Becoming An Adult
Becoming An Adult
Becoming An Adult
Have you ever been to a coming-of-age party? Coming of age is a young person’s transition from
childhood to adulthood. It is celebrated in different ways and at different ages around the world.
In some countries, coming of age is the time when minors are given full legal rights. In others, it is
simply associated with maturity and responsibility. The age at which it is celebrated also changes,
as well as the type of celebration – It can be a spiritual event or a cultural tradition of the country.
Wherever you are, coming of age is an important moment in a young person’s life. It is when you
become in adult.
The Amish community in the United States and Canada have a coming-of-age ceremony called
Rumspringa. The ceremony centers around teenagers aged 14-16 making an extremely important
choice -staying in the community or joining American or Canadian society.
This choice is difficult because Amish community is significantly different from other American and
Canadian cultures. The Amish originated from Swiss immigrants to Pennsylvania in the 18 th
century, and in the early 20th century, the elders of the Amish community made the decision to not
change with the communities around them. This means that they do not use modern technology
such a telephones, cars, or modern farming tools. It also means they dress in a similar way as they
did 100 years ago.
The elders decide the rules of the community, and Amish people who do not follow those rules,
such as by using modern clothes or technology, can be shunned. Shunning involves cutting off
social contact with the person to show them how much they will miss the community and their
friends and family.
However, in Rumspringa, the elders allow teenagers to try modern life for a period of time without
being shunned. This period last different amounts of time depending on the Amish community,
but it is typically around two years. Some teenagers stay in the community but experiment with
modern life in small ways -using cars, phones, or computers, and wearing modern clothes.
Some teenagers leave the community and go to neighboring cities to live in a difference between
the life they are accustomed to and this new life. Imagine making such an important decision at
the age. Imagine you decided to leave your community, your friends, and family and move
somewhere else. That you started using technology you had never seen before and wearing
clothes and eating food you had never experienced. And then at the end of that period, you had to
decide to return or stay. This is the extremely important choice of Rumspringa.
The quinceañera celebration has its origins in Meso-American cultures. The word has two parts,
quince (fifteen) and añera, which is a derivative of años (year), and refers to a girl’s fifteenth
Fifteen-year-old Aztec girls were considered women and were given the instruction and
responsibilities of an adult. This was a hugely significant rite of passage, and also enormous honor.
Then it became a celebration to present girls to society so possible suitors could get know them.
This was how marriages were arranged. Although the purpose is not the same nowadays, this
event still carries its coming of age meaning. It is frequently celebrated in several countries in the
Americans and the Caribbean.
The ceremony is different in different parts of Latin America. In south America, the quinceañera
lights fifteen candles and gives those candles to the fifteen most important people in her life. In
Mexico, the birthday girl is accompanied in a ceremony by her parents, godparents, and her court
of honor – a group of young men (chamberlains) and women (dames) chosen by the quinceañera.
Many family and friends are present. Everyone dresses formally, and the event often resembles a
wedding. The quinceañera stands out above the rest – she wears a ball gown and stunning jewelry
and carries a bouquet of flowers. Traditionally, the gown is pink to symbolize the young woman’s
When the party begins, there is usually a dinner and sometimes a dance on the quinceañera’s
honor. A tiara is often placed on the birthday girl’s head as she enters the party. Family and friends
gather around and give the girl gifts. The party may take place at an event hall, at the birthday
girl’s house or on the street. The young woman dances with her father just before changing her
shows from a youthful shoe to an adult shoe. Then the quinceañera usually dances a waltz with
her chamberlains.
Even in the societies where Rumspringa and quinceañera celebrations exist, people can celebrate
their coming of age in any way they choose. Some families even create their own traditions and
rites to mark this important time, like passing on a family heirloom or getting special rights or
obligations according to the age.
It is not necessary to have a big party ceremony, and many people do not want one. How people
celebrate becoming an adult is not so important. What is important is the transition from one
period of life to another and how attitudes and expectations change from that point onwards.
Becoming an adult is a very important phase in every person's (1) ______________ . However,
when this happens can be very different depending (2) ______________ where you live or which
culture you (3) ______________ from. Most countries have laws on when adolescents are allowed
to do certain things. In the US, for example, adulthood starts at the (4) ______________ of 16,
when a person can get employment or a driving licence. Even (5) ______________ American
youngsters have the right to vote at 18, they can't legally drink alcohol (6) ______________ they
reach the age of 21. In some countries of Central and South America, girls celebrate their 15th (7)
______________, which marks their rise to womanhood. Families often (8) ______________
church services with their 15-year old daughters and afterwards have parties with many guests. In
Japan young men and women transfer to adulthood at 20, when they are (9) ____________ to
vote and drink alcohol. The Japanese even have a special day for this event (10) ______________
"Coming-of-Age Day", the second Monday of January. On this day, the new adults celebrate (11)
______________ their families and attend speeches given by politicians. Until recently young
people in Saudi Arabia (12) ______________ considered adults at the age of 15 - a time when they
started showing physical signs (13) ______________ becoming an adult. However, a (14)
______________ years ago the country raised this age to 18.
II. Responde las siguientes preguntas.
INSTRUCTIONS.-Escribe en la siguiente tabla información sobre algún evento especial que ocurra
en tu país, alguna tradición.