DLL Mathematics Quarter 1 Week 1-10 New
DLL Mathematics Quarter 1 Week 1-10 New
DLL Mathematics Quarter 1 Week 1-10 New
B. Performance Standard The learner is able to recognize and represent whole numbers up to 100 000 in various forms and contexts
C. Learning The learner visualizes numbers up to 100 000 with emphasis on The learner gives the place The learner reads and writes numbers up to hundred
Competencies/Objectives numbers 10 001 – 100 000 value and value of a digit in thousand in number and in words
numbers up to 100 000
Write the LC code for each.
M4NS –Ia-9.4
II. CONTENT Visualizing Numbers up to 100 Visualizing Numbers up to Place Value and Value of a Reading and Writing Visualizing Numbers up to
000 with Emphasis on Numbers 100 000 with Emphasis on Digit in Numbers up to 100 Numbers up to 100 000 in 100 000 with Emphasis on
10 001 – 500 000 Numbers 50 001- 100 000 000 Symbols and in Words Numbers 10 001 – 500 000
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Material
from Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources Blocks, Flats, longs, and units, Cutouts of number disc (100 Place value chart, cutouts, Flashcards, show me board
cutouts of number disc 000s, 10 000s, 1 000s, 10s,1s) number disc, set of numbers
A. Reviewing previous lesson Have a drill on visualizing Conduct a review on Have a drill in the form of a Have a review on value and Have a drill on visualizing
or presenting the new lesson. numbers associating numbers with Number Game (TG p. 11) place value of numbers numbers
sets having 10 001-50 000
B. Establishing a purpose for Talk about a coliseum or a Talk about the value of caring Conduct a review on the Game (TG p. 15) Talk about a coliseum or a
the lesson stadium. for the environment place value and value of stadium.
C. Presenting Examples/ Present a situation to the class Present a situation to the Group Activity (TG p. 11) Present the problem on TG p. Present a situation to the
instances of the new lesson (TG p. 5) class (TG p. 8) 15. class (TG p. 5)
D. Discussing new concepts Using blocks, flats, longs and Group Work/Activities )TG p. Give another set of group Divide the class into 4 Using blocks, flats, longs
and practicing new skills #1 units, guide the pupils to 8) activities (TG p. 12) groups. Assign a task for each and units, guide the pupils
visualize 10 542. group. to visualize 10 542.
E. Discussing new concepts Using cutouts of number disc, Discuss their answers. Give Discuss the pupils answers Discuss the outputs of the Using cutouts of number
and practicing new skills #2 visualize 10 542 other examples. pupils’ activities. disc, visualize 10 542
F. Developing mastery Discuss Explore and Discover on Talk about Explore and Discuss the problem on LM p. Discuss Explore and Discover Discuss Explore and
LM p. 4. Discover on LM p. 6. 6. on LM p. 12. Discover on LM p. 4.
(Leads to Formative
Assessment 3)
G. Finding practical Work on Get Moving and Keep Answer Get Moving and Keep Answer Get Moving and Answer Get Moving and Keep Work on Get Moving and
applications of concepts and Moving on LM p. 4-5. Moving on LM p. 6-7. Keep Moving on LM p. 9-10. Moving on LM p. 13-14 Keep Moving on LM p. 4-5.
skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations To generalize ask pupils what Ask how they visualize To elicit the generalization, Guide the pupils in giving the To generalize ask pupils
and abstractions about the materials are used in visualizing numbers to generalize. ask the questions on TG p. generalization by asking what materials are used in
lesson numbers. 13. questions. visualizing numbers.
I. Evaluating learning Answer Apply Your Skills on LM Answer Apply Your Skills on Answer the exercises under Answer Apply Your Skills on Answer Apply Your Skills on
p. 5. LM p. 8. Apply Your Skills on LM p. 11. LM p. 14-15. LM p. 5.
J. Additional activities for Draw number disc to show these Draw number disc to show Give the place value of the Answer Enrichment on TG p. Draw number disc to show
application or remediation numbers. these numbers. underlined digit(TG p. 14) 17. these numbers.
A. No.of learners who earned
80% on the formative
B. No.of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No.of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No.of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
GRADE 1 to 12 School Grade Level FOUR
(Pang-araw-araw na Teaching Dates and Time WEEK 2 Quarter 1st Quarter
Tala ng Pagtuturo)
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of whole numbers up to 100 000
B. Performance The learner is able to recognize and represent whole numbers up to 100 000 in various forms and contexts
C. Learning Rounds numbers to the Compares numbers up to 100 orders numbers up to 100 000 in increasing and decreasing
Competencies/ nearest thousands and 000 using relation symbols order
( Write the LCcode for ten thousands M4NS-Ib-12.4 M4NS-Ib-13.4
each) M4NS-Ib-5.2
Rounding Numbers to the Comparing Numbers up to 100 Ordering Numbers up to 100 000
I.CONTENT Nearest thousand and Ten 000 Using Relational Symbols
( Subject Matter) Thousands
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages 18-22 22-25 25-29
2. Learner’s Material pages 12-15 16-18 19-21
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource LR portal
B. Other Learning Show me cards, number lines Pictures, show me board Flash cards
A. Reviewing previous Conduct a review on Conduct a review on rounding Drill (order of numbers)
Lesson or presenting rounding of numbers.
new lesson numbers to the nearest tens
and hundreds.
B. Establishing a purpose Drill/Guessing Game (TG p. Game ( TG p. 23) Call pupils to stand in front of the class. Let them arrange
for the lesson 18 themselves from tallest to shortest.
C. Presenting examples/ Present the problem on Present the problem on TG p. Study the problem on TG p. 26.
instances of the new TG p. 19. 23. Read and answer it.
D. Discussing new Perform the activities on Perform the activities on TG p. Perform the activities on TG p. 27.
concepts and practicing TG p. 19. Provide 23.
new skills.#1 more examples.
E. Discussing new Group Activities (TG p. 20). Discuss the answers of the Discuss the answers of the pupils.
concepts and practicing Check the answers. pupils.
new skills #2.
A. No.of learners who earned
80% on the formative
B. No.of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No.of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No.of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
GRADE 1 to 12 School Grade Level FOUR
(Pang-araw-araw na Teaching Dates and Time WEEK 3 Quarter 1st Quarter
Tala ng Pagtuturo)
A. Reviewing previous lesson Have a review of the terms used Use flash card in a review Drill Read the following numbers and Have a review of rounding
In multiplication which are in a form of a contest. The first one Use flashcards as a review in give the place value of the numbers
or presenting the new lesson. multipicand,multiplier,and product, to give the answer will receive a multiplying numbers up to 3-digit underlined digit. Group work: blackboard relay
Conduct a snap drill on basic reward (the teacher has the option numbers by numbers up to two digit Refer to pp.44 letter B. Each member draws a number
multiplication facts using flash cards . on his/her reward) with or without regrouping. (the card from a box, then the number
teacher will devise the flashcards) in the card to the highest place
value and write the answer on the
B. Establishing a purpose for Show a picture of a mango orchard. elicit What is your favorite fruit? Conduct a game on multiplication. Show a small basket full of flowers, I have here a jar full of marbles,
from the pupils the answer to the Point out to the pupils that Work it by group contest. ask about how many flowers are how many marbles do you think
the lesson following questions; Philippine fruits are comparable if there in the basket? are contained in the jar?
1.What do you see in the picture? not better than foreign fruits.
2.Do you have fruit trees at home? Say: By buying Philippine fruits, we
3.Is it good to plant trees? Why? can help our economy.
Ask: What character traits do you
show if you use/buy our own
Philippine products?
C. Presenting Examples/ Mang Leo and his co-workers can Present a problem opener. Present and discuss the lattice The garden club is selling waling An advertising agency used 6483
deliver 231 coconuts in a day. How TG4 p.41. multiplication method. waling orchid at Php.7 645 a pot for Christmas lights in a giant -sized
instances of the new lesson many coconuts can they deliver in 23 TG4 p. 42. fund raising. If 2 pots were sold, Christmas tree. About how many
days? about how much money did the club Christmas lights were used in 364
get? Christmas trees?
Analyze the problem and try to How many Christmas trees are
estimate the product. there?
How many Christmas lights are
D. Discussing new concepts Analyze the problem: . Refer also on Performing the Work with a partner. Find the Lead the pupils to estimate the Complete the table:.
How many coconuts can Mang Leo and Activity on TG4 p.41. product. Use the lattice method. product : Refer on TG4 p. 46 nos. 1-6
and practicing new skills #1 his co-workers deliver in a day? TG4 p. 42. Step 1
What is asked in the problem? 7645 ---8 000
How can you solve the problem? x23---- x 20
Ask the pupils to work in groups in
solving the problem. Step 2
See TG4 pp.37-38 8 000
x 20
16 000
Have some discussions on
estimating products by 2digit
E. Discussing new concepts Let the pupils work on p.24 LM4 on Let the pupils do the activities on p. Using the lattice method, draw a3 Give additional exercises on Distribute activity sheets to each
Explore and Discover. 29 of LM4 by 2 rectangle and position the estimating products by 2 digit group.
and practicing new skills #2 factors as shown: number. Tell them to estimate the products.
LM4 p.30. 3456 x481=
5435x 356 =
7453 x 456 =
F. Developing mastery Let the pupils work on Get Moving and Give some exercises . (use exercises Let them do Get Moving and Keep Using a Show Me Board conduct a Let the pupils do the activities on
Keep Moving on pp.25-27 on LM4 for on p. of Lesson Guides in Moving on LM4 p. 31. contest on estimating products of Keep Moving p. 34 of LM4.
more activities and exercises. Mathematics Grade IV – Ateneo De numbers up to 3-4 digit by 2 digit
(Leads to Formative Manila University) number.( the teacher will devise the
Assessment 3) activity)
G. Finding practical Read and solve: Read and solve. (See nos. 1-5 p. 43 Have the pupils answer the Estimate the product . Answer exercises on page 35 of
1. The transportation fare from TG4) exercises under apply your skills LM4.
applications of concepts and the terminal to the subdivision On page 32 of LM 4.( nos. 1-3) One hundred forty eight grade 4 Under Apply Your Skills
skills in daily living is Php22. How much will the pupils attended the jamborette with
driver collect from 34 a registration fee of Php45.
passengers? Estimate how much money was
2. The recycling center collects collected.
343 aluminum cans in one day.
How many cans will be
collected in two weeks?
H. Making generalizations How do you multiply a 3 digit How do you multiply a 3 digit What are the steps in multiplying How do we estimate the products of Lead the pupils in giving the
multiplicand by a 2-digit multiplier multiplicand by a 2-digit multiplier using the lattice method? 3 to-4 digit numbers by 2- digit summary of the lesson
and abstractions about the without regrouping? with regrouping numbers?
I. Evaluating learning Find the product Find the products. Find each product using the lattice Estimate the product following Estimate the products.
1.304 3.432 x 32= 485 345 x 23 method. items.
X 22 X 35 1. 567 x 34 = 1. 5678 x 35 = 485 x85=
2. 832 x 18 = 2. 1234 x 57 = 678x 543=
2. 312 4.323 x 31= 3. 435 x 35 = 3. 7890 x 68 = 568 x67 =
X 33 324 x 14 567 x 12 7654 x 876 =
485 x 35 =
J. Additional activities for Find the product.(use the short method.) Read and solve. Complete the following: Read and solve Give the Enrichment Activities on
Refer to TG pp 40 1. Add 432 to the product of Refer on TG4 p. 44. Inside the rice mill, there are 125 p.47 of TG4.
application or remediation 318 and 12. What is the rows of sacks of palay. Each row
sum? has 25 sacks of palay. About how
2. What is 383 subtracted many sacks of palay are there?
from the product of 357
and 28?
A. No.of learners who earned
80% on the formative
B. No.of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No.of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No.of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
GRADE 1 to 12 School Grade Level FOUR
(Pang-araw-araw na Teaching Dates and Time WEEK 4 Quarter 1st Quarter
Tala ng Pagtuturo)
A. Reviewing previous lesson Conduct a review on basic Conduct a review on basic Conduct a review on Conduct a review on Conduct a review on
or presenting the new lesson. multiplication facts multiplication facts multiplication of 2-digit by 2- multiplication of 2-digit by 2- multiplication of 2-digit by
digit numbers digit numbers 2- digit numbers
B. Establishing a purpose for Show a picture of a citrus Show different pictures of Present the motivation on TG Present the motivation on TG Present the motivation on
the lesson plantation. Talk about it. Philippine fruits. Talk about p. 53. p. 53. TG p. 53.
C. Presenting Examples/ Present the problem on TG p. 48. Present the problem on TG p. Present the problems A and Present the problems A and Present the problems A and
instances of the new lesson Analyze it. 51. B on TG p. 53. Study how to B on TG p. 53. Study how to B on TG p. 53. Study how to
solve it. solve it. solve it.
D. Discussing new concepts Performing the activity on TG p. Perform the activities by Group the pupils and have Group the pupils and have Group the pupils and have
and practicing new skills #1 48. group on TG p. 51. them do the group activities them do the group activities them do the group
on TG p. 53-54. on TG p. 53-54. activities on TG p. 53-54.
E. Discussing new concepts Process the activities of each Process the activities. Process the activities (TG p. Process the activities (TG p. Process the activities (TG p.
and practicing new skills #2 group. 54) 54) 54)
F. Developing mastery Discuss Explore and Discover on Discuss Explore and Discover Discuss Explore and Discover Discuss Explore and Discover Discuss Explore and
LM p. 36. on LM p. 38. on LM p. 40-41. on LM p. 40-41. Discover on LM p. 40-41.
(Leads to Formative
Assessment 3)
G. Finding practical Do exercise under Get Moving Do exercise under Get Do exercise under Get Do exercise under Get Do exercise under Get
applications of concepts and and Keep Moving on LM p. 37 Moving and Keep Moving on Moving and Keep Moving on Moving and Keep Moving on Moving and Keep Moving
skills in daily living LM p. 38-39. LM p 41-42. LM p 41-42. on LM p 41-42.
H. Making generalizations Ask: How do you multiply Lead the pupils to give the Let the pupils give the Let the pupils give the Let the pupils give the
and abstractions about the mentally 2-digit by 1-digit generalization by asking generalization by asking generalization by asking generalization by asking
lesson numbers with products up to questions. questions about the lesson. questions about the lesson. questions about the lesson.
200? Let The pupils solve Apply
Solve items 1 and 2 under Apply Your Skills on LM p. 39. Have them answer Apply Have them answer Apply
Your Skills on LM p. 39 Your Skills on LM p. 43. Your Skills on LM p. 43.
Have them answer Apply
Your Skills on LM p. 43.
I. Evaluating learning Discuss Explore and Discover on Discuss Explore and Discover Solve the problems on Solve the problems on Solve the problems on
LM p. 36. on LM p. 38. Assessment (TG p. 55). Assessment (TG p. 55). Assessment (TG p. 55).
J. Additional activities for Do Home Activity on TG p. 49-50. Do Home Activity on TG p. Do Home Activity on TG p. Do Home Activity on TG p. Do Home Activity on TG p.
application or remediation 52. 56. 56. 56.
A. No.of learners who earned
80% on the formative
B. No.of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No.of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No.of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
GRADE 1 to 12 School Grade Level FOUR
(Pang-araw-araw na Teaching Dates and Time WEEK 5 Quarter 1st QUARTER
Tala ng Pagtuturo)
A. Content Standard 1. Demonstrates understanding of factors and multiples and addition and subtraction of fractions
2. Demonstrates understanding of improper fractions and mixed numbers
B. Performance Standard 1. Is able to apply knowledge of factors and multiples, and addition and subtraction of fractions in mathematical problems and real-life situations.
2. is able to recognize and represent improper fractions and mixed numbers in various forms and contexts
C. Learning Identify the multiples of a given Solving real-life problems Solving real-life problems SUMMATIVE TEST Create problems involving
Competencies/Objectives number up to 100 involving GCF and LCM OF involving GCF and LCM OF GCF and LCM with
Write the LC code for each. Find the Common Multiples and two given numbers two given numbers reasonable answers
Least Common Multiples(LCM)
of two numbers using
continuous division.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Pp 122-124 TG PP. 125-128 TG PP. 125-128 TG PP. 129-131
2. Learner’s Material pp. 93-96 Learner’s Materials p. 96-98 Learner’s Materials p. 96-98 Learner’s Materials p. 99-
pages 101
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Material
from Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources Flash cards, manila paper charts of word problems, charts of word problems, Flashcards, charts
flash cards flash cards
A. Reviewing previous lesson Write each number as a product Review on how to express a Drill on solving word
or presenting the new lesson. of its prime factors number as a product of its problems involving finding
prime factors the GCF an LCM
B. Establishing a purpose for Game Song Games Talk about the favorite
the lesson collection
C. Presenting Examples/ Present this situation to the Present this problem to the Present this problem to the Present the problem to
instances of the new lesson class class class the class
Sheila owns a dry good store Elvira is going to prepare Aling Marie is going to sell Jason and Anselmo are
and Jackie owns a restaurant. bouquets of roses and suman in bundles. What is going to pack old books
They buy their goods and supply bouquets of Daisies. She has the least number of suman with 6 Mathematics books
every 6 weeks and 8 weeks 36 roses and 24 daisies. that she could sell in bundles and 8 English books in a
respectively. If they buy their What is the greatest number of 3 and 5? box. What will bee the
goods in the department store of each flower that she can smallest number of
this week, on what week will use in a bouquet if bouquets Mathematics and English
they buy again their good and have the same number of books that they can pack
supplies at the same time? flowers? if these are of the same
D. Discussing new concepts Discuss the presentation Discuss the presentation Discuss the presentation Discuss the presentation
and practicing new skills #1 Do Explore and Discover pp 93- Do Explore and Discover pp Do Explore and Discover pp Do Explore and Discover
96LM 97-99 LM 97-99 LM on LM p.100-102
E. Discussing new concepts Ask the pupils to do exercises Ask the pupils to do Ask the pupils to do Ask the pupils to do
and practicing new skills #2 under Do Get Moving pp 93-94 exercises under Do Get exercises under Do Get exercises under Get
LM Moving pp 97 LM Moving pp 97 LM Moving pp 100 LM
F. Developing mastery For further Practice, ask the For further Practice, ask the For further Practice, ask the For further Practice, ask
(Leads to Formative pupils to work exercises under pupils to work exercises pupils to work exercises the pupils to work
Assessment 3) Keep Moving on LM p.83 Solve under Keep Moving on LM under Keep Moving on LM exercises under Keep
Keep Moving pp 94 LM p.83 Solve Keep Moving pp p.83 Solve Keep Moving pp Moving on LM p.100
97-98 LM 97-98 LM
G. Finding practical Do Apply Your Sills p 95 LM Do Apply Your Sills p 98 LM Do Apply Your Sills p 98 LM For more exercises, ask
applications of concepts and the pupils to A & B under
skills in daily living Do Apply Your Skills on p.
101 of LM
H. Making generalizations Lead the pupils to generalize the Lead the pupils to generalize Lead the pupils to generalize Lead the pupils to
and abstractions about the following: the following: the following: generalize the following:
lesson How do you get the least How do we solve problems How do we solve problems How do we create
common multiple of numbers involving GCF and LCM of involving GCF and LCM of problems involving GCF
using continuous division? two given numbers two given numbers and LCM
I. Evaluating learning Find the LCM using the Read and solve the problem Read and solve the problem 1. Create problems involving
continuous division: Gladys is going to pack a Jocelyn is going to pack a GCF and LCM
1) 6 and 12 puto in boxes of 6 and 12 puto in boxes of 28 and 35 2. 48 cookies , and
2) 9 and 12 pieces. pieces. 64 cup cakes
3) 24 and 36 What is the smallest number What is the smallest number packages of
4) 9 and 8 of puto that she can pack of puto that she can pack cookies and cup
5) 45 and 50 using the boxes? using the boxes? cakes, biggest
number of
cookies and cup
cakes in a box
J. Additional activities for Find the LCM of the ff. using Read and solve the problem Read and solve the problem 6 love birds, 15 doves,
application or remediation continuous division Oranges are sold in boxes of A bell rings every 15 seconds birds in a cage smallest
1) 30 and 40 6 , 8 , 10, and 12 How can . A horn blows every 30 number of birds
2) 18 and 30 Guido buy 60 oranges ? seconds. If Cathy heard the
3) 45 and 27 two sounds at 9:00 A. M. at
what time will she hear the
sound together again?
B. Performance Standard The learner is able to apply multiplication and division of whole numbers including money in mathematical problems and real-life situations
C. Learning Divide 3-to-4-digit numbers by Divide 3-to-4-digit numbers by 10, Estimate the quotient of 3- Divide mentally 2-to-3 digit Divide mentally 2-to-3
Competencies/Objectives 10, 100, or 1 000 without 100, or 1 000 with remainder to-4 digit dividends by 1-to- numbers by 1-digit numbers digit numbers by 1-digit
Write the LC code for each. remainder 2 digit divisors with without remainder using numbers without
reasonable results appropriate strategies remainder using
appropriate strategies
M4NS-Ig-55.2 M4NS-Ig-52.3
A. References Lesson 18: Dividing 3-to-4-Digit Lesson 19: Dividing 3-to-4-Digit Lesson 20: Estimating the Lesson 21: Dividing Lesson 21: Dividing
Numbers by 10, 100, or 1 000 Numbers by 10, 100, or 1 000 with Quotient of 3-to-4 Digit Mentally 2-to-3 Digit Mentally 2-to-3 Digit
without remainder remainder Dividends by 1-to-2 Digit Numbers by 1-Digit Numbers by 1-Digit
Divisors Numbers Without Numbers Without
Remainder Remainder
B. Establishing a purpose for Do you help your parents at Talk about a satellite dish. Do you love surprises? Talk about favourite fruits. Are you eating carrots?
the lesson home? In what way do you When do you give a surprise What is your favourite fruit?
Have you seen a satellite? Where What do you think can
help them? to your loved ones? How do Why? Why are fruits
did you see? carrots give to our
you feel when you see in important to our body?
Is it important for us to have a their faces that they like
satellite? your surprise?
C. Presenting Examples/ Present this situation to the Present this situation to the class. Present this situation to the Read the problem to the Present this situation to
instances of the new lesson class. class. class and answer without the class.
A satellite dish can receive signals
using paper and pencil.
Kathleen helped her mother from communication satellites out Leomar wants to surprise Carrots are rich in beta-
repack 200 canned goods to be in space. There are 131 satellite his mother on her coming Kenneth and his three carotene for valuable
given to 10 families who were dishes to be divided equally birthday next month. He friends picked 124 mangoes cancer protection. If 8
affected by fire in their among 10 stores. How many wants to give her a bag from the farm. They divided average-sized carrots
barangay. How many canned satellite dishes will each store worth Php475 as a gift. If he the mangoes equally among make a medium-sized
goods will each family receive? have? plans to save Php19 a day, themselves. How many cake, how many carrot
about how many days will mangoes did each of them cakes can be made with
What kind of a child is
he need to save to be able receive? 3200 carrots?
Kathleen? Do you think her
to buy the gift?
mother will be happy to see
Kathleen helping her?
D. Discussing new concepts Let the pupils work in pair. Ask Ask some volunteers to solve the Let us solve analyze the Show the ways on how to Let the pupils work in
and practicing new skills #1 them to think of ways to find problem on the board and let the solution to the problem. do mental division. pair. Ask them to think
the answer. whole class analyze the solution. of ways to find the
E. Discussing new concepts Ask the pairs of pupils to show What if the satellite dishes will be How is estimation done in Is dividing mentally easy?
and practicing new skills #2 their work on the board. distributed to 100 stories, how the solution we have in the
How is dividing mentally Is dividing mentally
many dishes will each store problem?
How did you find the quotient? done using basic facts? easy?
receive? How many will be left?
Which one is easier to use, the How is dividing mentally
long method or the short done using basic facts?
F. Developing mastery Ask the pupils to answer the Ask the pupils to do the exercises Ask the pupils to do the Divide the class in 4 groups What basic facts should
(Leads to Formative Exercises under Get Moving on under Get Moving on page 58 of exercises under Get Moving and let them discuss the you remember to find
Assessment 3) page 56 of LM, Math Grade 4. LM, Math Grade 4. on page 62 of LM, Math problem assigned to them. each quotient?
Grade 4. They will find the quotient
1. 360 ÷ 6
using the show me drill
2. 420 ÷ 7
3. 450 ÷ 9
1. 144 ÷ 4 4. 1800 ÷ 3
2. 246 ÷ 3 5. 2000 ÷ 4
3. 168 ÷ 8
4. 2274 ÷ 2
G. Finding practical Find the missing dividend, Fill in the blanks to make the Do the activity by pairs: Ask the pupils to do the Divide the following
applications of concepts and divisor or quotient. statement true. exercises under Get Moving mentally.
skills in daily living Estimate the following using
on page 65 of LM, Math
1. N ÷ 1000 = 8 1. 3451÷ 10 = the Rounding Technique. 1. 168 ÷ 4
Grade 4.
2. 700 ÷ N = 70 2. ____ ÷ 100 = 8 r. 123 2. 320 ÷ 8
1. 719 ÷ 8 = N 3. 126 ÷ 3
2. 348 ÷ 17 = N 4. 490 ÷ 7
H. Making generalizations Lead the pupils to generalize by Lead the pupils to generalize: Lead the pupils to Lead the pupils to Lead the pupils to
and abstractions about the asking: How do we divide generalize by asking: How generalize by asking: How generalize by asking:
lesson How do we divide numbers by 10,
numbers by 10, 100, 1000? do we estimate quotients? do we divide numbers How do we divide
100, 1000 with remainder?
mentally? numbers mentally?
I. Evaluating learning Find the quotient. Find the quotient. Find the best estimated Divide mentally. Divide mentally.
1. 6000 ÷ 1000 1. 777 ÷ 10 1. 243 ÷ 3 1. 250 ÷ 10
2. 700 ÷ 100 2. 406 ÷ 10 1. 419 ÷ 6 2. 808 ÷ 4 2. 4986 ÷ 9
3. 800 ÷ 10 3. 921 ÷ 10 2. 248 ÷ 12 3. 192 ÷ 8 3. 2052 ÷ 4
4. 7600 ÷ 100 4. 275 ÷ 100 3. 6376 ÷ 8 4. 810 ÷ 9 4. 2466 ÷ 6
5. 900 ÷ 10 5. 822 ÷ 100 4. 6202 ÷ 28 5. 360 ÷ 6 5. 3805 ÷ 5
5. 4500 ÷ 54
J. Additional activities for Find the quotient. Divide the following numbers. Estimate the quotient by Divide mentally. Divide mentally.
application or remediation rounding method. 1. 974 ÷ 2
2. 695 ÷ 5
1. 4000 ÷ 1000 1. 236 ÷ 10 1. 245 ÷ 4 3. 150 ÷ 3 1. 974 ÷ 2
2. 900 ÷ 100 2. 759 ÷ 10 2. 227 ÷ 11 4. 420 ÷ 7 2. 695 ÷ 5
3. 570 ÷ 10 3. 258 ÷ 10 3. 8134 ÷ 9 5. 350 ÷ 5 3. 150 ÷ 3
4. 3500 ÷ 100 4. 419 ÷ 100 4. 3619 ÷ 44 4. 420 ÷ 7
5. 200 ÷ 10 5. 672 ÷ 100 5. 5738 ÷ 63 5. 350 ÷ 5
A. No.of learners who earned
80% on the formative
B. No.of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No.of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No.of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
GRADE 1 to 12 School Grade Level FOUR
(Pang-araw-araw na Teaching Dates and Time WEEK 8 Quarter 2NDQuarter
Tala ng Pagtuturo)
D. Discussing new concepts Discuss the Performing the Discuss the Performing the Group the pupils into 5 Group the pupils into 5. Let
and practicing new skills #1 Activities on TG p. 140 Activities on TG p. 140 Discuss the Performing them think of ways to solve
Discuss Processing the Activities on Discuss Processing the Activities the Activities on TG p. the problem.
TG p. on TG p. 144-145 Discuss the Performing the
Discuss Processing the Activities on TG p. 147-149
Activities on TG p. 145 Discuss Processing the
Activities on TG p.148
E. Discussing new concepts Ask the pupils to do exercises under Ask the pupils to do exercises Discuss the presentation Ask the pupils to do
and practicing new skills #2 Get Moving pp. 108 – 109 on LM under Get Moving pp. 108 – 109 under Explore and exercises under Get
on LM discover p. 111 on LM Moving pp. 116 on LM
F. Developing mastery For further Practice, ask the pupils For further Practice, ask the pupils For further Practice, ask For further Practice, ask
(Leads to Formative to work exercises under Keep to work exercises under Keep the pupils to work the pupils to work
Assessment 3) Moving on LM p.109-110 Moving on LM p.109-110 exercises under Keep exercises under Keep
Moving on LM p.112-113 Moving on LM p.116-117
G. Finding practical For more exercises, ask the pupils For more exercises, ask the pupils Ask the pupils to do Ask the pupils to do
applications of concepts and to A & B under Do Apply Your Skills to A & B under Do Apply Your exercises under Do Apply exercises under Do Apply
skills in daily living on p. 110 of LM Skills on p. 110 of LM Your Skills on p. 114 of LM Your Skills on p. 117 of LM
H. Making generalizations How do you reduce fractions to How do you reduce fractions to How do we visualize How do we add/subtract
and abstractions about the lowest terms? lowest terms? addition and subtraction similar fractions?
lesson of similar fractions?
I. Evaluating learning Express each fractions to Express each fractions to Ask the pupils to answer Find the sum or difference.
lowest term. lowest term. Keep Moving Set B 1 to 6 Express your answer in
8 9 6 4 10 8 on page 114 of LM Grade lowest terms if needed.
1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3.
10 12 15 10 15 20 4 Write the answer on your
answer sheet.
4 3 6 5 3 3
4. 5. 4. 5. 1. + 2.
12 18 18 20 5 5
2 3
6 6
5 2 3 1
3. + 4. +
8 8 4 4
3 5
5. + 6.
7 73
4 3
5 5
9 5 5 3
7. − 8. −
10 10 6 6
2 1 7 3
9. − 10. −
3 3 8 8
J. Additional activities for fill in the box with the Fill in the box with the Provide similar exercises Fill in the box with the
application or remediation correct numerator or correct numerator or for children to do at correct number.
denominator. denominator. home. 2 3
1. 1. + = ❑
3 4 1 2 7 7 7
1. = ❑ 2. = ❑ 1. = ❑ 2. = ❑
4 12 5 15 4 20 5 10
2 3 ❑
2. + =
7 14 6 ❑ 1 ❑ 2 ❑ 6 6 6
3. = 4. = 3. = 4. =
9 ❑ 9 18 5 20 8 24
8 5 ❑
3. + =
6 24 3 12 10 10 10
5. = 5. =
7 ❑ 4 16
13 11 ❑
4. + =
15 15 15
5. + 2820= ❑
20 20
A. No.of learners who earned
80% on the formative
B. No.of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No.of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No.of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
(Pang-araw-araw na Teaching Dates and Time WEEK 9 October 23-27, 2023 Quarter 1st Quarter
Tala ng Pagtuturo)
A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of multiplication and division of whole numbers including money
B. Performance Standard Is able to apply multiplication and division of whole numbers including money in mathematical problems and real-life situations
4. Additional Material
from Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources Strips of cartolina, activity cards, strips of cartolina, activity
Power point presentation cards
A. Reviewing previous lesson Steps in solving word problem. Steps in solving word Review proper Setting standards in taking Setting standards in taking
or presenting the new lesson. problem up examination up examination
B. Establishing a purpose for Can you create a a word . Can you create a a word . Establishing a purpose for Establishing a purpose for Establishing a purpose for
the lesson problem like the one on the problem like the one on the the lesson periodical test. periodical test.
chart? chart?
C. Presenting Examples/ Presenting jumbled word Presenting jumbled word
instances of the new lesson problem TG page 98 problem
D. Discussing new concepts Arranging the sentences to form Arranging the sentences to
and practicing new skills #1 a word problem.Work on the form a word problem. Work
problem on the problem
E. Discussing new concepts Processing the activity TG page Processing the activity on
and practicing new skills #2 99 the problem presented
F. Developing mastery
Study Explore and discover LM
(Leads to Formative Do group activity TG page 99
page 77
Assessment 3)
G. Finding practical
Do exercises Get Moving LM Do exercises Get Moving LM
applications of concepts and
page 78 page 78
skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations
How do we create a word How do we create a word
and abstractions about the
problem? problem?
I. Evaluating learning Create a word problem using Answering 40 items test. Answering 40 items test.
Group activity TG page 101 Answering 40 items test.
the given data TG page 101
J. Additional activities for Do Home Activity A on TG p. Do Home Activity B on TG p.
Review lessons for the PT.
application or remediation 102 102
A. Content Standard 1. Demonstrates understanding of factors and multiples and addition and subtraction of fractions
2. Demonstrates understanding of improper fractions and mixed numbers
B. Performance Standard 1. Is able to apply knowledge of factors and multiples, and addition and subtraction of fractions in mathematical problems and real-life situations.
2. is able to recognize and represent improper fractions and mixed numbers in various forms and contexts
C. Learning Summative Test Solve word problems Solve word problems Create problems involving Create problems involving
Competencies/Objectives involving addition of involving subtraction of addition of fractions subtraction of fractions
Write the LC code for each. fractions fractions
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages TG PP. 160-163 TG PP. 160-163 TG PP. 164-167 TG PP. 164-167
2. Learner’s Material pages Learner’s Materials p. 127- Learner’s Materials p. 127- Learner’s Materials p. 130- Learner’s Materials p. 130-
129 129 131 131
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Material
from Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources Activity carts, charts of word Activity carts, charts of word Activity Cards, flashcards, Activity Cards, flashcards,
problems, flash cards problems, flash cards place value chart place value chart
A. Reviewing previous lesson Review on changing Review on changing Review problem solving steps Review problem solving
or presenting the new lesson. dissimilar fractions to similar dissimilar fractions to similar and strategies. steps and strategies.
fractions fractions
B. Establishing a purpose for Games Song Talk about fruits and Talk about fruits and
the lesson vegetables grown in the vegetables grown in the
farm. farm.
C. Presenting Examples/ Present the problem Present the problem Present the table to the class Present the table to the
instances of the new lesson Kris baked a banana cake for Jeff jogged 5/8 km while The table below shows the class
her family. Her brother ate Jonathan jogged 7/12 km . number of kg of vegetables The table below shows the
3/10 while her sister ate ¼ . Who jogged longer? By how harvested by Cyryll and number of kg of vegetables
How much cake did they eat many kilometre? Cyrus. harvested by Cyryll and
in all? Cyrus.
D. Discussing new concepts Discuss the presentation Discuss the presentation Study Explore and Discover Study Explore and Discover
and practicing new skills #1 Do Explore and Discover pp Do Explore and Discover pp on LM p.130 on LM p.130
127 LM 127 LM
E. Discussing new concepts Do Get Moving pp 128 LM Do Get Moving pp 128 LM Ask the pupils to do exercises Ask the pupils to do
and practicing new skills #2 under Get Moving pp 131 exercises under Get
LM Moving pp 131 LM
F. Developing mastery Solve Keep Moving pp 128 Solve Keep Moving pp 128 For further Practice, ask the For further Practice, ask the
(Leads to Formative LM LM pupils to work exercises pupils to work exercises
Assessment 3) under Keep Moving on LM under Keep Moving on LM
p.131 p.131
G. Finding practical Do Apply Your Sills p 129LM Do Apply Your Sills p 129LM Do Apply Your Skills on p. Do Apply Your Skills on p.
applications of concepts and 131 of LM 131 of LM
skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations Lead the pupils to generalize Lead the pupils to generalize Lead the pupils to generalize Lead the pupils to
and abstractions about the the following: the following: the following: generalize the following:
lesson What are the steps in solving What are the steps in solving
word problems? word problems? How do you create problems How do you create
How do we solve word How do we solve word involving addition of problems involving addition
problems? problems? fractions? of fractions?
I. Evaluating learning Read and understand the Read and understand the Name fruits Quan Create,One step word
problem then solve: problem then solve: tity problem involving
Mitchell has 9/10 meter of Elena shared 3/9 of her Sharon banana 1/4 subtraction of fractions
ribbon. Sheens’s ribbon is ½ chocolate to Lilia. What part Tony apple 3/4 1. Paul – ¾ m
meter longer than than was left of Elena’s chocolate Using the data below create, 2. James – ½ m
Mitchies . How many meters if the original size of the One step word problem
of ribbon do the girls have chocolate is 15/18? involving addition of
altogether? fractions
J. Additional activities for Read and solve: Joseph walked 5/8 km in Create word problem using Create word problem using
application or remediation Mrs. Romero bought 12/16 going to school while Michael addition of fractions subtraction of fractions
kg of cabbage, 7/8 kg of walked 4/16 km . Who 1. Chito – 2/3 m 1) Mike – 2/5 m
carrots and ¼ kg of walked longer and by how 2. Tony – 1/6 m 2) Eli – 6/8 m
tomatoes. How many kg of many kilometre?
vegetables did Mrs. Romero