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A project work (Dissertation) Submitted to the Department of Environment and

Natural Resources of the Faculty of Development Studies, Presbyterian University

College, Ghana in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of Master of

Science degree in Environmental Health and Sanitation.




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Candidate’s Declaration

I hereby declare that this Dissertation is my own original research and that no part

of it has been presented for another degree in this University or elsewhere. Work of

other people cited in this dissertation have been duly referenced.

Candidate’s Signature:……………………. Date:………………………………

Name: Gyimah Yaw Agyei

Supervisor’s Declaration

I hereby declare that the preparation and presentation of the thesis were supervised

in accordance with the guidelines on supervision of dissertation laid down by the

Presbyterian University College, Ghana.

Supervisor’s Signature:…………………………. Date:………………..………...

Name: Richard Amfo-Otu (PhD)


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Waste collection and disposal has been a challenge for many metropolitan and

municipal assemblies in Ghana including the Techiman Municipal Assembly. The

study focused on the characteristics (the physical composition and the per capita

waste generated per each household) of solid waste within the Techiman Municipal

were studied over a four-week period. Questionnaire survey and interviews with key

stakeholders were also carried out. The results show a solid waste composition of

69.34% organic, 18.50% plastic, 5.48% paper and cardboard, 1.78% metals, 3.45%

glass, 1.45% leather and Textiles. The average per capita waste generated was 0.71

kg/ca/day. The data generated on the quantity and composition of the waste stream

in the municipality would play a positive role in solid waste management and help

solid waste managers make informed decisions on waste management option.

Household waste within Techiman were mainly food, yard waste, wood, paper and

plastics, glass, textiles and Leather, rubber and metals. The majority of the waste

generated by the households were the organic waste (69%) followed by plastic

(19%). Efforts should be devoted to obtain better estimates of the generation rates

and composition of non-household waste. In this study, an adequate and statistically

valid characterization of household waste was made.


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This work would not have been possible without the contribution of certain key

personalities. I will therefore take this opportunity to proffer my profound gratitude

to them.

My utmost gratitude goes to the Almighty God for seeing me through my education.

I am also very grateful to my project supervisor Dr. Richard Amfo-Otu for his time,

guidance and direction throughout this study. I am forever grateful. My sincere

thanks also go to my academic supervisor, I am highly indebted to all the lecturers

of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources for the excellent job they

are doing. To all my friends and family who in diverse ways helped to make this

work a success, I am eternally grateful.

I am also grateful to all staff of Zoomlion Ghana Limited, Techiman. My heartfelt

appreciation goes to the Environmental Health department of TMA especially Mr.

Charles Acheampong the Municipal Environmental Health Officer for his support

and guidance.

And to everybody who directly or indirectly contributed to this work. I say thank

you and may God richly bless you.


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To my wife, Mrs. Juliana Oduro Gyimah and all my children for supporting me

through this course and my Siblings.

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DEDICATION ........................................................................................................v


LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................x

LIST OF FIGURES ..............................................................................................xi

LIST OF ACRONYMS ……………………………...........................................xii

CHAPTER ONE ....................................................................................................1


1.0 Background.........................................................................................................1

1.1 Problem Statement..............................................................................................5

1.2 Objectives of the study.......................................................................................5

1.3 Research questions…………………..………………………………………....6

1.4 Significant of the study.......................................................................................6

1.5 Limitation of the study .......................................................................................7

1.6 Scope of Study ...................................................................................................7


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1.6 Organization of the study………………………………………………………7

CHAPTER TWO ...................................................................................................7

LITERATURE REVIEW .....................................................................................7

2.0 Introduction.........................................................................................................7

2.1 Municipal Solid Waste........................................................................................9

2.2Sources and types of Solid Waste .....................................................................10

2.2.1 Industrial waste……….…………………………………………………….11

2.2.2 Construction and Demolition Debris….……………………………………11

2.2.3 Institutional Waste.…………………………………………………………12

2.2.4 Residential (Household) and Commercial waste……………………..…….12

2.2.5 Municipal Service waste………………….………………………………...12

2.2.6 Processing waste……………………………..……………………………..12

2.2.6 Agricultural waste……………………………………………..……………13

2.3 CHARACTERISTIC OF SOLID WASTE..................................................14

2.3.1 Quantity……………………………………………………………………..16

2.3.2 Composition………………..……………………………………………….16


2.4.1 Moisture Content……………………………………………..……………..17

2.4.2 Calorific value / Heating value……………………………………………..17


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2.4.3 Density……………………………………………………...……………...18


2.5.1 Carbon / Nitrogen Ratio ( C/NR)…………………………………………...18

2.6 Solid Waste Characterisation…………………………………………………19


2.7.1 Waste Product Analysis………………………………………………….....20

2.7.2 Market Product Analysis…………………………………………………....21

2.7.3 Direct Waste Sampling Analysis…………………………………………...21

2.7.4 Waste Quantification Method………………………………………………21

2.8 MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT (MSWM)......................22

2.8.1 Municipal Waste Management Hierarchy ...............................................24 Reduction ...................................................................................................24 Re-use ........................................................................................................24 Recovery ....................................................................................................24 Disposal .....................................................................................................25


2.9.1 Quantity of Municipal Solid Waste ..............................................................27

2.9.2 Composition of Municipal Solid Waste........................................................30

2.10 Source Separation and Willingness to separate Waste…………………….


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CHAPTER THREE..............................................................................................32

MATERIALS AND METHODS ........................................................................32

3.1 Study Area .......................................................................................................32

3.2 Research Design................................................................................................33

3.3 Study Population………………….…………………………………………..33

3.4 Data sources.....................................................................................................33

3.4.1 Primary Data Source... ..................................................................................34 Field Survey................................................................................................34 Face-to-face Interviews...............................................................................34 Questionnaire Survey..................................................................................33

3.5 Secondary Data Sources ..................................................................................36

3.6 Sampling…………………...............................................................................36

3.6.1 Sample frame and Sample Size Determination..............................................36

3.6.2 Sampling of household ................................................................................37

3.7 Collection of Household Data………………………………………………...37

3.7.1 Education of Households on the Survey.......................................................38

3.7.2 Distribution of Polythene Bags and Waste Bins............................................38

3.8 Waste Quantification ........................................................................................39

3.9 Physical Composition of MSW Analysis ........................................................40

3.10 Determination of Moisture Content................................................................41

3.10 Data Processing and Analysis........................................................................41


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CHAPTER FOUR................................................................................................43

RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS…......................................................................43

4.0 Introduction…………………...........................................................................50

4.1 Waste Characterisation……………………………………………………..50

4.1.1 Physical Composition of Waste ....................................................................50


4.2 Waste Characterisation……………………………………………………..54

4.2.1 Organic Waste……………………………………………………………....55

4.2.2 Plastics and Papers………………………………………………………….55

4.2.3 Metals……………………………………………………………………….56

4.2.4 Glass………………………………………………………………………...56

CHAPTER FIVE ..................................................................................................58


5.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………..58

5.2 Summary of findings ........................................................................................58

5.3 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………58

6.1Recommendation ..............................................................................................59

REFRENCES .........................................................................................................60


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Table Page

Table 1: Age of respondents……………………………………………………..45

Table 2: Gender of respondents…………………………………………………46

Table 3: Educational level of respondents……………………………………...46

Table 4: Respondents reactions about waste separation and recycling……….51

Table 5: Per capita generation of waste in Techiman………………………….53

Table 6: Employment Status of Respondents………………………………….47

Table 7: Marital Status of Respondents………………………………………..48

Table 8: Respondents Knowledge on the source of waste separation…………49

Table 9: Respondents Knowledge on waste Recycling…………………………50

Table 10: Percentages of various waste types generated in Techiman……….52

Table 11: Means of waste types generated daily per household………………53

Table 12: Residential Solid waste generated per day by the entire population.54

Table 13: Residential Solid waste generation in short, medium and long term55


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Figures Page

Figure 1: Map of Techiman Municipal……………………………………………34


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MSW - Municipal Solid Waste

MSWM- Municipal Solid Waste Management

TMA- Techiman Municipal Assembly

SPSS – Statistical Package for Social Sciences


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1.0 Background to the Study

Municipal or household wastes are often generated from several sources where

variable human activities are encountered. Several studies indicate that much of the

municipal solid waste from developing countries are generated from households

(55–80%), followed by commercial or market areas (10–30%) with varying

quantities from streets, industries, institutions among others (Nabegu, 2010;

Nagabooshnam, 2011; Okot-Okumu, 2012). Waste from these sources are highly

heterogeneous in nature (Valkenburg et al., 2008) and have variable physical

characteristics depending on their sources; notably in their composition are food

waste, yard waste, wood, plastics, papers, metals, leather, rubbers, inert materials,

batteries, paint containers, textiles, construction and demolishing materials and

many others which would be difficult to classify.

The heterogeneity of the generated waste is a major setback in its utilization as a

raw material. There is therefore the need for fractionation of the waste before they

can be subjected to any meaningful treatment process. Source sorting and separation

of waste is one of the traditional fractionation methods and fundamental steps in an

integrated waste management system with the potential to provide data on waste

generation and the quality of the fractions. However, the success of any designed

waste segregation system will depend largely on the active participation of the waste

generators in the various communities and how they comply with the principles of

sorting and separation of the waste. Generation of waste from commercial outfits in

Ghana is difficult to quantify on per capita basis since all the generators are not

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known. Assessment is mostly done on bulk of the waste collected. The composition

may depend on the business activities; hence the household is the right source to

obtain correct data for managing waste.

Waste management being a major environmental and health challenge around the

world today is more pronounced in developing countries (Ejaro & Jiya, 2013).

Reliable waste management data provides an all-inclusive resource for a

comprehensive, critical and informative evaluation of waste management options in

all waste management programmes (Chang & Davila, 2008; Hancs et al., 2011;

Qdais et al., 1997). Unfortunately, these required fundamental statistics are lacking

in many developing countries (Buenrostro et al., 2001) and where they are available,

they are inconsistent because they come from many sources which cannot be

validated and are sometimes based on assumptions but not scientific measurements

(Couth & Trois, 2011; IPCC, 2006; Ranjith, 2012). The net effect of these

misleading data are often a source of confusion and doubt in the minds of investors

who may want to do business or services in the waste management sector. Ghana is

no exception of this data deficit problem and Techiman is not an exception.

Data on municipal solid waste generation and composition are available in only few

selected cities, most of which are over a decade old. A nationwide-waste statistic in

general is lacking; field study on household waste composition and generation has

not been conducted holistically in the sixteen regions of the country, hence lack of

reliable data which could provide information to the local and national waste

management authorities for decision making. Waste collection is a merit good – a

good (service) deemed so important that the law requires that it is provided for the

benefit of the entire society, regardless of the interest of the market to supply it or

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the users’ ability (or willingness) to pay for it. The key indicator here is collection

coverage or the percentage of the population that has access to waste collection

services – in principle, this should be 100%. The World Bank website stated that it

is ‘common that 30–60% of all the urban solid waste in developing countries is

uncollected and less than 50% of the population is served’ (World Bank, 2012)

Over the last decade, cities have made considerable efforts to increase service

coverage when it comes to was collection: almost half of the reference cities,

including all but two of the cities with a human development index (HDI) of 0.75

or more (or a gross national income (GNI)/cap above $1600 (Wilson et al., 2012).

report coverage rates of 99–100%. The poorest performing of the middle-income

cities have collection coverage in the range of 70–90% population served, while all

six of the low-income reference cities show collection coverage in the range 45–

60%. World Bank report (Hoornweg & Hada-Tata, 2012) average collection

coverage of 86% in upper-middle, 68% in lower-middle and 41% in low-income

countries. Within many cities, the central business district and affluent

neighbourhoods have near 100% coverage, while low-income and illegal

settlements often have none.

Identification of these valuables in the solid waste stream and their quantities has

called for the development of important recovery and recycling technologies and

designs for treatment to extract the exact economic benefit of these materials

(Pichtel, 2005; Gawaikar & Deshpande, 2006; Ahmad & Jehad, 2012). In most

developing economies, biodegradables are the highest fraction; hence the strategic

development of bioconversion processes to reduce the quantities of the generated

waste and consequent benefit over mere disposal. Biogas and compost production

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from such a renewable source offer an advantage because of its continual and

sustainable supply provided their production cost are minimized.

Accra, Kumasi and other Major cities in Africa generate 80% organic waste, 10%

plastic, glass and metal waste and less than 1% paper waste per day (Gawaikar &

Deshpande, 2006). But most of these wastes are not properly collected and disposed

of in a safe and healthy manner. This situation is not limited to Accra and Kumasi

but may be applicable to all the major cities in Ghana. The Techiman as one of the

big cities in Ghana has a major waste management and disposal problem which may

be attributed to lack of understanding of the waste management system. Although

many cities the world over use 20-50 percent of their budget in solid waste

management, only 20-80 percent of the waste they produce is collected (Achankeng,

2003). The uncollected or illegally dumped waste constitutes danger to human

health and is a recipe for environmental degradation. Not only are the quantities but

also the variety of waste is increasing as consumption habits are fuelled by

globalisation (Achankeng, 2003).

Zoomlion, a private waste management company who collects most of the waste

from the communities within the Techiman has no data on waste generated and

composition to help plan and design their waste management strategies which is

most needed, therefore this research aimed at generating data on the waste produced

in Techiman and its composition by quantifying and characterising it to help

authorities to know the kind of the waste they are dealing with.

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1.1 Statement of the Problem

In recent times solid waste management has become a major problem in Techiman

due to the continuous urbanisation, industrialisation and lack of data. The municipal

assembly is doing its best to manage solid waste with the aim of providing good

quality sanitation services in order to keep the cities in the municipality clean and

to enhance public health and safety. Evaluation of the resource requirement for

regular collection, transportation and disposal as well as equipment for waste

management requires a correct assessment of the quantity of waste generated per

day from all waste generated sources especially domestic source and the

characteristics of waste generated.

Techiman, as in other parts of Ghana, there is no data on waste generation and

composition thus making planning difficult. All the mixed waste ends up in the

landfill sites without recovering or recycling any of the valuable materials in them.

The population Techiman keeps on increasing which has resulted in an increase in

waste generation and therefore its management. In view of this, source specific

quantification and characterization of the household waste is very much required to

assess the quality and quantity of waste generated (Gawaikar & Deshpande, 2006)

will lead to correct assessment of waste generated and make it easier for authorities

to proper plan for solid waste management in the Techiman.

1.2 Research Objective

The main objective of the research is to identify the various characteristics solid

waste for proper management of waste in the Techiman and to help make informed

decisions on project planning for diversion of this waste from the final disposal sites.

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The specific objectives of this research were to:

1. To find out, the physical composition of household waste within the


2. Ascertain the per capita and quantity of the waste generation in Techiman;

3. Determine the potential for recycling of the solid waste generated in


1.3. Research Question

1. What is the physical composition (characteristics) of household waste within

the Techiman?

2. What is the per capita and quantity of the waste generation in Techiman?

3. What is the potential for recycling of the solid waste generated in Techiman?

1.4 Significance of the study

The main problem facing policy makers in the waste management sector in most

urban areas is their inability to make appropriate future predictions of the amount

and the composition of MSW likely to be generated over a period so as to devise the

most appropriate treatment and disposal strategy. The importance of reliable

information on both the quantity and composition of municipal solid waste for the

effective planning of waste handling infrastructure underscore the role this study

may play. With the data, hopefully, some model structure can be developed to

reasonably manage Municipal Solid waste in the locality where this work is being


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1.5 Limitation of the study

Time constrain made extending this research made it impossible to other areas of

the Municipality. Covid- 19, causing a halt in almost all the activities in the world

therefore affecting this research. Some potential respondents wanted to be

compensated for the time spent in responding to the questionnaire. This makes the

administration of questionnaire quite difficult.

1.6 Scope of the study

The study area covered the Techiman Township in the Techiman Municipal of the

Bone East Region. The study will focus on characteristics of solid waste generated

in Techiman. The scope will also cover the composition of the waste which is

generated Techiman Municipal Assembly and how this has affected wasted

management in the Municipality

1.7 Organisation of the Study

This work was organized into five chapters. Chapter One contains the general

introduction for the study, the scope, objectives, research questions, justification,

and organization of the work. The Chapter Two deal with the review of related

literature on the subject of solid waste management. Chapter Three makes up the

research methods used for the study. Chapter Four presents the findings and

discussion of the processed data collected from the field. Chapter Five summarises

the key findings for the study and also the recommendations and the general

conclusion of the study.

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2.0 Introduction

This chapter deals with review of relevant literature related to the subject matter

understudy. Areas covered are Concept of Municipal Solid Waste and Sources,

Characteristics of Solid waste, Physical Characteristic of Solid waste, Chemical

Characteristics of Solid waste, Approach to Solid waste Characterisation, Municipal

Solid Waste Management, Source Separation and willingness to separate waste and

Quantity and Composition of Solid Waste.

2.1 The Concept of Municipal Solid Waste

There is no such thing as waste in natural systems. Everything flows in a natural

cycle of use and reuse. Living organisms consume materials and eventually return

them to the environment, usually in a different form for reuse (University of

California, 2009). Solid waste is material, which is not in liquid form, and has no

value to the person who is responsible for it, Synonyms to solid waste are terms such

as “garbage”, “trash”, “refuse” and “rubbish (Zurbrugg, 2003). Waste is more easily

recognised than defined. Something can become waste when it is no longer useful

to the owner or it is used and fails to fulfil its purpose (Freduah, 2004). Municipal

waste is defined by Hogan et al. (2006) as household waste as well as commercial

and other waste which because of its nature and composition are similar to

household waste. Household waste is waste produced within a building or self-

contained part of a building used for the purpose of living or residential

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accommodation. Municipal waste may therefore be considered to be coming from

three different sources: household, commercial and other waste but this research

would be devoted to household waste because municipal waste analysis is better

carried out using household waste. Municipal Solid Waste includes durable goods,

non-durable goods, containers and packaging wastes, food wastes and yard

trimmings, and miscellaneous inorganic wastes. This information is of great

importance to the research in helping categorise the waste into the right components.

Thus, municipal waste is an accumulation of rejects from households, markets,

traders, shops and other commercial activities in the areas (Bichi & Amatobi, 2013).

2.2 Sources and types waste

There are two basic sources of solid wastes: non-municipal and municipal as

discussed below (UCCP & California University, 2009). Non-municipal solid waste

is the discarded solid material from industry, agriculture, mining, and oil and gas

production. Some common items that are classified as non-municipal waste are:

construction materials (roofing shingles, electrical fixtures, bricks); wastewater

sludge; incinerator residues; ash; scrubber sludge; oil/gas/mining waste; railroad

ties, and pesticide containers (UCCP & California University, 2009). Municipal

solid waste is made up of discarded solid materials from residences, businesses, and

city buildings. Other common components are: yard waste (green waste), plastics,

metals, wood, glass and food waste. The composition of the municipal wastes can

vary from region to region and from season to season. Food waste, which includes

animal and vegetable wastes resulting from the preparation and consumption of

food, is commonly known as garbage (UCCP & California University, 2009).


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Some solid wastes are detrimental to the health and well-being of humans. These

materials are classified as hazardous wastes. Hazardous wastes are defined as

materials which are toxic, carcinogenic (cause cancer), mutagenic (cause DNA

mutations), teratogenic (cause birth defects), highly flammable, Categorization of

solid waste generators are linked to zoning and land use. They are; Residential,

Industrial, Commercial, Institutional, Construction and demolition, Municipal

services, process and Agriculture. The term solid waste is all inclusive and

encompasses all the source, types of classification, composition and properties

(Peavey et al., 1985) corrosive or explosive (University of California, 2009).

2.2.1 Industrial Waste

Industrial waste is a type of waste produced by industrial activity, such as that of

factories, mills and mines. It has existed since the outset of the industrial revolution

(USEPA, 2010). Much industrial waste is neither hazardous nor toxic, such as waste

fibre produced by agriculture and logging. The typical waste generators are Light

and heavy manufacturing, fabrication, construction sites, power and chemical plants

and the type of wastes generated are packaging waste, food wastes, construction and

demolition materials, hazardous wastes, ashes and special wastes (Hoornweg &

Thomas, 1999).

2.2.2Construction and Demolition Debris

Uncontaminated solid waste results from the construction, remodelling, repair,

demolition of utilities, structures roads and uncontaminated solid waste results from

land clearing (USEPA, 1998). Construction and demolition waste includes, but is

not limited to bricks, concrete and other masonry materials, soil, rock, wood

(including painted, treated and coated wood and wood products), land clearing

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debris, wall coverings, plaster, drywall, plumbing fixtures, non-asbestos insulation,

roofing shingles and other roof coverings, asphaltic pavement, glass, plastics that

are not sealed in a manner that conceals other wastes, empty containers which are

ten gallons or less in size and having no more than one inch of residue remaining on

the bottom, electrical wiring and components containing no hazardous liquids (NYS

Dept. of Environmental Conservation, 2010).

2.2.3 Institutional Waste

The waste generators in this category are Schools, hospitals, prisons, government

centres, the wastes produced here are paper, cardboard, plastics, wood, food wastes,

glass, metals, special wastes, hazardous wastes (Hoornweg & Thomas, 1999).

2.2.4 Residential (Household) and Commercial Wastes

Usually residential waste consist of food wastes, paper, cardboard, plastics, textiles,

leather, yard wastes, wood, glass, metals, ashes, special wastes (e.g., bulky items,

consumer electronics, white goods, batteries, oil, tires), and household hazardous

wastes) and these are generated by single and multifamily dwellings whiles

commercial wastes consist of paper, cardboard, plastics, wood, food wastes, glass,

metals, special wastes, hazardous wastes are generated by Stores, hotels, restaurants,

markets, office buildings, etc (Hoornweg & Thomas, 1999).

2.2.5 Municipal Service Waste

Services such as street cleaning, landscaping, parks and beaches maintenance,

upkeep of other recreational areas and water and wastewater treatment plants

generate wastes such as street sweepings; landscape and tree trimmings; general


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wastes from parks, beaches, and other recreational areas and sludge (Hoornweg &

Thomas, 1999).

2.2.6 Process Waste

Heavy and light manufacturing, refineries, chemical plants, power plants, mineral

extraction and processing are responsible for the generation of the following solid

waste; industrial process wastes, scrap materials, off-specification products, slay,

tailings (Hoornweg & Thomas, 1999).

2.2.7 Agricultural Waste

The cultivation of crops, tending of orchards, vineyards, dairies, feedlots and the

running of farms in general contributes to the solid waste stream in the form of

spoiled food wastes, agricultural wastes such as dung, animal carcass, husks of corn

etc., hazardous wastes (e.g., pesticides) (Hoornweg & Thomas, 1999).

2.3 Characteristics of Solid Waste

Reliable waste management data provides an all-inclusive resource for a

comprehensive, critical and informative evaluation of waste management options in

all waste management programmes (Chang & Davila, 2008; Hancs et al., 2011;

Qdais et al., 1997). Unfortunately, these required fundamental statistics are lacking

in many developing countries (Buenrostro et al., 2001) and where they are available,

they are inconsistent because they come from many sources which cannot be

validated and are sometimes based on assumptions but not scientific measurements

(Couth & Trois, 2011; IPCC, 2006; Ranjith, 2012). The net effect of these

misleading data are often a source of confusion and doubt in the minds of investors

who may want to do business or services in the waste management sector. Ghana is

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no exception of this data deficit problem. Data on municipal solid waste generation

and composition are available in only few selected cities, most of which are over a

decade old. A nationwide waste statistic in general is lacking; field study on

household waste composition and generation has not been conducted holistically in

the ten regions of the country, hence lack of reliable data which could provide

information to the local and national waste management authorities for decision

making. Human and resource capacity to carry out these studies which involves the

collection of informative data on waste composition and quantity that is hauled to

treatment sites or recycling centers or disposal sites is lacking (Kanat, 2010; Pichtel,


Municipal or household wastes are often generated from several sources where

variable human activities are encountered. Several studies indicate that much of the

municipal solid waste from developing countries are generated from households

(55–80%), followed by commercial or market areas (10–30%) with varying

quantities from streets, industries, institutions among others (Nabegu, 2010;

Nagabooshnam, 2011; Okot-Okumu, 2012). Waste from these sources are highly

heterogeneous in nature (Valkenburg et al., 2008) and have variable physical

characteristics depending on their sources; notably in their composition are food

waste, yard waste, wood, plastics, papers, metals, leather, rubbers, inert materials,

batteries, paint containers, textiles, construction and demolishing materials and

many others which would be difficult to classify. The heterogeneity of the generated

waste is a major setback in its utilization as a raw material. There is therefore the

need for fractionation of the waste before they can be subjected to any meaningful

treatment process. Source sorting and separation of waste is one of the traditional

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fractionation methods and fundamental steps in an integrated waste management

system with the potential to provide data on waste generation and the quality of the


However, the success of any designed waste segregation system will depend largely

on the active participation of the waste generators in the various communities and

how they comply with the principles of sorting and separation of the waste.

Generation of waste from commercial outfits in Ghana is difficult to quantify on per

capita basis since all the generators are not known. Assessment is mostly done on

bulk of the waste collected. The composition may depend on the business activities;

hence the household is the right source to obtain correct data for managing waste.

The characteristics and quantity of the solid waste generated in a region is not only

a function of the living standard and lifestyle of the region's inhabitants, but also of

the abundance and type of the region's natural resources (Anon, 2005). To ensure

the amount of waste that ends up at the final disposal site is minimum, and to

determine the most sustainable waste management strategy, it is first necessary to

identify the nature and composition of the city’s urban waste (Gomez et al., 2009).

2.3.1 Quantity

There are very significant differences in quantity depending on many factors, such

as: The size of the population living in the area; The source of the waste generated

(commercial, residential, touristic, industrial, etc.); The number of public or private

gardens; Whether the families living in the area are predominantly poor or rich; and

The season of the year, and the cultural aspects of the area affecting the composition,

quantity and peak-days of the solid waste produced (Medcities Network, 2003).


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2.3.2 Composition

Knowing the composition of waste is important for deciding the treatment systems.

Numerous factors have an influence on the composition and characteristics of solid

waste (Medcities Network, 2003).

The area: residential, commercial, etc. The season and weather (differences in the

amount of population during the year, tourist places).

The economic level (differences between high and low-income areas). High income

areas usually produce more inorganic materials such as plastics and paper, while

low-income areas produce relatively more organic waste.

The cultural aspects of the zone,

Urban waste is normally divided into three big groups (Medcities Network, 2003).

Inert waste includes metals, glass, soil, slags and ashes. Putrescible are also made

up of food waste, yard trimmings. The last but not the lease are the Combustibles

waste which includes paper, cardboard, plastics, wood, tires, leather and textiles.

2.4Physical Characteristics of Solid Waste

There are four characteristics that are absolutely necessary when setting up the

treatment/disposal system (Medcities Network, 2003).Moisture content of solid

waste is the weight loss (expressed in percentage) when a sample of solid waste is

dried to a constant weight at a temperature of 100 °c -105 °c . The percentage of

moisture contained in a solid waste sample can be calculated on a dry or wet basis.

Moisture content has a great influence on the heat of combustion as well as


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decomposition of organic matter. It depends on the organic content, as well as the

source of waste and the weather (Medcities Network, 2003).

This is a physical property and a measure of the energy released when waste is burnt.

A heating value of about 11.6x106 J/Kg is needed to sustain combustion (Lee,

2005). Waste with lower heat value can be burnt, but it will not maintain adequate

temperatures without addition of auxiliary fuel. Calorific values increase when there

is more paper, card board and plastics because they have a high heating value, and

decreases when there is a high content of organic matter, and therefore of moisture

(Medcities Network, 2003; Fobi et al., 2001)

Density varies depending on the composition of waste. It is normally higher in

residential areas where organic matter makes up a large proportion of the waste, and

lower in commercial districts where waste contains more paper and cardboard. It

also varies with the economic level, being less dense in high income areas where

there is a higher percentage of packaging waste; the density of waste may also

change during waste transportation (Medcities Network, 2003; Fobi et al., 2001).

Therefore, it is essential to indicate where density has been measured (at the point

of generation, in the container, or at the disposal site), usually the density increases

by 20%-25% during transport in a non-compaction truck. The density is important

for the selection of waste collection equipment. For example, compactor trucks,

which press the waste together, are most effective if the waste has a low density, for

example, if it has a high proportion of paper, cardboard and plastics (Medcities

Network, 2003; Fobi et al., 2001).

Information on the chemical configuration of solid wastes is important in appraising,

processing and recovery alternatives. In addition, the analysis helps in adopting and

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utilizing proper equipment and techniques for collection and transportation. The

chemical characteristics like pH, chemical constituents like carbon content,

nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, micronutrients etc. are to be analysed for the

selection of proper waste management technology (Yousof & Rahman, 2007). It is

the ratio of the weight of carbon to the weight of nitrogen present in the waste. It is

an important parameter in composting processes and should always be between 20

and 35. Lower ratios indicate the loss of nitrogen as ammonia gas and render

composting impractical (Medcities Network, 2003; Fobi et al., 2001).

2.6 Solid Waste Characterization

Yu and Maclaren (1995) described waste characterization as the examination of the

composition of waste stream by material types (such as paper, glass, metal, etc.) or

by product types (such as cans, magazines, glass containers, etc.). Knowledge of the

quantity and composition of municipal solid waste is important for the planning and

management of municipal solid wastes (Fobil et al., 2001). Such knowledge is

important to direct waste policy and to plan for waste management options such as

composting, recycling, recovery, transportation and disposal of solid wastes. In

order to describe waste, two concepts are required: waste stream amounts and the

composition of the waste streams (Moore et al., 1998). Residential waste can be

segregated into eight (8) components based on intrinsic material properties (Fobil,

2001). Solid waste is generally composed of organic, paper, glass, plastic, metal,

textile, residues or inert wastes as well as miscellaneous or other wastes

(Government of Tamil Nadu, Department of Environment, 2007).


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Organic waste or biodegradable includes largely putrescible components such as

food materials, leaves, garden trimmings, grasses and other easily decomposable

waste. Paper waste includes newsprint paper, scrap paper, and cardboard, waste

paper, paper products and packaging materials (Ontario Ministry of environment,

2010). Glass waste consists of broken glassware, used and/or broken bottles, broken

light bulbs and other glass products (Waste Watch, 2011). Plastic wastes comprise

waste plastic products such as polyethylene products and other types of plastics used

as packaging material (wienaah, 2007). Metal waste includes tin cans, both ferrous

and non-ferrous scrap metal (Zero Waste America, 2010).

2.7 Approaches to Urban Solid Waste Characterization

There are three methods for determining the composition of urban solid waste

streams (Brunner & Ernst, 1986): Waste Product Analysis; Market Product

Analysis; and Direct Sampling and Analysis an outline of each of these methods,

and an indication of when they should be used, is provided in this section.

2.7.1 Waste Product Analysis

In this method, the products of treatment processes such as incinerator bottom ash

and fly ash are analysed for various chemical elements. From knowledge of the

partition coefficients for these elements through the process, it is possible to infer

the chemical composition of the raw waste stream (Brunner & Ernst, 1986). It is

necessary to have a waste processing facility available, and to know the details of

materials balances through it in order to apply this technique. Development of the

technique is on-going (Brunner & Schackermayer, 1994), and it offers a reliable and


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cost-effective alternative to conventional direct methods where a suitable treatment

process is available.

2.7.2 Market Product Analysis

In this approach, a materials balance is undertaken for a material in a region to

derive the quantity of that material that would be expected to report to the waste

stream (Brunner & Ernst, 1986). Extensive studies by Franklin Associates have been

undertaken in the USA; the method is quick and can be undertaken at little cost

where the data is available. Normally, this is limited to regions as defined by country

borders, where the data is collected by a Statistics Bureau. This method is also likely

to be of use for materials which make up a small percentage of the waste stream.

For instance, determining the amount of dry cell batteries in direct sampling and

analysis studies is either very unreliable or very expensive. Market product analysis,

if possible at a regional level would give a quicker, cheaper and more reliable result

(Moore et al., 1998).

2.7.3 Direct Waste Sampling and Analysis

In this conventional approach, sampling from a particular waste stream in a region

is undertaken before manually sorting it into its material types. Subsequently,

additional physical and chemical analysis such as moisture content, density under

standard pressures, specific energy (calorific value) and elemental analysis may be

undertaken (Moore et al., 1998).

2.7.4 Waste Quantification Methods

According to the USEPA, (1999), there are two basic approaches to estimating

quantities of municipal solid waste. The first method, which is site-specific, involves

sampling, sorting, and weighing the individual components of the waste stream.


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This method is useful in defining a local waste stream, especially if large numbers

of samples are taken over several seasons. The second approach to quantifying and

characterizing the municipal solid waste stream utilizes a material flow approach to

estimate the waste stream on a nationwide basis. The material flows methodology

produces an estimate of total municipal solid waste generated, by material categories

and by product categories. Sampling to quantify waste could either be done at the

point of generation or at the point of disposal. However, most previous studies

considered the characteristics of municipal wastes at final disposal sites (Blight et

al., 1999). Because of the shift in focus of waste management strategies towards

more recycling and resource recovery, determining the quantity and composition of

waste at the point of generation is getting more attention (Qdais et al., 1997).

2.8 Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM)

In developing countries, solid waste management is faced with challenges including

low collection coverage and irregular collection coverage and irregular collection

services, insufficient refuse dumps as well as crude open dump sites, burning

without air and water pollution control the breeding of flies and vermin and the

handling and control of informal waste picking or scavenging activities (Ejaro &

Jiya, 2013). This is very pertinent in Ghana and Techiman in particular where waste

management services are largely inefficient and ineffective. According to Freduah

(2004), one third to one-half of solid waste generated within most of these cities in

low- and middle income countries, of which Ghana is no exception, are not

collected. Generation and composition of solid waste is key in planning for the long-

term solid waste management in an efficient and economical manner (Aguilar-


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Virgen et al., 2010). Such management includes the selection and operation of

equipment for the treatment and handling of waste, and the types of disposal

facilities that will allow for energy generation and resource recovery.

MSW composition studies are essential to proper management of waste for a variety

of reasons including a need to estimate potential materials recovery, to identify

sources of component generation, to facilitate design of processing equipment, to

estimate physical, chemical, and thermal properties of the wastes, and to maintain

compliance with regulations (Ahmad & Jehad, 2012; Fakare et al., 2012). Waste

management is an important element of environmental protection. Proper

characterization of MSW is fundamental for the planning of municipal waste

management services (Oyelola & Babatunde, 2008). Both planning and design of

municipal waste management (MWM) systems require accurate prediction of solid

waste generation (Dyson and Chang, 2005).

If solid waste management is to be accomplished in an efficient and orderly

approach, the fundamental aspects and relationships involved must be identified and

understood clearly (Puopiel, 2010). Fakare et al. (2012) describe MSWM as

activities that deal with waste before and after it is produced, including its

minimisation, transfer, storage, separation, recovery, recycling and final disposal.

MSWM refers to the collection, transfer, treatment, recycling, resource recovery and

disposal of solid waste in urban areas (Schubeler et al., 1996). MSWM incorporates

the following: source separation, minimisation, collection, transfer, treatment,

recovery, recycling and final disposal in an environmentally sustainable manner.


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2.8.1 Municipal Waste Management Hierarchy

Waste Management Hierarchy (WMH) is a widespread element of national and

regional policy and is often considered the most fundamental basis of modern

MSWM practice. The hierarchy ranks waste management operations according to

their environmental or energy benefits (Anon, 2005). Africa has concluded that the

most sustainable way to manage waste in the majority of urban communities, like

the Techiman, is to use the municipal solid waste hierarchy. It will require limited

capital investment in comparison to complex and expensive waste treatment and

landfill disposal systems which are typically used in developed countries. It will also

require less technology and complexity (sustainable). The hierarchy is a useful

policy tool for conserving resources, for dealing with landfill shortages, for

minimising air and water pollution, and for protecting public health and safety

(Anon, 2005). Waste Reduction

Waste reduction is made up of all waste management methods – source reduction,

recycling, and composting – that result in reduction of waste going to a landfill or

combustion facility (Post, 2007). As part of the aims of this research, reducing the

amount of waste that ends up in the final disposal site to efficiently manage the

waste being generated and the logical starting point for the proper management of

solid waste is to reduce the amounts of waste that must be managed (Hogan et al.,

2006). Thus, the reduced waste quantities do not have to be collected or otherwise

managed. The reduction of waste is a primary element of solid waste management

hierarchies. A good number of economically developing countries have solid waste

management hierarchies that list reduction of waste as the highest priority among

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the generic methods to manage solid waste. A current trend for minimising the

amount of waste destined for final disposal is prompted, in large part, by the rapid

diminishing of available landfill capacity (Hogan et al., 2006).

From the definition above the three components of waste reduction are recycling,

composting, and source reduction. Significant waste reduction could be

accomplished through source reduction with increased backyard composting (Post,

2007). This suggestion is significant to the research as composting would result in

diverting greater quantities of waste from the final disposal site since more than 50%

of waste generated in developing countries in Africa like Ghana is organic (Mancini

et al., 2007). Previous studies of urban waste streams have indicated that much can

be recovered, reused and recycled from the waste. MSW has 40% recyclable, 29%

compostable, 12% potentially compostable and 19% others (Kazimbaya-Senkwe &

Mwale, 2001). Re-use and Recovery

Achankeng (2003), has shown that there are a few formal systems of material

recovery in Africa; however, there is a wide reuse of plastics, bottles, paper,

cardboard, cans for domestic purposes. The practice is highly common among the

poor in the city. The element of processing and recovery includes all the technology,

equipment, and facilities used both to improve the efficiency of other functional

elements and to recover usable materials, conversion products or energy from solid

wastes (Puopiel, 2010). Some of the wastes are recovered through recycling and

composting, and others converted into energy in the form of electricity, energy

pellets or steam (Chowdhury, 2009). Recycling can divert a major portion of the


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waste stream from disposal site and recycling should be a fundamental part of the

integrated solid waste management.

Reuse and recovery of the inorganic components of the waste stream is an important

aspect of waste management but special attention is given to organic

(biodegradable) residues because in majority of developing countries, these residues

constitute at least 50% of the waste (by weight). Many authors and researchers

suggest compositing could be a very viable recovery alternative (Achankeng, 2003).

The resource recovery aspect regarding the biodegradable component is in

threefold: used in agriculture as a soil amendment through composting, its energy

content can be recovered and the organic content can be hydrolysed (Anon, 2005).

The disposal site is the final ending place of all municipal solid wastes whether they

are residential or any other wastes collected.

2.9 Quantity and Composition of Municipal Solid Waste

The composition of waste varies according to changes in consumer patterns and

economic growth rates and depends upon standard of living, season of the year, day

of the week, population habits and the geographical site of human settlement

(AguilarVirgen et al., 2010). This makes managing solid waste one of the most

essential services. Managing waste is unsuccessful due to rapid urbanization

together with changes in the waste quantity and composition which makes it difficult

to adopt for waste management system which may be successful at other places.

Thus, data on waste characterization cannot be used to make decision for any

different location. It is therefore necessary to quantify and characterize the MSW of


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the TMA which is the subject of present investigation. The importance of the

knowledge on quantity and composition survey on waste has an essential role in

determining the dimensions of the key elements in solid waste management. These

elements include method and crew size, type of storage, method of disposal, and

type and frequency of collection, degree of resource recovery. The determinations

help in the evaluation of present conditions, as well as predicting future trends of

waste. One of the factors that contribute to the poor management of solid waste is

the lack of consistent data on the composition and quantity of solid waste being

produced. In order to implement an effective solid waste management program,

quantitative data on the composition of waste being generated must be obtained

(Ejaro & Jiya, 2013). A community needs to know how much solid waste is being

generated and how fast the waste is generated so the current and future needs in

budgeting, disposal facilities operation and processing can be assessed. The data on

the characteristics can be used in designing processing equipment and disposal

facilities. In the case of composting, information on the biodegradable fraction of

the solid waste becomes important (Guangyu, 1999).

2.9.1 Quantity of Municipal Solid Waste

There are several methods available for determining the quantity of wastes that

require disposal (Anon, 2005); however, accuracy of the results depends on the

method followed. These methods include weighing each vehicle and its load of

wastes as it enters the disposal site (the approach involves the use of a weighing

scale sufficiently large to accommodate vehicles of all sizes), weighing few

randomly selected incoming vehicles is an alternative and the third and final method

which is the least accurate involves the collection of the following data: 1) average

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density of waste, 2) number of loads collected per day, and 3) average volume per

load. A number of methods have been used to approximate the volume of waste

generated in a given locality. These are the specific weight method, specific refuse

volume and bulk density and of the three, the specific weight method gives the most

reliable information on amounts of waste that can be obtained.

Waste characteristics and per capita generation rates are two important parameters

in designing any effective solid waste management program. Cost of collection,

treatment and disposal are rising year by year and often represent a high proportion

of municipal budget therefore knowledge of these parameters help in improving the

operations. These rises are as a result of the significant and disturbing changes in

the characteristics and composition of wastes (Gilbertson, 1969). Normally

developed countries produce more solid waste per capita (0.7 – 1.8 kg/d) compared

to middle income (0.5 – 0.9 kg/d) and low-income countries (0.3 – 0.6 kg/d) (Anon,

1999). All communities, people produce domestic waste and urbanization and

industrial development has rapidly increased the range and diversity, as well as

quantity of wastes that require collection and disposal (Rushbrook & Pugh, 1999).

In order to plan the development of a waste management facility therefore, the waste

manager requires information about the quantities and types of waste that are

generated within and around the municipality which may be included in the waste

management plan and in addition, probable increases in quantities of each waste

stream should be estimated in order to plan for future provision of facilities.

Population growth is one of the major causes of increase in solid waste volume in

many cities and higher living standard results in higher solid waste generation rate

and change in waste characteristics (Hoornweg et al., 1999).


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It is a serious problem in cities of developing countries, where about 0.76 million

tons or approximately 2.7million cubic meters of municipal solid waste is produced

per day. The presence of degradable organic compounds, moisture contents, particle

size and composition, density and compressibility are some of the solid waste

properties playing major role in degradation rate in dumpsites. For high degree of

accuracy sampling must be done at the generation source where a modest program

in which special sampling areas are selected and defined. In setting up areas, care is

taken all socioeconomic groups are represented. The sub metro was stratified into

first, second- and third-class residents so as to be representation of the whole sub

metro. Each participating household in the sampling area was provided with a

container of some sort, a plastic bag, in which the day's output of wastes is placed.

The per capita generation and total waste generation can then be determined through

the sampling which is sufficiently accurate to meet most needs, whether they are for

facility and equipment design or for waste management planning. Both planning and

design of municipal waste management systems require accurate prediction of solid

waste generation and the lack of complete historical records of solid waste quantity

and quality due to insufficient budget and unavailable managing capacity has

resulted in a situation that makes the long-term system planning and /or short-term

expansion programs intangible (Dyson & Chang, 2005).

Globally, the per capita amounts of municipal solid waste generated on a daily basis

varies significantly and going to say economic standing is one primary determinant

of how much solid waste a city produces (Zurbrugg, 2002). Estimates of MSW

quantities are usually based on the amount of waste generated per person per day,

kg/person and that in general weight is used for measurement of solid waste

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quantities. Also, in municipal environmental management, it is very important to be

able to predict the amount of solid wastes generated. This information is needed not

only to make environmental standards and assess environmental impacts of the

wastes, but also to evaluate the potential quantities of solid waste generated and

collected which are of critical importance in selecting specific equipment and in

designing waste collection routes, materials recovery facilities and disposal

facilities. The data can also be used for budget preparation and operation

optimization as well as provide essential foundation for environmental economy

programs and can greatly influence final environmental management target and


2.9.2 Composition of Municipal Solid Waste

Waste composition analyses are widely used in order to investigate the waste

generated in a specific area, and also to evaluate and compare different waste

collection systems. In order to make evaluations and comparisons relevant and just,

evidence-based knowledge of the investigated system is required. It is also

necessary to ensure that samples used for the waste composition analyses are

representative of the population as a whole (Bernstad et al., 2012). Full knowledge

of the composition of the wastes is an essential element in: 1) the selection of the

type of storage and transport most appropriate to a given situation, 2) the

determination of the potential for resource recovery, 3) the choice of an appropriate

method of disposal, and 4) the determination of the environmental impact exerted

by the wastes if they are improperly managed (Anon, 2005).

Composition is tending to vary and becoming an important factor which determines

further process and end-pipe treatment and the composition determines different

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waste management processes. Some waste management systems are flexible and

can be applied to treat solid waste with any composition mixed or not. No pre-

treatment reduces the income from recyclable materials. Pre-treatment is crucial (by

separating into the various compositions hence the recyclable materials are

identified and separated), in recovering potential valuable products to be reused for

the market (Kui, 2007). Therefore, to get most from waste stream and decrease the

chances of residuals from ending up in the landfill, there is the need to know what

is in the waste by carrying out proper and efficient separation at source of

generation. One of the most accurate approaches for characterising waste

composition consists of collecting waste at its generation source and directly sorting

it out into types of materials (Bernache-Perez et al., 2001).

Oyelola and Babatunde (2008), say the main constituents of solid wastes are similar

throughout the world but the proportions vary widely from country to country and

even within a city, because the variations are very much related to income level.

Waste generated in developing countries contains large percentage of organic

materials, more often than not three times higher than that of industrialized countries

(Oyelola & Babatunde, 2008). The waste is also denser and more humid, due to the

prevalent consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as unpackaged food.

However, first world residents consume more processed food and packaged in cans,

bottles, jars and plastic containers than those in the developing world. As a result,

waste generated in the former contains more packaging materials than in that of the

latter. Although countries sometimes use different categories for the physical

characterization of solid waste, the high content of biodegradable matter and inert

material, results in high waste density (weight to volume ratio) and high moisture

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content (Zurbrugg, 2002). These physical characteristics significantly influence the

feasibility of certain treatment options. Vehicles and systems working well with low

density wastes such as in industrialised countries will not be suitable or reliable

under such conditions. In addition to the added weight, abrasiveness of the inert

material such as sand and stones, and the corrosiveness caused by the high-water

content, may cause fast deterioration of equipment.


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3.0 Introduction

This Chapter looks at how data was gathered for the research, the research method

employed in the study, the data collection techniques used and the target population,

the sample size and the sampling technique and data analysis method used.

3.1 Profile of the Study Area

The population of the Techiman Municipality, according to the 2010 Population and

Housing Census, is 147,788 with 52,137 household, representing 6.4 percent of the

region’s total population. Males constitute 48.5 percent and females represent 51.5

percent. A greater percentage of the population (64.5%) live in urban areas as

compared with 35.5 percent in the rural areas. The Municipality has a sex ratio of

94.5. The population of the Municipality is youthful (13.6%) of the 0-4 age group,

depicting a broad base population pyramid which tapers off with a small number of

the 70 plus years (3.0%). The total age dependency ratio for the Municipality is 75.2,

the age dependency ratio for males is higher (78.9) than that of females (71.9).


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Figure 1: Map of Techiman Municipal showing the various communities

Source: Geographic and Information Services, University of Ghana

3.2 Research Design

The research approach that was used for this study is the case study approach. The

case study is one of the approaches for research in the social sciences (Yin, 2003).

In general, the case study approach is used when the researcher seeks to find the

“how” and “why” of a real-life phenomenon (Yin, 2003). In this case to identify the

various characteristics of the solid waste that is generated in Techiman Municipal.

The case study was preferred here, because it answers questions that deal with

operational links needing to be traced over time rather than mere frequencies or

incidence (Yin, 2003) as happens in the other approaches.


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3.3 Study Population

The study population included both males and females above 18 years of age who

are staying in Techiman. This is because they are the age group relevant to this


3.4. Data sources

The sources of data for this study was from primary and secondary sources. The

primary data was obtained from the field through various data collection techniques,

including questionnaire survey, interviews, and field observation. The secondary

data was also obtained from annual waste management reports from the

Environmental and Health Sanitation Department of Techiman Municipal Assembly

and reports on waste management from other private companies and it’s financing

in the Town.

3.4.1 Primary Data Collection

Primary data was collected through field survey, face-to-face interviews and

Questionnaire survey. This helped us the get first-hand information from

respondents during the research. Field Survey

Field observation involved visiting randomly selected households to inform

occupants about the survey work and to communicate the importance of the

respondent’s participation and how the respondents was involved. The field survey


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helped receive feedback on their willingness to participate in the programme.

Participants was assured of the confidentiality of their responses. The suitability of

the study area households as points for sorting at source was also assessed. Face-to-face Interviews

Face-to-face interviews was conducted amongst a cross-section of persons working

in the administration of the Techiman Municipal Assembly, Zoomlion Ghana

Limited (District Manager and Assistant and some field supervisors) and

Assemblymen in the study area. The face-to-face interviews at the Techiman

Municipal Assembly was focused on the various stakeholders involved in waste

management, data on the generation and composition of solid waste from the

Municipality, collection and disposal Municipality, final disposal site and the

availability of waste management logistics. At the Environmental and Sanitation

Unit, information was sought on the available data on quantity of waste generation

and its composition, solid waste management strategies in the Municipality and

whether or not there is an engineered landfill site.

At the offices of the Zoomlion Ghana Limited the quantity of solid waste generated

and it composition (based on the number of trips without weighing), method of solid

waste collection, provision of dustbins and skips, adequacy and frequency of

collection, availability of an engineered landfill site, and the availability of waste

management equipment and logistics. Within the communities, the assembly men

of the selected areas like Anyimana, Kenten, Wiaso, New krobo, Brigade, Diasempa

and other areas introduced the research team and the scope of the research to the

communities. From the assembly men also, the face to face interviews focuses on


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Solid waste generation and composition, availability of disposal site for households,

adequacy of community dustbins and skips, regularity of collection of waste,

problems and challenges of waste management in the communities and methods of

managing the waste. Questionnaire Survey

Administration of questionnaires and direct field measurements, was two

approaches was adopted in obtaining data relevant for the research. A well-

structured questionnaire was developed and administered randomly to sample

households for collection of relevant data relating to the research work. The

household waste characterization survey questionnaire looked at solid waste

management and the separation of waste at the household level. Also, information

about each respondent, the household socioeconomic status, household waste

disposal methods, knowledge on waste separation, knowledge on waste

management and knowledge on the composition of their waste will be sought for in

the questionnaire. The content of the questionnaire was based on five of the twelve

factors influencing Separation of municipal solid waste in developing countries

identified by Troschinetz (2005). The factors were waste collection and segregation,

household economics, household education, local recycled-material market and

Municipal solid waste management administration. The target groups for the

questionnaire were women because they are the persons often in charge of cleaning,

gathering and final disposal of household waste in the home.

3.4.2 Secondary Data Sources

Books, articles, newspapers, journals and internet sources are some of the secondary

data that were used. Some other secondary data were also obtained from the

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Techiman Municipal Assembly. The data includes: the assemblies waste

management strategy, basic day to day information on waste generated and their

composition, time taken in collecting waste to final disposal sites, implementing

agencies within the assembly, collaborators and indicative cost.

3.6 Sampling

3.6.1 Sample frame and sample size determination

According to the 2010 population census, the population of Techiman was 147,788.

Growth rate of 2.7, the projected population in 2013 was 182,810. Using also the

household size of 7.9, the total number of households was 52,137. This represented

the sample frame for the questionnaire survey. The sample size was 98 households.

From this, a total of 397 samples was needed as a representative sample. However,

a total of 1393 samples was collected within the period of the survey which was far

above what was statistically needed. This high sample size helped limit the margin

of error and also close in with the mean, hence better accuracy. Also, following the

procedure outlined by Nordtest (1995), household numbers of 50- 250 would be

representative enough to undertake the survey. For the face-face interviews, 10

Assembly men were interviewed. One person each from the Waste Management

Department/Zoomlion and Finance Department will also be interviewed.

3.6.2 Sampling of Household

Sampling of households was carried out randomly within the stratified classes of the

three residential areas. The first-class residential areas are made up of single

detached houses which are a well-planned community with serial numbers so


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households were sampled by selecting every Kth house starting from the direction

of the first point of contact with any house in the selected area. The second-class

residential area was made up of high-rise buildings or multiple occupancy properties

and these buildings were given numbers and then randomly selected. The

households in the randomly selected buildings were later given numbers to

randomly select the households to be used in the research work. Because most of

the third-class residential areas are made up of structures or housed in unplanned

and squatter settlements winding movement was used to select every Kth house

starting from direction of the first point of contact with any house in the area. After

selecting the number of households for the research, a respondent was interviewed

and the questionnaire given to each Kth household.

3.7.1 Collection of household data

The designed questionnaires were given to households to fill and those who could

not fill on their own, were assisted to fill. Data obtained were on socio-economic

standing, demographics, educational level, and knowledge on waste management

among others. Data was also collected through observations and direct field data

collection using a sheet to record waste weighed after sorting into various


3.7.2 Education of Households on the Survey

The randomly selected households were educated on sorting and separation of

waste. This was done on one-on –one basis after the questionnaire administration.

This was done for a period of two days. During the period, a one-way separation

method was explained to them as to which materials were to be sorted into which

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colour of polythene bags that were provided. Also, the importance of the survey was

explained to the respondents to encourage their full participation. Households were

also allowed to ask questions and they were also tested for their understanding on

the sorting and separation activities by asking them questions.

3.7.3 Distribution of Polythene Bags and Waste Bins

Two polythene bags were supplied to each of the randomly sampled households for

the separation of their solid waste. Each household was given a blue polythene bag

for biodegradables (BIO) and a black polythene bag for non-biodegradables (NON-

BIO). In the case of the third-class residents, a waste bin each was distributed to

them to keep the polythene in since they did not have proper waste bins. Collection

of waste from Households and further sorting Waste from the households was

collected three (3) times in a week (Mondays, Wednesday and Saturdays) over a

period of four (4) weeks. The waste was sorted and separated in the two polythene

bags. Biodegradables (food, yard and wood waste) was sorted into the blue

polythene bag while the non-degradable waste (plastics, paper and cardboard, metal,

glass, leather and rubber, inert and all other waste) was sorted into the black

polythene bag. Further sorting and separation were carried out into various physical

components and weighed and recorded.


The per capita generation of the waste and the total waste generation were deduced

from the waste components separated. The separated wastes were collected,

weighed and recorded. The waste was then sorted further and separated into various


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components and reweighed. The per capita generation was determined as per the

mixed and also the separated components using the formula:

Cap waste (kg/day) = ∑ HH Waste / HH (UNESCAP, 2010)

HH waste: Average waste generation of one household (kg/day)

HH: Number of households surveyed

HM: Average number of household members

The total Generation rate was obtained by multiplying the per capita generation by

the total population.

3.9 Physical Composition of MSW Analysis

MSW from the households were segregated into the following compositions and

analysed by weigh, as well as the percentage composition described by the ASTM

(2003) method. By modification the following were adopted: Blue polythene bags

for Biodegradables; Food waste, yard waste and wood Black polythene bags for

non-biodegradables, except paper; Plastics and Metals; Papers

(packaging/cardboard/office print/sheet/newsprint and tissue/diaper); Leather and

Rubber; Textiles; Inert (sand, ceramic, rock, ash); and Miscellaneous (other

materials which could not fit in the above).


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3.10 Determination of Moisture Content

Following the method of Bryant et al. (2010), the moisture content of the

biodegradable (food waste and yard trimmings) of the household waste was

determined by heating the waste in an oven to a temperature of 10-[ 5 C for 12 hr

until it stabilized. The difference between the weight before oven drying and after

oven drying gave the moisture content of the waste. The moisture content of the

biodegradables of all the various classes was determined separately. The moisture

content was measured immediately after sample collection to prevent drying out of

the waste.

Determination of Moisture content:

The moisture content as a percentage was determined from the formula:

Moisture content (% ) = (a-b) × 100

Where a = initial weight of sample as delivered

b = weight of sample after drying.

Analysis to establish the above was based on a 100-kg sample of waste (Kazimbaya

Senkwe and Mwale, 2001 and Dyson and Chang, 2005). That is to determine the

combined moisture content of the food waste and yard waste, the total dry mass of

both was subtracted from the 100 kg sample.


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3.11 Data Processing and Analysis

Since the research design was mixed approach, there was accommodation for

qualitative and quantitative analyses. Qualitative information from interviews and

observation will be transcribed and coded into themes. The qualitative data was not

further analysed but rather they was serve as basis for validating the responses

obtained quantitatively.

The researcher placed more emphasis on the quantitative data analysis.

Quantitatively, responses from the pupils and key informants was coded and keyed

into SPSS. Various statistical processes and measurements was then conducted in

order to reveal the research findings. The analysed data was displayed in charts,

tables, and other descriptive analyses.

3.12 Ethical consideration

Ethical consideration is a very important component of any research, this ensures

reliability of data. Upon arrival, all chosen respondents were taken through the

purpose, scope and objectives of the study. They were assured that their names and

contact information was not going to be published and the study was going to be

used for academic purposes only without any monetary benefits. The participants

that obliged to partake in the study were made to understand the questionnaires and

interviews posed to them. The researcher took time to explain into detail all

information that needs clarification. They were also assured that they could opt-out

of the research at any time without any reason.


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4.0 Introduction

In this chapter, the data collected from respondents was subjected to statistical

analysis. The analysis of the data was based on the responses given to the

questionnaires and the results obtained are presented in the form of tables and chats

with the frequency counts and percentages where appropriate. The data have been

divided into three main headings comprising of socio-demographic data, data on

knowledge of respondents on the waste separation and recycling and characteristics

of the waste generated in the study area.

4.1 Socio-Demographic Characteristics

From Table 1, it can be seen that the age of respondents falls between the categories

of 30 to 40 years forming 41 percent of the sample size. A few of the respondents

were also in the age category of 18 to 30 years, and 40 to 60 years with the

percentages of 28% and 30% respectively. This indicates that majority of the people

living within the sampled area are in the ages of 30 to 60 years. This means that

these age groups are the once who generate most of the most.

Table 1: Age of respondents

Ages Frequency Percent

18-30 28 28.57

30-40 40 40.82

40-60 30 30.61

Total 98 100.0


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Source: Field Survey, 2020

With respect to the gender of the 98 respondents, 64% were females and 36% males.
From table 2, the female are more than the males, this is because the females are
those who does most of the cleaning in the house.
Table 2: Gender of respondents

Frequency Percent
Male 35 35.71
Female 63 64.29
Total 98 100.0
Source: Field Survey, 2020

For that of level of education, 18.36% indicated their level of education to be at the

tertiary level. Those with secondary level of education were 20.41%. Also 40%

indicated to have gotten basic school education and 20% also have other forms of

education. This is presented in the Table Below.

Table 3: Educational level of respondents

Education level Frequency Percent

Basic 40 40.81

Secondary 20 20.41

Tertiary 18 18.36

Others 20 20.41

Total 98 100.0

Source: Field Survey, 2020


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Employment status

From Table 4, majority of the respondents (44%) were found at the informal. 37%

found at the formal sector and 18% not doing any form of work.

Table 4: Respondent’s employment status

Employment Status Percentage

Formal 37.8

Informal 43.9

Unemployed 18.4

Total 100.0

Source: Field Survey, 2020

Marital Status

With respect to marital status, 55% of the sample size of 98 are married as shown in

Table 5. Those singles were a percentage of 40 and also 5% of the respondents

indicated being separated. This shows that majority of the respondents are married

as indicated on the Table 5.

Table 5: Respondents Marital Status

Marital Status Percentage

Single 40.0

Married 55.0

Separated 5.0

Total 100.0

Source: Field Survey, 2020


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Source of Knowledge on Waste Separation

On waste separation activities, 61% had heard or seen waste separation activities

while 39% had neither heard nor seen any separation activities. On their source of

knowledge on waste separation, 22% had their knowledge from newspapers, 10%

from Television, 6% from radio, 8.77 from both radio and Television, 5.26 from

both newspapers, Television and radio and lastly 48% from other sources. Most (52.

%) of this knowledge was from newspapers, television news and radio (Table 6)

Table 6:Respondents Source of Knowledge

Source of Knowledge Percentage

News Paper 22

Television 10

Radio 5.9

Both Radio and Tv News 8.8

News Paper, Tv news and Radio 5.3

Other Sources 48.0

Total 100.0

Source: Field Survey, 2020.

Source of knowledge on recycling of waste

On their knowledge source with respect to Waste recycling, radio, Newspaper and

Television had the large percentage (88.82) with 11.18% being from other sources


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Table 7:Respondents Source of Knowledge on waste recycling

Source of Knowledge Percentage
News Paper 10

Television 13

Radio 33

Both Radio and Tv News 13.0

News Paper, Tv news and Radio 20.0

Other Sources 11

Total 100.0

Source: Field Survey, 2020

Descriptive Statistics of Socioeconomic Characteristics of the Respondents

They were again asked if they have heard about waste separation, 68.37% of the

respondents answered yes and 31.63 said no. On willingness to separate waste at

source, 71.43% were willing to separate their waste on a daily basis while 28.57%

said they were not ready to separate their waste. On recycling, 75.51% of the

respondents had heard and read on recycling of waste materials and 24.48% had not.

More than 73.46% of the respondents were willing to send materials to recycling

centres if these were established in their neighbourhoods, whiles 26.53 were not.


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Table 8: Respondents reactions about waste separation and recycling

Item Frequency Percent

Have you heard or seen waste separation

YES 67 68.37

NO 31 31.63

Are you willing to separate your waste

YES 70 71.43

NO 28 28.57

Have you heard or seen waste Recycling

YES 74 75.51

NO 24 24.48

If Recycling centres are established will you send your waste there

YES 72 73.46

NO 26 26.53

Source: Field Survey, 2020

4.2 Waste characterisation

4.1.1 Physical Composition of Waste

From the pie chart below, largest quantity of waste generated in Techiman was

organic waste (69%), followed by plastic waste at 19% then next in line was paper

waste at 6% followed by glass waste at 3%, metal waste 2% and Textiles and leather

being 1%.


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Table 9:Percentages of the various waste types

Waste Type Percentage
Organic 69

Plastics 19

Papers 6

Glass 3.0

Metal 2.0

Textiles and Leather 1

Total 100.0

Source: Field Survey, 2020

The mean amounts of waste types generated daily per household

The waste type that was generated the most per household per day was organic waste

(0.516 kg) followed by plastic waste (0.117 kg) and then paper at (0.056 kg) and

glass waste (0.047 kg) and with metal waste trailing at 0.026 kg.

Table 10:Mean weight (kg) of various waste types per household

Waste Type Mean weight(kg)
Organic 0.516

Plastics 0.117

Papers 0.056

Glass 0.047

Metal 0.026

Total 0.8

Source: Field Survey, 2020


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The per capita generation of the various waste types

From the Table below, every individual in each of the households generates a mean

of 0.072 kg/day of organic waste followed by plastic waste with 0.016 kg/day then

paper waste with 0.006 kg/day followed by glass waste at 0.006 kg/day with metal

waste trailing with 0.004 kg/day.

Table 11. Per capita generation of waste of Techiman

Waste Type Mean person kg/week

Organic Waste 0.07187

Plastic Waste 0.01626

Metal Waste 0.00355

Paper Waste 0.00622

Glass Waste 0.00555

Source: Field Survey, 2020

Solid waste generated per day by the entire population (kg)

Daily the entire population generates more organic waste than any other waste type

(1327.94 kg) followed by plastic waste (300.44 kg) and then paper (114.93 kg)

followed by glass waste (102.55 kg) and with metal waste trailing at 65.59 kg.


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Table 12:Mean weight (kg) of various waste types by the entire

Waste Type Mean weight(kg)
Organic 1327.94

Plastics 300.44

Papers 102.55

Glass 65.6

Metal 114.9

Total 1911.5

Source: Field Survey, 2020

Daily production of waste to be generated in the short, medium and long term.

In the next five years the largest amount of waste to be generated by the entire

population daily would be organic waste with an amount of 1423.53 kg followed by

plastic waste with an amount of 322.06 kg then paper waste with an amount of

114.93 kg followed by glass waste with an amount of 102.55 kg and metal waste

trailing with 65.59 kg. The amount of waste to be generated in the medium term by

the entire population daily would be organic waste with an amount of 1635.83 kg

followed by plastic waste with an amount of 370.094 kg then paper waste with an

amount of 141.57 kg followed by glass waste with an amount of 126.32 kg and metal

waste trailing with 80.80 kg. The amount of waste to be generated in the long term

by the entire population daily would be organic waste with an amount of 1879.83

kg followed by plastic waste with an amount of 425.30 kg then paper waste with an

amount of 162.69 kg followed by glass waste with an amount of 145.17 kg and metal

waste trailing with 92.85 kg.


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Table 13: Waste to be generated in the short, medium and long term

Type Mean Weight (kg)
Now Short Term Medium Term Long Term
Organics 1327.94 1423.33 1635.83 1879.83

Plastics 300.44 322.06 370.094 425.3

Metals 114.93 114.93 141.57 162.69

Papers 102.55 102.55 126.32 145.19

Glasses 65.59 65.59 80.8 92.85

Totals 1911.45 2028.46 2354.614 2705.86

Source: Field Survey, 2020


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4.3 Waste Characterization

4.3.1 Organic Waste (food waste)

Organic waste was the largest fraction of the sampled household waste generated

daily (69%).This is also the case in many developing countries where buying of

unprocessed food to be cooked at home seems to be the norm. This generates

significant amounts of organic waste. In contrast, in developed countries, buying of

processed and ready to-eat foods seems to be the norm, thus leading to a lower

representation of food waste in household waste but a higher percentage of

packaging materials. Al-khatib et al. (2010) and Gomez et al. (2009), reported of

garden and food waste as contributing to 65.1% of the total waste stream in most

developing countries. The percentage of organic waste reported in this study is

similar (69%). The percentages of organic waste in municipal solid waste in selected

African cities were recorded as 56% in Ibadan, 75% in Kampala, 85% in Accra,

94% in Kigali and 51% in Nairobi (Oyelola & Babatunde, 2008).

4.3.2 Plastic & Paper

Plastics waste (19%) was the second largest waste form generated after organic

waste; this is not consistent with the trend in countries within the West African

Region. According to Silva, et al. (2006) in West Africa plastic waste usually comes

third to organic waste. Paper makes up 6% of the household garbage generated; this

is not consistent with the trend that the West African Region generates a higher

percentage of paper waste Silva, et al. (2006). Also, it can be noted that the

percentage of paper in the waste (6%) is relatively low compared with plastic waste


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(19%), this is due to the fact that plastics rather than paper is widely used in

packaging. It is less likely that residential solid waste contains significant

proportions of office/commercial waste that consists almost entirely of paper and

cardboard. Paper waste included all paper products (printed or plain paper,

newspapers and notebooks), all types of corrugated and non-corrugated carton

boxes and packages, etc. Plastic waste was composed mainly of packaging, plastic

products, hard and flexible plastic household items, PET bottles.

4.3.3 Metal

Metals formed 3% of household garbage generated; this agrees with the work done

by Silva Alves, et al. 2006 which indicated that the West African Region has metal

being the least of the MSW generated. Most of the waste consisted of tin-cans used

to package processed foods which were not much because in developing countries

the buying of unprocessed food to be prepared at home is a common practice as

pointed out by Bernache-Pérez et al. (2001).

4. 3.4 Glass

The glass waste mainly consisted of beer bottles, liquor bottles, medicine, and other

beverage and juice bottles. Although broken glass bottles were also observed, most

of the glass bottles were not broken. Even though households were specifically

asked not to refuse to give any recyclable waste materials at home during the survey

period; few unbroken bottles were observed in the samples suggesting that

recyclables were in fact removed from the sample waste stream for reuse or for sale.

This may account for the amount of glass waste. The articles of glass collected over

the 4 weeks were not many but it weighed more because the density of glass is high


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and according to the laws of physics the density of a material is directly proportional

to its mass hence the reason for the weight of glass collected during the survey.


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5.1 Introduction

Chapter five summarizes the whole work and concludes the study. It gives some

policy recommendations. The first part focuses on summary of the findings of this

study; the second part also provides the conclusions of the study. Finally, the last

part presents recommendations.

5.2 Summary of findings

The purpose of the study is to find out the various composition or characteristics of

solid waste that is generated in Techiman Municipal. Based on the topic both

quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection was also used for the study

which involved collecting and analysing the data gathered in succession. The

qualitative data was collected and analysed with in the sequence to help explain the

quantitative results obtained in the first phase. The researcher used several methods

under the qualitative method to collect information for the study. Under the

qualitative methods of data collection, the following was used; field visits,

observation and questionnaires. The researcher was keen on observing and taking

notes of important issues on the topic under investigation. Field visits were

embarked on to get the various solid waste for the study.


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5.3 Conclusion

Household waste within Techiman were mainly food, yard waste, wood, paper and

plastics, glass, textiles and Leather, rubber and metals. The majority of the waste

generated by the households were the organic waste (69%) followed by plastic

(19%). Waste separation was not being practiced in the Municipality. There was a

general willingness among the inhabitants of the municipal to separate waste at

source. The average per capita waste generation for Techiman was 0.072 kg/day

looking at the available data, if proper waste separation and composting at source

measures are put in place only small amount of waste will end up at the Landfill


5.4 Recommendations

 Education of people in Techiman Municipal on the need to separate waste

through public enlightenment and awareness in the media (radio, television

and newspaper since most of the respondents had heard about separation

through these media), schools, churches, mosques, community associations,

traders and transporters unions and use of traditional rulers should be carried

out by the Techiman Municipality.

 With the purpose of improving the current waste management system and

having the information presented here regarding the composition of HSW

and MSW, it is recommended to conduct an analysis and assessment of the

potential treatment options for the non-biodegradable in the waste stream of

Techiman Municipal, with a market-oriented approach.


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 Efforts should be devoted to obtain better estimates of the generation rates

and composition of non-household waste (they do end up in the landfills as

well and have valuable materials). In this study, an adequate and statistically

valid characterization of HSW was made. However, the other sources

contributing to MSW were not examined. Further studies particularly

focusing on these aspects might be worthwhile to possibly increase the

amount of recyclables.

 To enhance the sustainability of SWM, it is recommended that public

awareness, funding, expertise; equipment and facilities as well as other

provisions that are currently lacking or inappropriate must be provided.

Furthermore, since the envisaged SWM practices call for some behavioural

changes, there is a need for community participation on related issues.

 The segregation of the waste types at source using bin bags of different

colours was a success hence it is recommended for waste to be segregated at


 If the above recommendations given are well taken and implemented, it will

bring about effective solid waste management by reducing the amount of

waste that ends up in the final disposal site in Techiman Municipal which is

currently a very big canker.


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B.Sc. Environmental Health and Sanitation

Characteristics of solid waste generated in Techiman Municipal

City/ Town/ Village ………………………..


House Number………….…… Name of Respondent…………………………..


1. Age group

a. Under 20yrs [ ] b. 20-30yrs [ ] c.31-40yrs [ ]

d. 41-50yrs [ ] f.51--59 yrs [ ] g. 60 yrs and above [ ]

2. Gender: a. Male [ ] b. Female [ ]

3. What is your highest level of education?……………….………………….…

4. What is your Occupation? …………………………………………………….

5. Marital Status: a.Single [ ] b.Married [ ]

6. Status in the household


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a. Father/Mother [ ] b.Child [ ] c. Other [



1. Which of the following best describe your home?

a.Single Family Detached [ ] b.Duplex or Townhouse [ ]

c.Multifamily Unit/ Compound House [ ] d.Storey building [ ]

2. How many people live in your house?…………………………………..

3. How many households are in your house? ....................................................

4. How many of your household members fall within the following age


a. 0-12 ………………. b. 13-19 ……………….

c. 20-30 ………………. d.31-40 ……………….

e . 41-50 ………………. f.71 and above ……………….

5. How much is your household’s average monthly expenditure?

a. Less than GH¢ 200 [ ] b. GH¢ 200-500 [ ]

c. GH¢ 500-1000 [ ] d, GH¢ 1000-2000 [ ]

e. above GH¢ 2000 [ ]

6. How many of your household are in the following levels of education?

a. Primary/JHS ………………. b .Secondary / Technical ……………….

c. Vocational ………………. d. Tertiary/Professional …………….


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F .None ………………. g. Others (specify) ……………….

Part 3 Household Waste Disposal

1. How do you dispose your household wastes?

a. Buried [ ] b. Burned [ ]

c. Individual Bin (House to house Collection) [ ] d. Communal dumpsite [

2. How many refuse bins do you have in your household?

One [ ] Two [ ] Three [ ] Four [ ]

Five [ ]

3. How often is your bin lifted?

Once a week [ ] Twice a week [ ] Thrice a week [ ]

4. Which Company services your household?

a. Zoomlion [ ] b. Informal Waste Collectors [ ]

c.others (specify)…………

5. Do you sell or give out items to itinerant buyers?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

If Yes specify the item…………………………………

Part 4: Knowledge on Waste Separation

1. Have you ever heard or seen waste separation activities?

Yes [ ] No [ ]


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2. If Yes, from where :

a. Foreign Countries [ ] b. other parts of Ghana/Different communities

[ ] c.In movies [ ] d.Television news [ ]

e.Radio [ ] f. Newspapers [ ]

g.Magazines [ ] h.others nspecify)…………………………………….

3. Are you willing to separate your waste on daily basis, even after this


Yes [ ] No [ ] If No why ……………………

4. If Yes what will be your driving force:

a. When motivated [ ] b. Clean Environment [ ]

c. Resource [ ] d. Best practice and example from other Countries for

recycling [ ] f. others (specify) …………………………………..


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Part 5: Knowledge on Environmental Management

1. Do you often read about or listen to environmental issues?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

2. If Yes from which source:

a.Newspaper [ ] b. Television [ ]

c. Radio Station [ ] d. Magazines [ ]

e. Billboards [ ] f. Fliers [ ] g.Others (specify)………………

3. How has this changed your perception about the environment?

a. Advocate for clean environment [ ]

b. Neighbourhood environmental cleanliness advocate [ ]

c. Household environmental advocate [ ]

4. Which of the following will you recommend for a clean environment at

your neighbourhood?

a. Constant environmental education at the neighbourhood [ ]

b. Regular clean up [ ]

c. Sanitary Inspection activities [ ]

d. Persecution of offenders (polluters) [ ]


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Part 6: Knowledge on Recycling

1. Have you heard or read anything about recycling of waste materials?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

If Yes from which source?

a.Television [ ] b.Radio [ ] c.Magazines/Newsletters [ ]

d.Newspaper [ ] e.Billboards [ ] f. others (specify) …………………

2. Do you know any company engaged in recycling of waste?

Yes [ ] No [ ] If Yes, name any ……………………………

3. Do you recycle any of the following materials?

a. Newspapers [ ] b. other papers and Cardboards [ ] c.Glass [ ]

d. Metal & Cans [ ] e .Plastics [ ] f. Leaves/Food waste/

Yard waste [ ] g. others (specify) ………………………………..

4. If you do recycle, what is the principal reason for your action?

a. Concern for the environment [ ] b. Concern about the availability of

landfill space [ ] c. My children encourage me to recycle [ ] d. Get paid

for recycling material [ ]

Others (specify)……………………………………………………………

5. If you do not recycle what would be your principal reason?

a. Inconvenience [ ] b. Believes there are better ways to handle my

waste /garbage [ ] c, believes it’s the responsibility of government/

Waste management company [ ]


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d. Do not have the necessary facilities and skills to recycle [ ]

e. Others (specify) …………………………

6. If you do recycle, how long have you been recycling?

a. Less than 1 year [ ] b.1-2 yrs [ ] c.3-5 yrs [ ]

d. more than 5 yrs [ ]

7. If a recycling Centre is established at your neighbourhoods, would you

be willing to bring materials for recycling? Yes [ ] No [ ] If No why …

If Yes explain …………………………………………………………

8.Are you willing to buy two household waste plastic bags? (One waste

plastic bag for recyclables and one for non-recyclables) Yes [ ] No [ ]

If No why ………………………………………………………………


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