SOGSIM Handbook and Constitution 2022
SOGSIM Handbook and Constitution 2022
SOGSIM Handbook and Constitution 2022
Society of Graduate Students in Music (SOGSIM)
Table of Contents
Society of Graduate Students in Music (SOGSIM)
Society of Graduate Students in Music (SOGSIM)
The technical staff is always willing to assist graduate students in this Department. For some
services, you will need a research grant number or you may be asked to replace some of the items
consumed. In all cases it is advised that you consult with the person in charge as this will ensure that
you receive the best service.
The Society of Graduate Students is your student government at Western. Its many activities include
organizing suitable health and dental plan, provincial and national advocacy, representation on
university committees, and managing the Grad Club. SOGS also organizes various orientation and
continuing social events such as a New Student Welcoming Party at the Grad Club, trips to
Wonderland and the beach, as well as Boardgame and Bonfire nights. As well, there are many
standing and ad-hoc committees in which any graduate student may participate. Contact your SOGS
representatives for more information and you are encouraged to get involved!
To Opt out:
1. Complete SOGS’ Opt-out form found at:
2. Present proof of coverage that includes the name of the insurance provider and a
policy number. Such proof maybe, but is not limited to, the following: a letter, fax or email
from either the insurance provider or an employer or other agency that arranges the coverage
OR a membership card.
To Opt in:
It is also possible to Opt into the SOGS health plan, if you are a part-time student or Post-
Doc OR if you want to enroll your spouse or partner and any children under the age of 21 (25
if they are still attending school). For forms and more information about opting in, please
refer to the SOGS website, or visit the SOGS office.
Society of Graduate Students in Music (SOGSIM)
At the beginning of each term, bus passes are available for pick up in the SOGS office (UCC
260). To pick up your pass you will require:
1. Your valid UWO Student ID.
2. To be a full time graduate student in the coming term, where your status and
account will be checked online by the SOGS office administrators.
If you want to take an active role in the affairs that affect graduate students at Western, consider
running for a position on the SOGS executive council. If this is too ambitious for you, there are
various SOGS committees to join that need graduate student participation. For a list and description
of the committee with their contact information, please click here.
Most, if not all, Study Permits (student visas) are issued with the strict prohibition of
employment of any kind during residence in Canada. Hence, all international students must
obtain a student authorization that allows employment on campus where a student is registered
full time. (You cannot be paid until the date shown on your Employment Authorization.)
Usually international students are issued a visitor’s visa in the country of their residence and
their student authorization is transmitted electronically to immigration authorities in Canada.
Upon arrival in Canada, a student is given their Student Authorization at the port of entry.
It is also advantageous to get a U.S. visa before entering Canada. This is especially beneficial
to those citizens of countries where U.S. visas are usually issued in the non-restrictive,
multiple-entry form. However, if it is not possible to accomplish the foregoing, do not despair!
(Read below.) US citizens need only arrive at the Canadian border with appropriate documents
to obtain a same day study permit. However, this can only be done on certain days/times.
Contact Immigration Canada for more details.
There are 4 extremely important items on the international student's list of "things to get" upon
arrival in Canada. These are (i) Employment Authorization, if not already obtained in home
country, (ii) Social Insurance Number (SIN), (iii) a local bank account, and (iv) University
Health Insurance Card.
You need an Employment Authorization and a SIN to be paid by the University. You cannot
be paid until the date shown on your Employment Authorization. You must provide the
Graduate Affairs Coordinator with a copy of your Student Authorization each time it is
Society of Graduate Students in Music (SOGSIM)
updated in order to get paid. As mentioned in Part (A), if provision has been made in the
Student Authorization for working as a T.A., only a SIN is required. For application details
please see the Graduate Affairs Coordinator as soon as possible. Always remember: these
applications require time to be processed, so do not procrastinate! (Immigration Canada
requires a minimum of 30 working days.)
The provincial government does not provide health care protection under the Ontario Health
Insurance Plan (OHIP) for non-Ontario residents and their families. Because of this, the
University has initiated the University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP), to provide protection
comparable to that available from the Ontario Government. It is mandatory that international
students and their dependents enroll in this plan as soon as they arrive in Ontario if they are not
eligible for either OHIP or an equivalent plan. Applications and additional information may be
obtained from the Registrar’s Office, Western Student Services Building room 1120. If you did
not obtain a U.S. VISA before entering Canada, you may apply for one through the
International Student Office (UCC 210, ext. 83031). Once again, remember that the application
requires time to be processed, so don't do it at the last minute! (Allow at least 4 weeks
processing time.)
International students may make arrangements to pay their tuition fees by installments. There
is, however, a charge to do this. For further details, contact the Fees Office in the Office of the
Registrar, Western Student Services Building room 1120.
Allow 6-8 weeks for processing of Study Permit renewals. Remember, you cannot be paid
without a valid Study Permit. The Graduate Affairs Coordinator will provide a letter verifying
your graduate student status and financial support to assist in expediting renewal of Study
Permits. Please allow 3-5 days for processing from the time you request the letter.
Be reminded that each time you renew your Study Permit a cash payment will be required by
Immigration Canada. Copies of these documents must be provided to the Graduate Affairs
1.4.1. SOGSIM website. The SOGSIM website, located at, houses information
about the Society and its activities, as well as information about resources and services
available on campus and in the community.
1.4.2. Graduate Computer Lab. There is a graduate computer lab on the third floor of Talbot College.
It is a secured door, so please see the Graduate Program Assistant for the code. Mac and PC
computers and a printer/photocopier are available for graduate student use. Each graduate
Society of Graduate Students in Music (SOGSIM)
student will have a code for the printer, given to them by the Graduate Program Assistant, and
a quota of pages they are allowed to print.
1.4.3. Travel Funds. Subject to the availability of funds, the Don Wright Faculty of Music
endeavours to provide partial support for graduate students to attend meetings or conferences
during their degree candidacy, with the understanding that grant funds are being or will be used
in at least equal amount for the same purpose. In any particular year, funds may be limited and
some requests for funds deferred. Please contact the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies for
1.4.4. Grad Club. The Society of Graduate Students offers a lounge, T.V. room, and food services in
the basement of Middlesex College to all graduate students.
1.4.5. Health Services. Health Services in the University Community Centre (UCC) offers a full
range of medical and social services to graduate students. Canadian students applying for
coverage under the Ontario Health Insurance Plan may obtain an application here, and return it
to the Ministry of Health office (217 York St., 5th Floor, London, Tel. No. 433-4651) to get
signed up. International students are asked to refer to Section 1.3. of this handbook.
1.4.6. Graduate Student Services. There are various services on campus aimed at helping graduate
students acquire skills that can assist them during graduate school and beyond. Student Development Centre offers a range of programs aimed at career, learning,
personal and social concerns, including: International Student Services, Effective
Writing Program, Psychological Services, Career Services, etc. Please see the SDC
website for more information: The Center for Teaching and Learning (D.B. Weldon Library 122) provides programs
and resources for graduate students throughout the year, including the Teaching
Assistant Training Program, the Advanced Teaching Program, the Future Professor
Workshop series and the Graduate Student Conference on Teaching. Please see the
CTL website for more details:
1.4.7. Occupational Health and Safety. Graduate Students who are employed by the University as
Teaching Assistants are required to obtain WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Material
Information System) training available online and other safety training programs as needed
through Human Resources.
1.4.8. Scholarships & Awards. Please contact the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies for a list of
internal and external Scholarships and Awards offered to graduate students on the basis of
academic merit and/or financial need.
Society of Graduate Students in Music (SOGSIM)
1.4.9. Sports & Recreation. A variety of sports, some more organized than others, are played by
graduate students in this department. Registered full time graduate students have paid an
activity fee and can use their UWO Student ID card to access facilities and programs offered
through Campus Recreation ( ). This includes access to the cardio
and weight rooms, aerobics classes, squash courts, the pool, etc. During the year, competitive
and recreational intramural leagues for many sports including volleyball, baseball, soccer,
basketball, hockey, and ultimate frisbee are organized through Campus Rec. Other graduate
students cycle, dance, sail, scuba dive, fish, hunt, run, etc., and so there is a wide variety of
means by which one may get some exercise. Just ask around, and find out who is doing what.
1.4.10. Parking. Graduate students may park only in peripheral (green) non-reserved lots. Permits can
be purchased in Room 4150 Support Services Building, but get them early as there is a rush in
September. You may register and renew your parking pass online.
1.4.11. Music. Throughout the year, various musical groups frequent Alumni Hall, the Grad Club, the
pubs on campus, the Faculty of Music, and a number of off-campus night spots. World-class
concerts are available free of charge every Friday at noon at the Music School. These are
advertised in the Gazette or the Western News, along with ticket information. The university
radio station, CHRW, broadcasts on 94.7 FM and 106.5 cable. As well, a number of graduate
students invariably sport hidden amateur musical talent.
1.4.12. The University Community Centre (U.C.C.). The U.C.C. - the modern looking maze located
between the Social Science Building and the D.B. Weldon library - is the focus of student
activities on campus, where a variety of services are located. These include the book store,
pharmacy, dentist, vision centre, restaurants, cafeteria, fast food outlets, grocery store, the
Chaplain's office, a games room, the campus radio station, cash machines, post office,
computer store, general purpose room, music listening room, art/craft studio, etc. You will
need help to find your way about if you're new, so ask around.
1.4.13. Libraries. Western's libraries may be vast and foreboding places for the uninitiated. The
holdings are large, and are spread among a number of divisional and professional libraries.
Western boasts one of the finest music libraries in all of North America.. Online literature
searches, interlibrary loans, microfilm reading, etc. are all available, and the libraries provide
guided tours early in the school year. Lisa Philpott (reference librarian) and the wonderful
team of librarians are available to help you with any questions.
1.4.14. University e-mail – All university correspondence will be communicated via your
university e-mail account. Please ensure that you are checking this account regularly or
that you have it forwarded to your main e-mail provider.
1.4.15. Audio-visual Equipment. Please see Mike Godwin for any special requests or questions
regarding audio-visual equipment.
Society of Graduate Students in Music (SOGSIM)
1.4.16. Movies. Throughout the year, the Western Film Community shows relatively current feature
films in the McKellar Room (U.C.C.) on weekdays and weekends at reasonable prices.
1.4.17. Off-Campus. Not all activities of interest take place on the U.W.O. campus. London boasts a
variety of night-spots and eateries to suit most tastes. The better places are best discovered by
asking around the resident graduate students, faculty and staff. The city boasts numerous parks
and activity centres. Trails along the river offer a scenic route to ride your bike, run or roller
blade to school. Just keep your eyes and ears open and ask around, the more you put into life
at U.W.O., the more you'll enjoy it.
1.4.18. Suggestions. This handbook undergoes yearly revision as personnel and room information
changes. If you spot any inaccuracies in the current edition, notice any omissions or wish to
suggest changes, please email a member of the SOGSIM executive board. Remember, this is
your handbook, and it serves you, so your voice does count.
1.4.19. OWL – Course information, materials, and assignments are communicated through Tutorials are available online should you need to set up your
class through the system.
1.4.20. Office/Room Keys: Keys are available by submitting an online request and are available
at the Support Services Building (Western Road). Make sure you complete this request
early as it takes a few weeks to process your request.
1.4.21. OGS/SSHRC applications: In September (if not earlier) you will receive information on
how to apply online for these scholarships. The deadline is usually the first week in
October for SSHRC and at the end of January for OGS. Each application requires a
detailed proposal of your research, as well as references, so please ask your referees well in
advance of these deadlines. The OGS application opens in November and closes at the end
of January. This scholarship is completed online through the University. More information
will be provided as the application opening date approaches.
1.4.22. PSAC-610 – This organization supports teaching assistants, research assistants and
postdoctoral. It negotiates working conditions, mediates potential labour disputes, and
provides extended benefits to the SOGS health plan. Furthermore, they provide bursaries
and networking opportunities. The office is located in 1313 Somerville House with office
hours Monday to Friday from 9a.m.-2:00p.m.
1.4.23. SGPS – The School of Graduate and Post-Doctoral Studies deals with all graduate
student concerns and affairs. They are located in the International and Graduate Affairs
Building, Room 1N07
Society of Graduate Students in Music (SOGSIM)
1.4.24. Grad Pal Mentor Program – SOGSIM has established this program to best support
incoming graduate students with a peer advisor to direct you to resources and to provide
peer guidance in academic situations. Those interested in being paired up with an
experienced Grad Pal should submit the Grad Pal form to the chair of SOGSIM in early
1.4.25. Community music ensembles – London contains a rich cultural scene and boasts
community musical ensembles directed at varying levels, ages, and expertise. Consider
joining Encore, Brassroots, Plumbing Factory Brass Band, New Horizons Adult Band, El
Sistema, the London Community Orchestra, or the UWO choir. Do not hesitate to ask if
you would like to join or volunteer a community ensemble.
1.4.26. Computing Services: ITS Help Desk (ext. 83800, Support Services Building) or
Society of Graduate Students in Music (SOGSIM)
Society of Graduate Students in Music
1.1 Name
The name of this organization shall be "The Society of Graduate Students in Music in
Western University" hereinafter referred to as the “Society”. The abbreviated form of the
name of this society is SOGSIM.
1.2 Purpose
1.2.1. to provide the department of music graduate students with a recognized organization
through which they may express their opinions and concerns.
1.2.2. to represent graduate students at departmental and faculty levels of administration.
1.2.3. to encourage a supportive social and academic community for graduate students in
1.2.4. to provide programs and services for graduate students at the Don Wright Faculty of
1.2.5. to be an advocate for graduate students on issues and concerns.
1.3.1. The corporate seal (logo) of the Society will be prominently displayed on official
copies of the Society’s Constitution and Bylaws.
1.4.1 Authority. The jurisdiction and powers assumed by the Society of this constitution and
any amendments thereto arise from self-governing authority and do not require the
approval of any authority other than that of the Society itself.
1.4.2 Government. The governing body of the Society shall consist of members elected by
the general membership. All graduate students in the Don Wright Faculty of Music are
included in the general membership of the SOGSIM organization.
1.4.3 Bylaws. Bylaws attached to this constitution arise from self-governing authority from
within the constitution.
Society of Graduate Students in Music (SOGSIM)
1.5 Membership
1.5.1 The requirements for full membership in the Society shall be registration in the Faculty
of Graduate Studies of the University of Western Ontario as a full-time or part-time
graduate student in the Don Wright Faculty of Music.
1.5.2. Full members of the Society in good standing have the following rights and privileges,
subject to such limitations as may be specified elsewhere in this Constitution or in the
Bylaws. the right to attend and speak, at the discretion of the Chair, at General meetings and
Society Executive meetings; access to all minutes of the Society and Executive Meetings; the right to run for the position of Chair and any other Executive or non-executive
position within the Society; The right to vote in the Society’s elections; Access to Society run or led programs and initiatives (both financial and social).
1.6.3. Representatives to Internal and External Committees and Councils and Non-Executive Officers The representatives to internal and external committees are members elected by the
election process as described in 1.10. The officers and representatives shall consist of: Society of Graduate Student Council Representatives. The number of music
representatives elected is determined as follows: the number of full
members of SOGS in music is divided by the total number of full SOGS
Society of Graduate Students in Music (SOGSIM)
1.6.4. Duties. All duties of elected representation are outlined in the bylaws.
1.6.5. Committees The Executive may, at any time, form a committee (standing or ad hoc). The Committee, once struck, shall compile a committee policy, establish a committee
chairperson, and record all meeting minutes.
1.7. Meetings
1.7.1. Procedure The society shall generally conduct itself in an informal manner. When deemed
appropriate the rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order may be used to govern the
Society in a manner not inconsistent with the bylaws of the Society. A motion to
introduce these rules must be made and carried before they are applied. Responsibility for preparation of the agenda for a general or elected representative
meeting shall normally rest with the chairperson.
Society of Graduate Students in Music (SOGSIM)
Society of Graduate Students in Music (SOGSIM) Discussion of proposals shall take place at the next available general meeting.
The membership shall vote to accept or reject the proposals, such a motion
requiring a simple majority of approval. Only amendments that do not
materially change the intent of the proposal shall be acceptable; other
amendments to the proposal shall require a new submission to the chairperson
as outlined in 1.8.1.
Society of Graduate Students in Music (SOGSIM)
1.10. Elections
1.10.1. Nominations for all Society positions in the succeeding term shall be received by the
Graduate Studies Program Assistant.
1.10.2. All members in good standing of the Society shall be eligible to seek election.
1.10.3. Votes shall be tallied by the Chief Returning Officer (CRO) chairperson. If only a
single candidate stands for office, that person shall gain the position by acclamation.
1.10.4. Election ballots shall be entered online through Survey Monkey, or an analogous
1.10.5. Any vacant executive position shall be filled through the holding of a By-Election,
run by the CRO. Temporary vacancies will be covered by the Society chairperson.
1.10.6. Nominations are due the Friday of the third week of September by 4:00 pm to the
Graduate Program Assistant. Elections will be held the following week at the
discretion of the CRO.
Society of Graduate Students in Music
Society of Graduate Students in Music (SOGSIM) shall draft a budget before the start of the fiscal year, to be discussed and approved by
the Executive
2.1.3. The Vice Chair shall serve as an alternate for the chairperson at departmental faculty meetings shall represent Music graduate students in the absence of the chairperson shall assist the secretary in managing the Society’s website and social media accounts
2.1.4. The Treasurer shall maintain records of the financial transactions and communicate them to
SOGSIM at scheduled meetings shall consult with the chair with respect to requests for withdrawals and deposits
from the SOGSIM account.
2.1.5. The Secretary shall maintain detailed records of the minutes of SOGSIM meetings and distribute
them to the Executive membership shall manage the Society’s website and social media accounts with the assistance of
the Vice Chair.
2.1.6. The Social Convenor shall assist in coordinating and organizing social events for graduate students within
the department shall provide an adequate outlet for music students and faculty to network and
connect with one another.
2.1.7. The Performance Representative shall act as a spokesperson and liaison from the Executive to performance students shall communicate the needs and wants of a graduate student through a performance
perspective shall assist in developing and coordinating events and initiatives for performance
students shall engage and interact with performance majors communicating resources,
opportunities, and other relevant information.
2.1.8. The Lunchtime Research Forum Coordinator shall organize the presentations by graduate students during lunch times on a weekly
basis. The series includes topics chosen by the graduate presenters themselves and
may take the form of formal conference presentations or informal shared discussions.
2.1.9. The Coordinator for the Western University Graduate Symposium on Music is responsible for the organization of the annual Western University Graduate
Symposium on Music (WUGSOM) Duties include (but are not limited to) organizing a program selection committee,
sending out the call for papers, reserving a keynote speaker, securing funding for the
event, and planning social events around the conference. See separate WUGSOM
handbook for an outline of specific duties.
2.1.10. The SOGS Representatives shall attend all SOGS council meetings. If they are not able to attend they must
designate an alternate councillor. The SOGS representative and the alternate
Society of Graduate Students in Music (SOGSIM)
Society of Graduate Students in Music (SOGSIM)
2.2.1. No member should vote on a question in which he has direct personal or pecuniary interest not
common to other members of the organization (Robert’s Rules of Orders, 1981 edition). The responsibility for revealing conflict of interest lies directly with the member
concerned. Conflict of interest perceived by any member concerning any other member should be
brought to the attention of the chairperson immediately. A person may be barred from membership on a committee if they are unable to take
part in the business of the committee due to conflict of interest frequently occurring. A member having a conflict of interest must abstain from voting in the business
Society of Graduate Students in Music (SOGSIM)