E3sconf Hsted2020 01033
E3sconf Hsted2020 01033
E3sconf Hsted2020 01033
Abstract. The development of gas turbine technologies requires the search for new solutions to improve
the efficiency of gas turbine plants. The energy characteristics of a gas turbine depend on many external
factors the temperature and pressure of the surrounding air including the composition of the fuel gas. This
paper considers the effect of fuel gas temperature. Natural gas, synthesis gas, and aviation kerosene are
considered as fuel for a gas turbine. For research, a gas turbine of the GE 6FA model was selected and its
mathematical model was created. The results of calculations of the effect of fuel temperature on the energy
and economic characteristics of a gas turbine are presented. The dependences of the main characteristics of
the turbine were obtained. At the same time, the turbine power is assumed constant since during possible
operation as part of a combined cycle gas turbine unit it is necessary to maintain a constant temperature of
the exhaust gases after the gas turbine. The assumption was made - the costs of heating the fuel were not
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© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
E3S Web of Conferences 178, 01033 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202017801033
Table 1. Technical characteristics of a GTU (PG6111FA). Hot gases formed during the combustion of fuel in
the combustion chambers pass through the transition
No Characteristic Value compartments with forced cooling to the turbine.
High-pressure air from the compressor discharge
Power at the generator
1 kW 80000 housing is guided around the transition compartments.
2 Atmospheric pressure kgf/cm2 1.013 Part of the air enters the openings in the forced cooling
Compressor inlet sleeve to cool the transition compartments and is sent to
3 ˚C 15 the flow sleeve. The remaining air enters the space
Relative humidity at the between the flow sleeve and the lining of the combustion
4 % 60
compressor inlet chamber through the holes in the far end of the flow
The pressure of the fuel sleeve in the direction of flow. This air enters the
5 kgf/cm2 25.9 – 30.8
before the gas module combustion zone through the metering holes to ensure
The number of stages in the proper combustion of the fuel and through the grooves
6 pcs 18
compressor for cooling the skin of the combustion chamber. Air
The number of steps in the enters the combustion chamber through six nozzles that
7 pcs 3
disperse the fuel and mix it with the appropriate amount
8 Air flow m3/s 166
of air supplied to the combustion chamber.
9 Compression ratio 15.8
Air temperature after the
Natural gas, synthesis gas, and aviation kerosene are
10 °C 385 considered as fuel in this study. For research, the
11 Flue gas temperature °C 603 conditional formula for each type of fuel is calculated
The temperature of the (table 2).
12 gases after the combustion °C 1325
chamber Table 2. The composition of the conditional formula for the
studied fuels.
The low NOx 2.6 (DLN 2.6) nitrogen fuel
Natural gas Gas synthesis Kerosene
combustion system controls the distribution of fuel
Enthalpy -4483.583 -2915.0 -2815.0
supplied to the multi-nozzle pre-mixers and reduces NOx
Carbon (C) 6.040 7.0726833 7.0768
levels in the exhaust without the need for water or water
Hydrogen (H) 22.99232 14.932036 14.6788
vapor to be added to the fuel gas. The distribution of fuel Nitrogen (N) 0.241048 - -
flow in each assembly unit of fuel injectors is calculated Oxygen (O) 0.05642 - -
to maintain the load of the unit and the distribution of Sulfur (S) - - 0.013595
fuel to ensure optimal turbine emissions.
The combustion system with a counter flow includes The functional diagram of the mathematical model is
six combustion chambers located on the periphery of the presented in figure 1. Selection window for elements for
compressor discharge housing. The combustion design scheme is presented in figure 2. For the study, a
chambers are numbered counterclockwise when viewed mathematical model of a gas turbine engine was created
from the top of the machine in the discharge direction. in the software package «Automated System of Gas-
This system also includes fuel injectors, a spark plug dynamic Research of Energy Turbomachines» (AS
system, flame control sensors and cross-ignition tubes. GRET).
Fig. 1. The functional diagram of the mathematical model (AFVS – an air filtering and conditioning system; EG – an electric
generator; TC–1 – a transition channel between AFVS and compressor; C – a compressor; TC-2 – a transition channel between
the compressor and the combustion chamber; CC - a combustion chamber; TC-3 - a transition channel between the combustion
chamber and the turbine; T – a turbine; TC-4 – a transition channel between the turbine and the boiler utilizer; WHRB – a waste
heat recovery boiler; TC-5 - a transition channel between the waste-heat boiler and the chimney; CH – a chimney).
E3S Web of Conferences 178, 01033 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202017801033
Fig. 3. The dependence of the airflow rate at the inlet and gas flow rate at the outlet of the gas turbine and the efficiency of the
gas turbine from the temperature of natural gas
E3S Web of Conferences 178, 01033 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202017801033
Fig. 4. The dependence of the airflow rate at the inlet and gas flow rate at the outlet of the gas turbine and the efficiency of the
gas turbine from the temperature of the synthetic gas.
Fig. 5. The dependence of the airflow rate at the inlet and gas flow rate at the outlet of the gas turbine and the efficiency of the
gas turbine from the temperature of kerosene.
E3S Web of Conferences 178, 01033 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202017801033
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