pr01 Answers 882797

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10 Example answer:
Initial Evaluation IE Renewable energy: the Sun, water
Non-renewable energy: fossil fuels, nuclear fuel
1 A cell membrane, cytoplasm and genetic material.

2 They perform the three vital functions and are

Extension 1A
made up of cells.
They are classified into five kingdoms: Monera, 1 Across: 1 mould 2 heterotrophic 3 yeast
Protoctista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia.
Down: 1 remains 2 mushrooms
3 a) a stamen b corolla c pistil d calyx
2 1 algae 2 perform vital functions
b) pollination, fertilisation, seed and fruit formation
and germination 3 interaction function

41 1 Plants absorb water and minerals through their nutrition function

roots. reproduction function

 lants absorb carbon dioxide and oxygen
through the stomata on their leaves. Extension 1B
 hotosynthesis is when plants make nutrients
from the substances they absorb thanks to the 1 Across: 1 mould 2 heterotrophic 3 yeast
energy from sunlight.
Down: 1 remains 2 mushrooms
 lants respire by absorbing oxygen and releasing
2 1 algae 2 perform vital functions
carbon dioxide.
5 Receptors, 3 Nutrition function: Cells obtain nutrients, respire
such as the sense organs; the
coordination system, such as the nervous system and release waste.
and the effectors, such as the locomotor system Interaction function: Cells can produce substances,
grow and change shape.
6  Reproduction function: Cells can divide themselves.

Stimuli Sense organ Nerve

Light Eye Optic Extension 2A
Substances in
Olfactory bulb Olfactory 1 - 3
the air
Substances in a 1 Protozoa 2 Protoctista 3 Unicellular
Taste buds Gustatory
the mouth
b 1 Yeast 2 Fungi 3 Unicellular
Hearing Auditory c 1 Mould 2 Fungi 3 Grows in damp places
d 1 Algae 2 Protoctista 3 Uses photosynthesis
7 a) A land ecosystem
e 1 Mushrooms 2 Fungi 3 Decomposer
b) 1 any plant found in the picture 2 any animal
f 1 Lichen 2 None 3 Made of fungi and algae
found in the picture (fox, squirrel, deer,
mouse...) 3 mushrooms 4 1 True 2 True 3 True
c) Example answer: By not leaving waste and
Extension 2B
8 a) chickenpox, measles, the flu
b) They are infectious because they are spread 1 - 3
by an infectious agent. They can be avoided a 1 Protozoa 2 Protoctista 3 Unicellular
by using good hygiene and in some cases with b 1 Yeast 2 Fungi 3 Unicellular
vaccinations. c 1 Mould 2 Fungi 3 Grows in damp places
9 mass and volume d 1 Algae 2 Protoctista 3 Uses photosynthesis

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e 1 Mushrooms 2 Fungi 3 Decomposer Bacteria - I am unicellular and can multiply very quickly.
f   1 Lichen 2 None 3 Made of fungi and algae Lichen - I am made up of both fungi and algae.
g 1 Bacteria 2 Monera 3 Microscopic Mushrooms - I grow damp shady places and
h 1 Virus 2 None 3 Destroys healthy cells decompose dead material.

9 1 yeast 2 mould 3 mushrooms

10 Any three facts about viruses are valid.
1 a Don Quixote and paella, Spain Example answers:
b The Mona Lisa and pizza, Italy 1 They don’t have a nucleus.
c William Shakespeare and fish and chips, United 2 They don’t perform vital functions.
3 They destroy healthy cells.
d The Eiffel Tower and cheese, France


1 Pupils make the model.   

2 eight sides

3 Check pupil’s answers for accuracy.

Unit Evaluation UE

1 1 Safe to eat 2 Unsafe to eat

3 Can cause infections

2 a) They are made up of cells.

b) They complete the three vital functions.

3 1 c) 2 a) 3 b)

4 1 unicellular 2 a microscope 3 quickly

4 haven’t got

5 Example answers:
Helpful: bacteria are used in medicine. It helps us
to digest food.
Harmful: bacteria can be infectious agents, which
cause diseases.
6 1F 2F 3T

7 a) Example answers: microscopic algae, mould,

mushrooms or sponges.
b) Most plants and animals have both tissues and

8 Virus - I invade cells and destroy them.

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