D&D 5e - Keys From The Golden Vault

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Introduction ................................................. 4 Tockworth's Clockworks ....................... 70 Using the Golden Vault .......................... 135
Using the Adventures ................................. 5 Adventure Background ............................ 71 What Really Happened .......................... 135
Run ning the Adventures ............................ 5 Usin!{_the Golden Vault ............................ 71 Tawvn ofOztocan ...................................... 136
The Golden Vault... ...................................... 6 Into the Underdark .................................... 71 Xeluan's Tomb .......................................... 139
Heist Complications .................................... 7 Meeting the Mayor .................................... 72 Conclusion ................................................. 147
The Murkmire Malevolence ................. 10 Planning the Heist .................................... 72 Heart of Ashes ........................................ 148
Adventure Background ............................ 11 Little Lockford Overview ......................... 74 Ad ven t ure B ac k groun d ......................... . 149
Using the Golden Vault ............................ 11 Little Lockford Locations ........................ 76 Using the Golden Vault .......................... 150
Cry for Help ............................................. 12 Conclusion ................................................... 84 Heart of the Matter .................................. 150
The Opening Gala ..................................... 15 Stat Blocks .................................................. 84 Planning the Heist .................................. 150
arkenbluff Museum of Masterpiece Imbroglio ........................... 86 Castle Cinis ............................................... 152
atural History ....................................... 18 Adventure Background ............................ 87 The Void ..................................................... 158
Conclusion ................................................... 23 Adventure Hooks ....................................... 87 Conclusion ................................................. 159
The Murkmire Stone ................................ 25 Using the Golden Vault ............................ 87 Affair on the Concordant Express .... 160
The Stygian Gambit ................................ 26 Barn Visit. .................................................... 88 Adventure Background .......................... 161
dventure- Background ................ ............ 27 Planning the Heist .................................... 89 Adventure Hooks ..................................... 161
Usi ng the Golden Vault ............................ 27 Agile Hand Guildhouse ............................ 91 Using the Golden Vault .......................... 162
Starting the Adventure ............................. 27 Conclusion ................................................. 100 Glitch the Quadrone ................................ 162
Planning the Heist .................................... 30 Magic Item ................................................. 101 The Concordant Express ....................... 162
The Afterlife Casino .................................. 30 Axe from the Grave ................................ 102 Train Cars ................................................. 167
Conclusion ................................................... 39 Adventure Background .......................... 103 Conclusion ................................................. 174
Reach for the Stars .................................. 40 Using the Golden Vault .......................... 104 Party at Paliset Hall .............................. 176
Adventure Background ............................ 41 Toadhop ..................................................... 104 Adventure Background .......................... 177
Using the Golden Vault ............................ 41 Mackerel and Trout ................................. 105 Using the Golden Vault .......................... 178
Adventure Hooks ....................................... 42 Planning the Heist .............. .................... 107 Meeting Fifel... .......................................... 178
Meeting Elra ............................................... 42 Skalderang Conservatory...................... 108 Planning the Heist .................................. 179
Elra's Camp ................................................, 42 Conclusion ............... .................................. 116 Loch Wynnis ............................................. 179
Delphi Mansion .......................................... 44 Sythian Skalderang ................................ 117 Sundown Crossing .................................. 182
Conclusion ................................................... 52 Vidorant's-Vault ..,................................... 118 Paliset Hall ................................................ 182
Stat Blocks .................................................. 53 Adventure Background .......................... 119 The Crestfall Coven ................................ 191
Prisoner 13 ................................................ 54 Using the Golden Vault .......................... 120 The Solitaire Cracks ............................... 192
Adventure Background ............................ 55 Steal the Diadem ..................................... 120 Conclusion ................................................. 192
Adventure Hooks ....................................... 55 Preparation ............................................... 120 Secrets of the Shard Solitaire .............. 193
Using the Golden Vault ............................ 55 The Vault... ................................................. 123 Fire and Darkness ................................. 194
Va rrin's Proposition .................................. 56 Vidorant Arrives ...................................... 130 Adventure Background .......................... 195
Trek to the Prison ...................................... 58 Conclusion ................................................. 131 Hooks and Rewards ................................ 195
Revel's End ........................ .......................... 59 Shard of the Accursed .......................... 132 Using the Golden Vault .......................... 196
Conclusion ................................................... 69 Adventure Background .......................... 133 Planning the Heist .................................. 196
The Accursed Shard ............................... 133 Brimstone Hold ........................................ 198
Adventure Hooks ..................................... 135 Conclusion ................................................. 207
Index ......................................................... 208

EYS FROM THE GOLDEN VAULT PRESENTS When a creature's name appears in bold type,
thirteen DUNGEONS & DRAGONS adventures that's a visual cue pointing you to its stat block as
that feature heists. In each adventure, the a way of saying, "Hey, DM, get this creature's stat
characters receive a mission, plan the job, block ready. You're going to need it." If the stat block
execute their plan, and try to escape the scene. You appears elsewhere, the text tells you so; otherwise,
can run each heist as a standalone adventure or you can find the stat block in the Monster anual.
part of a larger campaign (see "A Campaign of Spells and equipment mentioned in th adventure
Heists" later in this introduction). Each adventure are described in the Player's Handbook. agic
can be adapted to take place in any campaign set- items are described in the Dungeon Mas er's Guide
ting you wish. unless the adventure's text directs you to an item's
description elsewhere.
The Heist Adventures table summarizes the adven-
tures in this anthology. Each adventure is designed This book's adventures require the characters to
for fo ur to six characters of a particular level and practice teamwork. Encourage your players to think
adheres to the following narrative structure: of their characters as longtime associates or per-
haps relatives so they feel tight-knit from the start.
Mission Briefing. The characters are recruited to Similarly, ask your players to consider creating
undertake a specific job. In most cases, this in- characters suited to undertaking heists. Combat
volves procuring an object. prowess is less important when sneaking through
Plan the Heist. The characters investigate the a guarded complex, for example, whereas stealth,
heist location, learn about the obstacles they need skill with locks, social skills, clever problem-solving,
to overcome, and strategize about completing and versatile character abilities will shine.
the job. Each adventure includes a way for the Well-outfitted characters are also more likely to
characters to create or obtain a map of the tar- succeed at these adventures. Equipment such as
get location. thieves' tools, rope, and a grappling hook might
Execute the Heist. The characters enact their mean the difference between taking a shortcut to
plans. Unforeseen complications often arise the objective and getting caught.
during this stage. Characters can accomplish these adventures'
Conclude the Heist. The characters' success missions in multiple ways. As the Dungeon Master,
determines their reward and how the story might reward creative thinking!
progress beyond the main adventure.
T hese short adventures work best with players who A CAMPAIGN OF HEISTS
enjoy the heist genre. In addition to thrills, drama, You can combine the adventures in this book to
s trategizing; and twists, each adventure includes op- form a campaign. Each adventure would be an epi-
portunities for exploration, roleplaying, and combat. sode in the campaign, with you filling in the details
of the characters' stories between jobs.
RUNNING THE ADVENTURES If you go this route, encourage the players to
To run these adventures, you need the fifth edition create a crack team and a base of operations, a
core rulebooks (Player's Handbook, Dungeon Mas- supporting cast of allies, and other hallmarks of
ter's Guide, and Monster Manual). a heist crew. Have your group decide on these de-
tails before play begins so the adventures progress
Text that appears in a box like this is meant to be To ensure the characters are always prepared for
read aloud or paraphrased for the players when their their next heist, make sure their level matches the
characters first arrive at a location or under a specific heist's level, as shown in the Heist Adventures table.
circumstance, as described in the text. For example, the characters should be 2nd level
before undertaking "The Stygian Gambit."
Adventure Level Description
The Murkmire Malevolence Retrieve a mysterious egg ensconced in a museum to avert disaster.
The Stygian Gambit 2 Rob a Nine Hells-themed casino built with stolen money.
Reach for the Stars 3 Search for The Celestial Codex in a mansion warped by the Far Realm.
Prisoner 13 4 Obtain the key to a vault from a spymaster imprisoned in Revel's End .
Tockworth's tlockworks S Liberate a svirfneblin town besieged by clockwork automatons.
Masterpiece I roglio s Infiltrate a thieves' guild to retrieve a stolen painting.
Axe from the Grave 6 Recover a stolen mandolin to lay a dead bard's spirit to rest.
Vidorant's Vault 7 Retrieve a stolen diadem from the vault of a notorious thief.
Shard of the Accursed 8 Use a magical shard to mend a giant's broken heart and save a town from
Heart of Ashes 8 Retrieve a king 's heart to save his kingdom from a terrible fate.
Affair on the Concordant Express 9 Obtain information from a stranger traveling aboard an interplanar train.
Party at Paliset Hall 10 Snatch a diamond from an archmage in the Feywild.
Fire and Darkness 11 Wrest the Book of Vile Darkness from an efreeti and his lackeys.

handler might share a recent discovery. If the char-

acters need special equipment, their handler might
A heist crew might have a patron organization that be able to obtain it for them, provided the equipment
hires the characters to undertake these adventures. is readily available and not too expensive.
If you wish to use such an organization, consider the If you decide to use the Golden Vault as the char-
Golden Vault. acters' patron organization, work with the players
Rumored to be associated with metallic dragons, to determine what heroic or impressive deeds their
the Golden Vault is a secretive organization that has characters performed in their backstories to gain
its base on one of the good-aligned Outer Planes. Its the attention of the Golden Vault. Then improvise a
membership and activities are almost impossible for roleplayiog scene in which the characters meet their
outsiders to track, but those in the know are aware Golden Vault handler.
that the organization rights moral wrongs, supports
virtuous underdogs, and handles delicate situations KEYS FROM THE GOLDEN VAULT
local authorities won't touch. The Golden Vault's
If~hcharacters become Golden Vault operatives,
motto reflects its primary motivation: "Do good, no
they r: ceive an ornate, key-operated music box from
matter the cost." Missions from the Golden Vault
thei handler. Each adventure in this book includes
are often illegal, but they always support a just,
a "Using the Golden Vault" section, in which the
moral cause.
Golden Vault dispatches a golden key to the group,
The Golden Vault's undercover operatives mon-
usually via a hired courier. When the golden key is
itor adventuring groups from major cities on the
inserted into the characters' music box and turned,
Material Plane. An operative might be a priest, a
the box pops open and plays a message that assigns
scholar, a charity worker, a government liaison, a
them a heist, provides basic details, and sets them
philanthropis , or any other upstanding local.
on the right path. After the message plays, the box
Once an a enturing group proves itself effec-
closes and the key vanishes.
tiv and v· uous, an operative approaches the
characters to offer Golden Vault membership. HEROES IN THE SHADOWS
Should the group accept, its members join the ranks
Secrecy is paramount for the Golden Vault. To pro-
of the Golden Vault, and the person who invited
,. them becomes their handler for future missions.
tect the organization, the characters' handler never
provides more information than is absolutely neces-
For an example of a handler, see the "Meera Ra-
sary. Similarly, Golden Vault operatives are aware
heer" section.
of only a handful of their fellow members. This com-
If the characters get stuck, the Golden Vault can
provide unexpected help. For instance, if the char- partmentalization ensures no one individual knows
enough to jeopardize the organization at large.
acters lack vital information needed for a heist, their

fighting against government corruption, and Meera
has followed in her parents' footsteps, continuing
their anti-corruption work by becoming a city's clerk
and a member of the Golden Vault.
Meera lives and breathes city protocols, proce-
dures, and statutes. She also understands that
sometimes doing the right thing means operating
outside the law.

Unforeseen complications are an iconic aspect of
heist narratives. Whether they take the form of a
rival crew appearing out of nowhere or a treasure
that turns out to be fake, complications ratchet up
the tension and require the characters to think on
their feet.
If you want to challenge your players, consider
adding one of the complications below to any of this
book's adventures.


Many of this book's heists involve procuring a Mac-
Guffin. Part of preparing for these heists is deter-
mining where the MacGuffin in question is located.
If the characters are having too easy of a time find-
ing the MacGuffin, consider shifting its location to
another place that makes sense. Or consider reveal-
ing that the MacGuffin is a fake, and the real prize
is still nearby. The characters should still be able to
MEER/\ RAHEER determine where it's really located.
For example, in "The Murkmire Malevolence,"
perhaps the MacGuffin is no longer in the Gemstone
Wing and is being stored in the museum's attic
Should operatives be caught breaking the law overnight. The characters could learn this detail by
while serving the Golden Vault, the organization reading notes they discover in the curator's office or
does its best to protect them. It may pull strings by questioning one of the museum guards.
to ensure members aren't incarcerated-or If you use the moving Mac Guffin complication, be
worse- depending on the organization's resources careful of moving the MacGuffin more than once.
in the area. Having trouble locating the object of the heist could
unduly frustrate your players.
Meera Raheer (lawful good, human commoner) is a RIVAL CREW
Golden Vault handler you can assign to oversee your A rival crew vying for the same goal can increase
players' heist crew. the pressure on the characters. Regardless of
When Meera was young, her kindhearted and your players' goal, once another crew appears, the
upstanding mothers served as city clerks. But when adventure becomes a race to accomplish the objec-
they began investigating financial irregularities, the tive first.
unscrupulous mayor framed them for embezzlement You can add a rival crew to an adventure at any
to cover his own corruption. The only evidence of time. When you do, make it clear to the characters
the Raheers' innocence was a packet of letters be- that they have competition. The characters might
tween the mayor and his conspirators. The letters see evidence of their rivals, such as an alarm that
were locked in the mayor's office. has already been disabled or an incapacitated
Luckily for the Raheers, a crew of Golden Vault guard. At some point, the characters might even
operatives infiltrated city hall, retrieved the letters, catch their rivals trying to steal the adventure's
and revealed the mayor's crimes. The Raheers kept MacGuffin from right under their noses!
The rival crew could include some or all of the RIVAL (REW STATISTICS
following members: Levels 1-4 Levels 5-8 Levels 9-11
Ario Kettletoe (neutral halfling) is abrupt and Rival Stat Blocks Stat Blocks Stat Blocks
direct with their compatriots. Ario loves puns Ario Bandit captain Knight Mage
and wordplay. Enna Bandit Spy Assassin
Enna "The Silence" Galakiir (neutral elf) is an Gregir Bandit Thug Veteran
intimidating, stealthy woman who rarely speaks;
Sabrina Bandit Thug Veteran
when she does, her voice is a quiet hiss.
Gregir Fendelsohn (lawful neutral human) is loyal Torgja Bandit Thug Veteran
and passionate. He insists on the crew getting Tosh Scout Spy Veteran
paid no matter what.
Sabrina "Kill More" Kilgore (chaotic neutral hu- RIVAL CREW IN PLAY
man) is a brash, violent woman who loves thrills Decide whether the rival crew is ahead of or behind
and sweets. the characters in pursuit of the objective. If either
Torgja Stonecrusher (chaotic neutral dwarf) has would make sense for your game, roll a d20. On an
a jovial, happy-go-lucky nature that belies her even result, the rivals are closer to achieving the
ruthlessness. objective than the characters. On an odd result, the
Tosh Starling (neutral ore) is loquacious but always rivals are nipping at the characters' heels.
focused on his objective. He takes pride in his Pay attention to how the characters respond to
meticulously groomed appearance. their rivals' presence. If the characters take pains
If a fight breaks out between the characters and to thwart trailing rivals or catch leading rivals, the
a rival crew, use stat blocks for the rivals that are characters should achieve their objective without
appropriate for the adventure's level, as indicated in further complication. If the characters ignore the ri-
the Rival Crew Statistics table. The stat blocks can val crew, the rivals should achieve the objective first.
be found in the Monster Manual. Then it's up to the characters to chase their rivals
and try to salvage the mission.

Always give the characters the opportunity to
confront rivals who have achieved the objective first.
This might lead to a negotiation scene or a fight.


A rival crew might pursue the characters' objective
for a variety of reasons. Greed might motivate rivals
to steal a valuable objective, or they might have deep
emotional involvement in the story.
A rival crew might be working at the behest of a
patron. Perhaps an evil guild leader has hired the
rivals to steal the MacGuffin. If the characters aren't
working for the Golden Vault, perhaps the rivals
are- and they might try to recruit the characters to
their cause.
The Rival Crew Motivations table provides hooks
for how a rival crew might become involved in each
of this book's adventures.


Adventure Rival Crew's Motivation

The Murkmire Malevolence Museum curator Alda Arkin hires the rivals to steal the Murkmire Stone, a curiosity she
knows would fetch a high price on the black market.
The Stygian Gambit Regor Falsain (neutral evil, human noble), a gambler who wasn't invited to participate in
the three-dragon ante tournament, hires the rivals to steal the erinyes statuette.
Reach for the Stars Yexanthal (chaotic evil, elf cult fanatic) was one of Markos Delphi's researchers until he
was caught trying to steal The Celestial Codex. Eager to commune with Far Realm entities,
Yexanthal hires the rivals to steal the book from Delphi Mansion.
Prisoner 13 Horath Axebreaker (lawful evil, dwarf veteran) hires the rivals to retrieve a copy of
Prisoner l3's keystone tattoo so he can steal Clan Axebreaker's treasure for himself.
Tockworth's Clockworks Tockworth's security key is a copy of a key that opens a vault containing vast wealth in
another svirfneblin stronghold. Waltabeth Brambleroot (neutral evil, deep gnome mage)
hires the rivals to retrieve the key for her so she can claim the treasure.
Masterpiece Imbroglio The rivals are members of a thieves' guild from a neighboring city. They seek Constan-
tori's Portrait for Skandor Torreth (neutral, human assassin), a guild master who needs
information only the portrait knows.
Axe from the Grave Zarthine Delthion (neutral, human noble), the daughter of the wizard who gave Frody
the Canaith mandolin, believes the instrument is rightfully hers. She hires the rivals to
retrieve it.
Vidorant's Vault The rivals are members of the Silver Fingers Society and wish to impress Samphith Gold -
enbeard by stealing the diadem. They are unaware Goldenbeard has hired the characters.
Shard of the Accursed Everett Stillwater (neutral evil, human mage) hires the rivals to steal the shard the char-
acters seek to return to the tomb. He believes he can break the shard's curse and sell it
on the black market for a high price.
Heart of Ashes Barolophine (neutral evil, elf archmage) hires the rivals to recover the heart of Jhaeros, a
focus item the archmage needs to fuel her journey to become a lich.
Affair on the Concordant Express The rivals are members of the Stranger's former outlaw gang. They are determined to
free the Stranger before the Concordant Express reaches Mechanus.
Party at Paliset Hall The adult black dragon lnkscale, one ofZorhanna's oldest and bitterest enemies, hires
the rivals to steal the shard solitaire out of spite.
Fire and Darkness Vrakir's jilted lover Zaltima, an efreeti, hires the rivals to steal the Book of Vile Darkness
for her.

NBEKNOWNST TO ANYONE BUT A DISGRACED Dr. Daonell tried to convince the dig's archae-
academic, the Varkenbluff Museum of Nat- ologists to isolate the Murkmire Stone until she
ural History is in grave danger. Archaeolo- could learn more about it, but word of the discovery
gists at a nearby dig site recently unearthed spread quickly. When the Varkenbluff Museum of
a curiosity: the Murkmire Stone. This object is Natural History offered a generous price for the
actually an eldritch creature's egg, and it's about to stone, it was soon whisked from the dig site to
hatch. The characters must infiltrate the museum, the museum.
steal the egg, and return it to Dr. Cassee Dannell to Dr. Dannell continued to research the strange
be neutralized before it releases an eldritch horror. stone. Her concern turned to dread when she found
descriptions of similar objects in her occult tomes.
ADVENTURE BACKGROUND These objects were, in fact, the eggs of eldritch
creatures. She learned that such eggs lay dormant
Dr. Cassee Dannell, a brilliant academic, long ago
for generations, but once the eggs are unearthed,
learned to hide her interest in the occult. She in-
the creatures within rapidly develop and hatch.
stead built a career gaining expertise in the peoples
The resulting creatures are ravenous for raw meat
and cultures of the region surrounding Varkenbluff,
and grow exponentially as they feed, eventually
continuing her occult research in secret. By age
overwhelming entire villages. The eggs are nearly
twenty-four, Dr. Dannell had earned her doctorate in
indestructible, but the tomes claim encasing them in
anthropology from VarkenbluffUniversity, a presti-
crystal can neutralize them.
gious institution in her home city. Her ability to con-
According to Dr. Dannell's research, the Murk-
nect local archaeological objects with their cultural
mire Stone is due to hatch in a matter of days. She
context was unrivaled, so after her graduation, Dr.
frantically presented her findings to the university's
Dannell became a Varkenbluff faculty member and
administrators, who deemed her work pseudosci-
field scientist, accompanying the university's archae-
ence and refused to interfere with the museum's up-
ology crews on digs in the area.
coming exhibition of the Murkmire Stone. Desper-
On a recent expedition into the nearby Murkmire,
ate, Dr. Dannell snuck into the museum after hours
the archaeologists unearthed a strange object. Light
and tried to steal the stone, but she was caught. The
green, opaque, and with a gemstone-like sheen, this
university disavowed her actions and fired her. With
ovoid stone was covered in strange furrows. The
mere hours left in the Murkmire Stone's gestation
stone seemed ritualistic in nature, but it matched no
period, Dr. Dannell is nearly out of options.
recorded historical practices, and no one could iden-
tify its composition. The more Dr. Dannell studied it,
the more she became convinced this object, which USING THE GOLDEN VAULT
the archaeologists dubbed the Murkmire Stone, was If you're using the Golden Vault as a patron, a
not created by any known civilization- and might be golden key is delivered to the characters in whatever
dangerous. manner you deem fit. When the characters use this
key to open their music box, the lid pops open and a
soothing voice says the following:


"Greetings, operatives. The Golden Vault has learned No matter your business this morning, a grave
that the egg of an eldritch horror has been mistaken halfling messenger finds you and hands you a sealed
for a historical object and is about to go on display at parchment.
the Varkenbluff Museum of Natural History. Thf an- "Meet me at the Sage's Quill today as soon as you
thropologist Dr. Cassee Dannell tried to warn officials can," the missive reads. "I beg your help in a delicate
about this egg, known as the Murkmire Stone, put matter whose importance cannot be overstated. I
none believed her. We do, and we know that if.this egg shall await you in a purple hooded robe."
hatches, many will die-or worse. This quest, 'should The note is signed, "Dr. Cassee Dannell."
you choose to undertake it, requires you to infiltrate When you look up, the halfling has wandered off.
the museum, steal the egg, and return it to Dr. Dan-
nel!, who will neutralize it. There's no time to waste;
the egg could hatch at any moment. Start by meeting
The Sage's Quill is a quiet, plush tavern that caters
with Dr. Dannell. Good luck, operatives." to the city's academics and intellectuals. It is located
next to the Varkenbluff Museum of Natural History,
Closing the music box causes the golden key less than a mile from VarkenbluffUniversity.
to vanish. Once the characters arrive at the tavern, read the
following out loud:
Time is short, and Dr. Dannell is desperate for help. As you enter the Sage's Quill, soft light reveals ma-
She has exhausted all official channels and has hogany furniture and luxurious carpets. A few genteel
turned to the characters. patrons murmur in the lounge. You soon notice a
The characters should have some connection to purple-hooded figure tucked into a corner booth.
Dr. Dannell to explain why she reaches out to them.
Dr. Dannell gestures for you to sit. You notice lines
Have your players determine this connection before
of worry etched into her normally cheerful face.
the adventure begins. Here are some possibilities:
Dannell Family Friend. Dr. Dannell hails from a
family of professors and scientists who have inter- Dr. Dannell (neutral good, human commoner) has
acted significantly with Varkenbluff's intellectuals an Intelligence score of 18. She anxiously addresses
and nobility. One or more characters have rubbed the characters:
shoulders with members of the Dannell clan, in-
cluding Cassee. "Thank you for coming so quickly," she says. "A few
Museum Enthusiast. Dr. Dannell's research is cited weeks ago, I attended a dig in the Murkmire that un-
liberally in the Varkenbluff Museum of Natural earthed a furrowed, light-green stone. I'll give you all
History's exhibits, and she regularly corresponds
the details, but the bottom line is that it Isn't a stone
with fans of her work, including one or more char-
acters who have earned her respect. at all-it's the egg of an eldritch horror. Moreover, my
VarkenblufTUniversity Student. Dr. Dannell research indicates it'll hatch at midnight tonight.
has taught numerous anthropology and history "Trouble is, no one will listen to me. The university
classes attended by one or more characters and is ignored me, and I was caught trying to steal the egg
impressed with their occult acumen. from the museum so I could contain it. Now I've been
Once the characters have determined their connec- fired, the Murkmire Stone display at the museum
tion to Dr. Dannell, read the following out loud to get opens tomorrow, and the egg is about to hatch.
this adventure started: "You've got to steal the Murkmire Stone and bring it
back so I can save the city!"


If the characters talk with Dr. Dannell further, she
gives more information about their mission and
what she has learned about the stone:
Getting the Egg. The characters need to reconnoi-
ter the museum in search of security measures,
steal the Murkmire Stone at an opportune time
(see "Stealing the Murkmire Stone" below), and
deliver it to Dr. Dannel!. She'll wait for them in an
alley between the museum and the Sage's Quill.
Traits of the Egg. The Murkmire Stone can't
be damaged or destroyed. Unearthing the egg
triggered the rapid development of the creature
within, which will soon be ready to hatch.
Containing the Egg. At this point, the only way to
keep the egg from hatching is to encase it in a spe-
cially prepared crystal container. Dr. Dannell cre-
ated a crystal box for this purpose. She still needs
to seal cracks in the crystal, so the characters
can't take the box with them on the heist.
What's in the Egg. Dr. Dannell's occult sources in-
dicate an extremely dangerous creature will hatch
from the egg unless it can be safely contained.
The Murkmire Stone is going on public display to-
morrow at the Varkenbluff Museum of Natural His-
tory, Dr. Dannell explains. A private gala celebrating
the new exhibition will occur tonight in the muse-
um's second-floor Gemstone Wing. DR. CAS$EE 01\N NE\..L
The characters aren't required to attend the gala,
but doing so is the only way to glimpse the stone-
and the security measures around it-before their
heist. Dr. Dannell has secured a gala ticket for each For instance, Dr. Dannell knows the museum is
character, and she gives them the tickets now. outfitted with alarms after it closes to the public, but
The characters must wear formal dress to the she doesn't know where those alarms are located or
gala. Dr. DanneJl has an appropriate outfit for each how to bypass them.
character in her heirloom bag ofholding. Dr. Dan-
nell lends the bag to the characters to store their MUSEUM STAFF
adventuring gear, which they'll need while sneaking Dr. Dannell knows that the museum has twelve
about the museum after hours. guards and that the museum curator-the elf Alda
Arkin- likely has a record of the areas the guards
DR. DANNELL'S TOOLS patrol at night. Dr. Dannel! suspects this informa-
Before her unsuccessful attempt to steal the Murk- tion is in Arkin's office, located somewhere in the
mire Stone, Dr. Dannell scouted the Varkenbluff eastern wing on the first floor. Arkin herself will
Museum of Natural History. She pretended to be attend the gala.

a patron and recorded the museum's layout, filling
in what she knows about nonpublic areas, such as THE REWARD ti
the basement. For bringing the Murkmire Stone baa to Dr. Dan-
Dannell's Map- Dr. Dannel! gives the characters nell, she offers her bag of holding plu 20 gp per
her sketch of the museum (see map 1.1) before character. If a character succeeds on DC 13 Cha-
they leave for the gala. Although she's a brilliant risma (Persuasion) check, Dr. Danne~ increases her
academic, Dr. Dannell is neither an architect nor a offer to 30 gp per character. I
burglar. Her map is based on the public map of the
museum's exhibits, so it is incomplete and lacks
information about the museum's security measures.


THE OPENING GALA As long as the characters aren't caught entering
The private gala celebrating the opening of the a restricted area or causing a public incident, the
Murkmire Stone exhibition begins at 6 p.m., and the museum's guards ignore them during the gala.
museum closes at 8 p.m. There's enough time for If one or more characters are spotted in a
characters to prepare before attending, including re- restricted area or cause a public incident, a guard
trieving or procuring formal attire if they don't wish approaches them. Roll on the Museum Guards table
to wear the clothes Dr. Dannell provided. Weapons to determine which guard arrives. Characters in
and visible armor are not permitted inside the mu- formal dress are escorted to the Gemstone Wing,
seum and must be stashed in Dr. Dannell's bag of while characters who are improperly dressed for the
holding or elsewhere. occasion are told to leave the museum at once. If the
Once the characters are ready to enter the mu- characters protest, the guard becomes hostile and
seum, keep track of which character has the bag of shouts for backup. At the end of each of the guard's
holding that contains the group's adventuring gear. turns, an additional ld4 guards arrive until all the
T hen read the following aloud: museum guards are accounted for.
Provided a guard hasn't shouted for backup, a
The facade of the Varkenbluff Museum of Natural character can take an action and use trickery or
History boasts enormous columns and elegant arch-
intimidation to convince a guard to leave. The char-
acter must make a DC 10 Charisma (Deception,
ways hewn from marble. Cosmopolitan visitors bustle
Intimidation, or Persuasion) check. If the check
about the entrance, including some clad in sleek succeeds, the character convinces the guard to look
formalwear. for trouble elsewhere. If the check fails, the guard
becomes hostile and behaves as described above,
and the character can't repeat the check on that par-
The museum is open to the public today; only the
Gemstone Wing on the second floor is closed for the ticular guard.
ticketed gala. The Murkmire Stone is ensconced in
the Gemstone Wing.
d12 Guard Description
SCOUTING THE MUSEUM Darrison Blackwaters (neutral human), a former
The characters can explore the public areas of the soldier who takes everything literally
museum while it's open. The entire museum is pub- 2 Franceena Van Lictor (neutral good elf), a sarcas-
lic except for its offices (areas V5-V7), basement tic newbie who respects history
(area Vl6), and attic (area Vl 7). 3 Billie Quartermile (lawful neutral halAing), who
The characters have about two hours to prepare
loves policy and procedure
for their heist before the museum closes. If the char-
4 Milanova Wumplestocking (lawful good gnome),
acters don't immediately go to the Gemstone Wing
(area V13), museum guards notice their formal at- who is very serious but loves a good pun
tire and periodically suggest they do so. 5 Garent Millaneff (neutral evil human), a bully who
Information relevant to the characters' heist plan loves money and bragging rights
is below. More information about specific areas of 6 Violet Pendergilt (neutral good human), a wistful
the museum is included in the "Museum Locations" dreamer who plans to quit soon
section later.
7 Sureth Dhanvhal (neutral human), a reserve
ENTERING NONPUBLIC AREAS soldier who is always pressed for time
The doors to the museum's offices (areas V5-V7) 8 Brendara Valindril (lawful neutral elf), a graduate
and basement (area V16) are locked at all hours, as student in history at the university
described in the "Interior Doors" subsection of the 9 Grendor Battleaxe (neutral good dwarf), a wan-
"'General Features" section. Curator Alda Arkin,
derer paying off a debt to the museum
whom the characters might meet at the gala, carries
a master key, while the museum's guards have keys 10 Clark Jonathan Vanth (lawful good human), a
that grant access to specific areas (see "Circumvent- young and naive individual
ing Security" and "Curator Alda Arkin"). 11 Sareena Shu (chaotic neutral tiefling), an
overeager lover of history and learning
12 Maryam Bikram (lawful neutral human), a city
watch veteran who rigidly enforces the rules
INVESTIGATING SECURITY MEASURES Locations After Hours table. Guards have keys to
The museum is protected by several security mea- certain areas. Guards also have pass cards that
sures after it closes at 8 p.m. allow them to bypass the museum's alarms (see
Alarms. Audible alarm spells have been cast in "Bypassing Alarms" below).
areas marked (A) on map 1.2. The museum's guards If the characters get into a noisy fight with one or
and the curator have pass cards that allow them to more guards, an additional ld4 guards arrive each
bypass these alarms, and spare pass cards are kept round until all the remaining museum guards are
in area V7 (see "Bypassing Alarms" below for more accounted for.
information). The alarms are located as follows: If the guards incapacitate a character or a charac-
ter surrenders, the guards haul that character to the
• The front doors to area Vl
nearby city watch headquarters. If all the characters
• At the bottom of the stairs in area Vl
are caught, their mission is unsuccessful and the
• In each hallway leading from area Vl to area V3
adventure ends.
• On the doors leading from area Vl to areas VS,
• In the hall leading from area Vll to area V12
Guards Area Guards Area
• On the door leading from area V12 to the hallway
to area V13 2 Vl 2 V9-Vl0
V3 Vll
If an alarm is on a door, touching the door sets off
the alarm. If an alarm is on a 5-foot square, entering V4 2 Vl2
that square sets it off. The alarm on the front doors V8 2 Vl3
in area VI extends 10 feet, covering the entire width
of the doorway. When an alarm sounds, any guards CIRCUMVENTING SECURITY
in the area plus ld3 other guards from that floor Characters who discover the museum's security
hear it and investigate. measures can find ways to circumvent them. A few
The characters can find a record of the museum's suggestions are provided below:
payment for these spells, including their specific
locations, by searching the records room (area V6); Avoiding Statues. Characters can keep the statues
the alarms can also be detected using detect magic. from animating by staying more than 5 feet away
The alarms aren't armed while the museum is open from them.
to the public. Bypassing Alarms. The curator and guards each
Animated Statues. The statues that flank the carry a palm-sized pass card embossed with the
front desk in area Vl and the statue next to the museum's logo. A detect magic spell reveals an
stairs in area V12 can animate after hours to attack aura of divination magic around each pass card,
intruders. These statues use the animated armor which al lows the bearer to bypass any of the mu-
stat block. Causing a statue to animate alerts any seum's alarms. The characters can find a stash of
guards in that area. extra pass cards in area V7. A character who is hid-
A detect magic spell reveals an aura of trans- den and within reach of a guard can try to steal that
mutation magic around each statue. A character guard's pass card without the guard's knowledge,
who becomes aware of the statues' magical nature doing so with a successful DC 14 Dexterity (Sleight
can ~1ake a DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check. If of Hand) check.
the check is successful, the character realizes the Sneaking Past Guards. The characters can find a
statues can animate. document in the curator's office (area VS) that out-
Gemstone Wing. If the characters don't carefully lines the guards' stations after hours. During the
remove the Murkmire Stone from its pedestal in area gala, the curator keeps this document on her per-
Vl3, arcane lock spells cause all doors leading to son (see the "Curator Alda Arkin" section). Char-
the room (including secret doors) to close and lock. acters who spend at least 1 minute studying the
As an action, a character can either try to unlock a document have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth)
door using thieves' tools, doing so with a successful checks made to sneak past guards after hours.
DC 20 Dexterity check, or force open the door by Stealing Keys. The curator carries a master key,
succeeding on a DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check. while each guard carries a key that unlocks all
The characters can learn about this security mea- doors to the area in which the guard is stationed.
sure by attending the gala (see the "Attending the Guards in area Vl also have a key to the break
Gala" section). room (area V7). A character can steal a guard's
Guards. After hours, Maryam Bikram is stationed key in the same way as they can steal a pass card,
at the entrance to the gala. Eleven other museum described in "Bypassing Alarms" above.
guards watch the areas indicated in the Guard


HIDING IN THE MUSEUM building. By the end of the gala, it is dark enough
The characters can hide in numerous loca- to allow characters to enter through the attic sky-
tions while the museum closes. Below are good light without being seen.
options, which are detailed in the "Museum Loca- Basement Doors. The characters could pry open
tions" section: the loading dock doors or prop open the secret
door if they find it.
Cleaning Supply Storage. Short hallways that hold
cleaning supplies are concealed behind secret ATTENDING THE GALA
doors in areas V3, V4, V8, V9, Vl2, and V13. lf the characters approach the private gala in the
Privies. The guards nominally check area VIS Gemstone Wing (area Vl 3), they encounter Maryam
before closing, but anyone who hides here avoids
Bikram (lawful neutral, human guard). The captain
detection. of the museum's security force, Maryam is a serious
Attic or Basement. The guards don't enter areas
woman and a veteran of the city's watch. She admits
V16 or V17 before the museum closes. any character who is dressed for the occasion and
REENTERING THE MUSEUM has a ticket. Others are turned away.
The characters might decide to leave the museum When the characters enter the gala, read the fol-
when it closes and sneak back inside after hours. lowing aloud:
Below are some strategies they might use:
Front Doors. The characters could pick the lock The Gemstone Wing's oak doors open into a lux-
on the front doors to area Vl, use pass cards to uriously appointed ballroom. Crimson tablecloths
bypass the alarm (see "Bypassing Alarms"), and and fine china adorn dining tables, and chandeliers
contend with the falling net trap just inside the sparkle overhead. Cabinets with glittering gemstones
doors while remaining a safe distance from the surround the space. At the wing's center is a marble
animated statues. pedestal bearing a peculiar, light-green stone.
Attic Skylight. The characters could pick the
lock on the skylight to enter the building. Grap-
pling hooks and ropes are required to scale the


Twenty other gala attendees (unarmed and un- When she notices the characters, she assumes
armored nobles) mill around the event. All are they're wealthy museum donors, welcomes them,
dressed in elaborate finery, and most are long-time and engages in chitchat. Alda is familiar with Dr.
donors to the museum. Dannel!. She deeply dislikes the anthropologist due
When a character interacts with an attendee, roll to Dr. Dannell's interest in the occult. If the char-
on the Gala Attendees table to determine whom acters mention Dr. Dannell's fears about the Murk-
they meet. The attendees know nothing about the mire Stone, Alda snorts, dismisses their concerns,
Murkmire Stone beyond basic details about its dis- and leaves to mingle with other attendees.
covery. However, if the characters fish for informa- Aida's Clutch . Characters who watch Alda closely
tion about the stone or the museum and succeed on notice a fancy clutch she holds behind her back.
a DC 12 Charisma (Persuasion) check, an attendee Inside the clutch is a map of the museum guards'
reveals one random piece of information from the after-hours stations, a master key to the museum's
Museum Gossip table. locked doors, and a pass card that allows Alda to by-
pass the museum's alarms (see "Investigating Secu-
GALA ATTENDEE S rity Measures" earlier in the adventure for details).
d4 Attendee
Captain Frankheim Walters (chaotic neutral
The Murkmire Stone sits atop a pedestal in area
human), who never served in the military but im-
V13, flanked by informational placards about the
plies he did
stone's discovery and theories about its use- though
2 Georgina Lucina Vandylarahal (neutral evil elf), a Dr. Dannell's occult theory is missing.
sneering heir to a mining fortune Gemstone Wins Security Measures. A character
3 Countess Helene Danforth (neutral good human), who spends at least 1 minute studying the pedestal
a member of an ancient, titled family with little during the gala realizes it has an elaborate defense
actual wealth mechanism (see area V13).
4 Dr. Horthnar Stonecrusher (lawful good dwarf), a
surgeon who loves natural history and gemstones
MUSEUM GOSSIP Once the Murkmire Stone exhibition gala ends,
d4 Juicy Tidbit the museum closes. Its staff members activate the
protections listed in the "Museum Security Mea-
The curator has been fidgeting with her clutch all sures" section.
night. Has she gotten some sort of bad news?
Maybe she's about to fire someone! GENERAL FEATURES
2 Sometimes the museum keeps displays hidden in The Varkenbluff Museum of Natural History bas
the basement at night. The curator must think her stone walls and tiled floors. The building's other
own guards might steal something! features are described below:
3 It's unfortunate that the museum has fallen on Ceilings. The museum's ceilings are 30 feet high.
hard financial times. If only they sold all those ore Interior Doors. The interior doors are closed and
and gem samples they keep in the basement. I've locked, with the exception of the privies in area
heard there's a fortune down there! VlS. A character can use an action to try to un-
4 The curator adores oversized vintage dolls. I've lock a door using thieves' tools, doing so with a
heard she keeps one in her office that's as big as a successful DC 12 Dexterity check unless other-
grown human! wise noted. Attempting to use thieves' tools to
unlock a door with an enabled alarm spell triggers
that alarm.
CURATOR ALDA ARKIN Lighting. On the first two floors, most areas are lit
Mingling with the gala's attendees is Alda Arkin with continual flame spells placed on sconces. The
(neutral evil, elf noble), the museum's curator. grand entrance (area Vl), Prehistoric Predators
During the gala, the curator is unarmed and un- exhibit (area V12), basement (area V16), and attic
armored. A retired university professor, Alda is (area V17) are areas of dim light. Guards in areas
responsible for the museum's close ties to Varken- Vl and Vl2 carry hooded lanterns.
bluff University's anthropology and archaeology Secret Doors. A secret door can be found by any
departments. character who takes an action to examine the sur-
rounding wall and succeeds on a DC 12 Wisdom
(Perception) check.


~USEUM LOCATIONS The eastern shop sells cheap souvenirs and bears a
sign that reads, "The Historian's Gifts." The western
The following locations are keyed to map 1.2. The shop sells books and artifact replicas and is labeled
descriptions assume the characters are exploring
"The Archaeologist's Spade."
lhe museum after it's closed to the public.
Treasure. Each shop includes a small back room
V l : GRAND ENTRANCE with a locked door. As an action, a character can
try to unlock either door using thieves' tools, doing
so with a successful DC 16 Dexterity check. Inside
Statues depicting robed human women flank the sides each shop's back room is a till containing ld6 gp,
of this public mingling space, which boasts a marble 2d6 sp, and 3d6 cp. Additionally, one set of thieves'
column in the center. The museum's information desk tools can be cobbled together from the supplies in
1s situated just inside the front doors. To the north is the back rooms.
a grand staircase draped in rich carpet. V3: ANCIENT PLANTS EXHIBIT

Two guards patrol this area. The two statues flank- Artificial plants made of wood, silk, and other materi-
ing the information desk animate if a character als sprout from artfully arranged planters. Tall ferns,
comes within 5 feet of either of them. The statues
bushes with strange berries, and slender trees are rep-
use the animated armor stat block and fight until
destroyed. resented alongside placards about ancient plant life.
Alarms. An alarm spell has been cast on the bot-
tom of the grand staircase. Another such spell has One guard patrols this area. Hallways to the north
been cast on the front doors. and south connect to area V4.
Front Doors. The museum's front doors are Alarms. The short hallways that connect this area
locked from the inside. As an action, a character to the grand entrance (area Vl) have alarm spells
can try to pick the lock using thieves' tools, doing so cast on them.
with a successful DC 16 Dexterity check. Secret Doors. The northern and central exhibit
Trap. The 5-foot-by-10-foot section of floor imme- rooms each have a secret door in the west wall
diately north of the museum's front doors (marked T that opens into a short hallway containing clean-
on map 1.2) contains a pressure plate hidden under ing supplies. At the opposite end of the hallway is
a rug. Lifting the rug or pushing it aside reveals the another secret door that doesn't require an ability
pressure plate, which is activated and deactivated by check to spot from inside the hall. This secret door
a toggle switch hidden under the nearby information pulls open to reveal a similarly sized exhibit room
desk. The trap is normally activated while the mu- in area V4.
seum is closed to the public and deactivated while
lhe museum is open to the public. V4: ANCIENT CULTURES EXHIBIT
The first time a creature steps on the pressure
plate while the trap is activated, a weighted net Glass display cases boast objects related to life in
drops from a secret compartment in the ceiling,
ancient Varkenbluff. Clay pots, stone tools, and scraps
covering the JO-foot-square area between the
front doors and the information desk. Creatures of leather clothes are interspersed with informational
in that area are restrained by the net, and those placards about their historical use.
that fail a DC 10 Strength saving throw are also
knocked prone.
One guard patrols this area. Hallways to the north
A creature can use its action to make a DC 10
and south connect to area V3.
S trength check, freeing itself or another creature
Secret Doors. The northern and central exhibit
within its reach on a success. The net has AC
rooms each have a secret door in the east wall
10 and 12 hit points. Creatures are no longer re-
that opens into a short hallway containing clean-
strained by the net once it drops to O hit points.
ing supplies. At the opposite end of the hallway is
V 2: MUSEUM SHOPS another secret door that doesn't require an ability
check to spot from inside the hall. This secret door
pulls open to reveal a similarly sized exhibit room
f Display racks here are filled with tunics, bandannas, in area V3.
books, and bric-a-brac, most emblazoned with the
museum's logo. Plush benches serve as seating areas.


A solid oak desk stands on a plush carpet in the cen- Fossils of small prehistoric creatures are arranged
ter of thfs office. In the southeast corner, a strange, here, some as fully reconstructed skeletons. The
human-sized doll is posed in an elaborate silk dress. exhibit includes microraptors, ornithopods, dwarf
elephants, and an ancestor of the cockatrice. Informa-
Alarm. An alarm spell has been cast on the door tional placards tell the stories of these creatures and
that connects this room to area Vl. their bones' discovery.
Deadly Doll. After hours, the curator enables her of-
fice's defense mechanism: a five-foot-tall doll with the
One guard patrols this area.
name "Marigold" sewn onto its vintage dress. When a
creature other than Alda enters the room, the doll an- Secret Door. Between two of the IS-foot-square
imates and attacks. Marigold uses the scarecrow stat exhibit rooms is a secret door that opens into a
block and fights until destroyed. short hallway heading north. At the opposite end
At your discretion, a noisy fight might attract the of the hallway, which holds cleaning s upplies, is
attention of the guards patrolling area Vl. another secret door that doesn't require an ability
Guards' Patrol Routes. If the characters didn't check to spot from inside the hall. This secret door
snatch Alda's clutch during the gala, they can find a opens to reveal area Vl 2.
copy of the guards' after-hours patrol routes on the V9: UNDERGROUND WONDERS EXHIBIT
desk under some other loose paperwork (see the
"Curator Alda Arkin" section).

Glittering ore and gemstones are arranged in


Filing cabfnets stand in this records room.

_ I
velvet-backed display cases. Informational placards
explain local geologic history.

Two guards patrol this exhibit and area VlO, mov-

ing from one room to the other every 5 minutes.
Alarm. An alarm spell has been cast on the door
that connects this room to area Vl. The gems on display here hold little value; pre-
Records. This room contains records about past cious stones are reserved for display in the Gem-
and current exhibits as well as the museum's finan- stone Wing (area V13).
cial records. A character who searches this area Fake Murkmire Stone. A character who exam-
also finds information about the placement of the ines the stones on display in the easternmost room
building's alarm spells (see "Investigating Security realizes the central display cabinet includes a chunk
Measures" earlier in the adventure). of jade similar in size and weight to the Murkmire
Stone. The display case is locked, but a character

V7: BREAK ROOM AND STORAGE can take an action to try to open it using thieves'
tools, doing so with a successful DC 10 Dexterity

l Boxes of display supplies are stacked into this room's

corners. Chairs surround a circular table in the middle.

Alarm. An alarm spell has been cast on the door

check. Smashing the display case's glass attracts
the guards patrolling this area.
Secret Door. Between this exhibit and area VlO
is a secret door that opens into a short hallway
heading north. At the opposite end of the hallway,
that connects this room to area Vl. which holds cleaning supplies, is another secret
Pass Card Stash. Characters who take a minute door that doesn't require an ability check to spot
to search the boxes find a small, partially open box from inside the hall. This secret door pulls open to
in the southwest corner. Inside are three palm- reveal area V13.
sized pass cards, each stamped with the museum's
logo. A scrap of paper inside the box reads "spare VlO: ARCHAEOLOGY DISPLAY
alarm pass cards." Each pass card allows its bearer
to bypass the museum's alarms, as described in Picks, trowels, brushes, and other archaeological tools
the "Bypassing Alarms" section earlier in this are on display here. Informational placards label them
as tools famous local experts used to dig up the won-
Treasure. Tucked between supply boxes in the
northwest corner is a vial containing a potion ders found in the museum. Murals along the south
of vitality. wall depkt famous digs.



A 1c.
nto V15


1 Square = Fe


·:~ ~~ ·;
Two guards patrol both this exhibit and area V9, small hatch covering a panel of buttons. A character
moving from one room to the other every 5 minutes. can use these controls to turn on the animatronic
This exhibit tells the story of the infamous display, which alerts not only the guards in this area
Rogerson dig, where most of the creatures in the but also the guards in areas Vll and Vl3.
Prehistoric Predators exhibit were found. The plac- As an action, a character can use tinker's tools or
ards dismiss local legends that claim the excavators thieves' tools to try to overload the magic that pow-
were subsequently cursed. ers the controls, doing so with a successful DC 10
Treasure. A character who studies the exhibit and Intel)igence (Arcana) check. This causes the anima-
succeeds on a DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check tronic creature to break free from its display base
realizes the items on display include two flawless and rampage for 10 minutes before becoming inert
weapons: a +l dagger and a +l handaxe. The weap- again. The creature stomps through the area, then
ons are inside a glass case with a jammed lock, so heads down the grand staircase, causing mayhem
the characters must break or cut through the glass in area Vl. While it rampages, the creature uses the
to access the weapons. Breaking the glass attracts allosaurus stat block, with these changes:
the guards patrolling this area.
• The animatronic allosaurus is a Construct.
Vll: UNEARTHED CAFE It is immune to poison and psychic damage, as
we]) as the charmed, frightened, paralyzed, and
poisoned conditions.

This space holds a mix of cafeteria-style tables and
lounge furniture. A counter in the northeast corner Vent. The east wall has a 3-foot-high, 3-foot-wide,
5-foot-deep air vent leading to area V13. The vent is
sits underneath a sign that reads, "Unearthed Cafe."
10 feet above the floor. Reaching it requires a suc-
cessful DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check. Safely re-
One guard patrols this area. turning to the floor doesn't require an ability check.
Treasure. A smal) lockbox is stashed under the
counter. As an action, a character can try to open Vl3: GEMSTONE WING
the lockbox using thieves' tools, doing so with a
successful DC 14 Dexterity check. The lockbox con-

Chairs surround several tables cluttered with crystal
tains 15 gp, 7 sp, and 24 cp. and silver tableware. Against the east wall, a light-
Vl2: PREHISTORIC PREDATORS EXHIBIT green stone rests atop a marble pedestal.

The intact skeletons of several large prehistoric mon- Two guards patrol this area.
sters are on display here, including the museum's Staff members plan to remove the tables and re-
store the normal gemstone exhibits in the morning
most famous display: the beautifully preserved body
before the museum opens. For now, the contents of
of an allosaurus, its leathery skin appearing supple
those exhibits are in the basement (area V16).
to the touch. An informational placard next to the Light-Green Stone. The light-green stone on the
dinosaur explains it died in the Murkmire millennia pedestal is the Murkmire Stone, which is described
ago and was naturally preserved. Display cases along at the end of this adventure. As Dr. Dannel! fears,
the room's walls hold fossils of other ancient local the stone is indeed an eldritch creature's ~gg. At
predators. 10:30 p.m., the effects described in "The Murkmire
Stone" begin, and at midnight, the egg hatches. See
"Museum Feeding Frenzy" to learn what happens
Two guards patrol this area. when the egg hatches.
The statue west of the stairs depicts a winged Rigged Pedestal. A detect magic spell reveals an
satyr. If a character comes within 5 feet of the aura of transmutation magic around the pedestal,
statue, it springs to life. The statue uses the ani- which is attached to the floor and can't be moved. A
mated armor $tat block and fights until destroyed. character who examines the pedestal notices tiny
Alarms. An alarm spell has been cast in the glyphs carved into its base and can make a DC 12
hallway leading to the Unearthed Cafe (area Vll). Intelligence (Arcana) check. On a success, the char-
Another alarm spell has been cast on the door in the acter realizes that all doors leading to the room wil)
middle of the east wall (which leads to area V13). lock if the stone is removed from the pedestal.
Allosaurus. The allosaurus looks like a preserved If the Murkmire Stone is removed from the pedes-
specimen, but the museum hired rock gnomes to tal, arcane Jock spells activate on all doors leading
transform it into a harmless animatronic display. A to the room (including secret doors), causing them
character who examines the display's base notices a to close and lock. As an action, a character can try


co open a locked door using thieves' tools, doing attracts the attention of one guard patrolling the
so with a successful DC 20 Dexterity check, or grand entrance above (area Vl).
force open a locked door by succeeding on a DC 20 Secret Door. In the basement's northwest corner,
Strength (Athletics) check. The arcane Jock spells a secret door opens into a SO-foot-long tunnel that
don't prevent the curator or the museum guards emerges in a copse of trees near the museum.
from opening the doors. Treasure. Most of the items in the boxes would be
Replacing the Murkmire Stone with a fake can nearly impossible to sell, as they would quickly be
prevent the trap from triggering. A suitable fake can identified as stolen museum property. However, the
be found in area V9. Swapping it for the real Murk- boxes in the southeastern corner contain the items
mire Stone without activating the arcane Jock spells from the Gemstone Wing that were stored to make
requires a successful DC 10 Dexterity (Sleight of room for the Murkmire Stone gala: gemstones and
Hand) check. chunks of raw silver ore, all found locally. The 20
Vent. The west wall has a 3-foot-high, 3-foot-wide, pounds of gems and ore are worth 150 gp total.
5-foot-deep air vent leading to area Vl2. The vent is
10 feet above the floor. Reaching it requires a suc- Vl7: ATTIC
cessful DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check. Safely re-

turning to the floor doesn't require an ability check. A winding staircase leads up to this cramped space
Secret Door. The south wall contains a secret filled with haphazardly stacked boxes. Starlight pours
door that opens into a short hallway containing
into the space through a large skylight.
cleaning supplies. At the far end of the hallway is
another secret door that doesn't require an ability
check to spot from inside the hall. This secret door Supplies for events- such as lecterns, linens, and
pulls open to reveal the hallway between areas tableware-are stored here.
V9 and VlO. . Skylight. The skylight overhead is locked. A
character can use an action to try to unlock the sky-
Vl4: ACCESS HALLWAY light using thieves' tools, doing so with a success-
This hallway connects the Unearthed Cafe (area ful DC 14 Dexterity check. Lifting the skylight to
Vl 1) to the Prehistoric Predators exhibit (area V12) open it then requires a successful DC 12 Strength
and the privies (area V15). (Athletics) check.
V15: PRIVIES Loose bricks are scattered on the roof near the
This area holds five stalls. A simple latch allows the skylight. A character could use a brick to prop the
skylight open.
door of each privy to be locked from the inside. East
of the privies is a staircase to the attic (area Vl 7).
Vl6: BASEMENT If the characters escape the museum with the Murk-
mire Stone, they can deliver it safely to Dr. Dannell.
' Boxes and crates are piled here in groups. Enormous The anthropologist locks it in a box made of crystal,
warehouse doors take up much of the basement's
whereupon the stone becomes inert and its effects
stop immediately. Dr. Dannell assures the charac-
northern wall.
ters that the egg will be safe in her care for the time
being. The characters receive their rewards, and Dr.
Objects formerly on display or not yet prepped for Dannell tries to regain her position at the university
display are stored here. The area is infrequently vis- while making provisions to ensure the Murkmire
ited, and a mimic recently took up residence in the Stone remains in its crystal box. At your discretion,
centermost pile of boxes. The mimic waits to attack Dr. Dannell might ask the characters to help (see
until a character moves within 5 feet; it then fights "Reinstate Dr. Dannell" below).
until destroyed. If the characters don't bring the Murkmire Stone
Loading Docks. The warehouse doors open onto to Dr. Dannell by midnight, it hatches into a nascent
an underground ramp that leads to street level. A eldritch horror. Additionally, Alda Arkin might be
character who has observed the whole building revealed as a syndicate head. These outcomes are
from the outside can easily find where the ramp ex- discussed in the "Further Adventures" section.
its at ground level. The doors are locked, and their
hinges are stiff. Unlocking them requires a s uccess-
ful DC 14 Dexterity check with thieves' tools; after
that, shoving the doors open requires a successful
DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check. This is noisy and


FOR THE GOLD EN VAULT bid- and then goes missing, casting further sus-
,. --------
If the characters are working for the Golden Vault,
picion on Dr. Dannell. Dr. Dannell offers the char-
acters a share of her future earnings for their help
they must deliver the Murkmire Stone to Dr. Dan-
tracking down the curator and convincing her to
nell by midnight. Once they do, the organization reverse her vote against Dr. Dannel I. The characters
rewards the characters with an uncommon magic follow Aida's trail through Varkenbluff's high society
item of their choice (subject to your approval) as and discover the curator is the head of an illegal syn-
payment. The item is delivered to the characters dicate fencing stolen objects. The characters must
the next day. confront her and her minions to save Dr. Dannell's
FURTHER ADVENTURES reputation and prevent stolen historical objects from
being sold illegally.
Once the heist ends, the adventure's story might
continue. Use the following hooks for a s uccessful MISSION IS UNSUCCESSFUL
or an unsuccessful mission. lf the characters don't retrieve the Murkmire Stone
If the characters bring the Murkmire Stone to Dr.
in time, use the following adventure hooks to con-
tinue their story.
A Stolen Stone. Shortly after the characters' un-
Dannel! before it hatches, use the following adven- s uccessful heist, Alda Arkin steals the stone hersel .
ture hooks to continue their story. The secret leader of an illegal syndicate that fences
Another Stone. After the Murkmire Stone is neu- stolen historical objects, the curator believes she
tralized, Dr. Dannell hears from a colleague that an- can get a high price for this strange piece. Using an
other expedition in the Murkmire has unearthed a arcane ritual, the curator renders the egg unable
similar object. This time, however, the egg is closer to hatch, but its dire effects persist. When the egg's
to hatching, and strange happenings are befalling eldritch energy transforms the curator into a Mon-
the excavation crew. With Dr. Dannell still discred- strosity, she holes up in her manor with the egg,
ited, it's up to the characters to venture into the dan- unable to think straight. The characters must con-
gerous Murkmire, locate the crew, and contain the front the warped creatures within Aida's manor-
egg. But when the characters arrive at the dig site, including the curator-before the stone can cause
the egg has hatched-and now the characters must more mayhem.
defeat the hatchling before it causes more harm. Museum Feeding Frenzy. The Murkmire Stone
The hatchling uses the ankheg stat block, except its hatches into an eight-foot-long, nascent eldritch
bite deals poison damage instead of acid damage. horror, and the stone's effects cease. At first, the
Investigate the Hatchling. A strange creature has museum's staff assumes someone stole the stone
appeared in the crocodile enclosure at the Varken- and closes the building. But the hatch ling terrorizes
bluff Zoo. The creature hatched from an egg similar and eats the guards one by one. Curator Alda Arkin
to the Murkmire Stone and is now nearly 8 feet long. admits Dr. Dannell's theory might be correct and
The zoo's baby crocodiles have disappeared, and an- hires the characters to stop the eldritch creature.
imals near the crocodile enclosure have become vi- The wily monster is now the size of a pony and uses
olent. Headaches plague zookeepers who have tried the a nkheg stat block, except its bite deals poison
to capture the creature. While Dr. Dannell tries to damage instead of acid damage. It has set traps us-
convince the zookeepers of the creature's nature, it's ing the slime it secretes while metabolizing its food,
up to the characters to stop the hatch ling. It's grow- and the entire museum is its nightmarish" habitat. ·
ing bigger by the hour as more animals disappear or The characters must stop this creature before it out-
act erratically. The hatchling uses the ankheg stat grows the museum.
block, except its bite deals poison damage instead of If the eldritch horror isn't defeated within a few
acid damage. days, it rampages through the museum's front
Reins tate Dr. DanneJJ. Now that she knows her doors, bolting toward Varkenbluff University. Now
theories about the Murkmire Stone were correct, grown to enormous proportions, the juvenile el-
Dr. Dannell seeks to regain her position at Varken- dritch horror uses the behir stat block but speaks
bluff University. She has assembled proof that the no languages and has an Intelligence score of 18. It
Murkmire Stone is an eldritch creature's egg. But a lso has the following additional action option:
the museum's curator blocks her reinstatement


Spellcasting. The eldritch horror casts one of the following
spells, requiring no components and using Intelligence as the
spellcasting ability (save DC 14):
2 day each: blindness/deafness, blur
' day: project image
The city needs heroes to track down the horror and
incapacitate it before it causes even more carnage.


Recently unearthed from the Murkmire outside the
city of Varkenbluff, the nonmagical object called the
~furkmire Stone is the egg of an eldritch creature.
The opaque, light-green stone weighs 10 pounds
and has abstract furrows on its surface.
The egg's removal from the Murkmire rapidly ac-
celerated the development of the creature inside it.
Starting at 10:30 p.m., the egg's stony shell becomes
rranslucent, revealing the horror inside, and it be-
gins to emit a pulse of magical energy every 10 min-
utes. Whenever a pulse occurs, each creature within
20 feet of the egg must make a DC 10 Wisdom
saving throw, and a creature holding the egg has
disadvantage on the roll. If the egg is placed in a bag
ofholding or some other portable extradimensional
space, the effect radiates from the container instead.
Any creature that fails the saving throw is subjected
~o an effect determined by rolling on the Murkmire
Stone Effects table. When a creature rolls for a new
effect, the previous one ends. The effects end when
·he egg hatches or when the egg is encased in the
rrystal box Dr. Dannell provides.


d12 Effect d12 Effect

Harsh whispers in an unknown language assault 7 Ripples pulse underneath your skin like vermin
your consciousness. You gain vulnerability to are skittering inside your Aesh. You have disad-
psychic damage and can't maintain concentration vantage on Charisma checks and Charisma saving
on spells. throws.
2 Adrenaline courses through your veins. You have 8 Your joints stiffen. You have disadvantage on
aq~tage on Strength checks and Strength sav- Dexterity checks and Dexterity saving throws.
ing throws. 9 You receive premonitions of attacks made against
3 Your limbs feel leaden, and your body responds you. Attack rolls against you have disadvantage.
sluggishly. You have disadvantage on Dexterity 10 Your thought processes are sluggish, as if you just
checks and Dexterity saving throws. awoke from terrible nightmares. You have disad-
4 Your skin takes on a weird sheen. You gain resis• vantage on Intelligence checks and Intelligence
tance to piercing and slashing damage. saving throws.
5 Your walking speed increases by 5 feet. 11 Your senses are dulled, as if an invisible barrier
6 Your mind is pulled in a thousand directions, sits between you and reality. You have disadvan-
making it difficult to focus. You have disadvantage tage on Wisdom (Perception) checks.
on attack rolls. 12 A shimmery film covers you. You gain a +2 bonus
to AC.



"Greetings, operatives. An ally of the Golden Vault
ante tournament called the Grand Mi-
nauros Invitational awards one winner named Verity Kye had her life's savings stolen from
with a sizable purse and a golden erinyes her by a devious gambling partner. We've found an
statuette. A former gambler with a score to settle opportunity to right this wrong. This quest, should
hires the characters to steal the statuette as well as you choose to undertake it, requires you to infiltrate
gold from the casino's vault before the tournament the Afterlife Casino and steal a statuette and a sum of
ends and the winner is declared. The characters
money. Meet with Verity at the Brine Widow tavern to
must case the casino, steal what they came for,
learn more deta ils. Good luck, operatives."
and escape.

ADVENTURE BACKGROUND Closing the music box causes the golden key
A skilled three-dragon ante player and a shrewd tief- to vanish.
ling entrepreneur, Verity Kye toured the gambling
circuit for years, making a name for herself and win- STARTING THE ADVENTURE
ning numerous large tournaments. The characters start this adventure at the Brine
While on the circuit, Verity met a gnome gambler Widow, a local pub near the water, having received
named Quentin Togglepocket. The two hit it off, and directions from the Golden Vault (see above) or a
they formed a plan to save enough winnings to open mysterious invitation to discuss an "advantageous
their own casino.Just as they seemed poised to put opportunity" with someone named Verity Kye, who
their plan in action, Quentin disappeared, taking waits for them in the Brine Widow's back room.
all their money with him- only to resurface years
later, having built the Afterlife Casino using the ROLEPLAYINC VER ITY KYE
stolen money. Verity Kye is bold, confident, and genuinely kind-
Now, Verity needs the characters to l}rea~nto though not always nice. Quentin's betrayal cut her two
the vault at the Afterlife Casino, steal foe
erinyes ways-the deception from a potential business partner
statuette meant to be the prize for the '6asino's hurt, but such treachery from someone she called a
three-dragon ante tournament, and retrieve her friend was unforgivable.
share of the money from the vault. For Verity, it's Verity has little patience for cheats and liars
(card-table qeception notwithstanding). Though she
not the money or the statuette that matters-it's en- has no expectation of total honesty from the charac-
suring that Quentin's betrayal comes back to haunt ters, blatant deception or an attempt to double-cross
him, and that he knows the person he betrayed her quickly earns her ire.
made him pay.


If you're using the Golden Vault as a patron, a
golden key is delivered to the characters in whatever
man,1er you deem fit. When the characters use this
key ~ open their music box, the lid pops open and a
soothing voice says the following:


AT THE BRINE WIDOW The characters have just over 48 hours to steal the
erinyes statuette, as the tournament ends two nights
Verity Kye (neutral good, tiefling spy) sits patiently
from now and the statuette will depart with the
at a table in the back room and makes small talk winner. While the characters could try to take the
with the characters if they arrive in ones and twos. statuette from the winner on their way out, Verity
Once all the characters have arrived, Verity asks the wants to limit the heist's impact to Quentin as much
last to enter to close the door. as possible to shame him publicly.
To begin this scene, read the following text:
The back room in the Brine Widow is well appointed, Made of purple fabric with red stitching, Verity's bag
ofholding functions the same as a standard bag of
with a polished wood table, paintings of local land-
holding in every way but one: to remove any items
scapes, and wrought-iron lanterns. Platters on the ta-
from the bag, the holder must say the command
ble are piled with food, and a pot of tea steams in the word, "hyacinth." Verity's custom bag was given to
center of the table. her by a friend after Verity won her first professional
Thetiefling before you has red skin, cobalt-blue tournament (ironically enough, the tournament
eyes, and curly white hair she wears in long twists. where she defeated Quentin).
Black horns rise from her forehead in tight spirals. When Verity gives the party the bag ofholding,
she doesn't provide them with the command word.
"Thank you for accepting my invitation. I'm Verity
Kye, and what I'm about to discuss with you requires VERIT~ j'S MAP
the utmost secrecy. I can't stress to you enough how The.map Verity gives to the characters is a
important it is that you speak nothing of what you hand-drawn floor plan of the casino and the
bear within these four walls." employee-only areas, as shown in map 2.1. Verity
paid Gildur Draak, a dwarf who worked for the con-
struction company that built the casino, to provide
Once Verity gets assurances from the characters her with information about the building's nonpublic
that they will keep quiet about her mission, she tells areas. However, Verity is no artist, so the map's
them about the job: accuracy is questionable.
"The Afterlife Casino is a new Nine Hells-themed
Verity can give the characters a few ideas about
attraction just outside town. The owner, Quentin what to expect, but she hasn't been to the casino
Togglepocket, built it using prize money he stole from herself, so she can't provide details. She tells the
me, and I'd like you to give him hell. He's hosting a characters the following information:
tournament there. I want you to steal the erinyes stat- Arrival. Wooden boats shuttle visitors and person-
uette he plans to award as a prize, embarrassing him nel to and from the casino, which is built inside
in front of the big names at the tournament. I also a cavern. The boats ply the river that leads to
want you to steal back the five thousand gold pieces the cavern. (Verity knows no other way to enter
he stole from me. Bring the statuette and the gold the casino-)
Employees. The casino employs tieflings only.
here, where I'll be waiting for you,"
Employee-Only Areas. Doors to employee,only
areas have bright-green trim and are magicallY.
Verity can provide the characters with transporta- locked. Getting into them might require the char-
tion, a rough map of the casino (see "Verity's Map" acters to obtain an employee pass card, which
below), and a bag ofholding for transporting the bypasses the magical locks.
loot. She offers to pay the characters 100 gp apiece Security Mirrors. Magical security mirrors
and cedes any claim on additional coin or items they throughout the casino (marked on Verity's map
acquire within the casino. A character who negoti- with red icons) project what they reflect onto twin
ates the reward and succeeds on a DC 15 Charisma mirrors in the security office (area A16).
(Intimidation or Persuasion) check gets her to raise
the payment to 150 gp apiece.



G ETTI NG CAUGH T As an action, a character within reach of an em-
If one or more characters are caught try,ng to steal
ployee can attempt to steal that employee's pass
from the casino, security guards attempt to apprehend card, doing so with a successful DC 15 Dexterity
them. Captured characters are taken to the holding (Sleight of Hand) check. If the check fails by 5
cells (area Al7). Quentin visits them an hour later. If or more, the employee notices the botched theft
the characters reveal they're working for Verity !(ye, and cries for help. Otherwise, a failed check goes
the gnome laughs and makes them a counteroffer (see unnoticed.
area A14 for detarls). If the characters refuse his coun-
teroffer, Quentin has them tossed out of the casino
and sent up the river in a gondola. THE AFTERLIFE CASINO
The Afterlife Casino lies three miles north of the
The Prize. The gold coins and the erinyes statuette nearest town. It's an architectural marvel built into
are kept in the vault. (Verity is not entirely cor- a natural cavern carved by a river nicknamed the
rect. The coins are in the vault, but the statuette River Styx. Since the real River Styx is a route to
is on display in area A9, where the tournament the afterlife, Quentin Togglepocket named his estab-
takes place.) lishment the Afterlife Casino.
After passing through the casino, the river pours
PLANNING THE HEIST over a waterfa II into a larger body of water (which
could be a lake or an ocean, depending on where
How the characters execute the heist is up to them.
you set the adventure). The waterfall isn't a safe way
Allow your players to flex their creativity. _
to enter or leave the casino.
The characters would be smart to scout the casino~
and learn as much as they can about the layout, ~V ARRIVING AT THE CASINO
sonnel, and security arrangements before perpetrat-
ing the heist. They can also try to acquire employee The characters can take the carriage offered to
uniforms and pass cards. them by Verity or find their own way to the casino.
At a branch in the road, they see a freshly painted
DISGUISES and lacquered sign declaring, "This way to the After-
life!" in gaudy, gold lettering, with an arrow pointing
Dealers, bartenders, and other floor employees wear
down the narrower branch. Characters who follow
sleek uniforms that consist of black tuxedo pants
this route for a short distance come to a cobbled
and red jackets with thin lapels. The characters
turnaround and lot where carriage drivers can wait
might try to steal the uniforms to disguise them-
while their patrons gamble.
selves as new hires. The easiest approach would be
As the characters step from the carriage, they
to snatch uniforms from the laundry (area A7).
are greeted by a red-robed tiefling commoner who
Since all casino employees are tiefiings,
welcomes them to the Afterlife Casino. This tiefling
non-tiefling characters who wish to disguise them-
directs them down a brightly lit row of docks, where
selves as employees wm need disguise kits or
boats wait to take the characters downriver. The
appropriate magic to perpetrate the deception.
casino's entrance is visible a short distance away,
Whenever a disguised character enters a situa-
where the river enters a wide-mouthed cave.
tion where the disguise might be detected by an
onlooker who takes more than a passing interest in BOAT RIDE
the character, have the character make a Charisma A tiefling ferrier (commoner) in a heavy, hooded
(Deception) check. If the check's total is higher than robe waits silently to convey characters to
the passive Wisdom (Perception) score of the on- the casino.
looker, the disguise does its job. If the check fails, The ferrier plays the part of Charon on the real
the onlooker sees through the disguise and either River Styx. The tiefling keeps their hood up at all
alerts security or demands a small bribe (5 gp) to times and doesn't speak to passengers. If the char-
keep silent. acters touch the ferrier or attempt to pull back the
ferrier's hood, the ferrier breaks character and asks
the characters to stop-the tiefling is just trying to
Every casino employee carries a pass card made of do their job.
green metal and embossed with a devil's smiling, When the characters enter the casino for the first
winking visage. A detect magic spell reveals a faint time, read the following:
aura of abjuration magic around the card.
Anyone in possession of a pass card can open any
locked door in the casino, bypassing the arcane lock
spell on the door.


l The ferrier ably navigates your boat downriver and DOORS
The casino's interior doors are made of wood. Ar-
into an underground channel. As the cave mouth cane lock spells have been cast on the doors that
swallows you, you hear music over the echo of a dis- lead to the employee-only areas, the vault hallway,
tant waterfall. and the vault itself. These doors have bright-green
The cave's ceiling rises high above your heads, and trim, making them obvious to visitors. (On map 5.2,
dancing lights bob around hanging stalactites. The these doors are marked with dots to indicate they
are Jocked.)
river winds through the casino floor, splitting the
Casino personnel use pass cards (see "Employee
cavernous chamber in two and passing under arched
Pass Cards" earlier in the adventure) to bypass the
stone bridges at various points, Card tables and other arcane lock spells on the doors, which can be shoul-
gaming stations surrounded by chattering patrons dered open with a DC 25 Strength (Athletics) check.
fill the open space. A cheer rises from deeper in the
cavern, which is decorated to suggest excitement,
Entering an employee-only area requires a pass
opportunity, and excess.
card (see "Employee Pass Cards" earlier in the
The ferrier steers your boat toward the left bank, adventure).
and your boat rocks as it bumps up against a wooden Security guards who encounter unauthorized
dock. The ferrier then raises one hand, gesturing at individuals in employee-only areas immediately try
the glittering sights before you, and intones in a deep, to usher them out. If those individuals resist, the
raspy voice: "Welcome to the Afterlife. Temptation guards attempt to apprehend the intruders and take
them to the holding cells (area Al7).
The characters can leave the boat and freely explore The casino is lit by programmed dancing lights
what the casino has to offer. Any character who tips spells that create flames of a hellish hue. These
the ferrier with two coins gains inspiration. lights float and bob at varying heights. The em-
ployee tunnels contain continual flame spells cast
The Afterlife Casino is built within a natural cavern. The music that plays throughout the casino is il-
Its common features are described in the follow- lusory and sounds a lot like cowboy country music.
The music plays more softly in employee-only areas.
ing sections.
The casino has four cashier's stations (in areas Five tiefling security guards (use the thug stat
block) patrol the casino floor, and a sixth stands
A2 and A4), where tiefling cashiers (commoners)
next to the display case containing the erinyes stat-
in smiling devil masks make change or trade out
uette (in area A9). If the characters cause a ruckus,
cash for chips. The casino's chips are thin, painted
the nearest guard moves toward them and tries to
wooden disks. Stamped on both sides of every chip
is the casino's emblem: a golden pitchfork. quell the disturbance without resorting to violence.
If attacked, the guard reacts in kind and shouts for
A cashier has no cash on hand but is attuned to
reinforcements. All other guards arrive in 3 rounds.
a magical sigil on the station's countertop. The
cashier places coinage on the sigil, sending it di- SECURITY MIRRORS
rectly to the vault, or pulls coins from the vault Throughout the casino are security mirrors, each
through the same sigil. Withdrawals of more than one anchored to a wall at a downward angle twelve
250 gp require a second cashier to confirm the feet off the floor. A detect magic spell reveals an aura
transaction. Transactions occurring through the sig- of divination magic around each mirror, which is a
ils are automatically recorded in the magical ledger Large object with AC 13, 5 hit points, and immunity
in the clerk's office (area Al5). to poison and psychic damage. In addition to func-
CEILINGS tioning as a normal mirror, each security mirror
The ceiling in the public parts of the casino is 50 acts as a magical scrying device, allowing guards in
feet high and festooned with hanging stalactites. the security office (area Al6) to see through it like a
The ceilings in the employee-only areas are 20 feet window. Casting dispel magic on a security mirror
high and smooth. suppresses its scrying property for 10 minutes.
Breaking a mirror or suppressing its magic leads
two guards from area Al6 to investigate and report
what they learn to Quentin.
War. A player who ties with the house has two
options: the player can surrender and lose half their
A patron who is caught cheating fs escorted by ld3
bet, or the player can "go to war," in which case the
security guards (use the thug stat block) to the holding
cells (area Al7). The cheater is released the next dawn,
player must double their bet, and then the player
escorted by security to a boat, advised never to return, and dealer both roll again.
and sent upriver. Push Your Luck. When a player wins a roll of
life and death, they can opt to push their luck on
WALLS AND FLOORS their next bet. In this case, they bet everything they
The casino's perimeter walls are made of rough, won on the last roll (their ante plus the winnings
naturally carved stone. Interior walls are made of from the house). lf they win, the house pays double
, 2-foot-thick stone; these walls look natural but were their bet.
sculpted using stone shape spells. The floors are COPPER SLOTS
made of smooth worked stone and are covered with These machines, referred to by some casino patrons
garish rugs. as "tricky devils," are simple clockwork devices that
accept copper coins. Each machine has a spring-
loaded lever and five identical spinning cylinders
The casino has many diversions for its patrons to called reels . Six golden, Infernal runes are painted
enjoy, the most popular being games of chance. on each reel. A player inserts between 1 and 9 cop-
per coins into the machine's slot and pulls the lever,
which causes the reels to spin, stop, and display a
Three-dragon ante is a card game. If you own an
row of five runes. The player wins by matching three
actual three-dragon ante deck, you can play the card
or more runes.
game for real. Otherwise, adjudicate the outcome
To determine the result of a pull, have the player
of a three-dragon ante game using dl2s and the fol-
roll Sd6 (the dice represent the five reels of Infernal
lowing rules:
runes). The player's goal is to roll as many of the
Step 1. Randomly determine which participant is same number on the dice as possible. The payout, if
the dealer. any, varies according to the results, as shown in the
Step 2. Each participant (including the dealer) Copper Slots Payouts table.
places their opening bet, then rolls five dl2s to de-
termine their hand, keeping these die rolls hidden COPPER SLOTS PAYOUTS
from the other participants. 5d6 Result Payout
Step 3. Starting to the left of the dealer and con- Three of a kind 2-to-l
tinuing clockwise, each participant reveals one of
Four of a kind 4-to·l
their die rolls. This step is repeated twice more;
on the second and third round, each participant Five of a kind 10-to-l
can raise their bet before revealing their next die
roll. The other participants each have three op- QUENTIN TOGGLEPOCKET
tions: match the bet, raise their bet (in which case
Quentin Togglepocket (lawful evil, gnome noble)
all participants must match that bet in turn), or
has a Mephistophelian aspect to his appearance. He
fold, forfeiting any bet they've placed and dropping
dresses garishly, slicks back his wavy hair, curls his
out of the game.
mustache, and cultivates a long, pointy beard. Only
Step 4. Each participant who hasn't folded totals
the freckles across his nose undermine his devilish
their die rolls. The one with the highest total wins.
The winner becomes the dealer for the next game
Quentin used to be a professional three-dragon
(assuming the participant wants to keep playing).
ante player, but his rise to prominence was cut short
LIFE AND DEATH ten years ago when, in a major tournament, he lost
Life and death is a dice game played between the the final gambit (and the entire prize) to a relative
house (represented by a dealer) and a player. While newcomer: a young tiefling named Verity Kye.
up to five players can sit at a table, their only oppo- Quentin never forgave Verity for what he felt was a
nent is the house. stunning humiliation and vowed to take his revenge.
To play, each player places a bet; once bets have He spent the next several years building up a false
been placed, the house and the players each roll friendship with her, traveling the gambling circuit
a d20. If a player rolls lower than the dealer, the with her and cultivating a mutual dream: owning
house wins. A player who rolls higher than the and operating their own casino. Then, three years
dealer reclaims the money they bet and wins that ago, he saw his opportunity, stole all the money they
same amount from the house. had pooled together, and vanished from Verity's life.


Opening the Afterlife Casino was the final coup de CASINO PATRONS
grace in Quentin's vengeance against Verity, and he
The Afterlife Casino is bustling with patrons from
is riding high on the grand-opening weekend. He
all parts of the world. Roll or pick randomly from
secretly hopes Verity arrives to confront him herself
so he can laugh in her face. the Casino Patrons table when you need a patron.
Quentin couldn't have accomplished his goals
alone. To make his casino a reality, he sold his soul
to Mammon, the archdevil of Minauros (the third d6 Patron

layer of the Nine Hells). In turn, one of Mammon's lysa Silvertongue (neutral, tiefling noble) is eager
subordinates put Quentin in touch with wizards who to break the monotony of her life of leisure.
could help him build and decorate the casino. 2 Georgie Simmons (neutral good, human com-
moner) is a down-and-out loser who is deter-
mined to have a good time.
Quentin sees himself as Verity's victim and portrays
himself as a martyr for losing to her. He sees the 3 Karlton Keyes (lawful neutral, human commoner),
theft and his new casino as his rightful chance to a merchant, hopes to open his own casino and is
even the scales and reclaim his dignity. here doing research.
Quentin is a classic villain, happy to monologue 4 Lowell Brassborn (neutral good, dwarf com-
if given the chance-how will the characters know moner) thinks gambling is a waste of money but
how brilliant he is otherwise? is here with his sister, Lorna.
QUENTIN'S LOCATION 5 Lorna Brassborn (lawful neutral, dwarf com•
You decide where Quentin is at any given time. moner) is a hard-nosed copper slots player
Tf he's not chatting with patrons or boosting staff who thinks she has the machines' algorithms
morale on the casino floor, he's usually in his office figured out.
(area Al4). He also visits the holding cells (area 6 Rythil Ire (chaotic neutral, elf noble) aims to enjoy
Al 7) to question patrons who have been detained the cocktails at Bar Malbolge and soak away his
by security.
stress in the spa.
MAP 2.2: DM' S MAP


AFTERLIFE CASINO LOCATIONS Security Mirrors. A security mirror overlooks the
cashier booths in the southwest corner. Another se-
The casino is divided into nine areas of gaming and
curity mirror hangs in the northwest corner of this
entertainment. The north end of the casino ends
area, overlooking the track.
in an 80-foot rocky cliff face. The river that runs
through the casino pours over the cliff at the over- A5: BAR MALBOLGE
look (area AlO) and empties into a larger body of Bar Malbolge features two bars and plenty of plush,
water below. comfortable chairs and cushions. The tiefling bar-
The following locations are keyed to map 2.2. tenders (commoners) serve spirits and a bitter ale
called Brimstone Gulp. This ale is served in copper
flagons embossed with prancing imps. Patrons can
The casino's boats load and unload passengers at a
also buy cigars here for 1 cp each.
pair of wooden docks. Two tiefling attendants (com-
Security Mirror. A security mirror in the north-
moners) help patrons into and out of the boats.
west corner of this area faces the northernmost bar
Patrons are expected to abide by the casino's
and seating area.
rules, which are posted on placards near the docks.
The placards read as follows: A6: PHLEGETHOSIAN SPA & STYGIAN BATHS

RULES IN THE AFTERLIFE: The air in here is warmer and more hum id than in
Stay out of the River Styx. the casino proper and bears a sulfurous fragrance. A
Don't cheat. (Cheaters never prosper.) tieAing seated behind a desk gives you a warm smile.
Don't accost or threaten other patrons or the staff. Chintz curtains are drawn behind her.
Keep your weapons hidden or sheathed at all times. "Dear souls," says the tiefling. "Care to enjoy a mas-
Only employees may pass through sage, relax in our sauna, or take a warm bath?"
green-trimmed doors.
The tiefling attendant (commoner) is happy to
schedule massages or time in the sauna or baths.
A2: AVERNUS Patrons are allowed to explore the areas beyond
This area holds three-dragon ante tables and cop- the curtain:
per slot machines. Just south of the game tables are
Phlegethosian Spa. The northernmost chamber is
two cashier booths. Just north of the games area is
where patrons receive therapeutic massages (10
a secluded lounge that holds a small bar as well as
gp for an hour) or relax in the wood-sided sauna
chairs and couches.
for free. A locked double door in the east wall
Security Mirrors. A security mirror hangs in the
leads to the laundry (area A7).
southeast corner overlooking the games area. An-
Stygian Baths. The southernmost room contains
other security mirror hangs on the north wall, above
four steaming pools of water. Patrons can pay
the chairs in the lounge area.
2 gp for two hours in the pools or 5 gp for an
A3: Dis all-day pass.
This section contains rows of copper slot machines A7: LAUNDRY
and five life and death tables, each with a different
Employee-Only Area
bet value: 1 cp, 5 cp, l sp, 1 gp, and 10 gp.
This area holds two large washtubs, as well as a
A4: MINAUROS clothesline hung with towels and employee uni-
forms. Characters who want to disguise themselves
A narrow racing track dominates the center of this
as employees can find plenty of uniforms here.
section, with shouting and cheering patrons clustered A8: CIRQUE MALADOMINI
around it. Numbered rats scurry along their respec• Cirque Maladomini performs here for the enjoyment
tive lanes. As the rats cross the finish line, cries of of all. Hour-long performances occur here once ev-
victory and groans of defeat erupt from the patrons. ery four hours. Each show presents a mix of tiefling
Just south of the track are a pair of lounge chairs
acrobats and trained animals, all performing to the
music of a tiefling banjo player. The star of the show
and two cashier booths staffed by tieflings wearing
is a trained lion named Emrys, which leaps through
devil masks.
flaming hoops on command. S ee area Al2 for more
information about these creatures.


Casino patrons come and go through two sets of
double doors in the east wall. Descending rings of
seats encircle a 35-foot-wide, 10-foot-deep depres-
sion in the floor. When the circus is in full swing,
performers and trained animals enter and leave
through an open tunnel in the west wall of the de-
pression. This tunnel leads to a staging area (area
A12) behind a locked double door.
Security Mirror. A security mirror hangs in the
northwest corner, overlooking the seating area.

Steps lead to the sunken floor of a gambling haven

ringed with pillars of black basalt. Seven three-dragon
ante tables take up the floorspace. A three-foot-high
shelf carved into the far wall bears a ilass case, dis-
played in which is a gold statuette of a winged devil.
Standing next to the display case is a tiefling secu-
rity guard.

The five tables closest to the entrance are high-

stakes tables (50 gp buy-in) open to anyone, while
the easternmost two tables are reserved for the
final rounds of the Grand Minauros Invitational
TOURNAMENT PARTICIPANTS Grand Minauros Invitational. When the charac-
Eight card sharks have come to participate in the ters first arrive here, the tournament is in full swing.
Grand Minauros Invitational tournament. Use the no- Its eight remaining participants (see the "Tourna-
ble stat block to represent them, but assume they are ment Participants" sidebar) are arranged as shown
unarmed and unartnored. Their names and descrip-
tions are as follows: in the Tournament Seating table. Between rounds
of the tournament, characters are free to mingle and
Anals Bellefleur (chaotic good tiefling) smokes chat with the tournament participants.
foul-smelling cigars, has a bellowing laugh, and
enjoys ale a bit too much. TOURN AM EN T SEATI N G
Jetta Moore (neutral good human) has childlike enthu-
siasm and displays guileless naivet~. Table 1 Table 2
Kam lronpebble (lawful neutral dwarf) grumbles to Anais Bellefleur Jetta Moore
himself, counts cards, and is deliberately slow at play- Karn lronpebble Nightshade
ing his hands.
IJlhdia Mjzreem (neutral drow) is aloof, inscrutable, Lahdia Mizreem Ruthie Swifford
and fiercely determined to win. Whipp Walsh Wumpus Thistle~own
Nightshade (lawful good tiefling) finds the theme of
the- casino distasteful but is willing to overlook it to Security Guard and Display Case. A tiefling se-
win the purse. curity guard (use the thug stat block) stands next to
Ruthie Swlff'ord (neutral good human) is a determined, the display case and allows guests to e:xamine the
no-nonsense player who keeps up a constant stream statuette without touching the case.
ofgood-natured chatter. The display case is 2 feet wide, 2 feet deep, and
Whipp Walsh (chaotic neutral human) is a charming 3 feet tall, and it weighs 25 pounds. It is a Small
rake and a sore loser. object that has AC 13, 3 hit points, and immunity to
Wumpus Thistledown (lawful evil halfling) dislikes play-
poison and psychic damage. The erinyes statuette is
ing high bets and is condescending.
a Tiny object that weighs 9 pounds.
Barring character intervention, the tournament partic- A character who examines the display case and
ipants are eliminated in the following order: Wumpus
succeeds on a DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation)
Thistledown, Anais Bellefleur, Whipp Walsh, Jetta
Moore, Karn lronpebble, Nightshade, and Ruthie Swif..
check spots a line of barely visible runes inscribed
ford. That leaves Lahdia Mizreem as the winner. around the perimeter of each pane of glass. A de-
tect magic spell reveals an aura of abjuration magic


emanating from these runes. Damaging the case Security Mirror. A security mirror hangs on the
triggers a magical trap that forces each creature southeast wall, just north of the entry tunnel, over-
in a 15-foot-radius sphere centered on the case to looking the dining room.
succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or be
paralyzed for 1 minute. A12: STAGING AREA AND ANIMAL CAGES
The front of the display case is a hinged door Employee-Only Area
with a locked latch. The door can be unlocked and Cirque Maladomini uses this room as a holding pen
opened using the key found in Quentin's office (area for animals and a staging area for performers. Char-
A14). As an action, a character using thieves' tools acters entering from the south must descend a flight
can try to pick the lock, doing so with a successful of steps to reach the chamber's sunken floor.
DC 15 Dexterity check. When the characters enter this room for the first
Security Mirror. A security mirror hangs on a pil- time, read the following:
lar in the southwest corner, overlooking the room.
A lO: WATERFALL OVERLOOK This room smells like hay and musk. Three crates rest
on the floor in one corner, and a portable cage on ro ll-
The casino floor ends where the river spills over the ers sits beside them. Floor-to-ceiling bars form two
edge of a cliff and into a much larger body of water. larger cages against the north wall. A wooden chest
The waterfall is thunderous, drowning out the noise sits against the east wall near the biggest cage. Rest-
from the casino. Above the waterfall is a stone over- ing on the lid of the chest is a ring of keys.
look bounded by three-foot-high railings.
A locked double door in the middle of the east wall
The waterfall is 100 feet tall and plunges into water conceals a curvy tunnel that leads to area A8.
that is 30 feet deep. When Cirque Maladomini isn't performing in area
Security Mirror. A security mirror is mounted in A8, the northwest cage holds three trained baboons
the northeast corner, overlooking the area. that shriek whenever someone new enters the room,
and the northeast cage contains a quiet trained lion
All: NESSUS named Emrys. Three tiefling acrobats (commoners
Nessus is a restaurant located 20 feet below the ca- with Acrobatics +4 and Performance +4) are also
sino. It can be reached by descending a spiral stair- rehearsing together in the middle of the room. One
case in the hallway between areas A6 and A9. tiefling performs a one-handed handstand, while
The restaurant's dining area sits on a ledge be- another twirls a flaming hoop, and the third plucks
hind the waterfall (area AlO). The ceiling here is a banjo. During performances, the tieflings and the
uneven but is roughly 12 feet high. A smooth wall animals are all absent.
separates the dining area from the kitchen, which Wooden Chest. The wooden chest next to the li-
contains two large stoves. on's cage is unlocked. The keys on the chest unlock
The restaurant is open all day and offe rs the fol- the doors to the animal cages. The chest itself con-
lowing menu of options: tains juggling pins, rubber balls, colorful streamers,
and other circus doodads. A potion ofanimal friend-
ship can be found here as well.
Seasonal pan-fried fungi with garlic butter• 2 cp Employee-Only Area
Spicy shredded stirge sliders • 3 cp
Main Dishes This room is sixty feet long by fifty feet wide. A long
Abyssal chicken egg omelet • l sp table surrounded by ten chairs takes up the center of
Otto's irresistible noodles • 5 cp the room, and the far corners each hold a couch, two
Otyugh steak, well done• 3 sp cushioned chairs, and a coffee table.
Desserts & Drinks
Night hag's delight (blackberry tart) • 2 cp
At any time during casino hours, three tiefling em-
Stench kow cheese plate • 2 cp
ployees (commoners) are here on a break.
Nessian liqueur • 2 cp The off-duty employees are chatty and not overly
Coffee/tea • l cp (first cup is complimentary!) fond of their employer. Characters who question the
tieflings can learn the following information:


Minotaur Skeleton. Quentin recently added a new Quentin's letter to Verity reads as follows:
security measure to the casino's vault: an ani-
mated minotaur skeleton. Quentin refers to it as
It is such a disappointment when one attempts to
"Virgil." It can be controlled using a magic rod
that Quentin keeps in his office (area Al4). conceal their lack of skill by sending others to do their
Security Office Personnel. Three g~ards staff the dirty work. Nevertheless, after all this time, it appears
security office across the hall. I am, in fact, better than you.-Q.


Employee-Only Area Desk Drawers. The top drawer of Quentin's desk
holds a red candle, a quill, a jar of ink, a few sheets
of parchment, a few envelopes, a tiny glass key that
This roomy office contains an L-shaped desk sized unlocks the display case in area A9, a copper ring
for a gnome, cushioned chairs, and knickknacks on bearing Quentin's wax seal, and a velvet pouch con-
shelves. A pc1inted bas-relief spans the entire north taining 25 gp.
wall and depicts a host of winged devi ls catching mor- The bottom drawer of Quentin's desk contains an
unlocked wooden case that contains a 12-inch-long
tals as they plunge into the depths of hell.
rod made of bone with a stylized copper minotaur
head mounted at each end of it. A detect magic spell
If Quentin Togglepocket is in his office and notices reveals an aura of enchantment magic emanating
one or more of the characters, add the following: from the rod. As an action, the holder of the rod can
use it to telepathically command the minotaur skel-
eton in area A19, provided the rod is within 30 feet
A garishly dressed gnome with a devilish countenance
of it. The minotaur skeleton follows such commands
to rival Mephistopheles sits behind the desk, stroking
to the best of its ability. If the minotaur skeleton ever
his pointy beard. When he notices you, he curls his leaves the casino, it goes berserk and can't be con-
lips in a lopsided smile. "Well, now," he says. "What trolled by anyone, and the rod turns to dust.
can I do for you?" Treasure. Quentin wears nine gem-inlaid gold
rings (100 gp each) on his fingers and keeps an
employee pass card in his waistcoat pocket (see
Quentin (lawful evil, gnome noble) shrewdly shuns "Employee Pass Cards" earlier in the adventure).
combat, but he draws his rapier and defends himself
if threatened and cornered. As an action, he can ut- Al5: CLERK'S OFFICE
ter a prayer to Mammon, which causes two spined Employee-Only Area
devils to magically emerge from the bas-relief on
the north wall. Each devil appears in an unoccupied
space next to the north wall, acts as Quentin's ally, This office contains an L-shaped desk, atop which
and sticks around for 1 minute before returning to sits a candlestick and a thick, open ledger. Other
the Minauros, the third layer of the Nine Hells. If the furnishings include cushioned chairs and two bare
devils are defeated, Quentin shouts for help, attract- bookshelves.
ing the three security guards from area A16 if they
haven't already been dealt with.
Ain't Foolin' No One. Quentin personally hires The ledger on the desk magically tracks all money
all casino staff and knows all their names. Conse- moving in and out of the casino. Every coin and chip
quently, he isn't fooled by characters pretending to that passes through the cashier booths is recorded
be employees he doesn't know. here in the appropriate column, scrawled in ink as if
Quentin's Counteroffer. If the characters come by some invisible hand. Any character who spends
clean to Quentin, he is amused to hear that Verity 1 minute reading the ledger can verify that the casi-
hired them to rob his casino. He refuses to give the no's vault contains roughly 5,000 gp in coinage.
characters what they came for, instead offering to
pay them 150 gp each to forgo the heist and return
Employee-Only Area
to Verity with a letter from him.
If the characters agree to his terms, Quentin Five desks face the west wall, which is covered with
writes a quick letter, slides it into an envelope, and mirrors. Each mirror on the wall corresponds to a
hands it to them with their payment before leading security mirror elsewhere in the casino, and what-
them back to the casino floor. In addition, he gives ever is happening within line of sight of the mirrors
each of them a handful of casino chips equiva- is displayed here. Three tiefting security guards
lent to 15 gp. (thugs) monitor the mirrors.


Ring ofKeys. A ring of eight keys dangles from a Virgil the minotaur skeleton stands guard in the
'look next to the south door. Each cell and chest in center of the room. Virgil attacks any intruders who
area Al7 has a corresponding key that unlocks it. aren't escorted by Quentin. A character who has
Quentin's magic rod (see area A14) can use it to tele-
A.17: HOLDING CELLS pathically command Virgil.
Employee-Only Area Iron Chests. A detect magic spell reveals an aura
This area holds six jail cells and two padlocked of transmutation magic around each iron chest. All
·ooden chests (see "Wooden Chests" below). The seven chests are magically linked to the cashier
keys in the security office (area A16) unlock the stations in the casino. The interior of each chest's
-::ells and the chests. As an action, a character using lid is scribed with a rune that enables the cashiers
· hieves' tools can try to pick a lock, doing so with a to remotely deposit coins into and withdraw coins
successful DC 17 Dexterity check. If the character from the chests. The chests must be closed for their
·ries to pick the lock of a cell door from inside the magic to function, and the chests become nonmagi-
cell, the check is made with disadvantage. caJ if removed from the vault.
Wooden Chests. Both chests are unlocked and At any given time, the seven chests contain mixed
empty. If one or more characters are detained coinage worth a total of 2d4 x 1,000 gp.
here, their weapons are locked in the chests for If all the coins are removed from the chests, the
safekeeping. cashiers quickly discover they are unable to with-
draw money from the vault and alert the guards
A.18: BACK HALLWAYS immediately. It's only a matter of time until someone
Employee-Only Area investigates.
These three hallways are used frequently by casino Security Mirror. A security mirror bangs on the
employees. At your discretion, characters who linger north wall of the vault, facing the double door.
here might encounter one or more of these employ- Wardrobes. The wardrobes hold items of value
ees heading to or from the casino floor. given by rich patrons for collateral against the
Security Mirrors. Each haJlway has a security house: a gold and ruby necklace (250 gp), a jade
mirror on its west wall that faces a single or double rabbit figurine (75 gp), and a +l rapier.
door to the east.
The adventure ends when the characters return to
Employee-Only Area
Verity Kye with the fruits of their heist, Quentin's
The double door leading to the vault has cast-iron letter, or nothing:
devil faces mounted on its south side. If a creature
without an employee pass card comes within 10 feet Returning with the Loot. If the characters obtained
of the double door, the devil faces open their mouths the statuette and the money and return both to
and breathe a 10-foot-wide, 30-foot-long line of fire Verity Kye, she is pleased. She pays the characters
down the hallway. Each creature in the line must and thanks them for their service.
make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 10 Returning Empty-Handed. If the characters return
3d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much empty-handed, Verity is disappointed but open to
damage on a successful one. This trap resets at the the possibility of giving them more opportunities
next dawn. to prove themselves, if they're game for it.
When the characters peer into the vault for the Returning with Quentin's Letter. If the characters
first time, read the following: return without the loot but give Quentin's Jetter
to Verity, she reads it in furious silence. She then
tells the characters to leave and offers them no
The vault is forty feet deep and almost twice as wide. recompense.
A security mirror stares back at you from the far wall.
Seven treasure chests rest on low tables positioned FOR THE GOLDEN VAULT
against the north and east walls. and two tall ward- If the characters accomplish the heist for the Golden
robes stand against the south wall. Vault, Verity ensures that the Golden Vault learns
Standing in the middle of the room is the animated about the characters' success. She also informs the
characters that they are entitled to an uncommon
skeleton of a minotaur.
magic item of their choice (subject to your approval)
• as payment for the statuette. The item is delivered to
the characters the next day.



ARKOS DELPHI'S CURIOSITY HAS TAKEN Acting under Krokulmar's control, Markos
a tragic turn. A Far Realm entity called visited one of his peers, a sage named Vasil
Krokulmar has taken control of Markos, Talistrome. Markos incapacitated Vasil and stole
compelling him to commit evil acts. At The Celestial Codex from the sage's library. In ad-
Krokulmar's command, Markos is using a book dition to containing lore about stars and the planes
called The Celestial Codex to bring part of Krokul- of existence, the book describes rituals that can be
mar into the world. The book's rightful owner hired used to summon extraplanar entities. Krokulmar
adventurers to retrieve The Celestial Codex and needs Markos to perform one of these rituals to
prevent Markos from using it, but these adventurers bind a fragment ofKrokulmar to the Material Plane.
fell prey to the horrors of Delphi Mansion. A new Without any knowledge of the profane entity in-
group of adventurers-the player characters- must fluencing Markos, Vasil Talistrome hired a warrior
now complete the task. Meanwhile, Markos is close named Elra Lionheart to retrieve The Celestial
to accomplishing Krokulmar's goal. Codex. Elra and three other adventurers traveled to
Acquiring The Celestial Codex is the primary goal Markos's mansion, where they witnessed a number
of this adventure, but the characters also have a of peculiar magical effects caused by Krokulmar's
growing influence. One by one, they fell prey to the
chance to free Markos from the Far Realm entity's
control. Body horror is a recurring theme in this ad- mansion's sinister occupants.
venture; before running it, discuss with your players
their level of comfort with these elements. USING THE GOLDEN VAULT
If you're using the Golden Vault as a patron, a
ADVENTURE BACKGROUND golden key is delivered to the characters in whatever
Markos Delphi grew up with an insatiable curiosity. manner you deem fit. When the characters use this
Eventually, he had his fill of worldly knowledge and key to open their music box, the lid pops open and a
began delving into the arcane, eager to understand soothing voice says the following:
the secrets of the planes of existence. Raised in a
family of scholars and academics, Markos wished to "Greetings, operatives. Vasil Taiistrome, a sage who
make a breakthrough discovery that would propel
works with the Golden Vault, has reported the theft of
himself and his family to new heights.
This quest for understanding became Markos's The Celestial Codex. This book contains rituals that,
obsession. He sequestered himself and his fellow in the wrong hands, co1.1ld be used to summon dan-
researchers in the remote Delphi Mansion. Markos gerous extraplanar entities. The book was stolen by a
used astrology-based magic to attempt to contact nobleman named Markos Delphi, who might be under
other planes, and something finally answered him: the influence of some profane entity. Four adventurers
an entity that called itself Krokulmar. This entity hired to retrieve the book from Delphi Mahsion have
made a pact with Markos, granting insight into the
disappeared without a trace. We have good reason to
multiverse in exchange for influence on the Material
Plane. Markos assumed Krokulmar's intentions believe they're dead. This quest, should you choose to
were benign. undertake it, requires you to travel to Delphi Mansion
Krokulmar hails from the Far Realm. In making and retrieve The Celestial Codex. May you fare better
its pact with Markos, Krokulmar corrupted the man- than the last group. Good luck, operatives."
sion and its residents, then eroded Markos's sense
of self until he became eager to commit evil acts in
Krokulmar's service. Closing the music box causes the golden key
to vanish.


41 "'1:

ADVENTURE HOOKS A ray of sunlight shines down on a tree stump by the
If you're not using the Golden Vault as the charac- side of road, and the disembodied head of a human
ters' patron, choose one of the following adventure woman appears above the stump.
hooks instead.
"My name is Elra Lionheart," says the head. "My
HIRED BY VASIL companions and I died trying to retrieve The Celestial
Vasil Talistrome, a human sage who lives in a city Codex. Heed my words, lest you too fall prey to the
of your choice, hires the characters to retrieve dangers of Delphi Mansion. Markos is using the book
The Celestial Codex from Delphi Mansion. Vasil to conjure an otherworldly being not meant to exist
doesn't want any harm to befall Markos, whom he in this world. Meanwhile, his purple-robed cultists
still regards as a friend. Vasil is worried about what busy themselves with eldritch experiments. Bewar~
might've prompted Markos to steal the book and
creatures that look like puddles of eyes and mouths.
what he might do with the book's information.
Beware the thing that has hooks for hands. And
The chc}racters aren't the first group to receive
this quest, as Vasil is quick to mention. The last beware the mansion itself, for it transforms weirdly.
group he hired was led by a human warrior named Most of all, stop Markos before it's too late!
Elra Lionheart. Elra and her companions perished "My companions and I had a camp on a bluff due
in Delphi Mansion. (Vasil paid for the casting of a south of the mansion. If you go there first, you'll find a
divination spell that confirmed as much.) backpack containing a map of the mansion and some
VASIL'S REWARD notes we acquired from a dubious source. These
Vasil is prepared to pay 250 gp to each character if might help you plan your approach. Best of luck!"
The Celestial Codex is safely delivered to him.

HIRED BY MARKOS'S FAMILY The characters have a choice: go to Elra's camp or

to the mansion.
Shortly after Markos stole The Celestial Codex At your discretion, Elra's spectral head can float
from the library of Vasil Talistrome, the incident alongside the characters as they explore Delphi
was reported to Markos's wealthy family. Several Mansion. In this form, Elra can't be harmed, nor
family members are concerned about Markos and can she physically interact with her surroundings in
fear his recent studies have led him down a trou- any way. Moreover, Elra can't stray more than a few
bled path. One ofMarkos's family members hires feet from the characters. But she can provide helpful
the characters to travel to Delphi Mansion and stop advice if the characters get stuck and don't know
Markos from doing anything that might hurt himself what to do.
or others. The family member asks the characters If you choose not to have Elra accompany the
to return The Celestial Codex to its rightful owner, characters, her head fades away.
preferably without harming Markos.
Markos's family is prepared to pay 100 gp to each Elra and her companions camped on a bluff that has
character for delivering The Celestial Codex safely an unobstructed view of the south wall of Delphi
to Vasil Talistrome, plus an extra 150 gp each if the Mansion. The characters can locate the camp with-
characters bring Markos home. (The family strongly out difficulty.
prefers him to be alive but pays to have him raised A quick search of the camp yields a backpack
from the dead if necessary.) containing a rolled-up map of Delphi Mansion. Give
your players a copy of map 3.1 at this time.
MEETING ELRA Accompanying the map are some scraps of paper
with notes written on them in Common. Elra and
The journey to Delphi Mansion can be as eventful as
you wish. When the characters get within 1 mile of her companions obtained the map and notes from
one of Markos's cultists, whom they caught leaving
the mansion, they encounter a manifestation of the
late Elra Lionheart. the mansion. The notes are as follows:
Elra's spirit manifests as a disembodied head. In "Markos has a room on the third floor where he
this form, Elra reaches out to the characters and performs rituals."
provides some helpful information: "A cavernous room underneath the basement con-
tains four large crystals- purpose unknown."
• "Mansion windows can be unlocked using the
password 'Krokulmar."'



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Members of the Delphi family are nobles known for d4 Surge Effect
their academic studies of the multiverse. Markos's The air becomes heavy and malleable. The space
ancestors built Delphi Mansion in a forest away in the room becomes difficult terrain. While in the
from civilization so they could study in peace. room, creatures have a flying speed equal to their
walking speed.
2 Doors and windows in the room grow biting
Once the characters are within sight of the mansion, teeth. A creature that passes through a door or
read or paraphrase the following:
window in the room must succeed on a DC 13
Dexterity saving throw or take 5 (2d4) piercing
A three-story mansion stands a lone In a clearing. It damage. A creature can take this damage only
has alabaster walls, windows on all three levels, and once per turn.
a closed double door on the ground floor. The area 3 Illusory magic causes one to perceive objects and
around the mansion seems unnaturally quiet. creatures a short distance from their actual loca-
tions. While in the room, a creature has disadvan-
tage on attack rolls.
DELPHI MANSION FEATURES 4 An animated shadow of the creature that caused
The mansion has the following features: the surge appears in its space while it is in the
room. Until the creature leaves the room, imme-
Ceilings. The ceilings throughout the mansion are
20 feet high. diately after it makes an ability check, an attack
Doors. The mansion's doors and secret doors are roll, or casts a spell on its turn, the shadow makes
unlocked unless the text states otherwise. a melee spell attack (+4 to hit) against a random
Lighting. The mansion is illuminated by continual creature within 5 feet of it, dealing 5 (2d4) ne•
flame spells cast on candles that are mounted to erotic damage on a hit.
the walls.
Windows. Each window is under the effect of an DELPHI MANSION LOCATIONS
arcane lock spell. The password to circumvent the
magical locks is "Krokulmar." Locations in Delphi Mansion are keyed to map 3.2.


Since the day Markos contacted Krokulmar, its
presence has slowly warped Delphi Mansion and A sickly sweet scent hangs in the air of this dusty
its residents. Krokulmar's influence is strongest foyer. Two staircas-es rise from the hardwood floor
in certain rooms. When a room's description calls
to a balcony, and a glass chandelier hangs above the
for it, or whenever a creature casts a spell in Del-
center of the room. Below the chandelier, the pelt of
phi Mansion, roll on the Eldritch Surges table to
see how Krokulmar's influence manifests in that an owlbear has been made into a fine rug, its head
location. The surge lasts for 1 hour. Rolling on the staring at the entranc-e.
Eldritch ,Surges table whHe a surge is already in
effect causes the current surge to end. ·
The stairs climb to a balcony (area DIO). The ceiling
here rises 30 feet from the floor. The owlbear rug
weighs 50 pounds.
Krokulmar, the entity at the center of this adventure, is
an enigmatic being from the Far Realm. Krokulmar can D2: DINING HALLWAY
serve any campaign, or you (:an replace it with a more
suitable otherworldly being.
This L-shaped hall is lined with large paintings of
members of House Delphi. The ones that feature
knights in silvery suits of armor have their faces
scratched off.


. ;;
~>-) ..
A character who examines the armor in the paint- 05: PANTRY
ings and succeeds on a DC 10 Intelligence (History) The pantry is well stocked, and the foodstuffs here
check recalls that the knights belong to an order of haven't spoiled yet. A sack of potatoes rests against
paladins that battles extraplanar threats. the east wall next to stairs that lead to the wine cel-

lar (area D23).
Chairs and candelabras accompany a large dining
table. The heads of several deer are mounted on Small circular pedestals dot the room, each one large
the walls. enough to hold a couple of drinking cups. In the cor-
ners of the room stand four suits of armor. The two
A mimic disguised as a stuffed deer head has at- on the west side of the room are noticeably cleaner
tached itself to a blank wooden plaque mounted on than the others.
a secret door in the south wall. Markos trained the
mimic to guard the secret door, which leads to a hid- The two suits of animated armor on the west side
den room (described below). The mimic attacks if a of the room attack if a character comes within 5 feet
character comes within 5 feet of it. of either of them. They fight until destroyed.
Hidden Room . The wooden plaque behind the
mimic is a lever of sorts. A character who inspects O7A: EMPTY SITTING ROOM
the wall and succeeds on a DC 11 Wisdom (Per- All furnishings and decorations have been
ception) check spots scratches around the plaque removed from this room, leaving nothing but dust
that suggest the plaque can be rotated in either and cobwebs.
direction. Doing so causes the secret door to swing
inward, revealing a dusty room with several shelves. D7B: ROOM WITH A SECRET
Lining the shelves are jars, most of which contain
harmless liquids. Among these are six specimen The walls of this sitting room are decorated with grim
jars, each containing one slaad tadpole.
paintings, but all furnishings have been removed ex-
Hiding in the dark corners of the hidden room
cept a ten-foot-square rug in the middle of the floor
are two crawling claws. If one or more characters
enter the hidden room, the claws start pushing the and a sword mounted on the middle of the north wall.
jars with slaad tadpoles off the shelves and onto the
ground, releasing the tadpoles. On its turn, a crawl- The rug is a rug of smothering, and the sword is a
ing claw can move to a specimen jar and take an flying sword. They both attack if a character comes
action to release the slaad tadpole trapped within. within 5 feet of either.
Treasure. On the shelf along the dining room's Hidden Room. A secret door in the north wall
west wall is a small box with the Delphi family (where the flying sword hangs when it isn't attack-
crest (a purple eye) engraved on the lid. The box is ing) leads to a hidden room. A character who exam-
unlocked. Inside is a bag that contains 150 gp and ines the north wall and succeeds on a DC 10 Intel-
three potions ofhealing. ligence (Investigation) check finds the secret door,
which pushes inward easily enough.
The hidden room has a pair of cobwebbed chairs
at one end and a dusty table at the opposite end.
This large kitchen is in poor condition. Flies cover Tucked under the table is a small wooden chest
foul-smelling messes of several meals stacked on a with bandies.
worktable in the middle of the room. Treasure. The wooden chest is unlocked and
holds three spell scrolls (arms ofHadar, bane, and
dimension door) and a bag containing six pieces of
The kitchen is in shambles. The half-eaten food on jewelry worth 100 gp each.
the cookery and plates has begun to rot.
Chimney. A fireplace in the middle of the east wall D8A: TOWER GROUND FLOOR

I 1
contains a black iron pot hung on a hook. The chim-
ney is too narrow for Medium or Small characters to
A cold wind descends this tower staircase.
climb, but a Tiny creature could fit.

The stairs here climb 20 feet to area D8b.


e stairs here descend 20 feet to area D8a and
:nb 20 feet to area D8c.


bble lies scattered across the Aoor where part of

roof has collapsed, revealing the sky. Perched atop
rubble is a hunched figure wrapped in a cloak. It
gues at the sky, unaware of you.

]"be cloaked figure is Zala Morphus, a human mage

~ has been transformed into a nothic. Zala
.:lped Markos contact Krokulmar and blames this
f_,.. Realm entity for her transformation. Now she
xiously turns to the stars, hoping to find a way
return to her human form. Zala has no interest
~farkos's current activities and little knowledge
about them.
Zala speaks Common, Deep Speech, and
E ish. If the characters attack her, Zala
r,-sponds in kind. If they claim to be looking
i r The Celestial Codex, Zala advises them to
--arch Markos's office (area Dllb) or his bedroom
rea DIS). Zi\L,\ MORP><US

ZaJa wants a map of the Great Snake constellation

Mm the star-map room (area D21). If the characters
r-rrieve the map for her, Zala tells characters about DllB: MARKOS'S OFFICE
,~c locked secret door in the wine cellar (area D23)
clang with the password ("farrl'v hrak").
Treasure. Zala carries two spe/1 scrolls (crown of This room contains a black wooden desk with a cush•
madness and sleep) and a spellbook that contains ioned, high-backed chair behind it. Two smaller chairs
lhe following spells: arcane lock, detect magic, de- face the desk with their backs to the door. A niche in
LrCt thoughts, knock, mage armor, magic missile, the northeast corner contains a wooden file cabinet.
phantasmal force, shield, and suggestion.
D9: GUEST BEDROOMS The first character to enter the office triggers a roll
:bese two adjacent rooms are furnished identically: on the Eldritch Surges table.
Correspondence. The file cabinet in the north-
• east niche is unlocked and contains correspondence
This dusty room contains a bed, a wardrobe, and a
between Markos and other nobles. You can decide if
writing desk.
l these letters are addressed to or written by anyone
of significance to the characters.
-:be first character to enter the westernmost bed- Desk. The desk contains a complete set of callig-
""OOm triggers a roll on the Eldritch Surges table. rapher's supplies.
The easternmost bedroom contains a gibbering
mouther. It attacks any character who opens the
door and fights to the death.
Framed portraits and alabaster busts of members of
D10: BALCONY the Delphi family decorate the walls and corners of the
This balcony overlooks the foyer (area Dl), the floor
room, with facial expressions ranging from proud to
of which is 20 feet below.
downright haughty. Four cushioned chairs surround a
DllA: EMPTY OFFICE table in the center of the room, on which is displayed
.-\11 furnishings have been removed from this room, an ivory dragonchess set.
leaving nothing but dust and cobwebs.
Treasure. Two of the busts and five of the framed D15: MARKos's BEDROOM
paintings are well made and in good condition,
and each could fetch 50 gp from a collector. Each

bust weighs 30 pounds, and each framed painting This room contains a bed with an ornately carved
weighs 15 pounds. The ivory dragonchess set is frame, a wardrobe, a writing desk, and a leather chair.
worth 150 gp, A fireplace stands along the east wall.


Behind the headboard of the bed is a secret door
to a hidden walk-in closet. A character who exam-
This room reeks of chemicals. A long table with vari- ines the wall and succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence
ous vials and compounds occupies the center of the (Investigation) check discovers not only the secret
room. At the table, two cloaked figures oversee vari- door but also a secret button on the headboard.
ous alchemical experiments. Pushing the button causes the bed to slide east-
ward, allowing easy access to the hidden closet.
Hidden Closet. This closet contains clothing on
One of the cloaked figures is Markos's head re- hooks and shelves, plus an assortment of footwear.
searcher, Xander (lawful evil, human cult fanatic). On a small table against the east wall sits an iron
The other figure is an apprentice named Kura (law- lockbox. A character using thieves' tools can try to
fu I evil, human cultist). Both have embraced the pick the lock, which requires 1 minute and a suc-
Far Realm entity and the power it offers. Xander cessful DC 14 Dexterity check.
and Kura are indifferent toward intruders and don't Treasure. The lockbox contains an amethyst
attack unless the intruders aim to harm them or cloak pin shaped like an eye (125 gp) and a ring
hinder their research. ofjumping.
Xander and Kura don't keep track of Markos's
movements, but they know he has been spending D16: STUDENT QUARTERS
a lot of time in the caves below the basement (area These rooms were set aside for Markos's pupils,
D27). They assume The Celestial Codex is with who shared his drive for knowledge but didn't share
Markos or in his bedroom (area D15). in their master's reward for contacting Krokulmar.
Treasure. Characters can assemble two sets of The pupils fled the mansion after Markos made his
alchemist's supplies (50 gp each) from the contents pact. Each room now contains two psychic gray
of this lab. Among the various concoctions found oozes (see the "Variant: Psychic Gray Ooze" sidebar
throughout the room are four potions ofhealing, in the Monster Manual) that mill about. They attack
a potion ofgaseous form, a vial containing oil of intruders on sight.
slipperiness, and a vial with one dose of assassin's Treasure. Characters who search the northern-
blood poison (see the Dungeon Master's Guide). most room find a spellbook that contains the fol-
lowing spells: comprehend languages, detect magic,
detect thoughts, identify, mage armor, misty step,
Tasha's hideous laughter, and unseen servant.
A fetid stench permeates this room, which is empty
save for two small, bare tables standing against the
west wall and an ornate rug in front of the window.
Resting next to the rug is a wooden candlestick hold- A raised marble tub occupies this room. Near it are

ing the melted stump of a red candle. A long pull-rope two marble sinks with oval mirrors mounted above
hangs from a wooden trapdoor in the ceiling. them, a fireplace, and a small table against the east
wall that has a colorful collection of bottles atop it.

There's no obvious source for the horrible smell

that lingers here. The first character who enters the The tub and sinks have pipes that draw rainwater
room triggers a roll on the Eldritch Surges table. from cisterns on the roof. Further, each basin is
Markos used to sit on the rug and meditate while equipped with a plugged drainpipe and two faucets:
pondering the forces of the multiverse, but he hasn't one that magically heats water and one that magi-
used this room in a while. cally cools it.
Trapdoor. The trapdoor in the ceiling leads to the Treasure. Four bottles of perfumes and scented
master bath (area D17). An unfolding wooden ladder oils (25 gp each) sit on the small table.
allows easy access.


: THIRD-FLOOR H ALL Esquire. The hook-handed figure is Markos's
allway has become a lair for stirges- two per former butler, Esquire (use the hook horror stat
rer. The stirges entered the mansion through block). Esquire isn't bound inside the circle and
be le in the roof above area D8c. They attack any- attacks intruders on sight. He doesn't know the
\\ ho tries to cross the hall. cause of his transformation. If the characters ex-
plain that an evil entity is responsible for Esquire's
9: £LDRITCH OBSERVATION ROOM transformation or that Markos might be in danger
from this entity, Esquire lets them live if they vow to
s room is empty except for a circle of vile symbols save Markos.
Esquire's tattered butler uniform has a pocket
he floor. Standing in the circle is an eight-foot-tall,
containing a locket and a note. The locket is under
:;,edal creature with two long arms, each one ending
the effects of a magic mouth s pell; when opened,
a sharp hook. The creature wears the tattered rem• it speaks the password to the temple (area D24),
!Its of a butler's uniform. "farrl'v hrak ," which is Deep Speech for "forever
changing." The note contains a sketch of a wine bot-
tle and a row of four circles. The second circle from
r:st character
who enters the room triggers a
the left is crossed out. (The circles represent the
the Eldritch S urges table.
casks in area D23, the crossed-out one representing
Grcle ofSymbols. A detect magic spell reveals
the cask blocking a secret door.)
-.. of divination magic around the circle on the
A creature standing fully inside the circle feels D20:COMPONENTSTORAGE
settling presence of a Far Realm entity and This walk-in closet contains four cabinets, each one
choose to receive an omen from that entity, as if filled with carefully organized material components.
creature had cast an augury spell. After receiv- Treasure. Characters who search the cabinets
h an omen, the creature can't receive another can find a material component for any 1st- or 2nd-
r 24 hours but still feels the otherworldly
level s pell, provided the component has a value less
ce while inside the circle. than 1 gp. Characters also find a potion, its bubbling
green liquid stained by a drop of some dark sub-
stance (octopus ink).



The faint aroma of grapes fills the air in this cellar.

Four large wine casks stand against the west wall, a
fine layer of dust covering each of them. The three
wine racks to the south are empty.

Three of the wine casks contain varying amounts

of wine. The fourth cask is empty and positioned in
front of a secret door in the west wall. Characters
who examine the empty cask see handprints on it,
suggesting it has been moved multiple times. The
characters also feel cold air coming from the wall,
suggesting the presence of a secret door. The wine
cask must be moved aside to access the secret door.
Secret Door. An arcane lock spell has been cast
on the secret door. The password to bypass the spell
is "farrl'v hrak," which is Deep Speech for "forever
changing." Esquire's locket (see area DJ 9) speaks
the password when opened.
Alternatively, a character can use an action to try
to force open the locked secret door, doing so with a
successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check.

Four wooden pews face a stone statue in the middle

The alchemists in area Dl3 concocted the potion, of this torch lit chamber. The statue has a roughly
which functions as a potion ofpoison but has an bipedal shape and is carved to look like it's coming
additional property. When the poison effect ends, undone, like a frayed rope. Its form is covered with
the imbiber sprouts a tentacle made of inky shadow. mouths and outstretched tongues.
This shadowy tentacle lasts for 1 hour. As a bonus
Standing before the statue are four purple-cloaked
action, the potion's imbiber can use the tentacle to
make a melee weapon attack (+4 to hit) against a figures, their faces hidden '3y cowls. They are writ-
creature the imbiber can see within 5 feet of itself. ing on pieces of paper and muttering to each other,
On a hit, the target takes 4 (ld8) necrotic damage. oblivious to your presence.


The walls and floor of this room are covered with The arcane energies in this room are particularly
star maps. The ghost of an elf researcher named volatile. The first character who enters the room
Farenhel wanders the room, looking through the triggers a roll on the Eldritch Surges table. After the
maps and searching for an answer the ghost will surge begins, on initiative count 20 (losing ioitiative
never find. The ghost is harmless and attacks only ties), roll again on the Eldritch Surges table.
in self-defense or if a character tries to steal a star Cloaked Figures. The cloaked figures are four
map. The ghost stops attacking as soon as the sto- neutral, human cultists who are taking notes on
len map is returned. the eldritch surges that occur in this area. These
Characters who examine the maps closely find cultists defend themselves if attacked but otherwise
one that depicts a constellation called the Great pose no threat. They know Markos is performing a
Snake. This is the map sought by the nothic Zala ritual in area D27 but won't share this information
Morphus (see area D8c). until the statue is destroyed.
Statue. The statue depicts Krokulmar and was
D22: STORAGE ROOMS created with the aid of a spell scro/J of stone shape.
Each of these unfurnished rooms contains two Any creature that touches the statue for the first
ghouls that were attracted to the mansion by Far time on a turn must succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom
Realm energies. The ghouls are hostile. saving throw or take 3 (ld6) psychic damage.


.. ., .

The statue amplifies the eldritch surges, which a

character can ascertain by examining the statue and The staircase leads to a roughly circular cave that is
then succeeding on a DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) empty and unlit. Opposite the stairs, though a twelve-
check. If the statue is destroyed, the eldritch surges foot-wide archway, you see a similar cavern lit by
op occurring throughout the mansion. The statue purple light emanating from four large crystals jutting
·- a Medium object with AC 17, 36 hit points, and from the floor. All crystals -flicker in concert with the
immunity to poison and psychic damage.
chanting that echoes through the caves.
D 25: STORAGE The chants come from a sallow, dark-robed figure
who stands near the edge of a circle of arcilne runes
i::our severed heads and three headless bodies lie on inscribed on the floor. The figure recites an eldritch
lhe floor of this room, which also contains four small passage from a book, then carefully sets the book
crates in the far corner. atop a wooden crate near the back wall. The figure
• turns toward the circle, wherein kneels a headless
' body in plate armor. A sluglike creature has attached
The severed heads and decapitated bodies belong
itself to the body's neck, almost like a makeshift head.
o Elra Lionheart and her three human adventuring
companions. The body of one of Elra's companions The slug's form is covered with mouths and eyes that
is m issing (and can be found in area D27). open and close in and out of existence.
H Elra is with the characters (see "Meeting Elra"
earlier in this adventure), she mourns her dead com-
Markos Delphi is performing a ritual that will allow
panions and hopes there might be a way to bring
a fragment ofKrokulmar (see their stat blocks at
"ier and her friends back from the dead.
the end of the adventure) to attach to the headless
Treasure. Four small crates rest in the northwest
body of one of Elra's adventuring companion$,
--orner. One contains a set of gold-plated cups and
thus enabling a piece of Krokulmar to exist outside
plates worth 200 gp total. Another contains a wand
the Far Realm. The headless body is stunned and
ofmagic missiles hidden in a pile of straw. The third
remains so until the ritual is complete. It is pos-
contains 20 days' worth of edible rations. The final
sible to attack the fragment without harming the
crate contains a dozen torches and three flasks of
headless body.
alchemist's fire.
On each of his turns in combat, Markos defends
D26A: VESTRY himself while taking a bonus action to continue the
This dusty chamber contains four unlocked wooden ritual. If he's able to take this bonus action three
"nlnks, each of which contains four dark-purple more times, the fragment of Krokulmar takes con-
sHk robes. trol of the headless body, at which point the body is
no longer stunned.
D26B: CEREMONY ROOM The fragment of Krokulmar and the body to which
it is attached are considered two creatures occupy-
Iron brackets bolted to the walls hold four sputtering
ing the same space. Neither can be separated from
the other until one or both of them drop to Ohit
torches that cast this otherwise empty room in dim
points, at which point the fragment of Krokulmar re-
ght. On the far side of the room, a spiral staircase turns to the Far Realm. While under the fragment's
descends into darkness. From below, you hear a hu- control, the body uses the knight stat block, has

man voice chanting in a blasphemous tongue. blindsight within a range of 30 feet, is blind beyond
• this radius, and acts immediately after the fragment
in the initiative order. The fragment determines
The spiral staircase descends 20 feet to area D27. what the body does on the body's turn.
The voice rising up the stairs is chanting in Deep The fragment uses the body to protect itself from
S peech, calling to an entity named Krokulmar. harm and to destroy the characters.
D27: RITUAL ROOM Helping Markos. As an action, a character can
This location consists of t,vo roughly circular caves make a DC 14 Charisma (Persuasion) check to try to
joined by an opening. The staircase from area convince Markos he's being controlled. If the check
D26b leads to the southern cave, which is empty. fails, nothing happens and the action is wasted. If
From the stairs, characters can see activity in the the check succeeds, Markos has disadvantage on at-
northern cave: tack rolls and ability checks until the end of his next
turn as he wrestles with the possibility that he's not
in control of his actions.


noticing, doing so with a successful DC 14 Dexterity
(Stealth) check. On a failed check, Markos detects
the theft. Although he no longer needs the book to
complete the ritual, Markos won't give it up with-
out a fight while he's under Krokulmar's influence.
Once free of that influence, Markos is horrified by
his actions and gladly gives up the book (see "Mar-
kos Lives").
The Celestial Codex is filled with arcane lore
about the stars and the planes of existence. Nestled
among its benign descriptions are eldritch incanta-
tions written in Celestial, and tucked between the
book's pages are two spell scrolls (armor ofAgathys
and arms ofHadar).

If the characters obtain The Celestial Codex, they
can return the book to its rightful owner and claim
their reward.

If Markos dies, the characters can return his body
to his family. The Delphi family gives each character
150 gp for bringing Markos home and pays to have
Crystals. As a bonus action, a character can make Markos raised from the dead.
a DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) to ascertain the pur-
pose of the large crystals sprouting from the floor. MARKOS LIVES
These crystals focus the ritual's extraplanar energy, Defeating the fragment of Krokulmar frees Markos
allowing the fragment ofKrokulmar to remain on from the evil entity's influence, at which point
the Material Plane long enough for it to bond with Markos is eager to make amends for the trouble he
the headless body. A character who succeeds on the has caused. He allows the characters to keep what-
check also knows that destroying all four crystals ever treasure they found in the mansion.
stops the ritual. Each crystal is a Large object with If Markos is reunited with his family, the family
AC 13, 10 hit points, vulnerability to bludgeoning gives 150 gp to each character as a reward.
and thunder damage, and immunity to poison and
psychic damage. D EAD ADVENTURERS
Each time a crystal is destroyed, Markos has dis- If the characters recount the horrors of Delphi
advantage on attack rolls and ability checks until the Mansion to Markos's family, the family makes
end of his next turn as he confronts the possibility arrangements to rid the mansion of any remaining
that he might not be in control of his actions. monsters. The bodies of adventurers who were
Endinli the Threat. If all four crystals are de- killed in the mansion (including Elra and her com-
stroyed, ifKrokulmar or the body it's attached to panions) are brought to a temple, where they are
drops to O hit points, or if Markos drops to O hit raised or resurrected at the Delphi family's expense.
points before the ·ritual is completed, the fragment If the characters are present when Elra's life is re-
. of Krokulmar returns to the Far Realm. Sending stored, she congratulates them on their heroism and
the fragment back to the Far Realm ends the el- looks forward to one day repaying the favor.
dritch surges in Delphi Mansion, frees Markos from
Krokulmar's influence (see "Conclusion" below), FOR THE GOLDEN VAULT
restores Zala Morphus and Esquire to their for-
If the characters are working for the Golden Vault,
mer human selves, and causes the cultists in area
the organization's representative approaches them
D24 to flee.
after their harrowing experience at Delphi Mansion.
Treas ure. The book resting on the crate is The
For returning The Celestial Codex to its rightful
Celestial Codex. A mage hand spell can easily lift
owner, the characters are promised an uncommon
the book. An invisible character can sneak across
magic item of their choice (subject to your approval)
the room and try to steal the book without Markos
as payment. The item is delivered to the characters
the next day.



-..::a.-..ll.OS DELPHI
- - im oid (Human, Worlock), Chootic Neutral

12 (15 with mage armor)

8d8 + 8)


15 (+2) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 13 (+l) 16 (+3)

Throws Wis +3, Cha +S

~ a +7, History +7, Perception +3
munities psychic
vision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
..-• .-!S Common, Celestial, Deep Speech
3 700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Tiny Aberralion, Chaotic Evil
•ib:::::ad. Markos makes two Ceremonial Blade attacks, two
.:. ·o attacks, or one of each. Armor Class 13
Hit Points 10 (3d4 + 3)
__,1:m;,r .oJ Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Speed Oft.
e~ H ;I S (ld6 + 2) piercing damage plus 3 (ld6) poi-
= ge. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
t::ut,on saving throw or become poisoned for 1 minute. 4 (- 3) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3)
:.ire can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of
ending the effect on itself on a success. Skills Arcana +7, History +7, Persuasion +7, Stealth +7
Otfl. Ranged Spell Attack: +S to hit, range 60 ft., one Damage Immunities psychic
.._, 1: 10 (2d6 + 3) psychic damage. Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages Deep Speech, telepathy 60 ft.
1'11!10:::."g. Markos casts one of the following spells, requiring Challenge O (10 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
a components and using Charisma as the spellcast-
spell save DC 13):
ad,· arms of Hadar, charm person, mage armor
Psionic Revitalization. The fragment touches one creature that
has O hit points in the fragment's space. The target regains 10
hit points, and each creature within 10 feet of the healed crea-
S.,.u. Markos targets one Medium or Small creature he
ture takes 3 (1 d6) psychic damage.
thin 30 feet of himself. The target must succeed on
Constitution saving throw or it teleports, along with Squirming Dodge. Until the start of the fragment's next turn,
t>ment it is wearing or carrying, exchanging positions any attack roll made against the fragment has d isadvantage,
and the fragment makes saving throws with advantage.

N THE WORLD OF TORIL, IN THE FROZEN Korda, now known as Prisoner 13, prepared for
reaches north of the Sword Coast, lies her imprisonment by laying the groundwork for a
an impenetrable fortress built to house new spy and criminal network, which cost her much
the region's most dangerous criminals. of her stolen fortune. She now runs her operations
of chis prison's earliest inmates, a dwarf known from the prison. Using her magical tattoos, she tele-
Prisoner 13, spends her days in seeming quiet pathically coordinates agents throughout Faerfin
solitude while secretly pulling the strings of a and beyond, none of whom know the identity of their
_ network that spans much of the continent. She employer. As for what remains of the stolen Axe-
lhe key to a treasure she stole from a dwarf breaker wealth, it rests in an unmarked vault in the
In this heist, the characters must infiltrate the depths of Gauntlgrym, sealed by a magical lock that
. retrieve the key from Prisoner 13 (found in only the runic sequence tattooed on Korda's right
ta11DO on her hand), and return the key to Varrin hand can open.
!\R:breaker, the dwarf who hired them.
A DVENTURE BACKGROUND After years of financial hardship due to their stolen
scner 13 is a dwarf named Korda Glintstone. fortune, the mountain dwarves of Clan Axebreaker
co her incarceration years ago, Korda was have located the lost treasure but have been unable
ally and agent of Clan Axebreaker, a moder- to access it. A representative of the clan, Varrin
influential dwarf clan in a stronghold called Axebreaker, wishes to hire the characters to learn
G:mnt.lgrym. Korda built a network of informants how to access the treasure. If you're not using the
agents, ostensibly all to the benefit of Clan Golden Vault as a patron (see "Using the Golden
IUl:breaker. With each success, she paid tattooists Vault" below), here are some possible ways Varrin
mscribe a memorial of her triumph onto her skin. learned about the characters:
Csng a ncient rituals, Korda infused many of these
By Reputation. Varrin learned of the characters in
· uJ e tchings with the magic of Gauntlgrym's
the aftermath of a previous adventure, especially
~ granting her wondrous gifts.
one that involved retrieving a person or treasure
J)C()a grew too ambitious for her role as an
from a dangerous location.
.:.2n1. so she devised a plan to take power for her-
Mutual Acquaintance. One of the characters'
. Over five years she took careful stock of Clan
patrons is an old acquaintance ofVarrin's and ar-
breaker's wealth and, in one fell swoop, used
ranged the meeting. If the characters are involved
'letwork of lieutenants to steal away most of the
s gold, leaving only a pittance. with the Golden Vault, use this option.
Trial Run. Varrin was responsible for a previous
The Axebreaker dwarves discovered her almost
adventure the characters completed success-
:nediately. They rounded up her agents, who ei-
fully. It was a test to see if they were worthy of
fought to the death or were executed. They cap-
this mission.
i::..-m Korda and interrogated her, but she never re-
wcaled the location of the stolen fortune, even under
rical compulsion. The Axebreaker dwarves used USING THE GOLDEN VAULT
,. influence to have her sentenced to life in prison If you're using the Golden Vault as a patron, a
Revel's End. There, Clan Axebreaker was hope- golden key is delivered to the characters in whatever
Korda would eventually break and reveal the manner you deem fit. When the characters use this
i:xation of the stolen wealth. This played right into key to open their music box, the lid pops open and a
a's hands, since she had made copious enemies s oothing voice s ays the following:
can't move against her while she's incarcerated.

"Greetings, operatives. We have discovered the loca- Varrin retrieves a faceted sapphire the size of a small
tion of a great dwarven treasure, but only a prisoner orange and places it on the table. He waves his hand
incarcerated within the prison Revel's End knows how over the gem, and a glowing blue image of a building
to access the vault. This quest, should you choose to Aoor plan appears in the air above it. He taps the
undertake it, requires you travel to the prison, infil- gem, and the image vanishes. The sapphire splits into
trate it, and learn how to access the treasure from the sections, and he passes one fragment to each of you.
prisoner. Return this information to the dwarf known The fragment grows warm in your hand, melts, then
as Varrin Axebreaker, who will brief you on the details vanishes, leaving a warm, tingling sensation behind.
of the mission. Good luck, operatives." "Think about the map of Revel's End, and you'll be
able to see it."
Closing the music box causes the golden key
to vanish. The gem's magic lasts until five days after the char-
acters reach Revel's End.
Varrin Axebreaker (lawful good, dwarf noble) con- THE BREAKER'S MAP
tacts the characters to enlist their aid in retrieving Each character can now cause a magical image of
the key. Varrin's braided hair and beard are black map 4.1 to appear in the air before them while they
with streaks of gray. He wears a loose, comfortable aren't incapacitated (no action required). A break-
robe over a steel breastplate. Whether Varrin ap- er's map isn't visible to others while a character is
proaches the characters or invites them to a meet- viewing it. Varrin explains each of the features the
ing, read the following text: characters can see on their maps:
Cells. The cells, highlighted in red, are blanketed
"Thank you for hearing me out. My name is Varrin in permanent antimagic. Prisoner 13's cell is
Axebreaker, and I have a proposition for you. My clan
has located wealth stolen from us many years ago, but
it's sealed in a vault that's magically locked. If you can
clearly marked.
Doors and Hatches. The doors and hatches are
sealed with arcane lock spells that only prison
staff can bypass. However, while the characters
recover the key-whatever it is-you'll gain the undy-
are within 100 feet of Revel's End, the map allows
ing gratitude of Clan Axebreaker. And I'll cut you in for
them to use a n action to touch the image of a door
a percentage of the recovered treasure, of course. or hatch and suppress the lock on that portal.
"The catch here is the person who knows how to While a lock is suppressed, its image turns green.
open the vault is rotting away in the prison of Revel's The lock remains suppressed for 1 minute or until
End. She's proved uncooperative with my people in another lock is suppressed.
the past, but I recently discovered the vault where she Patrol Route. The yellow path marked on the map
is the regular patrol route guards take. The usual
hid what she stole from us. I need you to question her
patrol rotation is once every 20 minutes, but if the
and learn how to open the vault. How you do that is guards are suspicious, patrols will likely become
up to you; if you need to spring her from the prison in more frequent.
exchange for this information, please do so. I can pro-
vide you with a way in, as well as the layout ofRevel's THE DEVIL IN THE DETAILS
End and a few useful tricks." In the likely event that the characters want more in-
formation, Varrin answers their questions succinctly
and honestly. He has spent the last of his personal
Give the players a copy of map 4.1 (see "The Break- fortune gathering information on the prison and
er's Map" below), and read the following text: making the arrangements for a team to confront
Korda. These are the details he can provide:
Entering the Prison. The prison staff rotate out
periodically. Varrin knows the schedule of the
next rotation, and his agents are standing by to
capture a number of guards and cooks so the
characters can take their place (see "Approaching
the Prison").

such as emptying latrine buckets and cleaning up
after meals, and they exercise in the courtyard
daily. When prisoners are injured or fall ill, they
are taken to the prison hospital.
Revel's End Details. Varrin can give a general
overview of Revel's End, the security features on
doors and hatches, and the prison's high-alert pro-
cedure (see below). Varrin also knows the armory
has a dangerous guardian, but he doesn't know
the details.
Treasure. The treasure is locked in a vault deep
beneath the dwarf stronghold of Gauntlgrym.
Varrin promises the characters 2 percent of what-
ever treasure they recover if they make it possible
f o ~ to open the vault. If the characters press
for more~i:,in is irritated, but he agrees to 3
percent if the characters succeed on a DC 20 Cha-
risma (Persuasion) check. Varrin notes that the
warden likely has some funds hidden in her office
or quarters, if the characters are inclined to seek
these out.
Escape Route. Varrin will h ave a small ship within
sight of the prison but at a safe distance. When the
characters are ready to leave the prison with their
target, they can shine a light from the dock after
dark, a nd the ship will pick them up.
PRISONER IJ When the characters are ready to depart from their
meeting with Varrin, he provides them e~~h with
the choice to pose as a guard or a c~ok. Guards
Prisoner 13. Prisoner 13 was a trusted agent of must wear splint armor, and kitchen staff must wear
Clan Axebreaker until she betrayed the clan and simple uniforms. Cooks can hide light armor under
stole its fortune. If pressed, Varrin reluctantly tells their uniforms. Small characters also have the op-
the characters her name (Korda Glintstone), but tion to stow away inside a crate of supplies.
he stresses that they shouldn't reveal they know it.
No one in the prison except perhaps the warden TREK TO THE PRISON
knows Prisoner 13 by her real name, so using it Varrin has sent word to his agents, and Bethra (cha-
would only raise suspicion. Her cell is marked otic good, dwarf spy) meets the characters when
on the map. they arrive in Luskan. She provides the uniforms
Key. Prisoner 13 must have the vault key or know for their chosen cover and directs them to report to
where it is, but every magical method Clan a ship called thejolly Pelican the following dawn.
Axebreaker has tried to locate the key has failed. The ship regularly delivers a fresh rotation of prison
Varrin presumes Prisoner 13 would give up staff to Revel's End and returns the relieved shift to
the key only in exchange for freedom, but if the the Sword Coast. The journey to Revel's End by sea
characters can find the key or convince her to is 350 miles, which a sailing ship can cover in three
give it up any other way, he'll be just as pleased. days under normal conditions.
Clan Axebreaker tried to arrange her release, Twenty-five guards and six cooks are bound for
but the Absolution Council at Revel's End denied the prison, including any characters taking their
the request. places. If the characters express concern over the
Meeting Prisoner 13. Visitors can request meet- fate of staff they're replacing, Bethra assures them
ings with prisoners, but those meetings are that none of the people were killed, and they'll be
always supervised by the warden (to learn about released safely when the job is over.
the warden, see "R21: Warden's Quarters"). lfthe The players can make up whatever names they
characters want to talk to Prisoner 13, their best like for their cover. Those are the names of the
bet is to try when she's not in her cell, hopefully guards or cooks they've replaced.
out of sight of the guards. Prisoners do chores

Heating. Interior spaces are magically heated.
REVELS END The temperature in these areas is a constant 68
~rs End is a panopticon, a prison configured in degrees Fahrenheit (20 degrees Celsius). The
1) a way that the activities of the prisoners can be exterior of the prison. including the guard towers,
d:>sely monitored from a central location. Situated is 0 degrees Fahrenheit (-18 degrees Celsius) or
me frigid, misty coast of the Sea of Moving Ice, colder. Creatures outside the prison are exposed
prison is a single-story structure topped with to extreme cold (see below).
ements. Rising from the core of the panopticon Lighting. Unless a location states otherwise, the
a tower that holds the prison's administrative courtyard, corridors, rooms, and staircases are
es and guard barracks. Both the prison and brightly lit with continual flame spells cast on wall
tower are carved from a tall, blade-shaped rock sconces. (The unlit cells in area Rl 7 are excep-
that rises high above the sea cliffs. This rock, called tions.) In some locations, the magical lights can be
Windbreak, shields the tower against the brutal dimmed or suppressed, as noted in the text.
sinds that sweep down from the Reghed Glacier. Prison Guards. The prison has a garrison of 75
One can approach Revel's End by land, sea, or guards (use the ve teran stat block) who work
arr_ .\ pier allows prisoners to be taken from ships eight-hour shifts. Two-thirds of the garrison is off
an elevator to the prison, and a mooring dock at duty and resting in area R19 at any given time.
top of the tower allows prisoners to be delivered While on duty, each guard wears a tunic that
airship. bears the Lords' Alliance emblem: a gold crown
Revel's End is controlled by the Lords' Alliance, on a red field.
a o se confederation of settlements whose current Pris oners. AJI prisoners in Revel's End are iden-
members include the cities of Baldur's Gate, Mira- tified by a number. This simple protocol keeps
r. :'-leverwinter, Silverymoon, Waterdeep, and Yar- prisoners on an equal footing. P rison personnel
c.r, the towns of Amphail, Daggerford, and Long- commit these numbers to memory, and the re-
Slddle; and the dwarven stronghold of Mithral Hall. cords of all prisoners-past and present- are
To be imprisoned in Revel's End, one must have stored in area R22. Each inmate wears a uniform
m.mmitted a serious crime against one or more of that consists of a hoodless robe without pockets,
member cities and been sentenced to a lengthy leather slippers without laces, and cloth under-
period of incarceration (typically a year or more). garments. While outside their cells, prisoners
Each member of the Lords' Alliance assigns one wear manacles on their wrists and ankles. While
representative to Revel's End, and together the manacled, a prisoner's walking speed can't ex-
ttpresentatives form a parole committee called the ceed 10 feet.
Absolution Council. Rarely are all ten council mem-
rs present, since Revel's End offers little in the APPROACHING THE PRISON
ay of comfort and amenities. If the council needs a When the characters approach the prison, read the
_breaking vote to determine whether to commute following text:
2 prisoner's sentence, the prison warden- a neutral
arbiter with no ties to any Lords' Alliance member-
casts the deciding vote. Perched on a h igh cliff overlooking the Sea of Moving

\ Ice is a bleak stone fortress carved from a gigantic,
blade-shaped rock. A central tower looms above the
he prison, hewn from stone, has 20-foot~~igh outer rest of the fortress, and light leaks from its arrow s lits.
alls and flat, 20-foot-high ceilings throug~out. Four smaller towers rise from the outermost corners
Wditional information about the prison is summa- of the fortress, and guards can be seen atop them.
rized below:
Doors and Hatches. Each door and rooftop hftch
Characters might approach the prison via thejolly
is made of reinforced iron held shut by an arcane
Pelican, or they might choose to approach on their
Jock spell. P rison personnel can open these doors
own (see "Getting Inside" below).
and hatches normally. A locked door or hatch is
Characters approaching from the north can also
too strong to be shouldered or kicked open, but
see the prison's northern entrance at the top of a
1t can be destroyed if it takes enough damage. A
160-foot-high cliff with a pier protruding from its
door or hatch has AC 19, a damage thres hold of
base. A giant wooden crane stands nearby, and a
10. 30 hit points, and immunity to poison and psy-
wooden scaffold clings to the cliff face.
chic damage.
Characters approaching from the south can
see the prison's south entrance and the trail that
leads up to it.

EXTREME COLD After relinquishing their weapons and securing
The temperature outside is at or below O degrees their animals, the characters are escorted by one of
Fahrenheit (-18 degrees Celsius) while the charac- the guards to the meeting room (area R12), where
ters are at the prison. A creature exposed to the cold they must wait one hour for the warden to greet
must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw them. During this time, the characters are unat-
at the end of each hour or gain 1 level of exhaustion. tended and can attempt to sneak into the prison at
Creatures with resistance or immunity to cold dam- large. Doing so without alerting the guards requires
age automatically succeed on the saving throw, as a successful DC 13 Dexterity (Stealth) check. Re-
do creatures wearing cold-weather gear (thick coats, covering the characters' weapons from the lockbox
gloves, and the like) and creatures naturally adapted requires a successful DC 16 Dexterity check with
to cold climates. thieves' tools. If the characters are caught attempt-
ing either of these tasks, the guards return them
GUARDS ON WATCH to the meeting room and wait with them for the
The prison has four guard towers (see area R9), and warden, who throws them out unless \hey provide a
three guards in cold-weather clothing are stationed satisfactory reason for their visit and subterfuge.
atop each one. If you need to make Wisdom (Percep- The warden only accepts the characters' presence
tion) checks for the guards to determine if they no- if they are seeking shelter. In that case, ~he grants
tice something, make only one roll with advantage. them temporary accommodations (in are\i R7) for
If the guards on a tower see or hear something up to two days and two nights, and the chiiracters
out of the ordinary-such as an approaching ship, a receive three meals a day during their stay. If the
group of visitors, or a monster flying overhead- one characters fail to provide a satisfactory reas6~ for
guard descends into the tower to alert the rest of the their visit, the warden has their weapons and ani-
prison while the others stay at their posts. mals returned to them before throwing them out.
If the characters use the cover Varrin provided,
their ship arrives at Revel's End just before dawn, Activities outside the daily routine of the prison
three days after leaving Luskan. The characters draw attention from the guards and what few other
staff members there are. Suspicion is measured in
are directed off the ship, ride the elevator to the cliff
top, and are admitted through the front doors. Char- levels from 1 to 6. When the characters arrive at the
prison, the suspicion level is l.
acters posing as guards are taken to the barracks
S uspicion can increase when prison staff mem-
(area R19), where they meet with head guard Yula
Dargeria, a no-nonsense stickler for the prison's bers witness or find evidence of behavior outside the
norm. Circumstances that increase the suspicion
rules. Characters posing as cooks are delivered to
level include the following:
the kitchen (area R8), where they report to Chef
Tiny Toulaine, a hulking,jovial man who carries an • Using a prisoner's real name while in the guise of
enormous saucepan instead of a heavy crossbow. prison staff
Small characters who stowed away in supply crates • Getting caught by a patrol (see Patrol Routes)
are taken to e ither the storeroom (area R13), the • Casting a spell that has perceptible components
kitchen's cold storage room (the middle room off or effects in sight of a guard
area R8), or the pantry (the northernmost room off • Conversing with a prisoner about anything other
area R8). If more than one Small character stows than prison business (such as giving them instruc-
away, pick one location where they're all delivered. tions for tasks)
Characters who bang on the prison's north or
For suspicion to increase, prison staff members
south door are admitted into a 30-foot-long corridor,
must witness the characters performing unusual
where they are greeted by the three guards from a
activity, and any witnesses must report their obser-
nearby guard room (area R3). These guards insist
vations. If the characters can convince the witness
on confiscating the characters' weapons and storing
what they saw was justified, the suspicion level
them in a nearby lockbox. In addition, one guard
doesn't increase.
searches each character for concealed weapons. A
character can conceal a dagger or similarly sized DISTRACTIONS
weapon from a guard's notice with a successful DC A character can create a distraction, giving themself
13 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check. or an ally time to undertake a suspicious activity
If the characters have sled dogs or pack animals, without being witnessed. If the distracting char-
a guard grants the party access to the stables (area acter succeeds on a Charisma (Deception) check
RS), where the animals can be kept safe. Animals against a DC set by the current suspicion level (see
aren't allowed in the prison otherwise.

the Suspicion table), the suspicious activity goes PATROL ROUTES
unnoticed. Use your discretion to decide if any given
Guards regularly patrol in pairs from the guard
activity is subtle enough to be covered by a distrac-
rooms (area R3, alternating which room for each
tion. For example, a glib conversation can't cover up
patrol) around the hexagon (area R15), with short
an explosion.
checks into the courtyard (area R11) and the ar-
EFFECTS OF SUSPICION mory (area RlO). The route is marked in yellow on
As the suspicion level increases, patrols become the players' map of Revel's End. It normally takes
more frequent, and the prison staff become increas- 4 minutes for a patrol to make its round and return
ingly vigilant. At suspicion level 6, the warden puts to its post.
the prison on high alert. When one or more characters enter an area
marked on the patrol route, roll a die. The size of
SUSPICION the die rolled is determined by the current suspicion
Level Patrol Die DC Level Patrol Die DC level of the prison, as indicated on the Suspicion
table. On a 1, the characters encounter a patrol.
l d20 10 4 d8 16
Ask the players how their characters react, and give
2 d12 12 5 d6 18 them 1 round of actions. The characters can try to
3 dl0 14 6 d4 20 slip away if there is a nearby exit or corner to duck
around by making a group Dexterity (Stealth) check
Level. The current suspicion level is reduced by 1
or try to blend in by making a group Charisma
(to a minimum of 1) every 8 hours if the prison staff
(Deception) check. Each check is made against a
detects no suspicious activity during that time.
DC set by the current suspicion level. On a failure,
Patrol Die. Roll a die based on the current
the patrol notices the characters, who must account
suspicion level when characters enter the patrol
for their presence.
route to see if they encounter a guard patrol (see
If the characters try to talk their way past a pa-
"Patrol Routes").
trol, have one of the characters make a Charisma
DC. The DC of Charisma checks made against
check using Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion,
prison staff and of ability checks made to avoid
depending on their story, against a DC set by the
patrols is set by the current suspicion level.
suspicion level. If other characters support the story,
HIGH ALERT the check is made with advantage. On a success, the
patrol lets them go. On a failure, the patrol escorts
When a matter of concern is brought to her atten- the characters to a guard room (area R3), where the
tion, the warden (see area R21) decides whether to guard interrogates the characters about the charac-
place the prison on high alert. Circumstances that ters' presence in a prohibited area. If the characters
warrant taking such action include a prisoner revolt, have a cover story for being in the prison, the guards
an escape, the approach of an unfamiliar ship, a escort them to where they should be: the kitchen
dragon sighting, an attack, discovering a dead body, staff's quarters (the largest side room off area R8)
or suspicious activity (see "Suspicion" above). or the barracks (area Rl 9) in t he case of off-duty
By speaking the command word, "maristo," the guards. The suspicion level then increases by l.
warden-and only the warden-can place the prison Once the characters encounter a patrol, don't
on high alert (or speak it again to end the high alert), check for another patrol when the characters enter
with the following effects: the route until 20 minutes have passed.
High-Alert Signals. For 1 minute, a warning horn
blares throughout the prison, and all light created REVEL'S END LOCATIONS
by continual flame spells in the prison takes on a The following locations are keyed to Revel's End, as
reddish hue. shown on map 4.2.
Prison Deployment. The guards in area R19 don
their armor, arm themselves, and move to area Rl: DOCK
R18. The warden does the same and commands Ships dock here to offload prisoners and supplies.
the garrison from there. Members of the Absolu- R2: ELEVATOR
tion Council retreat to area R20.
A sturdy wooden scaffold clings to the 160-foot-high
See Invisibility. The warden and all prison guards
cliff separating the prison from the dock. Looming
gain the benefit of a see invisibility spell.
above the scaffolding is a wooden crane that is con-
trolled from area R3. The crane raises and lowers

an elevator car that has a retractable wooden gate R6: MESS HALL
on the side opposite the crane. The elevator car is Prison personnel dine here. Tables and benches fill
a hollow wooden cube measuring 10 feet on each the room, and dishes and dulled cutlery are stored
side. It takes 1 minute for the car to travel all the in cabinets a long the south wall. The mess hall
way up or down the scaffold. serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The characters
can meet here without arousing any suspicion.
This room contains a table with four chairs, and a cab-1 These ten rooms are furnished identically. Each

I inet holding whetstones and other simple supplies for contains a bed, a desk with matching chair, a claw-
footed chest, and wall hooks for hanging clothes.
repairing armor and weapons.
The continual flame spell that illuminates each
room can be suppressed or returned to its normal
Three guards (veterans) are stationed in each of light level by uttering the command word, "lights."
these two rooms. The guards pass the time by play- These rooms are set aside for the ten members
ing cards, sharpening their weapons, and complain- of the Absolution Council, though only three rooms
ing about the weather. are currently in use. The other seven members of I
Embedded in the north wall of the northern guard the council are absent, so the warden lets visitors /
room is an iron lever that raises and lowers the ele- use the spare rooms.
vator in area R2. During a patrol, two of the guards Council Members. These three members of the
leave the room to make their rounds for 4 minutes. Absolution Council are at Revel's End: / '
Councilor Voss Anderton. Voss represents th~

city of Neverwinter. He is a lawful neutral, hu 1an
noncombatant who has a precise, lawyerly way 1

I This chamber contains a dozen simple beds. Cabinets

along the north wall hold medical supplies.

The cabinets hold enough supplies to assemble

of speaking. He never misses a council meeting
or parole hearing. He votes with his head, not his
heart, and he always weighs the ramificatjons of
commuting a prisoner's sentence.
CouncilorJil Torbo. Jil represents the city of
twenty healer's kits, five vials of antitoxin, and vari-
Baldur's Gate. She is a neutral, halfling noncom-
ous other medicines and tinctures.
batant who loathes her job. She has no sense of
Some of these substances are poisonous if in-
humor and sighs deeply when her patience is
gested in the wrong proportion. A character profi-
tested. She likes giving others the benefit of the
cient with alchemist's supplies, a poisoner's kit, an
doubt, however-perhaps as an act of dissent-and
herbalist's kit, or the Medicine skill can identify the
votes yes on commutations more often than not.
tinctures and combine them into an ingested poi-
Councilor Kriv Norixius. Kriv represents the town
son. A creature that ingests the poison must make
of Daggerford. He is a lawful good, dragonborn
a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a failed
noncombatant of silver dragon ancestry. He hopes
saving throw, it takes 10 (3d6) poison damage and
to impress the Duchess of Daggerford by doing
becomes poisoned for 1 hour. On a successful sav-
a good job. He has no tolerance for unrepentant
ing throw, it takes half as much damage and isn't
criminals and often votes no on commutations.
poisoned. In either case, the creature has painful
stomach cramps until it finishes a short rest, drinks R8: KITCHEN AND SIDE ROOMS
a vial of antitoxin, or is targeted by an effect that Six cooks (neutral, human commoners) take shifts
ends the poisoned condition. If a prisoner suffers here, working in pairs to produce meals for the
these cramps, the guards bring the prisoner to the prisoners and staff. The kitchen contains everything
hospital to be examined and treated. Characters dis- one would expect to see, as well as an iron stove and
guised as guards can volunteer for or be assigned a pump that draws water from a magically heated
that duty. cistern on the roof.
Off-duty cooks sleep in the largest of the three
rooms west of the kitchen. This side room is lit by
Visitors who bring mounts, sled dogs, pack animals,
continual flame spells that can be suppressed or ac-
or pets to Revel's End can keep their ani-
tivated by uttering the command word, "lights."
mals here. The prison doesn't supply food for
The middle side room-not heated, unlike the rest
animals, however.
of the prison-is used for cold storage.
The smallest side room is a well-stocked pantry.


1 Square•SF~

.,....\l. \. '.
I'....,. :Sf . ' '
Each of these four triangular towers is two stories This room contains a dozen wooden waste buckets.
tall. A tower's interior chamber is empty except for Once per day, usually in the morning, manacled
a wooden ladder that climbs to an iron hatch held prisoners carry the buckets outside the prison and
shut by an arcane Jock spell (see the "Prison Fea- dispose of the waste while watched by guards.
tures" section for more details). This hatch leads to
the tower's flat rooftop, which is lined with battle- Rl5: HEXAGON
ments. Three Lords' Alliance guards (veterans) in This corridor allows guards and visitors to access
cold-weather clothing are stationed on the roof of the outermost rooms of the prison while avoiding
each tower. the panopticon (area Rl6) and its prison cells (area
Rl7). The guards refer to this corridor as "the hexa-
RlO: ARMORY gon" because of its shape.
This room contains wooden racks and chests filled
with weaponry. Floating in the middle of the room is
This hexagonal chamber is a large open space at the
a spherical creature with a large central eye and four
center of the prison. Cells line the chamber walls,
writhing eyestalks.
and a smaller hexagonal room occupies the center of
the space.
The inventory is nonmagical and includes twenty
halberds, fifteen longswords, fifteen shortswords,
ten pikes, ten heavy crossbows, five light crossbows, The continual flame spells that light this area can be
and hundreds of crossbow bolts. dimmed from the surveillance hub (area R18). The
The armory is guarded by a spectator that treats hall is dimly lit at night.
the weapons as treasure. It knows every member of Rl7: CELLS
the prison staff on sight. It won't leave the room and
attacks anyone it doesn't recognize.
Hatch. A wooden ladder leads to an iron hatch Each cell is enclosed by formidable steel bars. Bolted
in the ceiling. An arcane lock spell seals the hatch to the back wall are iron bunk beds, each with a thin
(see the "Prison Features" section for more details), mattress. A waste bucket sits near the beds.
which opens onto the roof.
Rll: COURTYARD The prisoners are kept in thes~ unlit cells (effec-
This courtyard is paved with flagstones, which are tively illuminated by the lights in R16) behind
covered with drifting snow. barred gates that can be opened only from area
When the weather allows, prisoners are brought R18. The gates are too secure to be forced open
here-individually or in small groups- for fresh air using brute strength or weapons, and magical at-
and exercise. They are watched closely by guards tempts to open or bypass them are thwarted by per-
on the ground as well as the guards on the corner manent anti magic fields. Each field encompasses
tower. Characters can speak quietly with a prisoner one cell and its gate. Spells and other magical ef-
without being noticed from the tower. fects, except those created by an artifact or a deity,
are suppressed in an antimagic field and can't pro-
Rl2: MEETING ROOM trude into it. While an effect is suppressed, it doesn't
This room bolds a large, rectangular table with function, but the time it spends suppressed counts
a single chair on one long side and three similar against its duration.
chairs on the opposite side. The room is used for Bolted to the back wall of each cell is an iron bunk
meetings with prisoners or the warden. bed with thin mattresses and a waste bucket nearby.
Hatch. A wooden ladder leads to an iron hatch in Prisoners take their meals in their cells.
the ceiling that opens onto the roof. An arcane Jock Prisoners. Each of the twenty-four cells can hold
spell seals the hatch (see the "Prison Features" sec- one or two prisoners. Roll 4d10 to determine the
tion for more details). number of prisoners currently incarcerated at Rev-
el's End, give each one an identification number, and
distribute them in the cells as you see fit. Numbers
Supplies are stored here in crates and other contain-
are assigned in the order in which the prisoners
ers. At present, the prison has stockpiled enough
arrive and are never reused. The longest-serving
necessities to continue operations for six months.
prisoner currently incarcerated at Revel's End is
Prisoner 6, and the newest one is Prisoner 299.

Prisoner 13 (see the "Roleplaying Prisoner 13" sec- d6 Prisoner
tion later in this adventure for more details) has no
5 lshar (chaotic evil elf), convicted of conspiracy to
cellmate. Her cell is marked on map 4.1.
To add detail to other inmates, roll on the Prison- murder members of a noble family, has served
ers table or choose entries you like. If a prisoner's l d20 years of a life sentence.
game statistics become necessary, choose an ap- 6 Grix (neutral goblin), convicted of espionage, has
propriate stat block from the Monster Manual, and served ld6 years of a 10-year sentence.
remove armor, weapons, and other gear.
d6 Prisoner
This hexagonal room is the base of the prison's cen-
Gallia Strand (neutral evil human), convicted of
tral tower. A spiral staircase rises to the tower's upper
smugglihg contraband luxuries, has served ld6
levels. Several guards watch through the arrow slits,
years of a 10-year sentence.
observing the cells, while one sits at a metal desk
2 Bario Rageblade (chaotic good human), a famous
and console with a myriad of switches and dials and a
adventurer convicted of reckless endangerment,
has served ld4 years of a 5-year sentence. brass tube with a funnel-like flare.
3 Quill ion Sardo (lawful neutral halfling), convicted
of using magic to influence others, has served The stairs lead to areas Rl 9 through R23. Seven
1d4 years of a 5-year sentence. guards (veterans) are stationed in this s urveillance
4 Pirouette (chaotic evil tiefling), a thieves' guild hub. One sits at a console south of the staircase.
The other guards watch the prisoners through
leader convicted of multiple crimes, has served
4-foot-tall, 1-foot-wide arrow slits in the walls.
l d20 years of a life sentence.
Hanging on the walls between the arrow slits are A long, slightly curved table with eleven chairs
fifty sets of iron manacles guards use to bind prison- takes up much of the room. The middle chair has no
ers' wrists and ankles. special adornments, while the others have banners
Console. The console is a magical device that hanging over their high backs, each one embla-
resembles a desk with a slanted top and is bolted zoned with the crest of a Lords' Alliance member.
to the floor. It is a Large object with AC 15, 18 hit Banners hanging on the walls display the alliance's
points, and immunity to poison and psychic damage. emblem: a golden crown on a red field.
The console has the following magical properties, Absolution Council Meetings. Members of the
which are disabled if it is reduced to O hit points: Absolution Council gather here to weigh the merits
Gate Control. Twenty-four switches on the con- of releasing prisoners whom one or more council
sole open and close the gates to the prison cells. members have recommended for parole. No pris-
A master switch opens or closes all the gates at oner can receive such consideration more than once
once. Flipping one or more switches on the con- a year. Prisoners up for parole are brought to this
sole requires an action. room in manacles and given a chance to sway the
Light Control. A brass dial on the console controls council members before votes are cast. The warden
the light level in area Rl6. Turning the dial re- (see area R21), who always attends such meetings,
quires an action or a bonus action. sits in the middle chair and casts the tiebreaking
Loudspeaker. As an action, a creature can use this vote, if necessary.
device, which resembles the bell of a trumpet, to R21: WARDEN'S QUARTERS
broadcast its voice throughout the prison. The arcane lock on this door can be opened only
Rl9: BARRACKS by the warden. Beyond the door is a comfortable
bedchamber lit by a continual flame spell that can
be dimmed or brightened by uttering the command
A door in the spiral staircase leads into a large room word, "vaudra."
filled with wooden bunk beds. There are arrow slits Prison Warden. The calm and unflappable war-
in the north, west, and south walls. Footlockers and den of Revel's End is Marta Marthannis, a lawful
armor racks accompany each bed. The spiral stairs good, human mage who speaks Common, Draconic,
Dwarvish, and Ore. She wears a red robe with gold
continue up past the door.
trim and keeps a ring with seven tiny keys hanging
from it in one pocket. One key unlocks the warden's
Characters who climb the spiral staircase come chest (see "Treasure" below); the others unlock the
to a door 100 feet above the prison roof. The stair- desk drawer and the cabinets in the warden's office
case continues beyond this door to the tower's (area R22).
higher levels. Warden Marthannis is secretly a member of the
The door opens into a room filled with wooden Harpers, a faction that works behind the scenes to
bunk beds. Areas to the north, west, and south can keep power out of the hands of evildoers. In her cur-
be viewed through 4-foot-tall, I-foot-wide arrow slits. rent position, she works to keep some of the Sword
The continual flame spells that light the room can Coast's worst malefactors behind bars. So far, the
be dimmed or brightened by uttering the command warden has managed to conceal her Harper affilia-
word, "lights." tion from everyone else in the prison.
When the prison isn't on high alert, fifty guards Marthannis's Possession. Unlike her member-
(veterans without armor or weapons) sleep in the ship in the Harpers, Marthannis hasn't concealed
bunks. The guards keep their armor and weapons the fact that she is periodically possessed. Lodged
within easy reach. They keep other belongings in inside her is the spirit of a deceased adventuring
unlocked footlockers tucked under their bunk beds. companion: a lawful good, shield dwarf fighter
The guards need 10 minutes to don their armor. If named Vlax Brawnanvil. The spirit ofVlax takes
the prison is put on high alert, the guards take the control of Warden Marthannis once or twice a day,
time to put on their armor before making their way each time for an hour or two-though never while
down to area Rl8. she's performing important duties, such as supervis-
ing prisoner meetings with visitors.
R20: HALL OF ABSOLUTION While under Vlax's control, the warden can't cast
The floor of this room is 120 feet above the prison her prepared spells or use the command word for
roof. A spiral staircase connects the room to the high alert (see the "High Alert'' section), speaks only
other levels of the tower (area R18 is 140 feet down, Dwarvish, and occasionally indulges Vlax's vice for
area R19 is 20 feet down, and area R23 is 20 feet ale and spirits.
up}. Narrow windows line the outer walls.

Warden Marthannis knows that to rid herself of limited cover, but much of the rooftop is exposed to
Vlax's spirit, she must visit the Brawnanvil crypts in the elements.
Gauntlgrym, a dwarven fortress under Mount Hote- A wooden drawbridge can be lowered on one side
now (near Neverwinter), where the spirits of Vlax's to create an airship dock. An action is required to
kin can persuade Vlax to join them in the afterlife. raise or lower the drawbridge.
The warden refuses to make the journey, however, No guards are stationed here. If the guards in the
because she can't bear to lose all contact with Vlax. prison watchtowers (area R9) see an airship or an
The warden has made her state known to the prison airborne threat approaching Revel's End, they alert
guards and Absolution Council members, and they the rest of the prison. The warden then dons cold-
have grown accustomed to her personality changes weather clothing and heads to the roof to greet the
and bouts of revelry. The possession hasn't affected airship crew or deal with the airborne threat herself.
the warden's ability to carry out her duties, and so
far, no one has questioned her fitness for her job. ROLEPLAYING PRISONER 13
Treasure. Among the chamber's furnishings is a The first time the characters encounter Prisoner 13,
locked wooden chest, for which the warden carries read the following:
the only key. A character using thieves' tools can use
an action to try to pick the lock, doing so with a suc-
This tightly muscled dwarven woman keeps her red
cessful DC 20 Dexterity check.
The chest holds a set of calligrapher's supplies, a hair cut short. Her bronze skin is covered in tattoos
sack containing 750 gp (money that's used mainly to that stretch from her collarbone to her ankles. She
pay ship captains who drop off prisoners and cargo), surveys you with unimpressed eyes.
and a silver cloak pin (25 gp) bearing the symbol of
the Harpers: a tiny harp nestled between the horns
of a crescent moon. Prisoner 13 is a cunning schemer, ruthless and
Any character who searches the chest for secret patient. She listens and watches, absorbing every
compartments finds one in the lid. It holds a wand of detail she can, and shares as little as she can get
binding that the warden keeps for emergencies. away with.
Prisoner 13 is comfortable with her lot in life,
R22: OFFICE enjoying the anonymity and ironic protection of
Revel's End like a warm blanket on a winter night.
While confined to her antimagic cell, she is cautious

A heavy desk stands in the middle of the room with
since she can't rely on her magic tattoos to defend
parchment, quills, and ink at the ready. Five heavy herself. Outside her cell, she grows overly confident
wood cabinets line the east wall. and even banters if she's able to do so without be-
ing caught by guards. In battle she poses a potent
Prison records are stored here in the locked cabi- threat, creating blasts of flame and striking with
nets. The cabinets also contain ship cargo manifests magical force in both melee and ranged combat.
and records of past deliveries, as well as prisoner She spends her time contemplating the web of
transfer orders and a ledger documenting the schemes she learns through the eyes, ears, and
names, crimes, sentences, and commutations of hands of her agents outside the prison. While out-
every prisoner who has been incarcerated at Rev- side her cell during daily exercise in the courtyard
or during chores, she contacts her agents for up-
el's End. The records include death certificates for
prisoners who died while incarcerated. The cause dates and makes arrangements that keep her net-
of death is always given as "natural," "accidental," or work running.
"unnatural," with no details. PRISONER 13's TATTOOS
A desk in the middle of the room has ten financial Most of Prisoner 13's inkwork is covered by her uni-
ledgers packed into a locked side drawer. The keys form. Her tattoos include the following:
for the desk and the cabinets are in the warden's
possession. A character with thieves' tools can use Dwarven Poetry. An excerpt from a poem in Dwar-
an action to try to pick the lock on the desk drawer vish script on her neck and across her shoulder
or one of the cabinets, doing so with a successful blades reads, "Endless dreams entombed
DC 12 Dexterity check. in stone."
Flames. A roiling storm of brilliant flames covers
R23: TOWER ROOF her back and ribs.
This flat rooftop is 140 feet above the prison roof Shroud. Black and gray smoke and shadows coil
and 300 feet above sea level. Three 6-foot-high down her left arm, ending in runes on the fingers
walls to the north, southwest, and southeast provide of her left hand.

~ -
Knotwork. Purple aod blue knotwork and runes
run down her right arm, across the back of her
right hand, and down the length of each finger.
The runes on her fingers, known as the keystone
tattoo, form the key to the vault in Gauntlgrym.
The characters must acquire this key to complete
their mission (see "Acquiring the Key" below).
Mountain. Silver and brown mountain peaks cover
her chest, the tips following the angles of her
River. Swirling green and blue waters form a cas-
cading river across her stomach, with scaly crea-
tures leering from the water.
Power and Plunder. Dwarvish script on her hips
reads "Power" and "Plunder."
Traced among Prisoner 13's tattoos are tiny magical
sigils, each one matching a twin tattooed on one of
her agents. A character who examines any visible
tattoos and succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence (Inves-
tigation) check notices some of the hidden marks.
A character who succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence
(Arcana) check determines that the sigils have
something to do with minds or telepathy.
If she's approached with the possibility of freedom,
Prisoner 13 looks genuinely surprised but quickly

Mountain Tattoo. Prisoner 13's AC includes her Constitu-

Medium Humanoid (Dwarf, Monk), Neutral Evil tion modifier.
Shroud Tattoo. Prisoner 13 can't be targeted by divination
Armor Class 17 (Mountain Tattoo) spells or any feature that would read her thoughts, and she
Hit Points 102 (12d8 + 48) can't be perceived through magical scrying sensors. She can't
Speed 30 ft. be contacted telepathically unless she allows such contact.


15 (+2) 17 (+3) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)
Multiattack. Prisoner 13 makes two Tattooed Strike attacks.
Saving Throws Con +7, Wis +5 Tattooed Strike. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to
Skills Athletics +5, Deception +9, Insight +5, Perception +5, hit, reach 5 ft. or range 60 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3)
Stealth +6 force damage.
Damage Resistances poison
Firestorm Tattoo (Recharge 5- 6). Prisoner 13 magically
Damage Immunities psychic
Condition Immunities charmed unleashes flame from the tattoo across her back, filling a
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15 20-foot-radius sphere centered on her. Each other creature
Languages Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, thieves' cant, in that area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. O n
Undercommon a failed save, the creature takes 13 (3d8} fire damage and is
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 knocked prone. On a successful save, it takes ha lf as much
damage and isn't knocked prone.
Antimagic Susceptibility. In an area of anti magic, Prisoner River Tattoo. Prisoner 13 magically ends any effects causing the
H's tattoos and reactions don't function, and she suffers the grappled or restrained conditions on herself. If she is bound
following modifications to her statistics: her AC becomes 13, with nonmagical restraints, she slips out of them.
she loses her immunity to psychic damage and the charmed
condition, and her Tattooed Strike becomes a melee attack that REACTIONS
deals 7 (ld8 + 3) bludgeoning damage on a hit. Readiness. When a creature Prisoner 13 can see within 60 feet
Mind/ink Tattoos. Prisoner 13 has telepathic links with doz- of herself ends its turn, Prisoner B makes one Tattooed Strike
ens of agents operating throughout the land. The links allow attack or uses River Tattoo. She can then move up to her speed
Prisoner 13 to communicate telepathically with each of these without provoking opportunity attacks.
agents while they are both on the same plane of existence.
"' SPP H 3€ §"i • , " k

. 68 PRISONER 13

assumes her usual neutral mask. Here's how she on a DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check to correctly
responds to some likely questions: re-create the tattoo, which requires 10 minutes
of study or drawing. The characters can retry if
What do you know about the vault and key?
they fail, at the cost of more time and more risk of
She plays coy: "Tdon't know what you mean."
If pressed further, she shrugs. "T've been asked
Last Resort. A gruesome but effective option is
about this vault and key before. Assuming I did
killing Prisoner 13 and taking her body back, or just
know where the key might be, what would be in it
her right hand. If the characters are working for the
for me to tell you?"
Golden Vault, they know the organization would not
Do you want to be set free? "As flattered as I am
approve of this method. The characters receive no
that you care, I'm afraid I must decline. I'm fine
reward from the organization if they kill or mutilate
where I am, thanks."
Prisoner 13.
What do you want for the key? She ponders for
a moment before answering: "The warden has a
ledger, probably in her office. It contains all the CONCLUSION
names, crimes, and prisoner numbers of everyone When the characters successfully deliver the key
ever incarcerated at Revel's End. Bring me that (Prisoner 13's keystone tattoo), Varrin's joy and re-
list, and I'll see to it that you get your key." lief crack his usually reserved exterior, and he sends
his agents to open the vault and reveal the lost
In response to a verbal threat, Prisoner 13 shakes
Axebreaker treasure (he won't allow the characters
her head and says, "I could make quite a scene to be present for the vault opening). While much
and bring the guards down on you. Maybe even the of the clan's stolen wealth has been spent, there's
warden herself. You really don't have anything to still a great fortune remaining. As a result of their
threaten me with." success, the characters have advantage whenever
Finding the Key. When Prisoner 13 talks about
one of them attempts a Charisma check that would
the key, each character present can make a DC 19 influence Axebreaker dwarves. Varrin makes good
Wisdom (Insight) check. If the check is successful,
on his bargain and gives a fair share to the charac-
the character notices Prisoner 13 flexing her right
ters as promised. The reward includes the following
hand and tracing a fingertip across t he tattoo there coins and gems (use the amounts in brackets if the
when she mentions the key. The character deduces
characters negotiated a 3 percent fee):
that t he tattoo is the key.
Forcible jailbreak. Taking Prisoner 13 alive and • 2,100 cp (3,150 cp)
delivering her to Varrin is difficult but possible. She • 1,100 sp (1,650 sp)
won't go willingly and fights back if the characters • 100 gp (150 gp)
try to force her. In that case, they'll be hard-pressed • 12 (18) bloodstones worth 50 gp each
to knock her unconscious and make their escape The characters can also choose three magic items
without alarming the guards and placing the prison from the following list, or four items if they success-
on high alert. If a fight breaks out with closed doors fully negotiated for a bigger reward from Varrin:
between the battle and the nearest guards, on ini-
tiative count 0, make a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) • Cap ofwater breathing
check for the guards to see if they notice the com- • Dust ofdisappearance
motion. If they succeed, roll initiative for the guards. • Gem ofbrightness
They investigate on the following round. • Mithra] armor
Trade for the Key. If the characters acquire the • Potion ofresistance (lightning)
prisoner files from the warden's office (area R22), • Slippers of spider climbing
Prisoner 13 demands to read them somewhere out-
side her cell. She takes 20 minutes to read through
the documents and telepathically relay the informa- If the characters are working for the Golden Vault,
tion to her agents for later use. Following that, she they must deliver the key to Varrin Axebreaker.
reveals that the tattoo on her right hand is the key Once they do, the organization rewards the charac-
to the vault. She allows the characters to study it ters with a rare magic item of their choice (subject to
so they can replicate its image using magic such as your approval) as payment. The item is delivered to
disguise selfor minor illusion, or even copy it with the characters the next day.
pen and ink. In any case, a character must succeed



the svirfneblin town of Little Lockford have
attacked the very residents they were meant If you're using the Golden Vault as a patron, a
to keep safe, forcing a town-wide evacuation. golden key is delivered to the characters in whatever
At the heart of the matter is Security Overseer Tixie manner you deem fit. When the characters use this
Tockworth, a tinkerer who has turned malicious. key to open their music box, the lid pops open and a
In this adventure, the characters must enter Little soothing voice says the following:
Lockford, recover a security key, and use it to acti-
vate a fail-safe device that shuts off the automatons. "Greetings, operatives. We have learned the svirf-
neblin town of Little Lockford needs your help. Tixie
ADVENTURE BACKGROUND Tockworth, once entrusted with the town's security,
The clockwork automatons that protect Little Lock- has turned the town's clockwork automatons against
ford are the creations of a gnome tinkerer named the populace. This quest, should you choose to un-
Tixie Tockworth, who recently decided to become
dertake it, requires you to infiltrate Little Lockford,
a mechanical being herself. She began with a se-
retrieve a security key, and use it to power down the
ries of procedures whereby she replaced parts of
her body with machinery created in her workshop. automatons. You are also empowered to stop Tixie
At some point, Tockworth lost all compassion and Tockworth from doing further harm to the town. Start
empathy for her fellow townspeople. Her fellow by meeting with the town's mayor, Braith Broadfoot.
tinkerers urged her to stop what she was doing, but She's waiting for you in the caves outside the gates of
she refused. When the militia tried to shut down her Little Lockford. Good luck, operatives."
workshop, Tockworth unleashed her automatons on
the citizens of Little Lockford, many of whom were
killed. The survivors fled and regrouped outside Closing the music box causes the golden key
the settlement in a nearby network ofUnderdark to vanish.
tunnels and caverns. The survivors then magically
sealed the doors to Little Lockford to keep Tock- INTO THE UNDERDARK
worth's automatons from escaping. Little Lockford is situated in the Underdark, but the
Tockworth's painstaking transformation into a tunnels leading to the settlement are well traveled
machine has occupied her for the past few weeks, and relatively easy to navigate. Stone signs illumi-
during which time the other residents of Little Lock- nated by continual flame spells can be found at ev-
ford have been searching for adventurers to help ery junction, pointing the way to the settlement.
them reclaim their settlement. If you want to make the journey to Little Lockford
Little Lockford's mayor, Braith Broadfoot, asks more interesting, you can insert a random encoun-
the adventurers to infiltrate the town and retrieve ter or two as the characters make their way through
a security key last seen in Tockworth's possession. dark tunnels. To determine what the characters en-
When used to activate a fail-safe device in Tock- counter, roll on the Underdark Encounters table.
worth's workshop, the key permanently shuts down
the automatons, rendering them harmless. How the
characters deal with Tockworth is left up to them.

"I can't tell you how pleased we are that you're here
dl2 Encounter
to help us! We've sealed the gates of Little Lockford
Two grells drop on the characters from above.
to contain the threat that has claimed so many inno-
2 The characters hear the clicks and clacks of three
cent lives.
hook horrors several minutes before these preda-
"Some weeks ago, Tockworth, our security overseer,
tors appear and attack.
ordered her clockwork automatons to attack her fe l-
3 A galeb duhr reveals itself and tries to converse
low citizens. Not knowing what else to do, I ordered
with the characters in Terran. The creature is
an evacuation. But Little Lockford is our home, and I
bored and eager to strike up a conversation, if
am determined to reclaim it.
only to ask about the weather.
"Tockworth built a fail-safe device to shut down the
4 A black pudding oozes from a hole in the wall and
attacks. automatons in the event of malfunction. The device
is in her workshop, protected by a magic symbol on
5 The characters find a Tiny clockwork device that
the floor that messes with the mind of any creature
was left behind by a svirfneblin miner. The device
produces a miniature Aame that can be used to that sets foot on it. To activate the fail-safe, you need
light a candle, torch, or campfire. Using the de- a security key that Tockworth keeps in a safe in her
vice requires an action. workshop. We need you to retrieve the security key
6 The characters enter a small cave containing a and use it to shut down the clockwork automatons.
stone throne fit for a gnome. The throne, which How you deal with Tockworth is up to you."
looks like it was carved from a stalagmite, is a
mimic that attacks anyone who sits on it. Mayor Broadfoot provides a hand-drawn map of the
7-12 A deep gnome named Nyx Riddlestone is on the town (give your players a copy of map 5.1). In her
lookout for adventurers heading to Little Lock- haste, the flustered mayor has flip-flopped the loca-
ford. Nyx speaks Common, Gnomish, Terran, and tions of the infirmary (area L4) and t he jail (area LS)
Undercommon. She greets the characters curtly on her map.
and offers to escort them to Mayor Broadfoot Mayor Broadfoot also tells the characters about
without delay.
some useful items hidden under her desk in t he
town hall (area L2). The characters are free to claim
the items for themselves. If asked why the items
MEETING THE MAYOR were left behind, Mayor Broadfoot admits she forgot
Mayor Braith Broadfoot (neutral good, deep about them in her rush to evacuate Little Lockford.
gnome commoner) speaks Common in addition to The items are as follows:
Gnomish, Terran, and Undercommon. She and her Four potions ofhealing
fellow gnome exiles are gathered in a cavern not too • A packet of dust ofdisappearance
far from the front gates of the Little Lockford. If the • Two flasks of alchemist's fire
characters say they've come to help, the mayor ea-
gerly gives them an overview of the situation: PLANNING THE HEIST
Armed with Mayor Broadfoot's map, the characters
can begin planning their heist. If they do so in the
company of Mayor Broadfoot and her advisers,
these deep gnomes share the following useful
Features. The gnomes can share the information in
the "General Features" section. The "Bridges" and
"Slagline" sections are especially important when
it comes to planning the heist.
Tockworth's Automatons. If the characters request
more information about Tockworth's automatons,
use the information in the "Security Forces" sec-
tion to describe them.



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If the characters make the case that one or more of
the magic items might help them accomplish their
mission, Mayor Broadfoot agrees to give them one
magic item as a down payment-though if the char-
acters abandon the mission, she expects them to
return the item.


When the characters are ready to enter Little Lock-
ford, they're led to the town's fortified entrance
by Sergeant Yombad Cragknuckle (neutral good
deep gnome), the highest ranked of the surviving
militia members. Stern and scowling, he walks
with a slight limp and has a heavily bandaged arm,
both the result of injuries he sustained during the
Sergeant Cragknuckle speaks Gnomish, Terran,
and Undercommon, but not Common. If asked for
advice on the mission, the sergeant offers the follow-
ing information and guidance:
Friendly Advice. The sergeant urges the characters
to move quickly and quietly through the town, do-
ing their best to avoid Tockworth's automatons.
Avoid Cavemouth. The sergeant suggests the char-
acters avoid the Cavemouth district due to the
likely presence of monsters there. (Normally kept
T,x,E TockwORH< at bay by the clockwork automatons, monsters are
likely to have ventured from their hidey-holes and
Tixie Tockworth. The trouble began when Tock- into the streets. Gricks are a particular nuisance.)
Healing Aids. The sergeant recalls that potions of
worth began performing magical procedures on
herself, replacing parts of her body with machine healing and healer's kits can be found in the city
infirmary in Turbine Heights.
parts. Her fellow tinkerers urged her to stop these
procedures. but she refused. The mayor ordered Additionally, if the characters show Sergeant
the militia to shut down Tockworth's workshop, Cragknuckle the map of Little Lockford provided by
but the militia was unable to get past the shield Mayor Broadfoot, the sergeant points out that the
guardian stationed outside the workshop. After map flip-flops the locations of the infirmary (area
the militia was rebuffed, Tockworth instructed L4) and the jail (area LS).
her automa~ons to attack everyone else in Lit-
tle Lockford. LITTLE L0CKF0RD
Warehouse Contraption. Warehouse 6, in the
Cavemouth district, contains a magical drilling OVERVIEW
machine big enough to hold two characters (see Due to its strategic location and proximity to valu-
area Lll for details). The svirfneblin have no clue able resources, Little Lockford has been a consis-
what the characters might use it for, but it could tent target of attack. As a result, the deep gnomes
come in handy. have fortified the town, which is described in greater
detail below.
If the characters retrieve the security key and shut
down Tockworth's automatons, Mayor Broadfoot The town is situated in a vast cavern tinged red by
promises to award the characters the follow- the magma that flows through the channels that
ing treasure: separate the various districts. By and large, the
town is well maintained, with streets and buildings
• Ruby ring worth 5,000 gp
composed of gray stone bricks. Other noteworthy
• Boots ofstriding and springing
features are summarized in the sections that follow.
, Driftglobe
• Stone ofgood luck

Bridges made of wood and metal span the magma While most districts sit 150 feet above the magma
lake at various points, connecting the town's vari- lake, two do not. The Overlook, built into a rock
ous districts to one another. Consoles in the power formation at the center of the cavern, sits 170 feet
station (area L6) and the security center (area above the magma. Cavemouth is 120 feet above
L12) enable these bridges to be raised or lowered, the magma.
much like a modern-day drawbridge that spans
To control the flow of traffic through town, Tock- The roof and walls of Little Lockford are bathed in
worth has raised the following bridges: the Old a fiery hue, than ks to the magma that fills the lake
Lockford-Cavemouth bridge, the Cavemouth- and heats the town. The town's power station (area
S moldertown bridge, one of the two Smoldertown- L6) generates electricity that powers streetlamps in
Turbine Heights bridges, and the two bridges every district, although the streetlamps have gone
leading to the Overlook from Old Lockford and Tur- out in Cavemouth. These lights can be switched on
bine Heights . or off from control consoles in the power station and
the security center (area L12).
Most of Little Lockford's buildings are single-story MAGMA
stone structures (about 12 feet high) with stone Any creature that falls into Little Lockford's magma
doors that are 5 feet high and 3 feet wide. Building lake is likely to be killed instantly unless that crea-
interiors tend to be unlit (which is of little concern to ture is immune to fire damage. Any creature that en-
deep gnomes, who have darkvision), and they con- ters the magma for the first time on a turn or starts
tain furnishings sized for gnomes. its turn there takes 55 (lOdlO) fire damage.
Little Lockford contains many buildings not SLAGLINE
described in the adventure. If the characters inves-
Suspended above the magma lake is a carousel-like
tigate one of these buildings, roll on the Buildings
chain of dangling steel buckets called the Slagline.
of Little Lockford table to determine what kind of
The buckets are spaced 15 feet apart. Roughly half
building it is. Each building's occupants took every-
of them contain ore and uncut gems from the mines;
thing of value before fleeing Little Lockford, leaving
the rest are empty and big enough to carry five
nothing of value for characters to find.
Small creatures or two Medium creatures each.
The Slagline is automated so that the buckets
move counterclockwise around the town. (NormaJly,
dlOO Building Type ore and gems from the Cavemouth district are re-
01-25 Residence, squalid (quarters for 4d6 gnomes) ceived at the foundry in the Smoldertown district for
26- 40 Residence, modest (quarters for 2d6 gnomes) smelting and refining. The processed materials are
41-50 Residence, wealthy {quarters for ld6 gnomes) then transported past Turbine Heights to Old Lock-
ford, where they are sold by merchants and guild
57-53 Alchemist's workshop
artisans.) The Slagline alternates between running
54-56 Bakery for 1 minute and then pausing for 1 minute to allow
57-58 Bathhouse time to load and unload its buckets. Whenever the
59- 62 Brewery Slagline stops, the buckets suspended above the
63-64 Cartographer's workshop magma bob and sway slightly- not so much that
they spill their contents, however.
65-66 Cobbler's workshop
Creatures can safely climb into buckets at one
67-69 Empty building (with a for-sale sign on the door) of four loading stations (two in Cavemouth, one in
70-72 Fungi restaurant (with a menu by the door) Smoldertown, and one in Old Lockford) and ride the
73-76 Gemcutter's workshop Slagline from one district to another.
77-78 Haberdashery
79- 82 Jeweler's shop
Tockworth created two primary types of automatons
83-84 Scribe's workshop to protect Little Lockford:
85-88 Smithy
Clockwork Defenders. Little Lockford has twenty
89- 92 Tavern clockwork defenders (see their description and
93-96 Tinker's workshop stat block at the end of the adventure), not includ-
97-00 Wizard's domicile ing ones that were destroyed during the town's
evacuation or the damaged one in area L6.

Clockwork Observers . Little Lockford has eight a more ornate style than those in the rest of Little
clockwork observers (see their description and Lockford. A few dead deep gnomes lie in the streets;
stat block at the end of the adventure). The ob- most wear the weapons and armor of the militia.
servers are tasked with monitoring the streets to
ensure nothing has penetrated the city's defenses. Ll: ENTRANCE AND GATEHOUSE
If an observer detects intruders, it contacts Tock- When the characters are ready to enter the town,
worth telepathically, letting her know where the read or paraphrase the following:
intruders are. Tockworth then orders the observer
to use its next action to emit a piercing shriek, Sergeant Cragknuckle leads you to a bulwark hastily
which is loud enough to summon ld4 clockwork erected outside Little Lockford's impressive gates.
defenders (see their description and stat block at
The bulwark is defended by weary-looking members
the end of the adventure). These reinforcements
arrive 2 rounds later. If the number of clockwork of the town militia, who salute the sergeant as he
defenders summoned is greater than the number limps past them.
left in Little Lockford, adjust the number of rein- Standing watch by the gates are two dour gnomes
forcements accordingly. in black robes. On Cragknuckle's signal, each of these
Other Constructs under Tockworth's control include gnomes casts a spell that causes the gates to swing
two suits of animated armor (see area L9a) and a open before you. A wave of heat washes through
shield guardian that lost its master and its control the bulwark as the gates part, revealing a gritn town
amulet. The shield guardian stands guard outside bathed in hellish light and periodically brightened by
Tockworth's workshop (area L9). flashes of lightning.
Each time one or more visible characters exit a The outer gates lock automatically when they close.
building or enter a new district, roll a d6. On a roll The two gnome mages on duty have prepared knock
of 1 or 2 (or just 1 if the characters are trying to be spells, which they use to circumvent the gates' com-
stealthy), they attract the attention of one or more plex locking mechanisms. It takes two knock spells
wandering monsters determined by rolling another to open the gates.
d6 and consulting the Wandering Monsters table. Sergeant Cragknuckle goes no farther. In
See "Security Forces" above for more information Gnomish, he wishes the characters good luck, in-
about how many clockwork defenders and clock- structs them to knock on the gates seven times to
work observers are present in Little Lockford. signal that they're ready to exit, and assures them
1n the Cavemouth district, the monsters encoun- he will be here waiting for them. (If the characters
tered have all crawled from the mines. The charac- don't speak his language, the sergeant raps his
ters encounter Tockworth's automatons elsewhere. knuckles on the outer gates seven times to ex-
plain what they must do to signal for the gates to
d6 Encounter in Cavemouth Encounter Elsewhere As soon as the characters enter the town, the
gates lock behind them. True to his word, Sergeant
2 darkmantles following 3 clockwork defenders
Cragknuckle instructs the mages to open the gates
1 grick
if he hears someone on the other side knock on the
2-3 2 gricks 2 clockwork defenders gates seven times.
4-6 1 shambling mound 1 clockwork observer Gatehouse. A modest gatehouse stands inside the
made of fungi gates. Map 5.2 includes an inset map that shows
the interior of the gatehouse, which the characters
can use as a place to rest or regroup. The gatehouse
LITTLE LOCKFORD contains s leeping quarters and an armory that was
LOCATIONS cleaned out during the evacuation.

The following locations are marked on ma'p 5.2. T OWN HALL


The bodies of three dead gnomes clad in the armor of
Old Lockford is the oldest part of the town. The
the town militia splay on the front steps of the town
cobblestones here have been worn smooth over
the centuries, and the streetlamps are wrought in hall, the doors to which are wide open.

MAP 5.2: DH 'S MAP


- - ..,. . ~. \ "_,_J
~ -~" l ~ ~ lh,
The town ha II features a spacious chamber for large Other rooms in the abbey include sleeping quar-
gatherings and has three small offices at the back. ters for svirfneblin monks, a private chamber for the
Treasure. From Mayor Broad foot's office, charac- abbot, and a privy. A search of these areas yields
ters can retrieve four potions ofhealing, two flasks nothing of value.
of alchemist's fire, and one use of dust ofdisappear- Abbot Kavoda. The abbot Kavoda tried to flee
ance in a small packet. These items are kept in an Little Lockford with his fellow monks, but he didn't
unlocked footlocker under the mayor's desk. On the get far before one of Tockworth's automatons
desk is a calligraphy set. chased him back to the abbey. Minutes after Kavoda
returned to the abbey, Slonk and Yuzzik showed up.
HALFWAY ISLE (AREA L3) Kavoda avoided them by casting meld into stone. He
Halfway Isle used to be a giant stalagmite until has been using meld into stone spells to hide ever
the gnomes sheared off the top of it to create a pla- since. As the characters explore the abbey, Kavoda
teau, atop which they built the Abbey of the Deep hears one of them and emerges from a nearby wall
Brother (area L3). Bridges connect Halfway Isle to when he thinks it's safe to do so.
the neighboring districts of Old Lockford and Tur- Kavoda is a chaotic good deep gnome who speaks
bine Heights. Common, Gnomish, Terran, and Undercommon.
His Innate Spellcasting trait includes the ability to
L3. ABBEY OF THE DEEP BROTHER cast meld into stone three times per day. He wears
a gray robe instead of armor (AC 12) and carries a
Next to the road stands a squat stone building capped spell scroll of magic weapon and a potion ofgiant
with a stone dome. The building's entrance is a strength (hill).
Kavoda doesn't want to stay in Little Lockford
double door carved to resemble interlocking hands,
any longer. Desperate and hungry, he begs the
and centered above the doorway is a golden pick with characters to escort him safely to Little Lockford's
a short handle. outer gates (area Ll), offering his magic items if they
accept the quest. He insists they deliver him to the
Map 5.2 includes an inset map that shows the inte- gates by the most direct route without delay, and he
rior of this building. protests loudly if they dawdle or deviate from this
A character who examines the golden pick and course of action. If he is separated from the char-
succeeds on a DC 13 Intelligence (Religion) check acters or wounded, Kavoda runs back to the abbey,
recognizes it as the symbol of the Deep Brother, crying "Callarduran, protect me!" all the way.
Callarduran Smoothhands, a god worshiped by ThRBINE HEIGHTS (AREAS L4-L6)
svirfneblin (particularly miners and stone carvers).
Abbey Interior. A 4-foot-tall statue of Callarduran, Turbine Heights is where members of the militia
his face and figure hidden under a cowled robe, and their families lived. This district also contains a
stands in an alcove just inside the entrance. The power station and an infirmary.
statue's right hand is held out, displaying stone- When the characters first arrive at Turbine
carved rings on every stubby finger. Heights, read the following text:
The largest room in the abbey, directly across
from the entrance, serves as a place of worship. The streets of this district are filled with steam.
Low be~ches face the middle of the domed cham- Through the haze, you can see bright streetlamps and
ber, where every word spoken- even a whisper-can
abandoned buildings. Every fifteen seconds, a bolt of
be heard throughout the space. Skulking in the dark
corners of this room are two prisoners who escaped electricity arcs from a metal tower ln the middle of the
the custody of their guards as they were being led district to similar towers in other districts.
from the jail (area LS) during the evacuation of
Little Lockford. The two prisoners-a goblin boss The electrically charged metal tower is attached
named Slonk and a bugbear named Yuzzik- have to the roof of the power station (area L6). Due to a
manacles on their wrists and carry no weapons. backup at the station, steam has overflowed into the
Slonk was the leader of a gang of goblin brigands streets of Turbine Heights. Consequently, the dis-
that preyed on travelers in the tunnels near Little trict is lightly obscured, as if by fog. A gust of wind
Lockford. Yuzzik is Slonk's sole surviving body- spell rids a street of steam for 1 minute.
guard. Both are unscrupulous and will do almost
anything to survive, short of betraying each other.

L4. INFIRMARY Building Interior. Map 5.2 includes an inset map
that shows the power station's interior, which you
can describe as follows:
A stone sign depicting a crutch hangs above the
entrance to this one-story building. The double door
The interior of the power station is one big room filled
below the sign is ajar, revealing a hallway beyond.
with billowing clouds of steam. F9ur howling turbines
take up most of the floorspace, Iron steps lead to
Beyond the double door is a long, dark hallway with a six-foot-high iron balcony on the west side of the
three small examination rooms on one side of it and
room. At the north end of the balcony is an iron ladder
three small storage rooms on the opposite side (see
"Treasure" below). At the far end of the hall, behind that climbs to a trapdoor in the roof. The balcony also
another double door, is an operating room. Charac- supports a metal console.
ters who search the infirmary thoroughly can find
crutches and wheelchairs sized for gnomes, as well
Damaged Turbine. A power station worker was
as bandages and other mundane medical supplies.
cornered by a clockwork defender at the north
Treas ure. Characters who loot the storage rooms
end of the balcony and shoved the automaton off
find six healer's kits and six potions ofhealing.
the balcony into the northwest turbine. One of the
L5:JAIL clockwork defender's hind legs became stuck in the
turbine, causing the turbine to malfunction. Charac-
ters within 10 feet of the northwest turbine can see
This forti~ed, two-story stone edifice has a heavy iron the damaged clockwork defender, which has 24 hit
door that hangs open. In front of the building, four points remaining. This defender is restrained and
dead gnomes in armor lie amid the fragments of a unable to free itself, but it can attack creatures that
doglike automaton. come within reach of it.
Once the clockwork defender is defeated, a char-
acter can use an action to try to dislodge it from the
The dead gnomes lying in the street are prison turbine, doing so with a successful DC 17 Strength
guards who were kilJed by Tockworth's automatons. (Athletics) or Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check. Re-
The guards managed to destroy one of the clock- moving the clockwork defender's mangled leg from
work defenders that attacked them, but the prison- the turbine's machinery causes the power station
ers they were escorting slipped away (and ended up to stop spewing steam, with the steam throughout
in area L3). Characters who search the corpses find Turbine Heights dissipating ldlO minutes later.
a small ring of keys. These keys unlock all the cells Control Console. The metal console overlooking
in the jail. the turbines is inscribed with a map of the town.
Building Interior. Map 5.2 includes inset maps Next to this map are several switches: one for every
that show both floors of this two-story building. The bridge and district, one for the Slagline (see "Gen-
lower floor contains a kitchen and mess hall for the eral Features"), and one for the power station. All
jailers and an office reserved for the head jailer. A are described below:
spiral staircase connects to the upper level, which
contains prison cells. Bridge Switches. There's one switch for each of Lit-
tle Lockford's nine bridges. A bridge can be raised
L6: POWER STATION by turning its switch to the left or lowered by turn-
ing its switch to the right.
District Switches. There's one switch for each of
A thirty-foot-tall metal tower extends from the rooftop
Little Lockford's six districts (Cavemouth, Half-
of this blocky, one-story stone building. The tower
way Isle, Old Lockford, the Overlook, Smolder-
crackles with e lectricity and spews clouds of steam. town, and Turbine Heights). The streetlamps in
Every fifteen seconds, it discharges an arc of lightning a district can be shut off by turning that district's
that leaps to a tower in another dist rict. switch to the left or switched on by turning its
switch to the right.
Slagtine Switch. There's one switch for the Slag-
The power station generates electricity that powers line. Turning it to the left shuts off the bucket
the bridges, the Slagline (see "General Features" chain. Turning it to the right switches the
earlier in the adventure), and various workshops bucket chain on.
scattered throughout the town. The electricity is Station Shutdown Switch. Turning this switch
transmitted through arc towers like the one rising to the left shuts down the turbines in the power
from the power station's roof. station, causing the streetlamps to turn off
throughout town, shutting down the Slagline, and room beer called Rubbleclub Classic (named for
preventing the town's bridges from being raised its brewer, the svirfneblin Glyphy Rubbleclub),
or lowered. Turning it to the right switches the and several more kegs of an oaky whiskey called
power back on. Oofenklanger's Finest (named after the family that
originally distilled it).
SMOLDERTOWN (AREAS L7-L9) Taproom. The taproom contains seating areas,
When the characters first enter this district, de- including a row of stools next to a low bar made of
scribe it as follows: carved basalt. Hanging above the bar are two soot-
stained lanterns with continual flame spells cast
inside them. Half-drunk flagons of flat mushroom
The acrid stench of hot metal hangs over this district.
beer rest on the bar and on the tables, abandoned by
Buildings here have no decoration, and nearly every
patrons in their haste to evacuate Little Lockford.
surface is caked in decades of grime and soot. A few Tixie Tockworth. Unless she was defeated else-
more gnome bodies lie face-down in the grit. where, Tixie Tockworth (see her description and
stat block at the end of the adventure) sits on the
barstool farthest from the entrance, cradling an
Smoldertown, with its many workshops and smith-
empty flagon while mumbling to herself.
ies, is the industrial heart of Little Lockford. Tock-
The presence of intruders confuses, disturbs, and
worth's workshop (area L9) is located here, but
annoys Tockworth. If she is confronted by the char-
Tockworth herself is taking a break at the Mother-
acters here or if the alarm spell triggers on the safe
lode Tavern (area L8).
in area L9b, she casts dimension door and steps
L7: FOUNDRY through the spell's magical doorway into area L9b.
As she leaves, she says, "Break time's over, Poots!"
(The characters have no way to know this, but Poots
The soot-stained foundry stands at the edge of this is the name of an imaginary friend Tockworth in-
district, overlooking the magma lake far below. Its vented in her childhood. This long-lost imaginary
huge sliding doors stand open, revealing dark fur- friend has resurfaced recently in response to Tock-
naces and silent machinery. A raised loading dock worth's mounting loneliness.)
allows access to the dangling buckets of the Slagline,
which deliver unrefined ore to the foundry.

This windowless, two-story structure has a single

Map 5.2 includes an inset map that shows the door tucked near a corner on the ground floor. Stand-
foundry's interior, which is one large, open space.
ing in front of the door is an eight-foot-tall, bipedal
The building has no ceiling, allowing heat and
construct made of chipped stone, rusty metal, and
smoke to escape. Ore from the Slagline's buckets
can be dumped via chute into any of the foundry's green copper. Its heavy iron gauntlets are clenched
five large furnaces. into fists, and the ominous helm that forms its head
Treasure. Characters who loot the foundry turns slowly from side to side.
find three sets of smith's tools and two sets of tin-
. 'tools. Shield Guardian. The construct blocking passage
L8: MOTHERLODE TAVERN into Tockworth's workshop is a shield guardian
that lacks the Spell Storing trait. Its creator and
control amulet were destroyed long ago. Tockworth
Hanging above the entrance of this grimy stone build-
found a way to reanimate the shield guardian with-
ing is a painted wooden sign that depicts gemstones out having to create a new amulet, rendering the
pouring from a flagon. A minor magical effect causes shield guardian autonomous. The shield guardian
the gemstones to glitter invitingly. has been loyal to Tockworth ever since. It defends
itself if attacked and attacks anyone who tries to
slip past it. It is too big to fit through the workshop's
Map 5.2 includes an inset map that shows the
front door.
tavern's interior, which consists of a cellar and
Workshop Interior. Map 5.2 includes inset maps
a taproom.
that show both floors of Tockworth's workshop,
Cellar. The cellar contains crates of worthless
which are described in areas L9a and L9b.
supplies, several kegs of a locally brewed mush-

L9A: WORKSHOP, LOWER FLOOR starts its turn there, that creature becomes the tar- •.;.
get of a crown ofmadness spell (save DC 15) that
has a duration of 1 minute.
The ground floor is one big work area containing a
Fail-Safe Device. If Tockworth's security key is
smelter, drums filled with clockwork parts, and a diz- inserted into the metal box embedded in the floor
zying array of tools. Mounted on one wall is an iron and turned counterclockwise, Little Lockford's
ladder that ends before a trapdoor in the ceiling. clockwork defenders and clockwork observers are
Inscribed on the floor is a complex geometric rendered unconscious indefinitely. Turning the key
design that pulsates with light. In the middle of this
clockwise deactivates the magic of the geometric de-
sign on the floor and ends any ongoing effects of its
des ign, embedded in the floor, is a one-foot-square
magic. The security key is kept in Tockworth's safe
metal box with a keyhole in the top of it.
(in area L9b).
This workshop is where Tockworth creates her
clockwork automatons. Two suits of animated ar-
mor named Rack and Pinion serve as her assistants The workshop's upper floor consists of a sparse room
and perform most of the hands-on work. These Con- furnished with a simple cot and worktables covered
structs attack intruders on sight. in schematics. An iron safe, five feet on a side, stands
The workshop contains a smelter used to fabri- against one wall, its thick metal door fitted with a
cate parts and tools. There are enough tools here
combination lock am;! a handle.
to assemble one set of smith's tools and one set of
tinker's tools.
The trapdoor in the ceiling opens into area L9b. Safe. The safe can't be moved, and a detect magic
Geom etric Design. A detect magic spell reveals spell reveals an aura of abjuration magic around it.
an aura of abjuration magic around the complex A character equipped with thieves' tools can spend
geometric symbol inscribed on the floor. When a 1 minute trying to crack open the safe door, doing
creature other than Tockworth enters the space so with a successful DC 20 Dexterity check. Alter-
above the symbol for the first time on a turn or natively, a character can spend 1 minute pressing


their ear to the safe's door while trying to delicately LlO: MINERS' GUILDHALL
pick its combination lock, opening the door with
a successful DC 16 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) or

Wisdom (Perception) check. The safe door also Hanging above the open doorway of this large,
opens when the proper command word ("Poots") is
spoken within 5 feet of it. A knock spell or similar
magic also opens the safe.
Tixie Tockworth. If the safe door is opened by
any means other than speaking the proper com-
I gem-studded building is a stone sign depicting a pick
and a hammer.
The miners' guildhall has offices for senior guild
mand word, a mental alarm spell alerts Tu:ie members, stout metal lockers where miners can
store their gear, and functional showers. Most of the
Tockworth (see her description and stat block at
building's former occupants vacated in a hurry, leav-
the end of the adventure). Unless she was defeated
ing sundry equipment scattered about.
in area L8, Tockworth uses a dimension door spell
Guildmaster Deepdelve. A thorough search of
to appear in the middle of the room and attacks any
burglars she sees. the building reveals the corpse of a robed deep
gnome named Schnella Deepdelve, the master
If Tockworth is reduced to 40 hit points or
of the town's miners' guild. Schnella refused to
fewer, she uses her next action to cast dimen-
leave and died fending off Tockworth's clockwork
sion door again, then steps through the doorway
defenders. Her restless soul lurks in this building,
into area L12.
manifesting as a troublesome specter known as a
Treasure. The safe contains an onyx-studded
jewelry box worth 250 gp. The box is unlocked and poltergeist (see the "Variant: Poltergeist" sidebar in
the "Specter" entry of the Monster Manual).
holds the following items:
Characters who disturb the body or spend more
• Zircon ring (60 gp) than 1 minute in the guildhall anger the poltergeist,
• Three amethysts (100 gp each) which hurls picks and iron spikes at them until they
• The security key to the fail-safe device in area L9a leave or until the poltergeist is destroyed. The pol-
(the key is 8 inches long, made of brass, and deco- tergeist is invisible and can't speak.
rated with clockwork designs)

When the characters first enter Cavemouth, read
the following text:

I I Bright light seeps through cracks around the sliding

metal doors of this otherwise nondescript waTehouse.

I Mining equipment lies abandoned in the alleys and

stalagmite-lined streets of this gloomy district.

The Cavemouth district is where most of Little

If the characters slide open the doors, read:

The interior of the warehouse is an open space

roughly twenty feet wide and thirty feet long. Parked
Lockford's miners live and work. Two roads lead to in the middle of the warehouse is a strange metal ve•
the mines, which are not shown on map 5.2.
hicle with treads. Quartz gemstones embedded in the
_ The bridges to Cavemouth have been raised, and
the streetlamps throughout the district have been hull shine light in all directions. Mounted to the front
·shut off. The characters can lower the bridges and of this contraption is a large, cone-shaped drill. At the
turn on the stteetlamps using a control console in rear of the contraption is a closed, three-foot-square
area L6 or area L12. steel hatch. Two dead gnomes in armor lie on the
Mines. The mine entrances, once protected by floor next to the vehicle and a puddle of oil.
Tockworth's automatons, are now unguarded. The
mines are beyond the scope of the adventure. If the
characters insist on exploring them, they eventually The dead gnomes are two mimics that attack any-
attract the attention of a wandering cloaker that one who touches or otherwise disturbs them. The
tries to frighten them away with haunting moans. mimics are working with a psychic gray ooze (see
the "Variant: Psychic Gray Ooze" sidebar in the
"Oozes" entry of the Monster Manual)- the "pud-
dle of oil" mentioned above. The gray ooze and the
mimics recently crept into the warehouse and are
waiting for food to come to them.

Contraption. The vehicle in the warehouse is a Shield Guardian. Tockworth found a way to an-
Large, magical drilling machine used by t he miners imate a derelict shield guardian and now uses
of Little Lockford to burrow new t unnels. The vehi- it to guard the front door to her workshop. The
cle has the properties of an apparatus ofKwalish, guardian is too big to fit through the door. (!gnus
with these changes: covets the shield guardian and wishes he had one
of his own.)
Treads. Instead of legs and a tail, it has treads that
Who Is Poots? When Tockworth is upset, she
give it a walking speed of 30 feet.
speaks to an imaginary friend named Poots- as
Burrowing Speed. Instead of a swimming speed, it
if Poots were standing right next to her. (lgnus
has a burrowing speed of 10 feet. Using its drill, it
doesn't know that "Poots" is also the com-
can burrow through solid rock, leaving a 10-foot-
mand word to bypass the alarm spell on Tock-
wide, 10-foot-high tunnel behind it.
worth's safe.)
Lever 1. Moving lever 1 to the up position starts the
drill. Moving the same lever to the down position THE O VERLOOK (AREA Ll2)
shuts off the drill.

Lever 9. Moving lever 9 to the up position causes When the characters are close enough to see the
the contraption to move backward at its walking Overlook, describe it as follows:
speed. Moving the same lever to the down position
stops its backward movement. The central feature of LitHe Lockford is an enormous,
/gnus Flint. An inventor named Ignus Flint (law- hollowed-out stalactite with luminous clock faces built
ful neutra l, deep gnome mage who speaks Com- into it.
mon, Gnomish, Terran, and Undercommon) built
the contraption and recently locked himself inside
The Overlook's clocks are mechanical wonders illu-
it with enough food and water to keep himself alive
minated by magic. They keep perfect time.
for 1 week. A metal hatch at the back of the vehicle
A hollowed-out central chamber in the Overlook
is the only entrance, and Ignus used a spell scroll of
contains Little Lockford's security center (area L12).
arcane lock to seal it. A character can use an action
This facility is surrounded by rough-hewn chambers
to try to pull open the magically sealed hatch, doing
containing magnificent fungi gardens and open
so with a successful DC 25 Strength (Athletics)
windows overlooking the town. Residents of Little
check. If the characters knock on the contraption,
Lockford used to come here to wander the gardens,
they hear lgnus's muffled voice shout, "Go away!"
pick mushrooms, and enjoy the views.
in Gnomish. Ignus attacks anyone who breaks into
Characters can use the control consoles in areas
his contraption but surrenders if reduced to 10 hit
L6 and L12 to raise and lower the bridges that con-
points or fewer.
nect the Overlook to the districts of Old Lockford,
Ignus and Tockworth are rivals, and !gnus long
Smoldertown, and Turbine Heights.
suspected Tockworth's experiments would prove
troublesome for Little Lockford. His public warn- Ll2: SECURITY CENTER
ings about Tockworth went ignored, however. A
character can use an action to try to convince !gnus
to help them, first by impressing on him the impor- A large, rough-hewn cavern in the heart of the Over-
tance of freeing Little Lockford from Tockworth's look has a floo r that rises toward the middle. Scores
control and then by succeeding on a DC 14 Cha- of lizards- a few of them big enough to ride as
risma (Persuasion) check. Once coaxed into helping mounts- sleep and crawl on the slopes ofthfs natural
the characters, lgnus pilots his contraption any- rise. Perched atop the rocky mound is a squat stone
where they need him to go. The vehicle has enough building topped with a crystal dome. Multicolored
space inside for Ignus plus one other passenger. If a
light gleams within the dome.
character asks Ignus to allow the party to drive the
contraption, he adamantly refuses to part with his
prized invention. The cavern is home to six giant lizards and hun-
Questioning /gnus. !gnus knows the following dreds of ordinary lizards, all of which are docile
useful information about Tockworth and her work- but skittish. The giant ones are trained to serve
shop, which he shares with characters who be- the svirfneblin as pack animals. A character who
friend him: approaches a giant lizard can use an action to t ry
Animated Armor. Two suits of animated armor to keep it from running away, doing so with a suc-
help Tockworth assemble her other contraptions. cessful DC 13 Wisdom (Animal Handling) check.
Safe. Tockworth has an iron safe on the upper floor A giant lizard that doesn't run away can be used by
of her workshop. that character as a mount.
Domed Building. Map 5.2 provides an inset map FoR THE GOLDEN VAULT
of the security center. Spiral staircases on the north
and south sides of the building climb 15 feet to a If the characters are working for the Golden Vault,
circular chamber, which you can describe to the the organization's representative is waiting with
players as follows: Mayor Broadfoot to confirm the automatons were
shut down. Once the representative confirms the
characters' success, the organization rewards them
Beneath a fifteen-foot-high crystal dome is a cham- with a rare magic item of their choice (subject to
ber containing a ten-foot-square, three-dimensional your approval) as payment. The item is delivered to
projection of Little Lockford. Rising from the floor the characters the next day. This reward is in addi-
near the projection is a metal console with numerous tion to the treasures promised by Mayor Broadfoot.
switches on it.
This section provides stat blocks for new creatures
Control Console. The console functions like the encountered in this adventure.
one in the power station (area L6).
Magical Projection. The projection of Little Lock- CLOCKWORK DEFENDER
ford is a harmless illusion that changes to match
A clockwork defender is a mechanical quadruped
the current state of things in town; for example, if a
that vaguely resembles a hound. Its eyes glow and
bridge is lowered in Little Lockford, the projection's
can project intense but harmless beams of light. It
version of the bridge lowers as well. The projection
tirelessly protects whatever its creator wants, and it
has no substance, allowing creatures to pass right
through it. can be programmed by its creator not to attack cer-
tain kinds of creatures.
Tixie Tockworth. If she fled to this chamber us-
ing dimension door, Tixie Tockworth (see her de- CLOCKWORK OBSERVER
scription and stat block at the end of the adventure)
is next to the console. She has attached an experi- A clockwork observer serves as an aerial spy for its
mental jet pack to her body, giving her a flying speed creator. It looks like a mechanical, grapefruit-sized
of 30 feet and the ability to hover. She accuses the orb suspended under softly humming propeller
characters of being pawns and mocks their heroics. blades. Embedded in the orb are keenly perceptive
She occasionally speaks to an imaginary friend crystal eyes that enable the observer to see in multi-
named Poots, saying things like, "We'll s how them, ple directions at once. When it perceives something
Poots!" and "No one can stop us!" troubling, the observer sounds the alarm by emit-
IfTockworth is reduced to O hit points, her jet ting a shriek that can be heard within a range of
pack explodes in a 20-foot-radius sphere, blowing 300 feet. The observer can also telepathically relay
Tockworth to smithereens. Every other creature what it has discovered to its creator, provided the
within that sphere must succeed on a DC 15 Dexter- two are within 1 mile of each other.
ity saving throw or take 16 (3d10) piercing damage
from flying shrapnel. If the explosion occurs under
the crystal dome, the dome shatters, showering Using magic and mechanical know-how, Tixie
creatures in the room with harmless, confetti-sized Tockworth has transformed most of herself into a
quartz particles. machine. What was once her torso is now a steel
carapace that can discharge jets of scalding steam.
CONCLUSION Her left arm ends in a humming blade. Her right
arm ends in a metal shield. Her eyes are shiny, me-
Once the characters use the security key to activate
tallic red orbs that can see through illusions.
the fail-safe device and shut down Tockworth's au-
In her current form, Tockworth ruthlessly seeks
tomatons, the major threat to the city is ended.
to destroy anyone and anything that stands in the
Little Lockford's residents feel a mixture of grief
way of her ultimate goal, which is to become a Con-
and relief when they return to the town. They are
struct. If she's allowed to continue her work, she will
grateful to the characters for saving the town and
achieve this apotheosis in a matter of weeks, after
raise statues in the characters' honor. Further-
which her creature type changes to Construct. She
more, Mayor Broadfoot gives the characters their
also gains immunity to poison damage, as well as
promised rewards (see "Rewards" earlier in the ad-
immunity to the paralyzed, petrified, and poisoned
venture), and invites the characters to stay in Little
conditions. Her statistics are otherwise unchanged.
Lock.ford as long as they wish and return as often
as they can.

Medium Construct, Unoligned

Armor Class 17 (natural armor) CLOCKWORK OBSERVER

Hit Points 42 (5d8 + 20) Tiny Construct, Unaligned
Speed 30 ft.
Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Hit Points 7 (2d4 + 2)
16 (+3) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) 3 (-4) 14 (+2) l (-5) Speed Oft., fly 30 ft. (hover)

Skills Perception +6, Stealth +4 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Damage Immunities poison l (-5) 16 (+3) 13 (+l) 3 (- 4) 15 (+2) l (-5)
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Skills Perception +6
Senses passive Perception 16
Damage Immunities poison
Languages understands the languages of its creator but
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
can't speak
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Challenge l (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
Languages understands the languages of its creator but
Unusual Nature. The defender doesn't need air, food, can't speak
drink, or sleep. Challenge 0 (0 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

ACTIONS Flyby. The observer doesn't provoke opportunity attacks when

Electrified Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one it flies out of an enemy's reach.
target. Hit: 7 (ld8 + 3) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) lightning
Telepathic Bond. While the obse rver is within l mile of its ere•
damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 13
ator, it can magically convey what it sees to its creator, and the
Strength saving throw or be grappled (escape DC 13). A crea-
two can communicate telepathically.
ture grappled by the defender takes the damage again at the
start of each of the defender's turns. The defender can have Unusual Nature. The observer doesn't need air, food,
only one creature grappled in this way at a time, and the de- drink, or sleep.
fender can't make Electrified Bite attacks while grappling.
BONUS ACTIONS Shriek. The observer emits a mechanical shriek until the start
Light Beam. The defender emits bright light from its eyes in a of its next turn or until it drops to O hit points. This shriek can
60-foot cone, or it shuts off this light. be heard within a range of 300 feet.

1i e 5, SA t
Small Humanoid (Gnome), Chaotic Evil Multiattack. Tockworth makes three Shortsword or Lightning
Discharge attacks.
Armor Class 17 (natural armor, shield)
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Hit Points 75 (10d6 + 40)
Speed 30 ft. one target. Hit: 6 (ld6 + 3) piercing damage plus 10 (3d6)
force damage.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Lightning Discharge. Ranged Spell Attack: +6 to hit, range 60
16 (+3) 13 (+l) 18 {+4) 17 (+3) 9 (-1) 10 (+O) ft., one creature. Hit: 16 (3dl0) lightn ing damage.
Spellcasting. Tockworth casts one of the following spells, re-
Saving Throws Int +6, Wis +2
quiring no material components and using Intelligence as the
Skills Arcana +9, Perception +2
Senses truesight 60 ft., passive Perception 12 spellcasting ability {spell save DC 14):
Languages Common, Gnomish, Terran, Undercommon At will: nondetection (self only)
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 2/day: dimension door
1/day each: blindness/deafness, blur
Force Field. Tockworth generates a magical force field around
herself. This force field has 15 hit points and regains all its hit BONUS ACTIONS
points at the start of each ofTockworth's turns, but it ceases to Scalding Steam (Recharge 5-6). Tockworth emits a jet of
function rfTockworth drops to 0 hit points. Any damage Tock- piping-hot steam in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that cone
worth takes is subtracted from the force field's hit points first. must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 10 (3d6)
Each time the force field regains hit points, the following condi- fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a suc-
tions end on Tockworth: grappled, restrained, and stunned. cessful one.



GROUP OF SCHOLARS AND SAGES KNOWN theft, then fled with the painting. Word has spread
as the Cognoscenti Esoterica recently pur- that the Agile Hand plans to fence the portrait in the
chased a painting of Constantori, a famous next three days.
courtier rumored to once have been the During the robbery, Cognoscenti guards captured
most beautiful man alive. The portrait supposedly a lookout working with the thieves. This captive is
bas occult properties, but before the sages could willing to trade information for his freedom.
study it, the painting was stolen by the Agjle Hand, a The Cognoscenti Esoterica distrusts the authori-
thieves' guild. In this adventure, the characters must ties and doesn't wish to report the theft. Instead, the
retrieve the portrait of Constantori from the Agile organization seeks skilled adventurers to recover
Hand's guildhouse and return it to Adrisa Cari- the painting.
morte, a member of the Cognoscenti Esoterica.
ADVENTURE BACKGROUND If you're not using the Golden Vault as a patron (see
The Cognoscenti Esoterica collects obscure objects "Using the Golden Vault" below), you can use any of
of curious origin and historical significance. The the following hooks to help motivate the characters:
group's interests focus on items owned by powerful A Favor Owed. The characters either owe some-
and popular individuals speculated to maintain one in the Cognoscenti Esoterica a favor or seek
covert ties with occult or nefarious organizations. the counsel of one of its members. Upon arrival,
Serious academics often write off the Cognoscenti this individual might request that the characters
Esoterica as charlatans or pranksters, and with retrieve Constantori's Portrait to repay the individ-
good reason: the Cognoscenti rarely collect enough
ual's patronage or for mutual benefit.
evidence to support their outlandish claims. Still, Knowledge Sought. The characters have prior
the organization occasionally stumbles upon some- reason to find the portrait or seek knowledge they
thing of true significance. believe someone in the Cognoscenti Esoterica
Recently the group acquired a magical painting possesses. However, the knowledge actually re-
known as Constantori's Portrait, a work reputed to
sides in Constantori's Portrait.
depict one of the most beautiful men who ever lived. Strike a Blow. One or more characters have clashed
The group spent a small fortune acquiring the paint- with the Agile Hand in the past and want to strike
ing and prepared to host a debate over its cultural
a blow against the troublesome thieves' guild.
significance, the aesthetics of masculine beauty,
and its influence on society. They also planned to re-
search the portrait's magical properties (see the end
of this adventure for a description of the painting's If you're using the Golden Vault as a patron, a
properties). golden key is delivered to the characters in whatever
The day after the debate was announced, a small manner you deem fit. When the characters use this
team of Agile Hand thieves raided the Cognoscenti's key to open their music box, the lid pops open and a
vaults. The thieves slew three guards during the soothing voice says the following:

Adrisa leads the characters up a ladder to the
"Greetings, operatives. A valuable painting has been
barn's loft. Once everyone is in the loft, read or para-
stolen from a member of the Cognoscenti Esoterica, phrase the following:
an organization with connections to the Golden Vault.
The Cognoscenti Esoterica specializes in the study of
In the middle of the loft, tied to a wooden chair, is
rare objects of historical significance. We suspect that
a scrawny human man with patchy facial hair. He
the stolen painting, Constantori's Portrait, has magi-
is sweating profusely and chewing nervously on a
cal properties and ties to the occult.
cloth gag.
"This quest, should you choose to undertake it,
requires you to infiltrate the guild house of the Agile
Hand, a dangerous thieves' guild. Find where the
The man tied to the chair is Grinky Brithwort (neu-
tral evil, human bandit). He was captured during
painting is kept, recover it, and return it to Adrisa
the theft of Constantori's Portrait and has useful
Carimorte of the Cognoscenti Esoterica. A preliminary information about the Agile Hand and its headquar-
meeting with Adrisa has already been arranged, and ters- information the characters can use to help
a coach will arrive shortly to deliver you safely to her plan their heist.
location. Good luck, operatives."
Grinky has been associated with the Agile Hand
Closing the music box causes the golden key
for years. During the theft of Constantori's Portrait,
to vanish.
Grinky's job was to watch for guards. He was caught
A coach pulled by two black horses arrives not and given to Adrisa for questioning. Adrisa has of-
long after the key vanishes. The coach driver, a
fered to release Grinky in exchange for his help.
cheerful woman, invites the characters to climb
aboard and delivers them safely to Adrisa if they WHAT GRINKY KNOWS
accept the ride.
Adrisa gives the characters a chance to question
Grinky. During this conversation, Grinky shares the
BARN VISIT following true information:
Read or paraphrase the following if the characters
choose to meet with Adrisa Carimorte: Guildmaster Dusk. "Guildmaster Dusk leads the
Agile Hand. She's a trained assassin with power-
ful political connections."
Rain begins to fall as your coach pulls up beside an Getting Inside. "The windows of the guildhouse
open barn surrounded by fields of dead corn. A tall, are boarded up, and its doors are usually locked.
well-dressed human woman emerges from the barn as At least three guild members have master keys to
you exit the coach. "Thank you for coming," she says the doors: Guildmaster Dusk; Elix the Saint, one
with a smile. "I'm Adrisa Carlmorte. My organization of Dusk's lieutenants; andJaymont the Sinner, the
guild's resident spy. The master of ravens, Gwish,
would like to hire you to retrieve a painting that was
might have a key as well. If you want to get your
stolen from us by a thieves' guild. For the painting's hands on a master key, your best bet is to snatch it
safe return, I'm prepared to pay you two thousand from Elix the Saint, who frequents a seedy tavern
gold p1eces. Let's go inside to escape the rain, shall called the Tipsy Tankard."
we? There's someone else I'd like you to meet." Guildhouse Guards. "By late evening, most
guild members have gone to sleep. Senior guild
members bully lower-ranking guild members into
Adrisa Carimorte (neutral, human mage) is an influ- taking the late-night shifts."
ential member of the Cognoscenti Esoterica. If the Guild Membership. "Dusk isn't accepting new
characters turn down the offer, Adrisa has the coach guild members right now. I've been working for
driver return them whence they came. If the charac- the guild since I was a kid, and I'm still not a rank-
ters express interest in the job, Adrisa escorts them ing member."
into the barn, which the Cognoscenti Esoterica Portrait's Location. "I don't know where the por-
sometimes uses as a warehouse and secret meeting trait is, but I'm guessing it's either in Guildmaster
place. The barn has magical wards that thwart all Dusk's quarters, which are on the second floor of
attempts to magically scry on its interior, as well as the guildhouse's tower, or hidden in the basement,
other wards Adrisa temporarily deactivated. where new guild members are trained."

Supply Deliveries. "Supplies are sometimes deliv- ELIX THE SAINT
ered to the guildhouse by riders on horseback or
Characters can obtain one of the guildhouse's mas-
by mule-drawn cart. All supplies are received and
ter keys from Elix the Saint (lawful evil, human ban-
inspected by Laris Drot, the stablemaster, at the
di t captain), a high-ranking member of the Agile
livery stables."
Hand and one of Guild master Dusk's more capable
W H AT ADRI SA KNOWS lieutenants. After questioning Grinky, the charac-
ters should know that Elix the Saint frequents a
After the characters question Grinky, they can ask
tavern called the Tipsy Tankard, which is about a
Adrisa questions about the Agile Hand or Constan- 45-minute walk from the guildhouse. He travels
tori's Portrait. She knows the following: there alone because he likes to flirt with a bartender
Guildmaster Dusk. "Everyone seems to ignore the named Karyssa (neutral, human commoner).
activities of Dusk and her guild. Larceny is the Elix usually leaves the guildhouse at sundown and
Agile Hand's specialty, but Dusk uses blackmail, returns by midnight. Characters can approach him
extortion, threats of violence, and whatever else it during this interval and take his master key by force
takes to keep her enemies at bay." or snatch it from him without his knowledge. As
Portrait Lore. "The portr~it is the work of famed an action, a character within reach of Elix can try
artist Dkesii Kwan and was commissioned by to snatch the key from his pocket, doing so with a
the late Daiyani Grysthorn, a grand dame in the successful DC 10 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check.
criminal underworld. The painting is sentient and If the attempt is made in a crowded place where oth-
was made to eavesdrop on conversations and pass ers might notice the theft, increase the DC by 5.
along secrets to its owner. Like its beautiful sub- Elix would sooner die than betray Guildmaster
ject, the painting is notoriously vain." Dusk, although a suggestion spell or other coercive
Sense of Urgency. "It's likely that the Agile Hand magic can wring information from him. For exam-
has a buyer for the painting. Therefore, it's vital ple, he knows where Constantori's Portrait is being
you recover it as quickly as possible before it ends kept (on the tower's third floor, above Guildmaster
up in an even more secure location." Dusk's private quarters).
Clever characters can steal Elix's identity as well
P LANNING THE HEIST as his key. If Elix is either detained or disposed of,
The characters' goals are simple: locate the portrait a character can use magic (for example, alter selfor
and return it safely to the Cognoscenti Esoterica. disguise self) to mimic his appearance. A disguise
kit can also help perpetrate such a ruse. In this
GRINKY' s MAP form, a character can search most of the guildhouse
without inviting altercations.
Grinky furnished Adrisa with a sketched map of the
If Elix the Saint doesn't return to the guildhouse
Agile Hand's guildhouse (see map 6.1). Adrisa gives
by midnight, the lookouts on watch assume he had
Grinky's map to the characters.
too much to drink and either passed out in a field or
Grinky is neither well informed nor a high-rank-
got thrown in jail for brawling. His failure to return
ing member of the Agile Hand. Consequently, his
won't cause a larm.
map contains inaccuracies, such as the following:
• Grinky's guesses as to where Dusk stored the MAGICAL SURVEILLANCE
painting are wrong. Characters can use invisibility spells to approach
• Grinky's map is missing the topmost level of and observe the guildhouse without being seen.
the tower, where the painting is kept (area G27 They can also use a locate object spell to pinpoint
on map 6.2). the painting's location (area G27 on map 6.2). If they
don't have access to such magic, they can request
Adrisa's help. Within a day, she can obtain a spell
scroll of locate object for them.
The characters might have access to other magic
that can help with surveillance, such as the clairvoy-
ance spell. A wizard's familiar can slip inside the
guildhouse w ithout attracting too much attention, as
can a druid using Wild Shape to assume the form of
a stray cat or some other common animal.

- __6_:_~AYERS'
1· MAP
.r -


., ,i
The exterior walls are made of wood. The interior
The Agile Hand's guildhouse is situated at the end
walls are plastered lath, making them relatively
of a winding, cobbled street that runs parallel to a
soundproof. The basement walls are made of clay
small river. The back of the stables faces a grassy
bricks braced at regular intervals by thick, rough-cut
embankment scattered with mulberry trees.
wooden beams.
The guild house is a wooden complex consisting of
a main building with an adjoining tower and base- WINDOWS
ment, as well as a livery area that includes stables, Most of the guildhouse complex's windows are
an office, and quarters for paying visitors. boarded up (except the ones in area G21), but tiny
cracks between the boards allow creatures to peer
through. Prying away the boards is relatively easy,
Recurring features of the guildhouse are described but doing so quietly requires a successful DC 13
in the following sections. Dexterity (Stealth) check.
Doors in the guildhouse complex are locked unless
If you need a name for a low- or mid-ranked member
otherwise noted. Some individuals have keys to
of the Agile Hand, pick one from the following list:
specific areas, as rioted in their descriptions. Others
possess a master key that opens all locked doors in Brick Face Night Lily
the complex. Deadly Nell Ookie the Cheat
As an action, a character can use thieves' tools to Evil Marvus Pistachio
try to open a locked door, doing so with a successful Farrow the Filcher Stickyfingers
DC 15 Dexterity check, or force open the door with Greedy Pete Vaelin Shadowblade
a successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check. Each Grim beard Zeke the Sneak
door has AC 15, 18 hit points, and immunity to poi-
son and psychic damage. HIGH ALERT
Secret Doors. A secret door blends in perfectly
lf a situation arises that puts the guildhouse on high
with the wall that surrounds it. A character who
alert, a task force assembles to deal with the threat.
uses an action to examine a stretch of wall can
This force is summarized in the Guild Task Force
make a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check, find-
table. Subtract any individuals who have already
ing any secret door hidden there on a success.
been neutralized.
The guildhouse complex's secret doors have well-
oiled hinges, allowing them to be opened and GUILD TASK FORCE
closed quietly.
Creature Location
FLOORS Guildmaster Dusk (assassin) G26
The upper floors, stable loft, and porches are un- Gwish (oni) G2l
lacquered hardwood planks. Rough, splintery, and
Jaymont the Sinner (doppelganger) G3
slightly warped with age, these floors creak when
walked on. Characters make any ability checks to Elix the Saint (bandit captain) G23
move stealthily on the upper floors at disadvantage. 3 bandits One each from G19,
The ground floor is paved with slate tiles, except the G22, and G24
stable, which is hard-packed dirt. The basement is 3 thugs One from GB and
cobblestone. two from G25
The stables are unlit. During the day, light filters in GUILDHOUSE LOCATIONS
from the entrances and through cracks in the plank The following locations are keyed to map 6.2.
walls, filling the area with dim light.
The rest of the guildhouse complex is filled with Gl: FRONT PORCH
bright light during the day, either from lanterns or
the s un. At night, rooms and hallways are dimly lit
Nailed to this lengthy porch are short planks that bear
by low-burning lanterns.
Guild members carry light sources with the words "Private Property. No Trespassing!" in Com-
them when they descend into the basement, mon. A lookout is stationed on a second-floor balcony
which is unlit. above the western end of the porch.

.. -~ - 1;·~ '-" .
Any character who approaches the porch in plain horses, make too much noise in the barn, or start
view is spotted by the bandit on the south balcony a fire. In the event of trouble, Needly bangs a metal
(area G22), who calls out, "Hey, you, get lost! Can't pail and yells for the stablemaster (see area G16),
you read the signs?" If this warning is ignored, the who takes 1 minute to arrive.
lookout shouts the same thing again, putting the
guildhouse on high alert, then shoots a crossbow
bolt into the ground near the character's feet as a
final warning.

Halfway up this flight of stairs is a sleeping figure
Drop Box. The staircase in front of the double
wrapped in a wool blanket. A door is situated at the
door to area GlO has a loose plank near the top.
top of the stairs.
This plank conceals a drop box where visitors stash ~

black-market goods, fenced items, and guild trib-

utes. Any character who lifts the plank sees a dusty The door at the top of the stairs is unlocked and
satchel in the drop box. The satchel contains 25 sp opens into area Gl4.
and a piece of parchment that transfers ownership Jaym ont the Sinner. The figure on the steps is
of two horses to Guildmaster Dusk. Jaymont the Sinner, a doppelganger disguised as
a drunken guest. Only Guildmaster Dusk knows
Jaymont's true nature. The doppelganger pretends
to be asleep, but a character can discern that it's
Ten horse stables and a hayloft line the walls of this awake with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Insight)
barn, which has an open doorway at each end. Flies check.Jaymont doesn't start fights it knows it can't
swarm around a full dung cart that exudes a horri- win and allows intruders to pass by. When the
intruders are gone, Jaymont taps three times on
ble stench.
the staircase wall to alert Gwish in area G21, then
slinks away to alert Guildmaster Dusk in area G26.
The stalls contain ten riding horses. Master Key. Jaymont carries a master key that un-
Car t. The dung-filled cart is a fire hazard. If the locks all doors in the guildhouse complex.
cart is pushed against a wall and set ablaze, the fire
quickly spreads to the loft and ignites the hay there. 04: CARTWRIGHT'S WORKSHOP
After 1 minute, the smoke and panic of the horses
put the guildhouse on high alert. Three carts occupy thfs room. Pegs and hooks on
Fire. The Agile Hand isn't equipped to stop a fire the inner walls bear ropes, tackle, leather harnesses,
that starts in the barn. Such a fire takes 1 minute wheels, and leatherworking tools. Shoved into a cor-
to spread throughout the structure. After that, the
ner is a crate filled with horseshoes. Nearby, shelves
fire moves 5 feet westward each minute until the
whole east building is engulfed. After 5 minutes, the hold smaller boxes filled with buckles, nails, cotter
building collapses, and the stairs to the basement pins, and miscellaneous hardware.
are buried in flaming debris. The west building
is spared. The shop has two access points: the stables to the
Ladders. A wooden ladder in each corner stall east and a door to the west that leads to area G7.
ascends to a trapdoor that leads to the hayloft (area
Treasure. Characters can assemble one set of
G2b). T he trapdoors are unlocked. leatherworker's tools from the tools stored here.
The hayloft is 10 feet above the stables and consists
of a 5-foot-wide wooden walkway that runs the
perimeter of the building. Broad, square loading Awooden countertop divides the room. Signboards
doors open in the north and south walls, each fitted display services and fees for stabling and room rent-
with block-and-tackle rigs for hoisting hay bales and als. Two keys hang from hooks on the east wall above
· other supplies into the loft. Hay bales and burlap the counter. A third hook is bare.
sacks stuffed with feed grains take up most of the
space. A few pitchforks, ropes, and feed buckets lie
scattered about the bales. When the office is staffed, a visitor can secure an
Stable Hand. A young stable hand named Needly upstairs bed for 5 cp per night (5 sp for a private
Pitts (neutral, human commoner) lazes in the loft, room). Accommodations can also be made in
supposedly guarding against horse thieves. He the stables for a traveler's mount at a cost of 1 sp
has nodded off but wakes if characters disturb the per night.


. ~,:
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't~ t,~ . .
Coin Box. Tucked behind the counter is a wooden try to force open the door using brute strength, do-
coin box with a copper clasp. A character who in- ing so with a successful DC 13 Strength (Athletics)
spects the coin box before opening it notices a row check. Breaking down the door puts the guild house
of tiny pinholes in the lid. The coin box contains 15 on high alert unless a silence spell or similar magic
cp and 11 sp, as well as a spider. is used to muffle the noise.
Keys. The two keys hanging on the wall unlock A character who searches the door for traps can
the doors to areas G17 and Gl8, respectively. make a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check. If the
Secr et Door. A secret door in the office's back check is successful, the character notices that the
wall leads to area G6. doorknob is loose and attached to a vial of poison
gas hidden in the door itself. As an action, a char-
acter can try to disable the trap using thieves' tools,
doing so with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check.

l A wooden staircase in the northeast corner of this

empty, boarded-up room leads to the basement.

The stairs descend 15 feet to area G28.

Unless the trap is disabled, tugging or turning the
knob causes the vial in the door to break, releasing
a cloud of poisonous gas that fills a 10-foot-radius
sphere centered on the door. The trap also triggers
if the door is forced open. Each creature in the
trap's area must make a DC 14 Constitution saving
throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 16 (3d10)
poison damage and is poisoned for 1 minute; on a

Hanging on the walls of this small, muddy room are successful save, the creature takes half as much
several riding cloaks, bits and harnesses, oil lanterns, damage and isn't poisoned. The trap can be trig-
and coils ofrope. gered only once.
Entering the Hall. Use the following boxed text to
describe the hallway:
Guild members store their riding gear here. A
search of the room yields nothing of great value.

A long, well-trafficked hall runs the width of the

A cobblestone courtyard is wedged between the two

main buildings of the guildhouse. Situated in the
middle of the yard is a stone well rigged with a simple
house. A staircase along the west wall leads to the
second floor.

The stairs climb 15 feet to area G23.

~-~~ I
bucket winch.

A cooking hearth occupies one corner of this kitchen,

The well is 30 feet deep and has fresh water filling
and nets holding dried sausages, cheese, peppers,
its bottom 5 feet. The well's winch and rope are
sturdy enough to bear 250 pounds of weight. and garlic hang from the rafters. Other items found
here include a butcher's block, a table for preparing
G9: CONFERENCE ROOM meals, a pail of potatoes, a few cast-iron pots, a sack
of Aour, a tin filled with cooking utensils, a block of
This room contains several unmatched chairs situated salt, and a knife with a cutting board.
around a long oak table scarred with knife marks. On
the table sits a half-eaten cheese wheel, four clay wine
The kitchen contains nothing of great value.
jugs, and some wine-stained flagons.

Guildmaster Dusk holds meetings here.

This room contains a fireplace, a tattered couch, and
several upholstered chairs, one of which is bright
Visitors who try to enter this hall through the north
blue. Playing cards and coins lie scattered across a ta-
door must contend with a trap.
ble. Slumped around the table are four drunken guild
Back-Door Trap. The northernmost door has a
"No Trespassers!" sign hanging on the outside of it members clutching empty mugs and reeking of ale.
and is nailed shut on the inside (a fact not discern-
ible from the outside). As an action, a character can


The four guild members have been ddnking and Treasure. On a nightstand, next to a set of keys to
playing card games. The motley crew consists the stables, is a coin pouch containing 5 gp, 13 sp,
of three thugs and one gladiator. The thugs are and 25 cp.
poisoned and unconscious, while the gladiator is Development. If Laris is here when the stable
merely poisoned and spoiling for a fight. The uncon- hand in area G2b bangs his pail, Laris heads to the
scious condition ends on a thug who is wounded, stables to find out what's going on. It takes her 1
knocked out of their chair, or splashed with a pint or minute to get there.
more of liquid.
Blue Chair. The blue chair in the south corner Gl7: SMALL COMMON ROOM
covers a secret trapdoor in the stone floor. A char- This room stinks of horse manure due to its proxim-
acter who examines the floor near the chair can ity to the stables. It contains two neatly made beds,
make a DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check, finding two empty footlockers, and a nightstand with an oil-
the trapdoor on a success. Pulling open the trap- filled lantern hanging above it. Beneath each bed is
door reveals a wooden ladder that descends 15 feet a copper chamber pot.
to area G37.
Treasure. The coins on the table amount to 65 cp,
This room stinks of horse manure due to its proxim-
35 sp, and 11 gp.
ity to the stables. It contains four neatly made beds,
Gl3: each with its own nightstand and empty footlocker.

An oil-filled lantern rests atop each nightstand.
Beneath each bed is a copper chamber pot.

IA lit fireplace warms this mostly empty tower cham-

ber. A wooden staircase hugs the west wall.
A thug sits near the bottom of the stairs, engrossed
Treasure. One of the lanterns is a lantern of re-
vealing. No one in the guild is aware the lantern
is magical.
in a saucy novella. If this guard detects intruders, he
tries to run up the stairs to wake Guildmaster Dusk
in area G26.

IA wooden railing encloses this balcony. Mounted on

one corner of the railing is a copper spyglass.

A bandit stationed atop this balcony watches for

IThis rectangular room has a door on every wall. A

plaque on the west door says, "Priva.t e Rooms."

The north door leading to area G19 is locked; the

trouble coming from the north and west. If she sees
anything suspicious or threatening, she shouts loud
enough to put the rest of the guildhouse on high
alert. This bandit carries a key that unlocks the door
to area Gl4.
other doors are unlocked.
Spyglass. The spyglass attached to the balcony is
Gl5: L -SHAPED HALL missing one of its lenses and is nonfunctional.

IWooden doors line the walls of this L-shaped hallway. l G20: PRIVATE ROOM

This private room contains a bed, a nightstand, a

Closets. The two small rooms to the north are footlocker, and a small fireplace. A small oil lamp, a
closets behind unlocked doors. One stores a mop pewter water pitcher, and two mugs rest on the night-
and broom, a few buckets, and a stack of copper
stand. Sitting on the edge of the bed is a heavy man in
chamber pots. The other has shelves holding linens,
blankets, soap, and candles. a nightgown.


A traveling merchant named Thyval Horne (neutral,
This room belongs to the stablemaster, Laris Drot
human commoner) rents this room. On the night-
(neutral, human commoner), who is a stout woman
stand rests a key that unlocks the door to this room.
in her fifties. Laris carries two keys on her person:
Beneath the bed is a copper chamber pot.
one unlocks the door to this room, and the other un-
Roleplaying Thyval. The merchant hasn't had
locks the doors to area G7.
a good night's sleep in days and quickly angers if
A wooden trunk at the foot of Laris's bed contains
disturbed. Characters who threaten Thyval or use
folded clothing and personal effects.
magic to coerce him can pry the following informa- G22: SOUTH BALCONY
tion out of him:
• Guildmaster Dusk is hosting an unscrupulous,
we11-connected noble named Dartinal Livereth.
(Thyval suspects the two are lovers.)
• Jaymont the Sinner, the guild's resident spy, is a
master of disguise.
I A wooden railing encloses this balcony. Mounted on
one corner of the railing is a copper spyglass.

A bandit stationed atop this balcony watches for

• Thyval can't sleep because of the squawking birds trouble coming from the south and east. ff she sees
in the room next door (area G21). anything suspicious or threatening, she shouts loud
enough to put the rest of the guildhouse on high
G21: Gw1sH's RooM alert. This bandit carries keys that unlock the doors
to areas G23, G24, and G25.
The room contains a large bed, a sturdy trunk, a Spyglass. The spyglass, which is damaged but
functional, is worth 250 gp.
wooden nightstand, and a darkened fireplace. The
windows here aren't boarded, and the window in G23: STOLEN Goons
the west wall is open slightly. In the middle of the
room, an old man in an oversized black robe carefully Deep scrapes crisscross the floor of this spacious
removes a strip of parchment coiled around the leg of room, and wood shavings scatter the perimeter. A
a raven while muttering kind words to the bird. Two string of oil lanterns dangles from the ceiling, sus-
more ravens watch from the rafters. pended on block and tackle above several contain-
ers-mostly small casks and crates, a lthough there's
The man is an oni named Gwish. Guildmaster Dusk an earth-encrusted coffin here as well.
is the only other guild member who knows Gwish's
true nature.
Gwish is reclusive and rarely interacts with the Elix the Saint (lawful evil, human bandit cap-
other guild members. The oni has three ravens tain; see the "Elix the Saint" section earlier in
that act as messengers, and it uses a ring ofanimal the adventure) works here during the day. Armed
influence to speak with them. These ravens deliver
with a crowbar, he examines containers stolen by
secret messages to the guildmaster's spies abroad the Agile Hand. He then records their contents
and receive similar messages from those spies. (and the estimated value of those contents) in a
leather-bound ledger.
If one or more characters interrupt the oni, it po-
litely asks them to leave. If they refuse, it shoos away Master Key. Elix carries a master key that un-
the ravens and attacks the characters. The oni's locks all doors in the guildhouse complex.
glaive leans in the northeast corner behind the door. Treasure. The following stolen goods are
stored here:
Gwish's Trunk. When the oni is hungry, it sneaks
from the guildhouse and invisibly preys on the city, • Six casks of exquisite elven wine (250 gp each)
feeding primarily on anyone sleeping outside. The • Wooden chest containing six poisoner's kits
tmnk at the foot of Gwish's bed is filled with gnawed • Wooden crate containing eight sets of
bones mixed with small bundles of torn clothing. thieves' tools
Master Key. One of the deep pockets on Gwish's • Wooden crate containing two spyglasses (1,000
robe contains a master key that unlocks all doors in gp each) packed in beds of straw
the guildhouse. Dirty wooden coffin containing the moldy corpse
Raven's Note, Gwish has received a note from one of a human priest wearing a copper holy symbol
of Guild master Dusk's spies. The note is written in shaped like the sun (25 gp), a sun-shaped death
code on a slip of parchment, and only Guildmaster mask made of gold (250 gp), and a necklace of
Dusk is authorized to read it. Gwish plans to deliver prayer beads
the message to Dusk once her guest leaves (see
area G26). G24: ELix's OFFICE
A comprehend languages spell can decipher the
note, as can a character who succeeds on a DC 20 This office contains a plain wooden desk, a simple
Intelligence (Investigation) check after studying the chair, and a fireplace. A door in the south comer
note for 1 minute. ft reads, "Constantori in danger.
sports a plaque that says, "Private! Enter at you r
Cognoscenti retaliation imminent. Be on high alert."
own risk."


A bandit stands guard outside the door to Guild- Unless she has been lured elsewhere, Guildmaster
master Dusk's quarters (area G26). The bandit's job Dusk (lawful evil, half-elf assassin) is asleep in bed
is to shout at the first sign of trouble, thus alerting with her lover, a politically influential noble named
the guildmaster. Dartinal Livereth (lawful evil, human noble). Nei-
Desk. If the characters search the desk at night, ther is wearing armor, but they keep their weapons
they find a leather-bound ledger in an unlocked within reach.
drawer, along with a writing quill and a jar of ink. If the guildhouse is on high alert, Dusk leaves
The ledger provides an account of stolen goods ac- the room to find out what's happening. Meanwhile,
quired by the Agile Hand, but Constantori's Portrait Dartinal smokes a pipe in bed and waits for Dusk
is not among the items listed. to return.
Fireplace. Resting on the fireplace mantel are
G25: SHARED BEDROOM a wedge of soap, a brush, a clay pipe, and an ivory
Guild members take turns resting here. The room tobacco jar carved in the shape of a skull. Buried in
contains two beds, two nightstands, and two trunks the ashes of the hearth is a spare shortsword cov-
(each one packed with linens). Tucked beneath each ered with soot.
bed is a copper chamber pot. A hearth in the south Leather Trunk. This trunk holds a spare, loaded
corner keeps the room warm. light crossbow under some linens, bedding, and
Sleeping Guards. Two thugs sleep in the beds. neatly folded outfits.
They wake if disturbed and spend their first action Master Key. Guildmaster Dusk keeps a master
scrambling for their weapons. key on a nightstand next to her bed, and she takes it
with her when she leaves the room. The key unlocks
all doors in the guildhouse complex.

This circular room contains a canopied bed with a G27: TOWER PEAK
leather trunk at the foot of it and a fireplace. Wooden This room is situated at the top of the tower and is
off limits to everyone except Guildmaster Dusk, who
staircases hug the walls-one leading up, the other
comes here to reflect, doodle in her diary, and gaze
down. The scent of tobacco hangs in the air.
upon her latest acquisition: Constantori's Portrait.

Trap. Canisters of poisonous gas are hidden in
the wall behind the painting. Removing the paint-
ing from its hooks without first disabling the trap
causes the gas to spew from tiny holes previously
concealed by the painting. Each creature in the
room when the gas is released must make a DC 14
Constitution saving throw, taking 36 (8d8) poison
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on
a successful one.
A character who searches the alcove for traps
spots the holes behind the painting with a success-
ful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check. This check is
made with advantage if the character saw the trap's
sketch in Dusk's diary. Once the trap is detected,
a character can spend 1 minute trying to disable
it, either by plugging the holes or by placing coun-
terweights on the hooks as someone else carefully
lifts the painting. The character trying to disable the
trap must make a DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand)
check, disabling the trap on a success and trigger-
ing the trap on a failure.

This room lies at the bottom of a wooden staircase

that climbs 15 feet to area G6. The cellar is unlit.

This dank cellar reeks of so1,.1red wine. Wooden trunks

line the south wall, and a chamber to the east con-
tains stacks of barrels and crates.

This tower chamber is lit by a pewter chandelier

The crates, barrels, and trunks are all empty.
suspended from beams that support a conical roof. Secret Door. A secret door in the south wall can't
A cluttered writing desk and a padded chair are be opened from this side without magic (see area
positioned opposite the descending staircase. A G33 for details). It leads to area G33.
gold-framed painting of a beautiful, well-dressed man Thieves' Test. The door leading to area G29 is
hangs in a shallow alcove near the top of the stairs. unlocked and has the following note (handwritten in
Common) tacked to it:

Characters who search the guildmaster's cluttered

Here are the rules. Look for keys and keyholes. Watch
desk find sketches and descriptions of deadly me-
chanical traps, including a rough sketch of the trap out for my pets. Follow the arrows, but don't let them
in this room (see "Trap" below). hit you. Trust your ears, and remember: a little pres-
Constantori's Portrait. The painting that hangs sure can be a good thing. Get out alive. Remember,
in the alcove is Constantori's Portrait (described you wanted this. Good luck, grunt.-Dusk
at the end of the adventure). Guild master Dusk is
attuned to the painting and has commanded it to
defend itself against all creatures except her. As an Areas G29-G33 contain challenges that are meant •
action, a character can throw a sheet over the paint- to test thieves who want to join the guild. The note is
ing, making it unable to cast spells. meant for those applicants, but characters would be
The Cognoscenti Esoterica was wrong about one wise to heed its advice:
thing: Guildmaster Dusk has no intention of selling • "Look for keys and keyholes" and "Watch out for
the painting. By learning its secrets, she hopes to my pets" refer to challenges in area G29.
become as notorious and wealthy as the late Daiyani • "Follow the arrows, but don't let them hit you"
Grysthorn, the crime lord who commissioned the refers to the set-up in area G31.
painting in the first place. • "Trust your ears" and "A little pressure can be a
good thing" speak to areas G32 and G33.

G29: MURKY POOL The arrow slits are too narrow for a Small or larger
character to squeeze or crawl through. Behind the
arrow slits are two dosed-off chambers-one to the
A ten-foot-square pool of murky water occupies most west and one to the east. A character who has dark-
of this unlit room. A narrow ledge surrounds the pool, vision or a light source can peer through nearby ar-
and a chalk-drawn arrow on the east wall points down. row slits to see what each closed-off area contains:
five freestanding human skeletons draped in cob-
webs and clutching shortbows. Most of these skel-
The pool is 10 feet deep, and the murky water re-
etons are inanimate, propped-up dummies made to
duces underwater visibility to O feet. Characters can
look threatening. Each one is a Medium object with
find the way to area G30 by exploring the pool:
AC 15, 4 hit points, and immunity to poison and psy-
Pool Floor. A nonmagical silver key rests on the chic damage.
floor of the pool. A character submerged in the Only two skeletons are animated, and they guard
pool can take an action to feel around its floor, the hallway's midpoint. When a character enters the
finding the key with a successful DC 15 Intelli- square marked T on map 6.2, one animated skele-
gence (Investigation) check. ton uses its reaction (if available) to make a Short-
Pool Walls. The east wall of the pool has a tiny bow attack, targeting that character. The character
keyhole in the middle of it. A character submerged can make a DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to
in the pool can take an action to search the pool's tumble out of the way; if the check is successful, the
walls, finding the keyhole with a successful DC 15 skeleton has disadvantage on its attack roll.
Intelligence (Investigation) check. If a character somehow gains access to one of the
Secret Exit. If the pool's silver key is inserted into closed-off chambers, perhaps by shrinking to Tiny
the pool's keyhole, a section of the pool's east size or by assuming a gaseous form, the animated
wall retracts, revealing a 4-foot-high, 4-foot-wide, skeleton in that area stops guarding the hallway and
flooded tunnel containing a swarm ofquippers. instead attacks that character.
The swarm attacks the nearest prey. A character Secret Door. A secret door at the south end of the
who swims to the far end of the tunnel and feels hallway is unlocked and can be pushed open to re-
around for an exit finds an unlocked trapdoor veal a tunnel leading to area G32.
in the ceiling that pops open to reveal a dry,
T-shaped chamber (area G30) and a passageway G32: EASTERN MAZE
leading south (area G31). Characters who have darkvision or a light source
can see the following:
Light Sources. Characters who don't have
darkvision must find a way to keep their light

sources dry, or else they could end up fumbling in Branches in the tunnel ahead suggest you're entering
the dark until their light sources dry out. some sort of maze. You hear the sounds of heavy
breathing coming from somewhere ahead.
This unlit, T-shaped area is empty except for a
wooden trapdoor in the floor. A tunnel (area G31) Permanent minor illusion spells create the sounds
leads south from here. of heavy breathing. These sounds originate in the
Trapdoor. Below the trapdoor is a 4-foot-wide, two spaces marked T on map 6.2. Any character
4-foot-high tunnel filled with murky water and a who succeeds on a DC 10 Wisdom (Perception)
hungry swarm of quippers (see area G29 for de- check can track the sounds to their points of origin.
tails)_ Characters who follow this tunnel west come A character who enters one of these squares steps
to a dead end unless they previously opened that on a pressure plate that sinks 1 inch into the floor
end of tunnel in area G29. and remains in that position for 1 minute before re-
setting itself. A character who searches that section
G31: FOLLOW THE ARROWS of floor before stepping on it must make a DC 13
Characters who have darkvision or a light source Wisdom (Perception) check. If the check is success-
can see the following: fu I, the character spots the pressure plate and can
avoid it. If the characters depress the two pressure
plates here along with the one in G33, the north se-

Chalk arrows drawn on the floor point toward the
south end of this narrow corridor. Arrow slits are
cret door in area G33 swings open.
evenly spaced along the walls. G33: WESTERN MAZE
This maze is like the one in area G32, right down to
the heavy breathing. The square marked T on map

6.2 contains a hidden pressure plate on the floor

identical to the ones in area G32.
Secret Doors. This maze contains two secret
doors, one to the north and the other to the west:
North Secret Door. This secret door has three sep-
arate locks built into it. If all three pressure plates
in the maze (the one in this area and the two in
I Lining two walls of this room are four wooden crates
and four wooden chests.

The crates contain stolen weapons and ammunition:

area G32) are in their sunken positions, the door ten scimitars, twelve light crossbows, five heavy
unlocks and swings open on its own, revealing crossbows, and hundreds of crossbow bolts. The
area G28 beyond. Otherwise, each of the door's chests are filled with ordinary cutlery, candlesticks,
three locks requires a separate knock spell or plates, pitchers, and mugs.
similar magic to bypass. The locks are hidden and Treasure. One of the chests has a secret compart-
can't be picked. ment, which a character searching the chest can
Wes t Secret Door. This secret door is unlocked and find with a successful DC 13 Wisdom (Perception)
pushes open to reveal area G34 beyond. check. The secret compartment contains six pieces
of costume jewelry (5 gp each), a gold necklace with
G34: CELL BLOCK a black pearl pendant (750 gp), and a necklace of
Characters who have darkvision or a light source fireballs.
can see the following:

Vertical iron bars stretch from floor to ceiling, dividing

This room is mostly empty except for a small wooden

this room into six cells. The two southernmost cells
have wooden barrels and trunks in them, while the crate shoved in a corner next to a paper-wrapped
cell in the northern corner contains a scruffy-looking block of butter.
The crate is a mimic that loves the taste of salted
All the cell doors are locked, and a secret door con- butter. To keep the mimic on friendly terms, Guild-
nects the cell block to area G33. master Dusk brings it a fresh block of salted butter
G34a: Smugglers' Barrels. This cell contains every few days. The mimic attacks any character
four wooden barrels that have padded interiors and who tries to steal the block of butter but otherwise
air tubes for breathing. The thieves use these bar- prefers to be left alone. The mimic can carry on con-
rels for smuggling people. versations in Common.
G34b: Smugglers' Tr unks. Three iron-bound Secret Door. Hidden in the room's south corner is
trunks rest against the back wall of this cell. The a secret door that swings open into area G37.
chests have padded interiors and air tubes for G37: SECRET TuNNEL
breathing. Like the barr:els in the adjoining cell, This tunnel has a secret door at one end and a
these trunks are used for smuggling people. 15-foot-tall ladder at the opposite end. The ladder
G34c: Prison Cells. Each of these cells contains a
climbs to a stone trapdoor in the ceiling that leads
wooden bench and a small drain hole in the floor.
to area Gl 2. A character at the top of the ladder can
Imprisoned in the northernmost cell is a thief
try to push open the trapdoor, doing so with a DC 15
named Dury Sneeth (neutral evil, human spy), who
Strength (Athletics) check; the check is made with
was caught taking a bribe from a member of the
disadvantage if the blue chair in area G12 is weigh-
Velvet Glove, a rival thieves' guild. After he was ing down the trapdoor.
rightly accused of spying for the Velvet Glove, Dury
was locked up and interrogated. He found a dagger
hidden behind one of the bricks in the wall of his
cell, and he keeps it hidden on his person. He has If the characters return Consta11tori's Portrait
no other weapons. to Adrisa Carimorte, she gives them their prom-
Guildmaster Dusk is satisfied that Oury is guilty ised reward. If they also present Elix the Saint's
of betraying the Agile Hand, but she hasn't gotten leather-bound ledger (see areas G23 and G24),
around to punishing him yet and has, in fact, told Adrisa offers to buy it for 500 gp.
Oury that she's willing to give him a second chance If the characters deciphered the coded message
if he behaves himself from now on. Oury is not delivered by Gwish's raven (see area G21) and share
convinced Dusk has his best interests at heart and the message with Adrisa, she suspects one of Guild-
pleads for release. master Dusk's spies has infiltrated the Cognoscenti

Esoterica. She thanks the characters for the in- While attuned to the painting, you can take an
formation and gives them a pair of sending stones action to telepathically contact it over any distance,
as an added reward. Identifying the spy is beyond provided you and the painting are on the same plane
the scope of this adventure but a good hook for a of existence. The painting can't telepathically con-
future one. tact you, however. Maintaining telepathic contact
with the painting requires your concentration (as if
FOR THE GOLDEN VAULT concentrating on a spell).
If the characters are working for the Golden Vault, Guardian Portrait. While you are attuned to the
Adrisa Carimorte arranges to give the characters a painting, you can command it to guard its location
rare magic item of their choice (subject to your ap- against one or more creatures you identify as the
proval) as payment for delivering the painting to her. painting's enemies. The painting performs this
The item is delivered to the characters the next day. function until you command it to stop or until your
attunement to the painting ends.
MAGIC ITEM The painting has 3 charges. When a creature the
painting identifies as its enemy starts its turn in a
This section presents Constantori's Portrait as a
space the painting can see, the painting expends
magic item. In your campaign, the artist might have
1 of its charges to cast magic missile (3 missiles),
painted other magical portraits of Constantori, per-
targeting that creature. The painting regains all
haps with slight differences to distinguish them.
expended charges daily at dawn.
CONSTANTORI S PORTRAIT The painting is a Small object with AC 12, 20 hit
Wondrous item, Very Rare (Requires Attunement) points, and immunity to poison damage. In its gold-
leaf frame, the painting weighs 15 pounds. If the
This painting by famed artist Dkesii Kwan depicts
painting has at least 1 hit point and is targeted by a
Constantori, a beautiful courtier, who was paid
mending spell, it regains 2d6 hit points.
a staggering sum to be Dkesii's model. Whether
Constantori's actual appearance matches the paint-
ing remains a subject of debate. The portrait is
one of several paintings commissioned by the late
Daiyani Grysthorn, a crime lord who frequently gave
magical paintings as gifts to her most esteemed
Sentience. Constantori's Portrait is a sentient,
lawful evil item with an Intelligence score of 14,
a Wisdom score of 12, and a Charisma score of
8. It can hear within a range of 120 feet and has
darkvision within a range of 60 feet, but it can't see
anything behind itself.
The painting can converse in Common, Draconic,
and Elvish as if it were a living person, though
Constantori's mouth doesn't move. Whenever
conversation occurs within the portrait's auditory
range, the painting eagerly gathers secrets, the
names of secret tellers, significant events, or any
political conversations.
Personality. Constantori's Portrait is demand-
ing, condescending, and vain. It doesn't like being
covered or placed out of sight, and it loudly con-
demns anyone who tries to remove it from its gold-
leaf frame.
Wealth ofInformation. The painting's primary
purpose is to observe and recall conversations. Over
the past few decades, Constantori's Portrait has qui-
etly observed countless conversations and now pos-
sesses an unquantifiable amount of lore- everything
from criminal conspiracies to secret passwords.
The DM decides what the painting knows and what CoNSTANToR1's PornRAIT

it doesn't.



AMED BARD FRODERIC DARTWILD IS DEAD, parents had bought in the hopes of making him a
and his beautiful mandolin, called Golden musical prodigy. While he excelled at none of the
Axe, has been stolen from his grave. Even instruments, he realized he could pay off his fami-
worse, Froderic has risen as a zombie, terri- ly's debts by turning his home into a conservatory
fying the hamlet t>f Toad hop. In this heist, the char- for young musicians from wealthy families. One
acters must track down Golden Axe from the music of his current students, Wylie van Timmel, shows
school owner who stole it and return it to Froderic great promise. Sythian hatched a plan to snatch
so the bard can rest peacefully in death once again. Golden Axe from Frody's grave and give it to Wylie
as a present, hoping to earn the favor and long-term
ADVENTURE BACKGROUND financial support of her wealthy family.
Froderic Dartwild-Frody to those who knew him Sythian hired a pair of halflings named Mackerel
well-was a gifted human bard born and raised in Mudbottom and Trout Bonanza to dig up Frody's
the hamlet ofToadhop. He could play the mandolin remains and pry the Canaith mandolin from his
by age three and performed regularly at Toadhop's hands. They did just that, leaving behind an open
local tavern until his eighteenth year, when he left grave. After the halflings fled with the mandolin,
this bucolic backwater and became an adventurer. Frody awakened, crawled from his coffin, sham-
But his adventuring exploits paled in comparison bled to his mother's old cabin, and knocked on the
to his reputation as a performer. So gifted a musi- door. The young family living there fled in terror
cian was he that an admiring wizard gave Frody at the sight of him and took shelter in a neighbor's
an instrument ofthe bards- a famous Canaith barn. The good folks ofToadhop have been on edge
mandolin called Golden Axe. The mandolin's magic ever since.
served Frody well during his many adventures but The characters arrive in Toadhop and quickly
wasn't enough to save his life. On a crisp autumn discover that someone has disturbed the grave of
day, Frody and his companions were beset by a famous bard named Froderic Dartwild and that
manticores on a lonely stretch of road, and Frody Frody's corpse is "none too happy about it." Locals
was killed by a manticore's tail spike. ask the characters to speak with Frody, who is holed
Frody's body was returned to Toadhop and laid to up in a cabin on the outskirts of the hamlet. From
rest in the earth next to his mother, Veena, and his Frody's zombified corpse, the characters learn that
sister, Marigold. Golden Axe was buried with him. the stolen mandolin is called Golden Axe. They also
Shortly after Frody was interred, a tiefling named learn the identities of the grave robbers who stole ·
Sythian Skalderang, who lived many miles away, the mandolin, as Frody's restless spirit heard the
learned of the famous bard's untimely death. halflings refer to each other by name before they
Sythian had inherited his parents' estate and inadvertently animated his corpse. Frody refuses
debts, but a mysterious poison killed off the family's to return to his grave until the mandolin is re-
olive orchard, leaving him with nothing but the turned to him.
mansion and its furnishings. Those furnishings in-
cluded a multitude of musical instruments Sythian's
If the characters agree to retrieve the mandolin,
they find Mackerel and Trout at their riverside Froderic Dartwild, a famous bard born and raised ih
abode, five miles from Toadhop. The two halflings Toad hop, is all anyone in the hamlet can talk about.
reveal that their employer, Sythian Skalderang, has You've already met Toadhop's honorary mayor: a
Golden Axe in his possession and plans to give it friendly sow named Jenna Bean. You've also seen the
to one of his students. Stealing Golden Axe from frightened, troubled looks on the faces of the simple,
Skalderang Conservatory forms the crux of this
hard-working fo lk who inhabit this rustic thorp.
adventure. Ideally, at least one character in the party
should be a bard. You see, Frody died almost a month ago. Everyone
The hamlet of Toad hop can be situated in any in town attended his funeral. Now, he's crawled from
countryside. Skalderang Conservatory stands in the his grave and returned to the cabin where he was born
middle of a dead olive orchard on the outskirts of a and where he spent his childhood. The family that
city that's about two days' travel from Toadhop on owns the cabin now is out of sorts, to say the least.
The family that lives there-a father, a mother, and
their three daughters- is staying with neighbors until
USING THE GOLDEN VAULT this grave matter is resolved.
If you're using the Golden Vault as a patron, a
The good folk ofToadhop would like it very much
golden key is delivered to the characters in whatever
manner you deem fit. When the characters use this if you, being adventurers, could pay a visit to the old
key to open their music box, the lid pops open and a Dartwild cabin and find out why Toadhop's most fa.
soothing voice says the following: mous bard has returned from the dead. The sooner he
stops stinking up the place, the sooner he can be laid
"Greetings, operatives. A Canaith mandolin has been to rest-again.
stolen from the grave of a famous bard, whose spirit
remains restless from the injustice. The Golden Vault If the characters wish to help Frody and the peo-
wants the instrument returned to its proper owner. ple of Toadhop, they can get directions to the old
This quest, should you choose to undertake it, re- Dartwild cabin and check it out. Four unkempt
quires you to travel to the village ofToadhop. Details youths led by a rabblerouser named Ebbin Fulchre
spot the characters as they make their way to the
will reveal themselves to you shortly after your arrival.
Dartwild cabin and follow them, curious to see what
Good luck, operatives." happens next.


Closing the music box causes the golden key
to vanish. As the characters approach the cabin, read the fol-
lowing text:
The rustic hamlet of Toad hop boasts a population The front door of the cabin is wide open, and a rotten
of thirty- all hardworking folk. Two local estab- stench emanates from it. A noise behind you signals
lishments cater to visitors: a ramshackle inn called the arrival of four clumsy local yout~s, who keep their
Misty's Bunks and a quaint tavern called My Left
distance from the cabin once they catch a whiff of
Boot. Toadhop's honorary mayor, a brown sow
something unnatural.
named Jenna Bean, pays visits to the tavern to greet
strangers. To dispel any doubts concerning Jenna "Dang if they ain't goin' inside!" exclaims one youth.
Bean's role in Toadhop, the hamlet's cheery tavern- "Shut up, or Frody might hear you!" hisses another.
keeper, Huberta Hadley, uses white paint to write
the word "Mayor" on the friendly sow's flanks.
Ebbin Fulchre and his three companions are un-
FRODY DARTWILD armed commoners who refuse to enter the cabin~
even on a dare. Morbid curiosity brought them here,
Read or paraphrase the following boxed text to be- but they're nothing more than harmless spectators.
gin the adventure:


When the characters enter the cabin, read the fol-
A lopsided wooden hut squats on four wooden stilts
lowing text:
next to the sandy shore of a shallow river.
You see two halflings in overalls, both enjoying the
The cabin is full of buzzing flies. Seated in a dark cor-
day. One is next to the hut, feeding a carrot to a mule,
ner behind a rickety kitchen table is what's attracting
while the other stands in the middle of the river, futz-
the flies: a putrid human corpse with yellow eyes. In a
ing with a broken crayfish trap.
raspy voice, the creature says, ''Well met. My name is
Froderic Dartwild. My friends call me Frody."
Mackerel and Trout are unarmed commoners.
The characters can approach the halflings openly
Frody DartwiJd is neutral good, speaks Common, or attempt to sneak up on them. The mule, which
and has an Intelligence score of 10; he otherwise the halflings have named Lucky Me, doesn't star-
uses the zombie stat block. tle easily.
BARD'S QUEST The mule doesn't belong to the halflings; they
Frody didn't intend to frighten away the cabin's found it tied to a tree by a road and took it, probably
proper owners, but his appearance can't be helped, while its owner was answering the call of nature.
and he has nowhere else to go. Toadhop's inhabi- The halflings feed the mule wild carrots and turnips
tants are too frightened to speak to him, so Frody that grow in a tiny garden under their hut.
has been waiting for braver souls to arrive so he can QUESTIONING THE HALFLINGS
explain his plight to them. Given the chance, he im-
parts the following information: Mackerel and Trout used to pick olives in the
Skalderang orchard until all its trees died sud-
Grave Theft. Two halfl.ings dug up his grave in the denly. They suspect the orchard was poisoned (by
dead of night and stole his Canaith mandolin (an whom, they don't know). Now they catch and sell
instrument of the bards). Frody wants it back. ("lt crayfish and frogs, supplementing their meager in-
was a gift," he says.) The mandolin has a name: come by performing occasional chores for Sythian
Golden Axe. Skalderang.
Halfting Robbers. The grave robbers' names were Mackerel and Trout were paid to steal the Canaith
Mackerel and Trout. Frody's waking spirit could mandolin. Characters who search the halflings'
hear the halflings talking to each other as they cramped hut find a small purse containing 20 gp.
broke into his coffin. However, Frody could do The halflings have yet to decide what to buy with
nothing to stop the theft of his mandolin, and the their ill-gotten gold. They reckon they might get
halfl.ings were long gone by the time he figured out a nice dragonchess set, although neither of them
how to animate his own corpse. knows how to play the game.
Halflings' Whereabouts. The two halflings had The halflings have no idea their foray into grave
local accents. Someone in Toadhop might know robbing has awakened an undead creature; the
where to find them. thought of Froderic Dartwild exacting revenge from
Frody agrees to return peacefully to his grave if the beyond the grave is enough to make them confess
characters find and retrieve his stolen mandolin. everything. In fact, any serious questioning or threat
Tf the characters slay Frody instead, he reappears of harm earns the pair's cooperation. The halfl.ings
24 hours later as a neutral good ghost and haunts readily share the following information:
Toadhop until his spirit finds rest- which happens Sythian. Sythian Skalderang has Golden Axe.
only when Golden Axe is returned to Frody's grave. Sythian's Debts. Sythian is plagued by debt col-
lectors. To help pay off debts, Sythian turned his
MACKEREL AND TROUT mansion into a conservatory where young musi-
Characters who share what they learned with the cians from wealthy families can hone their craft.
living residents of Toadhop discover that Mackerel Sythian is a musician himself, though neither
Mudbottom and Trout Bonanza are well known in Mackerel nor Trout has heard Sythian perform or
these parts. The two halflings live about five miles is familiar with his work.
away, in a hut on stilts next to a river. The halflings Van Timmels. Sythian plans to give Golden Axe
catch crayfish and frogs and sell them in Toadhop to Wylie van Timmel, one of his pupils. The van
occasionally. Timmels are filthy rich, and Sythian believes their
If the characters pay Mackerel and Trout a visit, financial support is worth more than the mando-
read the following text: lin itself.



~KALV~f<ANl(i ·


HALFLING SANDCASTLE I got no idea what a rich guy like that's got to be un-
Mackerel and Trout don't have a map of Skalderang happy about.
Conservatory, but they know it well enough to make "Sythian wears a master key around his neck that
a miniature version from sand. Building the sand-
unlocks doors inside the conservatory. Verdell, the
castle takes them about 20 minutes.
When the halflings' sandcastle is complete, show housekeeper, has another master key.
players the accompanying Skalderang Conservatory "One more thing. Sythian is terrified of frogs and
sandcastle illustration (map 7.1), which depicts the toads-has been ever since he was swallowed by
location from two points of view. The characters can a giant toad as a young boy. He'd kill us for telling
use the sandcastle to help plan their heist. yo1.t that."


Mackerel and Trout know that frogs commonly hud-
The rest of the adventure revolves around the theft
dle near the river. A character who spends at least
of Golden Axe from Skalderang Conservatory.
15 minutes walking along the shoreline can make a
Whether the characters return the mandolin to its
DC 13 Wisdom (Survival) check, locating l d4 frogs
proper owner, keep it for themselves, or do some-
on a success. Catching a frog requires a successful
thing else with it is for them to decide.
DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check.
In addition to providing a sandcastle model of
Skalderang Conservatory, Mackerel and Trout fur-
nish the characters with the following information,

which is framed as boxed text that you can read or Sythian Skalderang has an incubus acquaintance
paraphrase to the players. who goes by the nameJoster Mareet. This servant
of the demon lord Graz'zt usually takes the form
ABOUT THE CONSERVATORY of a tall, beautiful, male tiefling. The incubus has
telepathy out to a range of 60 feet, enabling the fiend
to have telepathic conversations with Sythian even
"The conservatory has four floors, counting the roof. when they're not in the same room.
The outer doors-that's a double door in front and a Joster came knocking shortly after Sythian inher-
back door leading to the kitchen-they're good, sturdy ited the Skalderang estate. Unknown to Sythian,
oak and barred shut at night. And all the windows are Joster was responsible for poisoning the Skalderang
olive orchard.Joster was following instructions
latched shut from the inside. We maybe checked.
from Graz'zt, with the goal of making Sythian stop
"From the skylights on the roof, you can see the growing olives. Joster wants Sythian to use connec-
third-floor room that holds Sythian's fancy instru- tions gained through the students' elite families to
ments. Sythian's quarters are somewhere on the third earn their patronage. With that newfound wealth
floor, too. He let most of the staff go, excepting the and influence, Sythian could ruin lives and lead a
cook and housekeeper. They sleep next to the kitchen decadent cult worthy of Graz'zt.
on the ground floor. The students live on the second
Sythian knowsJoster is an incubus but is un-
der the false impression thatJoster cares for his
floor-they each get a room, but they take their vittles
in the dining hall on the first floor. Mackerel and Trout know the following informa-
"There are staircases between all the floors in the tion aboutJoster:
towers, and an elevator powered by magic that runs
between the dining hall and the second and third "One of Sythian's friends is staying at the castle-a
floors." tall, handsome tlefling chap named Joster Mareet. He
has red skin, yellow horns, and a smoky voice. )oster
doesn't do much except hang around the estate, al•
ABOUT SYTHIAN SKALDERANG though sometimes he paints portraits of the students.
"Joster showed up shortly after the Skalderang or-
"Sythian is a tiefling with blue skin and black horns. chard died and encouraged Sythian to open his home
He's not the most likable person. He rains on every- to gifted musicians. We caught Joster chatting with
one's parade. His folks must've never taught him how a little green-skinned demon, which turned inv1sible
to be nice, so when he tries, he mucks it up. He's al- the instant it saw us. )oster pretended like the demon
ways unhappy and never has anything nice to say. wasn't there, but we saw it, all right."


\~ &~
"Sythian has four students currently. They all reside at When the characters are close enough to see the
the conservatory, but their families have grand estates conservatory, describe the location as follows:
in the nearby city.
"Wylie plays strings and has a beautiful singing You recognize Skalderang Conservatory at once: a
voice. She is attending her father's birthday party and brooding keep surrounded by rows of dead olive trees.
won't be back for a couple of days. That leaves Embry, A long, straight, cobblestone driveway in need of re-
a talented composer and horn player; Mazia, who pair passes through the orchard on its way to the con-
plays the flute; and Mytchyl, who plays the drums and serv~tory, forming a loop before the entrance. Where
the harpsichord. the driveway meets the main road, someone has
"All the students are good-natured and kind." posted a plain wooden sign that reads as follows:
"Skalderang Conservatory-School for the Musi-
A TYPICAL DAY cally Gifted. No Tours! No Solicitors! No Amateurs!"
1f the characters request information about how the
conservatory's occupants spend a typical day, Mack- The earth throughout the orchard is saturated with
erel and Trout share the information in the Conser- demon ichor, which killed the olive trees. A char-
vatory Schedule table. acter who takes a minute to examine the earth and
succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence (Nature) check
can determine that the ground is saturated with a
Start Time Activity putrid, oily substance not found in nature. A charac-
8 a.m. Breakfast is served in the dining hall (area ter who gets a 20 or higher on the check identifies
Cl) on level 1. the substance as demon ichor.
9 a.m. Sythian supervises rehearsals in the music If the characters tell Sythian that his orchard was
hall (area Cl 1) on level 3 while the servants poisoned with demon ichor, he concludesJoster Ma-
work and Joster lazes about.
reet is responsible but keeps his suspicions to him-
self. The revelation makes Sythian bitter toward the
Noon Lunch is served in the dining hall (area Cl).
incubus and poisons their long-term relationship.
l p.m. A courier drops off Sythian's mail, which he
reads in his study (area Cl4) on level 3, with G ENERAL FEATURES
Joster present, while the students relax in the Skalderang Conservatory has stone walls and a
gallery (area C4) on level 1. stone-tiled ground floor. The upper floors have
S p.m. Dinner is served in the dining hall (area Cl). polished mahogany floors and wainscoting. Other
6 p.m. The students practice their music unsuper- prevalent features are summarized in the sections
that follow.
vised, either in their quarters (area C7) on
level 2 or in the music hall (area Cll). Sythian CHIMN EYS
writes letters in his study (area Cl4) or prays The conservatory's chimneys haven't been cleaned
in the shrine (area CS) on level 1, usually with in a long time. A Small character can try to squeeze
Joster present. up or down one, doing so with a successful DC 15
9 p.m. Sythian, Joster, and the students gather in Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. A failed check indi-
the dining hall (area Cl) to tell stories, share cates that the character makes no progress. To en-
ter or exit a chimney from the top, one must first use
city gossip, snack, and discuss music theory.
an action to try to remove the chimney's stone cap,
Midnight Sythian, Joster, and the students retire to doing so with a successful DC 18 Strength (Athlet-
their quarters (Joster and the students in ics) check. A character in gaseous form can navigate
area C7 on level 2, Sythian in area ClS on a chimney without having to make these checks or
level 3) while the servants tidy up. remove the chimney cap.
The conservatory's doors are made of thick, sturdy
oak with iron fixtures. Locked doors are noted
in their area's heading and require a master key
to open. Sythian has one master key; Vordell, the



+ =-~ - ~....:.._,::

41 LEVEL4 »


housekeeper, has another. A character can take an Quasits. These Tiny demons haunt the conserva-
action to try to pick a lock using thieves' tools, doing tory, where they remain invisible or take the forms
so with a successful DC 18 Dexterity check. of bats and giant centipedes.
ELEVATOR Sythian andjoster are the only ones at the conser-
A 5-foot-wide cage elevator fitted with stained-glass vatory who are aware of the demons' presence, as
windows connects the dining hall on level 1 (area the demons take care to hide themselves from stu-
Cl) to the mezzanine on level 2 (area C6) and the dents, servants, and most visitors. When a demon
hallway on level 3 (area C13). The elevator is pow- dies, it dissolves into a puddle of putrid ichor.
ered by magic. A creature in the elevator need only
say "level 1," "level 2," or "level 3" in Common, and
the elevator will ascend or descend to that floor, clat- Sythian has opened his home to four students:
tering noisily and taking about 6 seconds to move Embry Hale (chaotic good) is a loud, 17-year-old
from one floor to the next. The elevator doesn't re- human who plays a mean horn. He also com-
spond to commands while it is moving. poses his own songs and lyrics, recording them
EXTERIOR LIGHTING on scraps of parchment. He plans to become an
The conservatory's exterior walls are lit up at night adventuring bard but hasn't the courage to tell his
by golden continual flame spells spaced evenly parents, who would never tolerate such a pedes-
around the building's foundation. These spells are trian, dangerous life for their son.
suppressed during daylight hours. Mazia Foulard (lawful good) is a 20-year-old tief-
ling who has taught the other students a sign
INTERIOR LIGHTING language she and her deaf grandmother created
Natural light illuminates most of the conservatory's together. Mazia can play several instruments, but
interior spaces. Students and servants who lack her favorite is the flute. She doesn't think Sythian
darkvision use candles, lamps, or lit fireplaces to is a particularly good teacher but has great love
see at night. and respect for her fellow students.
Mytchyl Dwyer (neutral good) is a 13-year-old hu-
WINDOWS man who was born without legs. He gets around
The conservatory's windows are 6 feet tall and 3 in a gold-trimmed wheelchair. When it comes to
feet wide, their lead frames fitted with dozens of music, his lack of discipline prompted his parents
small, diamond-shaped panes of frosted glass. Each to send him to the Skalderang Conservatory.
window has small hinges on one side of it, allowing He was unhappy at first, but he warmed-to the
it to be swung open like a door. All windows are company of the other students and secretly idol-
latched shut from the inside except on hot days. As izes Embry.
an action, a character can try to force open a latched Wylie van Timmel (lawful good) is a 16-year-old
window, doing so with a successful DC 15 Strength human who comes from a loving home and enjoys
(Athletics) check, or use thieves' tools to unlatch a a life of privilege. Great things are expected of her,
window from the outside, doing so with a successful and she intends to make a name for herself. She
DC 15 Dexterity check. is absent when the characters arrive and won't
return for a couple days.
Should their statistics become necessary, the stu-
Sythian Skalderang is described at the end of the
dents are unarmed and unarmored nobles with
adventure. His muse, the incubusjoster Mareet,
an extra skill: Performance +7. The students are
clings to him like a shadow and uses telepathy to friendly but scream loudly and try to hide if con-
commW1icate secretly with him. The conservatory's
fronted by unidentified intruders. They refuse to
other regular inhabitants are described below.
cooperate with anyone opposed to Sythian until his
DEMONS true colors are revealed to them.
Joster Mareet petitioned and received aid from Embry, Mazia, and Mytchyl saw the halflings
Graz'zt in the form of one chasme and six quasits: Mackerel and Trout deliver a mandolin to Sythian,
and they know what Sythian plans to do with it.
Chasme. This Large demon crawls around the They assume he procured the instrument legally
outside of the conservatory and is usually encoun- and are unaware that it was stolen from a grave.
tered on the rooftop (area C18). It attacks enemies Should they learn about the grave robbery, the three
it detects in the air, on the ground, or on the third- students instruct the housekeeper to pack up their
floor balcony (area C12). belongings, and they leave the conservatory at once.


Sythian can't afford to lose his students, so if the
characters threaten to tell the students about his
Golden Axe is In Sythian's quarters (area Cl 5). If
grave robbing or the fact that he consorts with de-
you're running this adventure for one or more players
mons, he surrenders the instrument to ensure the who have played through the advent1.ire before, you
characters' silence. might move the mandolin to a different location in the
Sythian employs two full-time servants, both must impress Sythian by playing a musical instru-
commoners: ment and succeeding on a DC 20 Charisma (Perfor-
' Merle (lawful good) is an 83-year-old dwarf cook. mance) check. On a failed check, Sythian delivers a
scathing critique of the character's musical ability
He has a neatly trimmed beard and a cheerful
disposition. He doesn't socialize with the students before sending the characters away empty-handed.
Sythian changes his mind if the characters pay him
much except to crack jokes. Merle has been a
a bribe of 500 gp or more. On a successful check
fixture in Skalderang Conservatory since before
Sythian was born and doesn't have an unkind or upon receiving such a bribe, Sythian allows the
word to say about anybody except for Joster Ma- would-be student (and only that character) to stay
reet, whom he suspects is up to no good. overnight and orders Vordell to prepare a room for
Vordell (lawful neutral) is a dour, SO-year-old them (area C7d).
human housekeeper with a full head of salt-and- "SURRENDER THE MANDOLIN OR ELSE!"
pepper hair pulled into a ponytail. He carries a If the characters use their audience with Sythian to
master key that opens all locked doors in the con- demand that Golden Axe be handed over to them,
servatory. If he could find employment elsewhere, Sythian lets out a haughty laugh and orders the
Vordell would abandon Sythian in a heartbeat. characters to leave at once. If the characters refuse,
Vordell doesn't like that Sythian partakes in de- Sythian and Jaster flee to area ClS, where Sythian
mon worship but keeps his misgivings to himself. equips himself with Golden Axe and tries to escape
Joster's invisible quasi ts torment Vordell by soiling out the window using the mandolin's fly spell while
or bre.a king things, which Vordell must then tidy Jaster makes his own escape.
up. Vordell doesn't know who or what to blame for
these unexplained messes. "WE'RE DEBT COLLECTORS."
The servants are indifferent toward guests and hos- Sythian owes money to various loan sharks and
tile toward burglars. Duty and loyalty prevent them banks. Characters who claim to represent one of
from cooperating with intruders willingly. these individuals or institutions must succeed on
a DC 15 Charisma (Deception) check to convince
THE DIRECT APPROACH Sythian that they are who they say they are. If one
or more characters fail this check, Sythian becomes
Although he doesn't like unexpected guests, Sythian
suspicious (see "Sythian's Suspicion" below).
has enough grace to briefly entertain visitors who
If the characters trick Sythian into believing they
arrive at the conservatory without an appointment.
are debt collectors and demand a payment of no
Characters who knock on the front door or other-
more than 200 gp, Sythian fetches the sum from his
wise announce their presence are greeted by Vor-
study (area C14) whileJoster keeps a watchful eye
dell or one of the students and led by that individual
on the characters. After making the payment, Syth-
into area Cl, where the characters are expected
ian sends the characters on their way. If the char-
to wait until Sythian and Joster arrive to question
acters demand more than 200 gp or anything other
them. Should this encounter occur at night, Sythian
than coins, Sythian becomes suspicious (see below).
is doubly annoyed by the disturbance, and Charisma
Sythian's Suspicion. If Sythian becomes sus-
checks made to influence him have disadvantage.
picious of characters posing as debt collectors, he
"ARE You ACCEPTING NEW STUDENTS?" entertains them long enough for Jaster to "fetch the
A character who is a bard (or pretends to be one) can payment." The incubus rounds up the demons in ar-
petition Sythian to become a student at Skalderang eas C4, Cll, and C18 before returning to dispose of
Conservatory. The character must first prove they the visitors. When combat erupts, Sythian retreats
can afford Sythian's tutelage (by displaying treasure to his bedroom (area ClS) and grabs Golden Axe.
worth 250 gp or more), after which the character If the characters catch up to him, he tries to escape
out the window using the mandolin's fly spell.


The following locations are keyed to Skalderang
Conservatory as shown on map 7.2.

This room contains three two-level bunk beds, one
of which is currently in use. A washbasin stands in a
nearby corner.
At night, the double door to the south is barred shut
from the inside.
Merle, the cook, claims the lower bunk as his. Vor-
A large diningtable stands in the middle of this hall, dell, the housekeeper, sleeps in the bunk above him.
surrounded by tall-backed wooden chairs. Suspended Treasure. Each servant has a footlocker that con-
tains personal effects and earnings. Characters who
above the table are two chandeliers fitted with wax
empty the two footlockers find a total of 8 gp, 55 sp,
candles. Encircling the hall at a height of fifteen feet is and 62 cp. Merle's footlocker also contains an ivory
a wooden mezzanine that can be reached by a cage el- smoking pipe (25 gp), an electrum-framed hand mir-
evator in one corner. West of the dining room is a cozy ror (25 gp), and a small pair of silvered shears (10
niche with a fireplace, three padded chairs, and a side- gp) he uses to trim his beard.
board. Hanging above the mantelpiece is a framed
portrait of two stern, well-dressed, middle-aged tief-
lings: a short, pudgy fellow and a tall, thin woman.
Several padded armchairs are arranged in this narrow
The surrounding walls bear numerous smaller paint-
chamber, the walls of which are festooned with hunt-
ings, mostly of young people.
ing trophies and crossbows. Bare hooks and pale rect-
angles mark places on the walls where paintings once
During the day, characters are most likely to en- hung. Standing in the southwest corher near a single
counter Vordell, the housekeeper (commoner),
door is a stuffed wolf, its glassy gaze fixed on a stone
here, setting the table or returning clean dishes and
staircase going up.
cutlery to the sideboard. Depending on the time of
day, the characters might find Sythian Skalderang
(see the end of the adventure),Joster the incubus in Between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m., Sythian's students relax
tiefling form, and students here as well (see the Con- here. Three quasits lurk by the stuffed wolf and use
servatory Schedule table). their Invisibility action to remain unseen. They at-
Chandeliers. Simple rope-and-pulley mecha- tack characters who try to break into area CS.
nisms allow the chandeliers to be raised or lowered The missing paintings were sold at auctions to pay
from the mezzanine (area C6). off some of Sythian's debts. The remaining decor
Paintings. The painting above the mantelpiece includes three light crossbows and three heavy
depicts Sythian Skalderang's parents, Vexxis and crossbows (all of which are functional but missing
AJyrria. The smaller portraits in the room were ammunition) mounted on the walls, as well as a
painted by Joster and depict Sythian's students, past stag's head mounted above a fireplace.
and present.
C2: KITCHEN AND PANTRY Students and guests are not allowed .in this room,
which is why Sythian locks the door.
A large pot hangs in the fireplace of this cluttered Sythian's father, Vexxis, worshiped gods of the
kitchen, <\nd stout worktables sized for a dwarf are hunt and the harvest. When he died, this room fell
into disuse untiljoster Mareet showed up and con-
covered with handy implements. A closet pantry
vinced Sythian to empty it and repurpose the shrine
stands in the corner next to a door that leads outside.
for the worship of Graz'zt. Vordell, the housekeeper,
is the only person besides Sythian andjoster who's
Merle, the dwarf cook (commoner), works here allowed to enter this area.
from 6 a.m. to midnight. When confronted with
danger, he grabs a rolling pin (treat it as a club) and Dark curtains cover the windows of this room, which
defends himself. looks like it might have been a chapel, though most
The door that leads outside is used mainly for
of the decor is gone, leaving empty niches and pedes-
food deliveries and is barred shut from the in-
side at night. tals. A demonic stone hand rises from the floor and


r clutches a three-foot-tall, three-foot-wide brazier, The
l hand has five fingers instead of four. _ __

This wooden mezzanine encircles the dining hall at

a height of fifteen feet, and the ceiling is fifteen feet
The stone hand merges seamlessly with the stone
higher still. Two chandeliers hang from ropes, the
floor. Spilling a few drops of Humanoid blood into
the brazier causes the brazier's coals to produce ends of which are wrapped around hooks bolted to
a hissing purple flame and oily, purplish smoke the railing-one to the north, the other to the south.
that reeks of offal. When Sythian summons the
flame and speaks to it, the flame responds to him in The mezzanine creaks loudly when stepped on.
Graz'zt's whispered voice, but only when the demon Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to cross the mezza-
lord is in the mood to talk. nine quietly have disadvantage.
A character who examines the brazier and suc-
ceeds on a DC 17 Intelligence (Religion) check C 7: STUDENTS'QUARTERS
realizes that it's used by worshipers of Graz'zt to Students sometimes practice music in their rooms
commune with the demon lord, who requires a from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. All students can be found in
blood sacrifice. As an action, a character can spill their rooms from midnight until shortly before 8
some of their own blood into the bowl and utter a a.m. (see the Conservatory Schedule table).
prayer to Graz'zt; doing so has a 10 percent chance Each of these rooms contains a single bed, a
of annoying the demon lord, who causes four dresser, a washbasin, a chamber pot, and an iron
shadow demons to appear in the room and attack. stove with clawed feet with a stovepipe that fun-
These demons return to the Abyss after 10 minutes nels smoke into the nearby chimney. A mirror is
and disappear instantly when slain. (Graz'zt speaks mounted on the inside of the door. Other features of
only to those he considers worthy of his attention; each room are summarized below:
the characters don't qualify in this regard.)
C7a: Wylie's Room. Resting on the dresser is a
wooden case containing a beautifully crafted lyre
(250 gp) that belongs to Wylie van Timmel.


C7b:Joster's Room.Joster has claimed this vacant Cll: M USIC HALL
room for himself and uses it primarily as a studio
to paint portraits of new students. (These paint-
This spacious room contains several large instru-
ings end up on the walls in area Cl.) A wooden
easel stands near the window, and a collection of ments, including a harp, a harpsichord, a piano, a
paints and brushes rests on the windowsill. Lean- cello, and three kettle drums. More portable instru-
ing against the base of the easel are three blank ments-such as fiddles, ukuleles, accordions, bag-
canvases stretched over wooden frames. pipes, lutes, lyres, oboes, brass horns, bongos, and
C7c: Mytchyl's Room. When present, Mytchyl violins-rest on padded chairs spaced evenly around
Dwyer lies on his bed with his wheelchair close
the perimeter. Eight rectangular, stained-glass sky-
by. Mounted on the wall above the headboard are
lights give the chamber a cathedral-like aspect. The
three songbirds carved from driftwood.
C7d: S pare Room. No one uses this room currently. room's three double doors have built~in, hand-carved
C7e: Mazia's Room. Mazia Foulard keeps a diary panels depicting scenes of dancing and merrymaking.
and a small leather case tucked under her pillow.
The case contains an exquisitely crafted silver
Sythian Skalderang (see the end of the adventure)
flute (250 gp) that was given to Mazia by her
is here with his students from 9 a.m. to noon. The
students often return to this room between the
C7f: Embrfs Room. Odors waft into this room
hours of 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. to play music without
from the kitchen. Embry Hale has a framed paint-
ing on one wall that depicts the silhouette of a
Three quasits lurk under chairs, using their Invis-
satyr playing a trumpet (25 gp). Tucked under
ibility action to hide. They attack any intruder who
Embry's mattress is a wooden smoking pipe and
picks up or plays one of the instruments.
packet of pipe tobacco.
Instruments. Sythian could pay off most of his
C8: BATHROOM debts by selling his impressive collection of musical
instruments, but he refuses to do so.

Dry towels are stacked on a shelf above a row of Cl2: OUTDOOR BALCONY
empty hooks by the door. Protruding from the far wall
is a funnel-shaped shower head, below which is an
iron knob.

The servants shower here every night after finish-

IA stone battlement encloses th is balcony, which over-
looks the main entrance.

The chasme on the rooftop (area C18) creeps

ing their chores, while students shower here before down the exterior wall to attack characters on this
breakfast each morning. balcony. It's a 30-foot drop from the balcony to
Turning the iron knob causes hot water to spring the ground.
from the shower head. The water, which is produced
magically, disappears through drains in the floor. 013: HALLWAY


Sythian showers here every morning before break- Standing in an alcove at the north end of this hallway
fast. This room is otherwise identical to area C8. is an empty suit of armor, its vacant helm staring past
the cage elevator toward the double door at the oppo-
site end of the hall.

The window of this room is opened a crack to let in

The elevator climbs no higher than this hallway.
fresh air. Damp towels and clothing hang on wooden Trapped Secret Door. A secret door disguised to
racks, and a washtub with a scrubbing board rests un- look like a section of wood-paneled wall is hidden
per a spigot that protrudes from one wall, near a shelf behind the suit of armor. A character can detect the
lined with bars of soap. secret door by searching the wall and succeeding
on a DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation) check. A sue-
cessful check also reveals a faint glyph on the' secret
Turning the spigot on the wall causes hot water, door- the telltale sign of a glyph of warding spell.
which is produced magically, to flow from a faucet Only Sythian can open the door without triggering
and into the washtub, which has a drain plug in the the glyph. When the glyph triggers, each creature
bottom of it.


in a IO-foot-radius sphere centered on the suit of
armor suffers the effect of a shatter spell (save DC
14). The spell also causes the suit of armor to fall
to pieces and alerts Sythian and Joster in area ClS
if they are there. Once the spell goes off, the secret
door is no longer trapped.
The secret door is unlocked and leads to area Cl4.

An unlocked rolltop desk is pushed against the west

wall of this study. The desk's chair has a large S
carved into its backrest. Near the desk, a wooden
staircase spirals up.

Between the hours of 1 p.m. and 5 p.m., Sythian

Skalderang (see the end of the adventure) is here,
reading and writing letters, as well as reviewing ap-
plications from the families of young hopefuls who
seek to benefit from his tutelage. While Sythian is
here, Joster the incubus reverts to his true form and
looms over Sythian's shoulder.
Treasure. The desk is stuffed with quills, ink jars,
candles, wax seals, and sheets of parchment. A thor-
ough search of the desk takes 1 minute and yields
a small wooden coffer containing 270 gp, 165 sp, CANAITH MANDO\.IN

and 89 cp.
This room contains a canopied bed and other furnish-
ings, including a corner fireplace flanked by stone·
carved hunting mastiffs. A large trunk rests at the foot
IGray sheets cover old furniture in this dusty attic. I
of the bed. Characters who spend at least 1 minute searching
the attic find two life-sized wooden mannequins-
one wearing a green wedding dress, the other a
Sythian Skalderang (see the end of the adventure) white funeral dress. Both dresses belonged to Syth-
is here from midnight until 8 a.m. ian's mother. They also find a wooden chest that is
Trapped Trunk. A character who examines the padlocked; the key is lost, but a character can take
trunk and succeeds on a DC 14 Intelligence (Investi- an action to try to pick the lock using thieves' tools,
gation) check detects a faint glyph on its lid- the tell- doing so with a successful DC 17 Dexterity check.
tale sign of a glyph of warding spell. The first time Treasure. Inside the padlocked chest, wrapped
a creature other than Sythian opens the trunk, the
in leather, is a flat wooden case whose lid is en-
s pell goes off, targeting the creature that opened the graved with a pair of stags locking horns. The case
rrunk with a suggestion spell (save DC 14). On a suc- contains six +2 crossbow bolts. Sythian is unaware
cessful saving throw, the creature resists the spell. of these items and won't miss them if someone
On a failed saving throw, the creature is compelled takes them.
to leave the room empty-handed and not return for

8 hours (the duration of the spell). Once the glyph is Cl7: LIBRARY (LOCKED)
triggered, the trunk is safe to open.

Treasure. The trunk contains, among personal
Empty bookshelves stand between the windows of
items and clothing of little value, the instrument of
che bards (Canailh mandolin) stolen from Froderic this musty tower attic.
Dartwild's grave.


Sythian sold his family's collection of books to
pay off debts. A locked door leads to the rooftop
(area C18). Once Golden Axe is safely in their possession,
the characters must decide whether to keep it for
Cl8: ROOFTOP themselves (in which case the adventure ends
here) or return it to its rightful owner (see "Buried
Again" below).
A three-foot-high stone battlement encloses this
rooftop. Mounted on one corner of the battlement is BURIED AGAIN
a flagpole flying a black pennant emblazoned with a
If Golden Axe is returned to Frody Dartwild, read:
golden olive tree. A chimney pipe juts from the oppo-
site corner, and an oak door leads to each tower.
Froderic Dartwild plucks the strings of the mando-
A five-foot-wicte walkway wraps around a convex
lin and plays a happy tune. Meanwhile, the news of
structure composed of eight large stained-glass win-
your return spreads through Toadhop like wildfire.
dows in lead frames. Each skylight is a work of art,
Everyone comes out to greet you, including Honorary
its panes shaped and colored to resemble a rising or
Mayor Jenna Bean, who snorts contentedly. Frody
setting sun.
apologizes to everyone for the trouble be has caused
and says he looks forward to returning to his grave.
It's a 45-foot drop from the rooftop to the ground. His words bring tears as well as cheers.
Unless it has been fought and killed elsewhere,
a chasme guards this area. At your discretion,
the demon might be perched above a doorway, A local carpenter named Lewth Fulchre (the father
waiting to ambush intruders emerging from one of of local rabblerouser Ebbin Fulchre) offers to repair
the towers. Frody's coffin, which shouldn't take more than a few
Flagp ole. The flagpole in the southwest corner hours. While Frody waits, he performs his favorite
is made of metal and is sturdy enough to bear the music to an enrapt crowd outside My Left Boot. If
weight of characters who wish to lower themselves there's a bard or another musically inclined individ-
down a wall or through a skylight. ual among the player characters, Frody suggests
Skylights. There are eight skylights, each one a they perform together as a duet. If the character
Large object with AC 13, 5 hit points, and immunity agrees, award them inspiration.
to poison and psychic damage. Rather than shatter- Everyone in Toadhop attends Frody's second fu-
ing an entire skylight, a character can take an action neral, which you can summarize as follows:
to break or pry out one of a skylight's panes, creat-
ing a hole big enough to slip through. It's a 15-foot After Frody is returned to the earth, Toadhop's resi-
drop from the skylights to the floor of area Cll.
dents star'ld around nis grave wearing straw hats- a
LEAVING POST-HEIST local custom, you reckon-to sing a somber hymn. A
little girl lays a tiny flower on the dead bard's grave be-
If the characters leave the conservatory with Golden
Axe and the chasme in area C18 is still alive, the fore returning to the arms of her weeping parents. As
demon swoops down and attacks the characters the crowd disperses, locals pat you on the back and
before they get too far. The demon's goal is to return shoulder and congratulate you on a quest well done.
the mandolin to the conservatory. The mandolin is,
after all, Sythian's ticket to earning the patronage of
Wylie van Timmel's family. FOR THE GOLDEN VAULT
You can make this final encounter deadlier by add-
ing either a second chasme or a barlgura. If the characters are working for the Golden Vault,
a representative of the organization offers the char-
acters a rare magic item of their choice (subject to
your approval) as payment for returning the Canaith
mandolin to Frody. The reward is delivered to the
characters a day or two after Frody's reburial.


. fl
Sythian SkaJderang has been blessed by the demon
lord Graz'zt. Graz'zt's gift to Sythian manifests in
several ways, including Sythian's ability to conjure
demonic whispers that can fray enemy minds.
Whed he was a young boy, Sythian went on a
hunting trip with his father. A giant toad attacked
them and swallowed Sythian. Although Sythian
escaped after his father slew the monster, the attack
left Sythian with an acute fear of frogs and toads.
Sythian's parents hoped his interest in music
would lead Sythian to become an extraordinary mu-
sician; he became a mediocre one instead, despite
the help of several renowned tutors. Years later,
Sythian resents their efforts, as the money his par-
ents lavished on his education left him with many
unpaid debts. Now that his parents are dead, he is
determined to hold on to his estate and will do what-
ever it takes to keep what he has left.
Sythian has attuned to Golden Axe so that he can
learn and exercise the Canaith mandolin's proper-
ties. Although he hopes Golden Axe will earn him
the good graces and financial support of the van
Timmels, Sythian would sooner lose the instrument
than see any harm befall his students, as his reputa-
tion and financial success hinge on their well-being.
He gladly gives up the instrument to save himself.
Sythian is an impatient and demanding teacher
who holds his students to a rigorous schedule.
His bone conductor's wand doubles as a spell-
casting focus.

Poisoned Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5

SYTHIAN SKALDERANG ft., one target. Hit: 5 (ld6 + 2) piercing damage plus 5 (ldl0)
Medium Humanoid (Bard, Tiejling), Chaotic Evil
poison damage.
Armor Class 15 (Graz'zt's Gift) Poisoned Dart. Ranged Weapon Attack: +S to hit, range 20/60
Hit Points 99 (l 8d8 + 18) ft., one target. Hit: 4 (ld4 + 2) piercing damage plus 5 (ldlO)
Speed 30 ft. poison damage.


Spellcasting. Sythian casts one of the following spells, using
15 (+2) 13 (+l) 14 (+2} 11 (+0) 16 (+3) Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 14):
10 (+OJ
At will: mage hand, prestidigitation
Saving Throws Dex +5, Wis +3 1/day each: charm person.faerie fire, unseen servant
Skills Arcana +5, Deception +6, Performance +6
Whispers ofAzzagrat. Each creature in a 15-foot cube originat-
Damage Resistances fire
ing from Sythian must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
languages Abyssal, Common On a failed save, a creature takes 18 (4d8) psychic damage
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 and is incapacitated until the end of its next turn. On a suc•
cessful save, the creature takes half as much damage and isn't
Fear of Frogs and Toads. Sythian is frightened while he is within
20 feet of a frog or a toad (of any size) that he can see.
Graz'zt's Gift. Sythian's AC includes his Charisma modifier. Fiendish Rebuke (3/Day). Immediately after a creature within 5
feet of Sythian hits him with an attack roll , Sythian forces that
creature to make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. The crea-
Multiattack. Sythian makes two Poisoned Shortsword or ture takes 14 (4d6) fire damage on a failed saving throw, or ha lf
Poisoned Dart attacks and uses Whispers of Azzagrat. as much damage on a successful one.
• ':s g- -:


~ l');, -

VER THE YEARS, THE NOTORIOUS ELF THIEF Goldenbeard claimed Vidorant set him up and

0 Nixylanna Vidorant has stolen many

famed prizes and stored them in her
vault Her former partner believes one of
these trophies- a ruby diadem- rightly belongs to
him. He hires the characters to infiltrate Vidorant's
alerted the authorities. Meanwhile, Vidorant
claimed innocence, insisting Goldenbeard was
covering for his own inability to escape the situa-
tion. Whatever the truth, she kept the diadem, the
once-friendly rivalry turned bitter, and the two have
vault, bypass its security features, and steal the tried to outmaneuver each other ever since.
diadem. In a twist, the characters come face-to-face Recently, their uneasy relationship changed again
with Vidorant, and she offers them a deal that's hard with the death of the longtime leader of the Silver
to refuse. Fingers Society. Vidorant and Goldenbeard each
competed to win leadership of the society, calling in
ADVENTURE BACKGROUND favors from every ally they had in the organization.
The Silver Fingers Society is no mere guild of Unfortunately for Vidorant, Goldenbeard proved
pickpockets and ruffians. The elite thieves of this defter at internal politics, winning leadership of
multinational organization pull off impossible the society- and getting Vidorant expelled in the
heists, targeting crown jewels, national secrets, process. Goldenbeard promised harsh retaliation
and other heavily guarded prizes. Decades ago, the against anyone who helped Vidorant, ensuring none
elf Nixylanna Vidorant joined the Silver Fingers, of her former allies would stand against him.
where she partnered with a dwarf named Samphith Weeks after his takeover of the Silver Fingers
Goldenbeard. These friendly rivals made a good Society, Goldenbeard made an even bigger move
pair. Vidorant was skilled with picking locks and against Vidorant. He promised a favor to any ex-
deftly getting into tough places, and Goldenbeard isting or aspiring Silver Finger who steals the
used his connections and quick thinking to research Ruby Diadem of Erlynn Blessedore and delivers
targets and talk the pair's way out of trouble. it to him. This challenge is the talk of scoundrel
As the years passed, the duo rose in the ranks of circles as everyone vies to steal the diadem from
the Silver Fingers. But their partnership abruptly Vidorant. Doing so won't be easy, as Vidorant keeps
ended when they stole the Ruby Diadem, an heir- her treasures in her secure vault on the outskirts
loom once worn by Queen Erlynn Blessedore. Gold- of the city.
enbeard's family traces its lineage to the dwarven
queen, who was captured in a battle centuries ago,
and he desperately wanted to reclaim his family's
diadem. The heist seemed like any other-until
thirty guards suddenly surrounded the pair of
thieves. Vidorant nimbly escaped via the roof with
the diadem in hand, but Goldenbeard was caught.
He avoided imprisonment by calling in favors with
powerful friends, but when he tracked down Vidor-
ant, she refused to hand over the diadem despite his
family's claim to it.


USING THE GOLDEN VAULT Once the characters sit down near him, Golden-
beard addresses them:
If you're using the Golden Vault as a patron, a
golden key is delivered to the characters in whatever
manner you deem fit. When the characters use this "It's a pleasure to meet you all. I'm sure you've
key to open their music box, the lid pops open and a heard of my organization, the Silver Fingers Society.
soothing voice says the following: Only the most elite thieves in the world qualify for
"Greetings, operatives. An heirloom diadem from a "You may have heard that Nixylanna Vidorant, my
dwarven queen is in the possession of master thief former partner, is no longer with the Silver Fingers.
Nixylanna Vidorant. The queen's descendant, Sam- We've withdrawn all protection from her and her
phith Goldenbeard, would like the diadem returned, property, and we now have room in the society for
and the Golden Vault finds value in allying with his new members.
Silver Fingers Society. This quest, should you choose "As such, I present to you a challenge. Whoever
to undertake it, requires you to infiltrate Vidorant's brings me the Ruby Diadem of Erlynn Blessedore from
vault and recover the diadem. Start by meeting with Nixylanna's personal vault will become a member of
Goldenbeard. Good luck, operatives." the society. As my family is descended from Queen
Erlynn, we've wanted the diadem returned to us
Closing the music box causes the golden key for years.
to vanish. "You can keep a few things for yourself from her
collection, but I'd advise against too much distraction.
STEAL THE DIADEM Nixylanna has been a problem for me for a long time
To kick off this adventure, the characters receive because she is very good at what she does. And re-
an invitation to meet with the head of the Silver member: you cannot trust her."
Fingers Society, Samphith Goldenbeard (lawful
neutral, dwarf noble). A character who is a thief or
has the criminal background is familiar with the Goldenbeard relates the information from "Adven-
Silver Fingers Society, an elite organization for ture Background"-though told from his perspec-
exceptional thieves. tive. He explains the diadem is of only moderate
Alternatively, the characters could hear about value and has no magical properties, but its connec-
Goldenbeard's challenge to bring him the diadem tion to his family and his history with Vidorant make
through the gossip of other thieves; in this case, it valuable to him.
skip to the "Preparation" section. If the characters are uninterested in membership
If the characters are too lawful or good to work in the Silver Fingers, Goldenbeard offers a reward
with a thieves' guild, consider Goldenbeard ap- of 2,000 gp, though he grumbles the reward is far
proaching them simply as a descendant of Erlynn more than the diadem is worth.
Blessedore, asking them to return the Ruby Diadem
to its rightful heirs. PREPARATION
The party's preparation for the heist might include
MISSION FROM GOLDENBEARD seeking information from Vidorant's former guards,
Goldenbeard asks the characters to meet with him surveilling Vidorant at her mansion, or staking out
in the back room of a restaurant, the Spoke and her vault. Though each approach can yield useful in-
Wheel. When the party arrives, read the following: formation, the characters shouldn't delay too much;
other Silver Fingers may also be preparing to steal
the diadem (at your discretion).
An elegantly dressed dwarf greets you in the back
room of the Spoke and Wheel, a polite smile gracing GATHERING I NTELLIGENCE
his face. He introduces himself as Goldenbeard and By combing through local pubs or asking around
0ffers you tea. After everyone is served, he casually with their own informants, the characters can locate
dips a pinky into his own cup and tastes a drop before up to six guards (veterans) formerly employed by
taking a larger sip. Vidorant. Use the Former Guards table to help you
roleplay each guard.


FORMER GUARDS Vidorant is a tall elf woman with sleek black hair.
d6 Ex-Guard
She usually wears black clothes accented with taste-
ful but clearly valuable silver jewelry. She's brusque,
Turolga Flathelm (neutral dwarf), a gruff woman
authoritative, and direct, though she listens with
who has a soft spot for stray cats remarkable patience and intensity whenever anyone
2 Ballidyr Josephon (neutral human), a pompous addresses her directly.
man who refers to himself in the third person While no one in the Silver Fingers Society would
3 Jeniana Damaritz (lawful neutral human), an aloof dare help Vidorant right now, she still has a few
woman who talks to only the most well-dressed of informants and cronies from outside the organiza-
the characters tion. If the characters watch her long enough, they
see meetings with four people: a muscular half-ore
4 Pelten Kiwaris (chaotic neutral human), a gregari-
woman in a fine suit and hat, a sneering human man
ous person who invites the characters to join them
carrying a large leather case, an unkempt halfling
at a party man with patched clothing, and a smiling elf woman
5 Kavton Bouldersight (neutral halfling), a jocular who bears a striking resemblance to Yidorant but is
man who sells stolen goods noticeably younger. Learning the identities of these
6 Breelen Fibblezot (chaotic neutral gnome), a associates would take additional sleuthing.
cheerful woman who fidgets constantly
To convince a former guard to share information If the characters scout the vau It before the heist,
about the vault and its defenses, a character can read or paraphrase the following:
make a DC 12 Charisma (Persuasion) check or an-
other appropriate ability check, depending on their
approach. A character who offers a bribe of 10 gp The vault stands in a rundown neighborhood, but
reduces the DC of this check by 5. the street and alleyways around the vault are un-
On a failed check, the former guard walks away, obstructed. Small windows glint from high on the
disinterested in further conversation. If other char- vault's stone walls. Two guards keep watch on the
acters approach the guard later, the guard remains second-floor balcony, while another guard patrols
unwi!ling to share information about the vault.
around the structure at ground level.
On a successful check, the character convinces
the former guard to reveal the basic layout of the
vault's first floor, as shown on map 8.1. The guard Vidorant's vault is an unmarked building on the
also answers simple questions about Vidorant and city outskirts in an area with moderate foot traffic.
her physical appearance, the guard uniforms, and The neighboring buildings stand at least 20 feet
other information every guard would know. from the vault and don't share walls with it. Nearby
If the check succeeds by 5 or more, the businesses include a jewelry store, a lumberyard, a
character also learns one of the following pieces of brewery, and a forge. Several other nearby buildings
information: are empty and are ideal locations for a stakeout.
If the characters observe the vault before the heist,
The basic layout of the vault's second floor, as
they learn the general exterior layout, including the
shown on map 8.1
locations of the main door, balcony door, and win-
The location of the secret door between area T3
dows. They also get a good look at the guard uni-
and the building's exterior
forms-dark blue with gold stitching- which can aid
• The password to bypass the conjuration rune in
in creating disguises.
area T9: "quixotic"
If the characters venture within 30 feet of the
• The location of a switch to disable one trap (either
south side of the building, they hear animal noises
the pit trap in area T3 or the statues in area T6)
coming from the zoo (area T8), and a character who
• The guard rotation (detailed in "Vault Guards")
succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) or
SURVEILLING THE TARGET Wisdom (Perception) check finds the secret door
leading from the exterior to the gem room (area T3).
If the characters spy on Vidorant, they can find her If the characters observe the vault for at least 4
at her mansion in a well-to-do neighborhood near hours, they learn two guards are always on duty on
the vault. This doesn't yield useful information
the balcony, accessed via a rope ladder the guards
about the vault, but the characters can get a good leave hanging down to ground level. The characters
glimpse ofVidorant and several associates, which also learn the basic exterior and interior guard rota-
can aid the characters in creating disguises.
tion (detailed in "Vault Guards").


use an action to try to disable it, doing so with a
successful DC 14 Intelligence (Arcana) check or
On the day (or night) of the heist, nothing notable a dispel magic spell. A character who disables the
has changed from the party's previous surveillance. alarm on one window can do the same on other
If the characters didn't visit the vault earlier during vault windows without having to repeat the check.
their preparations, read the read-aloud text from The windows are too small for a Medium creature
"Casing the Joint" as they approach the vault. to climb through, but a Small creature can squeeze
through one with a successful DC 20 Dexterity
(Acrobatics) check.
Vidorant's vault has the following features.
Vidorant employs a dozen guards (use the veteran
Ceilings throughout the vault are 15 feet high.
stat block) to protect her treasures-three guards
DOORS outside and nine inside the vault. Guards remain
Doors in the vault are made of wood, except for the alert for noises elsewhere in the vault, and if the
im;ier vault's metal door. characters do something particularly loud, a guard
Locked Doors. As an action, a character can try might investigate at your discretion.
to unlock a locked door in the vault, doing so with a
successful Dexterity check using thieves' tools, or
Characters who learned the guard rotation in the
force the door open with a successful Strength (Ath-
"Preparation" section know two guards are posted
letics) check. Either check's DC is 15 unless the text
states otherwise. on the balcony and one guard patrols around the
outside of the building at ground level.
LIGHT A character can avoid the notice of the exterior
Unless otherwise noted, all areas are brightly lit by guards with a successful DC 12 Dexterity (Stealth)
lamps imbued with continual flame spells. check. An effective distraction might lower the DC
or even bypass this check entirely. At night, the DC
WALLS AND FLOORS of this check decreases to 9.
The vault's walls and floors are made of thick stone.
The characters can use the stone shape spell or sim- INTERIOR SECURITY
ilar magic to create a passage into the vault, though Characters who learned the guard rotation in the
a guard patrol spots them if the characters spend "Preparation" section know two guards are posted
more than a minute getting everyone inside. Each in the lobby, seven guards patrol the first floor of the
10-foot section of wall has AC 15, 200 hit points, vault, and no guards patrol upstairs.
and immunity to poison and psychic damage. Dam- Rather than requiring you to track each patrolling
aging the wall catches the attention of the guards guard's location, this adventure represents the
unless the characters take extraordinary measures. guards moving about the vault by having you roll
to determine whether a guard is present in any
WARDS given room. In areas specified as part of the guard
The building is warded against teleportation and rotation, roll a d4 to determine if a guard is present
planar travel. Effects like the dimension door when the characters approach that room. On a 1,
spell can't be used to enter, exit, or move within a guard is present in that room. If the characters
the building. learned the guard rotation in the "Preparation"
section, roll a d6 instead of a d4, reflecting their in-
creased ability to avoid the guards.
Areas T2, T3, T7, T8, and T9 have windows 10 feet lfthe characters spend more than 10 minutes in
above the ground, and area T13 has a window 20 any room that's part of the guard rotation, a guard
feet above the ground. Each window is locked and interrupts them. Any character who has a passive
can be unlocked easily from the inside. As an action, Wisdom (Perception) score of 14 or higher hears
a character can use thieves' tools to try to unlock a the guard coming 2 rounds before the guard en-
window from the outside, doing so with a successful ters the room.
DC 16 Dexterity check.
Each window is warded with an abjuration rune EVADING GUARDS
that sounds an audible alarm if the window opens When guards are present in an area, characters can
(see "Caught in the Act"). A character who searches resolve encounters without resorting to combat.
a window for traps notices the rune with a suc- Some examples are listed below, though the charac-
cessful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check and can ters may come up with creative alternatives:

Bluffing. A character can lie their way past a guard VAULT LOCATIONS
with a successful DC 16 Charisma (Deception)
check. If the party's preparations convincingly The following locations are keyed to map 8.2.
support their story-such as wearing guard uni- Tl: LOBBY
forms while claiming they're new guards- the DC
decreases to 12.
Bribing. A character can convince a guard to look This beautifully decorated lobby has stone floors
the other way with a 50 gp bribe and a successful polished to a mirror finish. To the west, a large statue
DC 10 Charisma (Persuasion) check. depicts a human woman wielding a bow and arrow, To
Hiding. Before entering a room, a character can the east, two comfortable chairs accompany a small
tell if a guard is present by listening at the door
table. A double door leads outside to the north, and
and succeeding on a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception)
two doors on the south wall lead into the vault.
check. The party can make a DC 14 group Dex-
terity (Stealth) check to hide in their current room
until the guards leave. On a successful check, Guards. Two guards watch the unlocked front
the guard leaves without noticing the characters, door while sitting in the lobby's chairs. Though
allowing the party to enter the next room unde- suspicious of people trying to get in, they're accus-
tected. On a failed check, the guard discovers the tomed to confused people occasionally entering the
characters, likely by entering the room the charac- unmarked building.
ters are in and spotting them. Locked Door. The door to area TS is locked.
Intimidation. A character can frighten a guard into
letting them pass with a successful DC 17 Cha-
risma (Intimidation) check.
If you wish, a character who succeeds on one of the
above checks by 5 or more might also learn one
piece of information from the "Gathering Intelli-

This break room smells faintly of sweat and greasy

food. Scuffed wooden furniture and a large couch pro-
vide comfort for off-duty guards.
gence" section, perhaps by overhearing a conversa- ~

tion or persuading a guard to share it.

The room includes a table and chairs for eating, a
CAUGHT IN THE ACT couch and several chairs for lounging, and a privy.
ff the characters are spotted by a guard and don't A trunk on the east wall contains a dozen spare
talk their way out of it, the guard yells loudly for guard uniforms.
backup and attempts to run away, taking the Dash Guards. Two off-duty guards are playing cards at
action. The guard returns 3 rounds later with an the table. They aren't expecting to be interrupted,
additional ld4 + 1 guards (unless there aren't that and each has a passive Wisdom (Perception) score
many guards left). The guards (use the veteran stat of 7. If the characters try a nonviolent approach
block) fight until reduced to 10 hit points, then flee. (as detailed in the "Evading Guards" section), the
If the characters set off any audible alarms in the DC of those checks decreases by 2 against the off-
building, a guard immediately investigates, arriving duty guards.
· 3 rounds after the alarm sounds. The alarm also Locked Door. The door to area T3 is locked. Each
puts the guards on high alert throughout the vault. guard in the vault has a key that unlocks this door.
For 1 hour after an alarm sounds, when rolling to
determine if a guard is present in a room, roll two T3: GEM ROOM
dice instead of one; if either result is a 1, a guard
is present. Additionally, the DC on checks made to

This room contains open crates of gems sorted by
nonviolently deal with guards increases by 2 (see color and type. Most are neatly faceted, though a few
"Evading Guards"), and the price to bribe a guard remain uncut
increases to 100 gp.
CHANGING OF THE GUARD Guards. This room is part of the guard rotation.
If the characters neutralize all nine interior guards, Roll to determine if a guard is present (as described
the party has the run of the building until the next in "Interior Security").
shift's guards show up. However, the three guards Locked Door. The door to area T2 is locked. Each
outside the building remain alert to loud noises in- guard in the vault has a key that unlocks this door.
side the vault and enter the building to investigate Secret Door. The southwest wall of this room
suspicious sounds. A new shift starts every four contains a secret door to the exterior. Vidorant uses
hours, and six guards show up at each shift change. this door often. A character who examines the wall


··- ~k_ _ .
and succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) The sheets of parchment in the barrels include
check spots the door, which opens silently. spell scrolls for each of the following spells: charm
Trap. Any character who has a passive Wisdom person (2 scrolls), cure wounds (1 scroll), detect
(Perception) score of 15 or higher notices the floor magic (2 scrolls), dispel magic (l scroll), false life
is unusually clean in a 10-foot square in front of the (1 scroll), identify (4 scrolls), invisibility (l scroll),
gem crates. When a creature steps on this area, the lesser restoration (2 scrolls), and nondetection
floor collapses into a 10-foot-deep pit with poisoned (1 scroll).
spikes lining its floor. Any creature on the collaps-
ing floor falls into the pit, taking 3 (ld6) bludgeoning T5: DOCUMENTS ROOM
damage and landing prone. In addition, the creature
must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw
or be impaled by ld3 spikes, each of which deals 3
I This room holds two large iron safes.
(ld6) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage.
A character who searches the floor for traps and Guards. This room is part of the guard rotation.
succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check Roll to determine if a guard is present (as described
detects the trap, which can be disabled by placing in "Interior Security").
a strong object such as a pole or crowbar between Locked Door. The door to area Tl is locked. Each
the floor panels. If the check made to detect the trap guard in the vault has a key that unlocks this door.
succeeds by 5 or more, the character also spots a Trapped Safes. The two document safes in this
concealed switch on one wall that disables the trap. room contain secret information about local nobles
Treasure. The crates hold 60 pounds of gem- and government officials. Each safe is trapped with
stones. The valuable gems include a large uncut enchantment magic. If a creature attempts to open a
diamond (1,000 gp), four small diamonds (100 gp safe without Vidorant's personal key, the safe's trap
each), a bag of diamond dust (300 gp), four flawed emits an audible alarm (see "Caught in the Act")
rubies (50 gp each), and four pearls (100 gp each). and casts lwld person (save DC 16) on the three
The remainder of the semiprecious stones in the creatures nearest the safe. A character who uses an
crates are worth a total of 1,000 gp. action to search the safe for traps notices the trap's

rune with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception)
T4: SCROLLS AND POTIONS ROOM check. Once the trap is detected, a character can
use an action to try to disarm the trap, doing so with

This room has four short bookshelves, each bearing
a successful DC 16 Intelligence (Arcana) check or a
dispel magic spell.
eight glass vials of liquid. Several open barrels hold
A character using thieves' tools can try to unlock a
rolled-up sheets of parchment.
safe, which takes 1 minute. At the end of that time,
- the character must succeed on a DC 17 Dexterity
Guards. This room is part of the guard rotation. check, or the safe remains locked. The safes are
Roll to determine if a guard is present (as described full of documents. Every minute a character spends
iTl "Interior Security"). looking through the documents yields one of the
Shelves ofPotions. The four shelves each hold following:
eight potions in vials (see "Treasure" below). Any Bribe. A tattered parchment details how a prisoner,
character who has a passive Wisdom (Perception) jailed for stealing racehorses, was freed after a no-
score of 18 or higher notices the shelves are pre- ble bribed a local government official.
cariously balanced. To safely remove a potion from Disputed Will. A parchment bears the original will
a shelf, someone must steady the shelf with a suc- of a recently deceased local noble. As the noble's
cessful DC 12 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check or family members are currently fighting over the es-
the shelf collapses, shattering all the potion vials tate, this will would be of great value to the heirs
on it. Each creature within 5 feet of a collapsing named in it.
shelf must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, Goldenbeard's Secret. Small scraps of parchment
taking 17 (5d6) acid damage on a failed save, or half hold notes from Goldenbeard. Though Vidorant's
as much damage on a successful one. The noise half of the correspondence is absent, the notes
alerts the guards in the lobby (area Tl), who arrive 2 suggest Vidorant and Goldenbeard plotted a fake
rounds later to investigate. heist and used their "breathtaking success" to
Treasure. The shelves contain twenty-six vials of gain entrance to the Silver Fingers Society. Vidor-
acid, a potion ofanimal friendship, two potions of ant didn't use this information while vying for con-
healing (greater), two potions ofresistance (one fire, trol of the Silver Fingers, as it implicated her too,
the other poison), and one potion of water breathing. but nothing would stop her from using it now.

Love Letters. Several perfumed envelopes hold The two easternmost suits of armor are helmed
romantic letters between a local noble and a gov- horrors. They attack creatures (other than Vidor-
ernment official. The affair would be a scandal ant) that aren't wearing guard uniforms. They obey
if revealed. Vidorant's spoken commands. If she's not present,
they obey anyone wearing a guard uniform, even
None of the documents in the safe have intrinsic
if commanded to attack another guard. They don't
monetary value, though they could be used to gain
leave this room, and they ignore orders that would
money or influence through blackmail.
cause them to do so.
T6: GALLERY Guards. This room is part of the guard rotation.
Roll to determine if a guard is present (as described
in "Interior Security").
Landscape paintings cover the walls of this room. In Treasure. The chests hold more weapons. Most
the center of the floor stand two marble statues of a of the equipment in this room is nonmagical, but a
human man and woman, both holding musical instru- character who is proficient with smith's tools or who
ments. One statue faces the door to the south, and succeeds on a DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana) check
the other faces the door to the west. immediately spots the most finely crafted items:
a +l battleaxe, a +1 shortsword, and a s uit of +1
scale mail.
Fire-Breathing Statues. When a creature steps
on a square marked T on map 8.2, the statue clos- T8: Zoo
est to that square breathes magical fire, which fills
the two squares between the statue and the door This room contains five large cages holding unusual
nearest to it. Any creature in that area must make a
creatures. It smells of fur and feathers. Chirps, g runts,
DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 22 (4d10) fire
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on and howls fill the air.
a successful one.
As an action, a character can search a trapped Cages. Each cage has a door held shut by a rudi-
area and make a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) mentary latch. One contains exotic birds. Another
check. If this check succeeds, the character finds holds two giant lizards and six flying snakes.
a tiny switch on the wall next to the nearest door. A third contains harmless mammals, including
Flipping the switch temporarily disables whichever jerboas, chinchillas, and a capybara. The last two
statue breathes fire toward that door. The trap reac- cages each hold one displacer beast. The giant
tivates 1 minute later. lizards, flying snakes, and displacer beasts are
Guards. This room is part of the guard rotation. aggressive but accustomed to being placated with
Roll to determine if a guard is present (as described food by Vidorant and the guards.
in "Interior Security"). Guards enter the room only Guards. This room is part of the guard rotation.
via its secret passage, and they leave through either Roll to determine if a guard is present (as described
of the main doors after flipping the switch to tempo- in "Interior Security"). Any guard in this room car-
rarily disable the traps. ries food for the animals.
Secret Door. A character who inspects the paint-
ings and succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence (Investi- T9: LIBRARY
gation) check discovers a large painting on the east
wall pivots-along with the bookshelf on the other This room smells strongly of incense and paper. It has
side of the wall-revealing a secret way to area T9.
several bookshelves filled with antique books. A large,
Treasure. Four 12-foot-wide paintings (400 gp
each) and a smaller 2-foot-wide painting (1,000 gp) embroidered rug covers the floor.
are on display. A character who examines them and
succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence (History) check A character who has a passive Wisdom (Perception)
recognizes the small painting is by a famous artist score of 18 or higher notices a conjuration rune
and is significantly more valuable than the others. peeking from under the rug. After discovering it,
a character can use an action to try to disable the
rune, doing so with a successful DC 18 Intelligence
(Arcana) check or a dispel magic spell.
Three suits of armor stand against the walls with If a creature steps on the rug without saying the
swords in hand, watching over this armory. Three password, "quixotic," the rune summons an invis-
large chests sit along the south wall. ible stalker. The invisible stalker doesn't reveal its
presence or attack immediately, waiting to do so


until the characters either remove a book from the TllA- B: STAIRWELL
room or try to cross the spiked pit in area TlO.
Guards. This room is part of the guard rotation.

Roll to determine if a guard is present (as described A spiral metal staircase ascends gracefully, connecting
in "Interior Security"). The guard uses the pass- the first and second floors. A flickering lamp casts
word if forced to step onto the rug. dim light on the stairs.
Secret Door. A character who inspects the
bookshelves and succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence
Guards don't patrol this area.
(Investigation) check discovers the bookshelf to the
west pivots-along with the painting on the other Tl2: BALCONY
side- revealing a secret way to the gallery (area T6).
Treasure. Most books in this room have no mon-
etary value, but three of the oldest books are worth On the second floor's large balcony, a table and chairs
500 gp each. A character can identify these valuable allow for dining while enjoying a lovely view of the city.
books if they spend 5 minutes examining them and The view is unimpeded by a low railing. To the east, a
succeed on a DC 14 Intelligence (History) check: rope ladder hangs from the balcony to the ground fif.
Adventures ofthe Mystique (first edition, mint con- teen feet below. A double door leads_into the building.
dition) is a transcription of a first mate's logbook,
whkh recounts several harrowing adventures A creature that falls off the balcony can catch the
aboard a galleon called the Mystique. railing with a successful DC 16 Dexterity saving
The Diabolical Codex (covered in spined devil hide), throw. On a failed save, the creature falls to the
written by a tiefling named Nadir, provides tips ground 15 feet below, taking 3 (ld6) bludgeoning
and tricks for surviving bargains with devils. damage from the fall.
Eight for Dinner (first edition, signed by the author) Guards. Two guards are posted here. During shift
is a murder mystery in which an inquisitive mind changes, guards access the balcony via the rope lad-
flayer detective solves a murder aboard a planar der and never enter area Tl3. A guard who notices
locomotive called the Concordant Express. suspicious activity below uses an action to pull up
TlO: PIT the rope ladder.
Locked Door. The double door to area Tl3 is
locked. The balcony guards have a key but use it
A ten-foot-wide pit with spikes at the bottom divides only if they detect intruders inside.
this room from east to west. A sturdy-looking stone Vidorant. If Vidorant teleports to the vault (see the
bridge spans the pit. The room is dimly lit by a flick- "Vidorant Arrives" section later in the adventure),
ering lamp on the north wall. Near it, a double door she arrives on the balcony, as the interior of the
leads west. On the south side of the pit is a spiral vault is warded against teleportation magic.
metal staircase going up. Tl3: VIDORANT'S QUARTERS

Guards don't patrol this room. If the invisible stalker The north half of these luxurious living quarters holds
was summoned in the library and hasn't attacked a study area with a fine desk and two beautiful paint-
yet, it attempts to shove a character into the pit, then ings of night festivals. A delicate curtain opening to
attacks the party.
the south reveals a sleeping area. The bed is piled
Illusions. Two permanent silent image spells
have been cast over the pit, one on the east side and high with sumptuous linens. This area also holds a
another on the west. The illusion on the west side sturdy wooden wardrobe and a privy.
depicts a bridge spanning the pit. The illusion on
the east side shows an open pit, hiding a real bridge Guards don't patrol this room, the eastern door of
that can be used to safely cross. Touching the fake which is unlocked. Though Vidorant lives in a man-
bridge (which is shown on map 8.2) reveals that it sion nearby, she sometimes sleeps here after work-
has no substance. Similarly, feeling around the pit ing late in her vault. Her bedroom includes a ward-
for the real bridge reveals it in short order. Casting robe with several changes of clothes, which could be
dispel magic on either illusion ends it. useful if a character wants to fashion a disguise.
Spil<ed Pit. Any creature that falls into the pit is Desk. Vidorant's desk drawer is locked. As an
impaled by ld3 spikes, each of which deals 3 (ld6) action, a character can use thieves' tools to try to
piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage.
unlock it, doing so with a successful DC 15 Dex-
terity check. The desk contains many documents.

A character who examines them for 1 minute and Intelligence (Investigation) check, finding all four
s ucceeds on a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) traps on a success. Inside each cabinet is a delicate
check finds the plans for Vidorant's next heist, tar- glass vial containing poison gas. The vial breaks if
geting a noble with close ties to Goldenbeard. the cabinet is opened by any means other than using
Locked Door. The door to area Tl2 is locked but the proper key (which is in Vidorant's possession).
easily unlocked from inside this room. A character can use thieves' tools to try to disarm
Treasure. The two paintings of night festivals are one of these traps, doing so with a successful DC 18
worth 250 gp each. Dexterity check. Failing the check by 5 or more trig-
gers the trap.
Tl4: STRONG ROOM A character can use thieves' tools to try to unlock

IThis room contains four large metal cabinets.

a cabinet, doing so with a successful DC 15 Dexter-
ity check. However, if the trap hasn't been disarmed,
the cabinet releases its poison gas. The gas from
one vial is enough to fill the room but dissipates
Guards don't patrol this unlocked room. quickly. Each creature in the room when the gas is
Secret Passage. Any character who has a passive released must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution sav-
Wisdom (Perception) score of 18 or higher notices ing throw or take 11 (2d10) poison damage.
that the hallway between areas Tl4 and T15 doesn't Treasure. Each cabinet holds 1,000 gp.
extend as far north as this room does. A character
who searches the northeast corner of the room can Tl5: INNER VAULT
make a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check, finding This room's main door, situated in the middle
a secret door on a success. Beyond it is a passage of the west wall, is Jocked (DC 18 to open) and
ending at another secret door. No ability check is made of metal.
required to spot the door from inside the passage. Trap. Just behind the door, inside the room, is an
Characters can use this route to enter area T15 and electricaJly charged metal wire resembling a trip
avoid the trap there. wire. When the door opens, it makes contact with
Trapped Cabinets. All four cabinets in this room the wire. Any creature touching the door takes 22
are locked and trapped. A character who exam- (4dl0) lightning damage from the shock. The wire
ines the cabinets for 1 minute can make a DC 15 then snaps, disabling the trap. The trap is easy to

disarm from inside the room (no check required), Each item is protected by two separate abjuration
but it can't be disarmed from outside the room. runes that trigger alarm spells. The first rune is on
Characters can avoid the trap by entering the the display case, and it sounds an audible alarm
room through a secret door in the northwest corner when that display case is opened (see "Caught in
(see area T14). the Act"). The second rune is on the item itself, and
it silently alerts Vidorant when that item is removed
This room has marble flooring and ivory-colored wall- from the room (see "Vidorant Arrives" below).
A character who examines the various treasures
paper with silver accents. The room contains seven
and succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception)
glass cases on pedestals, each enclosing a small item. check notices the first set of runes on all the display
cases. A character who succeeds on this check by 5
Display Cases. On each case, a notecard written or more also notices the second set of runes on the
in elegant handwriting bears the item's name and a items themselves.
brief description: A character can disable a particular rune (and its
linked alarm spell) with the dispel maAic spell or
Jeweled Human Skull. The card reads, "Unclear if a successful DC 18 Intelligence (Arcana) check. A
genuine skull or replica. Found in ancient tomb." character who fails the check by 5 or more triggers
This skull is coated with gold. Large diamonds are the alarm. The first time a character successfu lly
mounted in its eye sockets, and small rubies drip disables one of these runes, the DC to do so on the
down its cheekbones like bloody tears. (The skull others decreases to 13. Alternatively, a character
is worth 2,000 gp.) can slip an item out of its case without triggering the
Lost Map ofTishanos. The card reads, "Reportedly display case alarm by succeeding on a DC 18 Dex-
from Pirate Queen Shrixette Laderie. No other re- terity (Sleight of Hand) check. On a failed check, the
cords ofTishanos found. Must mount expedition." audible alarm activates (see "Caught in the Act").
This weathered map details an island that lies
about a hundred miles from an unidentified coast- VIDORANT ARRIVES
line. (The map has no intrinsic monetary value but
could lead to adventure.) Once the characters obtain the diadem, they must
Royal Scepter. The card reads, "Used in the coro- escape the vault to complete the heist.
nation of Queen Calinia. P ossible gift from elven IfVidorant (chaotic neutral, elf assassin) is alerted
court." This golden scepter is intricately engraved to the theft by an alarm in her inner vault (area T15),
and set with diamonds and sapphires. (The scep- she uses a custom-made ring that functions as a
ter is worth 2,000 gp.) helm of teleportation (to which only she can attune)
Ruby Diadem ofErlynn Blessedore. The card to teleport to the balcony 5 rounds after the alarm
reads, "Owned by Queen Erlynn Blessedore, is triggered. She heads toward the characters while
ancestor of Samphith." Each spire of the diadem calling loudly for the guards. The balcony guards
is studded with rubies. (The diadem is worth follow her, and all other guards in the vault go on
2,000 gp.) high alert (see "Caught in the Act").
Silvered Dagger. The card reads, "Used to assassi- VrD0RANT's OFFER
nate Prince Angryn Sheselitte. Nonmagical." This
dagger is unremarkable, though high quality. (The IfVidorant intercepts the characters, she makes a
dagger is worth 1,000 gp as a collector's item.) surprising offer:
Snowy's Collar. The card reads, "Owned by legend-
ary fortune-teller Gratchia Gartirio. Dog report- An elf woman with sleek black hair approaches you
edly told the future." This fine silk collar, sized for with a smile. "You've done well. Not just any thieves
a small dog, has a diamond-encrusted tag reading
could make it to my personal vault. I congratulate you.
"Snowy." (The collar is worth 1,000 gp.)
I'm sure this means the Silver Fingers placed a bounty
Thesis ofMortinsor. The card reads, "Owned by
Mortinsor, the famous necromancer. Possibly con- on that ruby diadem-Goldenbeard's been furious
tains secrets of longevity, but difficult to decipher." about that thing for years. But if you'll allow me a
This oversized tome is full of esoteric, archaic text moment, perhaps I can make you a better offer?"
that would require extensive research to decipher.
A character who spends 12 weeks studying it and
succeeds on a DC 22 Intelligence (Arcana) check If the characters refuse to hear her deal, Vidorant
finds a page that serves as a spell scroll of seques- attacks them. If they agree to listen to her deal, she
ter. (The thesis is worth 500 gp.) continues speaking:

"I could try to dispatch you-and I might succeed-
but more thieves will keep trying to interfere with
my business. Instead, what if you went back and told
everyone my vault was impenetrable and I thoroughly
defeated you? Jt would head off a lot of trouble. In
exchange, I'll give you this." She pulls a delicate ring
from her finger. ''It's worth more to you than the
diadem-after all, it's part of how I've become such
a famous thief. Golden beard is planning to take the
diadem for himself, right? He's still mad about our
neist all those years ago. But this ring you can keep.
Tell whatever story you like about where you got it, as
long as it's not from me. You get rich, I look strong,
and no one's the wiser."

The ring is a ring ofevasion. If the characters agree

to Vidorant's terms or negotiate her into a reason-
able compromise, she upholds her part of the deal.
If Vidorant knows the characters have taken items
of significant value from her vault, she suggests an
even better deal: if they return the most valuable
items they stole, she'll also give them her gloves of
thievery, which she's currently wearing invisibly on
her hands.
If all parties agree, she hands over the ring (and
possibly the gloves) in exchange for the diadem, N1XVL/INNA ViDORANT
then escorts the characters outside, loudly bragging
about their defeat and threatening violence if she
ever sees them again.
CONCLUSION 1f the characters found the blackmail material
If the characters return the diadem to Goldenbeard, regarding Goldenbeard in Vidorant's safe and
he offers them lifetime membership in the Silver they bring it up with him, his face goes blank and
Fingers Society. He also promises them a personal he responds:
favor they can redeem next time they need help with
a situation. If the party prefers a cash reward in-
"I see. She couldn't reveal that without implicating
stead, he happily obliges and still promises a favor.
If the characters took Vidorant's deal or decided to herself, but you have no such hesitation. I have no
keep the diadem for themselves, they must succeed comment on its truth-but it wou ld be messy if
on a DC 16 Charisma (Deception) check to convince revealed. I am willing to buy this from you."
Goldenbeard they were unable to retrieve the dia-
dem. If Golden beard realizes they're lying to him,
he grows very serious. He doesn't attack the party He offers the characters 1,000 gp for the original
copy of Vidorant's blackmail material. A character
himself; instead, he uses the Silver Fingers Society
who succeeds on a DC 17 Charisma (Intimidation
to steal back the diadem or otherwise make the
or Persuasion) check convinces him to increase his
characters' lives difficult.
If the characters fool him or were simply unable to
payment to 2,000 gp.
recover the diadem, Goldenbeard is disappointed, FOR THE GOLDEN VAULT
but he reassures the characters there will be other
opportunities to work together in the future. 1f the characters are working for the Golden Vault
and they return the diadem to Goldenbeard, the
organization offers the characters a rare magic item
of their choice (subject to your approval) as payment.
The item is delivered to the characters the next day.


.............- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - v -

MYSTERIOUS SHARD MADE OF OBSIDIAN After the calamity, the heroes looked for the giant
places a curse on everyone who bears it. amid the changed landscape. They found his pet-
When the shard comes into the characters' rified body buried beneath the citadel, still holding
possession,. they must break its curse by re- it aloft. When all efforts to restore him failed, the
turning the shard to the ancient tomb it came from. heroes built a mausoleum around Xeluan's body to
But a dangerous crime syndicate controls the tomb honor his sacrifice. The heroes lived prosperous
and its riches, and the criminals won't take kindly to lives, and afterward, their bodies were interred in
the characters' intrusion. Xeluan's tomb. When the last hero died, the tomb
This adventure isn't a typical heist; rather, it's a was sealed, and so it remained for centuries. Xel-
reverse heist. Instead of retrieving a valuable item, uan's sacrifice was lost to legend, and the heroes
the characters are tasked with returning one to its were remembered only as fables. As the citadel
proper place. eroded to ruins, the tomb below it was all but
ADVENTURE BACKGROUND About a century ago, a group of explorers found
Long ago, a giant named Xeluan was attacked by his the ruins of the citadel, its protective wards still
ruthless kin and left to die. After a group of heroes intact. Around the citadel, these explorers founded
found him and nursed him back to health, the grate- the settlement of Oztocan. The settlement grew into
ful giant pledged his life in their service. Xeluan and a thriving hub of commerce. Today, that prosperity
his heroic friends went on to perform great deeds. is threatened by the machinations of a criminal or-
When earthquakes and volcanic eruptions threat- ganization known as the Onyx Scar. The criminals
ened to destroy the heroes' homeland, Xeluan have unearthed Xeluan's tomb and are mining the
carved a citadel into a mountainside, creating a giant's petrified corpse, selling his remains at local
refuge for the heroes and their people. The giant markets. Additionally, their delving has weakened
harnessed earth magic to create a protective ward the citadel's wards, causing earthquakes to plague
around the settlement, but the devastation proved the region.
unstoppable. As the mountain crumbled and volca-
nic rifts threatened to engulf those he loved, Xeluan THE ACCURSED SHARD
lifted the sanctuary above his shoulders and made This adventure revolves around an obsidian shard
a final, desperate sacrifice. He wove his life energy imbued with powerful magic. In the course of the
into the magic protecting the citadel, allowing it to adventure, the characters discover that the shard is
withstand the onslaught. In doing so, Xeluan sacri- a fragment of Xeluan's petrified heart. Only by using
ficed his life to save thousands. the shard to mend Xeluan's broken heart can they
stop the earthquakes that rock Oztocan.


. . '~ ~ ~
. '
The shard ofXeluan is described below. Characters
don't become aware of the shard's curse until it
comes into play.

Wondrous Item, Rare (Requires Attunement)
This 1-foot-long shard of obsidian has veins of silver
and gold beneath its cold surface.
Empowered Magic. While holding the shard, you
can use it as a spellcasting focus, and it gives you a
+1 bonus to your spell attack rolls.
Enhanced Strength. Your Strength score
increases by 4 while the shard is on your person.
The shard can't raise your Strength score above 22.
Curse. Attuning to this item extends its curse to
you. You remain cursed until you are targeted by
a remove curse spell or similar magic, or until the
shard is reattached to Xeluan's petrified heart.
The shard's curse causes misfortune to befall you.
When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, an ability check,
or a saving throw, roll on the Shard Misfortunes
table to determine the misfortune. For as long as
this misfortune lasts, no other shard misfortunes
befall you.

d6 Misfortune
You accidentally cut yourself with the shard and
SHARD RUMORS are poisoned until the next dawn.
2 You experience a vision of an ancient calamity- a
Some of this adventure's impact relies on the mis-
understood nature of the shard ofXeluan. No one beautiful city threatened by crumbling mountains
remembers Xeluan's sacrifice or knows the shard and erupting volcanoes-and are stunned until the
is a fragment of his petrified heart. Moreover, the end of your next turn.
shard has gained an undeservedly sinister reputa- 3 For a few seconds, the ground shakes urider you.
tion because of rumors surrounding it. You and each creature within 10 feet of you must
Use the Shard Rumors table to inspire stories succeed on a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw or be
the characters might hear about the item's his- knocked prone.
tory. Whether a rumor is true or false is left to
4 The shard releases three glowing darts of magical
your judgment.
force that target one random creature within 30
SHARD RUMORS feet of you. If no such target exists, you become
d4 Rumor
the target. Each dart hits automatically and deals 3
(ld4 + 1) force damage to the target.
The shard comes from the Abyss. The misery it
5 Until the next dawn, Beasts wjth an Intelligence
causes feeds a dying, long-forgotten demon.
score of 3 or lower are hostile to you.
2 A sage who tried to learn the magical properties of
6 Nothing seems to go your way. Until the next
the shard dropped dead without warning, and her
dawn, you have disadvantage on ability checks.
soul became trapped in the shard.
3 A group of bandits received the shard as ransom.
That night, a sickly green light bathed their camp,
and all but one bandit disappeared.
4 A knight tried to destroy the shard, but the shard's
curse petrified her.


ADVENTURE HOOKS "Greetings, operatives. Earthquakes threaten the town
Either the Golden Vault delivers the shard ofXeluan ofOztocan, and the Golden Vault believes the en-
to the characters at the start of the adventure (see closed shard is the heart of the problem.
"Using the Golden Vault" below), or the characters
"This shard was taken from the tomb of a giant
come to possess the shard from one of the following
named Xeluan. A criminal organization called the
Onyx Scar has been plundering Xeluan's tomb and
Jamishka Zaril. Oztocan is an important outpost selling off its treasures. The shard passed through
for a flourishing trade organization called the
many hands before the Golden Vault acquired it.
Couatl Company. Its owner,Jamishka (lawful
good, elf veteran), recently acquired the shard and Whoever attunes to the shard gains great strength
has since learned that it must be returned to the and magical power but also suffers misfortune due
tomb from which it was taken to stop the earth- to a curse.
quakes that threaten Oztocan. Jamishka hires the "This quest, should you choose to undertake it, re-
characters to bring the shard to Leandro Sedhar, quires you travel to Oztocan with the shard, descend
a pl_aywright in Oztocan who can help them, and
into Xeluan's tomb, and return the shard to its rightful
promises them a suit of elven chain (or some other
place. Once you reach Oztocan, contact a playwright
rare magic item of your choice) as payment for
stopping the earthquakes. named Leandro Sedhar. He -knows vital information
Yana Resendes. A kindly scholar named Yana about Oztocan's history and can help you reach the
(neutral good, hobgoblin mage) recently acquired tomb. Good luck, operatives."
the shard at a market. Her investigations revealed
the shard comes from Oztocan, which is beset
by earthquakes. In Yana's opinion, returning the Closing the music box causes the golden key to van-
cursed shard to the place from which it was taken ish. The shard ofXeluan and the lead tube remain.
is the best way to stop the earthquakes. If the
characters vow to complete this quest, Yana gives WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
them a necklace ofprayer beads (or some other Two decades ago, an elf archivist named Rilago
rare magic item of your choice) as a token of her found crumbling journals and architectural plans in
thanks and instructs them to bring the shard to his family's ancestral library that mentioned a tomb
Leandro Sedhar, a playwright in Oztocan who can beneath Oztocan. The town's mayor refused to al-
help them. low Rilago to mount an excavation, but the mayor's
daughter, Aminta, overheard their conversation and
USING THE GOLDEN VAULT became obsessed with finding the tomb.
If you're using the Golden Vault as a patron, a Years later, the mayor passed away and his son,
golden key is delivered to the characters in whatever Tavio, was elected to replace him. Aminta, who
had become involved with the Onyx Scar crime
manner you deem fit. If the characters don't already
have the shard ofXeluan in their possession, the syndicate, persuaded Rilago to join her search for
golden key is tied to the shard, and both objects are the tomb and convinced Tavio to overlook their
endeavor. Aminta and Rilago found the tomb and
delivered in a stoppered lead tube.
When the golden key is used to open the music Xeluan's petrified remains, but no treasure. Disap-
box, the lid pops open and a soothing voice says the pointed, they tried to profit by shattering the giant's
body, only to find it indestructible.
One day, as Rilago climbed on the scaffolding
surrounding Xeluan, he punched the giant's stone
chest in frustration. It unexpectedly cracked open,
revealing a heart of obsidian. A single shard broke
off from the heart, impaling and killing Rilago.
Unbeknownst to everyone involved, Rilago was
descended from one of the ancient heroes Xeluan
died to protect. One of Rilago's rings was a family
heirloom from that ancestor. When he punched the
giant with that ring, he literally and symbolically
broke Xeluan's heart, weakening the magic that
protects the giant's corpse.


The formerly indestructible giant began to deteri- amber eyes. He was born in a distant land but has
orate, allowing Aminta to collect broken-off pieces been traveling abroad for nearly twenty years. He
of Xeluan's body. This material, called "oztocanite," arrived in Oztocan a few months ago and is working
can be worked into precious gemstones or used to on a play inspired by the town's local legends. As a
empower spells (see area X4). The sale of oztocanite playwright, he often draws inspiration from history.
has become a profitable enterprise for Aminta and
has increased her status in the Onyx Scar. WHAT LEANDRO KNOWS
Leandro welcomes the characters and takes an in-
TOWN OF OZTOCAN terest in the shard ofXeluan if they show it to him.
He asks to see it more closely but refuses to touch it.
Perched on a flat between two large mountains, the In the course of a conversation, Leandro shares
town of Oztocan is surrounded by deep canyons. the following information with the characters:
The town shares the warm and dry climate of the
region, which has sparse vegetation and rivers that Earthquakes. "Oztocan hasn't felt earthquakes in
run dry most of the year. years, but quakes have become common in recent
Magic radiating from Xeluan's tomb protects the weeks. No damage has been done yet, but the
town and the surrounding region from monster at- quakes are getting worse. It's only a matter of time
tacks and destructive natural occurrences, but the before someone gets hurt."
wards have weakened since Xeluan's heart cracked. Rilago. "Years ago, an elf archivist named Rilago
Earthquakes that would normally be suppressed by claimed to have proof of a giant's tomb beneath
the magic are now being felt, raising concerns that Oztocan. Rilago tried to mount a full-scale excava-
Oztocan is no longer safe. tion, but the mayor wouldn't allow it. Rilago stayed
in Oztocan until his disappearance a few weeks
ARRIVAL IN OZTOCAN ago- around the time the earthquakes began."
As the characters approach the town, read the Tavio. "I recently spoke to the Tavio Solana, the
following: mayor. He grew uncomfortable when l mentioned
Rilago. It was Tavio's father, the previous mayor,
who refused to allow the excavation of Xeluan's
Built on a large flat between two rocky mountains, the tomb. Tdon't believe Tavio had anything to do with
town ofOztocan is cradled by the crescent-shaped ru- Rilago's disappearance, but I can't help but think
ins of a massive stone citadel. Three guards stand at Tavio knows something about it."
the point where the dusty road meets the town. Aminta. "Tavio's sister, Aminta, commands the
town guard. Rumor has it she was involved with
Rilago romantically."
The three guards eye the characters warily, but they
don't stop or interfere with the party in any way. If LEANDR0 S SECRET
the characters ask about Leandro Sedhar, a guard Leandro knows that Aminta is a member of the
directs them to a local inn called the Giant's Skull, Onyx Scar, a criminal syndicate with operatives
where Leandro is known to spend much of his time. scattered throughout Oztocan. Leandro is fond of
Tavio, the mayor, and doesn't want him to suffer
TREMOR blame for Oztocan's troubles or Aminta's criminal
As soon as the characters enter the town, whoever pursuits, so he keeps these facts to himself.
is carrying the shard ofXeluan feels it drawn down- Leandro recently confronted Tavio, who admitted
ward, as if attracted to something underground. he has been covering up Aminta's criminal activities
Simultaneously, a small tremor ripples through the and her excavation of Xeluan's tomb. Guilt-ridden
town, shaking dust from buildings but otherwise over the earthquakes, Tavio stole a map of Xeluan's
causing no damage. The locals appear accustomed tomb from Aminta's quarters and gave it to Leandro
to the quake and continue their activities unfazed. for safekeeping.
Asking for Leandro around town leads the charac- Oztocan is situated amid the One Flint Sierras moun-
ters to the Giant's Skull, a welcoming inn made of tain range south of San Citl.in, an industrial city-state
wood and adobe. Leandro has been staying here for that first appeared in the adventure anthologyJourneys
the past few weeks. through the Radiant Citadel. If your campaign takes
Leandro (chaotic good noble) is a tabaxi- a Hu- place elsewhere in the D&D multiverse, you can insert
Oztocan into any mountainous location.
manoid with feline features, including claws and a
tail. He's short and stout, with lush, sand-colored fur
and thin whiskers. Tiny square glasses frame his


LEANDRO'S MAP She doesn't trust anyone, which is why she is over-
If the characters seem interested in stopping the seeing the operation personally."
earthquakes and solving the mystery of Rilago's Cause of the Earthquakes. "Unearthing the tomb
disappearance, Leandro shows them the map Tavio has angered the gods, who send earthquakes as
gave him. (Give the players a copy of map 9.1 now.) warnings. If we don't heed these warnings, Ozto-
The map is pieced together from several torn scraps can will be destroyed."
and shows most of Xeluan's tomb, minus locations Rilago's Fate. "Rilago? He was so keen to explore
that hadn't been uncovered at the time the map was the tomb-he and my sister, both. Aminta told me
drawn. Leandro informs the characters that the a trap killed him-an obsidian splinter through the
handwriting on the map is Rilago's. heart. Poor man."
If the characters draw Leandra's attention to the Workers Needed. "Aminta needs more workers to
words "Heroes Rest Here" on the map's upper level, help remove precious stones from the tomb. I'm
Leandro shares an Oztocan fable about a band of supposed to help her find workers who know how
heroes who defended their homeland with the help to keep their mouths shut."
of a giant. When the giant died, the heroes honored Secret Entrance. "Workers are led to and from the
their mighty companion by building a tomb around tomb through a guarded passage in the ruined cit-
his petrified body. Leandro doesn't know what adel around which the town is built."
became of the heroes, nor does history remember If the characters show Tavio the shard ofXeluan, he
their names, but the giant's name was Xeluan. tells them the following:
Tavio and Amjnta Solana are the children of the "That's the splinter that killed Rilago! Aminta showed
town's previous mayor, the late Nadario Solana. it to me after pulling it from his body. She told me it's
Oztocan has no aristocracy, but the Solana family is from the heart of a giant statue. How did you come to
the next closest thing. acquire it?"
If the characters want to question Tavio Solana,
Leandro informs them the mayor lives in a large
two-story house with his sister. Well-tended gardens Regardless of what the characters tell him, Tavio
surround the house, which has six guards (veter- urges them to return the shard to its proper place
ans). Two guards stand outside the front entrance, in the tomb. He also asks them to beware his sister,
two stand outside the back entrance, and two are whose allegiance to the Onyx Scar is absolute.
inside the house within earshot of the mayor. INFILTRATION PLANS
TAVIO SOLANA The characters have several options for infiltrat-
Tavio Solana (neutral, human noble) is the amiable ing the tomb.
and easily manipulated mayor of Oztocan. In his
forties, Tavio has brown skin and sports short black INFILTRATING AS WORKERS
hair, a scruffy beard, and simple clothes. Although Tavio believes the characters could most easily infil-
he is smart, he has an aversion to conflict and is trate Aminta's operation by posing as workers, but
filled with self-doubt. he warns they'll be searched on the way in. His two
When the characters first arrive at the Solana trustworthy guards can hide the characters' gear
residence, Aminta is not present, but Tavio is in in a chest near the workers' quarters. If the charac-
the gardens. ters agree to this, Tavio concocts an excuse to visit
Approaching the Mayor. If the characters ap- Aminta at the tomb. He and his guards leave the
proach Tavio and politely request his help, he hesi- party's equipment in area X9.
tates before telling them that he wants his sister to Tavio directs the characters to a spot near the cit-
stop despoiling the tomb, as he believes her actions adel where workers wait to be escorted to the tomb
endanger the town. If the characters press him for (see ''Ruined Citadel").
information, Tavio laments that most of the town
guard is under the sway of the Onyx Scar, except for
Other than the citadel's main entrance (on the lower
two guards who have been with his family for years.
level of map 9.1), Rilago's notes point to three other
Tavio then reveals the following information in the
possible means of entry: two ventilation shafts
course of a whispered conversation:
exiting to the hills outside Oztocan (see "Ventilation
Aminta's Whereabouts. "It grieves me to say that Shafts") and a fountain connected to a nearby grotto
my sister is obsessed with plundering the tomb (see "Ironbed Grotto").
under Oztocan. Of late, she talks of nothing else.


-,,,.,,- -

Xelt1 .

"Heroe5 Re5t Here"




The following locations provide different ways to Rilago's map mentions Ironbed Grotto-a name
access Xeluan's tomb. Leandro and Tavio recognize as a cavern network
east of town. Near Ironbed Grotto's easily found
RUINED CITADEL entrance, an underground river winds through the
Oztocan's most prominent landmark is the ruined caverns, eventually feeding the fountain in area
citadel around which the town was built. A recently X6. The cave network is devoid of town guards, but
excavated tunnel leads to Xeluan's tomb and is monsters might dwell here at your discretion.
guarded at all times, as described below: Once the characters near the fountain, the caverns
narrow into a small underwater channel the char-
acters must swim through, as detailed in area X6.
Ten members of the town guard stand watch atop
If the characters use this route, they enter the tomb
giant blocks of stone that were once part of a great soaking wet.
citadel, now a tumbled-down ruin. A tunnel has been
opened at the base of the ruined citadel. Crude, torch- XELUAN'S TOMB
lit steps descend into the earth. Xeluan's brave companions built a tomb around the
giant's remains so everyone who wanted to honor
The ten veterans guarding the tunnel entrance are him could do so. One of these heroes- an elf monk
loyal to Aminta and attack anyone who tries to enter named Itze- founded the Order of Xeluan, a sect of
the tunnel without an escort. If the characters come monks dedicated to preserving the tomb.
here in the guise of workers, five of the guards lead As the years passed, the tomb came to house the
them to area Xl at the start of the next shift change, remains of Itze's other companions, who wished
which occurs whenever you deem appropriate. to join Xeluan in eternal rest. Finally, only Itze re-
mained. In the final years of her life, she prepared to
VENTILATION SHAFTS be buried with her companions. When Itze died, her
Ventilation shafts connect Xeluan's tomb to two remains were placed in the tomb, and the Order of
caves: one to the east, the other to the west. Ozto- Xeluan sealed the tomb and disbanded.
can's residents are familiar with the caves but avoid
them because they're hard to reach. TOMB FEATURES
The characters must climb or fly 200 feet to reach Xeluan's tomb has the following features:
either cave, which is situated in the middle of a hill-
Ceilings. Ceilings are 15 feet high, with the excep-
side escarpment. Any such climb requires pitons,
tion of the 40-foot-high Great Chamber (area X4).
rope, and a successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics)
Doors. Unless otherwise specified, doors are made
check for every 100 feet climbed. On a failed check,
of iron-reinforced wood and are kept locked, re-
a character falls 50 feet before they're caught by
quiring a successful DC 17 Dexterity check using
their climbing rope, taking 17 (5d6) bludgeoning
thieves' tools or DC 17 Strength (Athletics) check
damage from the fall.
to open. Guards carry keys to each door on their
Each cave is empty except for a ventilation shaft
level unless otherwise noted.
in its back wall. Both shafts are 20 feet wide, 20
Light. Areas X2, X3, X4, and X21 are brightly lit by
feet tall, and made of smooth limestone. The east
torches imbued with continual flame spells. The
ventilation shaft leads to a corridor between areas
rest of the tomb is dark. Members of the Onyx
X6 and X7. The west ventilation shaft leads to a cor-
Scar use oil lamps to light their surroundings.
ridor between areas Xl 2 and X13.
Area descriptions assume the characters have a
Each ventilation shaft ends at a grate made of cor-
light source or other means of seeing in the dark.
roded, vertical iron bars, which the characters must
Walls and Floors. The tomb is carved from lime-
bypass to enter the corridor beyond. As an action,
stone. The walls on the upper level are engraved
a character can try to bend or break the rusty bars
with scenes depicting Xeluan's life, though they've
doing so with a successful DC 17 Strength (Athlet~
eroded considerably after years of neglect.
ics) check and creating an opening big enough for
Medium or smaller creatures to pass through.


TOMB LOCATIONS This antechamber once welcomed pilgrims wishing
to pay their respects to Xeluan, but the Onyx Scar
The following locations in Xeluan's tomb are keyed
has converted it into a guard post. The guards sta-
to map 9.2.
tioned here are four veterans.
Xl: MAIN ENTRANCE If the characters are pretending to be workers, the
A 200-foot-long, excavated tunnel connects the guards search them for concealed armor and weap-
citadel ruins to a natural cavern under Oztocan. ons before leading them to area X4. A character can
Torches light the tunnel at 10-foot intervals. When try to smuggle a light weapon or smaller object past
the characters reach the cavern, read the following: the guards. Doing so requires a successful DC 15
Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check. If the check fails,
the guards spot the prohibited item and try to confis-
Dampness hangs in the air, and fungus clings to the
cate it; the character must either talk their way out
walls of this limestone cavern. At the far end, worn of trouble with a successful DC 18 Charisma (De-
steps lead up to a pair of massive doors. Each door is ception or Persuasion) check or be attacked.
made of black iron and shaped like half of a giant face, Barred Door. Two iron bars seal the double door
cast with an expression of deep pain. to the south. Removing an iron bar takes an action.
If the characters arrive here under the pretext
of pretending to be workers, their armed escort

A narrow hallway lined with arrow slits stretches
(five veterans) leads them through the iron doors
north and south, opening into brightly lit chambers at
into area X2.
Iron Doors. The doors are held shut by two iron each end.
bars that can be removed only by creatures in area
X2. If the party approaches the doors with an armed This area once contained shrines to various gods,
escort, one of the guards knocks on the doors six but the Onyx Scar renovated it, creating a hallway
times, which signals the guards in area X2 to lift with arrow slits on both sides.
the bars and open the doors. The guards in area X2 Arrow Slits. Four Onyx Scar thugs stand behind
won't open the doors unless they hear a sequence the western arrow slits, ready to shoot their cross-
of six knocks-no more, no less. The doors have AC bows at intruders who traverse the hallway without
17, 80 hit points, a damage threshold of 10, and im- an Onyx Scar escort. The arrow slits give the thugs
munity to poison and psychic damage. three-quarters cover.
The noise of breaking down the doors can be No guards are stationed behind the eastern
heard by all creatures on the tomb's lower level. arrow slits.
These creatures remain in their respective locations
but are alert for the next hour, during which time X4: GREAT CHAMBER
they can't be surprised.
X2: VESTIBULE Encircling this domed chamber is a fifteen-foot-high
The following boxed text assumes the characters mezzanine supported by four limestone pillars. In
enter from the south. If they enter from the north, the room's center, a thirty-foot-tall statue made of
they can't see the carvings on the granite slab, the lustrous bla<;k rock reflects the torchlight. The statue
furniture behind it, or the guards: depicts a giant, his face frozen in determination and
his arms bracing the ceiling. A hole in the statue's
Torches mounted to four pillars light this ancient chest exposes an obsidian heart with glittering veins
room. In the center of the room, a table and several of silver and gold.
chairs are situated in front of a vertical slab of granite Scaffolding around the statue provides easy access
measuring ten feet high and thirty feet wide. This slab to the mezzanine. Standing on and around the scaf-
bears carvings of people carrying offerings to a citadel folding are several workers. Some are using pickaxes
nestled between two mountains. to chip away at the statue, while others are gathering
Four battle-ready members of the town guard stand chunks of the statue into crates.
next to the pillars. Passages here lead northwest, northeast,
c1nd south.


Tremor. The first time the characters bring the X6:FORGOTTENGARDEN
shard ofXeluan into this room or onto the mezza-
nine (area X18), the ground shakes and rubble fa11s
from the ceiling. Each creature in these areas must A haze of spores fills this large room, three corners
succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or take of which contain walled-in shrines with steps lead-
3 (ld6) bludgeoning damage from falling debris. ing up to them. Tangled mushrooms and roots have
Workers. Roll ld6 + 3 to determine how many extended beyond a central garden to cover every
workers (commoners) are here when the characters visible surface.
arrive. One of the workers acts as an overseer. If the
Rising from the garden is a staircase that connects
characters are pretending to be workers, the over-
seer gives them tasks as the other workers retire to to a wooden trapdoor in the ceiling. A burbling fou n-
area X12 for some much-needed rest. tain protrudes from the wall east of the garden.
The Onyx Scar pays the workers to keep their A narrow hallway leads north, and from the south-
mouths shut. Any character who questions the east corner of the room, a wider hallway leads south.
workers can p ry the following information from
them with a successful DC 10 Charisma (Intimida-
tion) check: The room is lightly obscured by clouds of spores.
The Order of Xeluan used to harvest mushrooms
Aminta. Aminta was last seen on the upper level. from the garden, which is now the home of two
Edino's Research. An elf mage named Edina is myconid sovereigns, four myconid adults, and a
conducting experiments on the giant's remains. shambling mound. These creatures lurk amid the
Edino's study (area XlO) lies west of here. garden's vegetation. Characters who have a passive
Trouble to the East. T he Onyx Scar has sealed off Wisdom (Perception) score of 16 or higher see the
the area to the east due to a "fungal infestation." creatures.
That area contains a garden, a fountain, and a A recent effort by the Onyx Scar to clear the
secret exit from the tomb. (The workers overheard room for storage led to hostilities with the resident
two members of the Onyx Scar talking about area P lant creatures. The myconids and the shambling
X6 but don't know any more details.) mound attack anyone who approaches the garden or
Raw Oztocanite. Chunks of oztocanite (the giant's emerges from the fountain (see "Fountain" below).
magic-imbued remains) are gathered into crates If one or more myconids are killed, the surviving
around the room. A fist-sized chunk of oztocanite myconids use their Rapport Spores to signal their
can be used as a spellcasting focus that grants a +l surrender. The shambling mound, however, fights
bonus to spell attack rolls. However, if its wielder until destroyed.
rolls a 1 on a spell attack roll while using it as a Fountain. A narrow underground river feeds the
focus, the chunk shatters and the creature takes 10 fountain and connects to the caverns of Ironbed
(3d6) thunder damage. Grotto (see "Reaching the Tomb"). Characters who
Giant's Heart. The first character to inspect Xel- enter the tomb via Ironbed Grotto emerge from
uan's body notices a large sliver is missing from his the fountain's waterspout, which has an opening
heart-the shard ofXeluan would easily fit into it. big enough for Medium or smaller creatures to
However, the characters can't mend Xeluan's heart crawl through.
without the help of Rilago's ghost in area X22. Shrines. The shrines in the northwest, northeast,
If the characters attempt to place the shard of and southwest corners of the room contain statues
Xeluan in the heart without Rilago, the shard falls representing gods of nature and protection.
out again and nothing happens. A character who South Corridor. The south corridor leads to
observes this and succeeds on a DC 14 Intelligence area X7. Halfway down the east-to-west section of
(Arcana) check realizes a mystical force shattered the corridor, a rusty iron grate in the south wall
the giant's heart and that this same force m ight be blocks access to a ventilation shaft (see "Reaching
able to mend it. the Tomb").
Stairs. The stairs in t he garden ascend to a trap-
X5: BARRICADED CORRIDOR door that Edino (see area XlO) has sealed with an
The Onyx Scar barricaded this corridor after the arcane lock spell. As an action, a character can use
myconids in area X6 began to attack anyone who thieves' tools to try to bypass the magical lock, do-
got close to them. The hall contains two barricades, ing so with a successful DC 25 Dexterity check, or
each one a floor-to-ceiling stack of wooden logs. the character can try to force open the trapdoor, do-
A single character can remove a barricade in 30 ing so with a s uccessful DC 25 S trength (Athletics)
minutes. Multiple characters working together can check. A knock spell or similar magic also opens
reduce this time proportionately. t he trapdoor, which swings upward into area X21.


X7: RUINED SHRINES Long ago, this area served as living quarters for the
monks of the Order of Xeluan. Now it has been over-

I l
taken by the Onyx Scar for the same purpose.
Crumbling altars, ruined statues, and idols of forgot-
X8a. North Quarters. Five Onyx Scar thugs sleep
ten gods litter the floor ofthis small chamber. in these rooms, one per room. Each room contains
a cot with an oil lamp hanging above it.
This chamber once housed shrines to the gods X8b. South Quarters. Each of these rooms con-
of ancient local religions, but they have all been tains a cot with an oil lamp hanging above it. All five
smashed and ruined. rooms are currently unoccupied.
Secret Door. Any character who examines X9: STORAGE
the west wall and succeeds on a DC 16 Wisdom
(Perception) check discovers a secret door in the
middle of it A character with the Stonecunning This room contains weapon racks, stacks of wooden
trait or proficiency with mason's tools has advan- crates, and doors leading to the north and east. In the
tage on this check. The stone door is unlocked and center of the room, a staircase rises to the upper level.
can be pushed aside to access the eastern section
of area X3.
If the characters were brought in as workers, Tavio's
X8: LIVING QUARTERS personal guards left a wooden chest in this area that
contains any equipment the characters arranged for
This ar-ea oftre tomb has thick timber walls lined with Tavio to smuggle in.
Stairs. The stairs ascend to area X14.
wooden doors. The stone floor is strewn with dirt and
Warded Door. The door to area XlO is warded by
covered with fresh bootprints. an alarm spell that mentally alerts Edino if anyone
touches it.


,. '
~ rt;
XlO: Eorno's STUDY ducks behind the bar and hurls flaming bottles of
alcohol at intruders (treat each bottle as a flask of
A hulking figure made of clay stands on the other side
alchemist's fire) unless he is stopped. The bar gives
Brego three-quarters cover.
of the door, its thick arms ending in balled fists, its
head a featureless lump. Behind it is a room contain- Xl2: WORKER REST AREA
ing two bookshelves, a bed, a table, and a desk.

Nearly two dozen bedrolls are scattered across the
The hulking figure is a clay golem that doesn't wait floor of this dusty stone room. Some of the bedrolls
for characters to enter the room before attacking have workers resting on them.
them. It fights until destroyed.
A lawful evil, elf mage named Edina lurks in the
room. Edino is the Onyx Scar's resident spellcaster Four workers (commoners) rest in the room, along
and has cast greater invisibility on himself. If the with any workers who left area X4. These workers
characters defeat the golem, Edina hides until he aren't interested in helping the characters or in mak-
can sneak to area Xl9 and alert Aminta. ing an enemy of the Onyx Scar. If the characters
Edino's Experiments. Edina experiments with attempt to persuade, deceive, or otherwise recruit
oztocanite in this room. As part of his experiments, the workers to aid them, they can make a relevant
Edino has bound the souls of Xeluan's companions DC 15 ability check. On a successful check, the
(from area X22) to four fist-sized pieces of ozto- workers won't endanger themselves, but they might
share helpful intelligence or agree to stay out of the
canite. One of these soul fragments sits on Edino's
party's way.
desk_ The other three fragments are in a desk
drawer. Any character who examines a fragment Southeast Corridor. The southeast corridor
and succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) leads to area Xl3. A little more than halfway down
check senses there's a life force trapped inside it but the corridor, a rusty iron grate in the south wall
has no clue how to release it (see area X22). blocks access to a ventilation shaft (see "Reaching
the Tomb").
Treasure. A spellbook on the western bookshelf
contains the spells Edino has prepared plus alarm,

arcane lock, detect thoughts, dimension door, and
glyph of warding. The other books in Edino's col-
lection aren't valuable and cover such topics as
geology, gemology, and mining.
Loud voices and laughter can be heard through the
I This room contains four dilapidated altars-two
against the north wall and two against the south wall.

Unlike the tomb's other shrines, which the Onyx

door to this room. Scar destroyed, the shrines in this room were re-
purposed so laborers could worship their gods and
feel at peace while working underground.
This room contains three mismatched tables at odd Altar Deities. The deities represented on the al-
angles, each one littered with food scraps and empty tars are left to your judgment. Gods of work, indus-
mugs. A makeshift bar has been constructed along try, protection, and luck are particularly appropriate.
the south wall. Four ruffians in leather armor play If you're setting this adventure in the San Citlan
cards at one table, while two town guards eat at the region, La Catrina is the patron deity. She is a jovial
bar and chat with the dwarf bartender. All eyes turn to
death goddess represented as a skeleton dressed in
expensive finery.
you as the door opens.
Secret Door. Any character who examines the
east wall and succeeds on a DC 16 Wisdom (Per-
This area is used as a mess hall for workers and ception) check discovers a secret door in the middle
low-ranking Onyx Scar members. Four thugs sit at of it. A character with the Stonecunning trait or
one table, while two veterans eat snacks at the bar. proficiency with mason's tools has advantage on
As soon as they detect intruders, the thugs and vet- this check. The stone door is unlocked and can be
erans draw their weapons and attack. pushed aside to access the western section of area
Brego, the dwarf bartender (lawful evil spy), X3. If the guards in that area haven't been dealt with
is a longtime friend of Aminta's and a member already, they attack the characters on sight.
of the Onyx Scar. He stands on a small crate to
reach the bar's countertop. If a fight erupts, Brego


Xl4: HISTORY ROOM Treasure. A small coffer under Aminta's bed
holds six zircons (50 gp each). Characters who
search the wine rack find two bottles of exquisite
The stone walls of this circular room are engraved
wine (100 gp each) and three bottles of fine wine (10
with murals depicting a giant at various stages of
gp each). The remaining bottles hold common wine.
his life. A hallway leads east, and in the center of the
room, stairs descend to the lower level. Xl7: TREASURY

The murals in this room depict Xeluan's legend (see This room is lit by oil lamps resting atop two narrow
the "Adventure Background" section). If the charac- tables. Other furnishings include a desk to the west
ters already saw Xeluan in area X4, they recognize and four wooden chests to the east.
him in the etchings.

Xl5: UPPER WEST ANTECHAMBER The desk has a single drawer, ins.ide which is a
leather-bound ledger detailing how much money the
Onyx Scar has invested in the tomb excavation thus
Reliefs on this room's walls depict people bowing in
far (nearly 15,000 gp).
gratitude to a smiling giant. Hallways lead east and Treasure. The four chests are unlocked, and each
west, and doors lead north and south. Seated at a one contains 2,500 gp. Aminta needs this money to
table in the northeast corner are two identical human pay workers, bribe town guards, and keep the opera-
women playing cards. tion running.
The women playing cards are two doppelgangers This 15-foot-high mezzanine encircles the Great
that look exactly like Aminta. If they see three or Chamber (area X4). A walkway made of wooden
more intruders, the doppelgangers retreat to area planks connects the mezzanine with the scaffolding
X19; otherwise, they stand and fight. that surrounds the petrified remains ofXeluan.
Door to Area X17. Only the real Aminta has a key Revolving Stone Doors. Set into the mezzanine's
to area Xl 7. The lock on the door is trapped with a walls are four heavy stone doors, each of which
capsule that contains poisonous gas. The capsule revolves on a vertical axis. The west and east doors
can be found with a successful DC 20 Intelligence are open, while the north and south doors are shut.
(Investigation) check. A character who opens the These doors aren't locked but grind loudly when
door with Aminta's key safely disarms the capsule, opened or closed, attracting the attention of anyone
as does a character who picks the lock and suc- on the upper level or in area X4.
ceeds on their check by 5 or more. Otherwise, the
capsule breaks when the door is opened, releasing Xl9: WAR ROOM
a cloud of poisonous gas that fills a 10-foot-radius
sphere centered on the door. Each creature in the The air in this wide room is thick with the smell of
area must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving dusty tomes. Eight bookshelves stand against the
throw or be poisoned for 2d4 hours. A poisoned walls. Half of them have collapsed on themselves,
creature falls unconscious but wakes up if it takes
while the remaining four bookshelves are packed with
damage. The cloud disperses a few seconds after
the trap triggers. crumbling scrolls and books.
The room's centerpiece is a long wooden table with
Xl6: AMINTAS QUARTERS an ornate, throne-like chair at one end and smaller
chairs along both sides. Seated in the big chair is
A large, neatly made bed occupies the west half of this a human woman clad in leather armor, and she's
room. Hanging from hooks on the walls are several not alone.
dresses and cloaks, with pairs of boots and sandals
placed neatly below them.
This room was once a library chronicling the history
On the east side of the room, dinnerware is stacked of Xeluan and his heroic companions. The Onyx
atop a low wooden table, and a fully stocked wine rack Scar now uses it for leadership meetings. Aminta
l stands against the wall. Solana (neutral evil, human assassin) claims the
seat at the head of the table.
Aminta is a human in her late thirties. She has
brown skin and long dark hair streaked with gray.


Sbe is charming, confident, intelligent, and ruthless. X21: GUEST HALL
In her pocket is a key to area Xl7.
Aminta is meeting with two of her distribution
generals (veterans). Edino (the elf mage from area This torchlit room contains a large table with several
XlO) and the two doppelgangers from area XIS chairs. The ceiling is hung with black-and-green tap-
might be here as well. estries. Six doors are spaced evenly along the east
If the characters show up pretending to be work- and west walls. A seventh door stands in the south-
ers, Aminta yells at them to leave and warns that west corner.
another intrusion will result in their deaths. If the Against the south wall, set into the floor, is a
characters pose an obvious threat, she calls for the
wooden trapdoor with iron hinges and a pull ring.
doppelgangers in area XIS.
Aminta fights until reduced to 10 hit points or
fewer, then attempts to flee. Edino behaves simi- This room serves as a guest hall for prominent
larly. The doppelgangers look and act like the real members of the Onyx Scar and others who come
Aminta, and they do their best to cover Aminta's to do business with Aminta. The adjoining guest
escape. T he two veterans are confident in their com- rooms, which are unlocked, are outfitted with beds
bat prowess and fight to the death. and basic amenities.
Revolving Stone Door. Set into the west wall is Secret Door. On the north wall, an unlocked se-
a heavy stone door that revolves on a vertical axis. cret door leads to area Xl 9. The secret door can be
The door is currently open and grinds loudly when found by any character who examines the wall and
opened or closed. West of the door is an L-shaped succeeds on a DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check. A
hallway leading to area Xl6. character with the Stonecunning trait or proficiency
Secre t Door. Characters who examine the book- with mason's tools has advantage on this check.
shelf in the northeast corner see scratch marks on The secret door opens to reveal a dusty tunnel
the floor that suggest the bookshelf has been pulled with another secret door at the far end of it. Char-
away from the wall more than once. Behind this acters inside the tunnel can find either secret door
bookshelf is a secret door that leads to area X21. without needing to make an ability check.
The secret door can be found by any character who Trapdoor. The trapdoor leading to area X6 is
examines the wall behind the bookshelf and suc- secured with an arcane lock spell. As an action,
ceeds on a DC 11 Wisdom (Perception) check. A a character can use thieves' tools to try to bypass
character with the Stonecunning trait or proficiency the magical lock, doing so with a successful DC 25
with mason's tools has advantage on this check. Dexterity check, or the character can try to wrench
The secret door opens to reveal a dusty tunnel open the trapdoor, doing so with a successful DC 25
with another secret door at the far end. Characters Strength (Athletics) check. A knock spell or similar
inside the tunnel can find either secret door without magic also opens the trapdoor.
needing to make an ability check.

A large burial chamber opens before you, divided in

Containers of dried vegetables, breads, and cheeses two by a central wall running north to south. Engraved
are stacked against the walls of this room, and cured stone caskets displayed throughout the crypt are
meats hang from hooks. A massive stone door to the draped in cobwebs.
west stands open, and a wooden door leads north. A A weak voice breaks the silence. "Hush. Come 110
gentle breeze causes the dust on the floor to stir. closer, or you'll wake the angry spirits."

This room contains enough food and refreshment The stone caskets contain the earthly remains (dust
to supply the Onyx Scar and its workers for weeks. and bones) of Xeluan's four companions and their
The stone door west of this room is described in loved ones.
area X18. The north door leads to area X21. Angry Wraiths. If the characters ignore the warn-
An invisible stalker floats near the ceiling and is ing and enter the crypt, four wraiths emerge from
the source of the breeze. If one or more characters the caskets that line the central wall. The wraiths
disturb the supplies, the stalker attacks them. The don't respond to verbal entreaties and can't leave the
stalker doesn't attack if the supplies are left alone. crypt, but they attack anyone who sets foot inside.


~ ,;
Rilago's Ghost. The voice belongs to the ghost of
Rilago. If the characters heed its warning and don't
advance into the crypt, Rilago materializes in front
of them and strikes up a conversation:

"My name is Rilago, and I am responsible for the

unrest that besets Oztocan. My foolishness broke
Xeluan's heart. I come to you eager to make amends.
Together, we can save Oztocan from destruction."

Rilago's ghost knows that only it can mend Xeluan's

broken heart. If the characters present the shard of
Xeluan, Rilago thanks the characters for returning
the shard to Xeluan's tomb.
The ~host describes the events chronicled in the
"What Really Happened" section, then asks the
characters to release the spirits of Xeluan's heroic
companions. Edi no trapped their spirits in chunks
of oztocanite (see area XlO), and Rilago knows how
to release them: each oztocanite fragment must be
brought in physical contact with the giant's petrified
remains (in area X4). Physical contact with Xeluan
reduces each oztocanite fragment to dust and frees
the spirit trapped inside it. Freed spirits manifest as R 11.Ac;o's G><oST
motes of spectral light that the petrified giant seems
to absorb.
Mending Xeluan's Broken Heart. Once the spir-
its of Xeluan's four companions are released from heroism have strengthened the protective wards
their oztocanite prisons, the characters can safely around Xeluan, rendering the giant impervious to
enter this crypt (the wraiths don't arise from their further harm. No longer able to mine oztocanite
caskets) and reconvene with Rilago's ghost. The from the giant, the Onyx Scar terminates its min-
ghost reveals that it can mend Xeluan's heart only ing operation.
by possessing the body of a hero and using its host Xeluan's Heart Is Not Mended. ff the characters
to place the shard ofXeluan where it belongs: with fail to mend Xeluan's heart, the earthquakes
the rest of Xeluan's heart. The ghost then asks per- worsen, forcing citizens of Oztocan to evacu-
mission to possess one of the characters, leaving it ate the town.
up to the characters to decide which of them should
become Rilago's temporary host. FOR THE GOLDEN VAULT
Rilago's offer to mend the giant's heart is genuine. If the characters are working for the Golden Vault,
If the characters allow it, Rilago's ghost uses Pos- the organization rewards the characters once the
session against a willing character, who forgoes the shard ofXeluan is returned to its rightful place.
saving throw to resist the effect. Only then can the They receive a rare magic item of their choice (sub-
ghost leave the crypt and return the shard ofXeluan ject to your approval) as payment. The item is deliv-
to its rightful place. When Rilago's host touches ered to the characters the next day.
the shard to the giant's heart, they bind as one.
As the giant's heart is made whole again, Rilago's WHAT'S NEXT?
spirit is laid to rest, and the character ceases to be The characters' adventures in Oztocan can continue
possessed. long after Xeluan's heart is mended. The Onyx Scar
might send assassins after the characters, or the
CONCLUSION syndicate's leaders might continue searching for
The story might conclude in one of the following other secrets hidden in Xeluan's tomb.
ways, though other outcomes are possible:
Xeluan's Heart Is Mended. If Xeluan's heart is
mended, the earthquakes stop. Peace returns to
Oztocan. Rilago's redemption and the characters'



ASHES v---

HALASINE IS UNDER A TERRIBLE CURSE. the counsel of a mage's guild in a neighboring city.

G An evil spellcaster has enacted a ritual

to siphon life from the city's people and
reduce the city itself to ash. Powering
the ritual is the heart of Ghalasine's vanquished
leader, KingJhaeros Astolko. In this adventure, the
With the help of scrying spelJs, the mages gleaned
the truth and revealed Charmayne's treachery to
Naevys. The loyal captain returned to Ghalasine at
once but found herself unable to enter the city. Char-
mayne had anticipated Naevys's return and pre-
characters must infiltrate Castle Cinis and recover pared accordingly by invoking a powerful ward that
the king's heart to end the ritual, thereby saving prevents anyone born in Ghalasine from entering or
Ghalasine. leaving the city.
As she came to realize the people of Ghalasine
ADVENTURE BACKGROUND didn't love her as they did the king, Charmayne
Known for its exquisite glasswork, Ghalasine was became filled with rage. She used magic to tear
a prosperous city ruled by KingJhaeros Astolko. outJhaeros's heart while keeping it alive. She then
Governing from Castle Cinis, Jhaeros was advised used the still-beating heart as the focus of a ritual
by two councilors, Regine LaVerne and Charmayne to destroy Ghalasine. A spherical void appeared in
Daymore, and a guard captain named Naevys the sky above Castle Cinis, causing the city to slowly
Tharesso. Jhaeros's rule was compassionate, just, turn to ash and drawing the souls of the dead into
and kind. Over the last year, however, Naevys it. The longer the void persists, the more quickly the
watched with growing concern as]haeros became city deteriorates.
more withdrawn and secretive, closing Ghalasine to Jhaeros has been transformed into a heartless
trade and failing to honor his alliances. puppet under Cbarmayne's command. It's up to the
A powerful spellcaster, Charmayne had become characters to steal the king's heart, thereby ending
jealous of the king's passion and warmth. Longing Charmayne's ritual. If the characters are successful,
to possess those qualities, she painstakingly created all the damage wrought by Charmayne's magic will
rituals to drain Jhaeros's vitality and charm, and be undone, restoring Ghalasine and its king to their
to funnel these qualities into herself. However, the former glory. If they fail, the city will be destroyed,
magic only enhanced her greed and jealousy; the and Charmayne's treason will be complete.
more she took fromJhaeros, the hungrier for power
Charmayne became, going so far as to murder her ASHEN CREATURES
fellow councilor, Regine, while she slept. Many of the creatures that haunt Ghalasine and guar~
Unaware of Charmayne's magical hold over the Castle Cinis are ashen effigies of their former selves.
These ashen creatures use their normal statistics, ex-
king but afraid for his welJ-being, Naevys sought
cept they are lawful evil Elementals that have immunity
to fire damage.
When an ashen creature drops to O hit points, it is
reduced t-o a pile of ash, ancl any equipment it was
wearing or carrying falls to the ground.

~ ~,
USING THE GOLDEN VAULT Naevys assures the characters that Charmayne's
ritual affects only people from Ghalasine; outsiders
If you're using the Golden Vault as a patron, a
can safely enter the city. She asks the characters to
golden key is delivered to the characters in whatever stealjhaeros's heart and deliver it to her outside the
manner you deem fit. When the characters use this city, thereby thwarting Charmayne's ritual.
key to open their music box, the lid pops open and a Naevys provides the following additional informa-
soothing voice says the following: tion, which she learned with the help of mages in a
nearby city:
"Greetings, operatives. The city of Ghalasine is under
Ashen Defenders. Castle Cinis is guarded by ashen
a terrible curse, and the Golden Vault has learned that creatures that used to be the king's guards. The
the evil spellcaster Charmayne Daymore is behind king's dogs, Cinnabar and Sol, have become hell
it. Charmayne was once an adviser to King Jhaeros, hounds that wander the castle's interior.
but she used the king's heart to power a ritual that is Charmayne's Location. Charmayne spends most of
devastating the city and killing its people. Our sources her time in the mage tower (area S14).
Consuming Void. A spherical void has formed high
say that stopping the ritual will restore the city and its
above the castle. The souls of the dead and the
peopfe. This quest, should you choose to undertake
ashes of the city are being drawn into it. Most
it, requires you to retrieve the king's still-beating heart people in the city have already died.
and remove it from the city to stop the ritual. Start by Regine LaVerne. Naevys doesn't know what hap-
meeting with the elf Naevys, guard captain for King pened to the king's other councilor, Regine.
Jhaeros. Good luck, operatives." Reversing the Ritual. According to the mages with
whom Naevys consulted, Charmayne's ritual can
be reversed and Ghalasine restored to its former
Closing the music box causes the golden key glory by removing Jhaeros's still-beating heart
to vanish. from the city. This might be the only way to repair
the damage Charmayne has wrought and restore
HEART OF THE MATTER the lives of those who died because of the ritual.
Naevys (lawful good, elf knight equipped with a Saving the King's Heart. Simply destroying
flame tongue longsword) approaches the charac- Jhaeros's heart would end the ritual without re-
ters with important business from Ghalasine. Her versing the damage it has caused or undoing the
bronze-and-red armor gleams in tones that reflect terrible loss of life. Moreover, Naevys believes
her braided red-brown hair, and her skin is freckled. Jhaeros will almost certainly die if his heart
She is friendly toward the characters and asks to stops beating.
speak with them privately: Naevys is loath to discuss rewards until Ghalasine
is either saved or lost, but if the characters press her
"My city is in trouble," Naevys says. "It deteriorates for a reward, she promises to "drown them in gold
with every passing second, and my king is part of it. coins" if they are successful. (ln fact, the possible
Or rather, his stolen heart is.
rewards are much greater than that, as discussed in
the adventure's conclusion.)
"Ghalasine is s lowly being reduced to ash, and its
people are dying and can't escape. King Jhaeros would
do everything in his power to stop it ifhe could. I've
Naevys has sketched a rough map of Castle Cinis for
served Jhaeros since I was a young squire. His father
the characters. Give players a copy of map 10.1 for
denied me knighthood-our family was poor, and reference. Naevys believesJhaeros's heart is in a se-
I had no formal train ing-but Jhaeros made me his cret room on the second floor that can be accessed
personal knight. That was the start of our friendsh1p. from the king's bedroom, and she is correct, but she
He isn't just kind; he's warm and passionate, ever in• doesn't know that the magic of Charmayne's ritual
vested in the people of the city.
has altered the castle's layout.
"A mages' guild in a neighboring city used scrying GETTING I NSIDE
spells to confirm my suspicion that one of the king's
If the characters ask Naevys for advice on how to
closest advisers-Charmayne Daymore-is behind enter the castle, she suggests the following:
this. She has stolen the king's heart and is using it to
power a ritual. Jhaeros is now her obedient puppet."


~ Fluor ,,.

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area Sl, and the remaining eight guards patrol the
"You can expect guards outside the main entrance as
grounds in two groups of four.
well as patrols circling the castle grounds. You could Characters who spend a few minutes studying
try to slip past the patrols and enter through a dining the guards' movements gain advantage on Dex-
room window on the west side of the ground floor, out terity (Stealth) checks made to approach the cas-
of s1ght of the main entrance, but close to the stair- tle unseen.
case that climbs to the second floor." If the guards at the entrance or the guards on
patrol spot the characters, one of them blows a
horn to summon the other guards, who arrive ld4
rounds later.
With the help of scrying magic, the mages with CASTLE FEATURES
whom Naevys consulted obtained the following Castle Cinis has the following features:
additional information, which Naevys passes
along to the characters just before they set out for Ceilings. Ceilings in the castle are 20 feet high and
Castle Cinis: covered with ash (see "Tug of the Void" below).
Light. Each room in Castle Cinis is brightly lit by
one or more torches, or by sunlight during the day
"Once you're inside the castle, keep an eye out for if the room lacks a ceiling.
a set of charcoal figurines. Charmayne created the Tug of the Void. Objects in the castle that weigh 10
figurines herself, and I'm told she uses them to store pounds or less and aren't being worn, carried, or
her victims' psychic trauma. A clever spellcaster can held in place tend to drift in the direction of the
turn the power of these figurines against her. I don't void at a rate of about 1 foot per minute. (For more
information about the void, see "The Void" section
really understand how, but the mages with whom I
later in the adventure.)
consulted assured me of this fact." Weakened Floors and Walls. The walls and floors
on the second floor (areas S8- S13) and the float-
See area S6 for more information about the char- ing areas (areas S14-S17) have been weakened
coal figurines. by magic, such that each 5-foot-square section of
floor or wall in these areas has AC 13 and 4 hit
CASTLE CINIS points. Reducing any such area to Ohit points
causes it to crumble away.
Starting at the edge of the city, it takes the charac- Windows. Unless the text states otherwise, all
ters 1 hour on foot to reach Castle Cinis. The city windows are latched shut from the inside. As an
around them is grim and desolate. Its buildings are action, a character can use thieves' tools to try to
slowly turning to cinders, with clouds of ash rising unlatch a window from the outside, doing so with
toward the black, spherical void that looms above a successful DC 17 Dexterity check. Shattering a
Castle Cinis.
window is easy enough, but unless the sound is
The characters have no encounters on their way silenced by magic, all guards within 60 feet of the
to the castle. When they arrive at the castle, read or breaking window investigate.
paraphrase the following:
Castle Cinis has deteriorated to the extent that sec- The following locations are keyed to map 10.2.
tions of it now float in the air. Ash and detritus rise
toward the spherical black void that hovers high above
the castle. The void itself seems to be pulling the cas-
tle apart. The castle groans in protest as stone grates Linfng the west wall of this once grand hall are six
against stone. hollow suits ofcrimson armor. Each one holds an
Two guards, their bodies made of ash, flank the cas- ornate shield and an intricate glass lance, which is
tle's entrance. More ashen guards circle the castle in topped with a glowing glass sculpture that resembles
patrols of four guards each. a flickering torch.

The characters can count a total of ten guards, Characters can cross this hall safely if they are
all of whom are ashen veterans (see the "Ashen wearing the uniforms of castle guards. Other-
Creatures" sidebar). Two guards flank the door to wise, any attempt by them to cross the hall causes
magical flames to fill three of the suits of armor,

MAP 10.2: DM'S MAP


t'~ ,;,_·~
which spring to life as three helmed horrors. These The hounds attack characters who approach or
helmed horrors also animate if anyone touches one harm them.
of the suits of armor. The helmed horrors' Spell Eating the Food. Characters who search the
Immunity trait grants them immunity to burning kitchen can find plenty of food, all of which tastes
hands, fireball, and scorching ray spells. like ash until the effects of Charmayne's ritual
As a bonus action on its first turn in combat, each are undone.
helmed horror drops its glass lance (which shat-
ters on the floor) and conjures a longsword-sized S5: LIBRARY
blade of fire, which appears in its free hand. The
helmed horror deals fire damage instead of slashing The library might once have been cozy with its large
damage with its fiery sword, which disappears in a
desk, padded couch, spacious bookshelves, and rich
cloud of smoke when the helmed horror drops to 0
hit points. woods. Now, the books are ash, and the furnishings
are beginning to deteriorate similarly. Flakes of ash
S2: HALLWAY cloud the air.
The northernmost wall of this L-shaped hallway
turned to ash as the armory (area SlS) tore itself
free of the castle, leaving a gaping hole. All the library's books have been destroyed.
Guards. Three ashen veterans (see the "Ashen Secret Door and Bridge. A secret door is hidden
Creatures" sidebar) guard this hall and are hostile in the east wall behind a bookshelf, and any char-
toward interlopers. They are positioned as follows: acter who searches the wall for secret doors finds it
automatically. The secret door can be pulled open to
, One guard stands in front of the doors to area SS. reveal part of a stone bridge that used to connect to
• One guard stands in front of the doors to area S6. the mage tower (area Sl4). The bridge ends abruptly
• One guard stands next to the door to area S7. after 5 feet, as the tower has since risen 20 feet into
S3: DINING HALL the air and is now at the same level as the castle's
second floor.

Large windows on the west wall of this opulent dining S6: ART GALLERY
hall look toward the ashen city. Fourteen plush chairs
surround a dark walnut table. Three seats at the head This gallery is missing its entire horth wall, and
of the table face ornate place settings: fine goblets, what little remains turns to ashes before your eyes.
plates, silverware, and a half-empty bottle of wine. Through the hole, you see two detached sections of
the castle floating in the air.

The goblets still have trace amounts of wine in The gallery itself contains beautiful glass sculptures
them, and a few breadcrumbs and greasy streaks attached to stone pedestals. The sculptures include a
dirty the plates. red glass dragon unfurling its wings, blue glass waves
crashing against a lighthouse, a delicate teal dryad
laughing, and more.
The door to the kitchen hangs open.
A narrow table toward the back looks out of place.
Six charcoal figurines float above it.

Two hounds with smoldering black fur feed on a
pair of charred human corpses in the middle of this
kitchen. Through the hole in the north wall, the characters
can see area SlS (elevated 40 feet in the air) and
areas S16- S17 (elevated 20 feet in the air). Both
The hounds were once Jhaeros's beloved dogs, Cin- structures used to be attached to the gallery's north
nabar and Sol, now transformed into hell hounds. wall, but they have drifted outward about 10 feet as
The hounds' names are written on their collars in well as upward.
Common. They obey only KingJhaeros, and they Charcoal Figurines. The six figurines are floating
transform back into friendly mastiffs if the effects of because they are subject to the tug of the void (see
Charmayne's ritual are undone. "Castle Features"). The figurines are shaped like
If the characters stay out of the kitchen and tiny humans but lack fine features to distinguish
leave the hounds alone, Cinnabar and Sol ignore them from one another. A detect magic spell reveals
them and continue feeding on the cook and dish- a dim aura of necromantic magic around each one.
washer they incinerated with their breath weapons. Each figurine represents someone who was killed


by Charmayne. Five of the victims were guards or S9: PARLOR
nobles who tried to defend Jhaeros and Regine; the
sixth was Regine herself.
This ext ravagant parlor holds a di ning table, a fi re-
A character who holds a figurine experiences a
flash of emotion like that felt by the victim in their place, and cushioned couches. Windows a long t he
final moments and, in a couple cases, a vision of south wall afford a spect acularly grim view of what
Charmayne as seen by the victim: has become of Ghalasine.
Figurine 1 is full of terror. A momentary vision A scratchy voice from the fi replace calls out, "Visi-
shows Charmayne (an auburn-haired woman in a tors? Visitors! Please, over here!"
scarlet robe) casting a fiery spell.
Figurine 2 holds the dying fear of someone fixated
Charmayne trapped a drow diplomat named j alyn-
on a person they're leaving behind.
vyr Nir'Thinn in the fireplace, from which he can't
Figurine 3 seethes with anger and a craving for jus-
escape until Charmayne's ritual is undone. While
tice. A momentary vision shows Charmayne using
trapped in the fireplace, Jalynvyr manifests as a
magic to engulf the victim in fire.
smoke mephit that speaks Common and Elvish in-
Figurin~ 4 is sorrowful and filled with regret from a
stead of Auran and Ignan. The mephit is restrained,
life that ended too soon.
and this condition can't be ended on it so long as
Figurine 5 is full of undying loyalty to the king.
Jalynvyr remains trapped. If the mephit is reduced
Figurine 6 exudes denial and refuses to accept
to O hit points,Jalynvyr dies as the mephit's smoky
what is happening.
form disperses.
After holding a figurine and experiencing the emo- Jalynvyr was a guest at the castle, learned of Char-
tion bound within it, a character can make a DC rnayne's plans, and threatened to tell King Jhaeros.
14 Intelligence (Arcana) check. On a successful Charmayne lured him here under false pretenses so
check, the character realizes that the psychic power she could trap him in the fireplace. He's willing to
contained in each figurine can be turned against share what he knows with anyone who vows to un-
Charmayne. Specifically, each figurine can be used ravel Charmayne's evil plans:
as a spellcasting focus once before it turns to ash.
Gift for the King. "I delivered a flame tongue long-
When used as the focus for a spell that targets Char-
sword to King Jhaeros, who then bequeathed it to
mayne and requires a saving throw, Charmayne not
his most loyal captain, Naevys, as thanks for her
only has disadvantage on her save but also takes 16
years of faithful service. Charmayne was furious
(3d10) psychic damage on a failed save, or half as
that Jhaeros wasted coin on a sword for Naevys,
much damage on a successful one.
but then, she was always distracted by one petty
S7: STONE STAIRCASE jealousy or another."
This 40-foot-high, spiral staircase connects area S2 Heart ofGhalasine. "After trapping me in the fire-
on the first floor and area S13 on the second floor. place, Charmayne bragged that Jhaeros himself
The stone tower that contains the staircase no would destroy Ghalasine. 'The heart of Ghalasine
longer has a roof over it; the conical rooftop turned has always been its king,' she told me, 'so it's fit-
to ash and was sucked into the void above the castle, ting that the heart of the king is the key to Ghala-
leaving the top of the staircase open to the sky. sine's demise."'
If King Jhaeros's heart is taken from the city of Gha-
lasine or if Charmayne is killed, Jalynvyr reverts to
This wide hallway wraps around area S13. The
his true form (that of a lawful neutral, drow mage)
northernmost stretch of the hallway is missing an
and is no longer restrained by the fireplace. The
entire wall, which turned to ash and was sucked into
next time he encounters the characters, he gives
the void above the castle. them one or more potions or spell scrolls as gifts for
Guards. Four ashen veterans (see the ''Ashen
saving his life.
Creatures" sidebar) guard the hall and are hostile
toward interlopers. They are positioned as follows: S10: NAEVYS'S BEDROOM
• Three guards stand outside the doors to area

S13- one to the north, one to the west, and one to The walls of this room are adorned with crossed
the south. swords and s hields. Furnishings include a bed, a
• One guard stands next to the door leading
wardrobe, and a glass statuette on a night st and.
to area S12.

The wardrobe holds spare uniforms and outfits.

Treasure. The statuette on the nightstand depicts Charmayne drew upon this tale for inspiratfon while
a pillar offlame, weighs 12 pounds, and is worth plotting the downfall of Ghalasine. The poem tells of
250 gp. Naevys would not approve of its theft. a mischievous fey, Whit, who captures human emo-
tions and traps them in matches. He experiences
each emotion when he strikes a match. He lives a vi-
brant life, but the world around him grows dull and
This room has been torched. Soot blackens every gray as he traps more and more of it. Soon he has
surface, including a window on the east wall, and the a single match: one filled with sorrow. Whit must
chamber's furnishings have been reduced to charred choose whether to return the emotion to a dull and
empty world or to feel one last thing.
flinders. The stench of burnt cloth, wood, and flesh
hangs in the air. S13: ROYAL GALLERY

Charmayne used magic to kill Regine while she was Glass cases on tables arranged about this room con-
asleep in her bed, though no evidence of Regine can tain dragon scales, manticore tails, and other hunting
be found here. trophies, as well as weapons, regal gifts, and royal
Window. The window on the east wall is covered trinkets- all important to King Jhaeros, no doubt. The
with soot on the inside but still intact. It's a 10-foot
glass cases are only just beginning to turn to ash.
leap from the windowsill to the floating mage tower
(area S14).
This gallery is filled with objects Kingjhaeros ac-
S12: CHARMAYNE'S BEDROOM quired throughout his youth and adult life. The four
guards stationed in area S8 investigate any loud

A pungent odor fills this room, which is cluttered with noises here.
arcane materials and eerie trinkets. Much of t he decor Treasure. Among the many items on display is a
rs slowly tu rning to ash and floating in the air. +1 battleaxe Jhaeros wielded in his youth.


Two elementals made of swirling ash and smoke This tower used to be connected to the library (area
(use the air elemental stat block) materialize and SS) by a slender stone bridge. It now floats 20 feet
attack characters who enter this room. The elemen- off the ground, 10 feet from the window of area Sll.
tals use their Whirlwind action to hurl characters When the characters enter the tower, read or para-
through the castle's weakened walls (see "General phrase the following:
Features" earlier in the adventure). It's a 20-foot
drop to the ground from there. Jn the middle of this tower chamber, an ashen figure
The Match Thief. Resting on a nightstand next to cackles with glee. Her scarlet gown billows and flaps
Charmayne's bed is a thin, illustrated fairytale book
as trails of ash swirl around her.
titled The Match Thief, which is written in verse:
"So bright with emotion!" she yells. "Give me rage,
Striking a match against the rock in the hill, terror, righteous fury! Snarl at me so that I may savor
Whit enveloped himself in the thrill. it! Sustain me until the city is no more!" She then
As fire and smoke and passion did whisper affixes her raging gaze upon you. '' I can smell your
Of fluttering and risk the first time you kiss her. soul-fires! They will be mine soon enough!"
The match held elation and a breath on the edge,
The trust strong between you as you lean in and pledge
To throw yourself into the wind with abandon, Charmayne Daymore (see her stat block at the
A thrill unmatched and she takes your cold hand, and- end of the adventure) is beyond redemption and
Ach! The emotion was gone, snuffed out by a breeze, doesn't shy away from a fight. When she drops to
And Whit gripped the tinder, loathing the ease 0 hit points, she dies as her body crumbles to ash.
With which mortals could carry this fervor and fire She leaves behind her scarlet gown and a potion of
Without burning inside out from their pyre. clairvoyance.
Three matches to go, the impish fey thought, The soul of any character killed by Charmayne
The next one would give him all that he sought. becomes trapped in the void that hovers over Castle
The next match would give him a soul bright and stark, Cinis (see "The Void" later in the adventure).
Three matches to go, while the world faded dark.

The king's bedroom is deteriorating to the extent that
The first-floor armory is suspended 40 feet in the
you can see furnishings being reduced to ash before
air, with nothing but the ground below it. The char-
acters need magic or climbing gear to reach it. The your eyes. Mounted on the north wall above the king's
northeast wall of the armory is gone, creating an bed is a painting of a regal man with kind eyes. The

opening through which the characters may enter. image is fleeting as you watch the painting dissolve
into a cloud of ashes.

lThe armor and weapons found here are displayed on

deteriorating table,s, counters, and racks.
As soon as one or more characters set foot in the ar-
Secret Door. Any character who searches the
east wall for a secret door finds one that leads
to area S17.
mory, two suits of armor come to life as ashen suits S17: HEART OF jHAEROS
of animated armor, and four swords transform into This location is open to the sky. This room used to
ashen flying swords (see the "Ashen Creatures" have a study below it, with a staircase connecting
sidebar). These creatures fight until destroyed. them. The study is gone, but the upper half of the
Treasure. Characters who search the armory find staircase remains.
a +1 shield, eight +l arrows, and two vials that each The following description assumes the characters
contain one use of oil of sharpness. All other equip- enter through the secret door in the west wall:
ment in the armory turns to ash when handled.
S16: KING'S BEDROOM This chamber holds the king in his new, terrible form:
This location floats 20 feet in the air, with nothing a hulking, ashen brute with his ribcage torn open,
but the ground below it. The characters need magic revealing an empty cavity where his heart used to be.
or climbing gear to reach it. Most of the room's
You see no sign of the king's heart.
south wall is gone, leaving a wide gap through
which characters can enter.


, . _ ,-" \k
Any character who touches the heart must make
on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 22
(4dl0) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as
much damage on a successful one. After taking this
damage, the character can handle the heart safely.
The heart is twice the size of an adult human's
heart. It is a Tiny object with AC 10, 5 hit points, and
immunity to psychic damage. If the heart is reduced
to Ohit points, the following things happen:
The Heart Dies. The heart stops beating and dies.
Jhaeros Dies. Jhaeros in his golem-like form loses
20 hit points at the start of each of his turns.
The Void Collapses. The void above Castle Cinis
collapses, freeing all the souls trapped within it.
These souls then travel to the afterlife.
The Castle Falls. One minute after the heart dies
and the void collapses, the floating pieces of Cas-
tle Cinis (areas S14-S17) fall to the ground and
are destroyed. Creatures inside or underneath
these areas when they fall take 55 (lOdlO) blud-
geoning damage and are knocked prone.


If the characters had a relatively easy time getting
their hands on Jhaeros's heart, use the following
encounter to complicate their escape.
Two ashen knights mounted on ashen warhorses
(see the "Ashen Creatures" sidebar) catch up to
the characters as they make their way through the
dead city of Ghalasine toward their rendezvous with
Naevys. While the characters battle the knights, two
KingJhaeros is hostile and uses the clay golem stat ashen shambling mounds take shape and join the
block, with these changes: fray against the heroes.
Once these forces are defeated, the characters can
• Replace the Acid Absorption trait with Fire Ab- conclude their business with Naevys.
sorption. (All mentions of acid damage change to
fire damage.) THE VOID
• In this form,Jhaeros has Intelligence, Wisdom,
The void above Castle Cinis is slowly consuming
and Charisma scores of 10.
Ghalasine. If a creature dies in Ghalasine, the crea-
• When Jhaeros drops to O hit points, he explodes
ture's soul (if it has one) becomes trapped in the
in a harmless cloud of ashes, leaving nothing
void until the void collapses or the c::reature is raised
else behind.
from the dead by magic. The void already contains
Jhaeros won't leave this room except to chase after a the souls of all those Charmayne killed, including
character who has his heart (see below). Even then, King Jhaeros.
he can't leave Ghalasine. Characters would be wise to keep their distance
Heart ofthe King. King Jhaeros guards his heart, from the void. Any creature that enters the void
which is hidden in a cavity under the floor. The cav- or starts its turn there takes 70 (20d6) necrotic
ity, which is just big enough to contain the heart, damage. If this damage reduces the creature to 0
is covered by a 2-foot-square stone tile. Characters hit points, the creature, along with any nonmagical
within 5 feet of the tile can hear the heart beating. equipment it is wearing or carrying, turns to ash,
As an action, a character in the middle of the room and its soul becomes trapped in the void. Magic
can try to lift the stone tile, doing so with a success- items that end up in the void remain trapped in it
ful DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check. The check is until the void is destroyed (see "Conclusion").
made with advantage if the character uses a crow-
bar or similar tool. The heart can then be removed
from the cavity under the tile.

CONCLUSION complete, Charmayne abandons the ruined city. The
characters might encounter her again after she finds
IfJhaeros's still-beating heart is delivered to Naevys
some other city to torment.
outside the city, it disappears in her hands. When
the heart vanishes, the following things happen: REWARDS
Charmayne Dies. Charmayne collapses, dies, and After delivering King Jhaeros's heart to Naevys,
turns to ash. characters are eligible to receive one or more of the
The Void Collapses. The void above Castle Cinis following rewards at the end of the adventure:
collapses, freeing all the souls trapped within it.
Naevys's Gifts. If Charmayne's ritual is reversed
Everyone whose soul was trapped inside the void
and Ghalasine is restored, Naevys gives the
is restored to life with all their hit points, materi-
characters a flame tongue longsword, a necklace
alizing in unoccupied spaces within the city. Char-
of fireballs, and a suit of dragon scale mail from
acters whose souls are released from the void are
Ghalasine's treasury. She also gives the charac-
deposited in area S9, as is Kingjhaeros (lawful
ters 2,000 gp each from her personal savings. If
good, human archmage) and Councilor Regine
the characters end the ritual but fail the undo the
LaVerne (lawful neutral, tiefling noble).
damage it caused, Naevys awards them the money
Ghalasine Is Restored. The damage to Ghalasine
but not the magic items.
is undone, and the city is made resplendent once
Jhaeros's Favor. If King Jhaeros survives and Gha-
more, as though no calamity ever threatened it.
lasine is restored, the king gives the characters a
Gray ash is swept away as the structures of the
tract of land, perhaps even a keep and titles. The
city are magically rebuilt before the eyes of weep-
estate's exact location is up to you.
ing onlookers. Castle Cinis is made whole again.
Jalynvyr Is Set Free. Jalynvyr is released from cap- FOR THE GOLDEN V AULT
tivity in area S9 and is restored to his true form at
fuJJ health. If the characters are working for the Golden Vault,
The Hounds Are Restored. The hell hounds Cinna- the organization rewards the characters with a rare
bar and Sol transform back into friendly mastiffs. magic item of their choice (subject to your approval)
as payment for delivering Jhaeros's still-beating
If Jhaeros's heart dies or if things otherwise go heart to Naevys and saving Ghalasine. The item is
wrong, Ghalasine is reduced to ashes. Her victory delivered to the characters the next day.
"> 5t9s e J 94
*' 1
Wi' :;;erself. Ea;~ ~r;:t~r: .in a 20-f~o~~;·~dius =~=cent;;;d*;®J
Medium Elemental (Wizard), Neutral Evil that point must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 35
(10d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on
Armor Class 12 (l S with mage armor) a successful one. A Humanoid reduced to O hit points by this
Hit Points 123 (19d8 + 38) damage dies and is transformed into a Tiny charcoal figurine.
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) Spel/casting. Charmayne casts one of the following spells, us-
ing Intelligence as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 17):
8 (-1) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) At will: dancing lights, mage hand
20 (+S) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)
3/day: mage armor
1/day each: dispel magic, invisibility, polymorph
Saving Throws Int +9, Wis +6, Cha +7
Skills Arcana +9, Deception +7, Perception +6
Damage Immunities fire
Senses passive Perception 16 Charmayne can take up to three reactions per round but only
Languages Common, Draconic, Elvish, lgnan one per turn.
Challenge 70 (5,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4 Elemental Rebuke. In response to being hit by an attack, Char-
mayne utters a word in lgnan, dealing 10 (3d6) fire damage to
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Charmayne fails a saving the attacker. Charmayne then teleports, along with any equip•
throw, she can choose to succeed instead. ment she is wearing or carrying, up to 30 feet to an unoccupied
space she can see, leaving a harmless cloud of ash and embers
in the space she just left.
Multiattack. Charmayne makes three Ashen Burst attacks. She
can replace one of these attacks with one use ofSpellcasting. Fiery Counterspe/1. Charmayne interrupts a creature she can
see within 60 feet of herself that is casting a spell. If the spell
Ashen Burst. Melee or Ranged Spell Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft. is 4th level or lower, it fails and has no effect. If the spell is 5th
or range 60 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (Sd6) fire damage. level or higher, Charmayne makes an Intelligence check (DC
Cinder Spite (Recharge 5-6). Charmayne creates a magical ex- 10 + the spell's level). On a success, the spell fails and has no
plosion of/ire centered on a point she can see within 120 feet effect. Whatever the spell's level, the caster takes 10 (3d6) fire
damage if the spell fails.
C g z: S g s-; ss & , e - ¢$2¥· saeas ,me


ANTED FOR CRIMES ACROSS THE MU LTl- Radiant Citadel). But the Stranger underestimated

W verse, an outlaw known as the Stranger

is currently a prisoner aboard the Con-
cordant Express, an interplanar train
destined for Mechanus, where the outlaw is set to
stand trial. In this heist, the characters must obtain
the vigilance of Akharin Sangar's celestial host
and was caught impersonating an angel. When the
Stranger refused to divulge any information about
themself, a deva enforcer named Omid was tasked
with delivering the Stranger to Mechanus to stand
a list of names the Stranger has committed to mem- trial. The prisoner was clamped in dimensional
ory. The names in question are the true names of shackles and taken aboard the Concordant Express
several powerful demons, devils, and yugoloths. for safe transport.


The interplanar outlaw known as the Stranger had Every Fiend has a true name that it tries to keep
humble origins. The Stranger was born into a slum secret. One who knows a Fiend's true name can
and orphaned as an infant. Early on, they used their use this name to bind that Fiend to service. Other
knack for magic to masquerade as a lost noble scion powerful creatures such as Celestials and Fey might
and earn patronage as a spellcasting student. Inevi- have true names that function similarly.
tably, the school the Stranger was attending discov- True names aren't restricted to spoken language
ered the ruse, but the Stranger always slipped away or script. A creature's true name could be a specific
and reemerged at an even more prominent academy gesture, sound, or other type of expression, such as
in another city with a new false identity. the tolling of an iron bell, a mathematical equation,
The Stranger perpetrated many crimes, none or a sequence of notes played on a particular kind of
greater than the attempted theft of a book that held instrument.
the true names of many demons, devils, and yugo-
loths (see "True Names" below). When the Stranger ADVENTURE HOOKS
tried to flee with the book, a fiendish ward caused If you're using the Golden Vault as the hook for the
the book to disappear. By then, the Stranger had adventure, skip ahead to the "Using the Golden
already committed many of the true names to mem- Vault" section. Otherwise, choose one of the follow-
ory_ The Stranger then set off across the multiverse, ing adventure hooks.
making deals with various Fiends in exchange for
keeping their true names secret. The Stranger BLOOD WAR BALANCE
survived all these dealings unscathed for years, but A planar faction known as the Fixers aims to re-
their luck eventually ran out. store balance to the Blood War (the eternal feud
Fiendish foes set their sights on the Stranger, between demons and devils) by obtaining the true
forcing the Stranger to flee to the Material Plane names of a pit fiend commonly known as Karnyros,
and take refuge in the city-state of Akharin Sangar, a balor called Errtok, and a marilith known as
which is ruled by a powerful angelic being. (Akharin Hexalanthe. A representative of the Fixers hires the
Sangar is detailed further in]ourneys through the characters to obtain these Fiends' true names from
the Stranger.


"Ah, hello! Yes, good, finally-friends looking to catch
A high-ranking member of the Fated, a faction in the Stranger-the Stranger who has already been
Sigil, has been captured and is being ransomed by
caught. Here, take this map. Jt shows the train cars.
an ultroloth known as Zeevok. Faction leaders hire
the characters to obtain Zeevok's true name so the Here are your tickets and a pen to write down names.
Fated can force Zeevok to release his captive with- Not ordinary names-secret names! I am Glitch, by
out collecting a ransom. the way."

Glitch hands the characters an old blueprint of the
The characters seek the true name of a Fiend that Concordant Express (see map 11.1), one train ticket
has bedeviled them in the past. per character, and an ink pen. The tickets are made
from paper-thin sheets of brass and grant passage
USING THE GOLDEN VAULT to Mechanus aboard the Concordant Express. Each
If you're using the Golden Vault as a patron, a ticket is stamped with a boarding time, and the
golden key is delivered to the characters in whatever characters have 24 hours until the train departs.
manner you deem fit. When the characters use this Glitch takes the characters to the train when
key to open their music box, the lid pops open and a they're ready (see "Catching the Train'' below) and
soothing voice says the following: stays with them in the interim. Glitch also shares
the following information:
"Greetings, operatives. The Golden Vault needs you Configuration. Like most trains, the Concordant
to obtain the true names of three powerful denizens Express includes an Engine Car at the front and
of the Lower Planes: the pit fiend Karnyros, the baler a Caboose at the back. The number of other train
Errtok, and the marilith Hexalanthe. Their true names
cars and their configuration can change, so Glitch
can't say much more about the size of the train or
are known to an outlaw called the Stranger, who is be-
the order in which the cars will be arranged. The
ing transported to Mechanus on an interplanar train configuration of the cars might be different than
called the Concordant Express. This quest, should what's shown on the blueprint. (In fact, it is. See
you choose to undertake it, requires you board the the "Train Configuration" section for details.)
train, locate the Stranger, and acquire the true names Fuel. The train is fueled by treasure, which is kept
from them. Expect to be contacted shortly by a quad- in the Engine Car.
rone named Glitch, a former train operative who now
Location of the Stranger. The Stranger is likely
being held in the Jail Car, which has a skylight.
works for us. Good luck, operatives."
Patrols. Modrons patrol the exterior of the train.
Teleportation Ward. Creatures can't teleport into
Closing the music box causes the golden key or out of the train.
to vanish.
GLITCH THE QUADRONE The Concordant Express is a clockwork locomotive
Not long after agreeing to undertake the adven- that traverses the multiverse. Modrons constructed
ture, the characters encounter a friendly quadrone the train with mathematical precision, and they op-
named Glitch. (When and where this happens is up erate it in the same way. The train's conductor is its
to you.) The quadrone used to oversee hospitality sapient Engine Car, which delivers passengers and
on the Concordant Express. For this reason, it was cargo to their intended destinations on schedule.
imbued with the ability to speak Celestial, Common, No terrain is too rugged for the train. Like the
and Infernal in addition to Modron. landmasses that make up Mechanus, the wheels of
Conflicting directives from two pentadrone the Concordant Express are a network of interlacing
superiors caused a glitch that prompted the con- cogs. A series of mechanical arms rapidly places
fused quadrone to quit its job. Glitch has become a levitating tracks before the train, while a similar set
free-thinking being with no desire to reintegrate into of arms beneath the Caboose collects the trailing
the modron.hierarchy. tracks and delivers them to the Engine Car. This
Eager to help the characters, Glitch speaks to system allows the train to traverse inhospitable en-
them in Common: vironments and to adjust course as needed.




, J
- - - -=,.,--
~ .
' :
~ ----•
As the train descends to ground level, its horn
The train has three mandatory cars and three op- blares once more. It swerves away from you, coming
tional cars, as described below.
to a gradual stop until its caboose is a short distance
MANDATORY CARS away, pointing in your direction.
In this adventure, the Concordant Express has one "Got your tickets?" asks Glitch. "Excellent. Now go.
of each of the following cars: Show your tickets to the modron in the caboose. This
• The Caboose (area El) is the rearmost car. is where I leave you. Farewell, friends!"
• The Engine Car (area E9) is the frontmost car.
• The train has one Jail Car (area E8), which is adja-
Glitch exits the adventure at this point, using its am-
cent to the Engine Car (not the Caboose, as shown
ulet of the planes to return whence it came.
on map 11.1).
The Caboose (area El) doubles as a train station.
Map 11.2 includes maps for six additional cars: Aba-
Inside it is a booth containing a duodrone attendant
cus Car (area E2), Aquarium Car (area E3), Cargo
with a built-in ticket puncher. All passengers must
Car (area E4), Planartarium Car (area ES), Passen-
get their tickets punched by this duodrone before
ger Car (area E6), and Temple Car (area E7).
they're permitted to explore the rest of the train.
Pick any three of these cars and add them to the
If one or more characters refuse to get their
train in whatever configuration suits you, provided
tickets punched, the duodrone whistles (no action
the mandatory cars stay where they are. (You can
required), causing four tridrones to emerge from
choose a different set of optional cars each time you
hidden compartments in the walls and act as de-
run the adventure.)
scribed in area El. If the characters then comply
You can add more than three optional cars to the
to avoid an altercation, the tridrones return to their
train, at the risk of increasing the heist's length and compartments.
difficulty. Conversely, you may opt for fewer cars for
a shorter, easier heist. CHOO, CHOO!
Once the characters' tickets are punched and the
train is ready to go, read the following text:
Embedded in Glitch's body is an amulet of the
planes that turns to dust (along with the rest of
Machinery whirs and clicks as the train shudders and
the quadrone) if Glitch is reduced to O hit points.
Glitch uses this built-in amulet to cast plane shift, creeps forward, gradually picking up speed. Another
delivering itself and the characters to a field in the horn blast signals that the Concordant Express is once
Outlands (see the Dungeon Master's Guide for more again on the move.
information about this plane of existence). There
they must wait for the train to arrive.
As the train approaches the characters' location, GENERAL FEATURES
read the following text:
The Concordant Express has the following features:

You pass the time on a grassy plain, waiting for the Ceilings. Car ceilings are 15 feet high unless the
text states otherwise.
train to arrive. A few miles away, a colossal spire of
Doors. At each end of every car is a sliding metal
rock rises into the sky, its peak lost in the clouds. door. The doors to the Jail Car are locked (see
Glitch grows fidgety and impatient. Suddenly, the area EB for details); all others are unlocked.
distant blare of a horn draws Glitch's attention-and Flight. The train has a flying speed of 60 feet and
yours-to a column of smoke on the horizon. "Good," can't hover.
says Glitch. "Here it comes, right on time!" Lighting. All cars are brightly lit by magical orbs
A locomotive hurtles across the sky toward you,
embedded in the ceilings.
Modrons. All modrons serving aboard the Con-
laying down magical tracks before it. As it draws near,
cordant Express speak no languages other than
you can see clockwork limbs disassembling the tracks Modron unless the text states otherwise.
behind the train and passing them forward so the lo- Teleportation Ward. Creatures can't teleport into
comotive can lay down new tracks in front of itself. or out of the train, or to any space within 120 feet
of it. Any attempt to do so is wasted.


To reach the Stranger, the characters must make The Concordant Express moves across the known
their way from the Caboose (area El) to the Jail Car planes of existence by passing through invisible
(area E8). portals only the train's sapient Engine Car can
find. The train's next stop is Mechanus, but it will
CROSSING BETWEEN CARS pass through several other Outer Planes on its way
Creatures can safely move from one car to another there. While the train shields passengers from the
by stepping across couplers situated between the harmful planes through which it travels, creatures
cars' exterior platforms. aboard the train aren't entirely immune to the
planes' effects .
The Planar Effects table contains effects for vari-
If an effect would result in a creature falling off the
ous planes of existence on the train's current route.
train, the creature must succeed on a DC 14 Dexter-
Unless otherwise noted, each effect lasts until the
ity saving throw. On a success, the creature instead
train leaves the plane. Some effects apply only to
falls prone in the nearest unoccupied space on the
creatures outside the train.
train. On a failure, the creature is sucked into the
The train enters a new plane whenever you like.
train's undercarriage, taking 33 (6dl0) bludgeoning
Roll or choose from the options on the table to de-
damage and landing prone in an unoccupied space
termine which plane the train is on and its accom-
at eithe r end of the nearest train car.
panying effect. Once a train leaves a plane, it doesn't
If a character falls off the Caboose, the train's
return to that plane for the rest of the adventure.
track-retrieval arms snatch up the character and
deposit them into an empty cell in the Jail Car PLANAR EFFECTS
(area E8).
d6 Plane and Effect
GUARD PATROLS Acheron. The train flies over a vast battlefield
Hostile modrons patrol the rooftops of the cars, where legions of devils clash with hordes of
attacking anyone they see who isn't supposed to be demons. Whenever one creature aboard the train
there. Whenever one or more characters reach the deals damage to another creature aboard the train,
midpoint of a rooftop on any car other than the Jail
both take 4 (ld8) psychic damage.
Car, roll a d6 and use the Guard Patrols table to de-
termine if an encounter occurs. Assume the patrol 2 Elysium. All creatures aboard the train feel a sense

begins the encounter on the rooftop of an adjoining of inner peace. No creature aboard the train can
car. All the modrons have truesight, and characters make an attack or cast a spell that deals damage.
on the rooftop have nowhere to hide. 3 Mount Celestia. Good-aligned creatures aboard
No random encounters occur on the roof of the the train gain a benefit of a bless spell that lasts
Jail Car until after the squad of pentadrones sta- until the train leaves Mount Celestia.
tioned there is defeated (see area E8 for details).
4 The Nine Hells. On one of the blisteringly cold lay-

ers of the Nine Hells (either Cania or Stygia), the
train passes through a frigid gorge filled with whirl-
d6 Encounter
winds of ice needles. Any creature outside the train
1-3 No encounter
takes 5 (2d4) cold damage plus 5 (2d4) piercing
4-5 Three tridrones and one quadrone leader damage at the start of each of its turns. Modrons
6 Four quadrones and one pentadrone leader that normally patrol the outside of the train lock
themselves in compartments for safety until the
STRONG WINDS train leaves the plane.
Creatures climbing on the outside the train or flying S Pandemonium. Howling darkness surrounds the
within 15 feet of it while it's in motion are subject to train. Creatures outside the train are deafened.
strong winds, the effects of which are as follows: Outside the train, bright light becomes dim light,
Difficult Terrain. The wind-whipped exterior of the and dim light becomes darkness.
train is difficult terrain. 6 Ysgard. Silent, spectral warriors from Valhalla fly
Ranged Attacks. Ranged weapon attacks are made around the train on ghostly chariots pulled by
with disadvantage. ghostly steeds. Any creature aboard the train that
would be reduced to O hit points drops to 1 hit
point instead.


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MAP 11.2: DM'S MAP


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The self-proclaimed Math Wizard is a friendly
duodrone. The Math Wizard speaks both Common
The various train cars are shown on map 11.2. The and Modron.
earlier "Train Configuration" section explains how The ten monodrones speak Modron only and are
to choose and arrange the cars. indifferent toward passengers. Each one holds a
El: CABOOSE stack of ten placards numbered O through 9. When
a creature inside the Abacus Car asks a mathemat-
The characters are assumed to be in this car when ical question to which the answer is a number, the
the train gets underway. As the train begins to pick Math Wizard taps the podium with its wand and
up speed and lifts into the air, a disembodied voice says, "Calculate!" In response, the monodrones
says, "Next stop: Mechanus!" in Common, Modron, select from their placards, shuffle around, and hold
Celestial, Infernal, Abyssal, and Primordial. up their numerals to display the answer. The Math
Wizard cheers "Huzzah!" after every successful
The duodrone attendant who punched the charac-
The monodrones do their best to calculate accu-
ters' tickets has another function aboard the train:
rately, but sometimes they must estimate. Further-
making minor repairs while the train is in motion.
more, if the ten monodrones are asked a question
As the train gets underway, the duodrone dons
to which the answer exceeds 9,999,999,999 or the
gear from a nearby locker (see "Locker" below). It
solution is uncountable, they scramble in circles
then departs to perform its duties, whistling as it
while screaming in existential terror for a few mo-
marches to the next car.
ments before calmly returning to their positions.
Hidden in the walls of the Caboose are four tri-
drones that emerge from their compartments to CHALKBOARD
attack passengers who refuse to get their tickets The chalkboard is covered with equations explain-
punched or who perform an unlawful act, such as ing, rather incomprehensibly, why the Great Modron
threatening the duodrone or plundering the locker. March happens only once every 289 years. To any-
one other than a modron, most of the equations are
utter nonsense.
The locker contains a blue engineer's hat and a crew
A character who studies the equations for at least
uniform consisting of a tool belt and a pair of grimy
10 minutes can make a DC 25 Intelligence (Arcana)
overalls labeled with a number.
check at the end of that time. If the check fails, the
REAR PLATFORM character takes 3 (ld6) psychic damage and suffers
A railing on the car's rearmost platform prevents a mild headache for the next hour. If the check suc-
creatures from stumbling over the edge and into the ceeds, the character discovers a profound equation
dizzying blur of mechanical arms that retrieve the nestled among the others. Like a key, this equation
trailing railway tracks. A bronze ladder welded to unlocks something in the character's brain, with
the car provides access to its roof. the effect determined by rolling on the Mysterious
Equation table. A character who experiences this
E2: ABACUS CAR revelation gains no further benefit from studying
the chalkboard equations. If any of the equatjons
are erased, the modrons in the car turn hostile and
Ten spherical modrons are lined up against the wall attack, and no one can benefit from studying the
opposite a podium, behind which is a chalkboard equations.
covered with mathematical equations. Next to the po-
dium stands a boxy modron wearing a wizard's cap. It
taps the podium with a brass wand to get your atten- d8 Effect

tion. "Well met!" it says in Common. "I am the Math 1-3 You gain inspiration.
Wizard, Captain of Calculus, Admiral ofAbaci, Unifier 4- 5 You gain proficiency in one tool of your choice.
of Units! Welcome to my Sanctum Numerum, where 6 You gain proficiency in one of the following skills
any problem can be solved. I beseech thee, travelers, of your choice: Deception, History, Insight, Investl-
what numerical enigmas plague thee?" gation, Medicine, or Performance.
7 You learn a new language of your choice.
The eleven modrons stationed here act as a mathe- 8 Your Intelligence score permanently increases by 2
matical calculator for passengers. (to a maximum of20).


~~ - wf.A
E3: AQUARIUM CAR successful one. A creature reduced to Ohit points by
this damage is dissolved, leaving behind any objects
it was carrying or wearing. Once used, the sprayer
This car is filled with clear water that isn't displaced can't be used again.
when the door opens. The car's interior space is A creature that interacts with the war machine
a large aquarium, complete with a coral reef and spooks six invisible imps lurking in its bent chassis.
algae-coated ruins. Tiny fish dart through the ruins The imps fly out and attack the source of their fright
while yelling, "T can't go back to jail!" in Infernal. If
and circle an alabaster statue carved in the likeness of
the infernal war machine's acid sprayer hasn't al-
an angel clutching a decanter. Nearby fish scatter at ready been used, one of the imps uses it.
the sight of you. A character who sits in the driver's seat notices a
glowing potion ofresistance (fire) jammed in a dirty
This car is completely flooded, and magic keeps glove compartment along with six unpaid infernal
the water from being displaced when either door is parking tickets.
opened. Creatures that can't breathe underwater ES: PLANARTARIUM CAR
must hold their breath in the aquarium. Magic in-
stantly dries creatures as they exit the water.
The aquarium can be slowly drained by removing Glowing symbols on the floor line the perimeter of
a fist-sized plug near the base of the car's portside this domed car. In the middle of the car is.-a mechani-
wall. As an action, a character within reach of the
cal model suspended over a dais that has more glow-
p lug can try to pull it out, doing so with a successful
ing symbols on it. The model resemb les a large wheel
DC 17 Strength check. Once the plug is removed,
the aquarium's water level decreases at a rate of 1 with a tall spire protruding from the top. A t iny brass
foot per minute. It takes 15 minutes for all the water ring Aoats above the spire's peak.
to drain from the car. The car's fish can't survive The spectral blue image of a modron materializes
more than a few minutes without water. before the dais. It has a bo)(y shape and wears a pair

ANGELIC STATUE of oversized g lasses. The illusory modron adjusts its

The alabaster statue is a petrified deva with a de- glasses and joyfully greets you in Common:
canter ofendless water. If any harm befalls the fish "Hello, and welcome to the Planartarium. You can
in the aquarium, the deva immediately reverts to learn more about the planes of existence by donating
flesh and chastises whoever is responsible. If the to this car. All proceeds benefit the establishment of
aquarium's plug was removed, the deva replaces it. order across the multiverse." Before disappearing, the
If any water was drained from the car, the deva uses
modron gestures toward a short tube protruding from
the decanter to replenish it. If any fish died, the deva
the floor near the dais.
uses raise dead spells to revive one fish per day for
ten days. Once all is set right, the deva flies from the
train and casts plane shift to return to Mount Celes- The sixteen glowing sigils on the floor represent
. tia, taking the decanter with it. each of the Outer Planes, while the raised dais in
the center of the room bears symbols of the four
elemental Inner Planes. The wheel-shaped model
above the dais represents the Outlands and it-s six•
A battered war machine rests at one end of this teen gate-towns. The tiny ring at the top of the spire
represents Sigil.
spacious car. Acid drips from a hose-like weapon
A magical mote of golden light denotes the train's
mounted on the front of the vehicle, leaving a sizzling location. Since the train's travels are usually limited
hole in the train car's floor. to the Inner Planes, the Outer Planes, and the Out-
lands, this mote can be seen floating above one of
The war machine comes from the wastelands of the symbols or above the model wheel representing
Avernus, the first layer of the Nine Hells. The vehicle the Outlands. If the train is in some other location
isn't operational, but its hose-like sprayer is. A crea- not represented in this car, no mote is visible.
ture standing within 5 feet of the nozzle can take an DONATION TuBE
action to cause the weapon to spray acidic bile in a The short tube rising from the floor near the dais
30-foot cone. Each creature in the cone must make has a slot large enough to insert coins, gemstones,
a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 40 (9d8) and other small valuables. Such valuables are then
acid damage on a failed save, or half as much on a teleported to the cart in area E9.


Whenever a creature drops at least 10 gp worth of the mystery is solved. If the characters leave anyway,
treasure into the tube, Cosmo, the illusory modron, Ignatius solves the case without their help.
reappears. It thanks the donor and asks which plane What Ignatius Knows. Ignatius has already
of existence they'd like to learn about. determined that Quintus was killed while walking to
Cosmo can give a brief lecture on any plane of his cabin from one of the Passenger Car's two priv-
existence described in the Dungeon Master's Guide. ies. The aasimar's body lies outside the door to the
If a character asks about a plane on the train's middle cabin, which Quintus and another passenger
route, Cosmo also alludes to noteworthy planar shared. Ignatius was using the other privy at the time
effects. For example, if asked about the Nine Hells, of Quintus's death and heard the aasimar gasp before
the spectral duodrone might say, "Rest assured, hitting the floor. Ignatius quickly reached the scene,
the Concordant Express is reinforced to withstand but the killer was nowhere in sight.
extreme heat and extreme cold." Cosmo lectures
about one plane per donation and vanishes after MURDER SUSPECTS
each lecture. The suspects aboard the Passenger Car are
If a character inserts something worthless into the as follows:
donation slot or otherwise tries to fool it with coun- Abernathy Vernus (lawful evil cambion) is a
terfeits and the like, the tube disgorges poisonous friendly, ingratiating fellow who claims to have won
gas that quickly fills the compartment. This gas du- a free tour aboard the Concordant Express. He
plicates the effect of a stinking cloud spell that lasts insists that others call him Vern. No other passen-
for 1 minute or until it is dispersed. gers occupy his cabin (the one marked "a" on map
9.2), which Vern shares with a monodr.one valet
E6: PASSENGER CAR that answers to the name Higglesworth.
Ethlynn Stalaczic (neutral, drow mage) is a friendly,
A mind flayer in a be1ge coat kneels beside a body somewhat gullible dragonologist on a planar quest
to find a "time dragon" (which may or may not be
in the aisle of this passenger car. Three curious on-
a real thing). Until a few moments ago, Ethlynn
lookers-a cambioh, a drow, and bronze dwarf with and Quintus were cabin mates. Ethlynn currently
flames for hair-poke their heads out of nearby cab- shares her cabin (the one marked "b" on map 9.2)
ins. "No one move a muscle!" warns the mind flayer. with a monodrone valet called Bot.
"This whole car just became a crime scene." Meldar (lawful neutral azer) is indifferent toward
others, speaks nothing but lgnan, and provides
curt answers to questions put to them. The azer
This car contains three cozy passenger cabins and is returning to the City of Brass after attending a
two privies (one at each end of the car). Quintus Mal- smiths' convention in Bytopia. Meldar shares a
vesh, an aasimar cartographer, lies dead in the aisle cabin (the one marked "c" on map 9.2) with Ignatius
(in the square marked X on map 9.2), and a detective Inkblot and a monodrone valet known as Orb.
is already on the case.
The monodrones never leave the train. Ignatius was
lLLITHID DETECTIVE already aboard when Meldar boarded the train a day
The detective is a lawful neutral mind flayer named ago in Bytopia. The other suspects boarded the train
Ignatius Inkblot. Seeing the characters, Ignatius near Excelsior (a gate-town in the Outlands) shortly
lights a pipe with a match it holds with one of its face before the characters came aboard.
tentacles. The pipe exudes a green vapor that smells
of absinthe. Since the characters weren't on the car MURDER VICTIM
when the murder occurred, Ignatius doesn't regard Characters can examine Quintus or cast spells on
them as suspects and is friendly toward them. Igna- the corpse. The following information can be learned
tius can speak Common but loathes doing so; the by doing so:
mind flayer prefers to converse telepathically. Its tone Examining the Corpse. A character who examines
is strident, and it uses stereotypical detective phrases Quintus and succeeds on a DC 11 Intelligence
such as "The game is afoot!" and "The devil is in (Arcana) or Wisdom (Medicine) check determines
the details!" that the aasimar was killed by three bolts of magi-
Ignatius tries to enlist the characters in its inves- cal force identical to those created by a magic mis-
tigation. If they agree to help, the mind flayer asks sile spell. Given where the body fell, the direction
them to look for clues and question suspects. (In Quintus was walking when he died, and where
the meantime, the mind flayer quietly casts detect the wounds on the body are located, a character
thoughts, focusing on every creature in the Passen- can deduce, with a successful DC 16 Intelligence
ger Car.) Ignatius asks that no one leave the car until


. ~ ~ _;, _vff,,
(Investigation) check, that the killer likely didn't Cabin B. Ethlynn shared this cabin with the mur-..
come from Meldar's cabin. der victim and knows Quintus was a cartogra-
Raising the Dead. A character who has the raise pher. Ethlynn confirms that Quintus left their
dead spell prepared can use it to restore Quintus cabin to use the privy at one end of the train car.
to life. (The devas in areas E3 and E8 can also Characters who search the cabin find Quintus's
provide this service, if asked nicely.) Quintus is satchel, which contains two spare traveler's out-
chaotic neutral and uses the noble stat block, al- fits, a set of cartographer's tools, and a map case
though he is unarmored and carries no weapons. containing what look like ancient treasure maps.
Alive, the aasimar is less cooperative than when A similar map, stolen by Ethlynn while Quintus
he was dead, for reasons explained in the "Motive" was visiting the privy, is stuffed in her spidersilk
section below. He offers no possible reasons for handbag. (Ethlynn insists Quintus gave the map
why someone would want to kill him. to her, which he never did. He did, however, tell
Speaking with the Dead. If a speak with dead spell her that the map shows the way to a time drag-
is cast on the corpse, the aasimar's spirit answers on's lair, which it does not.) A character who
questions honestly. Quintus did not see his killer, spends 1 minute examining any one of Quintus's
but be knows one reason why every other pas- maps can, with a successful DC 16 Intelligence
senger in this cat (besides Ignatius) might want (Investigation) check, cast serious doubt on the
him dead. These reasons are summarized in the map's accuracy.
Murder Suspects table. Cabin C. Meldar and Ignatius share this cabin,
which contains nothing incriminating. Its occu-
pants travel light.
Characters can search for clues in the passenger Questioning the Modrons. Monodrone valets
cabins and question the modron valet in each one: aboard the Concordant Express have built-in
Cabin A. This cabin holds Vern's battered suit- language interpreters instead of voice boxes;
case, which contains two traveler's outfits, three consequently, they can understand any spoken
odd-looking compasses, and a set of tinker's tools. language but can't speak. Bot and Orb shrug
If asked about the compasses, Vern says he builds their shoulders if questioned about the murder (of
and repairs them to pass the time on long trips. which they know nothing). Higglesworth simply .
points to itself if questioned about the murd~,r.. · .•


SOLVING THE MYSTERY has gone "off the rails." He then recommends they
The monodrone Higglesworth killed Quintus using "look for clues within clues" and "try to understand
a wand of magic missiles, which is hidden in a se- the motive behind the killing." Gifted with the ability
cret compartment inside the monodrone's spherical to cast detect thoughts at will, Ignatius has already
body. The monodrone won't subject itself to in- identified Vern as the individual responsible for
spection and attacks anyone who tries to search or Quintus's death, but Ignatius wants the characters
dismantle it. Its impeccable valet programming pre- to see the truth for themselves-not simply take a
vents it from incriminating passengers or accusing mind flayer's word for it.
them of any wrongdoing. Case Closed. The mystery concludes with Igna-
Higglesworth did not commit the crime willingly. tius confining Vern to his cabin until the authorities
The cambion Vern used his tinker's tools and mag- in Mechanus remove the cambion from the train. If
ical know-how to reprogram the monodrone valet the characters don't have the means to raise Quin-
to murder Quintus using a wand Vern pilfered tus from the dead, Ignatius suggests they speak
from a wizard's apprentice in Excelsior. Vern then to the deva guarding the Jail Car and convince the
used the modron's body to hide the murder weapon angel to revive the dead aasimar. The characters are
and instructed Higglesworth not to tolerate inva- free to keep the wand ofmagic missiles, since Igna-
sive scrutiny. tius doesn't need it to make a case against Vern.
Murder Weapon. A character can use an action to Ignatius won't press Ethlynn on the theft of Quin-
search Higglesworth for a secret compartment, find- tus's bogus map, but characters may do so. Ethlynn
ing it with a successful DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) can be guilted into returning the map and apologiz-
check, but this can be done only while the mono- ing for the theft. As for Quintus, the aasimar won't
drone is incapacitated. The same is true for opening admit to any wrongdoing unless magic is used to
the compartment, which requires another action, coerce him.
thieves' tools or tinker's tools, and a successful
DC 11 Dexterity check. Opening the compartment E7: TEMPLE CAR
causes the wand to tumble out.
If Higglesworth is reduced to Ohit points, its body
Stained-glass windows decorate the walls of this car,
disintegrates, but the wand ofmagic missiles hidden
inside it remains. while its floors are adorned with exquisitely patterned
One of the wand's charges has been expended- rugs. Several columns support a vaulted mosaic
the same charge that killed Quintus. ceiling. Kneeling before an altar is a serene priest in
Motive. Vern is a con artist who makes and sells sunny robes.
"magic compasses" to gullible folk looking for an
easy way to find that which their hearts desire.
Quintus, also a con artist, made and sold bogus The priest is, in fact, a gray slaad using its Change
treasure maps. Vern and Quintus both identified Shape ability to fool the characters. The slaad was
Ethlynn as a likely mark, but Quintus got to her first sent here to kill them, plain and simple. It killed the
by preying on her dream of finding a time dragon's real priest, stole his robes, and threw his body and
lair. Vern decided to eliminate the competition while holy symbol off the train.
laying the blame on a malfunctioning modron that The slaad works for an evil, multiverse-spanning
can't speak in its own defense. organization called the Syndicate of Terror, Extor-
]'Accuse! If the characters accuse Ethlynn or tion, Assassination, and Larceny (STEAL), which
Meldar of murdering Quintus, Ignatius telepathi- has been spying on the characters for some time
cally warns the characters that their investigation and wants their mission aboard the Concordant
Express to fail. (This is doubly true if the characters
Suspect Possible Motive
Abernathy Vernus The camb,on seemed upset, maybe even jealous, that Ethlynn and Quintus were getting along so well.
The cambion seemed to have his heart set on spending more time with Ethlynn, which necessitated
getting rid of Quintus.
Ethlynn Stalaczic Ethlynn was eyeballing Quintus's maps. Killing Quintus would allow her to steal the maps without any·
one knowing.
Meldar Quintus referred to Meldar as a "hothead" when he didn't think the azer was close enough to hear
him. Kill,ng Quintus could've been payback for the insult. (Since Meldar knows only one language-
lgnan-and the insult wasn't spoken in that tongue, this motive evaporates quickly.)


are working for STEAL's rival, the Golden Vault.)
If you're weaving multiple adventures from this Two iron balconies protrude from the side walls of
anthology into your campaign, one or more villains this train car. Iron stairwells connect these balconies
from earlier adventures might have secret ties to to the lower level. Lining the walls on both levels
this evil organization. Likely candidates (assuming are cell doors made of riveted iron, each one fitted
they're still alive) include Quentin Togglepocket with a large, gear-shaped keyhole. Pale light shines
from "The Stygian Gambit," Guildmaster Dusk from
through paper-thin gaps around the doors, but not
"Masterpiece Imbroglio," and Nixylanna Vidorant
the keyholes.
from "Vidorant's Vault." If you're using the rivals
described in this book's introduction, their patron A stocky angel with cerulean skin and a pointed
might be a STEAL operative. helmet leans against the railing on one balcony, a ra-
One of STEAL's operatives, having recently ac- diant flanged mace at its hip and its fiery wings folded
quired the gray slaad's control gem, used the gem to behind it.
command the slaad to slip aboard the Concordant
Express and kill the characters on sight. The slaad
loathes being surrounded by modrons on the train 0MID THE DEVA
and fights to the death.
The angel guarding the Jail Car is Omid, a deva
SCRYING SENSOR with fiery instead of feathery wings. Omid has or-
The s1aad's master watches the battle unfold ders to deliver the Stranger safely to Mechanus,
through an invisible scrying sensor like the one where judgment awaits.
created by a scrying spell. If the characters defeat The deva's glowing mace is reminiscent of a large
the slaad, a magically altered voice issues from the key. The head of the mace lines up neatly with the
invisible sensor and says in Common, "So much gear-shaped keyhole on each of the car's eight cell
for that. Next time you won't be so lucky!" If the doors. As an action, a character can use the mace-
characters are working for the Golden Vault, the key to unlock any one of these doors, which can be
voice adds, "The Golden Vault won't be able to pro- opened no other way.
tect yoti from our wrath." The scrying sensor then Omid remains in the Jail Car and can't be lured
disappears. from it. When the deva encounters the characters,
read the following:
This soundproof car is two stories tall (30 feet high) The angel unfurls its wings, releasing a flurry of glow-
and encased in thick iron. Four pentadrones guard ing embers, and says, "Speak your business, trespass-
the rooftop. These guards are positioned near the ers, and speak it truthfully.''
corners of the roof, allowing them to spot trouble
coming from the sides of the car.
The outer doors of the car are locked tight, as is The characters need not resort to violence to ob-
the 10-foot-square skylight in the roof. As an action, tain the deva's mace-key. Here are some alternate
a character with thieves' tools can try to open one of approaches:
the doors or the skylight, doing so with a successful Clever Deception. The characters can pose as em-
DC 17 Dexterity check. The skylight can also be issaries of a jurisdiction with greater claim to the
shattered; it is made of thick glass and has AC 13, Stranger's custody. Convincing Omid to release
27 hit points, and immt10ity to poison and psychic the Stranger requires a successful DC 17 group
damage. Conversely, the doors are too strong to be Charisma (Deception) check. If the characters
forced open by anything other than knock spells or used a forgery kit to create documentation to
similar magic. support their claim, the group check is made with
When the characters enter the car, read or para- advantage.
phrase the following: Convincing Argument. Since Omid knows little
about the Stranger, a character can convince the
deva that the outlaw has been wrongly accused
and should be released. Making the argument
might take a minute or two, after which the char-
acter must succeed on a DC 17 Charisma (Persua-
sion) check to secure the Stranger's release.
Friendly Game. A character who has a gaming set
can challenge the deva to a friendly game. Omid


loves games and is too proud (and bored) not to
accept. If the character wins the game, Omid
allows the party to speak with the Stranger (but
not set them free). Determine the game's outcome
by having the deva's challenger make a DC 19 In-
telligence check. Proficiency with the gaming set
allows the character to add their proficiency bonus
to their roll. If the check is successfuI, the charac-
ter wins. On a failed check, the character can opt
to cheat in the late stages of the game and make a
DC 19 Charisma (Deception) check. A successful
check overrides the earlier failure. If the character
loses gracefully and didn't cheat, the deva (a gra-
cious winner) still allows the party to speak with
the Stranger.

The door to each cell opens into a 10-foot-square ex-
tradimensional space brightly lit by magic. The cells
and their contents are as follows:
Cell 1. This cell contains a hostile nycaloth known
as Dardo (not its true name). If someone opens
the door to its cell, Dardo tries to exit the cell
on its next turn, attacking anyone who stands
in its way. T~e nycaloth then tries to leave the
train. The Stranger (see below) happens to know
Dardo's true name: a simple math equation. The THE STRANGER
characters can use this knowledge to keep the
nycaloth from attacking them, or to force it to
work for them. is eager to be rid of them. One touch from Omid's
Cell 2. This cell is empty. mace-key causes the shackles to fall off, freeing
Cell 3. A bench against the far wall has a +2 rod the Stranger.
of the pact keeper resting on it. The cell is other- The Stranger is initially indifferent to the charac-
wise empty. ters but becomes friendly if presented with the pros-
Cell 4. This cell contains a friendly erinyes who pect of escape, at which point the Stranger replies

recently helped an efreeti named Vrakir get his in a gravelly voice:
hands on the Book of Vile Darkness. Speak-
ing with this prisoner might kick off "Fire and
..Let me guess. You want a name. Maybe more than
Darkness,'' another adventure in this book. The
] one. Got a pen?"
Stranger (see below) doesn't know this erinyes's
true name.
Cell 5. This cell is empty.
The Stranger promises to recite the true names the
Cell 6. This cell is empty. characters seek in exchange for freedom but warns
Cell 7. A monodrone janitor accidentally locked them of the heavy toll such knowledge carries.
itself in this cell. If the characters are after the true names of
Cell 8. This cell contains the Stranger (see below). Karnyros, Errtok, and Hexalanthe, the Stranger
THE STRANGER reveals the following once free of the dimensional
This individual looks like a human with a flat- shack/es and outside the cell:
brimmed leather hat and a tattered traveler's cloak. • Karnyros's true name is a series of guttural
The Stranger's face is permanently obscured behind growls and grimaces, followed by a sound like a
a shifting blur like that of a deep desert haze. The popping balloon.
Stranger is chaotic neutral and uses the archmage • Errtok's true name is Ar-lothe Gothu Ka.
stat block, though they abhor combat. The Stranger • Hexalanthe's true name is a low-toned, rhythmic
wears an invisible ring ofmind shielding that chant accompanied by a series of hand gestures,
thwarts magical attempts to read their thoughts. dance moves, and drumrolls.
The Stranger also wears dimensional shackles but


dozens of mechanical arms lay railway tracks before
the train.
Inside the car, two monodrones stoke the fire in
the furnace by shoveling loot into it from a nearby
cart (see "Treasure" below). A shield guardian
stands next to the cart, guarding the treasure from
thieves. Thanks to its Spell Storing trait, the guard-
ian can cast sleep (4th-level version) once.
Any object not being worn or carried that is placed
inside the blazing furnace is incinerated instantly.
Even magic items succumb to the blazing furnace,
though the flames aren't powerful enough to harm
If the furnace isn't replenished every hour with at
least 100 gp worth of treasure, the Engine Car sput-
ters and the train comes to a halt, causing a guard
patrol (see ''Guard Patrols" earlier in the adventure)
to investigate.
A creature that enters the furnace for the first time
on a turn or starts its turn there takes 55 (l0dlO)
fire damage. A creature reduced to 0 hit points by
this damage dies and is reduced to a pile of ash.
The furnace door can be latched from the outside.
A creature trapped inside the furnace can use an
action to try to force open the door, doing so with a
successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check.
If the characters are after the true name of some The treasure cart contains 3,500 gp, 6,000 sp, and
other creature, perhaps a fiendish nemesis or ten-
1,200 cp. Scattered among the coins are the fol-
uous planar ally, the Stranger might know that lowing items:
creature's true name as well and can reveal it to the
characters. Even if the Stranger doesn't know a par- , Five amethysts (100 gp each)
ticular true name, they can give characters the true Gilded mind flayer skull (150 gp)
names of one or more Fiends who have the power to • Horn of Valhalla (silver)
help the characters in some other way. • Suit of mithral armor (chainmail)
If you have trouble coming up with ideas for new • Potion ofhealing (greater)
true names, roll on the Random True Names table • Silvered +3 greatsword that once belonged to a
at the end of this adventure when you need one. githyanki knight


After imparting the true names, the freed Stranger
A massive furnace dominates the interior of this noisy
tips their hat and leaps from the train. Once out of
range of the train's teleportation ward, the Stranger
car. Two spberical modrons shovel coins into the
casts plane shift and disappears. The characters
roaring fire while a brawny, nine-foot-tall automaton can leave the Concordant Express in a similar fash-
guards a treasure-filled fuel cart nearby. "Faster!" bel- ion, or they can remain on the train until it arrives
lows a deep, disembodied voice. in Mechanus and secure safe passage home from
there. Whether or not they helped solve the murder
in the Passenger Car (area E7), characters who dis-
The sapient Engine Car is the source of the deep,
embark in Mechanus see Ignatius Inkblot, the mind
booming voice. The car speaks Common and
flayer detective, escorting the cambion Abernathy
Modron. While it's moving and not talking, the En-
Vernus off the train and into the waiting arms of a
gine Car labors through an endless chain of short,
group of modrons.
forceful breaths timed with each rhythmic churn
of its mechanisms. Its undercarriage chatters as


FOR THE GOLDEN VAULT Slayer's Weapon. A master smith might be able to
work the true name of a creature into an arrow of
If the characters are working for the Golden Vault,
slaying or other target-specific magic item.
the organization sends the group's contact to re-
trieve the true names the day after the characters FURTHER ADVENTURES
record them. This operative offers the characters
a rare magic item of their choice (subject to your The characters might have made a number of planar
approval) as payment, which is delivered to the char- enemies during this heist. Subsequent adventures
acters the next day. could include the following:
STEAL. The rival organization STEAL (see area
OTHER REWARDS E7) might figure prominently in future adven-
lf the characters helped solve the murder mystery tures. At higher levels, run-ins with STEAL oper-
aboard the Concordant Express, the mind flayer atives or raids on STEAL vaults might place the
detective Ignatius Inkblot uses its plane shift spell characters in conflict with the syndicate's leaders,
to deliver a wrapped parcel to the characters sev- including arcanaloths and ultroloths with true
eral days later. The parcel contains a token of the names only the Stranger knows.
illithid':; esteem: a masterfully crafted magnifying Trials and Tribulations. The characters might be
glass worth 1,000 gp. forced to stand before a tribunal in Mechanus for
Characters can also leverage any true names they aiding an interplanar fugitive or answer to a pow-
learn into further rewards, as discussed below: erful Celestial for slaying an angel.
True Name Terror. Characters who learn the true
Home Ownership. Knowing a creature's true name
names of powerful Fiends are marked for death by
may entitle the characters to that creature's prop-
those Fiends, which send powerful underlings to
erty, such as a parcel of land, lair, or stronghold.
slay the characters.
dl OO True N ame d100 True Name
Ol-03 Sequence of musical notes played on a lyre 50-52 Three specific prime numbers strung together
04-05 "Zow Chokk Garthagua" 53-54 "Zizz-Ganneth"
06- 07 "Lureff Zadil" 55-56 "Red Rust"
08-09 Sound of a bucket dropped on the floor 57-59 Sequence of red and blue lights flashing
10-11 "Batridd Morath" 60-61 "Xurgranach"
12-13 "Agh Gizzirah Korondis" 62- 63 "Enchridus 3291"
14- 15 Third line of an obscure Au ran lullaby 64-65 Last spoken words of a long-dead hero
16-17 "Naelurec" ("cerulean" backward) 66-67 "Valmorag the White"
18- 19 "Si Uulth Uurek" 68-69 "Suzakiro Arzuun of the Rusty Blades"
20- 21 Sound of four eggs sizzling in a frying pan 70-71 Sound of fingers drumming on a table
22- 23 "Lamoura'' 72-73 "Myranna Vos Aeldar"
24-25 "Haraknar Orvorag" 74-75 "Kzokzys"
26-27 Nine-second hum of a tuning fork 76- 77 Gasp of someone stabbed through the heart
28-29 "Kyrvaash Cesvyr" 78- 79 "U'chud, the Eye ofZefir-Zaskos"
30-31 "Tsui Vandar" 80- 81 ''Quas Quannok"
32-33 Sound of th ree pages tearing from a book 82-83 Sad mewling of a kitten
34- 35 "Vrah Koruun" 84-85 "Skuzrayle"
36- 37 "Jal-Shoth" 86-87 "Nebek Velflam Von Qwizzid"
38- 39 Seven tolls of an iron bell 88-89 Sound of a lute being smashed to pieces
40-41 "Barak-Shivad of the Night Realm" 90-91 "Old Sinisyphere"
'42-43 "Winterglory" 92-93 "Ghax'ru the Abominable"
44- 45 Short whistle, followed by two long ones 94-96 Sound of three acorns crunched between teeth
46-47 "Kele/is the Thrice-Hated" 97-98 "Knob"
48-49 "Nefarion" 99-00 "The Nameless One"

VERY YEAR DURING THE WINTER SOLSTICE, A few days ago, unaware of the danger, Zorhanna

E Zorhanna Adulare holds a grand gala in

Paliset Hall, her palatial retreat in the Fey-
wild. The characters are hired to infiltrate
the gala and steal Zorhanna's shard solitaire, a
magical diamond with peculiar properties. As the
donned the shard solitaire necklace to see how it
looked with a new gown she planned to wear at the
gala. Zorhanna's close contact with the necklace
allowed the Far Realm entity to trap her inside the
diamond. The entity then replaced Zorhanna with
evening unfolds, they learn that nothing is quite a simulacrum using one of the shard solitaire's
what it seems. magical properties. Zorhanna's simulacrum now
wanders Paliset Hall, preparing for the arrival of
ADVENTURE BACKGROUND the gala's guests, while the real Zorhanna remains
Lady Zorhanna Adulare is an elf and a retired ad- trapped inside the shard solitaire.
venturer. On one of her many adventures, she stole
a diamond shard solitaire (a magic item described
at the end of the adventure) from a trio of night The characters become embroiled in this story after
hags known as the Crestfall Coven. Zorhanna later Eliphas, suspicious of the simulacrum's behavior,
mounted the diamond into a glittering platinum sends a friendly satyr named Fife! to get help. Fifel
necklace, which she often wears during special oc- gives the characters invitations to the gala and reads
casions. Trapped within the iridescent facets of the a letter from Eliphas, urging them to steal the shard
shard solitaire is an unstable extradimensional rift solitaire necklace from Zorhanna and take it far
that gives the diamond its remarkable powers. from Paliset Hall.
Every year during the winter solstice, Zorhanna An added complication occurs toward the end of
and her husband, a werebear tinkerer named Eli- the adventure, as the hags of the Crestfall Coven
phas, withdraw to their Feywild home of Paliset crash the gala and attempt to reclaim that which
Hall to throw a lavish gala. Many guests from the was stolen from them. The hags know nothing
Material Plane and the Feywild attend this pleasant about the Far Realm entity or Zorhanna's simula-
gathering. This year, Zorhanna plans to show off her crum, but they have their own clever plan to steal
shard solitaire necklace once again, unaware that the shard solitaire- a plan the characters can turn
forces are conspiring to steal it from her. to their advantage, if all else fails.


Some time ago, a malevolent entity from the Far
Realm found a way into the shard solitaire through
the extradimensional rift contained inside it. Since
then, this bodiless entity has been trapped in the
stone- but it won't be for much longer. The enti-
ty's presence is weakening the stone, and when
the diamond finally cracks, the effects could be


USING THE GOLDEN VAULT is cool to the touch and smells like a crisp winter
morning. The invitations read as follows:
Tf you're using the Golden Vault as a patron, a
golden key is delivered to the characters in whatever
manner you deem fit. When the characters use this Zorhanna and Eliphas Adulare request the pleasure of
key to open the music box, the lid pops open and a your company at Paliset Hall to celebrate the arrival of
soothing voice says the following: the winter solstice. Come to Loch Wynnis no earlier
than three days before the winter solstice, then take
"Greetings, operatives. A magical diamond called the crossing there to the Feywild at sundown. The
a shard solitaire is known to contain an unstable many splendors of Paliset Hall await you on the other
extradimensional rift. Its owner, Zorhanna Adulare, side! Formal attire is expected but not required.
is a retired adventurer. Her husband, Eliphas, used
to work for the Golden Vault. He suspects that an A detect magic spell reveals an invisible watermark
evil force has somehow entered the stone and is us- on the back of each invitation, which is used to ver-
ing it to control Zorhanna. He has asked the Golden ify its authenticity.
Vault to steal the stone from Paliset Hall, where he Once the invitations are distributed, Fife! un-
and Zorhanna host their annual gala celebrating the corks a scroll tube with his teeth, then flips the
winter solstice.
tube upside-down and shakes it vigorously until a
rolled-up sheet of parchment falls out. He picks up
"This quest, should you choose to undertake it,
the parchment, unrolls it, and reads what's written
requires you to obtain the shard solitaire without on it in Common:
harming Zorhanna, Eliphas, or their guests. You will
be approached shortly by a messenger named Fife!,
"I, Eliphas Adulare, have sent my esteemed messen-
who has your invitations to the gala and d irections
ger, Fife) Amberhoof, to lead you to the shores of Loch
to Paliset Hall, which is in the Feywild. Good luck,
Wynnis, so that you may cross into the Feywild with
great haste. The winter solstice is nearly upon us, and
I fear evil forces are as welf.
Closing the music box causes the golden key "My wife, the archmage Zorhanna, has not been
to vanish. herself of late. I believe something or someone is
controlling her through a magic diamond, which she
MEETING FIFEL acquired many years ago on one of her adventures.
The adventure begins in earnest when the char- Zorhanna had it fitted into a necklace, which she
acters meet Fifel, a satyr who works for Eliphas
wears 011 special occasions. A few days ago, she re-
Adulare. Where Fifel appears is up to you. You can
use the following boxed text to describe what he moved the necklace from our vault and wore it during
looks like: a dress fitting. Since then, she has been uncharac•
teristically cruel to the household staff. When I con-

Fife( is a lanky satyr with dark curly hair pulled into a fronted her, she dismissed me out of hand, clutched

small bun and golden eyes a light with excitement. He the necklace, and uttered something in a dreadful

wears a maroon tunic, over which are slung various language I've never heard her speak before. All her

belts and bulging leather pouches. Rolled tubes of warmth is gone. When I look into her eyes, I see a
parchment jut from his haversack, and his pockets cold and spiteful woman staring back at me.
jingle and clank as he walks. "Salutations!" he says "I want you to steal the necklace, which Zorhanna

with a clumsy salute. now refuses to remove. I can't safely do it myself.

Fife[ will give you invitations to our winter solstice
gala at Paliset Hall. There will be other guests to dis-
Fife! carries a Heward's handy haversack, in which
tract Zorhanna while you figure out a way to remove
he stores various documents. The satyr is a bit scat-
terbrained, but Eliphas trusts him to run errands the necklace.
and deliver important messages. "Once we're rid of the necklace, Fife! will deliver
From his haversack, Fife) produces a handful of your reward."
invitations and hands one to each character. Each
invitation is contained in a pale-blue envelope that


Fifel can tell the characters that Eliphas is offering Zorhanna's Past. Zorhanna had a long and suc-
the following items as payment for their help: cessful adventuring career before she settled
down and married Eliphas. During one of Zorhan-
• Rust-colored bag of tricks
na's adventures, she befriended an archfey who,
, Figurine of wondrous power (serpentine owl)
years later, built Paliset Hall and bequeathed it
, Gauntlets ofogre power or quiver ofEh Jonna
to Zorhanna. Rumor has it the arch fey was the
(characters' choice)
Prince of Frost.
These magic items are on display in Paliset Hall's Eliphas's Past. Eliphas is a gentleman and a
art gallery (area P6). tinkerer. (Fifel doesn't reveal that Eliphas is a
If the characters accept the terms and agree to werebear.) For years, he offered his services to
steal the necklace, Fife) leads them to Loch Wynn is, the Golden Vault, an organization dedicated to
a lakeside hamlet with a fey crossing that serves preserving historical relics and keeping power-
as a gateway between the Material Plane and the ful items out of evil hands. Eliphas designed the
Feywild (see the "Loch Wynnis" section for details). magical music boxes that the Golden Vault uses to
Fife! explains that the fey crossing works only seven communicate with its field operatives.
days of the year: three days before the winter sol-
stice, the day of the winter solstice, and three days WINTER SOLSTICE GALA
after the winter solstice. Fifel knows the following information about the win-
ter solstice gala hosted by Zorhanna and Eliphas:
Guests. The Adulares have invited guests from the
As they travel to Loch Wynnis in the company of Feywild and the Material Plane. Feywild guests
Fife!, the characters can ask the satyr for informa- don't need to use the fey crossing in Loch Wynn is;
tion about the shard solitaire, the Adulares, the instead, coaches pulled by unicorns will deliver
winter solstice gala, and Paliset Hall. them to the palace.
SHARD SOLITAIRE LORE Weapons and Armor. Guests may bring weapons
and wear armor as fashion accessories.
Fife! knows the following information about the
shard solitaire: MAP OF PALISET HALL
Origin Story. Fife! thinks the shard solitaire formed If the characters ask him questi9ns about the layout
when someone dropped a Heward's handy haver- of Paliset Hall, Fife) sketches a rough map of the
sack full of jewels into a bag ofholding, creating manor and gives it to them (see map 12.1).
an explosive portal to the Astral Plane. One of the
jewels absorbed some of the portal's volatile en- LOCHWYNNIS
ergy to become the shard solitaire. (See "Secrets Loch Wynnis is the name of both a deep lake and
of the Shard Solitaire" at the end of the adventure the hamlet next to it. The adventure assumes the
for what really happened.) characters arrive at Loch Wynnis shortly before
Previous Owners. When she was an adventurer sundown on the day of the winter solstice-just in
many years ago, Zorhanna stole the shard soli- time to attend the gala at Paliset Hall.
taire from a trio of night hags known as the Crest-
fall Coven. She never encountered the hags again,
Nestled in the highlands is a quaint hamlet, its cot-
to the best of Fifel's knowledge.
Safeguard. Zorhanna paid a master jeweler to craft tages and shops idyllically situated between a thick,
a platinum necklace and attach the shard solitaire snow-dusted evergreen forest and a dark lake With
to it. If it is removed from Zorhanna's neck, the icy shores. A wharf stands where the village meets
necklace automatically teleports to a secret vault the water.
in Paliset Hall. The vault is located somewhere
in Zorhanna's bedchamber on the second floor.
(Fife! is wrong about the vault's location.) The For most of the year, the hamlet of Loch Wynn is has
necklace doesn't teleport if it's removed from the shuttered storefronts, too many empty tavern tables,
vault, so stealing it requires that it be taken from and fewer than two dozen permanent residents. As
that location. midwinter approaches, the town's population bal-
loons with seasonal merchants and visitors eager to
THE ADULARES glimpse Loch Wynnis's magical marvel: the opening
Fifel knows the following information about Zor- of the fey crossing in the lake. The crossing opens
hanna and Eliphas Adulare: briefly at sundown the day of the winter solstice, the
three days before, and the three days after it.
,. l
I. '
:, I /.
l\ ti·

l' '


Residents of Loch Wynnis know of the winter sol- 7 Ya Iara is an elf commoner and singer whose mu-
stice festivities that occur at Paliset Hall in the Fey- sic troupe was invited to perform at the gala. The
wild, even though few of these residents are invited other two members of her troupe were unable to
to participate. Most are content to stay on the Mate- make it to loch Wynnis in time.
rial Plane side of the fey crossing, selling goods and
8 Mettle, an unarmed tiefling scout with horn-
services to passing tourists. The Adulares and their
rimmed spectacles, pretends to be a noble named
servants are known to the villagers, all of whom
Adira and secretly works for the hags of the Crest-
Fifel knows by name. Fife! encourages the charac-
ters to briefly tour the hamlet before heading to the fall Coven (see "The Crestfall Coven" later in the
la_k e by sundown. adventure). Upon arriving in the Feywild, Mettle
slips a copper ring onto the third finger of her left
OTHER GALA ATTENDEES hand. Affixed to the ring is a hag eye, a varnished
As the characters pass through the village, they may eyeball that enables the hags to see what's hap-
encounter other gala invitees waiting anxiously for pening at the gala (see the "Hag Covens" sidebar
the fey crossing to appear at sundown. You can use in the Monster Manual for details about this item).
the Gala Guests table to generate random NPCs
for the characters to meet. These NPCs don't wear
armor or carry weapons, but every gala attendee
has an invitation like the ones Fife] gave to the The following locations are points of interest for
adventurers. characters who explore the hamlet of Loch Wynnis.

Tavern and Inn
d8 Guest
Wintertime visitors who don't have friends or fam-
Kaden lannis is a lonely human noble in his twen-
ily in the village stay in the Auberge Aurore while
ties. He hopes to find true love in the Feywild.
awaiting the solstice. When the characters arrive,
2 Verano Honeywell is a halfling spy employed by a the three-towered inn has two rooms available, each
big-city broadsheet to attend the gala and write a containing two beds. A bed costs 2 gp per night; a
story about the goings-on in Paliset Hall. hot supper costs 1 sp.
3 lycoris, a dryad, was Paliset Hall's head of staff un- The Auberge Aurore is owned and operated by
til she retired six years ago. She comes to the gala Rei Paceran (neutral, elf veteran), who is also the
every year to see her old friends, and she knows village's sheriff. Stern and unflappable, Rei has
Pali set Hall's features and staff supremely well. no patience for any misconduct under her watch.
Rei is wary of the Feywild and has no interest in
4 Berengar is a werebear and Eliphas Adulare's long-
going there.
time friend. Eliphas is the only other person at the
gala who knows Berengar is a werebear. Berengar KHORR'S KLOTHS
likewise knows that Eliphas is a werebear. Tailor and Dress Shop
5 Nix, a gnome mage, was Zorhanna's apprentice for This small but vibrant fashion boutique is run by
several years. Nix. has agreed to look after Paliset Khorr, a chaotic good bugbear. Born from Khorr's
Hall once the gala ends and the Adulares return to frustration at being unable to find clothes that fit his
the Material Plane. Nix plans to stay until the next frame, Khorr's shop has since gained a reputation
winter solstice. as a source of untraditional and striking outfits for
Humanoids of all shapes and statures.
6 Eggsy, a gnome bandit, plans to pick some pock-
If the characters need outfits for the gala, Khorr is
ets at the gala. He attends under a false name happy to oblige. An exquisite ensemble from Khorr
("Dworp Q. Guzzler, Esq., Gnome Adventurer") costs 20 gp. Individuals can also come to the bug-
and has altered his appearance using a disguise bear for tailoring services, which cost 5 gp.
kit. His disguise includes a curly wig, a more
pronounced chin, copper-wired spectacles, and a LOCH WYNNIS DOCKS
fake beard. His invitation is a well-crafted forgery, Wharf
including a fake invisible watermark on the back. A few rowboats are tethered to these wooden docks.
Exposing it as a forgery requires a successful DC Visitors and residents who like to fish are free to
17 Intelligence (Arcana or Investigation) check. use them. A thin layer of ice has formed around the
boats, but the ice breaks apart easily.


-. t~ ~
Most of the docks are 10 feet long, but one par- wolves recheck all invitations and attack anyone
ticularly old and creaky dock is 50 feet long. This whose invitation fails a second inspection.
dock extends into the lake and allows easy access to
Loch Wynnis's fey crossing (see "Sundown Cross- USING THE FEY CROSSING
ing" below). Anyone who steps off the end of the dock and into
the lake while the fey crossing is open appears in
FIFEL TAKES His LEAVE the courtyard of Paliset Hall (area Pl), on their
Eliphas gave Fifel strict orders not to return to feet and completely dry. The fey crossing closes 10
Paliset Hall (for the satyr's safety) until the matter minutes after sundown, although it can be reopened
concerning the shard solitaire necklace is resolved. from the other side as described in area Pl.
When the characters are ready to head to the lake,
Fifel says the following: PALISET HALL
Paliset Hall is the winter palace of Zorhanna and
"My friends, here is where I take my leave. By my good Eliphas Adulare. It is situated in a peaceful meadow

! lord's orders, I shall remain at the Auberge Aurore and

await your return."

Fife! gives the characters a quick salute before skip-

between snow-covered mountains and a mist-
shrouded forest of evergreen trees. Winter's cool
touch greets new arrivals, but there's no harsh wind.
Attempts by the Far Realm entity to escape from
the shard solitaire have caused extraplanar energy
ping toward the tavern. to leak into Paliset Hall. This wayward energy has
settled in the basement and is causing architectural
SUNDOWN CROSSING anomalies to manifest briefly throughout the manor
Gala guests assemble at the docks shortly before (see "General Features" below).
sundown. As the sun sets, read or paraphrase the
following text: GENERAL FEATURES
Paliset Hall has the following features throughout:
When the last sliver of sun dips below the horizon, a Architectural Anomalies. Unstable energy leaking
silver glow emanates from deep within the water, and from the shard solitaire is affecting Paliset Hall,
distant music and laughter drift through the air. causing areas to warp in appearance momentarily.
Whenever one or more characters enter a new
Two wolves as big as horses materialize out of thin
area of the manor, roll a d6. If you roll an odd
air at the end of the dock. They have snow-white fur
number, the characters notice iridescent cracks
and eyes as cold and blue as glacial ice. As they walk crawling up the walls, followed by a sudden shift
slowly down the dock, one of them says in Common, in the architecture: a square window becomes
"Honored guests, the lady and lord of Paliset Hall circular, a wood panel turns to stone, and the like.
eagerly await your presence. Once your invitation has Immediately after, the cracks vanish, and the ar-
been validated, please walk to the end of the dock and chitecture returns to normal.
Ceilings and Walls. The ceilings and walls of the
jump in the water."
manor are 20 feet high and carved from alabaster
The other wolf reassures any first-time guests, stone that's cold to the touch.
"While Loch Wynnis's gateway is open, you will find Decorations. Wintery decorations festoon many ar-
the water neither cold nor wet." eas of the palace. Crystal snowflakes hang in the
windows, illusory icicles dangle from the ceiling,
frost fractals spreads across walls, and magically
The two winter wolves inspect every guest's in-
preserved ice sculptures perch atop similarly pre-
vitation but are fooled by well-crafted forgeries.
served ice pedestals. Some of the ice sculptures
Each wolf can cast see invisibility on itself once per
are, in fact, ice mephits assigned to guard an area
day, enabling it to see the invisible watermarks on
(as noted in the area's description).
the guests' invitations as well as to detect invisible
Doors. Unless otherwise stated, the doors of the
manor are open and unlocked.
The wolves attack anyone caught trying to enter
Lighting. The rooms of the manor are brightly lit
the Feywild without a validated invitation. When the
with continual flame spells spaced evenly along
last guest has crossed, the wolves return to Paliset
the walls.
Hall. If one or both wolves are killed, their failure to
Music. Illusion magic creates jaunty music in the
return is noticed by four more winter wolves on the
ballroom that can be heard throughout most of
Feywild side of the crossing (see area Pl). These
the palace- everywhere except the basement.


MAP ll.l: DM'S MAP



ZORHANNA ADULARE though the simulacrum is a Construct, it can be
The real Zorhanna is trapped inside the shard sol- charmed.) The simulacrum becomes hostile toward
itaire, where she is under attack by the Far Realm anyone who tries to take the shard solitaire. The
entity trapped in there with her. Using the power of simulacrum doesn't care about collateral damage to
Paliset Hall, its staff, or its guests.
the shard solitaire, the Far Realm entity has created
a simulacrum of Zorhanna. The instant the necklace becomes separated
from the simulacrum, the necklace teleports to the
ZORHANNA'S SIMULACRUM hidden vault in area Pl 2. Eliphas knows where this
Zorhanna Adulare's simulacrum appears identical vault is located, but only Zorhanna and her simula-
to Zorhanna: a tall elf with purple skin and long, crum know the proper way to open it.
pale hair. The simulacrum wears a silvery gown
embroidered with crystalline ferns and carnelian PALISET HALL LOCATIONS
holly berries. It proudly shows off the shard solitaire The following locations are keyed to map 12.2.
it's wearing to guests. Any character who observes
the simulacrum for 1 minute can discern its cold Pl: FOUNTAIN AND PATIO
indifference with a successful DC 10 Wisdom (In- The following description assumes the characters
sight) check. arrive here from Loch Wynnis via the fey crossing:
Abilities such as truesight and magic that detects
illusions reveal the true nature of the simulacrum: You stand in a fountain of illusory water on a cobble-
an elf made entirely of magical snow. stone patio. Colorful globes of light bob in the air,
The simulacrum uses the archmage stat block,
dancing in time with the stars that bllnk on the twilit
with these changes:
horizon. The patio leads to a grand, two-story palace,
, The simulacrum is a neutral evil Construct. its walls as white as fresh-fallen snow. The dark roof
• It speaks Common, Draconic, Elvish, Gnomish, or shimmers with the colors of an aurora. Crystal snow-
Sylvan while pretending to be Zorhanna, or Deep
flakes decorate the windows, and music wafts through
Speech when it is angry or frustrated.
• It can't regain expended spell slots or use the the palace's open doorway.
properties of the shard solitaire necklace. (The Four winter wolves stand between you and Paliset
shard solitaire is currently attuned to the Far Hall. After welcoming guests to the gala, the wolves
Realm entity trapped inside.) Insist on checking invitations once more before allow-
• If the simulacrum drops to O hit points, it turns ing anyone into the palace.
to snow and melts away, and the shard solitaire
necklace teleports to the safe in Zorhanna's vault
tower (area P12). The four winter wolves are soon joined by the two
winter wolves from Loch Wynnis. Each wolf can
SIMULACRUM'S LOCATION cast see invisibility on itself once per day, enabling
To determine the location of Zorhanna's simula- it to see the invisible watermarks on the guests' in-
crum when the characters first arrive at Paliset vitations as well as detect invisible party-crashers.
Hall, or anytime the characters lose track of it and The wolves are forbidden from entering Paliset Hall
need to find it, roll a d4 and consult the Simula- without a command from Zorhanna or Eliphas. ff
crum's Location table, or choose an option you like. someone tries to slip past the wolves, they alert the
ice mephits in area P2, which attack the offender.
SIMULACRUM'S LOCATION Fey Crossing. The fountain contains the fey cross-
d4 Location ing connected to Loch Wynnis. In addition to the
l Dancing in the ballroom (area P4) few times when the fey crossing opens on its own,
2 Relaxing in the parlor (area PS)
anyone can open the fey crossing from this side by
reciting the rhyme, "Neither gleaming sword nor
3 Mingling in the banquet hall (area P7)
magic tome can soothe the soul like hearth and
4 Observing from the balcony (area P9) home." This rhyme is known to Zorhanna, Eliphas,
the winter wolves, and Paliset Hall'~ staff. The fey
STEALING THE NECKLACE crossing remains open for 10 minutes after the
rhyme is recited.
As an action, a character can try to steal the shard
Anyone who steps into the fountain while the fey
solitaire necklace with a successful DC 20 Dexter- crossing is open immediately appears, completely
ity (Sleight of Hand) check, or a character can use dry, on Loch Wynnis's longest dock at the end far-
a suggestion spell or similar magic to try to make thest from the shore.
the simulacrum relinquish the necklace. (Even


Feywild Guests. The gala attracts not only folk
from the Material Plane but guests from the Fey-
wild as well. These guests (all of whom are dressed
in fantastic, winter-themed outfits) arrive in coaches
drawn by unicorns and driven by satyrs. Charac-
ters who linger on the patio might see one or more
of these coaches arrive and deposit their guests.

The front doors of the palace are made of stained

glass with silvery fractal patterns. Garlands of frost
wind around two spiral alabaster staircases in the
grand foyer, and flakes of magical snow fall from the
icicle-covered ceiling, disappearing as they touch the
floor. Guests mill about, idly chatting.

Guests. At any given time during the gala, ld6 no-

bles loiter in the foyer. You can add a named guest
to the foyer by rolling once on the Gala Guests table.
Jee Mephits. Six ice mephits are disguised as
ice decorations along the perimeter of the room.
The mephits attack anyone who starts a fight in this
area. Only Zorhanna, her simulacrum, and Eliphas
can command the mephits to stop attacking and A GNOME ADVENTURER AC.Q.UIRES
return to their posts.
Staircases. Spiral staircases in the northern cor-
ners of the room lead to the upper floor and balcony
(area P9). P4: BALLROOM


A jaunty waltz draws you into this palatial ballroom.
Guests can entrust their coats to the manor's head
Above the dancing crowd spins a glittering chandelier
of staff, a gray-haired, upbeat satyr named Oren. He
carefully hangs the coats on hooks that line the west that appears crafted from equal parts silver and frost.
and east walls of this area between the foyer and Icicles hang from the vaulted ceiling, sparkling in the
the ballroom. light like jewels.
Oren is diplomatic and ingratiating without being
obsequious. When confronted with turmoil, he does
A 20-foot-high balcony (area P9) overlooks the ball-
his best to maintain a calm facade.
Finding Zorhanna and Eliphas. Oren doesn't room floor.
Guests. At any given time during the gala,
know where Zorhanna is, but characters who ask
2d6 x 2 nobles dance here. You can add a named
about Eliphas are told the following:
guest to the ballroom by rolling once on the Gala
Guests table.

"Lord Adulare wasn't feeling well and has withdrawn Ice Mephits. Six ice mephits are disguised as
to the upstairs guest room for a trice. But pine not! I ice decorations along the perimeter of the room.
expect he'll rejoin us before long." The mephits attack anyone who starts a fight in this
area. Only Zorhanna, her simulacrum, and Eliphas
can command the mephits to stop attacking and
Oren senses trouble between Lord and Lady Adu- return to their posts.
lare, but he won't pry into their affairs, and he gently
discourages other staff from doing the same. He
carries a key for the storage closets in the cellar
(area P18) but doesn't recall anything important be-
ing stored in them.


\ '~

P5: PARLOR Treasure. Four items on display are magical:

Rust-colored bag of tricks
Gray chaise longues and sapphire-colored couches Figurine of wondrous power (serpentine owl)
are arranged about this parlor, which is occupied by a , Gauntlets ofogre power
handful of guests. A tall pine tree bedecked in tinsel • Quiver of Ehlonna
and gilded baubles stands majestically in one corner. Some nonmagical treasures are displayed here as
well, including three silk tapestries (250 gp each),
eight paintings by famous artists (750 gp each),
Guests. At any given time during the gala, ld8
an onyx mountain goat statuette with garnets for
nobles lounge in this room. You can add a named
eyes (250 gp), and a beautiful blue opal statuette
guest to the parlor by rolling once on the Gala
depicting an archfey known as the Prince of Frost
Guests table.
(5,000 gp).


Vibrant painHngs and tapestries depicting the _seasons Two long, mahogany tables are piled high with
hang in this grand room. Along the walls are displays
sugared plums, decadent gingerbreads, and glazed
of statuettes, crystal vases, and other art objects.
meats. Two sprites flutter near them, encouraging
guests to sample the food.
SecretDoor. A secret door in the northeast cor-
ner of the room has a painting mounted to it. The
painting depicts two tiefling children playing in the The two sprites are named Sysie and Val. Any
snow, and the painting's frame is made of gray wood character who converses with them and succeeds
carved with snowflakes. Pressing the snowflake in on a DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check notices they are
the bottom middle of the frame causes the secret both uneasy. They sense something is amiss with
door to swing outward on hidden hinges, revealing a Zorhanna, but neither sprite dares speak out for
staircase to the storage cellar (area Pl8). A charac- fear of inviting the Adulares' wrath or a stern lec-
ter who examines the painting or searches the wall ture from Oren, the satyr head of staff. A character
for secret doors and succeeds on a DC 17 Wisdom can convince either sprite to share their concerns
(Perception) check notices the sheen of frequent by succeeding on a DC 13 Charisma (Persuasion)
touches on the snowflake button. check, but this check is made with disadvantage if
Zorhanna is within the sprite's line of sight.


Guests. At any given time during the gala, ld6 + 2 cheerfully introduces itself as Oak, personal assis-
nobles enjoy food and refreshments here. You can tant to Zorhanna and Eliphas.
add a named guest by rolling once on the Gala Oak explains that his job is to keep track of Lord
Guests table. and Lady Adulare's schedule and remind them of
any mundane tasks they might have forgotten. Oak
doesn't normally share information with strangers,
but Zorhanna and Eliphas have ignored the painting
The scent of herbs and the clatter of pots fill this busy of late, and Oak is dying to talk to someone. Any
kitchen. Amid the satyr and pixie cooks stands a much character who asks Oak a question about Zorhanna,
taller figure with pale, knotted, bark-like skin. Her Eliphas, or the shard solitaire necklace can make
a DC 12 Charisma (Persuasion) check. If the check
glassy black eyes survey the kitchen's staff with pierc-
is successful, Oak provides an answer other than,
ing sternness. "Well, 1 can't really talk about that." Its answers are
as follows:
Two satyrs and three pixies busy themselves with Eliphas. "Eliphas has been staying in the guest
cooking tasks. The dour dryad head chef, Anisetta, room on the opposite side of Paliset Hall. If
lords over the kitchen and barks out orders. Anis- you see him, please remind him he has an ap-
etta also carries a key for the storage closets in the pointment with that emissary from Prismeer in
cellar (area P18) but doesn't recall anything import- two days."
ant being stored in them. Zorhanna. "Zorhanna doesn't sleep, but she used to
If Anisetta catches anyone who isn't staff in the check in with me after finishing her trance. Lately,
kitchen, she sharply asks them to leave in Elvish. she won't even say hello. I don't know what I said
If that doesn't work, she tromps out of the kitchen to offend her."
to find Oren, the head of staff (see area P3), and de- Shard Solitaire Necklace. "That old thing? Zor-
mands he deal with the situation, whkh be tries to hanna took it from the pool a few weeks ago for
do diplomatically. a dress fitting and hasn't taken it off since. Oh,
Staircase. A staircase leads to the storage cellar dear, did I say pool? You know what? Forget I said
(area P18). This stairway is reserved for servants, anything."
but a character who succeeds on a DC 18 Charisma
(Deception or Persuasion) check convinces Anisetta The magic painting is a Small object with AC 11,
to let them access it. 4 hit points, and immunity to poison or psychic
damage. Reducing it to Ohit points or removing it
P9:BALCONY from the room renders it nonmagical. If a character
threatens to destroy Oak, the painting reveals that
Zorhanna's vault is "hidden in the tower pool beyond

This balcony, which overlooks the ballroom, is en-
the bathroom," then nods toward area Pll.
closed by an alabaster balustrade that has gold-leaf
reindeer for balusters. Pll: MAIN BATHROOM

It's a 20-foot drop from the balcony to the ball- A porcelain bathtub sits against one wall of this room,
room floor. which also contains two tables stacked with clean tow-
Guests. At any given time during the gala, ld6 no- els, scented bars of soap, and bottles. At the back of
bles mingle here. You can add a named guest to the the room, blocking a short staircase that climbs to a
ballroom by rolling once on the Gala Guests table. turret, is a ten-foot-tall marble statue of a reindeer.

The statue is a stone golem that guards the way to

IPaintings in gilded frames hang on the walls of this

spacious, lavishly decorated bedchamber.

Magic Painting. One of the paintings depicts

area Pl 2. Zorhanna, her simulacrum, or someone
disguised as Zorhanna can command the golem
to move aside. Otherwise, the golem attacks if it
takes damage or if someone tries to sneak past it
into area P l 2. In combat, the golem uses Slow on
a reindeer-shaped creature made of dark woven its first turn. On subsequent turns, it makes Slam
branches and emerald-green leaves. If a creature attacks with its hooves and antlers. If it is reduced to
moves within 5 feet of the painting, the image 0 hit points, the golem turns to dust, then re-forms
animates, and the wooden reindeer-like creature and returns to its post ld4 hours later. After it is
destroyed three times, it doesn't re-form.


Treasure. Characters who search the room find The safe has no mechanisms that a thief can ex-
a potion ofhealing (superior) and four bottles of ploit using thieves' tools, but a knock spell or similar
scented bath oil (25 gp each) atop the table farthest magic can be used to open it.
from the bathtub. When the rings are properly aligned or the safe is
opened by other means, the circular area inside the
innermost ring disappears, allowing access to a hid-
den compartment measuring 1 foot on each side. If
A rectangular pool is situated in the middle of this oc- the shard solitaire necklace was taken from Zorhan-
tagonal turret, which has tiled walls and a tiled floor. na's simulacrum, it rests in the compartment (the
The turret's vaufted ceiling bears a painted mural of a stone is still attuned to the Far Realm entity trapped
inside it). Otherwise, the compartment is empty.
fantastically beautiful fey creature who looks like win-
Seconds before the pool refills with water, the
ter incarnate. The pool's water is perfectly clear, re-
safe reseals itself and the runes vanish from the
vealing a tile mosaic at the bottom ofit. In the center golden rings.
of the pool's mosaic are three concentric, gilded rings.
The pool has no visible drain.

Elegant dresses and blouses hang on racks along the

The painted mural on the ceiling depicts the Prince
of Frost, an archfey of Zorhanna's acquaintance. walls of this narrow chamber. A white wooden dresser
Pool. The pool is 10 feet long, 5 feet wide, 5 feet against the far wall has a circular mirror mounted
deep, and filled with frigid water. When a creature above it.
other than Zorhanna enters the water for the first
time on a turn or starts its turn there, it must make
The garments stored here are exquisite. The dress-
a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, taking 14 (4d6)
er's drawers contain enough materials (wigs, cos-
cold damage on a failed save, or half as much dam-
metics, and whatnot) to assemble one disguise kit.
age on a s uccessful one.
No more than once per day, while Zorhanna is Pl4: GUEST BEDROOM
immersed in the pool, she can use it to contact the The door to this room is closed and unlocked.
Prince of Frost and ask him up to three questions.
He can choose not to answer a question or provide
a truthful answer, but he can't lie. He can then ask This bedroom is spacious and nicely appointed. A
Zorhanna three questions, each of which must be man wearing a rich-blue coat sits on the edge of a
answered truthfully or not at all. narrow bed. His trimmed white beard darkens at its
Rune Tile. The Elvish rune for "winter" is in- roots, and kindly wrinkles frame his brow and eyes.
scribed on the wall opposite the stairs. A character "Looking to escape the crowds?" he-asks with a thin
who examines that wall and succeeds on a DC 20
smile. "I get that. You're welcome to hide in here with
Wisdom (Perception) check spots the rune, which
me for as long as you like."
can also be found with a detect magic spell. Press-
ing the rune's tile opens hidden pipes at the bottom
of the pool and drains it completely in 1 minute. The Eliphas is a neutral good, human werebear who
pool remains empty for 10 minutes, after which it can adopt the form of a polar bear. He has an In-
automatically refills with frigid water. telligence score of 18 and the following additional
Vault. The three concentric, gilded rings at the action option:
bottom of th<'! pool are the locking mechanisms
Spellcasting (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only). Eliphas casts
for a hidden safe. Each ring is flat and set in a one of the following spells, using Intelligence as the spellcast-
shallow groove, such that it can be rotated. Once ing ability (save DC 15):
the water in the pool is drained, tiny Elvish runes
At will: light, minor illusion, prestidigitation
representing the letters A through Z magically 2/day each: detect magic.fog cloud
appear on the surface of each ring, with the letters 1/day each: phantasmal force, shatter
spaced around the ring at equal intervals. Opening
If the characters reveal who they are and why
the safe requires that the three rings be turned in
they've come, a great weight seems to lift from
their grooves until their runes line up to form the
Eliphas's shoulders as he thanks them for heed-
word "OAK." Only Zorhanna and her simulacrum
ing his summons. "I knew Fife! wouldn't let me
know the correct combination of letters (although
down!" he adds.
"OAK" is a direct reference to the magic painting in
area PlO).


Eliphas knows the following pieces of information: The books on the shelves span many topics mostly
related to nature, the planes, and the Feywild in
Zorhanna's Simulacrum. "I'm now convinced that
my wife has been replaced by a simulacrum-a
Treasure. Any character who spends 1 hour ex-
lookalike invested with her knowledge and spell-
amining the books on the shelves can, at the end of
casting ability. I dimly recall Zorhanna mention-
that hour, make a DC 20 InteJligence (Investigation)
ing that the shard solitaire has the power to create
check. If the check is successful, the character finds
such a thing."
a rare book worth 250 gp to a coJlector. Only four
Secret Vault. "Zorhanna usually keeps her shard
such books can be found here.
solitaire necklace in a vault hidden beneath a pool
The fur-covered book on the desk is Zorhanna's
. of frigid water in Paliset Hall's bathroom turret,
spellbook, which contains the following spells: ar-
which is guarded by a stone golem. Only Zorhanna
cane lock, banishment, cone ofcold, counterspell,
can safely bypass the golem, and only Zorhanna
detect magic, detect thoughts, fire shield, fly, globe
knows the three-letter combination to the vault."
ofinvulnerability, ice storm, identify, knock, legend
(Eliphas can lead characters safely to area Pll if
Jore, lightning bolt, mage armor, magic missile, mind
they ask to see the bathroom turret, and he will
blank, mirror image, misty step, plane shift, poly-
help them def~at the golem that guards it.)
morph, remove curse, scrying, sending, stoneskin,
Weird Anomalies. "Something strange is happen-
teleport, time stop, true seeing, and wall of force.
ing. I've seen wans, windows, and doors trans-
The crystal ball on the desk is nonmagical but
form before my eyes, then suddenly everything is
worth 1,000 gp. It can be used as a focus for the
normal again. This only started a few hours ago,
scrying spell.
and it scares me. I just don't know what to do!"
Inside one of the desk drawers is a set of tinker's
If the characters tell Eliphas they've also seen weird tools and a partially dismantled (and nonfunctional)
anomalies, Eliphas begins to wonder if Zorhanna music box similar in design to the ones used by the
is causing the anomalies because she is trapped Golden Vault. lnside another desk drawer is a set
somewhere in Paliset Hall and trying to reach out of calligrapher's tools, three blank invitations to the
to them. If a character suggests the anomalies are winter solstice gala, some envelopes, a wax seal,
caused by the shard solitaire or something else and a silk pouch containing 50 pp.
trapped inside it, Eliphas urges the characters to
search Paliset Hall until they discover the truth. Pl7: POWDER AND FITTING ROOM


This room contains a wooden vanity with a circular
A porcelain tub rests against one wall of this bath-
room. The mirror hanging above the vanity is mirror mounted to the wall above it. Other furnishings
cracked. If asked, Eliphas sheepishly explains that include a table, a padded chair, and a dresser.
he cracked the mirror in a shaving accident.
Pl6: PRIVATE STUDY The dresser contains folded garments, straight pins,
An arcane lock spell has been cast on the door to scissors, wigs, and a cloth tape measure. The table
this room. Zorhanna, her simulacrum, and Eliphas bears an impressive selection of cosmetics.
treat the door as though it were unlocked. Pl8: CELLAR
As an action, a character can try to open the mag-
ically locked door using thieves' tools, doing so with
a successful DC 22 Dexterity check, or try to force Wooden casks and crates line the walls of this cellar,
it open, doing so with a successful DC 22 Strength which has an ascending staircase at each end. A pair
(Athletics) check. A knock spell or similar magic of wooden doors flank a narrow passageway in the
also opens the door. middle of one wall. Eerie, scintillating light streams
around the edges of one of the doors.
The walls of this room are lined with tall shelves
stuffed with leather-bound tomes. An e legant wooden
The crates contain foodstuffs, and the casks contain
desk is situated under a stained-glass window. Atop wine. The staircases lead to areas P6 and P8, re-
the desk is a thick book with a furry white cover and a spectively.
crystal ball in a gilded stand. Storage Closets. Both storage closets are locked.
Oren (see area P3) and Anisetta (see area P8) carry
keys to these closets. As an action, a character can
use thieves' tools to try to open a locked door, doing
so with a successful DC 11 Dexterity check, or try to


force open the door, doing so with a successful DC P20: INSIDE THE SOLITAIRE RIFT
15 Strength (Athletics) check. A knock spell or simi- Each character who enters the rift in area P18 is
lar magic also opens the door. deposited in the shard solitaire's extradimensional
The easternmost closet is the one emitting light. space, appearing atop the rock marked A or B on
When a character opens this closet for the first time, map 12.2. Divide the party as evenly as possible
read or paraphrase the following text: among these two locations. To set the scene, read or
paraphrase the following:
Floating in space is a pulsing rift of iridescent energy,
like a jagged scar in the fabric of reality. The light dims You appear on a smooth, flat-topped rock floating in
for a second, revealing faint shadows shifting deep the middle of a magically charged maelstrom filled
within the rift, before it flares once more. with thunderous roars. Other rocks float nearby.
Standing on the largest one is Zorhanna in her r-egalia.
Rift. The rift is a one-way portal to the extrapla- You also sense a terrible presence-something form-
nar space inside the shard solitaire. A creature that less and indescribable-lurking all around you.
enters the rift's space immediately disappears, then Zorhanna points at you and laughs. "The shapeless
reappears in area P20 in a random unoccupied evil finally appears! Whatever you are, you can't fool
space atop the rock marked A or Bon map 12.2. me! Prepare to face the wrath ofZorhanna Adulare!"
The rift can't be dispelled, but it disappears when
the shard solitaire ceases to be magical (see "The
Solitaire Cracks" later in the adventure). Zorhanna Adulare stands in the middle of the
largest floating rock (marked Con map 12.2). She
Pl9: SERVANTS' QUARTERS is a chaotic good, elf archmage who speaks Au-
This hallway has numerous doors leading to simple ran, Common, Draconic, Elvish, and Sylvan. She
bedrooms for servants. All the bedroom doors can has expended all her 6th-level and higher spell
be locked from the inside, but all are currently un- slots trying to escape from the shard solitaire's
locked. No servants are here during the gala. extradimensional space, to no avail.

Zorhanna's sense of reality has been warped by Far Realm Entity. The Far Realm entity can't
prolonged contact with the shapeless Far Realm be seen, heard, targeted, attacked, or harmed. Its
entity that haunts the extradimensional space. She presence can merely be felt. At the end of each hour
is convinced that the characters were conjured by spent in the extradimensional space with this entity,
this entity to harm her, so she attacks them. She a creature must succeed on a DC 17 Charisma sav-
casts cone ofcold or lightning bolt every round on ing throw or take 7 (2d6) psychic damage.
her turn for as long as she is able to do so. If one or If the characters crave more combat or if you think
more characters close to melee distance, she casts they've had too easy a time so far, the entity mani-
shocking grasp and misty step on her next turn, fests three invisible stalkers that are hostile toward
using the latter spell to teleport to another rock. the characters. When a stalker drops to O hit points,
As an action, a character can make a DC 17 Cha• it lets out a terrible howl as it disperses. Creating
risma (Persuasion) check while trying to convince these stalkers takes energy the entity needs to free
Zorhanna that the party is not her enemy. If the itself from the extradimensional rift, so it won't cre-
check is successful, Zorhanna does nothing on her ate more than three of them.
next turn except mutter to herself as she ponders Escaping the Rift. A creature can't simply teleport
what the character said. If the check fails, Zorhanna from the shard solitaire's extradimensional space. A
continues her·attack. Once three such checks suc- plane shift spell or similar magic is required.
ceed, Zorhanna concludes that the characters are If Zorhanna obtains her spellbook, she can use it
not her enemies and calls for an end to hostilities. to prepare the plane shift spell, but only after finish-
She then screams into the void, "You almost had ing a 4-hour trance (the equivalent of a long rest for
me! Nice try, whatever you are!" her). If the characters escape with Zorhanna before
The characters can also convince Zorhanna to the shard solitaire cracks, she admits that the shard
stop attacking them by returning her spellbook to solitaire is too dangerous to keep in Paliset Hall
her. The spellbook (found in area P16) excites her and does everything in her power to make sure the
because it contains the plane shift spell-her ticket characters leave with it. She also suggests the char-
to freedom (see "Escaping the Rift" below). acters place it inside a bag ofholding or some other
Once Zorhanna is no longer hostile toward the item that contains extradimensional storage space,
characters, they can question her and learn the fol- in case the shard solitaire explodes.
lowing information: If Zorhanna and the characters have no means of
About the Shard Solitaire. "Years ago, I stole the escaping the extradimensional space on their own,
shard solitaire from three hags who were trying they are released when the shard solitaire cracks
to harness its extradimensional energy, which, as (see "The Solitaire Cracks" below). Until then, they
you can see, is highly unstable. I thought I could must try to resist the psychic damage caused by the
keep the diamond safe, but I couldn't resist show- Far Realm entity.
ing it off from time to time. Tlet my vanity get the
better of me." THE CRESTFALL COVEN
The Entity. "Something alien and evil wormed its The hags of the Crestfall Coven have waited many
way into the shard solitaire's extradimensional years to steal back the shard solitaire. Until now, ill
rift and became trapped here, just as we are. This omens and vague auguries have stayed their hand,
entity has a mind, but no body or soul. I believe it but the moment has finally come.
comes from a dimension called the Far Realm. It With the help of a tiefling scout named Mettle (see
is pure evil and can't be allowed to escape." the Gala Guests table earlier in the adventure), the
hags have been able to spy on the gala. Disguised as
Extradimensional Rift. The rocks that float in the
three elf nobles from the Feywild, the three night
extradimensional rift are flat on top and suspended
hags (whose names are Myrrel Malum, Esadora
in the air at roughly the same elevation. A creature
Crane, and Netheria Nightblossom) arrive at Pal-
can leap from one rock to its closest neighbor with-
out having to make an ability check. iset Hall in one of the Adulares's unicorn-drawn
coaches. After exiting the coach, the hags present
Any creature that falls off a rock plunges into the
stolen invitations to the winter wolves standing
rift. At the start of that creature's next turn, energy
from the rift strikes the creature for 22 (4d10) force guard outside, then waltz into Paliset Hall, cackling
with delight at how well their plan is unfolding.
damage, then teleports the creature, along with
anything it is wearing or carrying, to a random un• HUNT FOR THE SHARD SOLITAIRE
occupied space atop one of the larger rocks. Roll a
d6 to determine which rock: 1-2, rock A; 3-4, rock If all three members of the Crestfall Coven are
B; or 5- 6, rock C. within 30 feet of each other, they gain the benefit of
the Shared Spellcasting trait described in the "Hag


Covens" sidebar in the Monster Manual. One of the The Far Realm entity is nowhere to be seen, and its
three hags uses this trait to cast locate object to find presence can no longer be felt.
the shard solitaire. If they find the shard solitaire in The extradimensional energy released from
another creature's possession, the hags attack who- the stone has the same effect as a staffofpower's
ever has it. If the shard solitaire necklace teleported Retributive Strike property, centered on the stone
to Zorhanna's vault, the hags use Change Shape to itself. The explosion occurs a split second before
assume Zorhanna's appearance and slip past the creatures trapped inside the stone are released,
vault's stone golem guardian. One of the hags then sparing them from the effect.
casts contact other plane (which has a 1-minute If the characters placed the uncracked stone in
casting time) to learn the three-letter combination the extradimensional space of a magic item such as
needed to open the vault. a bag ofholding or Fifel's haversack, the explosion
If the characters are trapped inside the shard is confined to that item's extradimensional space,
solitaire or otherwise unable to thwart the Crestfall doing no harm to the container; a split second later,
Coven, the hags snatch the necklace from the vault creatures released from the stone appear in unoccu-
and use their plane shift spells to transport to Loch pied spaces within 30 feet of that container, rather
Wynnis, where they wait for Mettle. than inside its extradimensional space near the
stone itself.
Characters in Paliset Hall might encounter the CONCLUSION
Crestfall Coven as the hags search for the shard After the shard solitaire cracks, assuming they sur-
solitaire necklace. The hags are willing to cut a deal vive, the characters can take stock of their triumphs
with the characters, provided the coven gets to keep or failures.
the shard solitaire. Clever characters might help the
hags break into Zorhanna's vault, then betray the MIDWINTER MIRACLES
hags and claim the shard solitaire for themselves.
If Zorhanna and Eliphas are reunited and the
Similarly, any character who took Mettle's hag eye characters did their utmost to protect Paliset Hall
can trade it for the shard solitaire, since the hags
and its guests, Eliphas sees that the characters re-
don't want to suffer the consequences of their hag ceive their promised reward. If they already helped
eye being destroyed.
themselves to the magic items on display in the art
If a night hag is reduced to 50 hit points or fewer, gallery (area P6), Eliphas considers their reward
it uses plane shift to flee. If two members of the paid in full.
coven are forced to flee in this manner, the third
If one or more characters died but Zorhanna sur-
flees as well.
vived, she makes arrangements with the Summer
Queen, a powerful archfey, to have the characters
THE SOLITAIRE CRACKS brought back to life at no charge to the party, pro-
At some point before the end of the adventure, the vided the characters didn't commit any despicable
Far Realm entity finally breaks free of the shard acts she's aware of. If Zorhanna perished but Eli-
solitaire, causing it to crack like a walnut. Here are phas survived, he calls in a few favors to raise char-
some suggestions for when this event might occur: acters from the dead.
• ld8 hours after the characters return to the BACK IN LOCH WYNNIS
Material Plane with the shard solitaire in their
possession When the characters return to Loch Wynnis, Fife)
• If the characters are trapped in area P20 with the greets them and asks about their visit to the Fey-
Far Realm entity and have no means of escape wild. If they need to borrow his Reward's handy
• After the night hags obtain the shard solitaire haversack to safely contain and transport the shard
but before they can use their plane shift spells to solitaire, he empties it and hands it to them.
escape withit
The cracking of the shard solitaire is audible to any-
If the characters are working for the Golden Vault,
one holding or weadng it. In that instant, the shard
the organization rewards them only ifEliphas and
solitaire becomes a flawed, nonmagical diamond
Zorhanna both survived, no innocent lives were lost
worth 500 gp, and all the creatures and extradimen-
in Paliset Hall, and the shard solitaire didn't end
sional energy contained within it are released at
up in the clutches of the Crestfall Coven. A Golden
once. If Zorhanna is alive, she materializes in an un-
Vault operative offers the characters a rare magic
occupied space within 30 feet of the stone, as do any
item of their choice (subject to your approval) as a
characters who were trapped in the stone with her.
reward, which is delivered the next day.


What happens to the Far Realm entity is for you to
decide. As a thing of pure thought, it might corrupt
creatures in its vicinity, transforming them into
horrible Aberrations or zealous Far Realm cultists.
Conversely, it might find solace in the body of some
creature powerful enough to serve as its new host.


Long ago, someone dropped a bag ofholding full
of jewels into a portable hole, creating an explosive
portal to the Astral Plane. A 5,000 gp diamond con-
tained within the bag absorbed some of the portal's
volatile energy and became the shard solitaire fea-
tured in this ·adventure.
The same Far Realm entity that wormed its way
into the shard solitaire's extradimensional rift has
also attuned to the stone. The entity can't do any-
thing with the stone other than what it has already
done to Zorhanna Adulare (as described in this ad-
venture). When the entity escapes the rift, the stone
cracks and becomes nonmagical.
Although the characters never get the chance to
wield the power of Zorhanna's shard solitaire, other
such items are scattered throughout the multiverse,
waiting to be found.
Wondrous Item, Legendary (Requires Attunement)
This gemstone contains an unstable extradimen-
sional rift. Its facets are ribboned with iridescent
veins that seem to move of their own accord. Five
types of shard solitaire are known to exist, each one ZORHANNA'S DIAMOND SHARD S'OLITAIRE

a different type of gemstone, as shown in the Shard OANGLES F~OM A PLATINUM NEC.t<LAC.E .

Solitaire Types table.

Rift Step. As a bonus action, while wearing or
holding the shard solitaire, you can teleport your- SHARD SOLITAIRE TYPES
self, along with anything you're wearing or carrying, Shard Solitaire Spells
to an unoccupied space you can see within 30 feet All Banishment (3 charges; the. target is
of yourself. banished to the stone's extradimen-
When you use this property, you can tap into the sional space for the spell's duration),
unstable power of the stone's extradimensional rift
mirror image (l charge)
to increase the teleport distance by up to 30 feet,
but if you teleport more than 30 feet using Rift Step, Black sapphire Blight (3 charges),.finger of death (6
you must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving charges)
throw or take 3dl0 force damage immediately after Diamond Ice storm (3 charges), simulacrum (6
you teleport. charges; the duplicate created by the
SpeJJcasting. The stone has 6 charges and re- spell has the same number of hit points
gains ld6 expended charges daily at dawn. The as the creature it imitates}
Shard Solitaire Types table lists the spells common
Jacinth Fireball (2 charges),.fire storm (6
to all shard solitaires, as well as the spells specific
to each kind of stone. As an action, you can cast one
of the stone's spells by expending the requisite num- Rainbow pearl Prismatic sptay (6 charges), water
ber of charges, requiring no material components breathing (2 charges)
(save DC 16). Ruby Fly (2 charges}, teleport (6 charges)



OR CENTURIES, A POWERFUL EFREETI NAMED Displeased with the idea of a dracolich on his

F Vrakir sent his armies against numerous foes

and burned countless cities to ash. Now, the
tyrant has found an artifact of unimaginable
evil: the Book of Vile Darkness.
In this heist, the heroes must infiltrate Brimstone
doorstep, Vrakir slew the cultists before they could
finish the ritual, destroying Drendarylix in the pro-
cess. Only once the dust settled did the efreeti learn
what had given the cultists their power: the Book of
Vile Darkness. Without hesitation, Vrakir claimed
Hold, the prison-fortress where Vrakir has locked the artifact, taking it to Brimstone Hold to plot how
away the Book of Vile Darkness, and escape with best to use it to fuel his evil.
the efreeti's prize. The characters' contact is an
arcanaloth named Nebukath, the hold's duplicitous HOOKS AND REWARDS
administrator, who secretly covets the book and If you're not using the Golden Vault as the char-
plans to betray the heroes as soon as the group acters' patron (see the "Using the Golden Vault"
recovers it. section), you can use one of the following hooks to
get the characters involved in the adventure.
Vrakir obtained the Book of Vile Darkness by acci- CLOSE TO HOME
dent. The efreeti knew the red dragon Drendarylix Vrakir has set his mind to conquering the charac-
laired only a few days' ride from Brimstone Hold, ters' homeland. The region's brave defenders have
one ofVrakir's fortresses. Many adventurers over rebuffed his army's initial assaults, but they stand
the years tried to slay the foul creature, which had little chance of holding out once Vrakir unleashes
attacked and looted nearby villages for decades. the fell power of the Book of Vile Darkness.
One day, word reached Vrakir that Drendarylix had Syr Isbeth, the human leader of the defense effort,
been slain but that the dragon's vanquishers had received a missive from the arcanaloth Nebukath
also perished in the battle. Thinking the lair would professing the arcanaloth's sympathies for her
be easy to plunder, Vrakir set off with a contingent cause and providing information about the book's
of warriors to claim its riches. location. Syr lsbeth doesn't know whether Nebukath
Whe n he arrived, however, Vrakir learned the can be trusted, but stealing the book would stymie
truth: the adventurers who had supposedly slain Vrakir's war effort-it's too good an opportunity
Drendarylix were cultists who had arrived to wor- to pass up. She asks the characters to undertake
ship the wicked beast. Worse, the cult was conduct- this perilous mission, promising them the title to
ing a ritual to turn Drendarylix into a dracolich. a regional stronghold, along with its retinue of five
knights and one hundred guards, if they bring her
the book or proof of its destruction.


"We obtained a map of the fortress from an infor-
The Fated (a faction based in Sigil) has interests mant of ours, an arcanaloth named Nebukath, who
throughout the multiverse, and many of them have
works in Brimstone Hold. Nebukath is willing to pro-
been disrupted by Vrakir's conquests. The Fated has
decided it is time to curtail Vrakir's power, so it con- vide further assistance, but we suspect the arcanaloth
tacted the opportunistic arcanaloth Nebukath for has reasons of their own to acquire the book, so be on
information about how to deprive the efreeti of his your guard!
greatest weapon. "Nebukath is unsure how long Vrakir plans to keep
Fam Bindelbrot, a gnome operative for the Fated, the book in the fortress, meaning time is of the es-
identified the characters as having the skills needed sence. Good luck, operatives."
for such a difficult task. Should the characters
deliver the Book of Vile Darkness to Fam, he will
reward them with an amulet ofthe planes. Farn Closing the music box causes the golden key
promises the Fated will then safely secure the book. to vanish.


A halfling warlock named Remi Duskweather re- Once the characters are ready to begin planning the
nounced her pact and dedicated herself to serving heist, show the players map 13.1. The map arrives
a holy order (potentially one connected with a cleric via whoever asks the characters to undertake this
or paladin in the party). As her final test of faith, mission. Written on the backside of the map is the
Remi has been tasked with using her connection following note in Common:
to her former patron-the arcanaloth Nebukath- to
help the holy order obtain and destroy the Book of
Vile Darkness. This is as detailed a map as I could find. The book's
Remi has gotten the necessary information from location is marked with an X. Please hurry, as Vrakir
Nebukath, but stealing the book is beyond her abil- could move it at any time. I fear the chaos and de-
ity, so she recruits the characters to carry out this struction he will unleash once he has fully embraced
task for the order. Remi offers no reward, but if the the book's power.-N.
characters bring the book or proof of its destruction
to the order, each character receives a blessing of
their choice, either from the gods they worship or The following sections contain information that can
from a god worshiped by Remi's holy order: a bless- help guide the characters as they form their plan.
ing ofhealth, a blessing ofprotection, or a blessing You can provide this information straightforwardly
of understanding, all of which are described in the to the players, present it through conversations
Dungeon Master's Guide. with the party's patron, or allow characters to use
their skills and abilities to research and gather
If you're using the Golden Vault as a patron, a BRIMSTONE HOLD'S INHABITANTS
golden key is delivered to the characters in whatever
Here's a summary of Brimstone Hold's inhabitants:
manner you deem fit, along with a hand-drawn map
of Brimstone Fortress (see map 13.1). Efreet. Vrakir spehds most of his time on the Ele-
When the characters use the golden key to open mental Plane of Fire, visiting Brimstone Hold only
their ipusic box, the lid pops open and a soothing occasionally. In his absence, the hold is under the
voice says the following: command of an efreeti namedJarazoun.
Nebukath the Arcanaloth. The characters' map
was provided by an arcanaloth named Nebukath,
"Greetings, operatives. The Golden Vault has learned
who serves as Brimstone Hold's administrator
that an efreeti named Vrakir has the Book of Vile Dark-
and is working to undermine Vrakir. If the charac-
ness. We need you to steal this evil artifact so we can ters seek out Nebukath in the hold, the arcanaloth
destroy it. This quest, should you choose to undertake may help them.
it, requires you to infiltrate the fortress of Brimstone Various Defenders. The hold is defended by
Hold, where the book is kept. erinyes devils (whose truesight allows them to
see through most forms of magical concealment),
duergar, and salamanders, as well as a young red
dragon named Kalimrax and a beholder known as
the Eye of the Efreet.



. Hot.D fnrei,ot



(areas B8 and B9) are 80 feet high. Towers have B2: GATEHOUSE
interior floors every 20 feet, with stone stairs along
the inside walls leading between floors. Tower
Two mighty towers of black stone flank the fortress's
doors shown on the map allow access from ground
iron gate, while a third tower looms behind it. Fiery or•
level. All towers also have doors that open onto the
walkways of adjoining curtain walls, as well as trap- ange banners hang from the towers' parapets, rippling
doors that open onto the towers' roofs. in the plumes of heat that rise off the river of lava.

The banners are 20 feet long and emblazoned with
The erinyes, duergar, and salamanders that defend Vrakir's symbol- a crown encircling the branches
the hold are united by their loyalty to Vrakir, but of a tree wreathed in flame- as well his motto, atka
each group otherwise disdains the others. The de- ignari (lgnan for "all shall burn").
fenders are s low to assist or seek assistance from Two erinyes are stationed on the rooftops of the
members outside their own group. towers closest to the bridge. If the characters ap-
Any fights or suspicious activities in the hold are proach the gatehouse and give a sound reason for
reported to the efreetijarazoun, who places the being here, the erinyes open the way (see "Doors"
defenders on high alert. Even ifVrakir is at the hold, and "Portcullises" below), escort the characters to
the defenders bring their reports to Jarazoun first, area B10, and announce their presence to the sala-
allowing him to deal with any trouble himself rather manders in area B22 before returning to their posts.
than risk Vrakir's ire. While on high alert, the hold's When the hold is on high alert, a third erinyes
inhabitants can't be surprised, and Jarazoun re- from area B15 takes up position in the gatehouse's
sponds personally to any further reports of trouble, rear tower.
arriving after 1 minute with two salamanders from Doors. The entrances from areas Bl a nd B4 are
area B20. After 24 hours with no incidents, the hold each protected by an iron double door that stands
goes off high alert. 20 feet high. The doors are held shut with interlock-
ing iron bars that can be levered up or down as an
action from the first floors of the adjoining towers.
Klax's traders and Vrakir himself are visitors Lifting the bars from within the central yard of
rather than full-time occupants. You can determine area B2 requires a successful DC 15 Strength (Ath-
whether Vrakir and the traders are present by letics) check, while bursting the gates from area
rolling a dl0 and a d20. A result of 1 or 2 on the Bl or B4 requires a successful DC 25 Strength
dl0 indicates that Vrakir is present. A result of 1 (Athletics) check. Any Medium or smaller creature
or 2 on the d20 indicates that Klax and her crew attempting to force open one of these doors has dis-
are present. advantage on its ability check to do so.
Alternatively, you can decide that Vrakir is either Portcullises. The gatehouse's portcullises a re so
present or absent depending on how challenging large that they each require two winches to operate,
you want the heist to be. The efreeti keeps his own one on the second floor of each adjoining tower, and
schedule, and not even his most trusted servants the two winches must be operated simultaneously.
know when or where he will appear next. For each winch, it takes 3 actions to raise a portcul-
lis or 1 action to lower it.
BRIMSTONE HOLD LOCATIONS As an action, a creature can try to lift a portcullis
The following locations are keyed to map 13.2. above its head, doing so with a successful a DC 25
Strength (Athletics) check. Any Medium or smaller
Bl: BRIDGE creature attempting to do so has disadvantage on
this check.
A broad stone bridge spans the fiery river, its arches
luridly lit from below. Three-foot-high barriers line the
causeway's edges, funneling travelers toward the gate-

A forbidding tower overlooks the yard below, its

house ofVrakir's imposing fortress.
toothed parapets etched black against the sky's
ruddy glow.
The bridge crosses the lava river at its narrowest
point, spanning 300 feet and rising 30 feet above
the river's surface. Constructed of heavy basalt The erinyes stationed here carries a rope ofentan-
blocks, the bridge's piers are plated with iron. glement, which it uses to ensnare any prisoner who
tries to escape.


Gruk-Gruk. Tossed carelessly on the floor of the
tower's lowest story is Gruk-Gruk, a rag doll the
size of a halfling. It has a goblin's skull for a head.
The doll belongs to Yug, the ogre in area Bl4. The
erinyes stole the doll as an act of cruelty.

Huge blocks of rough basalt lie scattered about the

center of this spacious yard, where ten armored
tluergar oversee a large number of haggard prisoners.
The prisoners are using chisels and mallets to turn the
basalt blocks into smaller worked-stone blocks, which
are then stacked in piles around the yard's perimeter.
The yarcPs eastern wall is a natural stone cliff, with
two entrances carved into the cliff face and secured
with heavy iron portcullises.

Eighty prisoners (commoners) labor here under the

watchful eyes of ten duergar.
The duergar pay little mind to anyone they believe
to be on legitimate business in the hold. However,
they don't allow anyone to communicate with the
prisoners unless ordered to by one of the efreet. The
duergar issue a stern warning the first time anyone
makes unapproved contact with a prisoner, and they
turn hostile after a second instance, attempting to
subdue and capture the offender. BS: INNER YARD
Most of the prisoners are too fearful to speak with
visitors, but one prisoner named Venture (chaotic
good, tiefling gladiator) tries to get the characters' This empty yard is hemmed in by a rocky diff on its
attention, seeing the party's arrival as a golden eastern edge. A flight of stairs has been carved into
opportunity to escape. If the characters smuggle the cliff face leading to the top, while a doorway at the
her some weapons, rope, and a grappling hook, base of the steps is set into the stone.
Venture agrees to start a prison riot (see "Prison
Riot" below).
Por tcullises. The passages into the hold's interior Behind the door at the base of the stairs is a long
are blocked by portcullises. The winch to operate tunnel that leads to areas Bll and 815-B19.
the northern portcullis is accessible from the yard.
The winch to operate the southern portcullis is
inside the passage leading to area Bll. It takes 3
actions to raise a portcullis or 1 action to lower it us- The large, horseshoe-shaped upper yard wraps around
ing the winch. As an action, a creature can try to lift the harbor in its center. Sturdy wooden cranes to the
a portcullis above its head, doing so with a success- west overlook the quay below, while the eastern side
ful a DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check.
houses small outbuildings. Towerlng over the eastern
Prison Riot. If either Venture or the characters
edge of the yard is the volcano's ash-covered slope,
start a prison riot, all the duergar from areas Bll
and B18 rush to area B4 to quelJ it. The erinyes featuring a giant efreeti face carved from the stone
in areas B2, B3, and 88 watch in amusement but and spewing lava from its mouth.
don't intervene. If the characters aren't present, it
takes the duergar 10 minutes to subdue the rioting
The upper yard is patrolled by a young red dragon
named Kalimrax. The dragon guards the fortress
If the characters return to the prison yard after
against aerial assault, but attacks from the air are
obtaining the Book of Vile Darkness, the prisoners
few and far between. Kalimrax spends most of her
start another riot and overcome their captors.
time prowling about the harbor, idly threatening to The harbor is primarily used by Klax's traders to
devour any dockhands working there. make their regular supply runs. The traders unload
Kalimrax finds her task incredibly dull and looks their cargo onto the platforms suspended by the
to the hold's occasional visitors to provide some cranes, allowing for transport to the yard above.
interest. The dragon interrogates newcomers, hop- Boats. If the characters arrive while the traders
ing to hear something other than the same tales of are at the hold, two boats are moored at the quay.
conquest Vrakir's armies always tell. A character The boats are 30 feet long and 10 feet wide, with
who succeeds on a DC 15 Charisma (Performance) wooden decks and iron-plated hulls fashioned to
check can command Kalimrax's rapt attention for resemble dragon turtles. The boats are magically
up to 1 hour. The dragon threatens to eat any char- immune to fire damage and remain cool to the
acter who fails to hold her interest. touch, even when floating in lava. Each boat has six
Kalimrax attacks any character she sees trying to flipper-shaped iron paddles protruding from its hull,
enter the hold by stealth or by force, but she doesn't which are controlled by levers on the boat's deck.
pursue characters into the hold's interior. If reduced
to 50 hit points or fewer, Kalimrax retreats to her B8: CLIFF TOWERS
lair in area B10. These two towers stand at opposite ends of the
Cranes. Three large, wooden cranes extend over fortress's high rock platform. Each one can be
the harbor. They are used to lift cargo unloaded described as follows:
from the boats in area B7 to the upper yard for
transport to areas B19 and B21. The cranes' plat- This imposing tower is buttressed by the stone .cliffs
forms also provide the only means for dockhands of the stronghold's upper level. Its battlements
and traders to move between area B6 and area B7,
have a commanding view of the hold's upper and
40 feet below. A creature can use an action to raise
lower yards.
or lower the crane's platform 5 feet. Each crane can
support up to 5,000 pounds.
Outbuildings. The yard's four outbuildings have One erinyes is on guard in each of these towers,
2-foot-thick walls of basalt blocks and 10-foot-high occasionally leaving the tower to walk the battle-
ceilings roofed with slate. The smaller buildings ments of the adjoining curtain walls. Each erinyes is
{area B6a) are littered with ropes and loading hooks hostile to anyone attempting to climb the outer walls
and contain stairwells that lead to the hold's main but is otherwise indifferent to the goings-on in the
storage rooms (areas B19 and B21). The larger yards below.
buildings (area B6b) each contain a dozen cots and
serve as quarters for the hold's visitors, most fre- B9: HARBOR TOWERS
quently Klax and her traders.
If the characters arrive at the hold while the trad-

Two mighty towers flank the entrance to the fortress's
ers are present, one of the larger buildings is inhab-
harbor. A great steel chain stretches between the tow•
ited by Klax (chaotic neutral cambion) and eight
traders (commoners). The traders are indifferent ers, barring access from the lava river beyond.
to the characters, although Klax is protective of her
business arrangement withJarazoun and turns in Two erinyes guard access to the harbor, one in each
the party to the hold's defenders if the characters tower. These guards are hostile to anyone attempt-
seem likely to threaten that arrangement. ing to enter or leave the hold via the river without
B7: HARBOR Jarazoun's approval. The erinyes admit Klax and
her traders after a cursory inspection of their cargo,
although the erinyes become suspicious if the trad-
At the stronghold's center is a harbor oflava con- ers aren't following their usual schedule.
nected by an inl~t to the main river. A quay along Each tower contains a large winch for raising
the harbor's western edge is lined with iron mooring and lowering the chain that controls access to the
posts, while wooden cranes tower overhead. At the harbor. The chain is effective only if both sides are
raised, and it takes 3 actions to fully raise or lower
eastern edge, a stream of lava cascades into the har-
one end of the chain.
bor from the cliff above.



Carved into the slope of the volcano is the enormous

The door to this chamber bolts from the outside. In-
visage of a scowling efreeti. A stream of lava issues side, bundles of rags have been gathered lnto squalid
from the efreeti's open mouth, falling to the yard be- sleeping pallets.
low, where it pools before spilling into the harbor. --
At night, twenty prisoners (commoners) sleep in
The efreeti's mouth is the main entrance to the these cells. During the day, the cells are empty.
hold's interior and is primarily used by Vrakir and
Jarazoun, who can easily navigate its 20-foot eleva- Bl4: LARGE PRISON CELL
tion above the yard. A steel chain ladder coiled in a
corner of the efreeti's mouth can be lowered to allow The door to this chamber bolts from the outside. In-
access for non-flying creatures. side, a pile of sackcloth and bones lies in one corner
Above the carved efreeti face, a fissure in the vol-
of the otherwise bare room, and the air is thick with
cano's slope leads into a small cave not visible from
the stench of filth. Sobbing oh the filthy mound is an
the stronghold below. Kalimrax lairs here, returning
for a few hours every evening to rest and check on ogre. wearing a loincloth.
her hoard, which consists of the plunder Vrakir al-
lows her to take as payment for her service. A chaotic neutral ogre named Yug occupies this cell.
Treasure. Kalimrax's lair contains 14,213 sp, For the past three days, Yug has been confined here
7,029 gp, 923 pp, eighteen gemstones (500 gp each), for breaking a duergar's arm in anger over the theft
a fan made of couatl feathers (1,250 gp), a figurine of Gruk-Gruk, a crude rag doll.
of wondrous power (bronze griffon), and a mace Yug is initially wary of the characters but becomes
of terror. talkative if they seem sympathetic to his plight. If
Bll: GUARD ROOM the characters find and return Gruk-Gruk to Yug,
This small chamber is lit by a glowing brazier and the ogre happily aids them in any way he can.
furnished only with a pair of iron stools sitting next Bl5: ERINYES BARRACKS
to a stone block that serves as a crude table.
Two duergar are always on guard here. They re-

l l
act with suspicion toward the characters, as visitors The floor of this chamber is covered in smoldering
don't usually come through this area, and become cinders, heating the room like an oven. Several chain
hostile if the characters attempt to force their way to hammocks are slung from the walls.
or from area B4.
Secret Door. A pressure plate in the corner of the
floor behind the brazier opens a secret door leading Three erinyes lounge in their hammocks here, rest-
to area B12. ing between shifts patrolling the walls. The erinyes
are immediately suspicious of the characters, as
Bl2: SECRET PASSAGE visitors don't usually come here. Unless the charac-
This hidden corridor has a secret door at each ters provide a compelling reason for their intrusion
end of it. and succeed on a DC 20 Charisma (Deception or

!The floor of this darkened corridor is coated with a

fine layer of black dust, and the air is stale and hot.
! Persuasion) check, the erinyes try to capture the
characters for questioning.

The duergar created this passage to access the cells This room is furnished with two long trestle tables
in case the prisoners ever managed to take control and several benches. Tin plates and cups are set on
of the prison yard. The passage has never seen use, one of the tables next to several barrels with iron
and Brimstone Hold's other defenders don't know spigots jutting from their sides.
it exists. The secret doors at each end are readily
visible from inside the hallway and don't require an
ability check to find. The duergar take their meals here. All but one of the
barrels contain water. The last barrel holds dregs of
sour beer.


Bl7: KITCHEN This is the fortress's primary storage area. Most of
Klax's deliveries are carried here by the dockhands
via the staircase from the outbuilding above (area
A large iron stove occupies one side of this room,
B6a). The supplies primarily consist of food, water,
while a workbench stands against the opposite wall. timber, rope, and raw iron.
Sacks of flour and baskets of tubers are piled in the
corners. Two gray-skinned dwarves use iron spoons to B20: SALAMANDER BARRACKS
sip from a stewpot, then begin arguing.
The floor of this room is coated in solidified lava

Two duergar are busily preparing the hold's next that resembles the undulations of waves on the
meal: tuber stew. They are arguing about how sea. Lounging between the lava formations are two
spicy the stew ought to be. If the duergar notice the serpentine creatures with heat ripples and smoke ris-
party, they assume the characters are members of ing from their bodies.
Klax's crew and start instructing them where to
put the new supplies. Only if the characters ignore
the cooks' instructions do the duergar become Two salamanders rest in these barracks, their bod-
suspicious, attacking while shouting to the duer- ies coiled to nestle into the depressions in the solid-
gar in area B18 if the characters can't justify their ified lava. ff the characters aren't escorted by other
presence. members of the hold, the salamanders assume the
Treasure. The duergar keep a vial of midnight characters are a threat and attack immediately.
tears poison (see the Dungeon Master's Guide) B21: STOREROOM
among the pots of seasoning on the table.

This chamber is lined with stone bunks that protrude

from the walls. Two iron chests stand in the back cor-
ners of the room.
I Boxes and crates are neatly stacked along one wall of
this chamber, while iron braziers and spare furniture
line the opposite wall.

This storage area contains supplies for the efreet's

--~ chambers. The items are delivered by Klax's
Si:x duergar are sleeping here on the stone slabs crew via the staircase from the outbuilding above
that serve as their beds. They wear their armor and (area B6a).
keep their weapons within arm's reach. The sound Treasure. Among the supplies are twelve
of normal movement doesn't wake them, but they 20-pound crates of fine silk (1,000 gp each) and a
are roused by the sounds of battle or other loud small chest containing six blocks of rich incense
noises in areas B15- Bl9. (250 gp each).
The duergar are alarmed if they wake to find the B22: ANTECHAMBER
characters here and shout to the duergar in area
Bl7. They demand the characters explain them-
selves and attack if the characters attempt to escape A fountain of lava wells up from the floor of this ante-
without giving an account of their presence. chamber, pooling in the room's center before running
Treasure. The iron chests are unlocked. Each along a broad channel cut in the stone tile. A walkway
chest contains ten spare sets of plain, dwarf-sized along the pool's edge grants access to a grand set of
clothing. One chest also holds a small black pouch brass doors behind the fountain, as well as to smaller
containing two eight-sided obsidian dice (50 gp) and
iron doors along the side walls.
a dagger with a malachite blade (250 gp). The other
chest also contains a potion ofresistance (fire) in a Coiled before the brass doors are two serpentine
vial made from a hollowed-out dragon's fang. creatures clutching spears. Floating ten feet above
them is a spherical creature with a large central eye
and ten eyestalks.

l Boxes, barrels, crates, and sacks are piled high in this

Two salamanders stand guard here along with a
beholder known as the Eye of the Efreet. These
creatures are hostile unless the characters arrive
with an escort, in which case the characters are


directed to area B23 to make an appointment to see
Jarazoun. Once the characters proceed to area B25,
the salamanders accompany them and remain there
for the duration of their visit.
JARA-io u N Tt<E €FREET)

The walls of this office are decorated with paintings

depicting an array of otherworldly landscapes. At its
center stands a heavy desk engraved with grotesque,
fiendish figures, and seated at the desk is a slender,
bipedal creature wearing a red robe, a sparkly ring,
and a fez. The creature has the head and tawny fur
of a fox.

Nebukath the arcanaloth sees to the hold's admin-

istrative tasks. Nebukath is initially indifferent to-
ward the characters and presumes they have come
seeking an audience with Jarazoun. The arcanaloth
languidly informs the characters that the efreeti is
too busy to meet with them.
If the characters reveal their true purpose, Nebu-
kath perks up and excitedly offers to aid them. The
arcanaloth knows the routines of all the hold's in-
habitants and can provide the characters with an al-
ibi or escort if they need one. However, the terms of
its magically binding employment contract prevent
Nebukath from taking direct action against Vrakir,
his forces, or his property (for example, by attacking the lowest rack of the bookshelf, which causes the
the hold's defenders). adjoining section of wall to swing open (the door
If Nebukath discovers the party's purpose, the ar- can be opened normally from the other side).
canaloth follows them closely, waiting for the char- Treasure. Among the arcanaloth's library is a
acters to steal the Book of Vile Darkness. Once the volume entitled The Blood War, which describes the
book is in the party's possession, the terms of Ne- unending conflict between devils of the Nine Hells
bukath's contract no longer prevent the arcanaloth and the demons of the Abyss. The tome is worth
from seizing the artifact, and Nebukath attempts to 500 gp to a collector. Scribbled in the margin of one
steal the book from the characters. page is the sequence for a teleportation circle that
Treasure. The office's three paintings are worth leads to Avernus, the first layer of the Nine Hells.
100 gp each, or five times that to a collector of
planar antiquities. Nebukath wears a ring of tele-
kinesis and a platinum brooch set with tourmaline
(1,000 gp). Pillars of writhing flame wrought in stone hold up
the vaulted ceiling of this great hall. In the center, a
magnificent, gilded throne gleams like the sun Itself,
reflecting the light of the roaring braziers at its foot.

IIn this room, a bookshelf and armchair stand along-

side a simple bed fitted with silken sheets.

When Nebukath isn't working in area B23, the

I If he hasn't been encountered and defeated else-
where, the efreetiJarazoun sits on the throne,
acting as master of Brimstone Hold in Vrakir's
arcanaloth rests here. A small brass bell attached to absence.Jarazoun has little patience for the busi-
a rope in area B26 alerts Nebukath anytime they're ness of running a stronghold and leaves most of the
needed by the efreet. decision-making to Nebukath. The stronghold's den-
Secret Door. A creature can open the secret door izens seeJarazoun for the petty tyrant he is, but they
leading to area B26 by pulling on a false book on obey him out of fear of his patron, Vrakir.


lf the characters come before Jarazoun posing Statues. The statues are two stone golems that
as visitors with legitimate business at the hold, the are normally quiescent and don't react to the char-
efreeti treats them with indifference. He enjoys acters' presence. However, the golems are magically
lording his power over petitioners and denies any attuned to the door to area B29 and become hostile
requests the characters make dismissively, relenting if a creature attempts to open the door by any means
only if plied with substantial wealth or flattery-a other than using Vrakir's key. A character who suc-
very rare magic item, 10,000 gp worth of treasure, ceeds on their ability check to pick the Jock by 10 or
or a successful DC 25 Charisma (Persuasion) more avoids triggering the golems. Entering area
check suffices. B29 by using magic (such as the passwall spell) to
If the characters insult Jarazoun or reveal their bypass the door entirely doesn't trigger the golems.
true purpose, the efreeti becomes hostile and
shouts for the salamanders in area B22 to appre- B28: jARAZOUN'S CHAMBER
hend the characters and imprison them in area Bl3.
If the party resists, J arazoun fights desperately, fear- A large bed with brass posts and silk curtains dom-
ing Vrakir's wrath if the characters were to escape.
inates this chamber. In the corner, a lyre engraved
Secret Door. A secret door bidden in the north
with elaborate figures leans on the wall next to a cush-
waU leads to area B26.
Treasure. Jarazoun wears a gold chain of office ioned stool.
studded with fire opals (5,000 gp) and eight gold
rings set with precious stones (250 gp each). He Jarazoun is usually here when he isn't conduct-
also carries the key to area B28. ing business in area B25 or entertaining visitors
in area B26.
Treasure. The lyre is an instrument of the bards
(Cli lyre) decorated with carvings of phoenixes.
The warls of this chamber are draped with silk, and Jarazoun fancies himself a musician but is unable to
its floor is festooned with cushions. A fountain in the attune to the instrument.
room's center burbles with ruby-red liquid, while an
ornately wrought brazier stands in the corner.

The luxurious appointments of this palatial bedcham-

Jarazoun entertains favored guests here. The ruby ber are at odds with its back wall. There, scorch marks
liquid is firewine imported from the City of Brass.
and cracked masonry radiate from a grotesque face
Any creature that drinks the wine gains 15 tempo-
rary hit points. The creature must finish a long rest carved into the stone, its forehead set with a blood-
before it can gain this benefit again. red gem. Sitting on a desk off to one side is a black
Secret Doors. A secret door in the west wall leads tome, its cover emblazoned with fell iconography.
to area B24, and a secret door in one corner of the
south wall leads to area B25.
The tome resembles the Book of Vile Darkness
Treasure. The brazier is a brazier ofcommand-
but is actually a trained mimic. Any character who
ing fire elementals. Its command word, ilkath keri
examines the tome and succeeds on a DC 20 In-
(Ignan for "blaze br,ightly"), is inscribed along the
telligence (Arcana) check recognizes it as a fraud.
brazier's inside rim.
The mimic attacks any creature that touches or
B27: VESTIBULE attacks it.
The room's back wall appears solid but is the
anchor for a magical doorway to area B30: the
Woven carpets line this corridor, which has doors
demiplane where Vrakir keeps the real Book of Vile
leading in all four directions. Two large statues of Darkness. Anyone examining the wall using detect
efree.t warriors stand sentinel here, one at either end magic can see the outline of the door. The scorch
of the corridor. marks and cracked masonry are due to the book's
corrupting influence, which seeps out every time the
doorway is opened.
The doors to areas B28 and B29 are both locked. The key to opening the door is the gemstone
Jarazoun carries the key to area B28, while Vra- set in the wall carving. The gem is trapped with a
kir carries the key to area B29. As an action, 6th-level glyph of warding spell. The glyph casts
a character can use thieves' tools to try to pick disintegrate on any creature that touches the gem
either lock, doing so with a successful DC 20 Dex- without speaking Vrakir's motto: atka ignari. While
terity check.


touching the gem, a creature can take an action to
open the door to a rea B30 as if the creature had
cast the demiplane spell; this causes the face in the
wall to stretch its mouth wide as a shimmering gray
portal appears within. Removing the gem from the
wall causes the doorway to disappear, t rapping any-
thing in area B30 in the demiplane until the gem is
replaced or someone else accesses the room with a
demiplane spell.
Treasure. If removed from the wall, the gem
continues to radiate magic but doesn't otherwise
function. It is worth 5,000 gp.

On the floor of this otherwise empty room rests an

open book, its ancient pages rustling ominously de-
spite the lack of breeze. The flagstones around it are
charred and cracked, and the room's walls are veined
with narrow fissures that disappear into darkness.

If the characters had a relatively easy time getting

here, add two invisible nycaloths as guards. The
nycaloths are mercenaries hired by Vrakir to pro-
tect the Book of Vile Darkness, and their invisibility
spells end when they attack.
Treasure. The Book of Vile Darkness is so
blasphemous that its mere presence erodes the
demiplane Vrakir made to contain it. Review the ar-
what happens to the artifact. Meanwhile, the book
tifact's description in the Dungeon Master's Guide,
has its own designs, and it might subvert the aims
then replace its Random Properties with the follow-
of the party's patron or find its way back into the
ing preset ones:
party's possession if it senses a character is ripe for
Circle of Death. While attuned to the book, you corruption.
can cast circle ofdeath (save DC 20) from it as an
action. After you cast the spell, roll a d6. On a roll FOR THE GOLDEN VAULT
of 1- 5, you can't use this property again until the If the characters are working for the Golden Vault,
next dawn. they must deliver the Book of Vile Darkness to their
Condition Immunities. While attuned to the book, contact. Once they do, the organization rewards
you can't be charmed or frightened. the characters with a very rare magic item of their
Evil Presence. The book houses an evil spirit that choice (subject lo your approval) as payment. The
is hostile toward you. When you become attuned item is delivered to the characters the next day.
to the book, the spirit tries to leave the book and
enter your body. If you fail a DC 20 Charisma FURTHER ADVENTURES
saving throw, it succeeds, and you become an Recovering the Book of Vile Darkness cou Id be the
NPC under the DM's control until the intruding first in a series of adventures revolving around the
spirit is banished using magic such as the dispel party's efforts to contain or destroy the artifact-
evil and good spell. The banished spirit returns efforts that might involve courting the aid of power-
to the book. ful celestials, unearthing ancient spells of binding,
or undergoing trials of purification.
CONCLUSION Meanwhile, even without the book, Vrakir and his
After the characters escape Brimstone Hold, they armies remain a threat. The characters might have
might find themselves pursued by Nebukath, Vrakir, to fend off a reprisal by the efreeti's forces before
or both. The former is focused solely on obtaining traveling to the Elemental Plane of Fire to deal with
the Book of Vile Darkness, while the latter seeks Vrakir himself.
vengeance against the characters regardless of


11.2: DM's Map for "Affair on the Concordant Express" .... 166
12.1: Players' Map for "Party at Paliset Hall"........................ 180
12.2: DM's Map for "Party at Paliset Hall"............................. 183
13. l: Players' Map for "Fire and Darkness"........................... 197
13.2: DM's Map for "Fire and Darkness"................................ 199
Ashen Creatures ("Heart of Ashes") ........................................ 149
Cheating ("The Stygian Gambit") .............................................. 32
Entity, The ("Reach for the Stars")............................................. 44
Getting Caught ("The Stygian Gambit")................................... 30
Placing Oztocan ("Shard of the Accursed")........................... 136
Roleplaying Verity Kye ("The Stygian Gambit") ..................... 27
Tournament Participants ("The Stygian Gambit") ................ 36
Where's the Mandolin? ("Axe from the Grave") .................... 111
Stat Blocks
Charmayne Daymore ("Heart of Ashes") ............................... 159
Clockwork Defender ("Tockworth's Clockworks")................. 85
Clockwork Observer ("Tockworth's Clockworks")................. 85
Fragment of Krokulmar ("Reach for the Stars") .................... 53
Markos Delphi ("Reach for the Stars") ..................................... 53
Prisoner 13 ("Prisoner 13") ......................................................... 68
Sythian Skalderang rAxe from the Grave").......................... 117
Tixie Tockworth ("Tockworth's Clockworks") ........................ 85
Buildings of Little Lockford ("Tockworth's Clockworks") ... 75
Casino Patrons ("The Stygian Gambit")................................... 33
Conservatory Schedule ("Axe from the Grave").................... 108
Copper Slots Payouts ("The Stygian Gambit") ....................... 32
Eldritch Surges ("Reach for the Stars").................................... 44
Former Guards ("Vidorant's Vault") ........................................ 121
Magic Items
Gala Attendees ("The Murkrnire Malevolence")..................... 18
Constantori's Portrait ("Masterpiece Imbroglio") ................ 101 Gala Guests ("Party at Paliset Hall")....................................... 181
Shard of Xeluan ("Shard of the Accursed") ........................... 134 Guard Locations After Hours ("The Murkmire
Shard Solitaire ("Party at Paliset Hall")................................. 193 Malevolence")............................................................................... 16
Maps Guard Patrols ("Affair on the Concordant Express") .......... 165
1.1: Players' Map for "The Murk mire Malevolence" .............. 14 Guild Task Force ("Masterpiece [mbroglio")........................... 91
1.2: DM's Map for "The Murkmire Malevolence" ................... 21 Heist Adventures ...............................................................................6
2.1: Players' Map for "The Stygian Gambit" ............................ 29 Murder Suspects ("Affair on the Concordant Express")..... 171
2.2: DM's Map for "The Stygian Gambit"................................. 34 Murkmire Stone Effects ("The Murkmire Malevolence") .... 25
3.1: Players' Map for "Reach for the Stars".............................. 43 Museum Gossip ("The Murkmire Malevolence") ................... 18
3.2: DM's Map for "Reach for the Stars"................................... 45 Museum Guards ("The Murkmire Malevolence") .................. 15
4.1: Players' Map for ''Prisoner 13•·............................................ 57 Mysterious Equations ("Affair on the Concordant
4.2: DM's Map for "Prisoner 13"................................................. 63 Express")......................................................................................167
5.1: Players' Map for "Tockworth's Clockworks" .................... 73 Planar Effects ("Affair on the Concordant Express") .......... 165
5.2: DM's Map for "Tockworth's Clockworks"......................... 77 Prisoners ("Prisoner 13")............................................................. 65
6.1: Players' Map for "Masterpiece lmbroglio" ....................... 90 Random True Names ("Affair on the Concordant
6.2: DM's Map for "Masterpiece Imbroglio" ............................ 93 Express")..................................................................................... 175
7.1: Players' Map for "Axe from the Grave" ............................ 106 Rival Crew Statistics ........................................................................8
7.2: DM's Map for "Axe from the Grave" ................................. 109 Rival Crew Motivations....................................................................9
8.1: Players' Map for "Vidorant's Vault" .................................. 122 Shard Misfortunes ("Shard of the Accursed") ...................... 134
8.2: DM's Map for "Vidorant's Vault" ....................................... 125 Shard Rumors ("Shard of the Accursed").............................. 134
9.1: Players' Map for "Shard of the Accursed" ...................... 138 Shard Solitaire Types ("Party at Paliset Hall") .................... 193
9:2; DM's Map for "Shard of the Accursed" ........................... 141 Simulacrum's Location ("Party at Paliset Hall").................. 184
10.1: Players' Map for "Heart of Ashes" .................................. 151 Suspicion ("Prisoner 13")............................................................. 61
10.2: DM's Map for "Heart of Ashes" ....................................... 153 Tournament Seating (''The Stygian Gambit")......................... 36
11.1: Players' Map for "Affair on the Concordant Underdark Encounters ("Tockworth's Clockworks") ............ 72
Express" ...................................................................................... 163 Wandering Monsters (''Tockworth's Clockworks") ................ 76

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