Devp211 Reviewer Prelim
Devp211 Reviewer Prelim
Devp211 Reviewer Prelim
Nature vs. Nurture – Maturation Race – concept of dividing people into groups
on the basis of various sets of physical
NATURE – heredity characteristics
- Voluntary behaviour and the - Human beings are processors of
consequences rather than the symbols
predictors of behaviour ➢ PIAGETIAN APPROACH
- Jean Piaget (1896-1980) developed the
REINFORCEMENT cognitive stage theory
- A consequence that increases the - Viewed development organismically as
likelihood of the behaviour that if product of children’s attempts to
follows understand and act upon their world
- Most effective when it immediately - Qualitative development; development
follows a behavior stages
A. Organization – tendency to create
PUNISHMENT categories
- A consequence that decreases the SCHEMES – ways of organizing info about the
likelihood of the behaviour that it world
B. Adaptation – how children handle new
EXTINCTION information in light of what they
already know
- When a response is no longer
DNA – the “stuff” of heredity is a chemical FATHER (23) + MOTHER (23) = BABY (46)
called deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
AUTOSOMES – 22 pairs of our 23 pairs are
Bases – pairs of chemical units (double-helix chromosomes that are not related to sexual
structure of a DNA molecule – long, spiralling expression
(A) adenine
(T) thymine
(C) cytosine
(G) guanine
Appearance (color)
Parietal Lobe
Depth Perception
Haptic Perception
Self-evaluative emotions
Milestones: 2. Undernutrition
Ages 3-5: pour milk, use utensils, toilet ▪ Malnutrition more prevalent concern in
independent developing countries like Philippines
Stunting – chronic hunger leading to short ▪ Air pollution, respiratory disease,
stature & cognitive/physical deficiencies cancer, neurological disorders
▪ Pesticides: cognitive effects, cancer
Wasting – appropriate height for their age but ▪ Lead poisoning: cognitive impairment,
are thinner than they should be; rapid weight neurological damage
(02) Cognitive Development
▪ Faster rise in poorer countries
❖ Advances in Preoperational Thought
3. Oral Health
1. The Symbolic Function – ability to use
▪ Baby teeth by age 3, permanent teeth
symbols, words, images, etc. to represent
coming in around age 6
something else
▪ Tooth decay often caused by:
- Overconsumption of sugary Deferred imitation: imitating a behaviour after
drinks/juices in infancy delay, ability to hold mental representation
- Lack of regular dental care
- More cavities in disadvantaged children Pretend play: using an object to represent
▪ Fluoride helps prevent cavities added to something else
toothpaste, mouthwash, water
Language: biggest symbolic activity
4. Death and Injuries
2. Understanding of space – understand
▪ Accidents top cause of death ages 5-12 relationships between models, maps, real
in U.S. spaces by age 3
- Safety regulations helped: car seats,
3. Causality – basic understanding of physical &
helmets, gun storage, etc.
social causes of events
▪ Cancer, congenital disorders, homicide,
heart disease 4. Identities & Categorization
▪ Poverty
- understand objects/people retain identity
5. Environmental Influences despite changes in appearance
▪ Low SES, lack of insurance, unmet - categorize objects by similarities & differences
medical/dental needs like color and shape
▪ Racial/ethnic minorities, higher rates of
chronic conditons 5. Number Sense
▪ Homelessness:
- early number sense seen in infants
- Health issues, infections, low birth
weight - cardinality principle (last # said is total)
- Depression, behaviour issues emerges around 2.5 years
▪ Second hand smoke, respirator
infections, ear problems, asthma - counting, quantity comparison abilities
- family SES & pre-school experience impact CULTURAL ❖ Infant Social
math skills INFLUENCES Attention
❖ Executive
❖ Immature Aspects of Preoperational EDUCATION
Thought LANGUAGE ❖ Social
Centration – focusing on one aspect of PATTERNS Competence
situation while neglecting others ❖ Language
Egocentrism – hard taking another’s Ability
perspective, centering only own point ❖ Being bilingual
of view ❖ Brain
Conservation – understanding that Development
quantity remains the same when
appearance changes
➔ Fail conservation tasks by changing ❖ Memory
Memory – ability to encode, store & retrieve
❖ Theory of Mind information
- Awareness & understanding of mental
processes Working Memory – short-term memory store
o Understanding of others’ mental state that holds small amounts of information while it
emerges early & becomes more is being processes (limited capacity)
complex with age
Long-term Memory – relatively permanent &
o Important for social skills, empathy,
unlimited store of knowledge & experiences
understanding behaviour
Metamemory – children’s understanding of
18 months Understand goal-
directed behaviour memory improves w/ age using memory
2 years Engage in pretend strategies
3 years Use deception, ❖ Intelligence
distinguish fantasy vs.
reality Intelligence – ability to learn, reason, and
4 years Understand false problem-solve, adapt to new situations,
beliefs manipulate abstract concepts
5 years Manipulate others’
mental states, IQ Tests – standardized tests designed to
understand measure intelligence through variety of verbal
appearance vs. reality & nonverbal tasks (uses Standford-Binet and
Wechsler scales)