Detailed LP Demo-Engelyn

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Cookery

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students are expected to Identify and
demonstrate an understanding of knowledge and skills in preparing

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Appetizers
Reference: Module, Internet
Materials: projector, laptop, cartolina, pentelpen
Strategies: collaborative learning and explicit teaching

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

1. Prayer
- May I request everybody to please
stand? Maria, kindly lead the prayer. - Let’s bow down our heads and put
ourselves in the presence of God, …Amen.

2. Greetings
- Good morning class! - Good morning ma’am.

3. Checking of Attendance
- Very good! Everybody’s present for

4. Classroom Standard
- This morning I will teach you a new
song, and which will be our classroom
standard for today!
- I am going to sing the song first and
afterward let us sing it together.
- “Stop, Look, and Listen, stop, look,
and listen. Stop talking in your seats, look
at to the front, and listen to the teacher.”

5. Passing of Assignment
- Class bring out your assignment and
pass it forward.

6. Review
* What are the appropriate kitchen *
* How can you tell the importance of the
Occupational Health and Safety
Procedures? * Reduced risk of accidents or injuries by
identifying and mitigating hazards.
* Improved efficiency and productivity due
to fewer employees missing work from
illness or injury.
* A safer work environment is a less
stressful work environment

* What about the importance of good

grooming in the workplace?
* It helps to prevent the development and
spread of infections, illnesses, and bad
* Presenting yourself in the best possible
way focusing on personal hygiene and

* Very good! You really listen well to our

topic yesterday that we discuss and I
congratulate you on that I hope you will
apply it all in our incoming activities.

B. Lesson Proper

1. Motivation

a. Scrambled Letters
b. Showing pictures of different

Guide Questions:
- Try to observe the following pictures.
- What can you say about the pictures?
- What do you think are the pictures all
- Let us find out later the significance of
the pictures as our class is going on.

2. Activity
- I will group you into three. Each group
will be given an envelope and each envelope
has its own instructions inside.
- The teacher will lead the count.
- I will give you 3 minutes to do your
task. Your 3 minutes start now.
Group I: “Match Column A to Column B”
Types of Appetizer Pictures of Appetizer

*hors d’ oeuvres





Group II: “Arrange and Identify My Value”

 PID  This is used to
add flavor to a
 NKSCA  Not to be eaten
as the main
meal of the day
 CPAANĒ  They are based
on bread,
croutons, and
 ICEJU  A liquid
contained in
fruit or vegetable
 IKCCOLAT  Oysters and
clams belong to
this group

Group III: “Find Your Perfect Pair”

Definition Picture of Appetizer

 Dips are used to

add flavor to a
 Not to be eaten
as the main
meal of the day
 They are based
on bread,
croutons, and
 A liquid
contained in
fruit or vegetable
 Oysters and
clams belong to
this group

- Let us now check your work.

3. Analysis
- Are you having fun in our activity?
- What have you learned from the

4. Abstraction
- For us to understand further our topic
this morning let us define the word

Appetizer – It comes from the word

‘appetite’ which means to really enjoy
something, a desire for food or drink,
hunger, relish, stomach, thirst, zest,
craving, inclination, liking, longing, and
passion. Usually, they are very sharp or
spicy in taste to wake up the taste buds
and make the diner hungry and thirsty.
Appetizers may be served as the opening
part of the meal or the menu in the

Importance of Appetizer
- They add a festive note to an occasion
and help to create an atmosphere of leisure
and relaxation for the rest of the meal.

Types of Appetizers

 Made in assorted shapes, arranged
attractively on trays. They are bases
made from bread, croutons, pastry
bases, melba toast, and crackers.

 Means outside the main meals. Similar
to canapé and is used for the same
purpose. The primary difference is that
hors d’ oeuvres are not served on bread
or crust base. Another difference is that
they are not finger food but are eaten
with a pick of the cocktail fork. The
third distinction is that majoring
ingredient of it is usually served whole
rather than pursed or chopped and
made into a spread. There are two types
of hors d’ oeuvres and cold hors d’

 Consist of several bite-sized pieces of
meat, fish, shellfish, or fruit served with
highly flavored sauce. In the fruit
cocktail, the sauce would probably be
fruit juice flavored with liqueur, or
perhaps a bite-size topping or tangy
sherbet. Oysters and clams on the half
shelf belong to this group of appetizers.

4. DIP
 Common condiments for many types of
food. Dips are used to add flavor to
food, such as dumplings, crackers, cut-
up raw vegetables, seafood, cubed
pieces of meat, and cheese. Dips are
commonly for finger food and other
easily held foods.

5. SNACK (ready-made)
 Not to be eaten as a main meal of the
day. Intended to use a person’s hunger
between these meals, providing a brief
supply of energy for the body. The term
may also refer to a food item consumed
between meals purely for the enjoyment
of its taste.

 Are cooked pickles, chopped vegetables,
or fruit food soaked with vinegar and

 A liquid naturally contained in fruit or
vegetable tissue. Juice is prepared by
mechanically squeezing or macerating
fresh fruits or vegetables without the
application of heat or solvent.

5. Application
Group Activity
- The same group earlier, each group will be Descrip 20 15 10 5
given a type of Appetizer. Which you will be The Some of Most of
going to prepare and discuss after. presentati the ideas the ideas
on and and and
Content explanatio explanatio explanatio None at
For Groups 1, 2, and 3 n are ns did not ns did not all
presentabl match the match the
e and Appetizer Appetizer
*Canapé & Hors d’oeuvres/Cocktail & Dip/ understan presented presented
Snack, Relishes, & Juice The group
*What kind of Appetizer did you present? The group The group The group tried to
was able almost somehow establish
*After eating that kind of appetizer, does it Creativi to establish establishe the mood
really makes you crave more? ty establish the mood d the and
the mood and mood and meaning
and meaning of meaning of of the
Instructions: meaning the the tableau
of the tableau tableau but was
a. Discuss the given Appetizer with tableau not
your group and present it in front. successful
1-2 Half of the All of the
b. Must choose a presenter All of the members members members
c. Before presenting your outputs, Coopera students did not did not did not
tion give their participate participate participat
present a yell first ideas and in giving in giving e in giving
d. Finish the task within 10 minutes skills ideas and the ideas ideas and
e. You will be rated using the rubric about the their skills and skills skills
Appetizer about the about the about the
they Appetizer Appetizer Appetizer
6. Generalization presented they they they
presented presented presented.
- Based on the discussion and activities,
what do you think is the purpose of the
- What are the types of appetizers?
- In your opinion do you think we should
consume or eat that kind of food? Why?
Why not?
- What is the right time in consuming
that kind of food?

IV. Evaluation (On a ¼ sheet of paper)

Identify the different types of appetizers below.
CANAPĒ 1. They are bases made from bread, croutons, pastry bases, and crackers.
COCKTAIL 2. Oysters and clams belong to this group of appetizers.
JUICE 3. Prepared by mechanically or macerating fresh fruits or vegetables.
RELISHES 4. These are the cooked pickle, chopped vegetables, or fruit food soaked
with vinegar and seasonings.
APPETIZER 5. Serve as the opening part of the meal or the entire menu in the

V. Assignment
On a ½ crosswise sheet of paper, define and give what is needed.
1. What are the three physiological functions of food?
2. What are the six groups of nutrients of human beings?
3. Identify the food pyramid.

Description 20 15 10 5
The presentation Some of the Most of the ideas
and explanation ideas and and explanations
Content are presentable explanations did did not match the
and not match the Appetizer None at all
understandable Appetizer presented
The group was The group The group The group tried to
able to establish almost establish somehow establish the
Creativity the mood and the mood and established the mood and
meaning of the meaning of the mood and meaning of the
tableau tableau meaning of the tableau but was
tableau not successful
All of the students 1-2 members did Half of the All of the members
give their ideas not participate in members did not did not participate
Cooperation and skills about giving ideas and participate in in giving ideas and
the Appetizer they their skills about giving the ideas skills about the
presented the Appetizer and skills about Appetizer they
they presented the Appetizer presented.
they presented

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