Lesson Plan in Science 9 Quarter 1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Teacher: Claudine Fel M. Buan

Teaching Date & Time: October 18, 2023/10:00-11:00 AM
Quarter: 1

I. Objectives

Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of how the different

structures of the circulatory and respiratory systems work together to transport oxygen-rich
blood and nutrients to the different parts of the body.

Performance Standard: The learners should be able to conduct an information dissemination

activity on
effective ways of taking care of the respiratory and circulatory systems based on data
gathered from the
school or local health workers
Performance Standard: The learners should be able to conduct an information
dissemination activity on effective ways of taking care of the respiratory and circulatory
systems based on data gathered from the school or local health workers.

Most Essential Learning Competencies:

1. The learners should be able to explain how the respiratory and circulatory systems work
together to transport nutrients, gases, and other molecules to and from the different parts of
the body. (S9LT-lab-26)
2. Infer how one’s lifestyle can affect the functioning of respiratory and circulatory systems.

Learning Objectives:
 Explain how blood is pumped by the heart.
 Measure and describe pulse or heart rate after several different activities.
 Appreciate the importance of a healthy lifestyle in avoiding different diseases.

II. Content
A. Lesson The Circulatory System
B. Materials Learning materials, laptop, and projector
C. References K to 12 Curriculum Guide
Science Learning Module p.11-20
III. Procedure
A. Preliminary  Greetings
Activities  Prayer
 Checking of Attendance
 Review of previous lesson
B. I. Have students read the Sci-Word Factory
Activities Sci-Word Factory
Heart- a hollow muscle that pumps the blood throughout the body.
Blood Vessels- carries the blood throughout the body.
Arteries- carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to the cells, tissues, and organs of the
Veins- carry deoxygenated blood to the heart.
Capillaries- the smallest blood vessels in the body, connecting the smallest arteries to the
smallest veins. The actual site where gas and nutrients are exchanged.
Blood- carries the materials throughout the body.

Address: Camias Resettlement, Porac, Pampanga

Contact No.: 09336643690
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
C. Elicit Show a short video of the human heart and introduce the role of the heart.

The Human Heart/Sineskwela


Let students share their insights about the video.

Guide Questions:
1. Where is our heart located?
2. What is the function of the heart?

D. Engage Let's Organize!

Using the given graphic organizer, fill in the missing parts, description, and functions
to complete the entire concept.
Trivia about the human heart

 The first heart cell starts to beat as early as four weeks.

 Every day your heart beats over 100, 000 times.
 Each minute, your heart pumps five liters of blood.
 Happiness helps to lower the risk of heart disease.
 There are 60,000 miles of blood vessels in your body. That's enough to go around
the world twice.
 An adult heart is about the size of 2 hands clasped together. A child's heart is about
the size of a fist.
 The average heartbeat of a woman is about 8 beats a minute faster than a man's

E. Explore Class Discussion

 The Heart
 Parts of the Heart
 Types of Circulation
 Blood Flow in the Heart
 Measuring our Heart Rate or Pulse Rate

Activity: The Rhythm of My Heart

Students will do an experiment by performing different exercises and measuring their

pulse/heart rate at different intervals.

Safety Precautions: Make sure that the area is safe.

Students with serious medical conditions are not allowed to perform. Instead, they will
measure the pulse of their classmates.

Guide Questions:
1. What was your calculated resting pulse?
2. What was your pulse after exercising?
3. How would you differentiate your heart rates before and after exercising?
4. What is the advantage of timing for a full minute to find your pulse?
5. What is the advantage of timing over a shorter period, especially when you have just
finished exercising?

F. Explain Group Activity

The class will be divided into 5 groups. Each group will be given a graphic organizer. They
will complete the graphic organizer by filling it with the proper flow of blood in the heart.
After accomplishing it they will discuss their output to the class.

Address: Camias Resettlement, Porac, Pampanga

Contact No.: 09336643690
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

G. Elaborate Key Concepts:

The circulatory system is the life support structure that nourishes your cells with nutrients
from the food you eat and oxygen from the air you breathe. It can be compared to a complex
arrangement of highways, avenues and lanes connecting all the cells together into a
neighborhood. The circulatory system functions with other body systems to deliver different
materials in the body. It calculates vital elements such as oxygen and nutrients. At the same
time, it also transports wastes away from the body. Three major parts of the circulatory
system, with their roles:

1. Heart – pumps the blood throughout the body

Four chambers of the Heart
The atria are the receiving chambers of the heart, accepting blood from the body (right
atrium) and from the lungs (left atrium). The ventricles are the pumping chambers, that
moving blood to the lungs (right ventricle) and into the body (left ventricle).

H. Evaluate I. Multiple Choice (10 items)

II. Essay
Explain how blood is pumped by the heart. (10 points)
III. Enumerate at least 5 ways on how to take care of your circulatory system.

I. Assignment Read and study the Heredity: Inheritance and Variation for our next
Read and study the Heredity: Inheritance and Variation for our next topic.

Prepared by: Noted by:


Teacher III OIC-Head Teacher III

Address: Camias Resettlement, Porac, Pampanga

Contact No.: 09336643690
Email Address: [email protected]

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