Split Script
Split Script
Split Script
00:00:00:35 In the next clip have Have elevator type Make sure the music is
archive clips of stats music playing not distracting and
We are at 1 minute 9 on cats and studies on make sure it fits but
seconds cats whilst have texts also make sure the
being popped up archive clips are not to
explaining my long to read and are
documentary sharp and snappy
00:00:00:38 I want this scene and Have happy, up lifting Make sure for the
the next scene to music zoom in scenes its
focus on the cat more the camera is
owner being the very close to the
human, in this scene I persons face because
want the camera to from far away and
focus on the persons zooming in the camera
face firstly show the shakes more and for
cat is bringing a lot of these scenes, I want
happy emotions out of the camera very still
the person. Having the almost no moment
camera zoom in on (use tripod if possible
the person mouth for this scene)
showing the smile that
develops on the
persons face from
how much stress
relieve and comfort
that cats and pets in
general provide for
people. Then Like the
very first scene have
the camera zooming in
on the mouth, eyes
even other body
languages like
cuddling the cat,
position of hands.
00:00:00:30 In this scene I want David Attenborough Make sure the music is
the person to be music playing again not overly loud
feeding the cat its
food and making sure
some scenes are
focused on the cat’s
face to show how the
cat gets more
aggressive, showing
the cat has its own
mind and own
instincts. Also show
the co dependent life
the owner and the cat
has with the owner
giving the cat its food
which the cat benefits
from and to keep the
idea of the
relationship between
cat and human
00:00:00:29 In the next scene I Have a voice over with Make sure the audio is
want to have a clip me saying the studies the same length as the
where the cat is seen that I have researched video clip.
looking at the dog which compare the
almost observing the mind of dogs and cats.
dogs’ movements and No music with this
the way the dog reacts voiceover
to the cat, showing
the dog wants to
chase the cat I also
want throughout this
clip show why dogs
have an instinct to
chase the cat but also
show that cats are a
lot smarter than dogs
00:00:00:30 This scene to carry on Have music playing Make sure the archive
with some archive again but softly and footage follows with
Here its 3.88333 mins footage of dogs and not overly loud my documentary and
Which means this is cats. And end the not random cat
the end of opening opening credits footage
Start of rest of script In a later scene I am Voice over of me Make sure its
which needs to end going to be introducing a later on addressed that this is
around 7 mins interviewing Dr Becky interview a later on interview
Thomas who is a and not one now.
00:00:00:40 teacher at Reading
University, she is a
wildlife Management
and conversation
teacher and the
reason I wanted to
interview her is
because I came across
her study on cats she
did when she was a
student at Reading
University which was
really interesting to
read about, her study
was about strapping a
device on to cats to
see the activity of
what cats do, she
speaks on more
studies on cats but I
thought she was a
great person to
interview as it fully fits
with my topic.
00:00:00:45 In this next scene It Whilst the clips of the Make sure to not
will be a b roll scene domestic and wild cats speak to quietly in the
clip of multiple are playing, I am going voice over
different domestic to have a voice over of
cats walking by but in me talking about how
the same clip have it domestic cats are not
be a split screen so different to wild
where at the same cats whereas dogs are
time of the domestic so different to wolves
cat walking have a clip now. But also talk
of a wild cat walking about how dogs have
to show the become domesticated
comparison. because of humans
whereas cats have
domesticated humans.
00:00:00:55 The last scene will be Have Threatening style Make sure the music
a clip of the cat sitting music playing to end works with the
Finishing script Is at 6 on the owner’s lap the scene. ending.
minutes and 6 whilst they are
seconds watching tv, then cut
to another clip where
the owners go to sleep
and the cats goes
outside to emphasis
that the cat has a
“mysterious life”.