2021 - Understanding Mechanobiology
2021 - Understanding Mechanobiology
2021 - Understanding Mechanobiology
Special Issue
Understanding Mechanobiology:
Physical Therapists as a Force in
Mechanotherapy and Musculoskeletal
Regenerative Rehabilitation
nosensitive cells in bone are predomi- cells are attached are equally important.
nantly exposed to compression, whereas Recent work has shown that altering the
those in tendon are exposed to tension stiffness of the ECM directs stem cell
due to the function of the tissues in differentiation, where increased stiffness
which they reside. However, long bones directs differentiation to more mechani-
(eg, tibia and femur) are curved and bend cally competent tissues, including carti-
when axially loaded to generate com- lage and bone, but away from commit-
pressive forces within the tissue on the ment to adipose and neuronal tissues.19
side the bone is bending toward and ten- Studies also have shown that controlling
sile stresses within the contralateral the area in which stem cells can adhere
side.15 Thus, bone cells can be exposed to the matrix regulates lineage fate. Stem
to either compressive or tensile forces cells forced to attach on small fibronec-
(although fluid shear appears to be tin island-like posts assumed a rounded
Mechanotransduction at the
Molecular Level
Once a cell has detected a local mechan-
ical stimulus, the signal needs to be con-
verted into a biochemical response. This
process is commonly referred to as bio-
chemical coupling. As there are multiple
potential mechanosensory mechanisms,
there also are multiple signaling path-
ways that a cell may use to create a bio-
chemical response. Although a detailed
description of all of the constantly evolv-
ing biochemical pathways underlying
ers are redundant, making it a challenge apy. By understanding the mechanical Based on the purported mechanical
to decipher the precise contribution and stimuli to which musculoskeletal cells milieu that osteocytes are exposed to
timing of activation of individual path- best respond and the mechanisms these during tissue loading (ie, fluid flow shear
ways. Also, there are likely many other cells use to convert mechanical signals forces) and the observation that pressur-
pathways, intermediary molecular play- into molecular responses, physical ther- ization of the intramedullary cavity
ers, and pathway interactions that are yet apists may augment the response of mus- causes an outward pressure gradient that
to be identified. Once the mechanical culoskeletal cells to mechanical stimuli. induces interstitial fluid flow,37,38 inves-
stimulus is transduced into a biochemical The net result can be the additive or tigators have begun exploring how to
signal, it is either transmitted to the synergistic facilitation of tissue regener- exogenously enhance intramedullary
nucleus, where it induces expression of ation and restoration of function in indi- pressure in the absence of significant tis-
mechanosensitive genes, or propagated viduals receiving regenerative therapies. sue loading. Example interventions cur-
intercellularly to effector cells. The latter rently in preclinical development
is facilitated by small channels, called Regenerative Rehabilitation: include oscillatory muscle stimulation,
enhance formation and mechanical com- ing,56 other tissues,57 and stem cell fate58 it may be necessary to carefully coordi-
petence of cartilaginous grafts.48 requires further consideration. For a nate the timing of mechanical load intro-
more discussion on the clinical applica- duction with peak sensitization of the
Low-intensity vibration (LIV) also has tions of vibration therapy, we direct the mechanotransductive pathway.
been developed as a means of mechani- reader to a recent comprehensive
cally stimulating musculoskeletal cells in review.8 Studies of the combined skeletal effects
the absence of appreciable tissue defor- of parathyroid hormone (PTH) and
mation forces. Low-intensity vibration A final example of a novel exogenously mechanical loading provide an example
evolved from the observation that skele- introduced mechanical stimulus that has of where the coordinated introduction of
tal muscle not only imparts force on the potential to be safely coupled with a molecule and mechanotherapy can
bone during locomotion to engender other regenerative therapies is low- induce synergistic effects. Parathyroid
high strain magnitudes but also generates intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS). hormone is an anabolic skeletal agent
low-magnitude (⬍100 microstrain []), Although standard clinical ultrasound when introduced intermittently and
pressed in skeletal muscle throughout controlled trial suggested that individuals All authors provided concept/idea/project
embryogenesis and is a negative regula- taking NSAIDs prior to exercise exhib- design. Dr Thompson and Dr Warden pro-
tor of adult skeletal muscle mass. It binds ited an impaired skeletal adaptive vided initial writing. All authors provided
to activin receptor IIb to inhibit muscle response.73 These bone-related findings manuscript review and final approval.
protein synthesis and myoblast prolifer- are supported by studies in muscle and This work was supported, in part, by the
ation and differentiation.66 Myostatin is tendon showing that NSAID administra- National Science and Engineering Research
involved in skeletal muscle mechano- tion prior to exercise may reduce adap- Council (Canada) (402108 [Dr Scott]) and
transduction, with both physical activity tive responses.74 the National Institutes of Health (HD073180,
and mechanical loading reducing myo- AR061303, HD050837 [Dr Ward] and
AR057740 [Dr Warden]).
statin signaling by provoking the release Conclusions
of the myostatin inhibitor, follistatin.67 In the last 60 years, the fields of both DOI: 10.2522/ptj.20150224
Inhibition of myostatin signaling through rehabilitation science and regenerative
the delivery of propeptides, neutralizing
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Applications of exogenous mesenchymal novel insight into its role in metabolism, distinct early and late actions on bone for-
stem cells and low intensity pulsed ultra- signal pathways, and expression regula- mation induced by mechanical stimula-
sound enhance fracture healing in rat tion. Cell Signal. 2011;23:1441–1446. tion. Am J Physiol. 1994;267(2 pt
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67 Pedersen BK, Febbraio MA. Muscles, exer-
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Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound therapy 457– 465. different effects on endocortical and peri-
stimulates callus formation between host osteal bone formation induced by mechan-
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Functional improvement of dystrophic
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63 Fuchs RK, Warden SJ. Combination ther- Timing of ibuprofen use and bone mineral
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