Multimodal Analysis - Krisha Tenegra BPEd 3-B
Multimodal Analysis - Krisha Tenegra BPEd 3-B
Multimodal Analysis - Krisha Tenegra BPEd 3-B
Salient Visual
A. Speech I’m just like damn, It’s You need to calm Control your urges to Like can you just not
7 a.m down, you’re being scream about all the step on our gowns?
too loud people you hate You need to calm
B. Kinetic Features
1. Gaze Looking down Directed at viewer Directed at Lateral movement
viewer/Eye block
2. Body Posture Sitting, legs crossed Fowler, legs crossed Straight Upright and open
3. Gesture Looking at the watch Limited movements, The “peace” finger Maintaining good eye
shoulder shrug sign, dance movement contact, limited
C. Clothing
1. Material Agent Provocateur Norma Kamali high- Western-style silk French fries costume,
robe, lace Simone waist bikini, faux fur shirt, Saint Laurent chunky sandals
Perele bra, two-tone Vivetta jacket, sequin shorts, unicorn boots
heels sandals