English Test 822

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Schools Division of Iloilo
Leganes, Iloilo

First Grading Examination

Name: ___________________________________ Grade & Section: ______________________

Test I. Direction: Choose inside the box the correct answer. Write the letter only.

a. Riddle b. proverbs c. lyric poetry d. myth e. hero tale

f. fable g. folk epic h. oral literature i. noun j. pronoun

______1. Expresses personal emotions and feelings,

______2. Literature during the pre-colonial times or the times before of the coming of Spaniards.
______3. A mystifying, misleading, or puzzling question posed as a problem to be solved or
______4. A narrative telling the adventures of a hero or a family.
______5, A story that tells a moral truth, often using animals as characters.
______6. A short saying
______7. A long poem about a traditional hero.
______8. Name of person, place, things, animals and ideas.
______9. Traditional story explaining some natural or social phenomenon involving supernatural
beings or events
_____10. Noun substitute.

Write only the code of the correct answer.

A. Lao-tse b. Kung-fu-tze c. Poetry d. rhythm e. 5%

d. Kung f. Fu g. tze h. 15% i. 80%

_____11. heart of Chinese literature.

_____12. founder of Taoism.
_____13. the harmony of sound.
_____14. confucious is the latin form of the Chinese.
_____15. percentage number of moslems
_____16. family name
_____17. given name
_____18. master
_____19. percentage number of christian in pre colonial times
_____20. percentage number of other denomination
Choose the correct spelling and write the letter on the space provided.
----------1. together twogether toogether toghether
----------2. cummunity community cammunity commonity
----------3. preparation prepiration praparition pripiration
----------4. formulete formulate farmulate formulate
----------5. receive ricive ricieve recieve
----------6. beeliefs beleefs beliefs biliefs
----------7. successfool sacksesful saccussful successful
----------8. beenefit binifit benefit benefit
----------9. Handerstand anderstand understand understand
---------10. furniture farniture furneture fournitur

Concept Map of Pre-colonial Philippine Literature

Pre –colonial

Arrange the following features of the concept map

Prose Narratives Poetic Narratives Short Poems Riddles

Legends Folk Epics Tales Songs Myths Proverbs


I. Write the word check if the spelling is correct and change the spelling if it is wrong.

1. together ________________________
2. comunity ________________________
3. preparation ________________________
4. formolate ________________________
5. receive ________________________
6. beeliefs ________________________
7. successfool ________________________
8. benefit ________________________
9. anderstand ________________________
10. furniture ________________________
11. conceive ________________________
12. embarrass ________________________
13. programer ________________________
14. cientennial ________________________
15. comittee ________________________
16. pneumonia ________________________
17. emmediately ________________________
18. tomorrow ________________________
19. colections ________________________
20. parallel ________________________

II. Arrange the following words or phrase alphabetically and write it on the blank provided.

1. study hard ___________________________

2. help someone ___________________________
3. anxious ___________________________
4. vomit ___________________________
5. train ___________________________
6. give attention ___________________________
7. bite more ___________________________
8. new york ___________________________
9. jewelry ___________________________
10. growth ___________________________
11. card catalog ___________________________
12. yatch ___________________________
13. xerox copier ___________________________
14. confidential ___________________________
15. language services ___________________________
16. flower garden ___________________________
17. identity ___________________________
18. samsung galaxy ___________________________
19. racing car ___________________________
20. beautiful girl ___________________________

400.2 Miller, Ana Marie


English Language, growth and development

New York, Language Services


IX 81 pp. 72 cm

__________________ 1. Miller, Ana Marie

__________________ 2. 400.2
__________________ 3. M3
__________________ 4. English Language, growth and development
__________________ 5. New York, Language Services
__________________ 6. c1957
__________________ 7. IX 81 pp. 72 cm

III. Identify the following gender of nouns. (masculine, feminine, common or neuter)

______________ 1. Michelle Obama

______________ 2. Actor
______________ 3. Daniel Padilla
______________ 4. Samsung Galaxy
______________ 5. Waitress
______________ 6. Doctor
______________ 7. Maria Clara
______________ 8. Acer laptop
______________ 9. Pilot ballpen
______________ 10. Saint Joseph
______________ 11. Model
______________ 12. Grace Poe
______________ 13. Coca Cola

IV. Give the proper noun and common noun of the following.

______________ 1. flower
______________ 2. city
______________ 3. town
______________ 4. boy
______________ 5. ballpen
______________ 6. Joseph Estrada
______________ 7. Manny Pacquiao
______________ 8. Paris, France
______________ 9. Bagiuo City
______________ 10. Sarah Geronimo
------------------ GOOD LUCK ----------------

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Schools Division of Iloilo
Leganes, Iloilo

Second Quarter Examination

Name: ___________________________________ Grade & Section: ______________________

Direction: Choose inside the box the correct answer and WRITE on the answer sheet.

a. newspaper b. front page c. local news page d. foreign new page e. opinion page

f. Business and finance page g. entertainment section h. society page

i. travel and tourism j. classified ads k. obituary page

1. Contains ads for jobs, rentals and ,products for sale

2. Contains information about travelling, tourist spots and departure and arrival of ships and airplanes.
3. Contains articles of well known people.
4. Periodical publication containing current information about people, places and events.
5. Contains most important local and foreign news.
6. Contains news from the the town and cities of the nation.
7. News from around the world.
8. Sometimes we called it as the editorial page.
9. Contains foreign exchange rate, banking, trade and prices.
10. Contains list of people who died and the time and place of their burial.
11. Contains news about TV programs, actors and actresses, comic strips, games, puzzles and horoscope.

a. Title page b. copyright page c. preface d. table of contents e. the body

f. appendix g. glossary h. bibliography i. index

12. Lists of definitions of difficult or technical words.

13. Discussions of the contents of the book.
14. Gives the complete title, the subtitle if there is one.
15. Tells the year the book was copyrighted.
16. Alphabetical list with page numbers of the topics presented in the book.
17. List of chapters, units and their subdivisions and the corresponding pages.
18. Terms referring to the matters at the beginning of the book.
19. List of books use as references.
20. Addition materials which the author wish not to include in the body of the book.
a. title b. imagery c. plot d. diction e. rhythm f. meter

g. repetition h. rhyme i. form j. art

21. tells the subject of the poem.

22. Refers to the mental pictures or images of the poem.
23. Underlying idea or impulse.
24. Refers to the kind of language.
25. Refers to the alteration of stressed and unstressed syllables.
26. Unit of rhythm in poetry.
27. For emphasis, words, phrases or whole stanzas, may be repeated.
28. Repetition of similar sounds.
29. Physical structure.
30. Creative aspect of the poem.

a. setting b. character c. plot d. conflict e. theme

31. time and place in which the story happens.

32. Main sequence of the story.
33. Person or animals that takes action on the story.
34. The central idea or belief the author is trying to convey.
35. Tension and usually the heart of the story.
36-40. give 5 examples of conflict.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Schools Division of Iloilo
Leganes, Iloilo

PRE-FINAL Examination

Name: ___________________________________ Grade & Section: ______________________

Direction: Choose inside the box the correct answer and WRITE on the answer sheet.

A. Introduction B. Body C. Conclusion D. Articulation E. Modulation

F. Stage Presence G. Facial Expression, Gesture and Movements H. Audience Rapport

I. Adequate Development J.Coherence K.Unity L. Topic Sentence

M. Supporting Sentence N. Concluding Sentence O. Paragraph

1. Is the trust and connection that speaker creates with his/her audiences
2. Means the pronouncing the words and speaking with clear diction that effectively transmit s the
3. Refers to the capacity to adjust or manipulate the resonance and timbre of the vocal tone.
4. The ability to own the stage and being able to fill the space and project the speaker’s personality to the
5. Build connections with the audience and help emphasize your points. They convey your feelings as a
speaker and add drama to your speech.
6. Most important part of the speech. Getting the interest and attention of the audience with the first words
you utter is very crucial.
7. Contains all the information to support the idea. It is the center part of the speech which explain and
discusses the key idea of the speech.
8. Wraps up or summarizes the ideas discussed in the body of the speech.
9. The first sentence of the paragraph.
10. Supports the paragraph
11. Last sentence of the paragraph.
12. A paragraph should express a single though.
13. Clearly relate to one another systematically and logically.
14. The topic of a paragraph should be discussed entirely and sufficiently by providing supporting
15. Group of sentences
Classify the following into Primary Source or Secondary Source of Information

Legal documents Eyewitness Diaries Results of experience Video recording Writing ,

and Art objects Argumentative writings Books Articles Commentaries Magazines

Editorials, and encyclopedia


Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Schools Division of Iloilo
Leganes, Iloilo

PRE-FINAL Examination

Write the correct answer on your answer sheet

Internal conflict protagonist Person vs Self Person vs Person Person vs Nature

Person vs Society Person vs Technology Person vs Supernatural Fake News Factual News

Objectivity Formality Precision Explicitness Academic Writing Non-Academic writing

Antagonist Conflict sender encoding channel message reciever feedback

decoding climax denouement falling action rising action exposition

1. Hero vs villain
2. Ghost, Gods, alien or monster
3. Computer
4. Law or tradition
5. Weather, animal encounter or natural disaster
6. Opposition coming from within
7. The central character of the story
8. The opposing character
9. Is a struggle between opposing character or forces
10. Refers to the piece of writing which focuses on specific subject/topic
11. Refers to a piece of writing which focuses on general topic rather than any academic topic
12. Emphasis should be on the information that you want to give and the argument you want to
13.Academic writing is precise
14.Relates to how well you obey standard English norms
15.Pertains to coherence, cohesion and clarity
16.News which true and correct
17.News which is not true

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