Wholelifecarbon Technical Guide r2
Wholelifecarbon Technical Guide r2
Wholelifecarbon Technical Guide r2
Green Mark 2021
Revision Log
Revision Description Effective Date
CN 1 Carbon ............................................................................................................................................. 5
CN 1.1 Whole Life Carbon (WLC) Assessment .................................................................................... 5
(i) Whole Life Carbon Assessment .................................................................................................. 5
Assessment Criteria ......................................................................................................................... 5
Documentation Requirements ....................................................................................................... 6
Guidance Notes ............................................................................................................................... 6
(ii) Embodied Carbon..................................................................................................................... 12
Assessment Criteria ....................................................................................................................... 12
Documentation Requirements ..................................................................................................... 12
Guidance Notes ............................................................................................................................. 14
CN 1.2 2030 Transition Plan .............................................................................................................. 15
Assessment Criteria ....................................................................................................................... 15
Documentation Requirements ..................................................................................................... 15
Guidance Notes ............................................................................................................................. 16
CN 2 Construction.................................................................................................................................. 17
CN 2.1 Sustainable Construction....................................................................................................... 17
(i) Design with Low CUI ................................................................................................................. 17
Assessment Criteria ....................................................................................................................... 17
Documentation Requirements ..................................................................................................... 17
Guidance Notes ............................................................................................................................. 18
(ii) Adoption of Sustainable Building Systems and Design for Manufacturing and Assembly
(DfMA) ........................................................................................................................................... 20
Assessment Criteria ....................................................................................................................... 20
Documentation Requirements ..................................................................................................... 20
Guidance Notes ............................................................................................................................. 20
(iii) Low Carbon Concrete .............................................................................................................. 21
Assessment Criteria ....................................................................................................................... 21
Documentation Requirements ..................................................................................................... 21
(iv) Replacement of Aggregates .................................................................................................... 22
Assessment Criteria ....................................................................................................................... 22
Documentation Requirements ..................................................................................................... 22
Guidance Notes ............................................................................................................................. 22
CN 2.2 Sustainable Products & Finishes ........................................................................................... 26
Assessment Criteria ....................................................................................................................... 26
Documentation Requirements ..................................................................................................... 26
Guidance Notes ............................................................................................................................. 27
CN 2.3 Conservation, Resource Recovery and Waste Management ............................................... 31
Assessment Criteria ....................................................................................................................... 31
Documentation Requirements ..................................................................................................... 31
CN 3 Fit Out............................................................................................................................................ 32
CN 3.1 Green Lease............................................................................................................................ 32
Assessment Criteria ....................................................................................................................... 32
Documentation Requirements ..................................................................................................... 32
References ..................................................................................................................................... 32
CN 3.2 Fit Out Products ..................................................................................................................... 33
Assessment Criteria ....................................................................................................................... 33
Documentation Requirements ..................................................................................................... 33
Guidance Notes ............................................................................................................................. 34
CN 3.3 Tenancy Offsets ..................................................................................................................... 36
Assessment Criteria ....................................................................................................................... 36
Documentation Requirements ..................................................................................................... 36
Assessment Criteria ....................................................................................................................... 37
Documentation Requirements ..................................................................................................... 37
Guidance Notes ............................................................................................................................. 37
Appendix 1 – Whole Life Carbon Assessment ...................................................................................... 38
Modules A1 – A3 : Product Stage ................................................................................................. 38
Modules A4 – A5 : Construction Process Stage ............................................................................ 38
Modules B1 – B7 : Use Stage ......................................................................................................... 39
Modules C1 – C4 : End of Life (EoL) Stage..................................................................................... 42
Module D : Benefits and loads beyond the life cycle ................................................................... 43
CN References ....................................................................................................................................... 45
Acknowledgements:............................................................................................................................... 46
CN 1 Carbon
A maximum of 5 points can be scored across CN 1 Carbon section
A WLC assessment also includes an assessment of the potential carbon emissions ‘benefits’ from the reuse or
recycling of components after the end of a building’s useful life. As the benefits of reuse and recycling are
relatively unpredictable, they are to be reported separately. Notwithstanding, gauging these potential benefits
is important as it gives a carbon value to the future circular economic potential of a design and depicts a true
picture of a building’s carbon impact on the environment.
Assessment Criteria
Applicable to all new buildings (Non Residential and Residential) and Existing Buildings with Addition and
Alteration (A&A) works involving additional gross floor area (GFA) with new construction, addition of floors with
independent substructures.
The assessment should cover the development’s carbon emissions over its lifetime, accounting for:
• any future potential carbon emissions ‘benefits’, post ‘end of life’, including benefits from reuse and recycling
of building structure and materials.
Documentation Requirements
Submission of the following where applicable:
At Design stage (New Buildings) / Pre-retrofit stage (Existing Buildings):
• Provide project specific background information using WLC Assessment Template
• Provide documentation on Bill of Quantities (BoQ), or as identified in other design information e.g.
drawings, tender specifications, BIM model, architectural/ structural plan layouts, elevations, etc. to
account for the building elements within the building element groups specified in Table 2 and extent of
coverage for WLC assessment
• Provide Software tool details (assumptions, boundary conditions, etc.) for computing WLC assessment
• Provide the WLC assessment results (minimum scope/ full scope) using WLC Assessment Template
Guidance Notes
Whole Life carbon (WLC) assessment guidance is consistent with BS EN 15978 and BS EN 15804 and to be read in
conjunction with RICS Professional Statement (PS): Whole Life Carbon assessment for the built environment, with
adaptation to the local context.
WLC assessment adopts the framework for appraising the environmental impacts of the built environment
provided by BS EN 15978: 2011: (Sustainability of construction works — Assessment of environmental
performance of buildings — Calculation method). It sets out the principles and calculation method for whole life
assessment of the environmental impacts from built projects based on life-cycle assessment. The RICS PS serves
as a guide to the practical implementation of the BS EN 15978 principles, which sets out technical details and
calculation requirements, with adaptation to the local context in this document.
Figure 1: Whole life carbon assessment corresponding to the life cycle stages
BS EN 15978 and the RICS PS set out four stages in the life of a typical project described as life-cycle modules:
Spatial boundaries
The assessment should cover all building components and works relating to the proposed building and its
intended use, including its foundations, external works within the site. The site boundary shall be clearly
demarcated in the building plan.
The assessment should cover at least 95% (EN15804; 6.3.5) of the cost allocated to each building element
category (0 to 7 of Table 2). Items excluded should each account for less than 1% of the total category cost.
Note: Where coverage is lower than recommended, this should be clearly indicated and the actual percentage
of coverage must be reported alongside the carbon calculation results in the WLC Assessment Template.
Cost has been selected over physical characteristics, such as mass, to determine the coverage cut-off point as it
is more practical than to determine the exact quantities of all items to be included, especially at early design
For items not covered, the subtotal carbon budget of each category should be multiplied by the following
adjustment factor to account for the impacts of the items not quantified:
Worked Example
If cost data is unavailable, the same principles apply to the mass or area of elements as appropriate.
Quantity of measurement
For WLC assessment, material/ product quantities shall be taken from materials delivery orders, BIM model, BoQ/
Cost plan or estimation from architectural plans.
Units of measurement
WLC assessment results shall be reported in the following units: kg CO2 equivalent (kgCO2e), or multiples thereof
appropriate, e.g. tCO2e.
Table 4: Examples of software tools for calculation of Whole Life Carbon (WLC) Assessment
For use of alternative software tools not listed in Table 4, it needs to fulfill the following criteria:
• Type III environmental declarations (EPDs and equivalent) and datasets in accordance with EN 15804
• Type III environmental declarations (EPDs and equivalent) and datasets in accordance with ISO 21930
• Type III environmental declarations (EPDs and equivalent) and datasets in accordance with ISO 14067
• EPDs and datasets in accordance with ISO 14025, ISO 14040 and 14044
• Type III environmental declarations (EPDs and equivalent) and datasets in accordance with PAS 2050
Additional Guidance
Type III environmental declarations should be issued by a designated programme operator adhering to the
requirements of ISO 14025.
Where there is no specific qualifying carbon data for items included in the assessment, then allowable carbon
information available for equivalent or closely similar products, that complies with the above requirements,
should be used. (also refer to EN 15978: 8.4 and 10.3)
The most recent geographically and technologically appropriate data should be selected depending on project
location and subject to anticipated supply chains.
Carbon data for modules [A1–A3], [B1], [B2], [B3], [C1],[C3], [C4] and [D] should be retrieved from the allowable
carbon data sources specified and used in line with the project-specific scenarios developed at building level.
Carbon figures for the remaining life stages [A4], [A5], [B4– B7], [C2] should be calculated on a project-specific
basis, considering the project location, likely procurement routes, anticipated operation and maintenance
schedules and EoL scenarios. Where EPD data is used for these modules, the carbon values should be adjusted
accordingly to fit the project-specific scenarios.
The assessor must explicitly state the data sources used in the WLC assessment.
The specific product data should not be older than five years and generic data not older than ten years. (refer to
EN 15804; 6.3.7)
Diesel CO2 emission factor can be assumed as 3186.3 kg CO2/tonne or 741.1 kg CO2/GJ (refer to NEA website on
Greenhouse Gas Emission Measurement and Reporting Guide for more information)
(ii) Embodied Carbon
Assessment Criteria
Applicable to new buildings (Non Residential and Residential) and existing buildings (Non-Residential and
Residential) undergoing addition and alteration works involving additional gross floor area (GFA) with new
construction, addition of floors with independent substructures
Embodied carbon of the development can be computed using the Building Embodied Carbon Calculator (BECC)
or the Singapore Building Carbon Calculator (SBCC) tool, which can be downloaded from the Singapore Green
Building Council (SGBC) website for use.
To harmonise carbon emissions data collection efforts during the design and construction phases of projects, and
to provide a standardised framework for the reporting of embodied carbon emissions, refer to the SGBC
Embodied Carbon in Buildings Calculation Guidance, which can be downloaded from SGBC website. The Guide
provides essential building materials that should be included within the scope for embodied carbon emissions
reporting for the project.
• Embodied Carbon computation (including substructure) of new buildings (Non Residential and
Residential) (0.5pt)
• Embodied Carbon computation (including substructure) of existing building (Non-Residential and
Residential) undergoing addition and alteration works involving additional gross floor area (GFA) with
new construction, addition of floors with independent substructures (1.0pt)
The reduction of embodied carbon for concrete, glass and steel under CN1.1 (ii) (b) or (c) shall be computed using
the Building Embodied Carbon calculator (BECC)/ Singapore Building Carbon Calculator (SBCC) hosted at the SGBC
• Where results show more than 10% reduction from the embodied carbon reference value for concrete,
glass and steel have been achieved, score of 1 point
• Where results show more than 30% reduction from the embodied carbon reference value for concrete,
glass and steel have been achieved, score of 2 points
Documentation Requirements
At Design stage (New Buildings) / Pre-retrofit stage (Existing Buildings):
• To submit results of embodied carbon footprint using the Building Embodied Carbon calculator (BECC)
in excel format or results (project details, component list, construction details accounting for A1 to A5
carbon emissions) from the Singapore Building Carbon Calculator (SBCC) using the template/ pdf format
with the relevant supporting documentation and calculations. Preliminary/proposed concrete mix
designs are acceptable at the design stage but as-built concrete mix designs must be submitted during
• For inputs of self-declaration of emission factors via the BECC or SBCC, project team must provide
documentation on the source of emission factors with the relevant detailed calculations.
• To submit results of as-built embodied carbon footprint using the Building Embodied Carbon calculator
(BECC) in excel format or results (project details, component list, construction details accounting for A1
to A5 carbon emissions) from the Singapore Building Carbon Calculator (SBCC) using the template/ pdf
format with the relevant supporting documentation and calculations. As-built concrete mix designs
highlighting the amendments/ changes in the mix (with supporting documents) to be submitted, if
• For inputs of self-declaration of emission factors via the BECC or SBCC, project team must provide
documentation on the source of emission factors with the relevant detailed calculations.
Guidance Notes
Embodied carbon of the development
Residential 1300
Industrial 2500
*Include the accounting of A5 Construction Phase embodied carbon emissions in the Reference value for all building
CN 1.2 2030 Transition Plan
To encourage and recognise advanced climate leadership of the building management in rapid decarbonization.
This section is aligned with the WorldGBC Net Zero Carbon Buildings commitment.
Assessment Criteria
CN 1.2 2030 Transition Plan New Buildings Existing Buildings
(i) Develop and publish as 2030 Transition For Non-Residential Buildings
Plan that delineates steps to deliver a net 3 Points
1 Point
zero carbon building from 2030 for the
asset under assessment, based on scope 1 For Residential Buildings
and 2 emissions 1 Point
Applicable to all new buildings and existing buildings with retrofitting works. All relevant building scope 1 and 2
operational energy related emissions which are under the direct control or are part of the base building scope.
Documentation Requirements
For New Buildings (Design Stage)
Submission of a 2030 Transition Plan as outlined below, endorsed by (i) the developer/building owner
For New Buildings (Verification Stage)
As-built transition plan and update of relevant information publicized.
For Existing Non-Residential Buildings
Submission of a 2030 Transition Plan as outlined below, endorsed by (i) the developer/building owner
representative. (3 points)
A detailed analysis of the scope 2 carbon emissions for the building with 50% offset by renewable energy
certificates (REC’s) compliant to SS 673: 2021 Singapore Standard Code of practice for renewable energy
certificates. (2 points)
For Existing Residential Buildings
Management Council to provide the transition plan for the development and guiding procurement policies with
evidence of resolutions passed in AGM’s that allow for the transition plan to be implemented.
Guidance Notes
The transition plan should follow the following outline.
• Commit advanced trajectory for project/portfolio/organisation building(s) to operate at net zero carbon
by 2030
• Disclose measure, disclose and assess annual asset and portfolio energy demand and carbon emissions.
Baseline needs to be disclosed publicly through corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting, the
entity’s website or market mechanisms. All scope 1 and scope 2 operational carbon emissions are to be
measured using carbon dioxide equivalence (CO2e) in tonnes (t) and over a continuous 12 month interval.
In summary, the portfolio working baseline is the direct emissions (scope 1) plus the indirect emissions
(scope 2) minus the avoided emissions (renewables and offsets)
Guiding Assumptions
- Carbon dioxide equivalence (CO2e) for scope 2 emissions relating from electricity use, grid emission
factor can be assumed as 0.4085 kg CO2/kWh (further information may be found on EMA’s website
on energy transformation)
- Diesel CO2 emission factor can be assumed as 3186.3 kg CO2/tonne or 741.1 kg CO2/GJ (further
information may be found in NEA website on Greenhouse Gas Emission Measurement and
Reporting Guide)
• Act Develop and implement a carbon emissions reduction strategy that includes energy demand
reduction targets, building measures to decarbonise grids and renewable energy procurement. Projects
are encouraged to use the energy efficiency pathways stipulated in Green Mark 2021 as evaluation
Renewable procurement
- Projects should follow a renewable hierachy where feasible. This includes renewable electricity,
produced either on-site or off-site, or by offsets; with generating supply to the local grid and
sufficient building measures which serve to decarbonise the grid as much as possible. The projects
considerations for the different renewable energy solutions should be included as part of report.
- Purchased renewable energy should follow SS 673: 2021 Singapore Standard Code of practice for
renewable energy certificates.
• Verify Demonstrate enhanced energy performance, reduced carbon emissions & progress towards net
zero carbon assets and portfolio. Publicly report progress annually against targets.
Net zero carbon is when the amount of carbon dioxide emissions associated with building operations on an
annual basis is zero or negative. Using WorldGBC’s definition, a net zero carbon building is highly energy efficient
and fully powered from on-site and/or off-site renewable energy sources and offsets.
Scope 1 emissions are defined as direct GHG emissions from sources that are owned or controlled by the
company [e.g. vehicles, industrial process loads, backup generators, refrigerants and natural gas]
Scope 2 emissions are defined as indirect GHG emissions from the generation of purchased electricity consumed
by the company [e.g. electricity, steam, heating and cooling consumed by the reporting asset]
CN 2 Construction
A maximum of 5 points can be scored across CN 2 Construction section.
(iv) Replacement of coarse and fine aggregates with CCA, 1 Point 1 Point
WCS and GF
*CN 2.1 (i) New and Existing buildings - 1 point for Non Residential; 2 points for Residential
Assessment Criteria
CN 2.1 Sustainable Construction New Buildings Existing Buildings
(i) Design with Low CUI to meet the following: For Non Residential For Non Residential
Buildings Buildings
1 Point 1 Point
Building types CUI
Non-Residential ≤ 0.35 For Residential Buildings For Residential Buildings
2 Points 2 Points
Residential ≤ 0.45
Industrial ≤ 0.45
Applicable to new buildings and existing buildings undergoing addition and alteration works involving additional
gross floor area (GFA) with new construction, addition of floors with independent substructures.
Documentation Requirements
At Design stage (New Buildings) / Pre-retrofit stage (Existing Buildings):
• Soft copy extracts of calculations (e.g. PDF format) from BIM software or calculation showing the
quantity of concrete for each floor level which should include all the concrete building elements, such
as non-load bearing and architectural concrete components;
• BIM model, architectural and structural plan layout, elevation and sectional plans showing the type of
building elements/systems used, the dimensions and sizes of all the building and structural elements;
• Soft copy extracts of calculations (e.g. PDF format) from BIM software or calculations supported by
detailed design drawings showing the use of alternative construction methods .
At Verification stage (New Buildings & Existing Buildings):
• Provide as-built BIM model or drawings and as-built CUI calculation for verification
Guidance Notes
CUI serves as an indicator of the amount of concrete used to construct the superstructure that includes both the
structural and non-structural elements. CUI does not include the concrete used for external works and
substructure works such as basements and foundations.
CUI is defined as the volume of concrete in cubic metres needed to cast a square metre of Constructed Floor Area
(CFA). The formula used for calculation is as follows:
Proposed non-residential development comprises a 30-storey block with a basement carpark and the following
Project Gross Floor Area (GFA) = 60,000m2. Superstructure elements are all precast.
Concrete usage for foundation and basement carpark works are excluded in CUI tabulation.
Project Reference No.: AXXXX-00001-20XX Total no. of storey for the project: 30
Block No: A GFA of project: 60,000m2
Structural System Volume of Remarks*
concrete (m3)
1 1st storey
1.1 Columns 120 C80 300x300 precast columns
1.2 Beams 320 Precast
1.3 Slabs 400 Post–tensioned
1.4 Staircases 93.5 Precast
1.5 Suspended structures like planter boxes, bay -
windows, ledges etc
1.6 Parapets 0 -
1.7 External walls - loadbearing walls 0 -
1.8 External walls – non-loadbearing walls 22 Precast green wall
1.9 Internal walls – loadbearing walls 55 RC
1.10 Internal walls –nonloadbearing walls 10 Light weight concrete
1.11 Others (kerbs, ramps, services risers, etc) 15 RC
Total volume of concrete for this storey (m3) 1,035.5
Total constructed floor area for this storey (m 2) 2,300
2 Typical storey (2nd to roof)
1.1 Columns 115 Precast
1.2 Beams 301.5 Precast
1.3 Slabs 320 Post–tensioned
1.4 Staircases 93.5 Precast
1.5 Suspended structures like planter boxes, bay -
windows, ledges etc
1.6 Parapets 0 -
1.7 External walls - loadbearing walls 0 -
1.8 External walls –non-loadbearing walls 22 Precast green wall
1.9 Internal walls – loadbearing walls 50 RC
1.10 Internal walls – nonloadbearing walls 10 Light weight concrete
1.11 Others (kerbs, ramps, services risers, etc) 0 RC
Total volume of concrete for one storey (m 3) 912
Total constructed floor area for one storey (m 2) 2630
Total volume of concrete for 2nd to 30th storey – includes roof level 27,360
Total constructed floor area for 2nd to 30th storey – includes roof 78,900
level (m2)
Total volume of superstructure concrete for this project (m 3) 28,395.5
Total constructed floor area of superstructure for this project (m 2) 81,200
*To indicate if the structural elements are of precast concrete, post-tensioned concrete, high strength concrete (>Grade 60)
or reinforced concrete (RC) under the ‘Remarks’ column.
Therefore, Therefore,
Total concrete usage = 28,395.5 m3 Total constructed floor areas = 81,200m2
Important notes: The quantities of the concrete for all the structural and non-structural elements for each floor level are to
be computed. All the elements listed in the table such as columns, beams, slabs, suspended structures (like planter boxes,
bay windows and ledges etc.), parapets, walls and others (service risers, kerbs, ramps etc.) are to be included. The derivation
of the concrete volume breakdown must be traceable on the drawings. The concrete usages for foundation and basement
works are to be excluded in CUI computation. For project with raft foundation that is also the floor slab of 1st level, half of
the volume will be accountable in the CUI calculation.
(ii) Adoption of Sustainable Building Systems and Design for Manufacturing and Assembly
To reduce the quantity of resources used and waste generated in the design and construction of the project.
Assessment Criteria
CN 2.1 Sustainable Construction New Buildings Existing Buildings
(ii) Adoption of building system to the following quantum of
the Constructed Floor Area (CFA)
Adoption of
Building Type sustainable building 1 Point 1 Point
Non-Residential ≥ 50% of CFA
Residential ≥ 55% of CFA
Applicable to new buildings and existing buildings undergoing addition and alteration works involving additional
gross floor area (GFA) with new construction, addition of floors with independent substructures. (Non Residential
and Residential)
1 point can be scored if the percentage of coverage on adoption of Sustainable building systems and Design for
Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA) that minimize resource use and waste, with a view to greater integration
of components and systems for the corresponding building type has been met. The following can be considered
jointly and severally based on percentage (%) coverage over constructed floor area.
Documentation Requirements
At Design stage (New Buildings) / Pre-retrofit stage (Existing Buildings):
• Soft copy extracts of calculations (e.g. PDF format) from BIM software or calculation showing the
percentage, the dimensions and sizes of all building elements/systems used with clear demarcations;
• BIM model, architectural and structural plan layout, elevation and sectional plans showing the type of
building elements/systems used, the dimensions and sizes of all the building and structural elements;
• Technical product information (including drawings and supporting documents) of the building
At Verification stage (New Buildings & Existing Buildings):
• Provide as-built BIM model or drawings and as-built calculations
• Provide final Buildable Design Score (B-score) for verification on sustainable building systems adopted
Guidance Notes
Note: Assume no overlaps in the area of coverage based on project plans. Alternatively, area of coverage can be directly
taken off from the plan drawings instead of using the tabular calculation format as shown above.
Assessment Criteria
CN 2.1 Sustainable Construction New Buildings Existing Buildings
(iii) Use of Low Carbon Concrete certified by SGBC or
equivalent local certification bodies (using CEM II – V
cements under SS EN 197-1) for ≥ 80% of applicable
superstructure works by volume
a. SGBP 2 ticks or equivalent administered by local 0.5 Point (NR) 0.5 Point (NR)
certification bodies 1.0 Point (R) 1.0 Point (R)
b. SGBP 3 ticks or equivalent administered by local 0.75 Point (NR) 0.75 Point (NR)
certification bodies 1.5 Point (R) 1.5 Point (R)
Applicable to new buildings and existing buildings undergoing addition and alteration works involving additional
gross floor area (GFA) with new construction, addition of floors with independent substructures. (Non Residential
and Residential)
Documentation Requirements
At Design stage (New Buildings) / Pre-retrofit stage (Existing Buildings):
• Extract of tender specification, or proposed concrete mix design, or plans showing use of at least SGBP
2 ticks and above or equivalent concrete
• Calculation showing extent of use of at least SGBP 2 ticks and above or equivalent concrete
• SGBC certification of the concrete products/mixes used for the project.
At Verification stage (New Buildings & Existing Buildings):
• As-built calculation showing extent of use of at least SGBP 2 ticks and above or equivalent concrete
• Delivery orders and details of the actual concrete mix used in the project
• SGBC certification of the concrete products/mixes used for the project.
(iv) Replacement of Aggregates
To reduce use of natural aggregates and promote circularity of materials.
Assessment Criteria
*Crushed concrete aggregate (CCA), referred to in current standards, was previously called recycled concrete
aggregate (RCA)
Applicable to new buildings and existing buildings undergoing addition and alteration works involving additional
gross floor area (GFA) with new construction, addition of floors with independent substructures. (Non Residential
and Residential)
A maximum of 1 point to meet both minimum requirements in terms of extent of usage and replacement levels
as shown in the table below:
Documentation Requirements
At Design stage (New Buildings) / Pre-retrofit stage (Existing Buildings):
• Extract of tender specification or proposed concrete mix design showing the maximum clinker content
and/or the detailed usage of recycled/ engineered/ alternative aggregates (e.g. CCA/WCS/GF);
• Calculation showing the quantity of recycled/ engineered/ alternative aggregates (e.g. CCA/WCS/GF) to
be used for the project;
• SGBC certification of the concrete products/mixes used for the project.
Guidance Notes
Worked example on the calculation for the adoption rate of sustainable building systems
The below illustrates different scenarios on how a project can calculate the points scored for this requirement,
CN 2.1 (iv).
In this example, the project has made the following aggregate replacements with reference to the above project
details under Worked Example for CUI:
Based on mix design, 20% of coarse aggregates are replaced with CCA for slabs. This fulfils the minimum
replacement amount requirement.
Next, calculate if the extent of usage meets the requirements of ≥ 1.5% x GFA.
Minimum usage requirement for CCA = 0.015 x GFA = 0.015 x 60,000 m2 = 900 tons
Therefore, points scored = 0.5 points
Based on mix design, 15% of fine aggregates are replaced with WCS for slabs. Thus, it does not fulfil the
minimum replacement requirement to score this point.
Based on mix design, 10% of fine aggregates are replaced with WCS for slabs. This fulfils the minimum
replacement amount requirement.
Next, calculate if the extent of usage meets the requirements of ≥ 0.75% x GFA.
Minimum usage requirement for WCS = 0.015 x GFA/2 = 0.015 x 60,000 m2/2 = 450 tons
Based on mix design, 40% of fine aggregates are replaced with GF for slabs. Thus, it does not fulfil the minimum
replacement requirement to score this point.
Based on mix design, 50% of fine aggregates are replaced with GF for slabs. This fulfils the minimum
replacement amount requirement.
Next, calculate if the extent of usage meets the requirements of ≥ 1.5% x GFA.
Minimum usage requirement for GF = 0.015 x GFA = 0.015 x 60,000 m2 = 900 tons
b) Scenario 2
Total points awarded for CN 2.1 (iv) = 1 point
CN 2.2 Sustainable Products & Finishes
To promote sustainable procurement of products, resource efficient and environmentally friendly specifications
of products in a building to minimise the resources used in the construction / retrofitting of the building.
Assessment Criteria
CN 2.2 Sustainable Products & Finishes New Buildings Existing Buildings
(i) ≥ 60% (by cost) or ≥ 80% (by areas) For Non Residential Buildings For Non Residential Buildings
of the Architectural and applicable 1 Point 2 Points
landscaping works are at least SGBP
2 ticks or equivalent administered by For Residential Buildings For Residential Buildings
local certification bodies 2 Points 2 Points
(ii) ≥ 60% (by cost) of Mechanical, For Non Residential Buildings For Non Residential Buildings
Electrical and Plumbing (MEP) 1 Point 3 Points
systems are SGBP certified or
equivalent administered by local For Residential Buildings For Residential Buildings
certification bodies 1 Point 3 Points
Applicable to all new buildings and existing buildings with retrofitting works or change of MEP systems. (Non
Residential and Residential)
There are two options (coverage by cost or by areas) for scoring. The project team should decide on either one
which is most appropriate for its context.
Documentation Requirements
At Design stage (New Buildings) / Pre-retrofit stage (Existing Buildings):
• Estimated cost of all the architectural and landscaping works/MEP systems* within the project’s cost
plan/ bill of quantities (BoQ), preferably prepared by an accredited cost consultant.
• Estimated cost of the certified architectural and landscaping products (at least 2 ticks)/MEP systems*
within the project’s cost plan/bill of quantities (BoQ), preferably prepared by an accredited cost
• Extracts of the tender design specification showing the building architectural and landscaping
works/MEP systems and descriptions of each systems
• Product certificates and catalogue
• Design drawings marking the use of the certified architectural and landscaping products (at least 2
ticks)/MEP systems*.
At Verification stage (New Buildings & Existing Buildings):
• Actual cost of all the architectural and landscaping works/MEP systems for the project, preferably
prepared by an accredited cost consultant
• Actual cost of the certified architectural and landscaping products (at least 2 ticks)/MEP systems* for
the project, preferably prepared by an accredited cost consultant
• Delivery order (DO) or Purchase order (PO) of the products with their corresponding green product
• Photographs and as built drawings showing the use of certified architectural and landscaping products
(at least 2 ticks)/MEP systems
• Calculation of as-built areas of all the architectural and landscaping works for the project
• Delivery order (DO) or Purchase order (PO) of the products with their corresponding green product
• Photographs and as-built drawings showing the use of certified architectural and landscaping products
Guidance Notes
• The coverage of ≥ 60% (by cost) or 80% (by areas) should include minimally at least 3 building
• For MEP systems where product types are not available in the SGBP certification (e.g Air conditioning
units at the time of writing), supporting documents such as Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)
can be accepted
• Other Environmental product certifications (based in Singapore) can be recognised where equivalence
is demonstrated in certification rigor and environmental performance
• Include external wall, roofing and landscaping work (exterior of the building)
• Exclude internal wall, flooring, ceiling, doors (interior of the building) which can score points under CN
3.2 Fit Out Products (Note: Price indicated are arbitrary for illustration only)
% of Cost for
Architectural At least SGBP Product
Typical Architectural Products at least SGBP
Systems 2 ticks Cost* ($)
2 ticks
Curtain wall Yes $100,000 12%
Integrated wall system $10,000
Wall panels Yes $50,000 6%
Blocks $10,000
Metal cladding $10,000
Base Waterproofing Yes $50,000 6%
Grouting Yes $50,000 6%
Sealant $10,000
Adhesives Yes $50,000 6%
Jointing $10,000
External Wall
Pointing $10,000
Skim coats Yes $50,000 6%
External paints (including
External face Yes $50,000 6%
External coatings $10,000
(Internal face
finishes to Corner beads $10,000
score under Corner protectors $10,000
GM3.2 Fit Out Fabrics $10,000
Wall papers $10,000
Wall tiles $10,000
Levelling base $10,000
RC flat roof Screed $10,000
base Waterproofing $10,000
Insulation $10,000
Frame roof Waterproofing $10,000
base Insulation $10,000
Metal sheets $10,000
Roof tiles Yes $50,000 6%
Tile grouts $10,000
Tiles $10,000
Paints and coatings $10,000
Adhesives $10,000
Pointing $10,000
Skirting $10,000
Composite timber decking $10,000
Outdoor play equipment $10,000
Outdoor Landscaping Pre-cast kerbs and drains $10,000
Drainage cells Yes $50,000 6%
Green wall panel Yes $50,000 6%
1 point for new building or 2 points for existing building with retrofitting will be award for project achieving ≥
60% of cost attributed to at least 3 products of SGBP 2 ticks or equivalent by local certification bodies.
2.2(ii) Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MEP) systems
% of Cost
At least
for at
MEP Level or Product
Typical MEP Products certified
Systems equiv. Cost* ($)
level or
equiv. GB
Automatic Tube Cleaning System Yes $10,000 1%
ACMV Centrifugal chiller Yes $300,000 37%
Cooling Tower Yes $100,000 12%
Chilled water pump $10,000
Condenser water pump $10,000
Heat pump $10,000
Domestic water pump $10,000
Duct Pre-insulated air conditioning duct Yes $30,000 4%
Mechanical Thermal
Thermal Insulation $10,000
Fan Ceiling cassette fan Yes $10,000 1%
IAQ Air filter MERV 14 Yes $10,000 1%
Siphonic Rainwater Drainage Yes $10,000 1%
Potable water $10,000
Pipes &
Non-potable water $10,000
Sanitary $10,000
Sewage $10,000
Power Cable LSOH $10,000
Cable Network Cable $10,000
Extra Low Voltage $10,000
Electrical connector $10,000
Electrical connector
Switchboard Switchboard $10,000
VSD Variable Speed Drive $10,000
Vertical Elevator $100,000
transport Escalator Yes $100,000 12%
1 point for new building or 3points for existing building with retrofitting will be award for project achieving ≥
60% of cost attributed to at least 3 products of SGBP certified or equivalent by local certification bodies.
Worked Example - Area
At least % of area
Architectural level-2 Product for at least
Typical Architectural Products
Systems GB Area* (m2) level-2 GB
products products
AAC block wall Yes 5,000 9%
Base External precast wall Yes 5,000 9%
Curtain wall Yes 5,000 9%
External Wall
Plastering Yes 5,000 9%
External face
External paints (including 5,000
finishes Yes 9%
Levelling base Yes 2,000 4%
Screed Yes 2,000 4%
RC flat roof base
Waterproofing Yes 2,000 4%
Insulation 2,000
Roofing Waterproofing Yes 2,000 4%
Insulation 2,000
Finishes Roof tiles Yes 2,000 4%
Tile grouts 2,000
Tiles 2,000
Composite timber decking Yes 2,000 4%
Outdoor play equipment Yes 2,000 4%
Outdoor Landscaping Pre-cast kerbs and drains 2,000
Drainage cells Yes 2,000 4%
Green wall panel Yes 2,000 4%
1 point for new building or 2 points for existing building with retrofitting will be award for project achieving ≥
80% of area attributed to at least 3 products of SGBP 2 ticks or equivalent by local certification bodies.
CN 2.3 Conservation, Resource Recovery and Waste Management
To encourage conservation of existing building structure, recovery of demolished building materials for reuse
and/or recycling and waste management.
Assessment Criteria
CN 2.3 Conservation, Resource Recovery and
New Buildings Existing Buildings
Waste Management
(i) Existing structures are conserved and not 1 Point 1 Point
Applicable to new buildings or existing buildings undergoing major retrofitting work and > 30 years old
Applicable to all structural and non-structural components constituting the building superstructure.
Documentation Requirements
At Design stage (New Buildings) / Pre-retrofit stage (Existing Buildings):
• Conservation permit and supporting documents if applicable
• Pre-demolition assessment records of demolition site showing clear recovery/ recycling targets and
estimated quantities of salvageable materials and submission of the pre-demolition audit form
• Method statement detailing how sequential demolition is to be carried out
• Waste management plans such as plan layout showing locations of recycling bins for collection and
storage of different recyclable waste, records of waste movement from site to recycling facilities,
proposed usage of the various types of recovered waste
• Details of best practice pollution prevention policies and procedures at construction and demolition
• Documentary evidence on the appointment of environmental specialists during construction stage
• Copy of the main builder’s Green and Gracious Builder award with Merit and above rating and ISO
14000 certificate
Details on the demolition protocol, site waste management plan and pre-demolition audit form can be found
CN 3 Fit Out
A maximum of 5 points can be scored across CN 3 Fit Out section
Assessment Criteria
Documentation Requirements
At Design stage (New Buildings) / Pre-retrofit stage (Existing Buildings):
• To provide Letter of commitment with clear documentation process on how the project aims to
implement the level of green lease for the tenants. The green lease document should be finalised
indicating the environmental standards to assist tenants in making their fit-out and downstream
operation decisions.
BCA Green Lease Toolkit: https://www1.bca.gov.sg/docs/default-source/docs-corp-buildsg/sustainability/green-
CN 3.2 Fit Out Products
Assessment Criteria
Fit out products with Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) certification can score additional points at
Innovation section
Documentation Requirements
At Design stage (New Buildings) / Pre-retrofit stage (Existing Buildings):
• List of green products that will be used for the common areas with indication on floor plan
• Valid green product certifications by an approved local certification body
• Catalogue of the green product
• Calculation of the value cost or area for all fit-out products
• For tenanted spaces, project that aims to score point will have to provide a letter of commitment with
implementation plan for their tenants.
• Evidence (e.g. photographs) of where the green building products are being deployed
• Calculation of the conserved/value cost or area for all fit-out products
• List of green products that will be used for the common areas with indication on floor plan
• Valid green product certifications by an approved local certification body
Guidance Notes
Worked Example
Example of a proposed development with the following provisions:
Components Typical Products Conserved or Product % cost of
at least 2 ticks Cost ($)* or product
GB product? Area (m2) conserved or at
least 2 ticks GB
Internal Wall Base Lightweight wall Conserved $10,000
Drywalls Conserved $10,000 1.8%
Blocks Conserved $10,000 1.8%
Waterproofing Conserved $10,000 1.8%
Jointing Conserved $10,000 1.8%
Wall grouting Conserved $10,000 1.8%
Boarding insulation Conserved $10,000 1.8%
Finishes Plastering Conserved $10,000 1.8%
Skim coat Conserved $10,000 1.8%
Corner beads Conserved $10,000 1.8%
Corner protectors Conserved $10,000 1.8%
Fabrics No $10,000 0%
Wall papers No $10,000 0%
Wall tiles No $10,000 0%
Tiles grouting vinyl No $10,000 0%
Laminates No $10,000 0%
Veneers No $10,000 0%
Adhesives Yes $10,000 1.8%
Paint Yes $10,000 1.8%
Flooring Base Levelling base Conserved $10,000 1.8%
Floor screed Conserved $10,000 1.8%
Waterproofing Conserved $10,000 1.8%
Raised floor Insulation Yes $10,000 1.8%
systems Underlay Yes $10,000 1.8%
Carpets/ carpet tiles Yes $10,000 1.8%
Floor Underlays Yes $10,000 1.8%
finishes Coatings Yes $10,000 1.8%
Grouting Yes $10,000 1.8%
Pointing Yes $10,000 1.8%
Skirting Yes $10,000 1.8%
Adhesives Yes $10,000 1.8%
Carpets Yes $10,000 1.8%
Vinyl’s Yes $10,000 1.8%
Tiles Conserved $10,000 1.8%
Laminate flooring N.A. $10,000 0%
Timber flooring N.A. $10,000 0%
Marble flooring N.A. $10,000 0%
Ceiling Base Plastering Conserved $10,000 1.8%
Skim coat Conserved $10,000 1.8%
Finishes Ceiling boards Conserved $10,000 1.8%
Insulation adhesives Conserved $10,000 1.8%
Paint finish Conserved $10,000 1.8%
Coatings Conserved $10,000 1.8%
Door Base Glass door Conserved $10,000 1.8%
Wooden door Conserved $10,000 1.8%
Door leaf Conserved $10,000 1.8%
Door laminates Conserved $10,000 1.8%
Paint Conserved $10,000 1.8%
Veneers Conserved $10,000 1.8%
Vinyl sheets Conserved $10,000 1.8%
Door Varnish Conserved $10,000 1.8%
Coating Conserved $10,000 1.8%
Accessories Door frame Conserved $10,000 1.8%
Door frame finishes Conserved $10,000 1.8%
ironmongery Conserved $10,000 1.8%
Total Cost $550,000 82.8%
1 point or 2 points will be award for project achieving 82.8% of products with at least SGBP 2 ticks or equivalent
administered by local green building product certification bodies. The same methodology would apply for
common areas and tenanted spaces (including conservation of fit-out products).
* Price indicated are arbitrary for illustration only. If cost of conserved product is not available, to provide best
estimate from existing source
CN 3.3 Tenancy Offsets
Assessment Criteria
Applicable to new buildings with occupants and tenants (Residential only) and existing buildings with occupants
and tenants (Non Residential and Residential). To demonstrate leadership to support tenants in the transition
towards low/net-zero carbon buildings. This section is aligned with the WorldGBC Net Zero Carbon Buildings
commitment of Advocacy.
Documentation Requirements
At Design stage (New Buildings) / Pre-retrofit stage (Existing Buildings):
• To provide Letter of commitment with clear documentation process on how the project aims to
implement the offset of tenants / common areas energy consumption.
Supporting documents could include but not limited to: serial no. of renewable energy certificates and carbon credits,
vintage/ year, origin/ source of renewable energy generation or carbon offsets.
2 Projects are encouraged to follow the renewable hierachy where feasible. This includes renewable electricity, produced
either on-site or off-site, or by offsets; with generating supply to the local grid and sufficient building measures which serve
to decarbonise the grid as much as possible
Whole Life Carbon - Innovation
Assessment Criteria
Whole Life Carbon - Innovation New Buildings Existing Buildings
Projects can demonstrate substantial performance to a specific
Carbon indicator or outcome, where innovation points can be 2 Points 2 points
awarded on a case-by-case basis. Points shall be awarded based
on the strength of evidence of benefits and potential impact.
Documentation Requirements
At Design stage (New Buildings) / Pre-retrofit stage (Existing Buildings):
The project team is to submit a concise summary that articulates:
• The nature of the environmental benefit of their intervention/innovation
• Justify the impact of the intervention through detailed calculations and comparisons with industry
• Substantiate the calculations and comparisons with evidence and data.
Guidance Notes
Projects can innovate to go above and beyond to attain exceptional Carbon outcomes as intended in one or
more criteria or demonstrate unique solutions to enhance other aspects of carbon not specified in the criteria.
Innovations will be considered on a case by case basis.
An example, with reference to the Carbon section criteria, would include but not limited to:
• CN 1.1, to conduct a full scope Whole Life Carbon Assessment
• CN 2.1 Use of NEWSand in non-structural applications
• CN 2.1 Use of carbon mineralisation technologies
• CN 2.1 Use of 100% granite fines as aggregate replacement
• CN 2.2 and CN 2.3 Recognising products with EPDs
• CN2.3 Recognising the use of low carbon technologies and solutions as part of sustainable
construction practices (e.g. use of low carbon construction site generators, energy storage solutions,
electric construction equipment, etc.)
• CN 2.3 Recognising design for Disassembly/Future adaptability – to facilitate future changes and
dismantlement (in part or whole) for recovery of systems, components and materials
Appendix 1 – Whole Life Carbon Assessment
Figure 5: Whole life carbon assessment corresponding to the life cycle stages
Lifecycle Stages:
Modules A1 – A3 : Product Stage
Product stage accounts for carbon emissions arising from the cradle to gate processes; raw material supply,
transport and manufacturing.
Carbon emissions of materials from the product stage [A1–A3] can be calculated using the BCA Carbon calculator.
Alternatively, they can be calculated by assigning suitable emission factors derived from acceptable data sources,
such as EPDs provided by the manufacturer (b) to the given elemental material quantities (a).
[A1-A3] Carbon emissions = Material quantity (a) × Material emission factor (b)
[A4] Transport emissions must include all stages of the journey of the products following their departure from
the final manufacturing plant to the project site, taking into account any interim stops at storage depots and/or
distribution centres.
[A5] The construction – installation process emissions arising from any on- or off-site construction-related
activities must be included. This includes any energy consumption for site accommodation, plant use and the
impacts associated with any waste generated through the construction process, its treatment and disposal.
[A4] Transport carbon emissions can be calculated using the BCA Carbon Calculator or any software tools listed
in Table 4.
[A5] Construction installation process emissions can be calculated using the BCA Carbon Calculator or any
software tools listed in Table 4.
Reasonable Use scenarios should be developed for maintenance, repair, replacement, refurbishment and
operation of the building based on project-specific information and consultation with the project team.
[B1] In use emissions – To account for emissions released from building elements arising from the normal
conditions of use and the impact of potential carbon absorption to be included. For example, emissions arising
from refrigerants, insulation blowing agents, paints, etc. over the life cycle of the building.
[B2] Maintenance emissions - To account for emissions arising from the following building element categories –
Roof, External walls, Windows and External Doors, Finishes and Services (MEP). Additional items should be
included as appropriate if specific information on their maintenance is provided.
Emissions arising from activities relating to maintenance processes for functional and technical performance of
the building façade and building integrated technical systems, including cleaning, products used are to be
Reasonable Maintenance scenarios should be developed based on data from facilities management and
maintenance strategy reports, façade access and maintenance strategies, lifecycle cost reports, O&M manuals
and professional guidance.
Example: Painting work on window frames, doors etc. and the annual inspection of and maintenance of the boiler,
replacement of filters in heat recovery or air conditioner.
Minimum WLC Assessment scope on [B2] – Emissions from Façade maintenance to be included
The façade maintenance should minimally cover the cleaning and painting of the building. While the cleaning
cycle may vary depending on many factors, where there is no specific qualifying data for items the following
assumptions may be utilised.
Guiding Assumptions
Cleaning Resources used Glass Surface (Wet Method)
Water usage: 213.7 g/m2
Detergent usage: 1.8 g/m2
Aluminium Panels (Wet Method)
Water usage: 119.7 g/m2
Detergent usage: 3.6 g/m2
[B3] Repair emissions – To account for emissions arising from building element categories, which are also
applicable as maintenance emissions in [B2].
Emissions arising from activities relating to repair processes and any products used, including waste management
and EoL stage of the removed part of the components and/or products are to be included.
Reasonable Repair scenarios should be developed based on data from facilities management and maintenance
strategy reports, façade access and maintenance strategies, lifecycle cost reports, O&M manuals and professional
Example: For a window with a broken pane, emissions include waste generated by the pane, production,
transportation of a new pane and all impacts due to the repair process (rubber seals, etc.) (Note: applies to the
same building element categories as Maintenance emissions)
[B4] Replacement emissions – include emissions from anticipated replacement of building components,
including any emissions from the replacement process. These will occur at different cycles depending on the
original specification and corresponding life span of different elements. Where there is no specific qualifying data
for the lifespan of components, reference can be made to Table : Indicative Life span of Components in calculating
the replacement emissions.
Emissions arising from the production, transportation to site and installation of the replacement items, including
waste management and EoL stage of the removed component and/ or products are to be included. This is also
applicable to any losses during these processes, and the carbon associated with component removal and EoL
Example: Replacement of a roof beam, partition wall, window (frame, glass), etc.
Minimum WLC Assessment scope on [B4] – Emissions from ACMV replacement to be included
The minimum assessment should include the replacement of building Air-conditioning system. Where there is no
specific qualifying data, assessors may refer to table on Indicative lifespan of components.
In the absence of more specific data, lifespans provided should be used for the components listed. Where with
the actual life expectancies of the specific items to be used in the project are available, they should be used
Worked Example
RSP : Design life span = 50 yrs
Life span of Air-cooled chilled water system = 15 yrs
Total no. of Replacement cycles
= 50 – 15 = 2.3
Minimum no. of Replacement cycles = 2
[B5] Refurbishment emissions – include emissions from building components used in refurbishment and from
the refurbishment activities.
Emissions arising from the production, transportation to site and installation of the replacement items, , including
waste management of the refurbishment process and EoL stage of the replaced component must be included.
This is also applicable to any losses during these processes, and the carbon associated with component removal
and EoL treatment.
Calculation of Refurbishment emissions should account for any material additions and variations as per new build
instead of like for like as in replacement. If no requirements for refurbishment is stated in Client’s brief, scenarios
for refurbishment shall be typical for the type of building being assessed.
Example: A major change of the internal layout (partitioning) and/ or the building envelope, change of technical
systems related to heating, cooling or air conditioning, modifications for the purposes of a planned or expected
change of use.
[B6] Operational energy use – include emissions from energy use of building integrated systems as projected
and/ or measured throughout the lifecycle of the project. Carbon emissions from non-building related systems
e.g. ICT equipment, cooking appliances, specialist equipment, etc. should be included.
All energy generating units (renewable and non-renewable sources) located within the building site, regardless
if they have other functions such as providing protection against rain and wind penetration to the roof, or façade,
must be included in the assessment.
Example: Photovoltic panels installed in the garden of the site, which does not form part of the building envelope
but delivering energy for use in the building or as exported energy should be included in the assessment.
[B7] Operational water use include all building integrated water consuming processes of building under
operation such as processes for drinking water, domestic hot water, irrigation of associated landscape areas,
green roofs and green walls, water for heating, cooling, ventilation and humidification, other specific water use
of building-integrated systems. (Note: [B7] is excluded from WLC assessment)
Example: Fountains, swimming pools, saunas. (Note: [B7] is excluded from WLC assessment. Energy use
associated with providing domestic hotwater and other water use related systems are included in module [B6])
[C1] Deconstruction and demolition emissions – include emissions arising from any onsite or offsite
deconstruction and demolition activities. Energy consumption for site accommodation and plant use must be
accounted for.
[C2] = Mass of waste to be transported (a) x Transport emission factor (b) x Distance to disposal site
[Note: Assume average heavy goods vehicle (HGV) with 50% load to account for vehicles coming to site empty
and leaving with 100% load.]
[C3] Waste Processing for reuse, recovery or recycling emissions – include emissions in treating and processing
materials/ components intended to be recovered or recycled prior to reaching end of waste state.
To develop EoL scenarios for each item. Data from relevant EPDs should be used, adjusted accordingly to suit the
EoL scenario.
[C4] Disposal emissions – include emissions of items not being recovered for reuse and/or recycling but intended
for final disposal either in landfill or incineration.
To develop EoL scenarios for each item. Data from relevant EPDs should be used, adjusted accordingly to suit the
EoL scenario.
To calculate figures for module D, the figures should be reported as potential savings under module D, reported
in kgCO2e/m2 and calculated as follows (see also RICS PS Section 3.5.5):
For a particular component, (e.g. a steel beam), the figures for modules A1-A3 should be used plus an allowance
for transport to the future site.
For an entire structural frame that will remain on site for future reuse, the figures from both the product and
construction stages should be used (modules A1-A5), plus an allowance against any avoided deconstruction,
using the figures for modules C1, C2 and C4.
Biogenic carbon
Factors and Influences on assessment
Refer to RICS Professional Standard on Whole Life Carbon Assessment for the built environment 2nd edition
section 4.11. Notable sub sections include the treatment of Biogenic carbon, carbonation, and material
Life cycle stages corresponding to Standards reference
[D] Benefits and loads beyond the system boundary 7.4.6 and 8.8 and 6.4.3
CN References
• Royal Institution of Charted Surveyors Professional Statement. (2017). Whole Life Carbon Assessment
for the Built Environment 1st edition.
• Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Professional Statement. (2023). Whole Life Carbon
Assessment for the Built Environment 2nd edition
• British Standards Institution. (2011). Sustainability of construction works — Assessment of
environmental performance of buildings — Calculation method. (BS EN 15978:2011).
• British Standards Institution. (2020). Sustainability of construction works – Environmental product
declarations - Core rules for the product category of construction products. (BS EN
• Greater London Authority (2020). Whole Life-Cycle Carbon Assessments guidance – Pre-consultation
• Royal Institute of British Architects. (2017). Embodied and Whole Life Carbon assessment for
• World Green Building Council (2019). Bringing embodied carbon upfront.
• Craig, J., & Geoffrey, H. (2019). Inventory of Carbon & Energy (Version 3.0) [Data set].
• Singapore Green Building Council. (n.d.). Singapore Green Building Product Certification Scheme.
• United Kingdom Green Building Council. (2021, March 9). Renewable Energy Procurement & Carbon
Offsetting – Guidance for net zero carbon buildings. https://www.ukgbc.org/wp-
content/uploads/2021/03/Renewable-Energy -Procurement-Carbon-Offsetting-Guidance-for-Net-
• Kim, D. G., Kim, K. Y., & Kim, B. K. (2011). Facade Cleaning Process Analysis and Evaluation for the
Development of an Intelligent Robotic System for High-Rise Building Maintenance. 28th International
Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2011). doi:10.22260/isarc2011/0278
• Chew, M. Y. L. (2010). 7.5 Maintenance and Cleaning. In M. Y. L. Chew (Ed.), Maintainability of
Facilities: For Building Professionals (pp. 428–438). essay, World Scientific.
Technical Guide:
Ms. Chan Vun Ching GMAAP Building and Construction Authority
Mr. Edwin Koh GMAP Building and Construction Authority
Ms. Goh Li Xuan Building and Construction Authority
Mr. Soh Hui Han Building and Construction Authority
Ms. Regina Arokiaraj GMAAP Building and Construction Authority
Ms Yeong Sok Ming GMAAP Building and Construction Authority
Ar. Benjamin Towell GMAAP Building and Construction Authority
Mr Low Giau Leong GMAAP Building and Construction Authority
Ms Yew Wey Ling GMAAP Building and Construction Authority
Mr. Lem Yang Lim GMAP Singapore Green Building Council
Mr. Jidesh Kambil GMAP Singapore Green Building Council
Mr. Chong Kai Yi Singapore Green Building Council
Mr. Alvin Tan Singapore Green Building Council
Mr. Wong Wei Loong GMAAP Jurong Town Corporation
Mr. Ng Kian Wee Jurong Town Corporation
Ms. Gwen Goh Building and Construction Authority
Mr. Muthukumaran Anbalagan Building and Construction Authority
Er. Lung Hian Hao Building and Construction Authority
Er. Lim Kheng Guan Building and Construction Authority
Er. Tay Ah Ching Building and Construction Authority
Mr. Deva Lutchia Building and Construction Authority