2.7.6 Packet Tracer - Implement Basic Connectivity
2.7.6 Packet Tracer - Implement Basic Connectivity
2.7.6 Packet Tracer - Implement Basic Connectivity
Addressing Table
Device Interface IP Address Subnet Mask
Part 1: Perform a Basic Configuration on S1 and S2
Part 2: Configure the PCs
Part 3: Configure the Switch Management Interface
In this activity, you will first create a basic switch configuration. Then, you will implement basic connectivity by
configuring IP addressing on switches and PCs. When the IP addressing configuration is complete, you will
use various show commands to verify the configuration and use the ping command to verify basic
connectivity between devices.
Step 2: Configure the console and encrypted privileged EXEC mode passwords.
a. Use cisco for the console password.
b. Use class for the privileged EXEC mode password.
How can you verify that both passwords were configured correctly? show running-config | include username
show running-config | include enable secret
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Packet Tracer - Implement Basic Connectivity
Which command do you issue to accomplish this step? copy running-config startup-config
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If this is the case, why would we configure it with an IP address?to be able to connect to it
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Use the following commands to configure S1 with an IP address.
S1# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
2013 - 2023 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public Page 2 of 3 www.netacad.com
Packet Tracer - Implement Basic Connectivity
Why do you enter the no shutdown command? This command is used to enable an interface that has been
administratively shut down or disabled.
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Which command is used to save the configuration file in RAM to NVRAM? copy running-config startup-config
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2013 - 2023 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public Page 3 of 3 www.netacad.com