Freshwater Fishes
Freshwater Fishes
Freshwater Fishes
Freshwater Fishes
Freshwater Fish are those that spend some or all of their life in freshwaters, such as rivers and
lakes, with less salinity. Nearly half of all fish live in freshwater, meaning they swim in
rivers, lakes, and streams. These environments differ from marine conditions in many ways,
especially the different salinity levels. According to the result of national geographic, there
are over 10,000 species worldwide. However, some of the freshwater fish, such as salmon
and trout, hatch in freshwater and head out to sea, where they live until they return to
freshwater to reproduce. Then there are catadromous species such as freshwater eels. These
animals hatch at sea but live most of their lives in freshwater, then they return to the ocean to
reproduce. I learned there are 518 species of freshwater fish in Myanmar.
Why are freshwater fish important?
1. They support our meals and as well as a healthy diet. Because they are typically richer
in unsaturated fatty acids than saltwater fishes with high protein content. Moreover,
the healthiest freshwater fish are rich in Vitamin A and folate.
2. Freshwater fishes are also important for our ecosystems. Especially in stream
ecosystems. Since they provide people with significant food, recreation, and
conservation value as a biological indicator of the freshwater stream.
Overfishing and invasive species are devastating freshwater fish populations and the
climate crisis is especially difficult for fish that can’t tolerate changes in temperature.
In my region, human activities are the most that are threatening freshwater fishes. As
those fishes are using electricity to catch fish. As a consequence of using this
technique, not only freshwater fish but also the insects that are functioning in the
cleanness of water are also killed. National Geographic mentioned at least 57 species
of freshwater fish in North America have gone extinct since 1900.
Information about freshwater fish and how they are important for our environment, are available at