Rizal Midterm - Chapter 2-3

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Asian College of Science & Technology

Rizal subject
Midterm Examination

Folks Good Luck & SMILE !!!!!!!

Name = ______________________________Instructor= _____________________

I- Identification; Write your answer on the space provided before each number.
________________________1. It was named after a big native jar.
________________________2. It is the hero’ town.
________________________3. Calamba was an hacienda town w/c belonged to the ___ order.
________________________4. Antipolo is a famous mountain shrine of the miraculous__and (5)___.
________________________6. It plays progress and welfare of a nation.
________________________7. It is a death or sufferings of a martyr.
________________________8. It is a rebellion against authority.
________________________9. It is the most important Rizal’s influences.
________________________10. It is an influence that can affects the nature of a person.

II- Modified True or False:

If the statement is true write Hero
If the statement is false write Genius then change the underlined word/s to make
the statement correct. ( 2 pts. each)

________________________1. Jose Rizal had his early education in Dapitan.

________________________2. Lucky is the name of the favorite dog of Jose Rizal .
________________________3. The story of the old moth made the profoundest impression on him.
________________________4. He was 15 yrs.old when he wrote a poem To my fellow children.
________________________5. He was 10 yrs. old when he wrote a poem In memory of my town.
________________________6.A gobernadorcillo from Paete, bought his manuscript worth four pesos.
________________________7. Hereditary influence,are inherent qualities which makes a person inherits from his ancestors
and parents.
________________________8. Environmental influence, according to psychologist,Friend as well as heredity affects the nature
of a person.
________________________9. According to Jose Rizal, Laugh at me now,Someday when I die,people will make a paint and
images of me.
________________________10. He was three years old when he learned the alphabet and the prayers.

III- Match column A with column B. Write the letter only.

_________1. Perfidious A= Young boy

_________2. Lad B= Dishonest , traitor , deceitful
_________3. Fodder C= Mentally quick or skillful hands
_________4. Brawl D= Feed, grain
_________5. Dexterous E= Quarrel or fight

IV- Synthesize briefly the “ Story of the Young Moth”. ( 5 pts. )

Asian College of Science and Technology
Humanities 2
Midterm Examination

Folks Good LUCk & SMILE !!!!!!!!!

Name= __________________________________ Instructor= _____________________________

I- Identification; Write your answer on the space provided before each number.

________________________1. He expounds the postulates of moral conduct for the achievement of a virtuous life.
________________________2. It is often expressed to mean complete in activity or in short it’s laziness.
________________________3. Man should give generously of his __ because the more he gives to others, he has the more for
________________________4. He is the center of harmony.
________________________5. Man is just like a __, he can think and love while the world cannot.
________________________6. According to Confucius, if all men observe the ___ in their lives, there will be no conflict.
________________________7. Our eyes take in ___millions bytes of information every second.
________________________8. It is the great work of our lives.
________________________9. Men are often ___ because in life they pretend to be what they are not.
________________________10. It means the way or virtue.

II- Modified true or false

If the statement is true write Virtue
If the statement is false write Good then change the underlined word/s to make the statement correct.
( 2 pts. each )

________________________1. Wu Wei means that man should not work nor do his duty for himself alone.
________________________2. Life is an opportunity to be with your fellows and finally attain your destiny w/c is Passion.
________________________3. Animal is the only an infinitesimal atom compared with the cosmos of galaxies.
________________________4. He who conquers himself is the greatest opportunity.
________________________5. The means does not justify at the end.
________________________6. Sage is the Founder of Buddhism.
________________________7. Lao means master.
________________________8. Reincarnation is capable of rebirth and subsequent generation.
________________________9. Nirvana is the sinless calm state of mind.
________________________10. Tzu means venerable.

III- Matching type ; Match column A with column B. Write the letter only.

___________1.Abode A= Disposition to oppose or resist

_________ 2. Defiance B= A place of dwelling or home
_________3. Meek C= Haughtiness , self-satisfaction
_________4. Cease D=Humble , gentle
_________5. Pride E= Stop , interrupt
_________6.Sage F= Humility
_________7.Imperfections G= Condition of being morally right or wrong
_________8. Desire H= Wants
_________9. Morality I= Not perfect , faults , failures
_________10. Virtue J= Moral excellence , uprightness
K= To wish or long for
L= Prudent

IV- Fill in the blanks; Supply the missing word/s to make the statement complete.

1.According to Lao Tzu, Man should be __________ (2) ______________(3) ___________________and

ready all the time in any ways. Wu Wei tells and teaches man to do his work with all his
(4)____________and leave the rest to (5)________________________. Man is rich and happy because his
fellowmen are all his (6) ___________________and the whole world is his (7)___________________.
There is nothing more real than that w/c the (8)_______________cannot see, There is nothing more
(9)_______________than that which the ears cannot (10) __________________.

Asian College of Science and Technology
Midterm Examination

Folks good LUCK & SMILE !!!!!!!!!!!!

Name = ________________________________________ Instructor= _____________________________

I- Identification; Write your answer on the space provided before each number.

________________________1. The biggest employer is the ___business sector.

________________________2. It is an enterprise that lead in the generation of jobs in both rich and poor countries.
________________________3. It is the most important productive resource.
________________________4. It is a situation wherein women no need for them to work in the farm because their labor is just
a surplus one.
________________________5. Claro M. Recto is popularly known as modern ___.
________________________6. They played a very important role in economic development.
________________________7. Abraham Lincoln said, a __is for the people of the people and by the people.
________________________8. They are resourceful and creative , they can create customers or buyers.
________________________9. It is the primary factor or determinant of investment.
________________________10. It is a school recognized the importance of entrepreneurship.

II- Modified true or false

If the statement is true write business
If the statement is false write profit then change the underlined word/s to make the
statement correct. ( 2 pts. each)

________________________1. Price stability are needed to fund government projects and programs.
________________________2. Most of the women in Bangladesh are employed and literate.
________________________3. The major factor of profit are land, labor and capital.
________________________4. More production requires more effort.
________________________5. There is economic stability when there is no frequent change in the government.

III- Matching type; write the letter only.

_________1. Mobilize capital resources A= He claimed that the cause of poverty is that we allow foreigners
to dominate our economy.
_________2. Claro M. recto B= They are very careful in accumulating and mobilizing capital

_________3. Economic resources C= He said that Small business is beautiful.

_________4. Innovation D= Mostly in the hands of the big tycoons
_________5. Invention E= The process of inventing
F= Develop new markets
G= Different ways of doing things
IV= Enumeration
1.10 = Government Assistance program
11-15 = Contributions of Entrepreneurs
Asian College of Science & Technology
Midterm Examination

Folks good LUCK and SMILE !!!!!!!!

Name= ____________________________________________ Instructor= _______________________________

I- Identification; Write your answer on the space provided before each number.

________________________1. It is a person’s social heritage or customary in w/c groups organize their ways of thinking
________________________2. It is the total range of what has been perceive.
________________________3. It is a special folkways w/c are important to the welfare of the people & their cherished values.
________________________4. It refers to technique & know how in utilizing raw materials.
________________________5. Our culture is the best & better than those of others.
________________________6. It is a feeling of confusion , insecurity and anxiety caused by strange of new environment.
________________________7. A small groups w/c develop their own norms, belief and languages w/c make them distinct from
the broader society.
________________________8. It is an idea that what is foreign is the best for us.
________________________9. Cultures are preconditioned by man’s basic biological drives.
________________________10. Aldous Huxley points out that the ___capabilities of human being changed over the last 20 yrs.

II- Modified true or false

If the statement is true write Unity
If the statement is false write Culture then change the underlined word/s to make the statement
correct. ( 2 pts. each)

________________________1. Language enables us to communicate with others.

________________________2. Natural knowledge pertains to the knowledge of natures w/c are useful in dealing w/ practical
________________________3. Law is commonly known as the customs, traditions & conventions of a society.
________________________4. Sanction is abstract concepts of what is important & worthwhile.
________________________5. Physical & social environment learned or acquired through social & cultural processes.

III- Matching type; Write the letter only.

_________1.Artifacts A= Behavior w/c against the norms in our society.
_________2. Deviant B= Permit a certain range of choice.
_________3. Alternatives C= Perceptions about gods & goddesses.
_________4. Reward D= Individual translates his observation from his senses.
_________5. Supernatural knowledge E= Something given or done in return
F= Man’s psychic unity
G= Anything made by human work or art
IV- Enumeration

1.4 = Example of rewards

5.7 = Example of punishment
8.11 = Kinds of knowledge
12.14 = Forms of communication
15 = Reward

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