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B2Videoscripts - Transcript video Business Partner B2

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1.1.1 P: In the short term, Dan Price’s strategy seems to 1.3.3

P = Presenter K = Korinne Ward D = Dan Price have been a success, particularly in creating a new C = Claudio S = Sanjit K = Katie E = Emma
A = Alyssa O’Neal M = Michael Wheeler culture at Gravity Payments. And only time will tell C: So – as you can imagine, there’s been lots of
T = Tom Osborn if it’s going to be a long-term success or whether discussion with our management here at Go Global
P: Different businesses have different styles. We other companies will take the same approach. around the financing of the project. I’m pleased to
talk about the ‘culture’ of a company – and this say they loved the proposal. I think we both want
might mean its dress code, or the way in which its 1.3.1 to go forward with this project …
staff communicate with their managers. K = Katie S = Sanjit S: That’s great news Claudio. If I may? Well,
Gravity Payments is a credit card processing K: Careful. You’re overflowing. to come straight to the point, I think there are
company based in Seattle. It organises the S: Yeah. Thanks. only really two key topics to focus on today –
authorisations of fund transfers for credit card K: Something on your mind? production location and the choice of distributors.
transactions. Its clients are retailers who accept S: Some things. Mainly about this meeting with Right now, we need to know if our position to go
card payments for purchases, and it aims to cut the Claudio today. It’s just that I don’t really know with local people is being considered.
cost of processing card payments. Claudio or Emma very well, or the whole Go Global C: Erm … yes, well, both topics did come up in
K: Gravity Payments, this is Korinne. set up for that matter. Things have gone so fast discussions …
P: Gravity Payments has grown quickly from a these last five weeks and it’s such a big, big step to S: So, what’s the feedback? Sorry. But you must
small start-up to a profitable mid-size operation. go in with these guys and commit to the finance. understand, these are very important issues to us.
Company culture changed for the hundred They come from a very different world. Different E: Sanjit. It seems like we have two main problems
employees of Gravity Payments when their boss, values. And well I’m worried they’re going to take here. The product is excellent, yes – but if you
Dan Price, announced the company’s minimum over the project completely. Their number one produce locally we feel you risk quality issues.
salary would go up to 70,000 dollars a year. priority will always be maximising profits, and that Producers in China can guarantee better standards.
D: Effective immediately, we are gonna put a isn’t always the case with us. As for the distribution partners you want to work
scaled policy into place, and we are gonna have a K: So you don’t trust them. with, we just don’t think they’re good enough.
minimum 70,000 dollar pay rate for everyone that S: Is that a bad thing? I guess it is. I’m just trying to They’re small. Limited finances. Frankly, a risk to
works here. figure out how to handle things properly. I want to sales.
P: And he cut his own salary from one million do things our way. EN-Tek stands for something. S: But have you fully analysed these risks?
dollars a year to 70,000. K: Even if you don’t trust them, pretend you do. Where’s your data? We know these markets and
D: Curious if anyone has any questions? Otherwise, they may well just walk away from the partners very well, and we’re confident.
K: Let me see if I can find that for you. deal. C: That’s true, yes. We do have less experience in
P: Korinne Ward, in customer support, used to S: And if we make the wrong choice? this market – which is precisely why we’re being
have a long commute. Now she can afford to live K: At least we tried to make the right one. That so cautious. We’re happy to take a look at any
close enough to walk to work. counts for something. Ah … I gotta deal with this. numbers you might have.
K: I’m able to afford, you know, the cost of living in Let me know how it goes. See you at five. OK? K: I can’t give you any financial information from
Seattle, which is incredible. S: OK, and thanks. Appreciate all your advice! the partners at the moment. The data you need
A: Gravity Payments, this is Alyssa. K: Here’s a bit more advice. Have some coffee is very difficult for them to put together. They’re
P: Alyssa O’Neal, used to make 21,000 dollars a instead. Perk up! not used to these kinds of management processes.
year before coming to Gravity Payments. Now she They need more time.
makes almost 60,000 a year as a customer support 1.3.2 E: And in the meantime? What do we do? We
representative. She’s paid off her car loan, credit C = Claudio S = Sanjit K = Katie E = Emma need the data to make decisions.
card debt, and moved into a better home. C: So, there’s been lots of discussion with our C: OK, look, these are not easy discussions, but
A: It’s something I never … never could’ve management here at Go Global and, I’m pleased they are useful. EN-Tek clearly has a focus on local
imagined. to say, they loved the proposal. I think we both partners … and we’re open to that, in principle.
P: Following the announcement, Dan Price was want to go forward with this project. There’s S: Good.
praised as ‘America’s best boss’ and the company just a couple of issues we need to nail down. C: But we do need that data. What shall we do?
received a flood of job applications and new client Firstly there’s the production location – China or I actually emailed a couple of times last week. No
enquiries. Bangladesh? Secondly there’s the feasibility of response.
But there were negative effects as well. Gravity lost using the local distributors you’ve suggested. K: OK, could we help you with that? Let me call
a few of its most senior staff. They felt their skills S: Well, Claudio, firstly, let me say that I really them. I’ll see what we can realistically get for next
and experience were not recognised in the new appreciate the effort you’ve made to drive this week.
more equal pay structure. forward. A great product is nothing without a great C: OK, that would be useful. By next week we’ll
Over time, however, Gravity reported a 75 percent partner. I understand what you’re saying about the also have the auditors’ report on quality at the
increase in revenue and 67 percent increase in new distributors. Katie, you’ve been in touch with them local production site. Then we’ll be better placed to
clients. Harvard Business School researched the recently, haven’t you? discuss this again. Right, moving on … I had some
changes at Gravity Payments. K: Yes. We’re working hard to get the information questions about sales forecasts …
M: Some of their success might be attributed we need. You’ll appreciate, these are small
to increased productivity on the part of the companies with very few people: they will struggle 1.3.4
workers now, who, you know, feel respected and to put together all that documentation you’ve In Option A, Sanjit has more of a ‘trust first’
understand that they are gonna have a hard time asked for. How soon do you need the data, and how approach and he decides to be very collaborative
finding another job that pays so well, but it also much detail do you need? and respectful and he openly shows his
has generated a lot of publicity, and that has been E: Well ideally, we need full annual reports for the appreciation. This helps to create a good
good in terms of pulling in business. companies – for regulatory reasons. But, maybe atmosphere and to establish a positive working
P: Tom Osborn is a client of Gravity Payments. one way to solve this is to send our financial risk relationship quickly. The disadvantage, however, is
T: To me, if they’re running their business in a analyst. that the important topics are not really dealt with
way that their…that their staff feel better about K: OK, that sounds more realistic. and the decisions regarding the distributors and
being part of the company, work harder with their C: Great. Erm … then there’s the production production location get postponed.
customers, to me as a vendor, that’s a good thing. location issue. What’s the deal there? In Option B, Sanjit is less focused on developing
P: And another good thing seems to be happening S: To be honest, I feel a little worried about some trust with his partners and is more interested in
at Gravity’s headquarters. The staff are up to aspects of your proposal to go with China. Locating pushing forward his own objectives. And we see
something. things in Bangladesh would both support local the risks of this approach; the conversation gets a
A: We had tried to think of a way that we could jobs and keep the end price down. little heated, there’s an uncomfortable atmosphere
thank Dan for what he’s done for us. E: Mm look, there are major issues here with and the relationship is put at risk. However, this
P: Customer support representative Alyssa O’Neal quality and reliability. Our auditors have looked at tension allows people to be honest, to talk about
got the ball rolling. local production as an option and they say there real concerns openly with each other and then to
A: We have one more gift for you. are numerous risks. We’ll get a full report next cooperate on finding solutions, which is another
D: All right … week. way to develop trust.
A: Um, it’s outside, though. S: I respect that. But … for me … the issue is a
P: Alyssa convinced the other employees to wider one. It’s connected to the values of EN-Tek, 2.1.1
contribute hundreds of dollars each. They bought and who we are. Based on your experience, how P = Presenter LG = Laura Guttfield L = Lucrece
Dan a Tesla car worth 90,000 dollars. do you think we can address these issues with the D = Dale Thoroughgood K = Kina A = Ashley
D: Are you kidding me? local producer? P: In the world of work, training is important for
A: No … C: OK. Here’s my suggestion. I think we wait for companies and for employees. For companies,
A: What happened it was … it was like it was the detailed quality report and then we discuss good training ensures that their staff have
meant to be. that and decide next week. up-to-date skills and knowledge. For employees,
D: Oh my gosh! S: OK. If this makes most sense, let’s wait. training can drive career development and open
A: I’m really surprised by his reaction. K: I like your suggestion to get more data. That’s up new opportunities. Let’s have a look at the most
D: Thank you! fine. common types of training and development.

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This international company has recently hired five 2.3.1 E: Sanjit. We all want the same thing here:
new team members. They will be working in a E = Emma C = Claudio efficient production, good product quality, a
variety of roles across the organisation. Before they E: So the auditor’s quality report has come in and successful project. Now – there are pros and cons of
start in their individual jobs, they are undertaking the message is very clear. Local production is not both production locations: China and Bangladesh.
induction training together. an option; their facilities are too poor. We need to I’m sure you’ll agree. All of which makes this
Induction training, which is sometimes called go with production in China for this. We can’t put decision a complex one for everyone here.
onboarding, helps new staff members get to know product quality at risk like that. S: Absolutely.
the company and its systems as well as their new C: Sanjit won’t be happy. C: So, Sanjit, what do you think we should do?
colleagues. E: Well … well, he should be happy – happy I’ve S: Well er Paweł had a great idea earlier. Paweł?
LG: A key part of our induction programme, and indulged him this far. We have to take the lead here. P: Yes er, one option could be to create a clearer
the importance of it, is to help new members of the It’s our money behind the project, and we know the and more detailed set of requirements for
team understand and feel a part of our company’s production chain like the back of our hands. production.
culture. We structure the programme in a way to C: Yes, we are the experts … but Sanjit looks at this S: If we do that, then it will lead to higher
give them the skills and the knowledge to do this. very much as a kind of partnership. He likes to be standards of production.
And our aim is that they can become effective team involved, to pitch ideas around, to collaborate. It’s the P: I think it makes sense to have a look at the
members as quickly as possible. EN-Tek team culture. We’ve seen this from day one requirements again.
P: Induction training usually includes learning so I think the best approach here is to be consultative E: Do we really want endless paperwork holding
about company policies and procedures. It may and include Sanjit in the decision-making. things up?
also provide information about how the business E: Yes. But we can’t get production location C: No one wants that, I agree. Sanjit, what’s the
operates and its key markets. wrong, Claudio. We just can’t. It’s been a major best way to handle this? I am always willing to
L: The induction was just amazing. We were able project risk from day one. A wrong decision will kill listen to new ideas. Try me.
to meet all the key people in the company. And this whole thing. S: OK, well, just picking up on what Paweł said,
able to ask them questions and for them to ask C: OK, gotta go. But think, Emma. And think why don’t we let my local guys try using the more
us about ourselves. So there was a real sense of carefully. It’s your call on how to handle this in the detailed requirements? Give them an opportunity
belonging. meeting tomorrow. to prove themselves. Let them do a small
P: Mentoring can be a very successful way of production run. At the same time, do the same with
helping individuals develop their careers. A mentor 2.3.2 the guys in China, as is recommended in this report.
is an experienced professional, either from inside or E = Emma C = Claudio S = Sanjit P = Paweł Then we check the results and we decide.
outside the company, who develops a relationship E: You might not like what I’m about to say, but E: Sounds fair. So shall we try that? Do we all
with a more junior member of staff. there are major concerns here. You asked me to agree with the idea to run two pilots in parallel?
The mentor is there to act as a guide and offer analyse the two production site options. I did that C: Yep.
support, usually on a one-to-one basis. and came to a very simple conclusion; we have to E: Fine. Let’s flesh this out …
D: We think mentoring is really valuable. With go with China as a production location. Sanjit, I C: Happy overall?
so much great experience in the company, it is agree that the local company is very capable … but E: Seriously? No. Anything but. Now we have
important we find ways to pass that on. It is a very not capable enough for this project. My role in the another delay. So much for effective teamwork,
personal and focused form of staff development project is to give the best advice on finance and Claudio. I mean, I did the whole ‘listening’ thing. I
and it is great at building confidence. It shows them quality, and as such, I am saying this loud and clear; tried not to be pushy. And now what? Now we’re
that we are willing to invest time and expertise in China is the only option. stuck with this double production pilot idea. And
them and their career. C: OK, thanks, Emma, for your openness. Sanjit, we all know what the result will be, don’t we?
P: Mentoring can be used for specific, job-related any thoughts on the matter? China will come out on top. A total waste of time.
training or more general career development. S: Emma. Erm, I’m sure you’ve guessed that I’m C: We don’t know that. Look, it was a good
K: What’s great about a mentor is that they were disappointed by your recommendations. Er but … meeting. People listened. The team is together. You
once in my position and so they can advise me as to I understand. Really, er … Paweł and I have gone handled it well.
what the best skills would be to learn and the best through the report – and your conclusions are E: We can’t do everything by committee, no
departments would be to work in, in order for me sound. I was wondering, however – is there some matter how much those guys wish we could. We
to progress in my career. way of coaching the people working locally? You have to lead this project.
L: The biggest benefit of mentoring for me is know er training them, developing their skills …? C: Let’s pick this up tomorrow. You … we did well.
being able to measure your progress and to come P: If I can add to that, it will ensure that quality is
up with solutions for your problems. implemented. We’ve done this in other projects. 2.3.4
K: One of the really useful things about being a E: I don’t think that makes sense. It adds time and In Option A, Emma is very direct, and pushes her
mentee is that my mentor introduces me to very money that we just don’t have. Also, who knows ideas very strongly. She reminds Sanjit and Paweł
important people within the British broadcast what the end result will be? It just creates more that her role is to give the best advice on finance
industry, and as I am just starting out in my career, risk. and quality, and basically says that China is the
that’s really important for my personal network S: OK … I understand. It’s just that it was part of only option. Sanjit, surprisingly, agrees – the data
and to sort of keep my eyes open for further the vision to have the local community involved as is clear – but it goes against his core values and
opportunities. much as possible. the vision he had to help the local community in
P: More and more training is being conducted C: Emma, can you walk us through the report Bangladesh. So, while Emma is very happy at the
online using e-learning technology. It allows step-by-step? Just to take a look at the numbers end, Sanjit isn’t fully convinced and the team is a
people to learn at their own pace and in a more and make sure everything’s clear? little divided.
flexible timetable. E: Sure. Let’s start on page three. In Option B, Emma is more collaborative; she
D: Online training has become popular because it C: Happy overall? stresses a common interest and is more open to
is so flexible - staff members can access it anytime E: They agreed to go with China, so … yes. I’m ideas from Sanjit and Paweł. It’s this openness that
anywhere. They can access it from home or whilst happy. gets the team to a creative place as they agree to
travelling and use the time that otherwise would C: It’s strange. They weren’t exactly thrilled but set up two pilots to see if production could run in
have been wasted. It is also very cost-efficient. they did warm to the idea, more so than I expected. Bangladesh. Emma is not happy with the outcome
A: I had to do an online course which covered E: Great. They saw sense … finally. and with the delay it will cause. But Claudio points
health and safety. Um … it mainly covered the C: Just remember – it’s their product and concept out that the result is good from a team point of
health and safety regulations that the company and we need to respect that. Sanjit in particular is view, the approach was collaborative, and new
had, as well as … um … telling you about what very sensitive about the idea of losing control. I’ll ideas were produced.
different health and safety signs in the building probably call him later just to check in. Good job
actually meant … um … so that way, in the example today by the way. 3.1.1
of a fire, we’d know exactly where we needed to E: Thanks. P = Presenter D = Des Dearlove
go. For me, the best thing about online training H = Howard Stringer
is that it’s completely flexible. You can do it on 2.3.3 P: Stock markets can go down as well as up, and
any device – on a computer at home, on a mobile E = Emma S = Sanjit C = Claudio P = Paweł that’s something every investor should know.
phone maybe when you’re on the bus or the train, E: You might not like what I’m about to say, but There will always be movement in a market,
um … and it means that you can really approach there are major concerns here. You asked me to but what are the effects on business and the
your training when it’s suitable for you. analyse the two production site options. I did that real economy when the stock market suffers a
P: Many companies offer programmes that mix and came to a very simple conclusion; we have to devastating drop in value? And for that, we need to
online with face-to-face sessions. This is known as go with China as a production location. Sanjit, I look at the past.
‘blended learning’. Whatever the type or delivery agree that the local company is very … The Wall Street crash of 1929 led to at least ten
method, training and development is a critical S: Sorry to interrupt, Emma, but I’m not happy years of worldwide economic depression. It was
function in a modern business. As the world with it. I don’t know what data the auditor’s the most severe financial crisis of modern times.
changes, we all need to adapt and learn to stay working from but to date we’ve had very It came after a period when markets had been
effective and efficient. good experiences with the local producers in booming and shares had been steadily increasing
Bangladesh. I have a lot of trust in their abilities. in value.

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D: So on Black Tuesday, the 29th of October problems – like Go Global stepping in, stopping local C: Maybe. What support did you have in mind?
1929, the ‘good times’ came to an end. As more production and going straight to the China option. K: Send a couple of technical people down there,
and more people sold their shares, the New York K: OK … just for a week or so, just to see what’s going on.
stock market went into freefall. By the end of P: Just try to tone down the ‘glass half full’ Let them help. I think it would bring about the
the day, it had lost 12 percent of its value. By the approach a little. turnaround we’re looking for …
time it stopped falling the Dow Jones had lost K: What do you mean? C: Interesting. That would help us keep an eye on
90 percent of its value. It meant that banks failed P: You can’t just focus on the positives. I’m just people …
across America, companies went bankrupt, and saying – I know none of us here are ready to give K: Well … yes and hopefully motivate people to
individuals lost their investments and sometimes up on Bangladesh, but convincing Claudio won’t perform better. This would be about support …
their life savings. be easy. Try to see it from his point of view – and C: Of course … OK, leave it with me. I’ll talk to
P: The effects were not only felt in America. maybe reign in some of your optimism. Think about Emma and give you a call later.
Stock markets in Europe and around the world the issues he’s likely to bring up – you’re going to K: Fine. Bye.
also fell. What followed became known as the need a good alternative plan to keep him on board. C: Bye.
Great Depression. Production slowed, factories I need to take this. Think about it. OK?
were closed and staff laid off. Construction and K: OK. Will do. 3.3.4
manufacturing went into decline. In Option A, Katie is herself – optimistic, kind
D: No part of the western world was left unaffected 3.3.2 and maybe a little naive – she wants to give
by the depression. It lasted all the way through to C = Claudio K = Katie the guys in Bangladesh a second chance. This
the Second World War. Luckily, there’s never been a C: So. How do we move forward? I am very approach of focusing on the positives can be
global depression as severe as that since then. disappointed with the first quarter numbers. I think very motivational in projects but it can seem to
P: However, stock market crashes don’t always lead we need to bring them up at the next full project others, in this case Claudio, that the real issues
to economic depression. On Black Monday, October meeting – as well as a recommendation to confirm aren’t being acknowledged. But, ultimately, when
19th 1987, a rapid fall in the Hong Kong stock that we will work with the producers in China. I’m Katie guarantees to deliver in four weeks, Claudio
market spread to Europe and then the United States, afraid trying local production has turned out as becomes calmer. It’s the results that matter to him.
where five hundred billion dollars were lost in a day. Emma and I expected it might. Now it’s time to get However, Katie now has to deliver on her promise.
D: In 1987, the market losses were the biggest in things back on track. In Option B, Katie is more careful. By
history, by percentage, but the markets recovered K: Erm, to be fair, we’re only a little over budget. acknowledging the fact that costs are 20 percent
quite quickly. So there was no economic depression. It’s not a bad result. And I’m happy to say we are on too high, she gives Claudio the impression that
P: In contrast, in 2008 a different type of economic schedule, at least. Give these guys a chance. I’m sure she’s practical and this makes him more open to
crisis occurred – a banking crisis that went on to we can turn this around and get local production her suggestions. The result of this approach is that
affect financial markets and the global economy. up to standard. These figures are just due to project they find a way to agree on managing the risks
For a number of years, banks in the United States start-up problems which we’ve now overcome. effectively, and together decide to send experts to
and elsewhere had been giving loans to buy houses C: Katie, we can’t run projects like this. This the local area to monitor the situation.
to people with poor credit ratings. budget is simply too high. I can’t justify these costs
When high numbers of people were unable to pay to my management. We can salvage this – but 4.1.1
their mortgages, banks and their investors suffered only if we act now. That means acknowledging T = Toon Vamparys F = Frank Verbist
losses, and ordinary people lost their homes. This the truth. Clearly, mistakes were made with the I = Ian Maude E = Eileen Burbidge
meant banks stopped lending more money. It budgeting and planning. I don’t think you can say T: Today everybody is almost carrying a
became known as the ‘credit crunch’ and its effect it’s just because of start-up problems. We have to smartphone. Smartphone has a lot of nice tools
was global. change our strategy on this. in it, a lot of sensors. We try to make those
D: A lack of credit – to banks, companies and K: Alright. It’s true, we didn’t manage to reach smartphones more intelligent by mining the data,
individuals – has the effect of freezing the all our targets. But the earthquake led to a lot of meaning getting all the data in one platform,
economy. Investment and growth slow or problems last month. I think we should continue looking for patterns and so we can find out if you
stop, which means recession, job losses and to help the guys locally and give them a chance. are moving on a bike or on a – walking or on a tram
bankruptcies. Many economies around the world The culture there is different and the project just or on a train or in a car and you can see where you
were badly hit. Portugal, Italy, Ireland, and Greece needed more time to get going. are, you can see how fast you move, and those
were very badly affected. C: Going where, Katie? Bankruptcy? We have to patterns give a good visualisation of what you are
P: Governments around the world were forced to find a new approach to this. as a person and our clients can use that to offer you
bail out their financial institutions. But it wasn’t K: Claudio, please. I’m going out there in a week or a better mobile experience.
enough to prevent a global economic downturn. so. I can help turn things around, I know it. F: So let’s say we have a client that has a coffee
Business leaders were concerned. C: OK. Say that’s true. When will we see shop and wants to sell more coffee. And as a
H: We are in the worst economic depression in my improvements exactly? End of this month? promotion he offers a brownie with every coffee, so
lifetime; economic recession, we’re not supposed to K: Yes. Yes. he wants to target people commuting to work. He
call it a depression yes, but it feels pretty depressing. C: OK. Here’s the deal. If we have things back on would isolate in our audience all people that work
P: Movements in financial markets are part of the track inside four weeks, I can sell that internally. If in the city close to the shop that come by public
normal operation of the economy. When falls are not … I honestly don’t know. I’ll be very open, I’m transportation and walk the last mile to their work,
severe, they can have a lasting effect on people’s not sure that we’ll be able to continue with the that is not enough. Now you need to find the right
lives. But share prices and effects across the whole local production idea. time to target these people and the right time is
economy are not always directly linked. K: OK Claudio, that’s fair enough. just before they will arrive at work, getting out of
D: If you look at the history, you see that there’ve C: OK, see you at this week’s project meeting. their commute. The early people that I identified
been more crashes than there have economic K: Yes, see you then. will now get a trigger right at this moment,
depressions. The reality is that the financial C: Bye. End of the month, Katie. I’m counting on which is the promotion from the coffee shop.
markets don’t always predict how the real you. What’s important here is that a morning routine is
economy behaves. By ‘real economy’, we mean the K: End of the month. No problem. different for everybody, at different times, we call
parts of it concerned with the production of goods that semantic time.
and services, rather than the buying and selling on 3.3.3 T: Semantic time is important; mobile interactions
financial markets. One thing you can be sure of, in C = Claudio K = Katie need to be spot on, if you want to have a positive
your working lifetime, is that you will experience a C: So. How do we move forward? I am very reaction. If you do that at the wrong moment, then
crash of one kind or another. disappointed with the first quarter numbers. you irritate; irritation is not good for customer
K: I understand. It isn’t good enough. We won’t engagement. In semantic time, the right moment
3.3.1 reach our targets unless we change something. is gonna become crucial. Customers should not be
P = Paweł K = Katie C: I’m not sure that we’ll be able to continue with afraid of the data that is being gathered around
P: Did you get a text from Barsha? Not good. Not the local production idea. I think we’re going to them and from them, they should be afraid of
good at all. Go Global won’t be happy. have to go with China. who’s using them and for what are they used.
K: Relax. It sounds worse than it is. We’ve dealt K: I see where you’re coming from. 20 percent over I’m in start-ups already for more than 30 years –
with worse. budget is too high, but, I’m really happy with the 20 years ago we were talking bits and bytes, ah,
P: 20 percent over budget? I think Claudio will progress we’ve made in a number of areas. I mean, on a … on a tape or so, today we are talking about
see that as a major problem. He’s a cautious guy, we are on schedule and the quality report is very terabytes in, in the cloud.
especially when the numbers don’t work in his positive. I just feel that if we give up now, we may I: It’s essentially a really new thing because it’s
favour. miss an opportunity to set up a new production only made possible by the fact that we now have
K: I’m meeting him in half an hour. I’ll talk him centre not only for Bangladesh but also for the smartphones in our pockets all the time and we
round. The numbers aren’t that bad. wider region. carry them around with us. So it’s a, it’s a whole
P: To you they’re not. To Claudio it will be the C: Perhaps – but this is costing us a lot of money. new field, but it is, it’s very competitive. Sentiance
end of the world. We’re the ones who insisted on K: Maybe we should offer them more support? are one of a number of companies in this space
doing the production pilot in Bangladesh. Any That would be more cost-effective than shutting and, um, they have an interesting take on it but
more figures like this and there are going to be down production. then, you know, they’re not the only game in town.

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E: The challenge for Sentiance is to deliver S: OK, OK, but if we could focus back on the logo … TS: Many of our executives worked at companies
actionable insights, um and not just more data for G: Just let me finish. where the oldest got the biggest salary, and we
marketers. Marketers want to have really useful S: Alright. Brand and marketing spend. Go on all felt that was unfair; our model means more
data if it’s going to help them with conversion and then. competition, it’s natural for older staff to feel
with transactions, and frankly in making more awkward to see their younger colleagues being
money and getting more commerce out of users. 4.3.3 promoted first, but because it’s been our policy
But if what Sentiance does is just deliver more data, G = Gary C = Claire S = Sanjit K = Katie from the start, I think it was easier for us, compared
more data dumps, oh now we’re able to break down G: Hi. with older companies.
your customer segment by this time, by this journey C: Hi? Gary? P: During Japan’s economic boom of the 80s
and by this location, that may in and of itself not G: Yeah, hi, hi. and 90s, companies could afford to keep raising
be of value to marketers. If it can actually say this C: I’m here with Sanjit and Katie. salaries for all the workers as a reward for their
offer’s gonna be more interesting and there’s more S: Hi. loyalty. But since the economic bubble burst, even
take-up as a result, that’s hugely interesting. K: Hi. household names, such as Sony and Panasonic had
T: It’s all about personalisation, anticipation G: OK, Sanjeet, I’ve been briefed by Claire, so no to reconsider their policies. Jobs were cut, which
and prediction, and the use of that will increase need for hello-how-are-yous. Let’s go through the came as a shock to Japanese workers who were
immensely in, in the next coming years. Disruptive branding document I sent you. expecting the guarantee of lifelong employment.
means that you approach a problem in an industry S: Er, Gary, it’s Sanjit actually. Er, can I stop you E: It’s like a couple who just found out that your
or a sector completely from a different angle: you for a second? I’d like to stick to the agenda and partner was cheating on you. They are feeling
have an idea, you have a dream about approaching discuss the advertising concept first. I think it’s very betrayed but companies which revise their policies
that, and then you go for it and you dream big. interesting and we can come back to the brand have not all been successful, because unless you
topic later. can turn your business around, you are just creating
4.3.1 G: Erm, OK. I mean, I don’t have much time – and I unhealthy competition among your employees.
S = Sanjit C = Claire P = Paweł really want to talk about changing the marketing P: For young companies like CyberAgent, the new
S: I’d better take this. Claire, how are you doing? budget. It’s a disaster. salary model has, so far, paid off, and its success
C: Good, you? S: Can we slow down a little? Gary, I think that’s is what the rest of Japan Inc. is also hoping to
S: Good, good. I’m just here with Paweł, putting really outside the scope of the meeting today. As I achieve. But it’s much trickier for bigger and older
our heads together. said, I want to stick to the agenda. So, coming back companies to adjust to the new economic reality.
C: Well, I won’t keep you long. Just to let you to the advertising concept …
know, Claudio asked me to arrange a conference K: Yes, we have some ideas we want to run past 5.3.1
call with Gary Roach, an independent marketing you. Cr = Claire Cd = Claudio S = Sanjit K = Katie
expert we sometimes work with, to discuss the C: Gary, I think Sanjit has some … Cr: Claudio.
recent marketing campaigns. G: Fine, fine, whatever, but … Cd: Hey.
S: OK. S: Gary, let her finish what she’s saying, please. Cr: Have you see the latest sales figures from
C: Gary’s been brought in as an expert and he’s Her views are important. Sanjit?
got some new thoughts on how to improve C: Gary, I think Sanjit has some good points which Cd: Yeah. Not what we expected, right? What
branding and where we advertise. Just a word of you’ll be very happy with so I agree: it’s probably happened?
warning – Gary is always full of ideas but … how best to start there. Cr: Their marketing campaigns. They happened.
can I put this? He can be very direct and not always G: OK. Shoot away. We shouldn’t have trusted them to handle the
easy to handle. S: I actually had a look through your branding campaigns themselves. I mean, did you see them?
S: I’ll manage. document before the call. Some great ideas, thanks Really badly designed. And now sales haven’t taken
C: OK well I’ll be on the call as well so, see you later. Gary. It really matches with some of my own ideas off.
S: OK. for promotion using local sporting events as a Cd: Well … are we sure that’s the reason for the
P: All good? media platform. poor sales?
S: Yes, I have a meeting with Gary Roach later. G: OK. Great. This is all budgeted? Cr: I’m sure it is. I think we should pull the plug and
P: Gary? Good luck with that. He’s a nightmare. S: Yes, I’ll come to that in a second. Let’s first talk do a full re-design from this end. Top to bottom.
S: So I’ve been told. about … Cd: I’ll need to think about that … I know we’re
P: I can’t work with him. He thinks he always concerned but we have to stand by the decision we
knows best. 4.3.4 made to let them do it.
S: I’ve worked with people like that before. I might In Option A, Sanjit adopts an ‘accept and adapt’ Cr: I still disagree, but keep me posted. Whatever
take control of the conversation or let him speak approach which gives Gary the opportunity to you decide.
freely; I’ll see how it goes. I’ll also have Katie on the express his concerns, to challenge the team and Cd: Sure
call with me. offer creative solutions. However, by being allowed S: Hey Katie.
P: Trust me, though … it still won’t be easy. to speak so freely, Gary ends up dominating the K: So … I just had an ‘interesting’ chat with Claire.
others and makes them frustrated. The advantage She thinks I owe you an apology.
4.3.2 is that his ideas, which could help to innovate, are S: What?
G = Gary C = Claire S = Sanjit K = Katie heard by everyone straight away. K: She told me my marketing campaigns shared a
G: Hi. In Option B, Sanjit is more assertive. He decides lot of the blame for low sales figures and that I’m
C: Hi? Gary? to intervene and insists on a more structured not doing my job properly.
G: Yeah, hi, hi. approach. He stops Gary interrupting and controls S: Oh.
C: I’m here with Sanjit and Katie. the meeting. This approach is collaborative; he K: Which isn’t fair. I mean we knew there was a risk
S: Hi. acknowledges Gary’s ideas; the discussion is more of lower numbers from Bangladesh this quarter.
K: Hi. focused and the meeting isn’t so one-sided, and And analytics say they’ll pick up in the next few
G: OK, Sanjeet, Claire has filled me in, so no need everyone is allowed to contribute more freely. months anyway.
for hello-how-are-yous. Let’s go through the However, Gary’s ideas do not get heard. S: Claire may be stressed about the sales figures,
branding document I sent you. It’s really important but that doesn’t mean she can talk to you like
you rethink the branding. 5.1.1 that. Well, I’m having a meeting with Claudio later
S: I actually had an agenda I thought we could P = Presenter TO = Takato Oku today. Things should be clearer after that, but I’m
stick to … TS = Tetsuhito Soyama E = Expert sure he won’t be in a good mood either.
G: Can I go on? P: Out on the street, 29 year old, Takato Oku has K: I know. Sorry.
S: Yes. Your document. OK Gary, carry on. got his groove on, but in the corporate world he S: Not as sorry as I’ll be feeling later.
G: As you’ll see, I’ve proposed some changes. had a frustrating start. He knew that his turn for
There’s a load of ideas you should look at – really promotion and pay rise was decades away. There 5.3.2
good stuff, even if I say so myself. One key thing. was a long line of older workers the company C = Claudio S = Sanjit
I’ve done some detailed analysis of your potential needed to reward first. C: I’ve pretty much got two reactions to
customers. Interesting results, very interesting. And For Japan Inc., that’s been the tradition for over these sales figures. First: surprise. Second:
so I’ve put together a few marketing ideas on page half a century, so he quit his first job and joined an disappointment.
… 23. Got that? online media and advertising firm in 2013. Within S: I understand. Er, there’s often a mismatch
G: Anyway, and I know you’re not gonna like this two years, he rose through the ranks to become a between forecasts and actual results —
but, you know, the little product logo, the one with manager. C: That may be, but if there’s a difference in figures
the sun you’ve gone for – awful. Customers hate it. TO: Initially, I was surprised to have staff who were it should be with higher sales, not lower. We can’t
It simply has to be changed. Pronto. older than me, or to have a boss who was younger go on like this.
S: Can you elaborate on that? than me, but I like the fact that CyberAgent S: I’m afraid you’re not seeing the big picture here,
G: Yeah, yeah, I will come to that. I’m also worried rewards its workers based on our performance, not Claudio. The market has been slow to respond to
about the marketing budget. It’s totally unrealistic, our age. new environmental initiatives by the government.
so I’ve created a new budget which when you take P: Tetsuhito Soyama is in charge of human We thought more people would be buying our
a look at the … resources at CyberAgent. product by now.

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C: And we’re only hearing about this now? You S: I take on board what you’re saying. We’ll hurry is fifty thousand tonnes, so even if we took every
told me that Katie had this under control; that she this along, I promise. I just wanted to get some piece of fair-trade cotton in the world, it wouldn’t
made realistic estimates. feedback from you first. even touch the amount we actually need as a
S: She does. I assure you. C: I appreciate that. business.
C: Sanjit, if this is ‘under control’, I’d hate to see S: Perhaps we also need to communicate better in P: At the London College of Fashion, the students
what ‘out of control’ looks like. this team, especially when the pressure’s on. who’ll be the next generation’s designers are
S: Well, you have to remember that we predicted C: Agreed. Stress never brings out the best in reacting to the problem. They are trying to use only
this might happen. This should not come as a anyone, does it? Look, I’ll get in touch with Claire ethically sourced materials.
surprise. We expected lower figures this quarter now to see what time she can make tomorrow. Can A: The more I found out about the fashion
and warned you about them. Katie is very good you do the same for Katie? industry, the more I kind of, I thought it was really
at what she does and she is very close to the S: Yep, sure. I’ll do that now. horrible, the environmental and ethical impacts
market in Bangladesh. She’s very confident that that has on the world, I just … I just don’t think are
Bangladesh will be a huge success. We just need to 5.3.4 acceptable. You know I wanted the products to be
give it a little more time to pick up. In Option A, Sanjit politely but firmly pushes back beautiful in every aspect of them, so not only do
C: Really? against Claudio’s critical feedback, and stands they look good, but … the … when you look behind
S: Come on Claudio. We’ve talked about this up for Katie when suggesting that Claire may the scenes they’re good as well.
before. We just need a little patience … and maybe need to be more respectful, especially in her own D: The ethical debate in the fashion business has
a little more respect, too. feedback delivery style. It’s a little tense, which created a tension between the top priced labels
C: Excuse me? ‘Respect’? could negatively affect their relationship, though and the mainstream brands. So the top designer
S: We’re all professionals here. We all care about Sanjit has stood his ground and protected his team labels can usually pay good wages, so they will
the quality of our work. We’re very passionate member Katie, both of which are positive things. sell you an item and might also try to convince you
about it – sometimes it even causes arguments. In Option B, Sanjit also stands up for Katie and her that no one got harmed for you to get that shirt.
You know, Claire confronted Katie earlier today and experience, but this time is more accepting of the But high volume brands need the garments to be
suggested that her marketing campaigns are to overall feedback, and shows openness to learn inexpensive and some of them prefer you close
blame for the poor sales. more, though could he be perceived as being a bit your eyes to whatever harm might have been done.
C: Claire may have a point, if you ask me. too quick to accept criticism? So looking across the whole of the industry, we
S: Well I’m not sure what you’re saying is In both options the marketing campaign will don’t have an ethical solution yet.
necessarily accurate. You know we implemented remain unchanged for now, and the team will work P: But fashion now has strongly ethical players.
your expert Gary’s new ideas on those campaigns. on their communication and collaboration, so the After his range of ethical clothing was shown at
That still didn’t help. Nothing changes the fact that outcomes are the same. But the team relationships a fashion show, Danish designer Peter Ingwersen
Bangladesh takes a little more time to react to are impacted differently in each option. told news cameras that fashion will become an
marketing. We shouldn’t change the campaign now. ethical business.
C: So you’re telling me that sales will increase … 6.1.1 PI: In the future I actually believe that we won’t
just very slowly. P = Presenter I = Interviewer M = Maxine Bédat see any separations between ethical fashion and
S: That’s right. Everything will be OK. D = Domenica Delfini Arroyo MB = Mike Barry more mainstream fashion, I think it’s all gonna be
C: If you say so. We’ll hold off on any changes to A = Alienor Taylor PI = Peter Ingwersen one. Anything that you wear will actually come
the campaign for now. P: Many companies like to claim they are ethical under the same umbrella with very high standards,
businesses. This can be because they believe in I think that’s the way it’s gonna go.
5.3.3 a moral approach to commerce. It might also be P: Ethics in fashion might be a genuine moral effort
C = Claudio S = Sanjit because ethical is a label that helps them increase to abolish bad practices and make more ethical
C: I’ve pretty much got two reactions to these sales sales. products. Or it could be just a kind of marketing. But
figures. First: surprise. Second: disappointment. How can we discover if a business is ethical? We’ve if consumers become more responsible, the ethical
S: Er, why so? been looking into the fashion industry – and why dimension of fashion looks set to grow.
C: Why do you think? They’re way too low. I think your clothing has become an ethical matter. In the
we should consider redesigning the marketing fast fashion industry, clothing brands compete to 6.3.1
campaign … the whole thing. offer new trends as quickly and cheaply as possible. E = Emma C = Claudio
S: OK. I understand what you’re saying, and why, Pressure on time and cost is intense: it means E: Just in time! Got a minute?
but you also have to acknowledge there’s often a tough working conditions and low pay rates for C: Sure.
mismatch between forecasts and actual results. factory workers. E: I’ve heard some news that might not be good.
C: Yet the situation stays the same. If there’s a I: Let’s start off by talking about, what is ‘Fashion C: Go on.
difference in figures, it should be with higher sales, Revolution Day’? E: Well, I have this friend in finance in the South
not lower. This can’t continue. M: Fashion Revolution Day is a global movement; East Asian region who told me SendAll are in
S: I can see your point. I’ll be honest. We’d really over 70 countries are participating; it’s citizens trouble.
hoped sales would pick up faster following the new around the world asking what should be a very C: SendAll? The distributor we recommended to
government environmental initiatives. basic question: who made my clothes – using the EN-Tek?
C: Hope all you like, Sanjit – they haven’t. You hashtag ‘who made my clothes’. E: Apparently they’re struggling with cash flow
told me that Katie had this under control. You told P: Protest movements like Fashion Revolution Day and debt and are quietly looking for a business
me that she made realistic estimates. Are you sure start because of scenes like this. In 2013 a factory partner.
she’s the right person for the job? building, the Rana Plaza, collapsed and killed over C: Right. Right. I suppose I should warn Sanjit next
S: I’m happy to accept what you’re saying; I a thousand workers. This tragedy made the public time I see him.
appreciate the point you’re making, but not aware of the dangerous conditions the victims had E: No, no, no – I’m not convinced that’s a good
necessarily how you’re making it. been facing at work. move. We recommended SendAll as the distributor
C: What do you mean? D: The Rana Plaza case made consumers really … so that might not reflect very well on us and we
S: There’s room for improvement. I agree. But I want to know where their clothes were coming don’t want to unnecessarily concern him at this
can assure you, Katie is very good at her job. She from and how they were made. Um, critics accused stage. It’s just a rumour, after all.
wouldn’t work for us otherwise. And she’s also fashion brands and consumers of being responsible C: You may have a point but, frankly, I’m not
very close to the market in Bangladesh. She’s very for the deaths. Many brands felt they had to entirely sure I’d feel right keeping this from him. It
confident that Bangladesh will be a huge success. guarantee their products were not coming from feels dishonest.
It’ll pick up. We just underestimated how long it Rana Plaza style sweatshops. E: Your call. But if I were you, I’d keep this quiet.
would take to see the benefits from the marketing P: British fashion designer Katherine Hamnett was
campaign. one of many who campaigned against the clothing 6.3.2
C: Sanjit. I’m worried that your team is seeing this industry for its unethical conduct. S = Sanjit C = Claudio
too much from a local perspective. Maybe there are D: The campaigns against unethical fashion S: Hi there, Claudio, it’s good to see you again.
opportunities for you and your team to learn from started a movement where some labels and C: Good to see you, too. How are things?
the experience we have in other countries and designers began to try to brand themselves as S: Great. Yeah – thanks again for suggesting
markets. ethical. Um it’s been popular to focus on the SendAll. Those guys are the best! We couldn’t have
S: That’s useful to think about. Look, we can environmental side of ethics – ‘green’ and ‘natural’ asked for a better distributor.
always learn more. Nobody is perfect. Katie is great is a nice message for consumers. C: That’s … great. Really.
– but, thinking about it, maybe we can all benefit P: Fashion retailer Marks & Spencer would like S: Just thinking out loud here … but maybe we
from what you’ve done in other countries in the to sell its customers more ethical clothing but can benefit a lot from having them as more of a
region. How about this? Before proceeding any sourcing enough fair-trade cotton to produce the strategic partner and not simply our distributor.
further, we set up another meeting between Katie garments is a problem. What do you think?
and Claire. We can bring all the information and MB: The amount of fair-trade cotton in the world C: I’m not entirely sure at this stage, Sanjit.
our perspectives together. is … available … it’s tiny. There’s probably less S: Er, but …
C: OK. Fine. But we need to do it quickly. We can’t than a thousand tonnes actually available at the C: I don’t think we should do that at the moment.
afford to waste any more time. moment. M&S’s total use of cotton at the moment We’re still in the early stages of working together.

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They’re good, yes, but it could be good to wait for a Today the Fordist concept of time management information I could find and sent them over to
while still operates in some places. At many distribution Emma Berg, the Financial Analyst at Go Global. I did
S: But everything’s going so well! Why shouldn’t warehouses, for example, workers are required to that yesterday and even though this is obviously
we give them a little more incentive? You know, a pick and pack orders at lightning speed. urgent, I still haven’t heard back from her yet.
good sign? I’m absolutely certain that this will be a Elsewhere in the workplace time management, K: OK. The way I see it, I’d say you have three
long and successful relationship. Aren’t you? in the sense of setting goals, prioritising and options here. First up, you could trust that she’s
C: Just hear me out. Yes, maybe I’m playing devil’s scheduling in order to maximise efficiency, is an seen the mail, understands the urgency and will
advocate here, but I’m not sure that would be a important feature. At this publishing company get back to you as soon as she can.
good idea. There might be new issues that come to there’s a weekly team meeting to discuss and S: Or?
light. It’s just a thought. I could be wrong. schedule all the jobs that have to be done. Agata K: Push her for a response, like with a call or an
S: Hold on. Back up. What sort of new issues? Wisniewska is the Content Development Manager. email, and be clear about your expectations for a
C: Sorry, I have to take this. A: This week we’ll probably need to deal with er timely response.
S: Yeah, sure … second proofs first. … My main role in the team S: Right. I like that better. I don’t want to just sit
is to organise a schedule, to allocate resources and wait. Wait – that’s only two. What’s the third
6.3.3 and set the goals for the team members. Time option? Did you leave the best until last?
S = Sanjit C = Claudio management is very important for our business K: You tell me. The third option is you could
S: Hi there, Claudio, it’s good to see you again. because, if the team takes longer than expected, escalate it and go over her head.
C: Good to see you, too. How are things? it has an impact on the budget, and therefore the S: You mean go straight to Claudio?
S: Great. Hey – thanks again for suggesting company loses money. When it comes to managing K: Yes – to get clarification on what’s going
SendAll. Those guys are the best. Things are the time of each of the members of my team, I on with SendAll, and to raise the issue of
running really smoothly. In fact, you know what? I do not get involved too much. I prefer them to responsiveness. It would need to be handled
strongly believe we can benefit a lot from having decide how they prioritise their time and also sensitively though.
them as more of a strategic partner and not simply to communicate to the rest of the team on their S: Sounds risky. I’ll think I’ll get in touch with her.
our distributor. What do you think? progress and any issues they may have. Thanks.
C: Well, I don’t want to worry you, but I feel I have P: One member of the team, Eleonora Pessina, is
to tell you this. an Instructional Designer. How does she manage 7.3.2
S: What’s up? her time? S = Sanjit K = Katie
C: Well, I’m sorry to say that I’ve heard SendAll E: I work across many different projects. So, what S: What should I say?
might be having some financial difficulties. really helps me is … um … making a to-do list at the K: A friendly email ought to do it. Something like,
S: Really? beginning of the week … um …where I really jot ’Let me know when you’ll get a chance to send me
C: I know, I’m still processing the information down everything that I need to do for that week. the information.‘ Email’s definitely the best option.
myself, but it’s important to be open, so I want to But then I also identify key priorities, key tasks that A phone call with no warning can be a bit of an
let you know what I’ve heard. I want to get done. I use a digital calendar and I imposition – she’ll see the email as less pushy.
S: I appreciate that. So what do you know? use different colours to identify what is meeting S: Sounds good. Erm, ‘Hi Emma, I’m just resending
C: Well, apparently they’re now having cash time and what is … uh … desk time. Another thing my mail from yesterday. I’m worried that if SendAll
flow problems. They’re quietly looking for a I use to manage my time is post-it notes … um … goes bankrupt we’ll have a big problem. When do
business partner. I’m not saying I agree, but some and I use them just to remind myself of things that you think you’ll be able to get back to me? Thanks,
people think this is a sign that the company is in I wouldn’t normally do, so that they’re there on my Sanjit.‘
trouble. I’m sorry about this. I know it was us who desktop looking at me. K: OK, good. Now let’s see what happens. I mean,
suggested them and I’m aware this may cast us in P: Time management for employees of global we’re their business partners. They really should
a bad light. This information isn’t confirmed, but I companies brings new challenges. Matthew Dickin be getting back to us, especially with something
think you should know. is the Director of Design and Production. important like this. I’d be surprised if there was a
S: That’s OK, Claudio. I appreciate the honesty. M: I work with teams and stakeholders spread further delay.
Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but … shouldn’t we all around the globe. So the first thing to say is I S: Me too.
be pre-emptively looking for another distributor? have to be very aware of where everybody is and K: Then again, they’re very busy, so they may have
C: To be honest, I don’t think it’ll be a problem that I have to be very aware of what that means in a different perspective than we do. Maybe they
either way. I’d say hold off on that for the moment, terms of time zone. So, for calls with Australia, Asia, have different or more information and don’t think
until we know more. India, I aim for very early in my morning, which is that this is urgent.
C: Sorry, I have to take this. afternoon or early evening for them. And then calls S: Oh, she’s just replied.
S: Yeah, sure … to America … um … tend to happen at the end of K: And?
my day which is very early in the morning for them. S: Hi, I saw your original email, but I’m overloaded
6.3.4 Certainly there are times, particularly during busy at the moment. Nothing to worry about. All is OK.
By now Claudio has built a good working periods, where it feels like there aren’t enough Can I get back to you by tomorrow morning?
relationship with Sanjit. It’s understandable that he hours in the day. Um … so I have to be very careful K: Great.
doesn’t feel good about keeping the information to try and manage that within my own diary to S: Absolutely. Just the reply I needed. Thanks for
from him. make sure that that’s not too often. your help.
In Option A, Claudio decides not to tell Sanjit in P: There’s a growing demand from employees K: It’s no worries.
an attempt to avoid any concerns that Sanjit may for more flexibility in their work schedules, and
develop. He’s vague and he talks around the topic, some people like Eben Maasdorp, a translator, are 7.3.3
which in itself arouses Sanjit’s suspicions. He senses choosing to work on a freelance basis. S = Sanjit E = Emma
that Claudio isn’t being fully open with him, and EM: As a freelance you actually have more time to S: I’ll call her now. No point waiting any longer.
may develop some trust issues. work because you don’t have to commute to work, E: Hi, Sanjit.
Option B is almost the opposite. Claudio’s openness for example. You also have more time to spend with S: Emma. Hi. I’m just calling about my mail from
and transparency strengthens their relationship, your family because you can work in the evenings or yesterday. Did you get it?
and Claudio emphasises that he isn’t currently early mornings depending on what suits you best. I E: Your mail? Erm, yes, I got it.
worried about the situation with their distributor. do have to stay focused, so my strategy tends to be S: Well I’m just wondering why I haven’t heard
However, we can clearly see that Sanjit has to commit myself to one hour, to see how much I can back from you yet. I was expecting to hear from you
interpreted this news with more concern than do in one hour – so, don’t take any breaks before the within a few hours of my mail. It’s really urgent.
Claudio, and has called an emergency meeting for 60 minutes are up. And then sit down the next 60 E: Huh? You only sent it yesterday afternoon. Well,
the next day. minutes and see if I can hit the same target. I didn’t get back to you because I haven’t had time
P: Organising one’s own time as a freelance is to go through it in detail. Sorry. No offence, Sanjit,
7.1.1 worlds away from the experience of workers on but I’m juggling a lot of work right now.
P = Presenter A = Agata Wisniewska Henry Ford’s assembly lines. But whatever the role S: So is there any more news on SendAll? Should
E = Eleonora Pessina M = Matthew Dickin and whatever the industry, good time management we be looking for another distributor?
EM = Eben Maasdorp will continue to be essential to business profitability E: Sanjit. Slow down. Take a breath. I’ve been
P: Time is money goes the saying and this and an individual’s career success. travelling since Monday, I’m running on zero sleep
is especially true in the business world. With right now, and I have another meeting in about
production targets and project deadlines to meet, 7.3.1 two minutes. I’m not ignoring you, I’m just busy.
effective time management is a top concern for K = Katie S = Sanjit OK? I’ve seen your email and I will respond by
business leaders. K: You look worried, Sanjit. What’s the matter? tomorrow morning. I assure you.
Over a hundred years ago, when carmaker Henry S: Well, you know how we heard that SendAll, S: OK, sorry. Please prioritise this. It’s urgent. And
Ford pioneered the industrial assembly line, he our regional distributor, may be having financial yes, I need a response ASAP.
realised the connection between the time taken to problems … I’ve been looking into it. It’s worse than E: I didn’t mean to react like that. Sorry. And I’m
make each car and company profits. Measuring and we thought. They’ve expanded too quickly and are sorry for not getting back to you earlier Sanjit, but
managing the time spent on tasks became part of a in trouble now. everything is fine. No need to worry. You have my
management approach known as Fordism. So I collected the financial details and any other word.

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S: OK, thanks. P: The company measured the success of the S: If I were you, I’d take this opportunity. Just think
E: Bye! move in two main ways. of what this will do for your career. The only way is
S: Bye! G: We only lost two days production for each up.
of the departments as we moved them. And in K: I guess, but … there’s a lot to think about,
7.3.4 personnel terms, we lost approximately six people Sanjit. It’ll mean more travel, won’t it? Maybe even
In this scene, Sanjit and Emma clearly have out of the total 230. moving there for a while?
different opinions of how quick a response to T: I’m coping well now with the … the journey time. S: Yes, it will – and I understand. It’s a big choice
an urgent issue should be and of what ‘urgent’ Initially when I was living um in my house share, er to make. But I’m sure you’ll be great at the job. Tell
actually means. the commute to our new site was er very difficult. you what – I think it would be best for you to sleep
To help improve clarity and understanding, here So I had to move back home with my parents, which on it, mull it over, and get back to me later in the
are three tips for dealing with urgency. One: reduced the journey time by quite a bit, so now it week. I don’t want to pile on too much pressure,
write the word ‘urgent’ in the subject line and takes me um around er 40 minutes to cycle, or even but you need to make a decision about this soon.
mark the mail with high priority as a sending 40 minutes part by bicycle part by bus. K: OK. Will do.
option. Also indicate by when you need or expect G: So we’ve been at the new site for 18 months Wow. That was unexpected. I’m really not sure
a response. Two: when receiving such emails, and people really have adapted well to this new about this. I think I might be in over my head. And
quickly acknowledge that you have received the location. I’m a bit disappointed that Sanjit didn’t really hear
mail, even if you’re busy, and indicate when the T: The working conditions on the new site are my concerns.
sender can expect a response. And three: follow much better. It’s much more open, er there’s a lot
up quickly, from either side, if the response date is more windows, which actually makes it a much 8.3.3
missed. Focus on the information needed and not nicer view altogether. We have a canteen where S = Sanjit K = Katie
specifically on the delay or reasons for it. everyone can sit together and have lunch. And as a S: Thanks again for all your support on the launch
whole, there’s just a lot more space. in Bangladesh. Your hard work really paid off.
8.1.1 G: One of the major benefits of moving to the K: No problem … really enjoyed it.
P = Presenter G = Greg Smith T = Tommy Bryant new factory site, is that we’ve now got all our S: Well, that’s good to hear – ‘cause I’ve got a new
P: Change is a fact of life for everyone, whether employees working on one site and the morale of opportunity you might also enjoy.
it’s starting school or college, moving house or the staff has improved enormously as a result. K: Great. What is it?
beginning a new job. Companies also constantly S: Well, we’ve got a great opportunity to partner
face the need to change. It may be to improve 8.3.1 with a leading distributor in Vietnam to launch our
efficiency, increase profits or to adapt to new P = Paweł S = Sanjit K = Katie products there and I’d like you to lead the initiative.
regulations. Whatever the reason, change can P: You’re looking happier than the last time I saw K: Me? In … Vietnam?
bring uncertainty and risk, so it needs very careful you! S: Yes. How would you feel about the idea of
management. Brompton Bicycle is the UK’s largest S: I’m feeling great. We’ve had a successful launch, going abroad for a while or, if not, going on lots of
bicycle manufacturer. The company designs and the product is selling well in Bangladesh now. business trips there?
makes a rather special kind of bike – one that Everything’s going brilliantly, both in the market K: Er … I’ll be honest, Sanjit, this is a lot to take
can be quickly folded up, which makes it ideal and our cooperation with Go Global. in. I mean, what do I know about the Vietnamese
for commuters. Eighty percent of the bikes are P: It’s great, isn’t it? So what now? market?
exported, mainly to Japan and East Asia, and to S: Well a partnership opportunity has arisen in S: Let’s see that as a challenge to overcome, rather
Europe. A few years ago, it became clear that in Vietnam with a key distributor. I’d like Katie to lead than a barrier stopping you. How do you think you
order to keep growing, the company would have to on this and work with them. could best approach this? Do you think you should
move to a much larger site. Greg Smith is the head P: Sounds like a good opportunity, both for EN-Tek look at what made Bangladesh a success?
of Health, Safety and Facilities and was one of the and Katie. K: Well … I could see which of the strategies I used
team managing the change. S: Exactly. I’m a little concerned though, as she in Bangladesh would also work in Vietnam and
G: Brompton Bicycles has been growing ever was really looking forward to expanding the then decide what further training I might need.
since I joined in 1998. There were 24 people in the Bangladeshi market as it’s her specialist area, but S: Perfect.
company at that point, we’re now nearly 230, so as we can’t miss this opportunity in Vietnam. She’s a K: What do you think I should do then?
we expanded we needed more and more space. good fit and certainly capable – she just needs to S: Well I can’t tell you what to do, but I can help
P: The company formed a team of six people, to be convinced to step out of her comfort zone. you decide. Bear in mind this would mean a pay
plan and manage the change. One of the main P: Agreed. How are you going to tell her? rise and a massive boost to your career.
tasks was to weigh up the risks and benefits of S: Well … I’d better do it sensitively. I’m just trying K: I like the sound of that. I could start by doing
different locations. to decide here: should I take a direct approach and some research and learning about the market as I
G: We considered that the biggest risk to the tell her it’s a good career move? Or should I gently did for Bangladesh.
business, was losing the staff that we’d spent many try to coax her towards the idea … S: Absolutely, and what kind of support would
years training, so we concentrated our efforts P: … and see how keen she is? you need?
in looking for sites in West London, rather than S: Mm … I’ll figure it out. K: Well … a local expert would be ideal. But we
elsewhere in the country. We’ve ended up six miles K: I’m just about to head into a meeting with would also be in touch regularly, wouldn’t we?
or approximately 10 kilometres away from where Sanjit. Bangladesh was a success … so I have a S: Of course. I’ll always be on call. And we can look
we were. feeling he’s gonna ask me to grow the Bangladeshi into trying to find a local expert.
P: It’s important for any company introducing market further. I’d be quite comfortable doing that K: OK. I really need to think about this, Sanjit. It
change to make sure all the staff are onboard. and it’s definitely something I know how to do. In doesn’t seem as daunting now, I suppose … but it’s
Tommy Bryant is the Trade Marketing Executive. fact … I think I’d be really good at it! still something of a leap into the unknown.
T: I was quite apprehensive at first, when the S: It’s a great opportunity.
company first informed us about the move. One 8.3.2 K: I know!
of the main issues was the journey time; um … it S = Sanjit K = Katie
was already an hour and a half by tube … um or a S: Thanks again for all your support on the launch 8.3.4
45-minute cycle, which was quite long. And moving in Bangladesh. Your hard work really paid off. The concepts of coaching and mentoring have
to the new site um, caused me some concern ‘cause K: No problem … really enjoyed it. become increasingly important at all levels in
I didn’t want to extend that journey time. S: Well, that’s good to hear – ‘cause I’ve got a new organisations. It can be tricky to decide which
G: We made sure we er consulted with all our staff opportunity you might also enjoy. approach to take.
and told them about the potential location, before K: Great. What is it? In Option A, Sanjit is direct and encouraging. As a
we actually signed the lease. So we brought all our S: We’ve got a great opportunity to partner with mentor, he tells Katie what he thinks she should do
employees to the new site in buses, so they could a leading distributor in Vietnam to launch our and what he thinks is good for her. Katie, however,
see the local area and see the new factory and the products there and I’d like you to lead the initiative. feels that he hadn’t really heard, or listened to, her
much better facilities that this site has. The moves K: Vietnam? concerns. As a result, she doesn’t seem too positive
themselves were actually quite quick. Er we split S: That’s right. It’ll be great. at the end.
it up over a period of months. We moved some K: Oh. Right. I just … I mean … I’m really familiar In Option B, Sanjit takes a coaching approach and
departments before Christmas 2015 and others with the Bangladeshi market, but Vietnam is … It’s asks Katie a number of questions to help her think
during January 2016. really not a market I know anything about. about how she would like to approach the new role
T: When the company actually moved it was a S: Well, you would need the relevant market and what she feels she needs in order to succeed.
very quick and efficient process, and we were very intelligence and maybe you should get some She is apprehensive at the end of this version also,
excited about the new site as well. A big change to further training as well. You’ll be fine. but is more positive overall about the challenge.
what we were used to. K: I’m not sure. It’s all very sudden …

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