Accepted Manuscript: Biochemical Pharmacology
Accepted Manuscript: Biochemical Pharmacology
Accepted Manuscript: Biochemical Pharmacology
PII: S0006-2952(19)30046-2
Reference: BCP 13414
Please cite this article as: H. Neelakantan, C.R. Brightwell, T.G. Graber, R. Maroto, H.L. Wang, S.F. McHardy, J.
Papaconstantinou, C.S. Fry, S.J. Watowich, Small molecule nicotinamide N-methyltransferase inhibitor activates
senescent muscle stem cells and improves regenerative capacity of aged skeletal muscle, Biochemical
Pharmacology (2019), doi:
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Small molecule nicotinamide N-methyltransferase inhibitor activates senescent
muscle stem cells and improves regenerative capacity of aged skeletal muscle
Texas USA
5Department of Chemistry and Center for Innovative Drug Discovery, University of
#Co-first authors
*Corresponding authors
muscle deteriorations and severe morbidity. Muscle stem cells (muSCs) that proliferate,
increasingly dysfunctional upon aging, impairing muscle recovery after injury. While
regulators of muSC activity can offer novel therapeutics to improve recovery and reduce
morbidity among aged adults, there are no known muSC regenerative small molecule
and linked to impairment of the NAD+ salvage pathway, dysregulated sirtuin 1 activity,
regeneration post-injury in aging muscle. 24-month old mice were treated with saline
(control), and low and high dose NNMTi (5 and 10 mg/kg) for 1-week post-injury, or
control and high dose NNMTi for 3-weeks post-injury. All mice underwent an acute
muscle injury (barium chloride injection) locally to the tibialis anterior (TA) muscle, and
tissues collected for ex-vivo analyses, including myofiber cross-sectional area (CSA)
measurements to assess muscle recovery. Results revealed that muscle stem cell
nearly 2-fold greater CSA and shifts in fiber size distribution to greater proportions of
larger sized myofibers and fewer smaller sized fibers in NNMTi-treated mice compared
activity translated not only to larger myofibers after injury but also to greater contractile
function, with the peak torque of the TA increased by ~70% in NNMTi-treated mice
compared to controls. Similar results were recapitulated in vitro with C2C12 myoblasts,
supporting changes in the cellular NAD+/NADH redox states. Taken together, these
results provide the first clear evidence that NNMT inhibitors constitute a viable
The population of older (60+ years of age) adults is rapidly expanding in the United
States and throughout the world, placing ever-increasing strains on health care
resources and an urgent need for improved approaches to elder care [1]. One of the
most significant impacts of aging is the progressive decline in skeletal muscle mass and
strength [2, 3], with concomitant deteriorations in physical function and mobility that are
strongly associated with numerous chronic diseases and increased mortality [4, 5].
adults over 60 years of age and 50% of adults over 80 years of age develop sarcopenia,
strength, and function [6-8]. Sarcopenic elderly individuals are at a 2- to 5-fold increased
risk for permanent disability and greatly diminished quality of life arising from
progressive muscle degeneration, decreased muscle function, and poor muscle quality
that predispose them to debilitating falls and substantial disease burden [4].
compromised, it leads to delayed and impaired recovery following muscle injury [9-11],
decreased mobility and independence, increased hospitalization costs [12], and higher
Muscle stem cells (muSCs; also termed satellite cells) are responsible for
competent myoblasts and facilitating myofiber regeneration following injury [14-16]. The
major driving factor for delayed and impaired recovery of aged muscle following injury
turnover stimuli and present compromised ability to proliferate, differentiate, fuse, and
promote the repair and replacement of myofibers [19, 20]. Additionally, muSC
abundance has been observed to decline in some aged skeletal muscle tissues [21] as
muSCs develop diminished intrinsic capacity for reversible quiescence, which further
reduces the population of muSCs supporting the post-injury repair cascade [19].
[16]; however, there are no approved pharmacological therapeutics that can safely and
energy metabolism, mitochondrial function, and bioenergetics [22, 23] that declines with
metabolism and mitochondrial function [25, 27], progressive muscle degeneration and
loss of function [28], which further link to increased muSC senescence, reduced muSC
function, dysfunctional muscle regeneration, and impaired muscle repair [29, 30].
analogues (e.g., acipimox), which increase intracellular NAD+ levels and stimulate
muscle NAD+ biosynthetic pathways (e.g., NAD+ salvage pathway), can improve muscle
aged mice [29, 31, 32]. Thus, pharmacologically enhancing NAD+ levels in aging
skeletal muscle tissues may provide a viable approach to improve the regenerative
biosynthesis, and thus plays a crucial role in regulating the NAD+ salvage pathway and
greater expression associated with aging in muscle tissues [34, 35]. Importantly, NNMT
associated declines in muscle mass, strength, and function that accompany aging [37,
NNMT that have amenable drug-like properties and selectively inhibit NNMT activity in
vivo [38, 39]. In the present study, we generated proof-of-concept data demonstrating
the efficacy of a novel NNMT small molecule inhibitor to accelerate muscle regeneration
in an aged mouse muscle injury model. Our results indicated that treatment of aged
mice with a small molecule NNMT inhibitor (NNMTi) enhanced proliferation, fusion, and
skeletal muscle. Similar results were demonstrated in vitro with C2C12 cells that closely
the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to convincingly demonstrate that NNMT
approach to reactivate skeletal muSCs in aging skeletal muscle, thus mitigating age-
associated impaired muscle regeneration and improving skeletal muscle remodeling
by a previously established synthetic method [39]. Internal standard (IS) for LC/MS/MS
using a modified synthetic scheme [39]. Other standards for LC/MS/MS studies were
NAD+, nicotinamide (NA), and NADH (reduced form of NAD+) were obtained from
homocysteine (SAH) were obtained from Cayman Chemical Company (Ann Arbor, MI,
tissue. 20-40 mg of tibialis anterior (TA) muscle tissue were collected from young (4-
month-old) and aged (24-month-old) C57Bl/6 mice, pulverized on ice, added to RIPA
buffer (Cell Signaling Technology, Danvers, MA, USA; product #9806) containing
protein phosphatase inhibitor cocktail (P-5726, Sigma Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) (1:10 w/v),
985370, BioSpec Products, Inc., Bartlesville, OK, USA). Homogenized samples were
centrifuged at 10,000 g for 10 min at 4°C. Supernatants were collected and stored at -
20°C until further processing. Protein concentration in samples were determined using
the bicinchoninic acid (BCA) protein assay (PierceTM BCA Protein Assay Kit, Thomas
Scientific, Swedesboro, NJ, USA). Briefly, 40 μg of tissue homogenates from young and
aged TA muscle samples were separated using sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide
polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membrane and probed for NNMT protein expression
using anti-NNMT primary antibody (ab58743, rabbit polyclonal; Abcam, Cambridge, MA,
Abcam) via western blotting. Membrane was striped and re-probed for β-actin using
control. Western blots were analyzed for NNMT and β-actin expression using ImageJ
software (NIH). NNMT protein expression (bands detected at ~27 kDa) was normalized
to β-actin expression (bands detected at ~42 kDa) and compared between young and
aged TA muscle tissues. Samples were run and analyzed in technical duplicates.
an aged mouse muscle injury model. Aged, 24-month-old (N=48), male C57Bl/6 mice
were obtained from the National Institute of Aging (NIA). Upon arrival, mice were single-
(lights on 0600-1800 h) for at least 7 days before initiation of experiments. Food and
water were available ad libitum. All experiments were carried out in accordance with the
Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and with approval from the
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at the University of Texas Medical Branch .
2.3.1. Short-term treatment effects of NNMTi on muscle regeneration after injury.
Following acclimation, mice were randomized into control (saline; n=13), low dose
NNMTi (5 mg/kg; n=10), and high dose NNMTi (10 mg/kg; n=13) treatment groups,
ensuring similar mean average body weights across the three cohorts. Mice received
twice daily (BID) subcutaneous (SC) injections of saline or NNMTi for 2 weeks (1 week
pre-injury and 1 week post-injury). Mice were weighed and the body weights were
recorded every other day. On day 8 (following 1 week of treatment), mice were briefly
concentration) was injected locally into the TA muscle of one hindlimb to induce muscle
injury, followed by carprofen for analgesia. Starting on the day of the injury (day 8) and
on days 10, 12, and 14, mice received a single intraperitoneal (IP) injection of 5-ethynyl-
2´-deoxyuridine (EdU) (150 ug in saline) to track muSC proliferation and fusion into
injections of saline or NNMTi on days 8 through 14. At the terminal end of the study, a
sub-cohort of mice from the 3 treatment groups (n=6/group) were deeply anesthetized
using ketamine/xylazine cocktail anesthetic (IP injection) and the blood was drawn by
cardiac puncture procedure, following which muscle tissues were harvested for
additional processing. Remaining mice (n=7/group in control and high dose groups)
were performed on all remaining mice and the tissues harvested and flash frozen for ex-
injury. A separate cohort of 24-month-old, aged mice were randomized into control
(saline; n=6) and high dose NNMTi (10 mg/kg; n=6) treatment groups, ensuring similar
mean average body weights across the two cohorts. In contrast to the short-term
treatment regimen (1-week post-injury treatment) described above, mice received twice
daily (BID) subcutaneous (SC) injections of saline or NNMTi for 4 weeks; pretreatment
for 7 days prior to BaCl2 injury to one TA muscle, followed by 3 weeks of post-injury
treatment to examine a more complete muscle recovery. Muscle tissues were harvested
torque measurement. This protocol was adapted and modified from previously
published literature [40, 41]. Briefly, mice were anesthetized with isoflurane (3-4% for
induction and ~2.5% for maintenance of anesthesia via a nose cone; oxygen maintained
at ~1.5 l/min with a VetEquip vaporizer), the BaCl2 injured leg trimmed (Wahl Bravmini;
Sterling, IL, USA), and set on a platform (Aurora Scientific 809c in situ testing
apparatus; Aurora, ON, Canada) heated to 37°C (with an Anova Industries Model 10
water circulator; Stafford, TX, USA). The leg was then mounted into a clamp to hold it
static at the knee, with the tibia perpendicular to the femur and the foot perpendicular to
the tibia. The foot was secured in a mount connected to the force transducer, with the
ankle wedged in place and with a piece of tape holding the foot to the mount. Platinum
needle electrodes were set percutaneously, approximately near the top of the knee and
halfway down TA, between the TA and the gastrocnemius (needles were adjusted to
find the optimal placing for maximum force production with minimum current and
6650LR Force Transducer, Dual Mode lever System, Hi power Bi-Phase Stimulator,
Signal Interface, and software: Dynamic Muscle Control v5.500 and Dynamic muscle
Analysis version 5.300), the proper maximal current used to stimulate muscle
contraction was determined by eliciting a twitch (pulse duration 0.2 s) with the stimulus
starting at 5 mA and increased incrementally to ~50 mA until the maximum twitch torque
at the minimum amperage needed to stimulate this torque was recorded. This minimum
current was then maintained throughout a torque-frequency curve to find the maximum
torque output (twitch1, 10 Hz, 40 Hz, 80 Hz, 100 Hz, 120 Hz, 150 Hz, 180 Hz, 200 Hz,
250 Hz and a final twitch2). A twitch1/twitch2 minimum ratio of 90% determined muscle
mice failed the twitch1/twitch2 test. Peak torque per gram of body mass and peak torque
normalized to CSA (average cross-sectional area of fibers) per animal were recorded as
outcomes, group averaged, and compared between control and high dose NNMTi (10
mg/kg)-treated mice. Data from one treated mouse was not included in analysis since
from mice were mounted in Tissue Tek (O.C.T. Compound, Sakura Finetek, Torrance,
CA, USA) at resting length and frozen in liquid nitrogen-cooled 2-methylbutane and
stored at −80°C until analysis. 7 m-thick sections were cut with a cryostat (HM525-NX,
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA) and allowed to air dry for 1 h prior to
2.5.1 NNMT expression in 4-month old young and 24-month old aged tibialis
anterior (TA) muscle. For NNMT immunohistochemical staining, sections were fixed in
Cambridge, MA; 1:100). The following day, slides were incubated for 1 h at room
temperature with IgG anti-rabbit secondary conjugated to AF555 (no. A21428, 1:500;
wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) (no. W11261, Life Technologies/Thermo Fisher Scientific)
(DAPI; 10 nM, LifeTechnologies/Thermo Fisher Scientific) for 10 min and washed and
muSCs and a routinely used marker to identify muSCs; laminin is routinely used to
denote muscle fiber borders. For Pax7-EdU-laminin staining, sections were fixed in 4%
PFA followed by antigen retrieval using sodium citrate (10mM, pH 6.5) at 92°C for 20
min. Slides were then placed in 3% hydrogen peroxide in PBS for 7 min to block
USA; 1:100) and laminin (L9393, Sigma-Aldrich, St Louis, MO, USA; 1:100). Next,
slides were incubated with biotinylated anti-mouse IgG secondary antibody for Pax7
(no. 115-065-205, Jackson ImmunoResearch, West Grove, PA, USA; 1:500) and anti-
rabbit IgG secondary antibody for laminin (Alexa Fluor 647, no. A11034, Life
488 was used to visualize Pax7 antibody binding. Following all Pax7-laminin steps,
incubated with the Life Technologies Click-iT Kit per manufacturer’s instructions, with
EdU visualized with Alexa Fluor 555. Slides were incubated in 4′,6-diamidino-2-
captured at 200X total magnification room temperature with a Zeiss upright microscope
Pax7 staining along with laminin and DAPI; only cells that were Pax7+ /DAPI+ within the
laminin border were counted. Proliferating muSC included only those that were
Pax7+/EdU+/DAPI+ within the laminin border. muSC fusion to myofibers was determined
laminin border. Only injured myofibers (fibers with central myonucleation) were included
in CSA analysis.
software (v4.9). To assess the reliability, accuracy, and reproducibility of the image
quantification procedures, three blinded raters assessed images from six mice; two
mice were randomly selected from each treatment group for validation of counts of
muSC abundance, proliferating muSCs, and muSC fusion (saline: n=2, low dose
NNMTi: n=2, high dose NNMTi: n=2). Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) were
calculated for each variable to determine reliability of the data. ICC estimates and 95%
confidence intervals were calculated using SPSS statistical software (IBM Corp. IBM
SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 25. Armonk, NY, USA) based on a mean-rating,
consistency, 2-way mixed-effects model with 3 raters across 6 mice. ICC values below
0.5 indicate poor reliability, 0.5 to 0.75 indicate moderate reliability, 0.75 to 0.9 indicate
good reliability, and values greater than 0.90 are indicative of excellent reliability and
2.6. Plasma chemistry panel. Blood samples were collected from each animal
immediately upon sacrifice, processed to isolate plasma, frozen in liquid nitrogen, and
shipped on dry ice to Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL;
College Station, TX, USA) for small animal serum chemistry analysis via standard
Diagnosticians and all results were confirmed with positive and negative controls.
Complete plasma measures included hepatic panel (AST, ALT, ALP, GGT, GLDH, total
bilirubin, albumin, globulin, AG ratio, total protein), renal panel (amylase, BUN, creatine
Type Culture Collection; Manassas, VA, USA) were cultured with standard growth
media (DMEM, 4.5 g/L glucose, L-glutamine, sodium pyruvate, 10% FBS, 1%
day to maintain myotubes in culture for 3-4 days, during which time experiments as
differentiated myotubes. C2C12 myoblasts and myotubes grown on glass cover slips
were fixed in 4% PFA warmed to 37°C for 15 min, and then washed 3 times with PBS.
Myoblasts and myotubes were permeabilized with a 10 min wash in PBS + 0.2% Triton-
X100, and then blocked in 1% BSA made in PBS + 0.2% Triton-X100 for 1 hr. For
myoblasts, cells were incubated in primary antibody (1:100, NMMT cat #ab119758,
mouse IgG2b, Abcam) for 2 hr at room temp in 1% BSA, followed by PBS washing, and
then secondary antibody (Gt anti-Ms IgG2b AF488, cat # A-21141, ThermoFisher) for 1
hr followed by a co-stain with DAPI and mounting. For myotubes, cells were incubated
in primary antibody (NMMT, 1:100, cat #ab119758, mouse IgG2b, Abcam and myosin
heavy chain, 1:200, cat #M4276, mouse IgG1, Sigma) for 2 hr at room temp in 1% BSA,
followed by PBS washing, and then secondary antibody (Gt anti-Ms IgG2b AF488, cat #
A-21141 and Gt anti-Ms IgG1 AF555, cat # A-21127, ThermoFisher) for 1 hr followed by
a co-stain with DAPI and mounting. Images were captured at 200X total magnification.
NNMTi were chosen based on our previous published work in adipocytes, where
significant phenotypic and metabolic changes were observed in the presence of the
removed and cells were fixed in 4% PFA pre-warmed to 37°C for 15 min. PFA was then
removed and the cells were washed three times (3 min each wash) with PBS containing
0.2% Triton X-100. Cells were blocked for 1 h in 1% TSA (fTSA kit – compound D,
were incubated for 2 h at room temperature with anti-myosin heavy chain (MHC)
primary antibody (Sigma #M4276 – from MY-32 clone) at 1:200 concentration made in
TSA/PBS/Triton diluent. Cells were washed in PBS/Triton and incubated for 1 h at room
incubated with DAPI (1:10,000 concentration; Invitrogen #D35471 in PBS) for 10 min to
stain nuclei, and washed finally with PBS/Trition before imaging. Four random field of
views were captured per well; total DAPI stained nuclei and MHC positive nuclei were
counted to calculate %MHC positive nuclei. Control and NNMTi-treated conditions were
run in duplicates with results averaged for each condition. %MHC positive nuclei
analyzed were averaged and compared between control and NNMTi-treated myotubes
2.8.3. Effect of NNMTi treatment on NAD+ and NADH levels in C2C12 myoblasts
and myotubes. C212 myoblasts were differentiated to myotubes using the protocol
described above (see section 2.7) and maintained in culture for 4 days before NNMTi
treatment. On day 3 of differentiation, media was removed and replaced with fresh
confluency and treated for 24 h with growth media alone (control) or in the presence of
treatment with NNMTi, cells were treated with trypsin, centrifuged, and washed once in
ice cold PBS. Cells were re-suspended in 300 µL of 75% ethanol / 25% 10 mM HEPES
obtain soluble NAD+ and NADH metabolites [44]. Levels of NAD+ and NADH in the
extracted samples were assessed using a spectrophotometric enzymatic assay. Briefly,
samples were re-suspended in distilled water and treated with acid (0.1 M hydrochloric
acid) or base (0.1 M sodium hydroxide) and heated at 75°C for 30 min to remove all the
appropriately adding acid (0.1 M HCl/0.5 M bicene) or base (0.1 M NaOH/0.5 M bicene)
and treated with alcohol dehydrogenase (1x final; A3263-7, Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis,
MO, USA) for 15 min. Following incubation, 10 µL of WST-1 reagent (Roche Applied
Science, Mannheim, Germany) to initiate the enzymatic reaction and the pink colored
detected at 450 nm wavelength and compared between control and treated samples.
incidence of activated muSCs and fibers with myonuclei and analyzed using R statistical
software (R Core Team, 2018, version 3.5.1) by mixed effect logistic regression as a
function of dose group, adjusting for cohort (given that the experiments were conducted
across separate cohorts), and controlling for repeated measures effect. Differences
between dose groups were assessed by Tukey adjusted contrasts posthoc test. Fiber
CSA data were log-transformed (for 1-week post-injury treatment data to better
multiple contrasts posthoc as a function of dose, adjusting for cohort (given that the
experiments were conducted across separate cohorts), and controlling for repeated
measures effect. Where applicable, statistical analysis for two-group comparisons was
conducted using unpaired Student’s t-test (e.g., serum chemistry results) or an
appropriate non-parametric analysis (where datasets did not pass normality test) using
Graphpad Prism (version 7.0). Two-way ANOVA with Sidak’s multiple comparison
posthoc test was used to compare frequency of fibers as a function of binned CSA/fiber
size in controls versus NNMTi treated groups using Graphpad Prism (version 7.0). One-
way ANOVA with Dunnett’s posthoc test was used to compare %MHC positive nuclei in
Absorbance data obtained at various timepoints for NAD + and NADH extracted control
and NNMTi-treated C2C12 cell samples were transferred to Graphpad Prism (version
7.0) to perform linear regression analysis and obtain slopes from the linear reaction
progress curves. Slopes for NAD+ and NADH extracted samples and the ratio of
NAD+/NADH slopes were compared using one-way ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis test (for
revealed NNMT-specific staining both in the TA muscle obtained from 24-month-old and
4-month-old mice (Fig. 1A, 1B). Expression of NNMT was qualitatively demonstrated to
the aged TA compared to young TA muscle tissues (Fig. 1A, 1B). To validate the
expression level of NNMT protein in aged TA muscle was ~3-fold higher compared to
the level of NNMT protein in young TA tissue (Fig. 1D; p < 0.05 vs. NNMT expression in
young TA tissue). Taken together, these results support increased NNMT protein
3.2 In vivo NNMT inhibition activates muSCs and promotes aged muscle
proliferation and fusion into damaged myofibers of aged TA muscle in control and
panels, Fig. 2A, 2B), NNMT inhibition increased the number of proliferating muSCs
(measured by counting Pax7+/EdU+/DAPI+ cells per unit area); however, the total
number of muSCs (i.e., Pax7+/DAPI+ cell counts per unit area) were unchanged in the
control, low NNMTi dose, and high NNMTi dose groups, and averaged 209 ± 23, 213 ±
44, and 205 ± 9 muSC/mm2, respectively (Fig. 2A, 2B, representative panels showing
(rightmost panel, Fig. 2A and 2B), NNMT inhibition promoted greater fusion of muSCs
post-injury NNMTi treatment. The 5 mg/kg and 10 mg/kg doses of NNMTi tested
relative to control (Tukey adjusted P values: p = 0.013, 5 mg/kg dose vs. control; p =
0.0007, 10 mg/kg vs. control). The odds ratio of active muSCs for control was 0.54 and
0.46 times the odds at the low and high doses, respectively. Although the higher
treatment dose produced ~11% higher incidence of activated muSC compared to the
lower treatment dose, this observed difference did not rise to the level of being
statistically significant (p > 0.05, n.s.) (Fig. 2C). ICC for muSC abundance was 0.944
blinded fashion.
incidence of newly acquired myonuclei via muSC fusion into damaged myofibers (Fig.
2D). The relative numbers of fibers with an EdU+ myonucleus increased 40% and 48%
with NNMTi treatment at 5 mg/kg and 10 mg/kg, respectively, relative to control. The
odds ratio of fused myonuclei for control were 0.58 and 0.53 times the odds at the low
and high NNMTi dose, respectively, and the Tukey adjusted P values bordered on the
control). ICC for muSC fusion was 0.971 [95% CI (0.878,0.996)] indicating excellent
injury. Damaged TA muscle tissues were immunolabeled with laminin to trace fibers,
and the cross-sectional area (CSA) of the fibers was analyzed and compared between
images obtained from control (left panel) and NNMTi 10 mg/kg dose (right panel)
treatment groups are shown in Fig. 3A. One-week post-injury treatment with NNMTi at
the high dose (10 mg/kg) produced a significant 1.8-fold increase in the mean CSA of
mg/kg dose vs. control) (Fig. 3B). A similar (1.6-fold) dose-dependent increase was
observed at the high dose of NNMTi treatment compared to the low dose tested (Tukey
adjusted P values: p = 0.023, 10 mg/kg dose vs. 5 mg/kg), while the low dose of NNMTi
treatment did not significantly alter the muscle fiber mean CSA compared to control
(Tukey adjusted p > 0.05) (Fig. 3B). These results demonstrate that small molecule-
mediated in vivo NNMT inhibition improves muscle regeneration and growth, consistent
with the enhanced muSC activation and fusion observed following injury of the aged
The dramatic increase in muscle fiber size following a brief treatment with NNMTi
supported the testing of high dose NNMTi in a separate cohort of aged mice to assess
shown in Fig. 3C, the mean CSA of damaged muscle fibers from aged mice was
aged mice. Consistent with CSA results observed with 1-week post-injury treatment,
three-week post-injury treatment with 10 mg/kg NNMTi produced a statistically
significant and physiologically relevant 1.5-fold increase in the mean CSA of damaged
TA muscle fibers relative to control (Tukey adjusted p = 0.039). As noted in the Methods
section, a single aged mouse that showed unusually low CSA (included for
completeness and indicated by filled diamond scatter point in Fig. 3C) due to
unaccountable factors (i.e., lower CSA than control CSA in even the 1-week post-injury
data) was excluded from analysis. Taken together, these results suggest that in vivo
NNMT inhibition not only increases the rate of recovery by early activation of muSCs,
but also increases the overall magnitude of recovery following injury to aged muscle
Further, binned analysis of the muscle fiber CSA size distribution demonstrated a
significant interaction between fiber size and NNMTi treatment (F(17, 396) = 3.315; p <
downward shift in the frequency of smaller sized myofibers (Fig. 3D; p = 0.03, NNMTi
treatment vs. control in the frequency of fibers up to 100 µm 2 CSA; p = 0.0002, NNMTi
treatment vs. control for 200 µm2 CSA bin) and prominent rightward and upward shifts
toward larger sized fibers (p = 0.07, NNMTi treatment vs. control in the frequency of
fibers at sizes greater than 1600 µm2 CSA) were noted in the damaged myofibers of
aged mice treated with the high dose NNMTi (Fig. 3D).
3.4 In vivo NNMT inhibition improves aged TA muscle contractile force. In vivo
TA muscle of control and NNMTi treated aged mice to assess muscle contractile
function properties at maximum applied force conditions. Peak torque output of the
damaged TA muscle, when normalized to body weight of each animal, was 67% higher
in NNMTi-treated group compared to control group. This increase was functionally and
statistically significant (p = 0.033 vs. control; Fig. 4A), and consistent with the increased
fiber size observed in the treated cohort. In contrast, peak torque output when
normalized to the muscle fiber size (i.e., normalized to regenerating TA myofiber CSA
and presented as torque per unit area, Fig. 4B) showed no difference between the
treated and control groups (p > 0.05; Fig. 4B); this lack of difference was largely driven
by the significantly larger muscle fiber mean CSA in the NNMTi-treated mice relative to
controls. These data clearly provide support for greatly improved functional strength in
aged muscle with in vivo NNMTi treatment, in addition to the improved muscle
Table 1, a complete plasma chemistry panel including major organ enzymes (liver,
pancreas, gastrointestinal, renal, endocrine), total lipid, plasma proteins, and major
electrolytes were profiled and compared between control and high dose (10 mg/kg)
the tested enzymes, glucose, cholesterol, plasma proteins, and electrolytes between
control and NNMTi-treated samples (Table 1). Amylase levels were noted to be higher
control and treated cohorts had similar body weight changes in all studies, suggesting
similar feeding patterns (data not shown). Taken together, 1-week post-injury daily
C2C12 cells that capture many characteristics of muSCs. Prior to determining the
effects of NNMTi treatment in C2C12 cells, presence of NNMT target protein was
myoblast cells (Fig. 5A), differentiating myoblasts that were myogenic committed
expression of NNMT with MHC (marker for myotubes/myofibers; Fig. 5B). Addition of
myoblasts that only produced 12 ± 0.4 % MHC-positive myotube nuclei (Fig. 5C; p =
to determine the effects of NNMTi treatment on NAD+ and NADH levels and the
metabolic redox states. NNMTi treatment did not significantly alter NAD+ (Fig. 5D; H(2)
= 4.57, p = 0.067) and NADH (Fig. 5E; H(2) = 3.71, p = 0.2) levels or the redox state
(NAD+/NADH ratio; Fig. 5F) in C2C12 myoblasts. Similarly, NNMTi treatment produced
no significant change in the NAD+ levels (Fig. 5G, F(2, 8) < 1.0, p > 0.05, n.s.) in
dependent increases in NADH levels (Fig. 5H; F(2, 8) = 7.059, p = 0.0171), as indicated
by 50% higher slopes generated from reaction progress curves for NADH extracted
compared to control untreated myotubes (Fig. 5H; p = 0.0118 versus control). Given the
5I; F(2, 8) = 11.65, p = 0.0043). The NAD+/NADH ratio was 25% lower with 10 µM NNMTi
(Fig. 5I; p = 0.0443 versus control) and 40% lower with 30 µM NNMTi (Fig. 5I; p =
To our knowledge, this is the first study to demonstrate that systemic treatment of aged
animals with a small molecule drug-like NNMT inhibitor [38, 39] can rejuvenate muSCs,
thereby robustly promoting muSC activation and fusion which are critical to support de
novo myofiber regeneration and repair following injury [14-16]. At 1-week post-injury,
control aged mice showed poor myofiber growth, minimal muSC activity, and a
compromised skeletal muscle repair profile; these observations were consistent with
impaired muSC regenerative capacity previously reported in skeletal muscles from aged
mice [45, 46]. In contrast, aged mice treated with NNMTi demonstrated dramatically
increased frequency of activated muSCs and greatly enhanced muscle repair via muSC
fusion and subsequent myonuclear accrual. Both the number of activated muSC and
the average size of regenerating myofibers on the injured limb had nearly doubled at 1-
week post-injury with treatment facilitating the development of myofibers with much
larger cross-sectional areas, similar to youthful myogenic growth response [45, 46].
Consistent with increased muscle fiber growth, NNMTi treatment nearly doubled peak
dorsiflexor torque output on the injured limb, suggesting clinically meaningful overall
when the damaged muscles of the control animals had undergone additional recovery,
compared to controls. These results suggest that prolonged NNMTi treatment enables a
more complete recovery of the injured aged muscles, as average myofiber sizes were
comparable between injured TA muscles of the treated aged mice and uninjured TA
Consistent with our findings, Zhang and colleagues recently observed that 6-8-
week treatment of 22-24-mo-old mice with 400 mg/kg/day of NR (an NAD+ precursor
muscle [29]. While Zhang et al. observed that NR treatment also increased the absolute
number of muSCs pooled and analyzed from numerous (e.g., gastrocnemius, soleus,
quadriceps, TA) aged muscle tissues [29], NNMTi treatment did not alter the pool of
muSCs analyzed from the TA muscle of aged mice. This difference may be due to the
shorter (2-week) treatment regimen used in the current study compared to the longer (6-
8 weeks) treatment regimen employed with NR [29], or to the different skeletal muscle
groups examined in the previous studies since it has been observed that only a few
and myogenic response are currently unknown, but potentially associates with NNMT’s
central role in regulating the NAD+ salvage pathway, which in turn affects intracellular
NAD+ levels and SIRT1 (NAD-dependent deacetylase sirtuin 1) activity that modulate a
cell's metabolic and transcriptional responses [33, 47]. Since muSCs represent only
about 3-5% of adult muscle fiber nuclei and a small proportion of the cells within the
whole muscle tissue [29, 48], we performed additional experiments in cultured C2C12
the features of muSC activation and thus can serve as a model to better understand
how NNMTi treatment rejuvenates aged muSC and alters metabolic states of cells
differentiation and promoted myotube formation, selectivity increasing NADH levels and
states of myoblasts. These in vitro results suggest that NNMT inhibition enables muSCs
and fusion of activated muSCs observed in NNMTi-treated aged mice following muscle
muSC differentiation-dependent metabolic reprogramming has been previously
reduced NAD+ levels) and SIRT-1 histone deacetylase activity, and accompanied by
metabolism marked by higher NAD+ levels and SIRT-1 activity predominate in C2C12
myoblasts that are more equivalent to quiescent muSCs [29, 48, 50]. Thus, our findings
that NNMTi treatment selectively increased NADH levels and reduced NAD+/NADH ratio
are consistent with results from Ryall et al., favoring a switch towards glycolytic
differentiation. Taken together, our working model regarding the molecular mechanisms
whereby NNMT inhibition promotes muSC activation and increases myogenic response
increases in the skeletal muscles, which impairs NAD+ flux through the salvage pathway
and dysregulates SIRT-1 activity, thereby interfering with the capacity of muSC to
efficient muscle regeneration following injury [29, 48]. Given that NNMT appears to be
uniformly expressed in skeletal muscles independent of fiber type distribution (i.e., type
I, IIa, IIb) as previously demonstrated [34], suggests its dynamic involvement in the
regulation of both oxidative and glycolytic metabolism. Future studies will investigate if
similar metabolic changes are observed in muSCs isolated from NNMTi-treated skeletal
mitochondrial biogenesis and epigenetic modulations (both via SIRT-1 and SAM in the
dysregulated muSCs and restore their regenerative capacity in aged skeletal muscles,
and growth following injury and dramatically improved the strength of the injured
translating into improved muscle function and potentially mitigating the functional
decline which sarcopenic older adults typically experience following muscular injury.
We thank our biostatistician expert Mr. Clark Anderson (The Office of Biostatistics,
Branch) for support on conducting mixed effect logistic regression analysis on the stem
cell datasets using R statistical software, and discussions of the results and their
interpretations. This work was supported by the Sanofi iAward grant (S.J.W., C.C.F),
Fellowship (T.G.G.), and NIH R01 AR072061 (C.S.F.). The content is solely the
responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the
Kawakami and obtained from the Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank, created by
the NICHD of the NIH and maintained at The University of Iowa, Department of Biology,
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Table 1. Serum chemistry panel from control and NNMTi-treated (10 mg/kg) aged mice.
p-value calculated using 2-tailed Student's t-test with Welch's correction (populations
Figure 1. NNMT expression in aged (24 mo) and young (4 mo) TA muscle.
Representative images of (A) aged (top panels) and (B) young (bottom panels) TA
muscle tissues immunolabeled for detection of NNMT protein (red), myofiber membrane
border (marked by wheat germ agglutinin [WGA] in green), and nuclei (marked by DAPI
in blue). (C) Representative immunoblots obtained from replicate aged and young TA
mouse tissue samples. (D) NNMT protein expression normalized to the loading control
β-actin in aged and young TA muscle tissues as analyzed using western blotting. **, p <
following injury of aged TA muscle. (A) Representative image of control aged and
using EdU (red), Pax7 (green), DAPI (blue), and laminin (white/gray) to trace
myofibers.. (B) Representative image of aged and injured TA muscle tissue following 1-
tissues following injury (n=10-12 per group). Data represent adjusted mean % muSC
EdU+ ± 95% CI). *, p < 0.05 and ***, p < 0.001 vs. control as determined by Tukey-
muscle tissues following injury (n=10-12 per group). Data represent adjusted mean %
fibers with EdU+ myonucleus ± 95% CI. Consistent with % muSC EdU+ data (C), an
increase in % fibers with EdU+ myonucleus trend was observed with NNMTi treatment
relative to control, with the high dose of 10 mg/kg treatment showing a near statistically
Figure 3. Effect of NNMTi on damaged TA muscle fiber cross-sectional area (CSA). (A)
Representative images of aged and injured TA muscle tissue following 1-week post-
injury in control (left panel) NNMTi-treated (right panel); immunolabeled with laminin
(indicated in white) to quantify CSA. (B) Mean CSA of damaged TA muscle fibers
analyzed in aged control and NNMTi-treated mice (n=10-12 per group). Data represent
adjusted mean CSA (µm2) ± 95% CI. **, p < 0.01 vs. control; ^, p < 0.05 vs. 5 mg/kg. (C)
Mean CSA of damaged TA muscle fibers analyzed in aged control and treated (10
complete recovery (n=6 per group). Data represent adjusted mean CSA (µM2) ± 95% CI
with individual datapoints represented as a scatter plot. *, p < 0.05 vs. control, with one
datapoint (indicated in filled diamond) in the treated group eliminated from analysis on
the basis of an unusually low (i.e., below threshold) CSA value for complete recovery
analysis (p > 0.05, n.s. with this data point included). (D) Frequency of fibers binned as
a function of CSA area in aged control and NNMTi (high dose, 10 mg/kg)-treated mice
(n=12/group). Data represent mean frequency of fibers per bin ± SEM. *, p < 0.05 vs.
in aged mice following TA muscle injury. (A) Maximum torque measured per g of body
mass in vivo in response to maximum force delivered via minimal electric stimulation of
the TA muscle in aged control and NNMT-treated (10 mg/kg, bid) mice (n=6-7 per
group). Data represent mean peak torque per g of body mass (mN*m/g) ± SEM. *, p <
0.05 vs. control. (B) Maximum torque measured normalized to fiber CSA analyzed per
animal in aged control and NNMT-treated mice (n=6-7 per group). Data represent mean
C2C12 myoblasts immunolabeled to highlight NNMT (green) and nuclei (blue). All
(MHC; red), and nuclei (blue). Yellow arrowheads represent NNMT expression in
labeled with MHC marking myofibers). (C) Relative frequency of MHC positive cells in
differentiation conditions. Data represent mean % MHC positive cells ± SEM measured
in duplicates per condition. ***, p < 0.001 vs. control. (D) NAD+ levels, (E) NADH levels,
and (F) NAD+/NADH ratio in control and NNMTi-treated (24 hr) C2C12 myoblasts. (G)
NAD+levels, (H) NADH levels, and (I) NAD+/NADH ratio in control and NNMTi-treated
(24 hr) differentiated C2C12 myotubes. Data represent mean slopes calculated from
spectrophotometric enzyme assays, where the slope is proportional to NAD+ and NADH
concentrations (performed in duplicates across two experiments). *, p < 0.05 and **, p <
metabolic state in aged muscle tissue. Maintenance of flux through the NAD salvage
(i) increase flux of NAD+, activated SIRT-1, and oxidative metabolism that support
quiescent muSCs are indicated by red arrows; (ii) increased NADH (i.e., increased
histone deacetylation that support muSC activation and differentiation are indicated by