Digital-Storytellers-Story-Mapping-Toolkit-v1.1 (5p)
Digital-Storytellers-Story-Mapping-Toolkit-v1.1 (5p)
Digital-Storytellers-Story-Mapping-Toolkit-v1.1 (5p)
Version 1.1
A practical tool for
Story Leadership
The Story Mapping process combines the three key elements of
Story Leadership: Storytelling, Story Listening and Story Weaving.
Storytelling is the way humanity makes sense of our existence and how we
build meaning together. The stories we tell ourselves become the lens
through which we see our world. The stories we tell each other become the
voice through which we speak our truth. The stories we tell the world
become the hope through which we make our future. So we always love to
ask, what stories are you telling to make a difference?
1. Use each of the four key story 3. Now we can begin weaving
prompts to write down and bring these story threads together into a
your perspective to the Field of collective narrative.
Stories. Each participant gets to weave their own
Remembering - The story of a moment unique collective narrative from the Field
when everything changed for you. of Stories
Being - The story of where you are now Collectively, which stories of Take your new collective
Dreaming - The story of an ideal future Remembering, Being, Dreaming and narrative one step further!
It will slot neatly into the story box,
you would love to see come true Becoming best reflect the group?
centered in the Story Canvas. From
Becoming - The story of moving Synthesise the collective narratives using here you can begin turning your
forward with some tangible next steps a consensus approach with the group collective narrative into a fresh new
digital story to share with the world!
Share back the emergent collective
2. Listen and reflect on the stories narrative, allowing it to adapt and evolve
of others as they talk about their
lived experiences.
Where are they similar? Don't forget to apply
Where are they different? Regenerative Story
Are any themes emerging? Principles and ask yourself
What are the X Factors that came up? these Story Leadership
What are the Wow Factors that came
Reflection Questions as you
Are there any stories that are missing?
weave your collective story.
Use physical or virtual post-its on the Story Map to facilitate your collective story process.
Story Map