Kieu Le Et Al 2023 - MiP Mekong River Delta

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Marine Pollution Bulletin 187 (2023) 114605

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Baseline concentration of microplastics in surface water and sediment of

the northern branches of the Mekong River Delta, Vietnam
Thuy-Chung Kieu-Le a, b, c, Quoc-Thinh Thuong b, c, d, Tran-Nguyen-Sang Truong b, c,
Thi-Minh-Tam Le b, c, Quoc-Viet Tran b, c, Emilie Strady c, e, *
Faculty of Geology and Petroleum Engineering, Ho Chi Minh City of Technology (HCMUT), Viet Nam
Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City (VNU-HCM), Viet Nam
Asian Center for Water Research (CARE), Ho Chi Minh City of Technology (HCMUT), Viet Nam
Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources, Ho Chi Minh City of Technology (HCMUT), Viet Nam
Aix Marseille Univ, Université de Toulon, CNRS, IRD, MIO, Marseille, France


Keywords: The Mekong River Delta in Vietnam, is concerned by numerous microplastic-related issues such as a lack of
Tien River wastewater treatment facilities and mismanagement of plastic waste released from agriculture, aquaculture and
Ham Luong River related activities. This study aimed to examine the presence of microplastics in surface water and sediment by
Co Chien River
collecting samples from six sites along the Tien River and its distributaries in February 2019. The results showed
Mekong River Delta
that the average concentration of microplastics over the entire area was 53.8 ± 140.7 items m− 3 in surface water
and 6.0 ± 2.0 items g− 1 dried weight in sediment, with a predominance of microplastic fibres rather than
fragments, respectively 85 % and 98 % in surface water and sediment. In the main flow of surface water, the
concentration of microplastics was stable; however, in the sediment, microplastic concentration was affected by
the high dynamic flow regime rather than the sources where microplastics are released.

1. Introduction environment, the improper treatment of plastic wastes, and from other
activities such as aquaculture, agriculture, and shipping (Xiang et al.,
Since the first evidence of microplastic presence in sediment samples 2022; Yang et al., 2022). Microplastics in the water can deposit to the
collected from beaches around Plymouth City, England (Thompson bottom sediments or can be transported over a short or long distance,
et al., 2004), microplastics – plastic particles <5 mm in size (GESAMP, ingested by the organisms. The bioaccumulation and biomagnification
2019) – and the pollution caused by them have become a ubiquitous of microplastics through the food chain have been alarmed in various
environmental issue. Over the last decade, knowledge on microplastic research. The potential toxicity of microplastics could come from the
pollution, i.e., abundance in different environments, sources, transport, additives added during the production of plastics or adsorbed pollutants,
and ecotoxicity, has been remarkably elucidated. Microplastics have i.e. organic pollutants and heavy metals, on microplastic surface (Nam
been found across the globe at different levels and in most of different et al., 2022; Xiang et al., 2022). The coexistence of microplastics and
environmental compartments as water, sediment, atmospheric fallout these pollutants may lead to a more vulnerable threats to human health
and biota (Yusuf et al., 2022; Perumal and Muthuramalingam, 2022; and the environment at two folds: (i) a higher accumulation of the
Yuan et al., 2022; Ugwu et al., 2021; Kumar et al., 2021a). Compared to pollutants in microplastics than in the ambience up to two to three or­
other regions, Asia countries, the biggest contributors to marine plastic ders of magnitude and (ii) a higher level of toxicity of the combination of
wastes due to mainly waste mismanagement (Jambeck et al., 2015; microplastics and some pollutants compared to the toxicity of individual
Meijer et al., 2021) are encountering the most vulnerable abundance pollutants (Verla et al., 2019; Campanale et al., 2020b; Xiang et al.,
levels of microplastics (Kumar et al., 2021a; Yang et al., 2022). The 2022). This interaction could be affected by the characteristics of
presence of microplastics in the environments is related to local devel­ microplastics, i.e., type, size, aging degree, etc., and of the pollutants
opment and economic structures and mainly originated from the release and the conditions of the environment (Nam et al., 2022; Xiang et al.,
of treated or untreated waste water and landfill leachate to the 2022).

* Corresponding author at: Aix Marseille Univ, Université de Toulon, CNRS, IRD, MIO, Marseille, France.
E-mail address: [email protected] (E. Strady).
Received 9 May 2022; Received in revised form 6 January 2023; Accepted 8 January 2023
Available online 16 January 2023
0025-326X/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T.-C. Kieu-Le et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 187 (2023) 114605

Microplastics in the environment exist in different forms, such as primarily between August and November, when a high volume of water
microbeads, pellets, films, foams, fragments, and fibres. They are usually from upstream of the Mekong River flows to the delta, leading to a
divided into primary or secondary microplastics based on their source change in the livelihood of local people. More specifically, the Tien
(Lusher et al., 2017). Primary microplastics are often pellets, micro- River system is flowing through urban dense cities (e.g., Cao Lanh, My
sized spherical plastic particles added to personal care products, Tho, Cho Lach, and Ben Tre), agriculture area (rice, fruit), industrial
microbeads, or multi-faceted plastic particles used as input materials in zones and aquaculture area (shrimp). The six sampling sites were
the plastic industry. Secondary microplastics include films, foams, located along the Tien River system distributaries: Cao Lanh, My Tho,
fragments, and fibres and are generated from the fragmentation of larger Cho Lach, Ben Tre, Vinh Long, and Tra Vinh (Fig. 1). Among the sam­
plastics or from the protective coating of ships and boats. This is pri­ pling sites, the Cao Lanh site was in the Cai Sao Thuong River, a sec­
marily caused by weather agents such as ultraviolet radiation, or other ondary tributary of the Tien River; it flows through the urban area of Cao
mechanical, chemical, and biological degradation processes. Fibres are Lanh City. Other sites were located in primary tributaries of the Tien
the most dominant form and are primarily released from untreated do­ River system with My Tho on the Tien River; Cho Lach and Ben Tre on
mestic wastewater through the laundries of synthetic clothes and from the Ham Luong River; and Vinh Long and Tra Vinh on the Co Chien River
industrial wastewater generated by the textile and apparel industries (Table 1).
(Bui et al., 2020; Auta et al., 2017; Duis and Coors, 2016). Secondary The solid waste in MRD was estimated of 5852 and 3577 tons day− 1,
microplastics are estimated to occupy the majority of microplastics in with collection rates of 49 % and 88 %, in rural and urban areas,
the environment and become more difficult to tackle because of the respectively (MONRE, 2019). In many rural areas, household waste is
large amount of macroplastics entering the oceans every year (Meijer buried in open and unsanitary landfills, burnt, or discarded into the
et al., 2021). The role of coastal zones and rivers as the main input of environment (Nguyen and Le, 2011). Plastic waste from agricultural
plastic debris to oceans is now recognised (Meijer et al., 2021; Lebreton activities (e.g. plastic bottles and bags containing pesticides, herbicides,
et al., 2017). It was estimated that between 1.15 and 2.41 million tons of and fertilizers, Le, 2019) and aquaculture activities (e.g. fishing equip­
plastic annually enters the oceans from global river systems, of which ment such as nets, lines, and plastic floats, and plastic sheets used as the
the top 20 contributing rivers were from Asia (67 %). The Mekong River, bottom layer of shrimp ponds) are thrown in the aquatic environment.
which is the world's second richest river basin in terms of biodiversity
(World Wide Fund for Wildlife, 2016) and is considered the lifeline for 2.2. Sampling
the entire basin of five Southeast Asian developing countries, was
ranked at 11 out of 20 (Lebreton et al., 2017). Sampling campaign was carried out in October 2018. At each site of
In 2015, the mismanagement of solid waste brought Vietnam in the the six sites, surface water and sediment samples were collected near the
list of the top countries emitting most plastics to the global oceans low tide. Duplicate surface water samples were collected in the middle
(Jambeck et al., 2015). Microplastics were measured in various aquatic of the river, using a plankton net 300 μm mesh size and 50 cm diameter,
environments including rivers, lakes, bays, and beaches in Vietnam, during 5 min. At each sampling, the net was placed perpendicularly to
indicating the link of microplastic concentration to the plastic-related the current and towed by a local boat to ensure the current speed
anthropogenic activities of the surrounding areas (Doan et al., 2021; entering the net at about 0.5 m s− 1. The volume of the collected water
Lahens et al., 2018; Strady et al., 2020, 2021; Tran Nguyen et al., 2020). was measured using an Oceanics flowmeter attached to the plankton
Located downstream of the Mekong River, the Mekong River Delta net, after which the net was rinsed from the outside, and the sample was
(MRD), hosting 17.3 million inhabitants, contributes to more than half collected in a 500 mL glass bottle.
of the country's production of rice, fruits, and aquaculture products Sediment samples were collected using an Ekman grab sampler in the
(GSO, 2020). The MRD is especially vulnerable to climate change, facing intertidal zone. At each sampling site, two to four sub-samples were
issues such as sea level rise, salinity intrusion, and flooding, and its collected and homogenised into a single sample. Approximately 1 kg of
aquatic environment is already contaminated by various pollutants such sediment was collected at each site and kept in a Ziploc plastic bag. After
as trace metals and organic pollutants originated from aquaculture, being transported to the laboratory, the samples were stored in a 4 ◦ C
agriculture, craft villages, households, and industrial activities (ADB, cooler for later analysis.
2015; Le et al., 2016; MDP-team, 2013; MONRE, 2018, 2014; Pham
et al., 2013; Strady et al., 2017). So far, little is known about the 2.3. Laboratory analysis
microplastic pollution status in the Mekong Delta. The presence of both
dense urban areas (with numerous cities above 100,000 inhabitants) Analysis of surface water samples was carried out based on the five
and rural areas dominated by agriculture and aquaculture activities step treatment protocol proposed by Strady et al. (2021): (1) sample
raises the hypothesis of contrasted microplastic concentrations along the preparation: The samples were processed through a 1 mm mesh size
river watershed. This study aims thus to evaluate the microplastic sieve to discard all larger fractions; suspected microplastics smaller than
contamination level in surface waters and intertidal riverine sediments 5 mm were kept and stored in Petri dishes. (2) Sample digestion: To
of this environment and discuss their distribution relative to local ac­ reduce the high density of interfering particles such as leaves, wood,
tivities and features. The Tien River system, the Mekong's northern sand, and minerals, a two-step sample digestion was conducted
branch, was selected for collecting surface water and sediment to comprising of digestion of interfering matter, and density separation.
represent the different anthropogenic activities and pressure observed at For each 350 mL sample, 1 g of sodium dodecyl sulphate (Merck®) was
the scale of the MRD. added to the bottles and heated at 55 ◦ C for 24 h. Next, 1 mL of biozyme
SE (protease and amylase, Spinnrad®) and 1 mL of biozyme F (lipase,
2. Materials and methods Spinnrad®) were added to the samples and heated at 40 ◦ C for 48 h. The
samples were subsequently oxidised using 15 mL of H2O2 (30 %,
2.1. Study area Merck®) at 40 ◦ C for a further 48 h. After five days of digestion, the
treated samples were sifted through a 250 μm mesh size sieve to remove
The northern branch of the Mekong River Delta (40,000 km2, the all fractions smaller than 250 μm in size. (3) Density separation: The
largest delta in Vietnam) has a total length of 230 km and flows to the overflow was performed using filtered NaCl solution (d = 1.18 ± 0.02 g
East China Sea through three main distributaries: Tien River, Ham mL− 1) until all plastic were retrieved. (4) Sample filtration: The super­
Luong River, and Co Chien River. In the MRD, the climate is tropical natant of the overflow solution was then filtered through GF/A filters
with two distinct seasons: the rainy season from May to November, and (1.6 μm porosity, Whatman®) using a glassware filtration unit. After
the dry season from December to April, with flooding occurring that, the filters were kept separately in sterile Petri dishes until the

T.-C. Kieu-Le et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 187 (2023) 114605

Fig. 1. Study area map showing the surface water and sediment sampling sites along the Tien River.

observation step (5), which is discussed in Section 2.4.

Table 1 The analytical procedure for sediment samples was the same as that
Description of sampling sites with the population of nearby urban in 2016 and
used for treating surface water samples, except for some differences in
the description of each site.
the preparation step and digestion step. Prior analysis, for each site, the
Sampling Coordinate River Site description moisture content of the sediments was firstly determined by drying
approximately 20 g of sediment sample at 55 ◦ C during 72 h until the
Cao Lanh 10◦ 27′ 05′′ N, Cai Sao Thuong River Closed to a residential sample weight became constant. Then, duplicate samples were analysed
106◦ 27′ 05′′ E (small secondary area (My Tra residential
for microplastics. For each replicate, after a thorough homogenisation of
tributary, low water area, 500 households).
discharge) This urban river flow the sample, a known mass of moist sediment equivalent to 10 g of dry
through the center of sediment was placed in a 250 mL beaker and digested with 30 % H2O2 at
Cao Lanh City 40 ◦ C. The volume of the digestion solution was in the range of 20–25
(population 163,892 mL and was gradually added until the sediment was completely diges­
My Tho 10◦ 21′ 04′′ N, Tien River (main Near the fishing raft area
ted. The oxidised solution was then sifted through a 250 μm mesh size
106◦ 22′ 07′′ E distributaries) My Tho City (population sieve and separated by NaCl solution before filtration.
228,385 inhabitants) is
on the left bank
Cho Lach 10◦ 16′ 29′′ N, Ham Luong River Fishing activities
2.4. Observation
106◦ 09′ 17′′ E (main distributaries) Cho Lach Town
(population 109,516 Microplastics observation and evaluation of their size, colour, na­
inhabitants) is on the ture, and shape was carried out, using a Leica stereoscope S6D (0.5× to
right bank
80×) coupled with LAS software®. In this study, the criterion proposed
Ben Tre 10◦ 15′ 22′′ N, Ham Luong River Ben Tre City (population
106◦ 19′ 48′′ E (main distributaries) 122,482 inhabitants) is by Norén (2007) and used by Strady et al. (2021) were followed to
on the left bank identify the microplastic particles in terms of appearance and internal
Vinh Long 10◦ 15′ 34′′ N, Co Chien River (main Near stilt house area and structure among other materials such as fine and coarse sand, phyto­
105◦ 58′ 20′′ E distributaries) market plankton, and zooplankton. For the purpose of this study, the micro­
Vinh Long City
(population 142,761
plastic fibres were defined as elongated lines with three-dimensional
inhabitants) is on the bending and an equal thickness throughout their entire length. In
right bank contrast, microplastic fragments were defined in one of three ways.
Tra Vinh 10◦ 01′ 47′′ N, Co Chien River (main Tra Vinh City Firstly, as irregular hard particles that appeared to be broken from larger
106◦ 18′ 19′′ E distributaries) (population 108,700
pieces of macroplastics. Secondly, as flat flexible particles with smooth
inhabitants) is on the
right bank or angular edges, or finally, as near spherical or granular particles which
deform readily under pressure and can be partly elastic (Norén, 2007).
All microplastic fibres and fragments had an absence of visible cellular
or organic structures and exhibited a clear and homogeneous colour
throughout (Fig. 2). Based on the GESAMP recommendations, a

T.-C. Kieu-Le et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 187 (2023) 114605

Fig. 2. Stereomicroscopic images of microplastics collected in the Tien River.

minimum length of 300 μm for microplastic fibres and a minimum in the testing area. The chemical composition of the microplastics was
surface area size of 45,000 μm2 for microplastic fragments were chosen analysed by Fourier transform infrared spectrometry using an FTIR-ATR
to identify each during the visual observation (GESAMP, 2019). iS50 Thermo Fisher Scientific®. In total, 87 suspected particles (51
fragments and eight fibres in surface waters and seven fragments and 21
fibres in sediments) were tested. They were chosen according to
2.5. Quality control
different criteria, such as their possibility of being easily picked up and
analysed by FTIR- ATR; their representativeness of the sample selection
Several quality control steps were taken during the sample treatment
as a whole; and our uncertainty regarding their composition, as FTIR-
and observation process to prevent contamination from outside micro­
ATR was sometimes necessary for particles which could not be classi­
plastics and control the data quality. Work areas were cleaned with
fied through only visual observation. The composition of the tested
alcohol and filtered tap water at the beginning of the procedure. Labo­
particles was confirmed when the match between the tested and refer­
ratory operators wore cotton laboratory coats, masks, and sterile latex
ence spectra was over 70 %.
gloves. All glassware was washed with filtered tap water (GF/A filters;
1.6 μm porosity, Whatman®) and covered with aluminium foil before
use. Further, three control steps based on those used by Strady et al. 2.7. Analysis
(2021) were implemented. These were: positive extraction control
(PEC), digestion atmospheric control (DAC), and observation atmo­ The concentrations of microplastics were calculated in units of items
spheric control (OAC). The PEC was conducted by adding 10 pieces of m− 3 for surface water and items g− 1 dry weight (d.w.) of sediment. The
yellow polyethylene microplastics (CARAT®) into the samples after the concentrations of fragments and fibres and their part of the total
sample preparation step. This control step aimed to evaluate the re­ microplastics at each sampling site were also determined. Statistical
covery efficiency of the added microplastics after the digestion step in Kruskal Wallis tests were conducted using XLSTAT® to compare the size
the laboratory. The DAC and OAC were then conducted to check the of microplastics in surface water and sediment.
contamination of microplastics by placing a virgin GF/A filter close to
the sample over the course of the digestion step and observation step,
3. Results
respectively. The PEC recovery efficiency (n = 12) was 98 %. The DAC
(n = 24) and OAC (n = 24) evidenced an average quantity of 4.4 and 0.3
3.1. Abundance of microplastics
fibres per filter, respectively. No correction was applied to the results
based on the PEC, DAC, or OAC values.
In surface water, the average concentration of microplastics across
the entire river system was 53.8 ± 140.7 items m− 3. Microplastics were
2.6. Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FTIR) observed in both replicates at all the sampling sites (Table 2a). Among
the sampling sites, microplastic concentrations for both fibres and
To prepare the tested particles for the FTIR-ATR tests, we wetted the fragments were always observed to be lowest at Ben Tre and highest at
shank of a sewing needle with filtered tap water and carefully touched it Cao Lanh, with concentrations fluctuating from 1.2 ± 0.6 items m− 3 at
to the particle on the filter before transferring it to the microscopic slide. Ben Tre to 303.9 ± 259.9 items m− 3 at Cao Lanh (Fig. 3a). The average
This step was performed under the restriction of having a ventilation fan concentration of fibres in the surface water of the whole river system

T.-C. Kieu-Le et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 187 (2023) 114605

Table 2a % to 87 %) followed by red fibres (10 % to 23 %), with the total per­
Concentrations of microplastics, fibres, and fragments in surface waters of each centage of other colours was lower, between 3 % to 18 % (Fig. 7b).
replicate at each sampling site.
Site Microplastic Fragment Fibre concentration 3.3. Chemical composition of microplastics
concentration (items concentration (fibres m− 3)
m− 3) (fragments m− 3) In surface water, FTIR-ATR results showed that 88 % of the tested
Rep. 1 Rep. 2 Rep. 1 Rep. 2 Rep. 1 Rep. 2 particles were microplastics, including 67 % polyethylene (PE) and
Cao Lanh 120.1 487.7 15.1 33.4 105.0 454.3 polypropylene (PP), 19 % polyester, 14 % other polymers (Table 3). In
My Tho 2.9 11.9 0.9 2.3 1.9 9.6 sediment, 64 % of the tested particles were microplastics, including
Cho Lach 2.1 3.7 0.3 0.9 1.8 2.9 33.3 % polyester, 33.3 % PE, PP, and PE-PP, 16.7 % rayon, 16.8 % other
Ben Tre 0.8 1.6 0.1 0.1 0.7 1.4 polymers.
Vinh Long 5.4 4.2 0.6 0.6 4.8 3.6
Tra Vinh 1.9 2.8 0.2 0.4 1.7 2.4
4. Discussions

was 49.2 ± 130.9 items m− 3, with concentrations varying from 1.1 ± 4.1. Comparison to worldwide and local contamination level
0.5 fibres m− 3 at Ben Tre to 279.6 ± 247.0 fibres m− 3 at Cao Lanh
(Table 2a; Fig. 3b). The average concentration of fragments was 4.6 ± The observation of microplastics in all replicates of both surface
10.0 fragments m− 3, varying from 0.1 ± 0.03 fragments m− 3 at Ben Tre water and sediment across sampling sites confirmed the contamination
to 24.3 ± 13.0 fragments m− 3 Cao Lanh (Fig. 3c). of microplastics in the northern branches of the MRD. The average
In sediment, the average concentration of microplastics over the microplastic concentration over the entire area was 53.8 ± 140.7 items
whole river system was 6.0 ± 2.0 items g− 1. Microplastics were m− 3 in surface water and 6.0 ± 2.0 items g− 1 d.w. in sediment.
observed in both replicates at all the sampling sites (Table 2b). Micro­ Compared to other river systems in Vietnam (Table 4), microplastic
plastic concentration fluctuated from 3.3 ± 1.1 items g− 1 at Tra Vinh to concentrations in surface water of the Tien River was higher than that of
7.9 items g− 1 at My Tho (Fig. 3a). The average concentration of fibres in the Red River, Dong Nai River, and Han River in Da Nang, which had
the sediment of the entire river system was 5.8 ± 1.9 fibres g− 1, varying concentrations of 2.3 items m− 3, 3.9 items m− 3, and 2.7 items m− 3,
from 3.3 ± 1.1 fibres g− 1 at Tra Vinh to 7.6 ± 1.1 fibres g− 1 at Ben Tre respectively (Strady et al., 2021). Microplastic abundance in the sedi­
(Fig. 3b). The average concentration of the fragments was 0.1 ± 0.2 ment of the Tien River was higher than that of the sandy sediment in Dau
fragments g− 1. No fragments were observed in Cao Lanh, Cho Lach, and and Sau Beaches in Vung Tau City, Vietnam (1.5–2.0 items g− 1; Strady
Tra Vinh, and for the other sites, fragment concentrations varied from et al., 2021), and approximately equal to that of shoreline sediment in
0.2 ± 0.0 fragments g− 1 at My Tho to 0.4 ± 0.3 fragments g− 1 at Vinh Da Nang Beach (9.2 ± 2.1 items g− 1 d.w.; Tran Nguyen et al., 2020).
Long (Fig. 3c). This study was based on the same protocols and observation range size
(300–5000 μm) as the aforementioned studies carried out by Strady
3.2. Morphology of microplastics et al. (2021) and Tran Nguyen et al. (2020) and therefore the compar­
ison is more reliable when the protocols are identical. In comparison to
3.2.1. Microplastic shapes the Saigon River, highly impacted by the anthropogenic activities in this
In both surface water and sediment, the observed microplastic water basin, the Tien River, located in the neighboring basin, had
shapes included fibres and fragments, with fibre being predominant. approximately three orders of magnitude lower (Lahens et al., 2018;
Both fibres and fragments were observed in surface water at all sites, Strady et al., 2020).
with fibres representing 85 % and fragments the remaining 15 %. Fibres When compared with worldwide river systems (Table 4), micro­
varied slightly from 77 % at My Tho to 91 % at Cao Lanh (Fig. 4a). In plastic levels in the surface water of the Tien River was approximately
sediment, fibres represented 98 % of the microplastics over the river that same as that of the Qing River, China (170–260 items m− 3; Wang
system and varied from 95 % at My Tho to 100 % at Cao Lanh, Cho Lach, et al., 2020), and the Seine River, France (3–106 items m− 3; Dris et al.,
and Tra Vinh (Fig. 4b), suggesting that only a few fragments were 2015). Further, it was higher than that of the Chao Phraya River Estuary,
observed in the sediment, with no fragments being found in Cao Lanh, Thailand (48 ± 8 items m− 3; Ta and Babel, 2020), 29 assorted rivers in
Cho Lach, and Tra Vinh. Japan (1.6 ± 2.3 items m− 3, Kataoka et al., 2019), and Northern Dvina
River in Russia (0.004–0.01 items m− 3, Zhdanov et al., 2022), and lower
3.2.2. Microplastic size than that of the Orange-Vaal River system in South Africa (0.23 ± 0.27
In surface water, the median fibre length over the river system was items L− 1, Weideman et al., 2019), and the Thames river in the United
1235 μm (Fig. 5a) and varied from 1041 μm at My Tho to 1914 μm at Tra Kingdom (87,750 items m− 3, Devereux et al., 2022). Sediment in the
Vinh (Fig. 6a). The median fragment area over the river system was Tien River also presented higher microplastic levels than that in the
142,174 μm2 (Fig. 5b) and varied from 108,424 μm2 at Cao Lanh to Ciwalengke River, Indonesia (1.4–3.5 × 10− 3 items g− 1 d.w.; Alam et al.,
228,042 μm2 at Tra Vinh (Fig. 6b). 2019), the Chao Praya River, Thailand (0.04 items g− 1 d.w.; Ta and
In the sediment, the median fibre length over the river system was Babel, 2020), the Barrow River in Iceland (172.5 ± 116 items kg− 1 w.w.,
1060 μm (Fig. 5a) and varied between sampling sites from 845 μm at Tra Murphy et al., 2022), and the Qin River in Beibu Gulf, China (0–0.1
Vinh to 1316 μm at My Tho (Fig. 6c). The median fragment area over the items g− 1 d.w.; Zhang et al., 2020). It was approximately the same with
river system was 179,672 μm2 (Fig. 5b). that of the St. Lawrence River in Canada (65–7562 items kg− 1 d.w., Crew
et al., 2020).
3.2.3. Microplastic colour partition
In surface water, microplastics of six colours were observed over the 4.2. Spatial variation of microplastic abundance in the surface water of
river system (blue, red, white, green, yellow, and grey). Colour partition the Tien River
of microplastics showed a dominance of blue fibres (50 % to 69 %),
followed by red fibres (24 % to 29 %) and white fibres (4 % to 29 %). Among the sampling sites, Cao Lanh was the only site in a secondary
Other colours included green, yellow, and grey with a total percentage tributary of the Tien River, situated in a small secondary tributary
of 3 % to 15 % (Fig. 7a). Over the whole river system, seven colours were flowing through the urban area of Cao Lanh City, the Cai Sao Thuong
observed in sediment (blue, red, white, green, yellow, grey, and black). River. Thus far, only the main distributaries of the Tien River have been
Colour partition of microplastics showed a dominance of blue fibres (67 used to account for the spatial variation of microplastic contamination

T.-C. Kieu-Le et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 187 (2023) 114605

Fig. 3. Average concentrations of a) microplastics, b) fibres, and c) fragments in surface waters (blue) and sediments (orange) at each sampling site along the Tien
River. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

T.-C. Kieu-Le et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 187 (2023) 114605

Table 2b management, and wastewater treatment plant effluent on the abun­

Concentrations of microplastics, fibres, and fragments in sediments of each dance of microplastics in surface water (Amrutha and Warrier, 2020;
replicate at each sampling site. Kataoka et al., 2019; Strady et al., 2021; Talbot and Chang, 2022). Urban
Site Microplastic Fragment Fibre concentration areas are evenly scattered on both banks of the Tien River and its dis­
concentration (items concentration (fibres g− 1) tributaries and fall within our study area. These urban areas have a
g− 1) (fragments g− 1) population of approximately 100,000 inhabitants in Tra Vinh City to
Rep. 1 Rep. 2 Rep. 1 Rep. 2 Rep. 1 Rep. 2 over 220,000 inhabitants in My Tho City (Table 1). These urban areas
Cao Lanh 5.5 7.9 0 0 5.5 7.9 may be main sources of microplastics that are released into the envi­
My Tho 7.9 7.9 0.2 0.6 7.7 7.3 ronment through wastewater discharge. In 2020, after a sampling sur­
Cho Lach 3.2 6 0 0 3.2 6 vey, a centralised wastewater treatment plant was put in place to treat
Ben Tre 7 8.7 0.2 0.3 6.8 8.4 domestic wastewater, which was before directly flowing into the urban
Vinh Long 5.7 5.5 0.2 0.2 5.5 5.3
Tra Vinh 2.5 4 0 0 2.5 4
canals and rivers without treatment. The remarkable concentration of
microplastics at the Cao Lanh site can be taken as an example of direct
microplastic release from an urban area. In the MRD, aquaculture and
agriculture are the main livelihoods of local residents. In the Tien River,
there were many fish raft villages that use fishing nets and floats.
Outside of the urban areas along the river are large areas of agricultural
activities, such as rice paddy fields and other agricultural products.
Accordingly, along its flow to the estuary, the Tien River and its dis­
tributaries may continuously receive microplastics released from
wastewater effluents, aquaculture, and agriculture. Concerning river
water discharge, several publications presented it as one of the hydro­
dynamic factors dominating the presence of microplastics in water such
as in nival tributaries of the Rhine River in Switzerland and the pluvial
Lower Rhine River in Germany (Mani and Burkhardt-Holm, 2020) and
in the torrential Ofanto River of Italy (Campanale et al., 2020a, 2020b).
As reported by the MRC-KOICA (2000), the Tien River had high
water discharge of 3720 m3 s− 1 in February 2000, which may have
diluted the concentration of microplastics. The dilution effect can be
evidenced by comparing the concentration of microplastics at the Cao
Lanh site with other sites. Cao Lanh City has a population of 163,892
inhabitants, and the Cai Sao Thuong River's surface water had a con­
centration of 303.9 ± 259.9 items m− 3, (no water discharge data
available). Although the Tien River received microplastics from not only
the Cai Sao Thuong River but also from other urban cities which are
Fig. 4. Microplastic shape partition, i.e. fibres and fragments, in a) surface
similar in size to Cao Lanh City (Table 1) and from agriculture and
water and b) sediment at each sampling site in the Tien River.
aquaculture areas along its flow, the concentration of microplastics was
substantially smaller than that of the Cao Lanh site. Accordingly, it can
in this area. These are, the Tien River (My Tho), the Ham Luong River be assumed that the high water discharge in the river serves to dilute the
(Cho Lach and Ben Tre), and the Co Chien River (Vinh Long and Tra effect of the continuous release of microplastics as it flows into the
Vinh). The concentration of microplastics maintained a stable level over estuary.
the entire area, varying from 1.2 ± 0.6 items m− 3 at Ben Tre to 7.4 ± 6.4
items m− 3 at My Tho for surface water and from 3.3 ± 1.1 items m− 3 at
Tra Vinh to 7.9 items m− 3 My Tho for sediment. We hypothesise that the 4.3. Factors affecting the abundance of microplastics in sediment
concentrations of microplastics in this area originate from two factors:
(i) the release of microplastics from anthropogenic activities, and (ii) The accumulation of microplastics in sediments is primarily affected
water discharge. Previous studies have demonstrated the influence of by (i) anthropogenic activities, (ii) hydrodynamic conditions of the en­
anthropogenic factors such as population distribution, land use, waste vironments (water dynamics, water depth, flow velocity), (iii) physical

Fig. 5. Boxplots of a) microplastic fibre length (μm) and b) microplastic fragment area (μm2) observed in all samples of surface water and sediment in the Tien River.

T.-C. Kieu-Le et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 187 (2023) 114605

Fig. 6. Boxplots of a) microplastic fibre length (μm) and b) microplastic fragment area (μm2) in surface water and c) microplastic fibre length (μm) in sediment
observed at each sampling site in the Tien River.

T.-C. Kieu-Le et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 187 (2023) 114605

d.w.), as shown in Fig. 3a. Zhang et al. (2021) compiled the published
results of 624 sampling sites in different environments of the Yangtze
River Basin and observed a correlation between the socioeconomic
factors (e.g. population density and urbanisation rate) and microplastic
abundance in surface waters. However, this was not mirrored in sedi­
ments, perhaps due to the complex mechanisms and dynamics of
microplastic transport and deposition. Along the Brisbane River,
Australia, He et al. (2020) reported the influence of different land use
types and population density on the microplastic types rather than their
concentrations in sediment collected at 22 sites. In the Tien River, the
impact of anthropogenic activities indicating by high microplastic con­
centration in surface water at Cao Lanh were not observed via the
concentrations measured in sediment, i.e. microplastic concentration in
sediment at Cao Lanh was almost same as that of other sites. Accord­
ingly, the anthropogenic activities were less important in sediment of
the Tien River.
Concerning the hydrodynamic conditions, one important factor that
increases the deposition of microplastics is the slowdown of the flow
velocity (Ding et al., 2019; Gerolin et al., 2020); microplastics start to
sink in calm environments, especially in areas with long water residence
times such as dams or bays. The Tien River flow dynamics are strongly
affected by the tidal regime of Vietnam's East Sea up to Cambodia during
Fig. 7. Microplastic colour partition, i.e. red, blue, grey, white, black, yellow, the dry season. Except Cao Lanh, the other five sites were located in the
and green, in a) surface water and b) sediment in the Tien River. (For inter­ main stream and main distributaries of the Tien River and therefore the
pretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred
flow condition at these sites were affected by a dynamic hydrological
to the web version of this article.)
condition. Cao Lanh, however, was located in the Cai Sao Thuong River,
a small secondary tributary of the Tien River. This small river was facing
Table 3 the issue of water pollution due to sediment deposition inducing slow
Chemical compositions of microplastics in surface water (a) and sediment (b) of flow and obstruction and in 2020 the local government approved a plan
the Tien River from FTIR-ATR analysis. of sediment dredging to increase the flow efficiency (VNPCCL, 2020).
Polymer type Quantity Percentage among
Thus, it can be supposed that the flow velocity at this site was much
plastics lower than that at the other sites on the main distributaries. Concerning
microplastic concentration, at Cao Lanh, high concentration of micro­
(a) Surface water
Plastic (88 %) PE, PP 35 67 % plastics in surface water, however, was not reflected in sediment which
Polyester 10 19 % presented a similar low microplastic concentration with the other sites.
Acrylic 3 6% Accordingly, hydrodynamics conditions may not be an important factor
Alkyd 1 2% controlling the deposition of microplastics in sediment in this area.
Polysterene 2 4%
Phenoxy resin 1 2%
Kumar et al. (2021b) reviewed recent studies on the transport and
Non-plastic Mineral, calcium carbonate, 7 deposition of microplastics in the riverine system and discussed the
(12 %) unidentified physical properties of microplastics including plastic particle density,
shape, and size are important factors controlling the deposition of
(b) Sediment microplastics. In addition, the aggregation process due to microbial
Plastic (64.3 Polyester 6 33.3 % colonization and biofilm development depending upon the microplastics
%) PE, PP, PE-PP 6 33.3 % properties, microorganisms species, and water environmental condi­
Rayon 3 16.7 %
Acrylic 1 5.6 %
tions. In the Tien River system, in comparison with microplastic frag­
Polysterene 1 5.6 % ments, fibres was found more predominant (Fig. 4). Moreover, fibres
Phenoxy resin 1 5.6 % shared higher proportion in sediment (95 % to 100 %) than in surface
Non-plastic Cellulose, cotton, mineral 10 water (77 % to 91 %). As in Fig. 5a, the median length of fibres was
(35.7 %)
smaller in sediment (1060 μm) than in surface water (1235 μm), and the
fibres in sediment was significantly shorter than in water (Mann-Whit­
characteristics of microplastics (such as density, shapes, and size), and ney test, p-value < 0.0001). Accordingly, in the Tien River, the depo­
the aggregation process due to microbial colonization and biofilm sition of microplastics from the surface water to the sediments was prior
development (Crew et al., 2020; Gerolin et al., 2020; Huang et al., 2021; to fibres, and shorter fibre length.
Kumar et al., 2021b; Tien et al., 2020; Wu et al., 2020; Xu et al., 2020).
The impact of anthropogenic activities on microplastic contamina­ 4.4. Future trends of microplastic abundance in the Mekong River delta:
tion in sediment was observed at higher concentrations due to the in­ the need of a global plastic assessment
dustrial wastewater discharge, sewage release, and high population
density and urbanisation (Alam et al., 2019; Horton et al., 2017; Huang The MRD is facing various challenges which impact its sustainability:
et al., 2021). In the MRD sediment, the concentrations of microplastics increasing sea level rise and salinity intrusion (Eslami et al., 2019),
were stable across different areas, varying from 3.3 ± 1.1 items g− 1 d.w. changes in flood regime dynamic (Park et al., 2020), change of land use
at Tra Vinh to 7.9 items g− 1 d.w. at Ben Tre (Fig. 3a and Table 2b). (Vu et al., 2022), increasing urbanisation (Nguyen et al., 2022),
Although the concentration of microplastics in surface water at Cao increasing subsidence (Erban et al., 2014) agricultural transformation
Lanh was hundreds of times higher than that at the other sites, the (Nguyen et al., 2021) and increasing tourism (Vu et al., 2022). All those
microplastic concentration in sediment at Cao Lanh (5.5–7.9 items g− 1 challenges can be interconnected, with for example, increasing sea level
d.w.) was in the same range as that at the other sites (2.5–8.7 items g− 1 rise causing land use shift, with more intensive rice cropping (increasing
double rice and triple rice cropping) and the development of inland

T.-C. Kieu-Le et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 187 (2023) 114605

Table 4
Synthesis of microplastic abundance in water and sediment of worldwide aquatic environments.
Site Country Surface water/ Concentration Observation size Reference
sediment range

Tien river Vietnam Surface water 53.8 ± 140.7 items m− 3 300–5000 μm This study
Sediment 6.0 ± 2.0 items g− 1 d.w.
Red River Vietnam Surface water 2.3 items m− 3 300–5000 μm (Strady et al., 2021)
Dong Nai River Vietnam Surface water 3.9 items m− 3
Han River Vietnam Surface water 2.7 items m− 3
Dau and Sau Beaches in Vung Tau City Vietnam Beach sand 1.5–2.0 items g− 1 d.w.
Da Nang Beach Vietnam Shoreline sediment 9.2 ± 2.1 items g− 1 d.w. 300–5000 μm (Tran Nguyen et al., 2020)
Saigon River Vietnam Surface water 172,000–519,000 fibres m− 3 50–5000 μm (Lahens et al., 2018)
10–223 fragments m− 3
Qing River China Surface water 170–260 items m− 3 50–5000 μm (Wang et al., 2020)
Haihe river China Sediment 4980 ± 2464 items kg− 1 d.w. 1–5000 μm (Liu et al., 2020)
Xiangjiang river China Sediment 288 ± 60 items kg− 1 d.w. 50–5000 μm (Yin et al., 2022)
Wujiang River China Sediment 75.6–1, 036.2 items kg− 1 d.w. 0–5000 μm (Wu et al., 2022)
Two plain rivers in Yuechen and China Sediment 6060–37,610 items kg− 1 d.w. 20–5000 μm (Ji et al., 2021)
Qin River in Beibu Gulf China Sediment 0–0.097 items kg− 1 d.w. 300–5000 μm (Zhang et al., 2020)
Chao Phraya River Estuary Thailand Surface water 48 ± 8 items m− 3 50–5000 μm (Ta and Babel, 2020)
Sediment 0.039 ± 0.014 items g− 1 d.w.
Cisadane River Indonesia Surface water 44.67 ± 24.25 items m− 3 1–5000 μm (Sulistyowati et al., 2022)
Ciwalengke River Indonesia Sediment 1.4–3.5 × 10− 3 items g− 1 d.w. <100 μm–5000 μm (Alam et al., 2019)
29 assorted rivers Japan Surface water 1.6 ± 2.3 items m− 3 (Kataoka et al., 2019)
Northern Dvina River Russia Surface water 0.004–0.010 items m− 3 1–5000 μm (Zhdanov et al., 2022)
Biobío river Chile Surface water 22 ± 0.4 items m− 3 50–5000 μm (Correa-araneda et al.,
Elbe river German & Czech Sediment 2.26 × 104–2.27 × 107 items 125–5000 μm (Scherer et al., 2020)
Republic m− 3
Water 5.57 ± 4.33 items m− 3 150–5000 μm
Seine River France Surface water 3–106 items m− 3 100–5000 μm (Dris et al., 2015)
Thames River United Kingdom Surface water 87,750 items m− 3 200–5000 μm (Devereux et al., 2022)
Barrow River Iceland Sediment 172.5 ± 116.0 items kg− 1 d.w. 100–5000 μm (Murphy et al., 2022)
Ottawa River Canada Water 1.35 fragments m− 3 100–5000 μm (Vermaire et al., 2017)
Sediment 0.22 fragments g− 1 d.w.
St. Lawrence River Canada Sediment 65–7562 items kg− 1 d.w. 10–5000 μm (Crew et al., 2020)
The Orange–Vaal River system South Africa Surface water 0.23 ± 0.27 items L− 1 25–5000 μm (Weideman et al., 2019)
0.04 ± 0.16 items m− 2 300–5000 μm

aquaculture, which along with aggravating subsidence, is increasing and more frequent and can remobilized deposited microplastics into the
floodings, especially urban flooding during equinox high tides events. aquatic environment. In 2019, tourism activity welcomed 47 million
Unfortunately, all those changes may also impact directly or indirectly domestic and foreign visitors in the MRD (Vu et al., 2021), leading to an
the abundance of microplastics in the MRD receiving water systems at important use of plastics, specifically single use ones. In Vietnam, the
present and in the near future. Intensification of double and triple rice Extended Producer Responsibility decree (Decree 08/2022/ND-CP,
cropping can lead to a large amount of plastic and microplastic release in 2022) is reinforcing circular economy and plastic recycling, mainly
soils and irrigation waters, as observed in China (Zhou et al., 2020). Rice via mechanical recycling. This process, common in Vietnam, was
farming involves plastic from seed packaging, fertilizer and pesticide demonstrated as a point source of microplastic pollution in the receiving
packaging, mulch, seedling trays, pesticide sprayers and storage bags. In environments, especially when wastewaters were not treated specif­
agriculture soils from China, macroplastics ranged from 0.1 to 324.5 kg ically (Suzuki et al., 2022), which is often the case at the moment.
ha− 1 and were positively correlated to the mass of plastic mulch used per In this complex environmental, economic and societal context, there
hectare while microplastics, dominated by fragments and fibres, were is a need to assess microplastic concentrations in key aquatic and agri­
observed on all soils subjected to plastic mulching with microplastic cultural soil environments of the MRD in order to set up a baseline and
abundance increasing with the plastic mulching use duration in the soils, evaluate its pollution level. Then, from this baseline, decision makers
being up to 1075.6 ± 346.8 pieces kg− 1 in a soil of 24 years of contin­ along with scientists will be able to discuss and decide adapted reme­
uous mulching (Huang et al., 2020; Zhou et al., 2020). The development diation or ban to prevent the increasing microplastic pollution of the
of inland aquaculture due to salinity intrusion is also a point source of MRD. The assessment phase through a holistic and concerted approach
microplastic to the environment, as observed in surface sediments from is a key step to prevent its pollution.
aquaculture ponds in Northern Vietnam (Le et al., 2022) where high
microplastic concentrations (e.g. 2767 ± 240 items kg− 1 d.w.) were 5. Conclusions
measured and might derived from plastic equipment (buoys, barrel,
lines, hanging line, food bags) commonly used in aquaculture farming The microplastic contamination in the Tien River system predomi­
activity. nantly comprised fibres, and was found at concentrations of 53.8 ±
Anthropogenic activities taking place in urban or suburban areas are 140.7 items m− 3 in surface water and 6.0 ± 2.0 items g− 1 d.w. in sedi­
also an important source of microplastic deposition in atmospheric ment. The presence of stable microplastic concentration in the main
fallouts (71–917 items m− 2 d− 1 in Ho Chi Minh City, Truong et al., 2021) streams of the Tien River indicates the role of the hydrodynamics of the
and in surface road dust (19.7 ± 13.7 items m− 2 in Da Nang, Yukioka river in diluting microplastics released from continuous sources along
et al., 2020). The part of microplastics reaching the aquatic environment the river whereas higher concentrations in smaller streams, less affected
from those sources is few, as they mainly deposit on terrestrial envi­ by large hydrodynamic processes, pointed out local pollution which may
ronment but with increasing urban flooding events during rainy season, affect the ecosystem. In the near future, the MRD will face important
coupled to increasing subsidence, equinox high tides are getting more environmental and societal challenges which may reinforce its

T.-C. Kieu-Le et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 187 (2023) 114605

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