767-300 ATA 29 Hydraulic

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GENERAL 29 -- 00


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SCL/LLTT/jgb/rev--0/oct--2009. Page: 1
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General System Redundancy
Three independent, full--time, 3000 psi hydraulic systems provide power to Primary flight control actuators and autopilot servos receive hydraulic power
operate landing gear, flight controls, and other aircraft systems. from ah three hydraulic systems. The spoiler system also uses power from
all three systems. Dual system power is supplied to the stabilizer, yaw
Location dampers, elevator feel systems, and brakes. High lift devices, landing gear,
The three hydraulic systems are identified by location. They are the left, right, the rudder ratio changer, and the hydraulic generator option are single source
and center systems. The left system is located in the left engine strut, the right powered.
system is located in the right engine strut and the center system is located in Left and Right Systems Distribution
or near the right main wheel well.
Primary and some secondary flight controls are powered by the left and right
Multiple Pressure Sources systems. Thrust reversers are also powered by these systems. The right
Two engine driven (EDP) hydraulic pumps, are used one on each engine, as system powers the normal brakes.
primary source in the left and right systems. A power transfer unit (PTU) between the left and right systems provides a third
Four electrically driven pumps (ACMP), two as primary pumps in the center source of power for the horizontal stabilizer.
system, while one serves as the demand pump in each left and right Systems. Center System Distribution
An air driven pump (ADP) is the demand pump in the center system. Air power The center system provides hydraulic power for primary and secondary flight
comes from the airplane pneumatic system, which in turn may be supplied by controls. Landing gear, nose wheel steering, the alternate and reserve brakes,
engine bleed, APU or a ground source such as an air cart. and the hydraulic motor generator option also are powered by center system
A RAM air turbine pump (RAT) in the center system which serves as an pressure.
emergency source of hydraulic pressure is powered by the slipstream.
Hydraulic System Simplified
Primary Pressure Source Three independent systems provide aircraft hydraulic power. Each system
The primary source of power for the left and right systems is an engine has its own reservoir which stores and supplies hydraulic power to the pumps.
driven pump (EDP) rated at 37 gpm at takeoff power. A total of eight pumps pressurize the hydraulic systems. Each pump has its
The primary source of power for the center system is two alternatIng own filter module, with pressure and case drain line filters.
current motor pumps (ACMP) rated at 7 gpm each. Each system has a return filter module to filter fluid returning to the reservoir.
Secondary Power Source One heat exchanger in each system cools pump case drain fluid before it
Secondary (demand) pumps are turned on automatically when the primary returns to the reservoir.
A central fill location allows all three systems to be serviced from one place.
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pumps cannot maintain sufficient pressure. The left and right systems have
an ACMP demand pump. These are identical to and interchangeable with the A power transfer unit is installed between the left and right hydraulic systems.
center system primary pumps. Pump output is used to drive the stabilizer trim.
The center system uses an air driven pump (ADP) rated at 37 gpm (as a
demand pump). The center system also has an emergency ram air turbine
pump (RAT) rated at 11.3 gpm.

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Figure 1 Hydraulic System Simplified

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EICAS Display Units (P2)
Hydraulic system caution and advisory messages are displayed on the upper
EICAS display unit. Additional information and messages are available on
status and maintenance level pages which are displayed on the lower unit.
Overhead Panel (P5)
The main hydraulic control panel contains primary and demand pump controls
and indications as well as system pressure and quantity caution lights.
The ram air turbine manual deploy switch is located on the engine start panel.
Aft Control Stand (P8)
The engine fire switches control fluid supply to the engine driven hydraulic
pumps and pump depressurization.
Side Panel (P61)
Flight control shutoff valve switches control operation of six valves that can
isolate hydraulic flow to the wing and tail systems.
Status Page Indications
Fluid quantity is available to the flight crew on the status page. Quantity is
indicated as a digital readout with 1.00 indicating full. The need for refiling is
indicated by RF next to the quantity indication. System pressure is available
on the status page as an option.
Maintenance Page Indications
Fluid quantity, system pressure and reservoir fluid temperature are available
to ground maintenance personnel on the ELEC / HYD maintenance page.
A reservoir overfull condition is indicated by an OF next to the quantity
indication. Auto events caused by low system pressure, low fluid quantity
or pump overheat are also indicated here.
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The ECS / MSG maintenance page will provide an O/FULL message when a
reservoir is overfilled and a HYD SYS MAINT message when system pressure
is below 2800 psi for 60 seconds, with system low pressure indications off
and both engines running.
The HYD SYS MAINT message is also displayed on the status page and is an
auto event.

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Figure 2 Flight Deck Indications & Controls

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Flow Path
When properly serviced, the reservoir contains 4.77 gallons. A reservoir
pressurization module maintains a head pressure in the reservoir.
Fluid flows to the engine driven pump (EDP) through a reservoir standpipe.
A fireswitch operated supply shutoff valve in this supply line can be closed
to prevent fluid from going to the engine driven pump in event of engine
shutdown due to fire.
The EDP provides 3000 psi hydraulic fluid to operate left system compo-
nents.EDP case drain fluid is used for lubrication and cooling of the pump.
Pressure and case drain outputs are filtered in a common module.
Case drain fluid is cooled in a heat exchanger in the left wing.
An electrically driven pump (ACMP) is a demand source of system pressure.
A separate filter module filters ACMP case drain and pressure output. Pump
pressures and system pressure are monitored by pressure switches. System
pressure is also monitored by a pressure transducer and transmitted to the
EICAS computers. System fluid returning to the reservoir passes through a
return filter.
A power transfer unit pump pressurizes left system return fluid and provides
it to the stabilizer trim control module whenever the PTU is commanded on.
The left hydraulic system supplies power for primary flight controls, some
secondary controls and thrust reverser ( available if PW engines are installed ).
The hydraulic lines to the tail ( empennage ) area and the wing units have
isolation valves for maintenance use. Check valves and fuses are installed in
the left system rudder and elevator pressure and return lines to protect the left
hydraulic system in the event of a loss of a horizontal or vertical stabilizer.
Reservoir Fill
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The left system reservoir may be filled through a servicing fitting and selector
valve in the right fairing area just aft of the right main wheel well.
Ground Power Connection
Ground hydraulic power connections are located on the EDP and return filter
modules in the aft part of the engine strut.

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Figure 3 L System Hydraulic Flow Diagram

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The right hydraulic system is similar to the left system.
Right system pressure is provided to the ailerons, spoilers,
lateral LCCA‘s, rudder and elevator autopilots and PCA‘s,
the normal brake system, the thrust reverser and the power
transfer unit motor.
A motor--operated, shutoff valve controls motor operation of
the PTU.
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Figure 4 R System Hydraulic Flow Diagram

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Description Right Hydraulic System Shutoff Valve
The power transfer unit (PTU) enables the right hydraulic system to provide a The shutoff valve is installed in the right system pressure line to the PTU
third power source for stabilizer trim. (The left and center hydraulic systems motor. The valve has two positions and is operated by a 28 V dc motor.
normally power the dual stabilizer ballscrew hydraulic motors.) The PTU is When the valve is in the ON (open) position, it supplies right hydraulic system
required to insure adequate pitch control capability, upon loss of the normal pressure to operate the PTU motor. When the valve is in the 0FF position, it
hydraulic trim power sources.The PTU components are located in the stabilizer removes right system pressure to the PTU motor. The shutoff valve also has
compartment on bulkheads above the stabilizer trim ballscrew mechanism. a position indicator and manual override lever.
The PTU system is connected to the left and right hydraulic systems and the Relief Valve
left stabilizer trim control module.
A relief valve, installed between the left elevator feel computer and the left
Component PTU stabilizer trim control module (STCM), prevents loss of isolated left system
The power transfer unit (PTU) contains a constant--displacement hydraulic hydraulic fluid through the elevator feel port of the left STCM. The relief valve
motor connected to a constant--displacement pump by a driveshaft. is closed when pressure at the STCM feel computer port is less than 100 psi.
The hydraulic motor uses 3.2 gpm of fluid at 1600 psi from the right hydraulic CONTROL LOGIC
system to drive the hydraulic pump which supplies 2.7 gpm of fluid at 1250 psi
to the left hydraulic system. The power transfer unit is commanded ON automatically to provide hydraulic
power to drive the stabilizer in the event both left and center hydraulic systems
A flow restrictor is installed in the inlet line to the PTU motor, at the right
system shutoff valve. The flow restrictor limits fluid flow to the PTU motor
to about 4.1 gpm at 3000 psi. This keeps maximum speed of the PTU to Operation of the PTU is controlled automatically. When the airplane is in the
about 10,000 rpm if a failure occurs which allows the pump to operate under flight mode and the reservoir quantity in the left system is below 0.48 or the
a no--load condition or without an adequate supply of fluid. left EDP and left ACMP pressures are low, the left system isolation valve is
commanded closed to isolate the fluid retained by the return compensator.
Left System Isolation Valve The valve remains closed until 20 seconds after one of the conditions closing
The isolation valve is installed in the left system pressure line to the stabilizer the left system isolation valve is removed. If the center hydraulic pressure is
trim module. low at the time that a manual electric trim command is signaled by either the
captain‘s or the first officer’s control wheel stabilizer trim control switches,
The valve has two positions and is operated by a 28 volt dc motor.
the right system PTU shutoff valve is commanded to open. Hydraulic flow to
When the valve is in the 0FF (closed) position, it helps to isolate the part of
the PTU motor starts the operation of the pump. The PTU shutoff valve is
the left hydraulic system which contains the PTU pump and the stabilizer trim
commanded to close immediately when the stabilizer electric trim command is
module. When the valve is in the ON (open) position, it permits the usual flow
removed or the center hydraulic system pressure is restored.
of left system pressure to the stabilizer trim module.
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The isolation valve has a position indicator and a manual override lever. Electrical Control
The lever indicates valve position and can be used to manually move the valve Electrical power from the left 28 Vdc bus is used to operate the PTU control
from one position to the other. relays, the right hydraulic system shutoff valve and the left hydraulic system
isolation valve.

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Figure 5 PTU Logic Control

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General Description
The reservoir is pressurized from the pneumatic system through No. 1 ACMP is always operable with power on the L AC/DC BUSSES.
the pressurization module. The ACMP primary pumps, ADP ACMP No. 1 can also be turned on by the reserve brakes and steering
demand pump and RAT emergency pump are supplied through the switch if the pump control switch (S2) is off.
reservoir standpipe. Pump pressure flow is through the pump
No. 2 ACMP is operable when the R AC/DC BUSSES are powered, but
filter modules to all center system loads. RAT pressure output
only under certain conditions:
is limited by a check valve to the flight controls and tail skid.
a) there are two sources supplying power, in which case either one
Wing and tail flight controls are supplied through wing and tail
or both bus tie breakers (BTB‘s) will be open, or--
shutoff valves. Stabilizer trim supply is independent of the tail
shutoff valve. b) when there is only one source of power, causing, both BTB‘s to
be closed.
During isolation valve operation, No. 1 ACMP is supplied fluid from
the bottom of the reservoir with its pressure output available to the When both BTBs are closed, the No. 2 ACMP can be operated only through
alternate brakes and nose wheel steering only. secondary contacts of any one of the ELCUs of the other three ACMP‘s
(when the associated ACMP is off).
Reservoir The control circuit through the left hydraulic system ELCU is disabled during
The reservoir is an aluminum weldment containing a standpipe, engine start. This prevents ACMP No. 2 from coming on line when the left
negative G trap, baffles and numerous ports. Its volumetric ACMP drops off line during an engine start with only one generator power
capacity is 14.7 gallons of hydraulic fluid with 8.62 gallons source available.
indicating full.

Reservoir Location
The center system reservoir is located in the right--hand main
wheel well, in the middle of the keel beam near the ceiling.
Reservoir Pressurization
Pressurization of the reservoir is from a pressurization module which receives
air directly from the pneumatic system.

ACMP Location
The two ACMP are the center system’s primary pumps.
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They are mounted on a shelf on the keel beam in the right

wheel well and weigh approximately 45 pounds each.
Isolation Valves for No. 1 ACMP
The supply isolation valve is located just below the reservoir and
the pressure isolation valve is located above the pump.These valves are part of
the reserve brake and steering system.

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Figure 6 C System Flow Diagram

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Isolation valves controlled by the reserve brakes and steering switch provides With the reserve brakes and steering switch in the off position, both pressure
a means of pressurizing alternate brakes and nose wheel steering using C--1 and supply isolation valves will operate to the closed and alternate positions
ACMP and fluid isolated below the standpipe level from the center reservoir. respectively when center system fluid reaches LOW quantity level and the
If center system fluid is lost, isolation of fluid occurs automatically at low airplane is in the air. The pump (C--1) then must be activated by pressing the
quantity level. If both center and right hydraulic systems are lost this system reserve brakes and steering switch.
allows for regaining brakes and nose wheel steering. If center system only is
lost, steering may be regained while brakes remain on the right hydraulic A white ISLN light on the P--61 right side panel will illuminate when either
system. isolation valve is not in the open position.While the reserve brakes and steering
is selected on, center system pressure will still be transmitted to the EICAS
Components computers. However the system low pressure switch (S--35) is isolated from
Pressure isolation valve a motor--driven valve that shuts off hydraulic pressure pressure causing the center system low pressure light to illuminate.
to all center systems except nose wheel steering and the alternate braking
Supply isolation valve a motor--driven valve that switches the No. 1 ACMP
hydraulic supply from the reservoir standpipe to the bottom of the reservoir to
access the reserve fluid supply below the standpipe.
Reserve brakes and steering switch -- a lighted pushbutton switch containing a
white ON light and amber VALVE light located on the P1--3 panel.
Reset/disable switch a toggle switch on the P--61 panel to reset the automatic
isolation system or to disable the auto function while performing ground
Actuation of the reserve brakes and steering switch turns on C system No 1
unit, if off, and illuminates an ON in the switch.Electric power is first supplied
to drive the pressure isolation valve to the closed position. When fully closed,
the pressure isolation valve directs power to drive the supply isolation valve to
the alternate position.
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An amber VALVE light in the lower half of the reserve brakes and steering
switch will illuminate to Indicate a disagreement between the commanded
position and the position of either valve. If the disagreement exists for six
seconds an EICAS advisory message ”RSV BRAKE VAL” will be annunciated.

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Figure 7 ACMP Isolation Valves

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Purpose Extension
The RAT is an air turbine driven hydraulic pump that provides emergency Automatic deployment of the RAT occurs in the air mode only when the N2
hydraulic power for the flight controls in the event that power is lost on speed on both engines falls below 50% and airspeed is 80 kts or greater.The
both engines. RAT may also be extended in either the air or ground mode by depressing the
RAT manual override switch located on the P5 overhead panel. On both
Description cases, any time the RAT is unlocked, light and EICAS message comes on.
The RAT is stowed inside the right aft body fairing. When deploying,
the RAT pivots downward to extend the turbine into the airstream. Retraction
An electric motor drives the unit for both deployment and stowing. Retraction of the RAT is possible only on the ground and is controlled by a
guarded switch near the checkout module on the keel beam in the right main
Hydraulic Pump gear wheel well.
The Abex variable displacement, compensated pump has a rated output
flow of 11.3 gpm at 2140 psi at 4165 rpm. Turbine / hydraulic pump Ground Checkout
speed ratio is 1:1. The RAT checkout module contains provisions for ground testing of the RAT.
To accomplish ground checkout the center hydraulic system must be
Blade Lock and Centered Switch pressurized with the air driven pump (or adequate ground hydraulic power.
A lock plunger prevents blade rotation when the RAT is in the stowed position,
and prevents complete RAT retraction unless the turbine blade is locked in the
proper position for stowing. Blade lock and switch activation occurs when the
RAT has been retracted 13.5 degrees from the fully--extended position.
Teleflex Cable
Unlocks turbine blade and opens blade lock and centered switch when RAT is
Electric Motor
Extends and retracts RAT by rotation of motor arm and actuation link.
15 Degrees Limit Switch
Permits partial retraction of RAT so that blade can be locked and blade
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centered switch can be closed.

Down / Up Limit Switches

Provides extend / retract motor shutoff at full down or full up travel limits.
Manual Override Switch
Located on P5 panel permits manual selection of RAT extension either in air or
on ground.

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Figure 8 RAT Control Logic

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