Homeostasis 1
Homeostasis 1
Homeostasis 1
Biology Assignment
Date : 9 8 2021
Class : IP 10-A, 10 -B
What causes the decrease in glucose level 3 hours after the meal?
A. Antidiuretic hormone
B. Glucagon
C. Insulin
D. Oestrogen
3. The following are some processes that happen in the human body.
a) Digestion of fat
b) Regulation of water and solute concentrations in the blood
c) Maintenance of body temperature
d) Regulation of blood glucose concentration
A. 1 and 2
B. 1,2 and 4
C. 2 and 4
D. 2,3 and 4
Function of 1 Function of 2
B Secretes sweat to increase Vasoconstricts to reduce heat
heat loss from the body loss from the body
5. The increase in blood flow to the skin during exercise causes __________________
6. Which combination of factors helps to increase the loss of heat from the body?
A Constricted Maximised
B Constricted Minimised
C Dilated Maximised
D Dilated Minimised
Refer to the graph below to answer Questions 7 and 8. The graph shows the changes in a
person’s body temperature over a period of time.
7. At which period would the skin arterioles first become dilated?
A. W
B. X
C. Y
D. Z
A. W
B. X
C. Y
D. Z
B. Structured questions:
1) Explain the role played by the following in the regulation of body temperature.
b) The brain:
The brain monitors changes in the body energy state by sensing alterations in the
plasma levels of key metabolic hormones and nutrients.
c) The muscles of the body
2) A) i) What is meant by the term ‘homeostasis’?
The maintenance of a constant internal environment
ii) Explain what is meant by negative feedback.
If the system is disturbed, the disturbance sets in motion a sequence of events that tends
to restore the system to its original state
B) The diagram below shows part of a generalised feedback system.
With reference to the diagram, state what part of the feedback system X represents
Corrective mechanism
C) Give an example of homeostatic action in the human body
Regulating body temperature
Regulating blood glucose concentration
Regulating blood water potential
a) Identify structures A to E
A : hair
B: blood capillaries
C: hair erector muscle
D: blood capillaries
E: sweat gland
b) Describe how structure E will respond if there is an increase in the body temperature of
the mammal.
secretes swats that flows through a sweat duct to a sweat pore that open the skin
c) Explain how a change to structure C will help a furry mammal.
The hair erector muscle provides thermal insulation for the animal
Alcohol causes the artery walls to relax and causes the skin’s blood vessels to
expand. When the blood vessel widens vasolidation will occur