Financial Projections Model v6.8.4

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Company 10/29/19
Cost of Revenues
Years 1 to 5
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Revenue 18,000,000 25,525,000 34,750,000 44,000,000 59,000,000

Cost of Revenue

Material Costs per Unit Rp 35,000 Rp 42,000 Rp 56,000 Rp 60,000 Rp 72,000
Subcontact Costs per Unit Rp 15,000 Rp 16,500 Rp 18,000 Rp 18,500 Rp 20,000
Total Direct Costs per Unit Rp 50,000 Rp 58,500 Rp 74,000 Rp 78,500 Rp 92,000
Unit Sales 45 60 75 90 120
Total Direct Costs 2,250,000 3,510,000 5,550,000 7,065,000 11,040,000
Labor Costs 648,000 2,178,000 5,152,000 8,208,000 11,232,000
Total Direct Costs 2,898,000 5,688,000 10,702,000 15,273,000 22,272,000

Service B
Service Personnel Costs 115,500 207,200 460,000 1,468,750 2,640,000

Other Expenses
Salary Expenses 264,000 672,000 948,750 1,380,625 1,920,000
Depreciation 36,714 91,714 137,429 190,286 243,143
Facility costs (rent, energy) Rp 200,000 Rp 250,000 Rp 300,000 Rp 420,000 Rp 500,000
System Costs Rp 60,000 Rp 75,000 Rp 90,000 Rp 110,000 Rp 120,000

All other costs % of Revenue 4% 720,000 1,021,000 1,390,000 1,760,000 2,360,000

Total Cost of Revenues 4,294,214 8,004,914 14,028,179 20,602,661 30,055,143
% of Revenue 23.9% 31.4% 40.4% 46.8% 50.9%

Allocation of Cost of Revenue between:

Variable 3,733,500 6,916,200 12,552,000 18,501,750 27,272,000
Fixed 560,714 1,088,714 1,476,179 2,100,911 2,783,143
Total 4,294,214 8,004,914 14,028,179 20,602,661 30,055,143

Cost of Revenues by Months & Quarters

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Month 1 0 400,246 0 0 0
Month 2 0 400,246 0 0 0
Month 3 0 560,344 0 0 0
Total 1st Quarter 0 1,360,835 1,683,381 3,502,452 8,415,440
Month 4 214,711 480,295 0 0 0
Month 5 343,537 560,344 0 0 0
Month 6 429,421 560,344 0 0 0
Total 2nd Quarter 987,669 1,600,983 6,032,117 5,356,692 3,606,617
Month 7 429,421 640,393 0 0 0
Month 8 515,306 800,491 0 0 0
Month 9 644,132 800,491 0 0 0
Total 3rd Quarter 1,588,859 2,241,376 4,489,017 4,120,532 6,311,580
Month 10 515,306 880,541 0 0 0
Month 11 558,248 960,590 0 0 0
Month 12 644,132 960,590 0 0 0
Total 4th Quarter 1,717,686 2,801,720 1,823,663 7,622,984 11,721,506
Total for year 4,294,214 8,004,914 14,028,179 20,602,661 30,055,143

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