,746.75 518,260.82 579,232.68 365,831.17
Additional Charges
DLD+ Oqood 23,472.92 22,863.20 22,253.48 21,034.04 23,472.92 14,936.86
Utility Connections
(Approx Charges) At
Handover 11,111.11 11,111.11 11,111.11 11,111.11 11,111.11 11,111.11