LSA v.55 nr.2 Study...
LSA v.55 nr.2 Study...
LSA v.55 nr.2 Study...
Freezing represent one of the most utilized food preservation methods. Classical freezing techniques have harmful
environmental effects especially because of the refrigerants, which contribute to the ozone layer depletion and to the
increase of the greenhouse effect. Individual quick freezing (IQF) by direct contact with cryogenic agents such as liquid
nitrogen (LN) has a significantly reduced ecological footprint, since nitrogen is a component of atmospheric air, and
therefore it does not pollute. Liquid nitrogen is a by-product of air liquefaction which otherwise should be disposed.
The effectiveness of liquid nitrogen IQF is vastly superior to that obtained by means of classical methods. The paper
aims at highlighting this superiority, reflected mainly by the greatly reduced freezing time. The Lacroix and Castaigne
method is used to determine the total time necessary to reach the prescribed freezing temperature in the thermal center
of the product (in this case, green peas). This way, we prove that individual quick freezing using liquid nitrogen is
characterized by much higher process rates and in addition it benefits from using an environmentally friendly
refrigerant, thus contributing to sustainable development.
Key words: individual quick freezing, liquid nitrogen, freezing time, environmentally friendly refrigerants, sustainable
Individual quick freezing (IQF) with direct innovative refrigeration techniques and methods
contact with cryogenic agents represents a modern (Ioan C.C., Horbaniuc B., Dumitraşcu Gh., 2005),
freezing technique for small size foods, such as (Ioan C.C., 2008). In the area of freezing, one of
fish fillets, shrimp, fruit – blackberries, raspberries, such methods is IQF using liquid nitrogen (LN).
strawberries, and vegetables – green peas, diced Liquid nitrogen has the advantage of being a
carrots, etc. (Archer L.A., 2004). This way by-product of air liquefaction, which otherwise
dehydration is avoided (Chourot J.M., Lauwers J., would be disposed in the atmosphere, having no
Massoji N., Lucas T., 2001), the method is very other significant applications. Being an
well suited for continuous feeding processes, and atmospheric air component, nitrogen is totally
the cold losses are much lesser (7%) than those of harmless and this is why it represents the ideal
the air-blast technique, characterized by 20 ... 30% cryogenic agent from the standpoint of its
losses (Horbaniuc B., 2007). Classical freezing environmental impact. Other reasons that lead to
methods using air or brines involve the the adoption of this cryogenic agent are related to
employment of freons or ammonia, which either its properties (odorless, colorless, chemically inert,
put the ozone layer in jeopardy and act as non flammable, non combustible, does not
greenhouse gases (freons), or are toxic (ammonia). explode) and to the fact that it reduces product
The issue of designing environmentally dehydration to a minimum – under 1% (Horbaniuc
friendly refrigeration processes is critical, since B., 2006), (Horbaniuc B., 2007).
these represent a sustainable development When using LN as a freezing agent, 48% of
component in agriculture and in related industries the heat removed from the product is turned into
(Robu B., Ioan C.C, Robu E., Macoveanu M., latent heat of vaporization and 52% into sensible
2009). heat.
Sustainable development concepts, which The advantages of liquid nitrogen individual
are permanently renewed and enriched, direct quick freezing (LNIQF) are:
towards seeking for new paths to attain specific - low freezing time;
desiderates based on the creation of an ecological - good preservation of the initial product
attitude in setting the foundations and in defining properties, which results in a very high food
„Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi, Romania
Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară Iaşi
Lucrări Ştiinţifice – vol. 55 (2) /2012, seria Agronomie
where f3 and j3 are coefficients that depend on the and Tc is the final temperature of the process,
the shape of the product and of the Biot number, measured in the thermal center of the product.
Table 1
Calculus of coefficients f and j for spheres (Lacroix C., Castaigne F., 1987)
Range for the Biot number Equations for f and j
fa ln10
Bi 0.1 L2 3Bi
j 1.0
fa ln10
L2 w
2 sin w w cos w
0.1 Bi 100 w sin w cos w
w 1.573729 0.642906ln Bi 0.047859 ln Bi 0.03553 ln Bi
2 3
0.004907 ln Bi 0.001563 ln Bi
4 5
Bi 100 L2
j 2.0
In the equations from table 1, a is the easily achieved by the LNIQF method. As
thermal diffusivity of the product, and L is a expected, as the pea diameter increases, the
characteristic length equal to the radius in this process stage times increase from τ1 = 16.4 s,
case. τ2 = 5.2 s, τ1 = 4.9 s for D = 6 mm, to τ1 = 57.9 s,
τ2 = 13.6 s, τ1 = 16.9 s for D = 12 mm, the total
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION time varying in the range 26.5 ... 88.4 s.
We chose a product of spherical shape,
namely green peas. For this geometrical shape, the
coefficients P and R have the values P = 0.19665
and R = 0.03939 respectively (Lacroix C.,
Castaigne F., 1987). From the same paper
published by Lacroix and Castaigne, table 1
presents the equations for the factors f and j for
spherical products. The thermophysical properties
of the product have been compiled from (Barbos-
Cànovas G.V., Juliano P., Peleg M., 1999) and
Figure 1 Time intervals for the three stages and the
(Iliescu Gh., Vasile C., 1982). total freezing time versus the diameter, for
The diameter of the green pea beans has α = 150W/m K
been selected in the range 6 … 12 mm and the The plot of the partial and total times
intensity of the cooling process has been versus the intensity of the convection heat transfer
considered by means of the convection heat for 9 mm diameter peas is presented in fig. 2.
transfer coefficient α, the values of which have
been chosen in the range 30 ... 300 W/m2 K.
The considered temperatures were:
- the initial temperature of the product:
t0 = 20°C;
- the freezing temperature: ts = −1.3°C;
- liquid nitrogen temperature: tm = −198°C;
- the final temperature of the product in the
thermal center: tc = −28°C.
With these entry data, we have calculated
the times of the three stages and the total freezing Figure 2 Time intervals for the three stages and the
time and the results have been plotted in figs. 1…3. total freezing time versus α, for D = 9 mm
The plot in fig. 1 presents the variation One notices that the partial times decrease
(versus the diameter) of the time intervals as α increases, but this decrease is less important
corresponding to pre-cooling (τ1), freezing (τ2), (about 43% for τ1, respectively 50% for τ3). The
subcooling (τ3) and of the total time (τtotal) freezing time τ2 represents an exception, exhibiting
respectively for a value of 150 W/m2 K of the a more pronounced variation of about 71%.
convective heat transfer coefficient, which can be
Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară Iaşi
Lucrări Ştiinţifice – vol. 55 (2) /2012, seria Agronomie
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