Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions

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10/11/23, 7:35 AM Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions
Lesson 4.2
Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions


Introduction 1
Learning Objectives 2

Warm Up 2

Learn about It! 4

Position Vectors 4
Velocity Vectors 6
Independence of Motion 15
Acceleration Vector 15
Parallel and Perpendicular Components of Acceleration 23

Key Points 25

Key Formulas 26

Check Your Understanding 29

Challenge Yourself 32

Bibliography 33

Key to Try It! 34

 

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

Lesson 4.2

Motion Descriptors in Three

Dimensions 1/35
10/11/23, 7:35 AM Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

Lesson 4.2

Motion Descriptors in Three


 Introduction
In the past lesson, you learned about motion inoneortwodimensions.Itiseasiertodrive
a car on a freeway since it is limited to one or two dimensions. However, stability and
control for airplanes are much more complicated since they can freely move in three
dimensions. Airplanes can  rotate in a front-to-back axis, side-to-side axis, or around a
vertical axis. You can also think of it as three imaginary linespassingthroughtheairplane,
which intersect at right angles. Motions in these dimensionsshouldbecarefullycontrolled

4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  1

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

and maintained by the pilot. In this lesson, you  will learn about how the different motion 
descriptors are defined in three dimensions.

Learning Objectives DepEd Competency

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which intersect at right angles. Motions in these dimensionsshouldbecarefullycontrolled

4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  1

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

and maintained by the pilot. In this lesson, you  will learn about how the different motion 
descriptors are defined in three dimensions.

Learning Objectives DepEd Competency

In this lesson, you should be able to do the Extend the definition of position,
velocity, and acceleration to 2D and
3D using vector representation
● Define position, velocity, and (STEM_GP12KIN-Ic21).

acceleration in three dimensions. 

● Use vectors to represent the position

and velocity of an object in three
● Solve problems involving position,
velocity, and acceleration vectors in
two to three dimensions.

 Warm Up   
 Ladybug Motion in 2D  10 minutes
In this activity, you will review the motion descriptors in one and two dimensions.

● laptop/tablet/phone
● paper
● pen or pencil

4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  2

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

1. Download the PhET simulation using the link below:

Ladybug Motion 2D 

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4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  2

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

1. Download the PhET simulation using the link below:

Ladybug Motion 2D 
University of Colorado Boulder, <Ladybug Motion 2D,= PhET
Interactive Simulations, ,
last accessed on March 17 2020. 

2. Begin by enabling the following options: <Show both= for Vectors, <Manual= for
Choose Motion, <Line= for Trace, and <Position= for Remote Control, as shown inFig.

Fig. 4.2.1. Ladybug in motion 2D simulation

3. Move the ladybug manually and observe how the vectors change.
4. Try also the <Velocity= and  <Acceleration= for Remote Control. Observe how the
vectors change as well.
5. Try the linear, circular, and the elliptical motion options. Observe how the velocity
and the acceleration changes for each motion.
6. Answer the guide questions below with your  seatmate and write your answers on a

4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  3

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

piece of paper. Make sure to discuss your observations.

Guide Questions
1. What happens to the velocity and acceleration vectors as you move the ladybug
manually? Describe in detail
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6. Answer the guide questions below with your  seatmate and write your answers on a

4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  3

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

piece of paper. Make sure to discuss your observations.

Guide Questions
1. What happens to the velocity and acceleration vectors as you move the ladybug
manually? Describe in detail.
2. How did the velocityandaccelerationchangewhen youallowtheladybugtomovein
a linear motion? in a circular motion? in an elliptical motion?
3. How will you describe the direction of the velocity and acceleration vectors with
respect to the ladybug’s position in a circular motion?

 Learn about It!

In the past lessons you learned about motion descriptors in one and two dimensions. We
can extend these concepts into three dimensions in the following sections.

How do you dene position, velocity, and

 acceleration in three dimensions?

Position Vectors
In describing a three dimensional motion, the three coordinates x, y, and z are utilized to
locate a particle at a specific point. In this case, the position vector  of a particlepointP
would be P (x, y, z), as shown inFig.4.2.2.Whentheparticleisinmotion,allthesevariables

x, y, andzwillbefunctionsoftime(t).Rememberthatinthepastlesson,theunitvectors

, , and  correspond to the coordinate axes x, y, z, respectively. Usingtheseconcepts,
the position vector is expressed as:

 Equation 4.2.1

4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  4

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

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4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  4

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

Fig. 4.2.2. The components of position vector in three dimensions

In Equation 4.2.1, the coefficients x, y, and z indicate the location of a particle in the
coordinate system relative to the origin. As the particle moves, the position vector always
changes and extends from the particle to the origin.

You learned in the past lessons that displacement is the changeinpositionofaparticleor

an object. When  a particle  moves  from position  P 1 with a position vector  to P2 with a

position vector ,atatimeintervalΔt,thechangeinpositionordisplacementisexpressed


or Equation 4.2.2

4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  5

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

Velocity Vectors
The average velocity  at a given time interval  is similar to how we deal with  the 
average velocity in one  dimension, as illustrated in Fig. 4.2.3. It can be expressed  as the
change in position vector divided by the time interval as shown by:

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4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  5

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

Velocity Vectors
The average velocity  at a given time interval  is similar to how we deal with  the 
average velocity in one  dimension, as illustrated in Fig. 4.2.3. It can be expressed  as the
change in position vector divided by the time interval as shown by:

Fig. 4.2.3. Average velocity is the change in position vector per time interval

This expression can be expanded depending on the components of the given position

In the past lesson, you learned that instantaneous velocityisthevelocityofanobjectora
particle ataspecificinstant.Thisoccursastimeinterval approacheszeroatthatinstant.

In the limit , the average velocity  approaches the instantaneous velocity .
Instantaneous velocity in two or three dimensions is also expressed similar to one
dimensional motion. The main difference is that both the position  and instantaneous
velocity are vectors. It can be expressed as:

4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  6

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

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y p

4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  6

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

The magnitudeoftheinstantaneousvelocity isequivalenttothespeed,whileitsdirection
is given by the direction in whichthe particleismoving atthatspecificinstant.Thedirection 
of the instantaneous velocity  ofanyparticleisalwaystangent tothepathoftheparticle
at specific particle’s position. When illustrated using an arrow, its tail represents the
direction of travel of a particle, while its length represents the magnitude, as shown in Fig.

Fig. 4.2.4. Velocity of a particle

The direction ofinstantaneousvelocityisalwaystangenttothepath
of the particle’s position.

Instantaneous velocity can be divided into its components. It is expressed in terms of unit
vectors as:

 Equation 4.2.3

4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  7

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

The same equation can also be obtained by getting the derivative of Equation 4.2.1. The
unit vectors are not dependent on time, therefore, their derivatives are zero. It can also be
expressed in terms of unit vectors.

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 Equation 4.2.3

4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  7

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

The same equation can also be obtained by getting the derivative of Equation 4.2.1. The
unit vectors are not dependent on time, therefore, their derivatives are zero. It can also be
expressed in terms of unit vectors.

The scalar components are given by:

The magnitude of the instantaneous velocity is simply the speed of the object. It can be
calculated using the Pythagorean theorem using the components of the speed.

How will you dene position and velocity vectors in

 three dimensions?

Let’s Practice!

Example 1  
A dog runs across an open field. The coordinates (in meters) of the dog’s position as
function of time t (in seconds) are given by
x = 0.40t 2 + 6.5t + 30
y = 0.11t2 8.5t + 25
(a) What is the dog’s position vector at t = 10 s in vector notation?
(b) What is the magnitude of this position vector?

4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  8

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

Step 1: Identify what is required in the problem.
You are asked to calculate the dog’s position vector in vector notation and the
magnitude of the position vector.

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(b) What is the magnitude of this position vector?

4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  8

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

Step 1: Identify what is required in the problem.
You are asked to calculate the dog’s position vector in vector notation and the
magnitude of the position vector.

Step 2: Identify the given in the problem.
The coordinates of the dog’s position as a function of time are given.

Step 3: Write the working equation.
The position vector of the dog as a function of time is given by:

To determine the magnitude of the position vector, use the Pythagorean theorem.

Step 4: Substitute the given values.
At t = 10 s, the components are:

To solve the magnitude of the position vector:

Step 5: Find the answer.

The position vector in vector notation is . The magnitude

of the position vector is 74 m.

4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  9

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

1 Try It! 
What is the (a) position vector in vector notation and (b) magnitude of the position
vector of a particle at t = 2.5 s? The coordinates of the particle’s position (in meters)
as function of time are as follows:
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4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  9

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

1 Try It! 
What is the (a) position vector in vector notation and (b) magnitude of the position
vector of a particle at t = 2.5 s? The coordinates of the particle’s position (in meters)
as function of time are as follows:
x = 5t2 3.2t + 15
y = 2t2 4.2t + 5
z = 0.5t 2 + 6t 10

Example 2 
What is theinstantaneousvelocity ofthedoginvectornotationinLet’sPractice!Example1
at time t = 10 s?

Step 1: Identify what is required in the problem.
You are asked to calculate the instantaneous velocity of the dog in vector

Step 2: Identify the given in the problem.
The coordinates of the dog’s position as a function of time are given.

Step 3: Write the working equation.
The determine the velocity in vector notation, calculate the first derivative of the
given components using:

Step 4: Substitute the given values.
Determine the first derivative of the x and y-components.

4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  10

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

S b tit t t 10 t th d t f l it
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4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  10

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

Substitute t=10 s to the x- and y-components of velocity.

Step 5: Find the answer.

The instantaneous velocity of the dog in vector notation is


2 Try It! 
Find the velocity of a particle in vector notation at t = 3 s if the coordinates of the
particle’s position (in meters) as a function of time are given as:
x = 0.5t2 + 2.5t + 5
y = 0.8t 2 + 3t + 4.5
z = 0.6t 2 9t 10

Example 3 
A car, represented as a particle, has the following components (in meters) as a function of
time (in seconds).

x = 2.1t2 4.3t + 10
y = 0.9t2 + 8t 5
z = 3.5t 2 2.5t 15

4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  11

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

(a) What is the position vector  in vector notation form, and the magnitude of the
position of the car at time t = 20 s?
(b) What is the velocity of the car in vector notation form at t = 20 s?
(c) What is the magnitude of the velocity vector at t = 20 s?

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4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  11

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

(a) What is the position vector  in vector notation form, and the magnitude of the
position of the car at time t = 20 s?
(b) What is the velocity of the car in vector notation form at t = 20 s?
(c) What is the magnitude of the velocity vector at t = 20 s?

Step 1: Identify what is required in the problem.
You are asked to calculate the position vector in vector notation form, magnitude
of the position vector, velocity of the car in vector notation form, and the
magnitude of the velocity vector.

Step 2: Identify the given in the problem.
The components of the car’s position are given.

Step 3: Write the working equation.
The position vector of the dog as a function of time is given by:

To determine the magnitude of the position vector, use the Pythagorean theorem.

To determine the velocity in vector notation, calculate the first derivative of the
given components as:

To determine the magnitude of the velocity , use


4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  12

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

Step 4: Substitute the given values.
At t = 20 s, the components of the position vector are:

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4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  12

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

Step 4: Substitute the given values.
At t = 20 s, the components of the position vector are:

For the magnitude of the position vector:

The first derivative of the x, y, and z-components are:

Substitute t = 20 s to the components of the velocity.

For the magnitude of the velocity vector, use


4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  13

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

Step 5: Find the answer.

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4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  13

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

Step 5: Find the answer.

The position vector of the car in vector notation is

. The magnitude of the position vector is

1551.76 m. The velocity of the car in vector notation is

. The magnitude of the velocity

vector is 161.38 m/s.

3 Try It! 
The components of a the position of a moving particle (in meters) as a function of
time (in seconds) are given by
x = 10t2 + 0.5t + 10
y = 5t2 + 6.1t 10
z = 0.3t2 9t + 20
(a) What is the position vector  in vector  notation form, and the magnitude of
the position of the car at time t = 0.5 s?
(b) What is the velocity of the car in vector notation form at t = 0.5 s?
(c) What is the magnitude of the velocity vector at t = 0.5 s?

4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  14

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

Independence of Motion
Notice that in both position and velocity vectors, the components areseparatefunctionsof
time. Itmeansthatamotionalongthex-axishasnoeffectonthe motionoftheobjectalong
the y- and z-axes. Thus, the motion of the object can be divided into separate components
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4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  14

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

Independence of Motion
Notice that in both position and velocity vectors, the components areseparatefunctionsof
time. Itmeansthatamotionalongthex-axishasnoeffectonthe motionoftheobjectalong
the y- and z-axes. Thus, the motion of the object can be divided into separate components
along each corresponding coordinate axis.

Forexample,apersonwalksfrompointA topointB.FrompointA,herpathincludesseveral
meters in the north direction, then another few meters to the east direction  to reachpoint
B. Her motion along the north direction is independent of her motion along the east
direction. These independence of motion will be deemed useful in discussing free-fall and
projectile motions in the next lessons.

Acceleration Vector
In one-dimensional motion, we describeacceleration as thechangeinvelocityofaparticle
divided by the unit time. It is characterized by the changes in the magnitude ofthevelocity

and the changes in the directionofvelocity.Supposeaparticlehasavelocityof att1and

at  t2.  During  the time interval t2 - t 1( ), thechangeinvelocityisgivenby (
). Using these variables, the average acceleration can be expressed as:

In the same way, instantaneous acceleration is given by:

This occurs when the object at point P2 approaches point P1, wherein Δt approaches zero.

4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  15

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

When dealing with acceleration in three dimensions, acceleration vector  can be
expressed in terms of  unit vectors, as shown in Equation 4.2.4. It is also similar to the
derivative of the components of velocity as a function of time.

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4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  15

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

When dealing with acceleration in three dimensions, acceleration vector  can be
expressed in terms of  unit vectors, as shown in Equation 4.2.4. It is also similar to the
derivative of the components of velocity as a function of time.

Equation 4.2.4

 

The scalar components are given by:

Remember that velocity is the first derivative of the position vector as a function of time.
Hence, we can express  acceleration as the second derivative of their corresponding
components as shown below:

How will you dene acceleration in three

 dimensions?

4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  16

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

Let’s Practice!

Example 4  
Using the given components of velocity in Let’s Practice! Example 2 calculate the acceleration
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4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  16

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

Let’s Practice!

Example 4  
Using the given components ofvelocityinLet’sPractice!Example2,calculatetheacceleration
in vector notation form at t = 5 s.

Step 1: Identify what is required in the problem.
You are asked to calculate the acceleration of the dog in vector notation form.

Step 2: Identify the given in the problem.
The components of the dog’s velocity are given.

Step 3: Write the working equation.
The acceleration vector can be determined by calculating the first derivative of the
components of the velocity:

Step 4: Substitute the given values.
To find the x-component of , use


To find the y-component of , use


Step 5: Find the answer.

4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  17

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

The acceleration vector in vector notation form is


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Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

The acceleration vector in vector notation form is


4 Try It! 
What is the acceleration vector  in the vector notation form of a particle if the
components  of  its  velocity  vector  are  given  as  v x = 5t  10.2, vy = 2.5t + 6.2, and
v z = 0.75t 3.1?

Example 5 
The components of an object’s  position (in meters) as functions of time (in seconds) are
given by the following:
x = 5t2 + 3.1t 6
y = 0.4t2 8.2t 3.5
z = 1.5t 2 + 7t 2.8
(a) What is the acceleration of the object in vector notation form?
(b) What is the magnitude of the object’s acceleration?

Step 1: Identify what is required in the problem.
You are asked to calculate the acceleration in vector notation form and the
magnitude of the object’s acceleration.

Step 2: Identify the given in the problem.
The components of the object’s position are given.

Step 3: Write the working equation.
Since the position vectors are given, the acceleration vector can be determined by
calculating the second derivative of the components of the position vector.

4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  18

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

The magnitude of the acceleration vector can be determined using the
Pythagorean theorem.

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Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

The magnitude of the acceleration vector can be determined using the
Pythagorean theorem.

Step 4: Substitute the given values.
Calculate the second derivative of the position vectors.

To calculate the magnitude of the acceleration vector:

Step 5: Find the answer.

4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  19

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

The acceleration vector in terms of notation vector is

. The magnitude of the

acceleration is 10.47 m/s2. 

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Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

The acceleration vector in terms of notation vector is

. The magnitude of the

acceleration is 10.47 m/s2. 

5 Try It! 
Find the acceleration vector in vector notation form as well as its magnitude at t =
2 s. The following components of the velocity vector (in m/s) as a function of time are
vx= 6.5t2 0.6t + 10
v y= 9.1t2 + 2t 5
v z= 0.8t2 + 0.9t 2

Example 6 
A vehicle used to explore thesurfaceofMarshasthefollowingx-,y-andz-coordinatesthat
vary with time
x = 6.5 m (0.45 m/s 2)t2
y = (2.5 m/s)t (0.30 m/s2 )t2
z = (1.5 m/s)t + (0.25 m/s3)t3

(a) Find the components of the average acceleration for the interval t = 0.0 s to t = 3.0 s.
(b) Find the instantaneous acceleration at t = 3.0 s.
(c) Find the magnitude of the acceleration at t = 3.0 s.

Step 1: Identify what is required in the problem.
You are asked to calculate the components of the average acceleration, the
instantaneous acceleration at t = 3.0 s, and the magnitude of the acceleration.

Step 2: Identify the given in the problem.
The components of the position vector are given as well as the time interval.

4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  20

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

Step 3: Write the working equation.
To get the components of the average acceleration, use


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4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  20

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

Step 3: Write the working equation.
To get the components of the average acceleration, use


To calculate the instantaneous acceleration, use


To determine the magnitude of the acceleration, use


Step 4: Substitute the given values.
To identify the components of the average acceleration, the components  of the
instantaneous velocity at any time t should be determined by calculating the first
derivative of the position vectors.

Find the components of the velocity at t = 0 s and t = 3.0 s.
At t = 0 s:

4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  21

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

At t = 3.0 s:

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4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  21

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

At t = 3.0 s:

Solve for the average acceleration for each component.

To determine the instantaneous acceleration, the derivative of the velocity of each
component should be calculated.



Substitute t = 3.0 s to the acceleration vector.

Calculate the magnitude of the acceleration using


4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  22

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

Step 5: Find the answer.
The components of the average acceleration from t = 0 s to t = 3.0 s:

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4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  22

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

Step 5: Find the answer.
The components of the average acceleration from t = 0 s to t = 3.0 s:

The instantaneous acceleration at t =3.0 s:

The magnitude of the acceleration at t = 3.0 s:

The components of the average acceleration are: aav-x = 0.9 m/s2, a av-y = ‒0.6 m/s2, a av-z
= 2.25 m/s 2. The instantaneous acceleration at t = 3.0 s is

. The magnitude of the

acceleration at t = 3.0 s is 21.42 m/s 2.

6 Try It! 
A car has the following components of its position as a function of time:
x = (5.0 m/s)t (2.1 m/s2)t2
y = (6.5 m/s)t (0.10 m/s3)t3
z = (3.0 m/s2)t2 
(a) Find the components of the average acceleration at t = 0 s to t = 0.5 s.
(b) Find the instantaneous acceleration at t = 0.5 s in vector notation.
(c) Find the magnitude of the instantaneous acceleration from (b).

Parallel and Perpendicular Components of Acceleration
Another way to describe acceleration is to think of  with its components parallel to the
particle’s path and , and another component perpendicular to the path and to , as
shown in Fig. 4.2.5. The parallel component of acceleration signifies the changes in the

4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  23

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

speed of the particle, while the perpendicular component represents the changes in the
direction of the particle’s motion.

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4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  23

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

speed of the particle, while the perpendicular component represents the changes in the
direction of the particle’s motion.

Fig. 4.2.5 Components of acceleration

To explain this, considerFig.4.2.6a,wheretheaccelerationvector issimilar tothedirection
of . In this case, it has only a parallel component, while its perpendicular component is

zero. The figure shows that vector  is smaller than vector , indicating that the object
increases its speed while traveling  in the same direction. The increase in speed is given by

Fig. 4.2.6. Acceleration when directed (a) parallel and (b) perpendicular to an object’s

4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  24

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

In Fig. 4.2.6b, acceleration  is perpendicular to the velocity, Hence, it only has a
perpendicular component, while its parallel component is zero. At a small interval, the

change in velocity  is almostperpendicularto ,makingthedirections ofboth and

 different. As the time interval gets smaller, the angle  also approaches zero, making

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4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  24

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

In Fig. 4.2.6b, acceleration  is perpendicular to the velocity, Hence, it only has a
perpendicular component, while its parallel component is zero. At a small interval, the

change in velocity  is almostperpendicularto ,makingthedirections ofboth and

 different. As the time interval gets smaller, the angle  also approaches zero, making

the  perpendicular to both vectors, while  and havethesamemagnitude.Inthis

case, the magnitude of the velocity (speed) stays the same but its direction changes. This
can be observed in a curved path where the speed is constant while the direction of the
object changes at each instant.
In most cases, acceleration can havebothparallelandperpendicularcomponents.Itmeans
that the speed of the particle varies as well as the direction of the particle’s motion.

What do the parallel and perpendicular

 components of acceleration signify?

It is always easier to solve motion problems while considering
separate components for each variable. Position,  velocity, and
acceleration vectors can always be separated based on their
components along the x-, y-, and z-axes.

Key Points

● The position vector  illustrates the position of a particle in two or three
dimensions. When the particle is moving, the position vector is considered as a
function of time. In three dimensions, the position vector is simply the vectorsum
of one dimensional position in the x-, y-, and z-axes.
● The displacement vector isthechangeinpositionofaparticle oranobjectat
a specific time interval in two to three dimensions.
● Instantaneous velocity  is the rate of change in the position at an instant

4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  25

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

(infinitesimal time). Both the position and the velocity are vectors. In three
dimensions,  is simply the sum of each component of a particle’s instantaneous
velocity vector along the x-, y-, and z- axes.
● Instantaneous acceleration  is the change in velocity overaverysmallamount

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● Instantaneous velocity  is the rate of change in the position at an instant

4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  25

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

(infinitesimal time). Both the position and the velocity are vectors. In three
dimensions,  is simply the sum of each component of a particle’s instantaneous
velocity vector along the x-, y-, and z- axes.
● Instantaneous acceleration  is the change in velocity overaverysmallamount
of time (infinitesimal). It is expressed as the derivative of the velocityfunctionwith
respect to time.
● Acceleration  in three dimensions can be written as the vector sum of
one-dimensional acceleration in the x-, y-, and z-axes.
● Acceleration is also described based on its parallel and perpendicular
___________________________________________________________________________________________ 

Key Formulas

Concept Formula Description

Position Vector Use this formula to solve for

the position vector in three

dimensions if the
components are given.
● is the position vector;
● x is the position along the
● y is the position along the
y-axis, and
● z is the position along the

Use this formula to solve for

where displacement if the
components of the position
● is the displacement;
vectors are given.

4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  26

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

● x1 is the position of r 1

along the x-axis;
● x2 is the position of r 2
along the x-axis;

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4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  26

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

● x1 is the position of r 1

along the x-axis;
● x2 is the position of r 2
along the x-axis;
● y1 is the position of r1 
along the y-axis;
● y2 is the position of r2 
along the x-axis;
● z1 is the position of r1 
along the y-axis, and
● z2 is the position of r2 
along the x-axis.

Velocity Vector Use this formula to solve for

instantaneous velocity if
the components of the
velocity or the components

of the position vector are
● is the instantaneous
● is the position vector;
● vx is the x-component of
● vy is the y-component of
● vz is the z-component of
● x is the x-component of the
object’s position;
● y is the y-component of the
object’s position, and
● z is the z-component of the

4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  27

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

object’s position.

Acceleration vector Use this formula to solve for

the acceleration vector if

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4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  27

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

object’s position.

Acceleration vector Use this formula to solve for

the acceleration vector if
the components of the
acceleration or the

components of velocity are

● is the acceleration
● ax is the x-component of
● ay is the y-component of
● az is the z-component of
● is the instantaneous
● vx is the x-component of
● vy is the y-component of
velocity, and
● vz is the z-component of


4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  28

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

 Check Your Understanding

A. Write true if the statement is correct. If the statement is incorrect,
change the underline word with the correct one
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4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  28

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

 Check Your Understanding

A. Write true if the statement is correct. If the statement is incorrect,
change the underline word with the correct one.

1. When the particle is moving, the position vector is considered as a function of time.
2. Instantaneous velocity is the change in position vector divided by the time interval.
3. Displacement is the change in position of a particle.
4. Average acceleration is the change in velocity divided by a very small amount of
5. Position, velocity, and acceleration vectors in three dimensions are characterized
by the sum of their one-dimensional counterparts along the x-, y-, and z-axes.
6. In instantaneous velocity, both the position and the velocity are vectors.
7. The perpendicular component of acceleration signifies thechangesinthespeedof
a particle.
8. The parallel component of acceleration represents the changes in direction of the
particle’s motion.
9. The direction of the instantaneous velocity is always tangent to the particle’s path.
10. Motion along each component is dependent on each other.

B. Solve the following problems. 

1. Find the position vector  of a particle at t = 1.2 s. Write it  in vector notation form
and provide the magnitude of the position vector. The coordinates of the particle’s 
position (in meters) as functions of time 9in seconds) are:
x = 0.2t2 + 0.5t + 2
y = 0.4t 2 + 2.2t
z = 0.9t2 1.5t 2

2. What is the instantaneous velocity in vector notation form at  t = 2.5 s if the same
coordinates of the particle’s position from item no. 1 are given? What is the
magnitude of the instantaneous velocity?

4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  29

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

3. The coordinates of the position of a moving  vehicle (in meters) as a functionoftime
(in seconds) are given by:
x = 4.5t2 + 6.2t + 12
y = 3.5t2 + 2.5t 15
z 0 6t2 3 0t + 8
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4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  29

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

3. The coordinates of the position of a moving  vehicle (in meters) as a functionoftime
(in seconds) are given by:
x = 4.5t2 + 6.2t + 12
y = 3.5t2 + 2.5t 15
z = 0.6t2 3.0t + 8
a. What is the position vector  in vector notation form, and the magnitude of
the position of the car at time t = 2 s?
b. What is the velocity of the car in vector notation form at t = 2 s?
c. What is the magnitude of the velocity vector at t = 2 s?

4. A car has the following components of its position as a function of time:
x = (3.0 m/s)t + (1.5 m/s 2)t2
y = (2.5 m/s)t (1.2 m/s3)t 3
z = (4.0 m/s 2)t 2
Find the components of the average acceleration of the car from t = 0 s to t = 2 s.

5. Using the same given components  of position in #4, find (a) the instantaneous
acceleration in vector notation  form at t = 6 s, and (b) find the magnitude of the
instantaneous acceleration at t = 6 s.

C. Provide what is being asked in each item. 

1. Illustrate the position vector  in the figure on the right.
Identify its components in the x-, y-, and z-axes.

4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  30

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

For items 2, 3 and 4, refer to the figure below.

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4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  30

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

For items 2, 3 and 4, refer to the figure below.

2. Draw the instantaneous velocity vector of the particle shown.
3. Draw the acceleration vector of the particle shown. Assume that the speed of the
particle is constant.
4. How will you draw the displacement as the particle in the figure changed from
one position to another?

5. A car ismoving alongacurvedpath(fromP 1 to P2)shownbelow.Itspathandvelocity
at two instants were also plotted. What can you conclude about the car’s

4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  31

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

Challenge Yourself

Answer the following questions.

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4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  31

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

Challenge Yourself

Answer the following questions.

1. A rabbit follows a path shown in the figure below. Rank the points a,b,andc(from
highest to lowest) according to the magnitude of the average velocity as it reaches
each point from the initial point i.Assumethattherabbittakesthesameamountof
time to move from one point to another.

2. Illustrate the acceleration vector as the object’s speed increasesanddecreasesasit
follows a curved path.
3. Provide another position vector that will have an equal acceleration as

4. Istheterm<acceleration=onlyapplicablewhenthespeedofanobjectchanges?Why
or why not?
5. A roller coaster reaches the highest point of its speed hill, as shown in the figure
below. Which arrow correctly represents the acceleration of the cart at this point?
Explain your answer.

4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  32

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

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4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  32

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

 Bibliography
Faughn, Jerry S. and Raymond A. Serway. Serway’s College Physics (7th ed). Singapore:
Brooks/Cole, 2006.

Giancoli, Douglas C. Physics Principles with Applications (7th ed). USA: Pearson Education,

Halliday, David, Robert Resnick and Kenneth Krane. Fundamentals of Physics (5th ed). USA:
Wiley, 2002.

Knight, Randall D. Physics for  Scientists and Engineers: A Strategic Approach (4th ed). USA:
Pearson Education, 2017.

Serway, Raymond A. and John W. Jewett, Jr.  Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern
Physics (9th ed). USA: Brooks/Cole, 2014.

Walker, James S. Physics (5th ed). USA: Pearson Education, 2017.

Young, Hugh D., Roger A. Freedman, and A. Lewis Ford. Sears and Zemansky’s University
Physics with Modern Physics (13th ed). USA: Pearson Education, 2012.

4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  33

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

 Key to Try It!

1. ; r = 43 m

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4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  33

Unit 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

 Key to Try It!

1. ; r = 43 m

2. 

3. ; r = 21.63 m;

; v = 14.07 m/s

4. 

5. ; a = 46.10 m/s2

6. , , ;

; a = 7.33 m/s2

4.2. Motion Descriptors in Three Dimensions  34

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