mnl M10066 Copyright © 2010 Aluratek, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Table of Contents Table of Contents
Chapter 2: Getting Started ................................................................ 08 Appendix A: Listen to Music via WMP 11 ........................................ 49
2.1 Hardware Installation................................................................. 08 Appendix B: Listen to Music via WMC 2.0 ....................................... 57
2.2 Software Installation .................................................................. 08 Technical Support .............................................................................. 61
Radio and TV Interference Statement .............................................. 62
Chapter 3: Configuration ................................................................... 09 Warranty .............................................................................................. 63
3.1 Configure as an Wireless Client ............................................... 09
3.2 Configure as a Wired Client ...................................................... 14
3.3 Configure as a Wireless Access Point (AP Mode) .................... 19
Thank you for choosing Aluratek’s® Internet Radio Alarm Clock with • Choose between more than 11,000+ radio stations worldwide via
Built-in WiFi. Once I’m connected to the internet you will have access to built-in vTuner with no monthly cost
11,000+ live streaming internet radio stations from around the globe at • Search music by genre, i.e. classic, pop, talk, news, sports etc.
your fingertips. and geographically over 150 countries
• Compatible with universal Plug-n-Play audio servers such as:
This includes any music genre you can think of including talk, sports and Microsoft Media Player 11 (WMP11), Microsoft Media Connect
local news from over 150 countries. and MusicMatch Jukebox
• Wireless access WIFI 802.11 b/g, Ethernet and USB 2.0
(host only) connectivity
That’s pretty much free music for life playing from any room in your
• Built-in FM radio tuner for local FM broadcast service
home or office. • Access music files stored on a USB 2.0 flash drive, MP3 player
or Hard drive through the unit’s USB port
Just use your exisitng WiFi and internet connection. If you have internet • Alarm clock function with 2 programmable alarms wakes you up to
you are all set! internet radio, FM radio, digital music, or alarm tone
• Integrated amplifier: 2x2W stereo
In addition to making sure only quality materials are used for manufac- • External plug for headsets (3.5mm)
turing, Aluratek® is also dedicated to provide the best customer satisfac- • 2 RCA plugs (Stereo Lineout) for external speakers
tion and support. • No PC is required
• 1 Year limited warranty
The goal of Aluratek is to embody “Simple Elegance” in every product
it designs, manufactures and sells. 1.3 Requirements
The product focus of Aluratek is to bring simple yet elegant connectiv- • Wired / wireless router
ity solutions to the consumers to enhance their consumer electronics, • Internet connection
communications and computing experience. Each product is carefully
designed with the consumer in mind. Each product is solution-driven to 1.4 Package Contents
address the need of the consumers and deliberately planned to provide
the ultimate user experience. Your order has been carefully packaged and inspected. The following
should be included in your package. Please inspect the contents of the
package to ensure that you have received all items and that nothing has
Read this guide thoroughly and follow the installation and operation been damaged. If you discover a problem, please contact us immedi-
procedures carefully to prevent any damage to the unit and / or any of ately for assistance.
the devices it connects to.
• WiFi Internet Radio
• Remote Control
• Power Adaptor
• Instructional Manual / CD
• Quick Start Guide
• Warranty / Registration Card
REW-Rewind Favorite- add to My
C Play/Pause-Play/Pause
Shuffle-shuffle music
- up
Stream Internet Radio Connect your local Plug in any USB Drive - down
from your WiFi / wireless CAT5 Ethernet cable to and listen to your music - left
802.11 B / G router. stream Internet Radio. files. (USB port on top) - right
2.1 Hardware Installation There are three modes of network configuration for AIRMM02F. It can be a
wireless client, a wired client, or even a wireless access point (Wireless AP).
Please make sure you already have a wired/wireless router setup
before setting up AIRMM02F. 3.1 Configure as an Wireless Client
Step 1. Power on: The factory default mode is the client Mode. According to the availability
Plug in the power adapter and press the power switch to power on of an Ethernet cable, the device will automatically select a suitable client
AIRMM02F mode to operate. User can also manually change the setting of network
configuration through the Setup menu “Setup/Advanced Setup/Configure
Step 2. Connect to Wi-Fi Router from AP lists Network”.
If you have a router with Wi-Fi function, AIRMM02F will automatically
find the available AP lists for you to select. (See Chapter 3.1 to do the If there is an existing 802.11b/g wireless network in your home, this will
detailed setup) be simplest mode to connect AIRMM02F to the existence network.
User just have to power on the device, with no Ethernet cable plugged
Step 3. Connect to wired Router in, the device will automatically go into the wireless client mode and
If you want to connect to your router (AP) by a RJ45 cable, you can go look for all available wireless APs (Access Points). To connect for the
to Setup / advance setting / configure network to wired client/ AP mode. first time, you will need to select the AP to connect and set the correct
(See Chapter 3.2 to do the detailed setup) encryption key. Once the setting is finished, the device will save the
related settings and connect to the designated AP when it is power on.
However, if there is problem connecting to the designated AP, the device
2.2 Software Installation will show the AP list screen for user to configure again.
AIRMM02F can work as a stand-alone device or as a media streamer First time using device without an Ethernet cable plugged in:
of a media server. As a stand-alone unit, you can use it to listen to
Internet radio, FM radio, and external USB storage/MP3 players. No Instructions Screenshot Go to next Notes
computer is needed. screen
First time using device without an Ethernet cable plugged in (cont.): First time using device without an Ethernet cable plugged in (cont.):
Instructions Screenshot Go to next Notes Instructions Screenshot Go to next Notes
screen screen
8. “►” button or
“OK” button or
press the right
rotary wheel.
Manually configured as the Wireless Client Mode: Manually configured as the Wireless Client Mode (cont.):
Instructions Screenshot Go to next Notes Instructions Screenshot Go to next Notes
screen screen
1. “OK” button or Initial screen 7. “OK” button or You can use the
press the right press the right numeric/ alphabet
rotary wheel. rotary wheel. keypad on remote
control to input
the WEP key, or
you can use the
2. “ “ button “►” button or option button to
(4 times) or “OK” button or change the abc/
rotate right press the right ABC/123/~!# input.
rotary wheel rotary wheel. Note: Case sensitive.
3. “▼” button “►” button or 8. “►” button or Confirm to the
(1 times) or “OK” button or “OK” button or settings above.
rotate right press the right press the right
rotary wheel rotary wheel. rotary wheel.
4. “►” button or Manually select 9. Apply new
“OK” button or the wireless settings.
press the right client mode.
rotary wheel.
3.2 Configure as a Wired Client First time using device with an Ethernet cable plugged in: (cont.)
If there is no 802.11b/g wireless network in your home, and only wired Instructions Screenshot Go to next Notes
802.3 network is available, AIRMM02F can also connect to the wired screen
network through an Ethernet cable. 6.
In this situation, prior to power on the device, you have to plug the Eth-
ernet cable into the RJ45 connector. And then power on the device. The
device will automatically go into the wired client mode when it detects a
link status through the Ethernet connection during device startup. 7. “ “ button “►” button or
(5 times) or “OK” button or
rotate right press the right
rotary wheel rotary wheel.
First time using device with an Ethernet cable plugged in: clockwise.
8. “▼” button “►” button or
Instructions Screenshot Go to next Notes (1 times) or “OK” button or
screen rotate right press the right
rotary wheel rotary wheel.
1. Aluratek Initial screen clockwise.
2. “►” button or Device is running 9. “▼” button “►” button or
“OK” button or as a Wireless (1 times) or “OK” button or
press the right Client. rotate right press the right
rotary wheel. rotary wheel rotary wheel.
3. “►” button or Select the inter- 10. “▼” button “►” button or
“OK” button or net radio menu (1 times) or “OK” button or
press the right language. rotate right press the right
rotary wheel. rotary wheel rotary wheel.
4. 11. “►” button or
“OK” button or
press the right
rotary wheel.
First time using device with an Ethernet cable plugged in: (cont.) Manually configured as Wired Client Mode:
Instructions Screenshot Go to next Notes Instructions Screenshot Go to next Notes
screen screen
Manually configured as Wired Client Mode: (cont.) 3.3 Configure as a Wireless Access Point (AP Mode)
Instructions Screenshot Go to next Notes AIRMM02F can also be configured as a wireless AP. With this feature, you
screen can easily extend the wireless coverage without purchasing another AP.
8. The device is in
To configure AIRMM02F as an AP, you have to manually setup the de-
wired client mode
vice through selecting the MMI menu “Setup/Advanced Setup/Configure
Network/AP mode”. And then setup the IP address scheme, SSID, channel
number and the encryption key of the AP. Once the setting is finished, the
device will reboot automatically and function as an AP.
9. The device is
connected to Manually configured as a Wireless Access Point (AP Mode):
your network
Instructions Screenshot Go to next Notes
Manually configured as a Wireless Access Point ((AP Mode) (cont.)): Manually configured as a Wireless Access Point ((AP Mode) (cont.)):
Instructions Screenshot Go to next Notes Instructions Screenshot Go to next Notes
screen screen
6. Numeric key “OK” button or You can use 10. “►” button or
pads press the right the numeric/ “OK” button or
rotary wheel. alphabet keypad press the right
on remote control rotary wheel.
to input the SSID,
or you can use
the option button 11. “►” button or
to change the “OK” button or
abc/ABC/123/~!# press the right
input. rotary wheel.
7. Numeric key “OK” button or You can use the 12. “►” button or Confirm to the
pads press the right numeric/ alphabet “OK” button or settings above.
rotary wheel. keypad on remote press the right
control to input rotary wheel.
the Channel, or
you can use the
13. Apply new
option button to
change the abc/ settings.
8. “▼” button “OK” button or Select one of the 14. The device is
(1 times) or press the right security schemes. in wireless AP
rotate right rotary wheel. mode now.
rotary wheel
9. Numeric key “OK” button or You can use the 15. The device is
pads press the right numeric/ alphabet connected to
rotary wheel. keypad on remote your network.
control to input
the WEP key, or
you can use the
option button to
change the abc/
4.1 Listen to Internet Radio It takes few seconds to get the latest list from Internet. And you will see
the next screen.
To listen to music or broadcast programs from Internet radio stations,
please select the “Internet Radio” function from the main menu and then
press the OK button to enter the Internet Radio function.
The first screen of Internet Radio function shows 2 items for you to select: If you see the following screen instead, it means that the device has
encountered problem in retrieving the list from the internet server,
please try again.
“Station List”: Retrieve the Internet radio station lists from the Internet
portal server.
“Favorite Stations”: Retrieve the favorite station lists that stored in the device.
Press “OK” button or “ ” button to retrieve the Station List. The device
will try to connect to the Internet radio server to retrieve the Internet
radio stations for further playback, you will see the following screen:
1. “OK” button or Initial screen 7. “▼“ button “►” button or Press the “ ”
press the right (9 times) or “OK” button or button to add
rotary wheel. rotate right press the right current station
rotary wheel to favorite list for
rotary wheel. quick access later.
2. “►” button or 8. Connecting to
“OK” button or the radio station.
press the right
rotary wheel.
4.2 Listen to FM Radio The following screen shots illustrate the sequence to pre-set the FM
stations and tune to a specific ratio station 98.70 MHz and start the
Before you can listen to the FM radio, please install the supplied FM broadcast program.
antenna to the back of the device.
Instructions Screenshot Go to next Notes
To listen to music or broadcast programs from local FM radio stations, screen
please select the “FM Radio” function from the main menu and then 1. “OK” button or Select “FM
press the OK button to enter the FM Radio function. press the right Radio” function
rotary wheel.
2. “►” button or
“OK” button or
press the right
rotary wheel.
6. Tuned to
“Update List”: Activate the auto scan procedure to discover all the
station and
avaiable FM stations, and keep the tuned stations in the device memory.
music started…
“Direct Access”: Allow you to fine tune the frequency of the station or
tune to previous / next FM station manually.
4.3 Listen to Music in Your Computer If there is no server found, you will see the below message.
To listen to music from your own computers, you have to install and acti-
vate the media server utility. Please refer to Appendix A or B for example
on how to install a media server software.
After you installed and activated the media server, you can enjoy listen-
ing to the streaming music from AIRMM02F. Please select the “Media
Server” function from the main menu and then press the OK button to
enter the Media Server function.
Please check if you had already started the media server on your com-
puter. If the media server not found problem still exists, please refer to the
trouble shooting chapter to identify the problem and resolve it step by step.
The following screen shots illustrate the sequence to connect to a media serv-
er “JAMES-NB: James:” and browsing to the Music album “Best of Roxette”.
6. “►” button or
“OK” button or
press the right
rotary wheel.
Once the music starts, you can freely control the song playback through
the playback buttons, just like you are controlling a traditional stereo or
CD player. For music playback from the USB drive, you just need to browse to the
music file and click OK.
The following screen shots are an example of how to play a music file. 4.5 The Playback Screen
Instructions Screenshot Go to next Notes When the music starts, you can see the screen shows related playback
screen information. It includes the title of the song / station, the album & artist
1. “OK” button or Initial screen information, and the playback progression of the music. Besides, there is
press the right a status line in the bottom of the screen.
rotary wheel.
It reflects the actual states of the wireless signal strength, the connec-
tion quality, the connection status, and the playback status. Based on the
2. “▼“ button “►” button or Select the music status information, it can help to troubleshoot if you get in troubles when
(2 times) or “OK” button or folder to browse listening to the music.
rotate right press the right and playback.
rotary wheel rotary wheel.
3. “▼“ button “►” button or
or rotate right “OK” button or
rotary wheel press the right
clockwise. rotary wheel.
4. “►” button or
“OK” button or
press the right
rotary wheel.
5. Music started
4.6 How to Add Stations Thru the Web Portal 8. Please fill in info for the station that you wish to add
1. Please make sure you have the latest firmware. Please refer to section
6.6 and 6.7 for steps on how to determine the current firmware version
on your device. Firmware can be found on
2. Please go to
10. You should able to access the newly added station under Stations
List>Added Stations Folder on your internet radio
3. Use vTuner ID (you can find the id either from menu Setting >
vTunerID or the MAC address on the label that is on the bottom of
the unit)
5.2 How to Subscribe RSS by Utility Once you successfully added the RSS station, you will see the RSS
URL which you subscribed on AIRMM02F, and you can read the
Also, AIRMM02F allows you to subscribe other RSS URL. You can insert headlines daily.
the CD into PC, make sure your PC and AIRMM02F is under the same
network, and execute the Utility to search the IP address of this machine
automatically. (see ‘How to setup’ to check IP address )
For example, if you want to subscribe to CNN RSS, please find the link
information from CNN website, copy the Station Name, Genre, Location
and URL, and then click “Add Station” to subscribe it.
(Refer to
There are some useful setup functions that can help you to operate the 6.4 Clear Favorites
device properly. Clear all “favorites” Internet radio station and FM radio station stored.
Steps to upgrade new firmware in the device via a USB drive 7.1 Clock Setting
Step 1. Prior to setting the alarm, you need to set the clock of AIRMM02F. First,
Copy the new firmware to the ROOT directory of a USB drive or a USB select the Setup function from the Main Menu.
MP3 player. (Note. Please DON’T modify the file name, otherwise the
AIRMM02F can’t find the new F/W)
Step 2.
Power on the AIRMM02F and then plug-in the USB drive into the front
USB port of the AIRMM02F.
Step 3.
Operate the AIRMM02F to get into the F/W upgrade menu (“Setup\Ad-
vanced Setup\F/W Upgrade(thru. USB)”), then press the OK button to The first item “Clock” is for the date and time setting. Press OK or “ ”
activate the button to set the clock value.
F/W Upgrade function. You should see the following messages “F/W
Upgrading”, and “Don’t Power OFF!!”. After a few seconds, the device
will reboot automatically when the upgrade operation is completed.
Step 4.
You can verify the firmware upgrade is successful by checking the firm-
ware version from the menu “Setup\Advanced Setup\Firmware Version”.
There are 3 items in the clock menu, the first one will display the cur-
rent date and time; the second item is for you to set the date and time
manually or via auto-Sync (automatically synchronize with network time
server). If you select the “Auto-sync” function, the device will periodically
synchronize with the server. The third option lets you change time dis-
play format between 12-Hours or 24-Hours. There is a built-in battery in
the device, so if you power off the device, the clock will continue to run.
If you decide to set the clock manually, press the OK or “ ” button to go If you choose to set the clock automatically, please go into the “Auto-
into the date and clock screen. You can use the four directional buttons Sync (NTP)” menu, and select the correct time zone for your location.
and the OK button to set the current date/time. After that, the device will set the date and time automatically.
9. The setting is
2. “ ” button or Set Alarm 1
“OK” button
After you set and enabled the alarm, you will see there is a bell icon on
3. “ ” button “ ” button or Enable Alarm 1 the clock screen.
(1 time) “OK” button
5. “ ” button or Set Internet When the alarm time is up, the device will activate the alarm opera-
“OK” button radio as alarm tion and playback the specified music. Like traditional clock alarm,
source. AIRMM02F also provides the SNOOZE function for you to temporarily
stop the alarm, and after 10 minutes, the alarm will start again. You
can press the STOP button to terminate the alarm.
6. “OK” button Select the
specific station
or Favorites.
(section 4.1)
You can adjust the backlight ON / OFF settings as you wish. Step 1. Activate the Media Player.
- Find the “Windows Media Player” icon from the Program list,
In the Setup menu, you can change the setting of the equalizer. The op-
tions available are Normal, Classic, Rock, Jazz, and PoP.
Step 2. Change the view - You will see the following view:
- Change the view from “Now Playing” to “Library” view by clicking on
the Library Tab to manage the content and share your media. You will
see the following view:
- Click on the add button and select the media folder in your computer,
and then click the OK button. For example, you can put all the music
files in the directory D:\Music, so you just need to add the folder to the
Step 3. Add your Media content to WMP11 media library. share list.
- Click on the “Library” tab again, you can see a pull-down menu.
- To add your media files to the WMP11 media library, please click on the
item “Add to Library…”
- You will see the specified folder included in the WMP11 monitor folder lists. Step 4. Share the WMP11 media library.
- Then press the OK button. A pop-up window will appear and show you - Similar to Step 3, click on the “Media Sharing” item to activate the
the WMP11 is searching for the media files. media sharing function.
- When it finished, click on the “Close” button.
- Now, you can browse and manage your media content with the
WMP11 Library manager. - The following dialog windows will appear.
- Check the “Share my media” checkbox and click on “OK” button.
- The WMP11 will try to discover the available network devices in your LAN.
- The following display showed that no device is found at this moment.
If AIRMM02F is already connected to your home network, you will see the Step 6. Authorize the access from your AIRMM02F.
following display that WMP11 found a network device named “Aluratek The WMP11 provides simple access control setting. When WMP11
AIRMM02F”. detects new network device (as the final screen in Step 4), you have to
decide whether you want to allow or deny the requests from that device.
- Please select the device icon and then click on the “Allow” button to
grant further streaming requests from that device. Then you will see
that the device icon state changed consequently.
Then, press OK to exit.
Step 7. Establish the connection between AIRMM02F and WMP11 server. Install & Connect to Windows Media Connect V2.0
- From AIRMM02F, select “Media Server” function from the main menu
(or press the hot key “Media Player” on the remote control), and then Please follow the steps below:
AIRMM02F will start the server discovery process. After a few seconds,
it will find server like “PC_Hostname: Server Name”. Step 0. Download WMC server.
- Please download the Windows Media Connect (WMC) installation file,
wmcsetup.exe, from Microsoft web site.
- Install the wmcsetup.exe without any changes needed.
- Just click on ‘next’ to finish the installation.
You will see the AIRMM02F screen shows “ Connecting….” and finally
shows the following list:
You can now browse the “Music” list and playback the music you want. Click on this program to activate WMC.
Step 2.
You will see a pop-up window, asking for “select the device you want to
allow access to your computer”. Just skip it by pressing the ‘next’ button.
Step 3. Step 4. Establish the connection between AIRMM02F and WMC server.
Then, you will be asked to select the folders you want to share with your - From AIRMM02F, select “Media Server” function from the main menu
devices. (or press the hot key “Media Player” on the remote controller), and then
AIRMM02F will start the server discovery process. After a few seconds,
it will find server like “PC_Hostname: 1: Windows Media Connect”.
- Then press the ‘OK’ button to try to connect to the server.
Finally, press ‘Finish’ to finish the setup of the Windows Media Connect.
Then you can see a small icon on the lower right corner of the startup bar.
Select the device and then click on the ‘Allow’ button. If you need further assistance, please contact Aluratek support department
prior to returning this device.
E-mail: [email protected]
Local (Tustin, CA): 714-586-8730
Toll free: 1-866-580-1978
Then, press the ‘close’ button to finish the authorization process. At this
moment, AIRMM02F can get the contents or service from the WMC
server. You can browse the list and playback the music you want.
WARNING!!! This equipment has been tested and found to comply Aluratek warrants this product against defect in material or workmanship
with the limits of a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the for 1 Year from the date of purchase.
FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference in a residential installation This warranty becomes invalid if the factory-supplied serial number or
“warranty void” sticker has been removed or altered on the product.
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy
and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction, may This warranty does not cover:
cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is A) Cosmetic damage or damage due to acts of God
no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. B) Accident, misuse, abuse, negligence or modification of any part of the product.
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television C) Damage due to improper operation or maintenance, connection to improper
reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and equipment, or attempted repair by anyone other than Aluratek.
on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by whatever D) Products sold AS IS or WITH FAULTS.
measures may be required to correct the interference.