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Autonomous rovers for Mars exploration

Conference Paper · February 1999

DOI: 10.1109/AERO.1999.794236 · Source: IEEE Xplore

87 3,104

6 authors, including:

Rich Washington John Bresina

Google Inc. NASA


David E. Smith Trey Smith

NASA NASA Ames Research Center, Mountain View, United States


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Autonomous Rovers for Mars Exploration §

Richard Washington1, Keith Golden, John Bresina, David E. Smith, Corin Anderson , Trey Smith3,
NASA Ames Research Center, MS 269-2
Moffett Field, CA 94035
{richw | kgolden | bresina | de2smith | corin | trey}

ABSTRACT—The Pathfinder mission demonstrated the find water and other resources, set up power plants, and
potential for robotic Mars exploration but at the same time mine and transport resources.
indicated the need for more robust rover autonomy. Future
planned missions call for long traverses over unknown These capabilities will require rovers with robust
terrain, robust navigation and instrument placement, and autonomous operations so that they can perform
reliable operations for extended periods of time. Ultimately, independently over long intervals while achieving mission
missions may visit multiple science sites in a single day and and science goals. The rovers will communicate infrequently
perform opportunistic science data collection, as well as with earth, and the communication will have high latency
complex scouting, construction, and maintenance tasks in and low bandwidth. Rovers that are continually dependent
preparation for an eventual human presence. Significant on commands from Earth would incur huge cost and would
advances in robust autonomous operations are needed to achieve a much lower science return due to the lost time that
enable these types of missions. the rover is waiting for instructions. Given that rovers have a
limited lifetime, such wasted opportunity translates to much
Towards this end, we have designed an on-board executive lower return on investment.
architecture that incorporates robust flexible operation,
resource utilization, and failure recovery. In addition, we Robust autonomous operations will also be important in
have designed ground tools to produce and refine contingent support of human presence on Mars. Even though latency
schedules that take advantage of the on-board architecture’s will be less of a problem, the crew will be busy with more
flexible execution characteristics. Together, the on-board important tasks and will not have the time to continuously
executive and the ground tools constitute an integrated rover monitor the rovers and control their every move. Thus,
autonomy architecture. autonomous rovers can greatly amplify the productivity of
the small crew. It is also advantageous for the rovers to be
responsible for their own well-being: to avoid getting
damaged, as well as to diagnose and correct recoverable
TABLE OF CONTENTS software and hardware failures. With robust autonomous
rovers, the crew does not have to spend time baby-sitting
1. INTRODUCTION rovers and can concentrate on survival and science.
3. ARCHITECTURE OVERVIEW Although much research has been done to endow
4. FIELD TEST autonomous robots with far greater capabilities than were
5. FUTURE WORK demonstrated on Sojourner, little of that can be used directly
6. CONCLUSIONS for planetary missions. On space missions, safety is
paramount. Missions are very expensive, and even the
simplest mistakes can cause the mission to fail. If the rover
1. INTRODUCTION became permanently stuck on a rock or damaged, the effect
on the mission would be disastrous. Thus, on-board
Mars exploration is a high priority at NASA. Current plans technology will always be more conservative than what has
call for a mission to Mars every 26 months. Future missions been tried in a laboratory setting.
will require rovers with more capabilities than have ever
been demonstrated on previous missions. The rover to be In the following section, we discuss the capabilities of
launched in 2003 will be expected to survive for more than a current rovers and the additional capabilities needed to
year and traverse more than 10 kilometers. By contrast, the support planned missions. In Section 3, we discuss a rover
Sojourner rover in the 1997 Mars Pathfinder mission was autonomy architecture that provides these needed
only expected to survive for a few weeks and stayed within capabilities. In Section 4, we discuss plans for an upcoming
sight of the lander. Ultimately, in support of human field test that will demonstrate some of these capabilities.
exploration, rovers will be needed to scout out landing sites, We then discuss future directions of this work.

U.S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright

Caelum Research Corporation at NASA Ames Research Center
University of Washington
Carnegie Mellon University
2. CURRENT AND FUTURE ROVER AUTONOMY communication events with no human intervention and
no assistance from ground-based programs.
Criteria for robust autonomous rovers
• Need for understandability. Mission designers must
For a rover to demonstrate robust autonomous operations, it be convinced that the proposed approach will improve
will need to adapt to its environment. Although someday this the quality of the mission. If the approach is complex
may be performed through automatic, on-board modification and unclear to the mission designer, it is unlikely to be
of plans and models, this could produce unanticipated used.
behaviors and thus would introduce an added risk into the
mission. Instead, we focus on those aspects that can allow • Multiple objectives. A deployed planetary rover must
the rover controllers on ground to specify the rover’s balance considerations such as navigation with science,
response to a range of possible operating situations that may communication, resource consumption, and fault
arise. In particular, we consider the following criteria recovery. A rover must be able to operate as an
essential for robust rover autonomy: integrated system.

• Robust flexible operation. A rover should choose its Mission-ready rovers

behavior based on the execution environment. The
rover operators should be able to specify multiple Examples of mission-ready rover technology are scarce. The
execution behaviors along with the conditions under primary source is the Mars rover development program at
which they are appropriate. JPL, which produced the 1997 Sojourner rover. Sojourner is
the only deployed planetary rover to demonstrate a
• Resource utilization. Resources such as power, data significant level of autonomous operations [1]. Sojourner
storage, and communication bandwidth place operated in a semi-autonomous mode, with periodic
restrictions on what the rover can do. In order to communication with Earth via the Pathfinder lander.
perform its science and mission objectives efficiently, Sojourner weighed about 23 pounds, operated for 83 sols
the rover needs to make full use of the available (Martian days, which are 37 minutes longer than days on
resources, even when they change from expected Earth), traveled 100 meters, performed 16 experiments on
values. To do this it should track actual and expected soil and rocks, and transmitted 550 images.
resources, signal resource conflicts, and allow its
behavior to be specified with respect to the resources. The Soviet space program produced two lunar rovers that
were teleoperated from Earth in 1970 and 1973. The level of
• Failure recovery. Because of the complexity of a autonomy was basic, limited to stopping in response to
rover’s interactions with its environment, it will need excessive tilt, wheel blockage, or motor overheating. The
the ability to recover from faults or anomalous teleoperation allowed the rovers to travel over 30 times
situations. The rover should recover from those faults further per day than Sojourner and perform nearly an order
from which it safely can, and it should gather relevant of magnitude more experiments per day, all this 20 years
information for problems that need to be handled by earlier.
rover operators. Each of these will save command
cycles and increase the efficiency of the rover. Teleoperation is impractical at longer distances, so some
level of autonomous operation is necessary for planetary
In addition to these criteria, there are other considerations rovers deployed beyond our moon. Current rover missions,
that affect planetary rover operations in general. These such as Pathfinder, depend almost entirely on ground-based
considerations influence the design of missions and commanding and employ only enough on-board autonomy
consequently the work described in this paper: to safely follow uplinked commands. If anomalous situations
arise, the rover goes into a safe mode and waits for an
updated command sequence to be generated by the ground
• Uncertainty. Rovers operate in environments that are
operations team and uplinked. In practice, this approach
largely unknown. Techniques that require precise
leads to high mission cost and missed science opportunities.
information about the environment to perform actions
The ground operations team for the Pathfinder mission had
will be prone to failure.
to adjust themselves to Mars time, sleeping and waking 37
minutes later each day, for the entire mission and had much
• Need for safety. Space missions are expensive and
more access to expertise in diagnosing and debugging
rover failure irreparable. A planetary rover must work
problems than will be possible in future missions. With
the first time, and it needs to guarantee its own safety in
upcoming missions intended to last a year or more,
order to achieve the mission goals.
expecting people to work such hours and maintain such
vigilance is not feasible. Furthermore, since almost all of the
• Limited communication. With limited use of the Deep intelligence behind the Sojourner rover was on Earth, the
Space Network and with other communication limits command sequences that Sojourner executed were quite
imposed by orbiter schedulers, the rover must operate fragile. There were many cases when something went
with relatively little and infrequent interaction with the wrong, and the team on Earth had to spend a day or more
rover operators. The rover must operate between diagnosing and fixing the problem.
NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) have placement problem or to give up on that science goal and
published mission designs calling for autonomous Mars continue with another.
rovers [15,17]. The space agencies recognize the need for
integrated architectures that allow for significant levels of Resource utilization—The generation of uplink sequences is
autonomy in order to operate effective missions. In the 1996 based on estimated profiles, over time, of capacity and
field tests of Sojourner-style technology, three of the lessons demand for each resource. However, there is great inherent
learned dealt with a need for a higher degree of autonomous uncertainty in the operating environment and its impact on
operations [2]: performance of rover hardware components. For example,
the power demand of a traversal is highly dependent on the
• Science operations required higher than incline, roughness, and traction of the terrain. Without an
expected communication cycles. Need to accurate estimate of power demand, battery state of charge
improve rover autonomy for science at a given time cannot be accurately predicted. Furthermore,
operations. battery charge will also depend on how much time is spent
• Operator interface need[s] to be improved to in shade and on the tilt of the solar panels, which in turn
reduce operator load and to provide error free depends on the surrounding landscape. In response to this
operations. uncertainty, worst-case estimates of resource usage and
• Rover autonomous navigation not adequate for availability are typically used; however, even tight worst-
Viking Lander II type terrains. Improvements case bounds may be difficult to predict. Because demand
in autonomous navigation are required. estimates are too pessimistic, execution of such sequences
often results in reduced rover productivity through wasted
The second of these is not directly related to autonomous time and lost opportunities. On the other hand, overly
operations, but rather indicates the need for a combination optimistic estimates of resource usage and availability result
of ground-based tools and on-board autonomy that will in higher risk to rover safety and a greater chance of broken
reduce the burden on the rover operators. plans.

The ability of future rovers to achieve the more ambitious Failure recovery—Current rovers have very limited
goals of future missions will depend critically on robust capabilities for recovering from faults or anomalous
autonomous operation. Each of the criteria for robust situations. The rover’s response to most execution failures is
autonomy can be seen to be lacking to some extent with to halt all activity and wait for the ground operations team to
current mission-ready rovers: determine what went wrong and uplink a recovery plan.
Depending on the nature of the anomalous situation and the
Robust flexible execution—Currently, a rover command quality of the downlinked information for the purposes of
sequence is specified to the lowest level of detail and leaves diagnosis, this ground-based recovery process can cost days
few, if any, choices to be made at execution time; hence, it of rover idle time and lost science opportunity. For example,
admits only one, or a very small number of, valid execution a rover traverse may fail with a high wheel current combined
behaviors. This simplifies the execution process but does not with the wheel encoder showing no movement. In this case,
allow execution to be responsive to the dynamic status of the the wheel may be stuck on a rock or the encoder may be
rover and the environment. This inflexibility can cause broken. The ground team will need to uplink diagnostic
reduced productivity and execution failures. sequences to determine which one is the case, wait for the
results to be downlinked, and eventually uplink recovery
For example, in Sol 22 of the mission, Sojourner received sequences to remove the rover from the rock if that is the
the following challenging instruction sequence: problem. Valuable science opportunities are lost during this
1. Back up to the rock named Soufflé. time. Even transient problems such as an overheated motor
2. Place the arm with the spectrometer on the rock. can cause plan failure, where perhaps a brief pause to cool
3. Do extensive measurements on the rock surface. down would be sufficient to remedy the problem.
4. Perform a long traverse to another rock.
At the next communication opportunity, the news came in In the 1996 Rocky 7 field tests, rocks got caught in the
from Mars. The good news was that the sequence was wheels, causing wheels to jam and drag on the ground [2,3].
executed to completion, including the longest traverse ever This was diagnosed in the desert by human observers
done in one day, a world’s record for Mars. However, there noticing the track that the stuck wheel left in the soil, and it
was bad news with the good. The rover stopped short of the was fixed by prying out the rock with tools. On a more
rock and the spectrometer was left hanging out in mid-air remote site, an automatic fault diagnosis and recovery
rather than placed on the rock. The rover sensors indicated system would allow the rover to continue, or at least to stop
that the spectrometer was not in contact with the rock, but before damaging itself and to request help from Earth.
the rover continued with its spectral measurements. Not only
was the spectrometer data useless, but the rover spent over Research on outdoor robots
six hours running the spectrometer, using time and energy
that could have been used otherwise. The rock was never A number of rovers have been built for Earth-based missions
again visited and thus that science opportunity was lost. A or to test research ideas on realistic platforms. Much of the
more desirable behavior would be for the rover either to stop work on outdoor robotics has focused on advances in the
and take pictures to aid the ground team’s diagnosis of the robotic hardware necessary to operate in the unstructured,
difficult environment that an outdoor setting presents. For guarantee on behavior, and their operation is not easily
example, the main contribution of the Ambler robot is a predictable. Bottom-up approaches that rely heavily on
novel form of leg-based locomotion [4]. This work is programming and interacting behaviors [18,19] become
complementary to the work in this paper, which concentrates equally unpredictable when the system becomes large.
on the software architecture needed for robust autonomous
operations. These architectures assume tightly coupled interaction
between different elements of the architecture (integrated
Many outdoor robots are designed to be largely teleoperated planning and execution) or between a human and the rover
[5,6,7], concentrating on the ability to navigate system (teleoperation). Since it is not currently feasible to
autonomously to a given waypoint, avoiding obstacles along put a full planner on board a planetary rover, either option
the way. The performance of these robots is impressive in fails the requirement of limited communication.
terms of distance traveled [6] and environmental hazards
overcome [7], but the problem was restricted so that the Research rovers, both indoors and out, are tested repeatedly
robots did not have to exhibit robust behavior with respect under similar environments and situations to demonstrate the
to science goal achievement. usefulness of the rover architectures under those conditions.
Based on the test results, models are refined, parameters
The ADS autonomous land vehicle [8] generated contingent adjusted, and the rover control software modified. However,
plans over uncertain terrain. The work was restricted to path the only environment that truly matches that of a planetary
planning, and a prior, possibly inaccurate map of the mission is on the planet. Once there, the rover has a limited
environment was assumed to exist for generating paths. lifetime, which must be devoted to mission goals, leaving no
time for further testing and refinement.
Research on indoor robots
Rover research technology often addresses one problem,
In contrast to the deployed missions and even outdoor such as navigation, in isolation. A deployed rover must,
robots, results from research labs on indoor robots would however, balance considerations such as navigation with
suggest that mobile rovers can operate reliably and science, communication, resource consumption, and fault
autonomously over a wide range of conditions and a wide recovery. An integrated system presents challenges that
range of time, demonstrating impressive abilities for single technologies do not address. Nonetheless, the
navigation, fault recovery, replanning, and science research literature contains many results that are of potential
acquisition. However, the state of the art in outdoor rover value to missions. Some have influenced current rover
technology is significantly more modest. The reasons lie in designs, but many more remain unused. Individual
the considerations for mission-ready rovers stated above, technologies, in addition to those mentioned above, include
along with the difficulty in assembling an integrated rover verifiable real-time control [20,21,22] and human-computer
architecture from a number of disparate, individual research interaction [23].
The next generation of mission-ready rovers
Mission-ready rovers must operate in environments that are
largely unknown and unstructured. Many indoor robots rely The next generation of rovers, the first of which is expected
on an accurate map of the environment. Furthermore, the to launch in 2003, will be more flexible than Sojourner.
environment is often assumed to have straight walls, flat Instead of simple command sequences, the rovers will
floors, and right angles at corners. These assumptions are execute complex contingency plans, which tell the rover
obviously not true for outdoor environments, and the explicitly what to do if something goes wrong. They will
approaches are not easily extended to the general case. also execute plans more robustly, so minor problems such as
incorrect resource estimates or motor overheating do not
Map learning has been proposed as a method for cause complete failure. Finally, they will be able to identify
overcoming the lack of an accurate map [9]. However, this
and diagnose internal faults and recover from simple
is difficult in unstructured environments with significant
motion error. Moreover, the usefulness of a map-learning
phase is dubious in an environment where exploration and To imagine how these rovers will behave, consider again the
science tasks are foremost; the extra time necessary to build problem of backing up to a rock, deploying a sensor,
accurate navigation maps will have a severe impact on the gathering data, and moving on. We can imagine what a
overall science return. smart rover would need to do in this case. First of all, the
operation of backing up on Sojourner was brittle because it
used a simple “try three times” strategy. We can imagine a
Many architectures have been proposed for autonomous
more robust operation of backing up until contact, with
robots, relying largely on artificial intelligence techniques
some timeout in case it hits an insurmountable difficulty.
for merging high-level and reactive control of the rover
The backing-up operation should include the ability to try
[10,11,12,13,14]. Very few architectures address the issues
different approach paths if obstacles block the planned
arising in remote, planetary rovers [15,16,17]. In general,
route. The rover should also be able to take a moment to let
the architectures fail in the areas of understandability or
an overheating motor cool down rather than abandoning the
safety. The more complex AI techniques that promise higher
operation. In addition, the rover should notice that a wheel
levels of autonomous operations often come with no
seems to be malfunctioning and pulling the rover off-path,
and it should autonomously shift control algorithms to Scientist
compensate. Certainly the rover should verify correct interfaces
instrument placement before doing hours of measurements;

S c o als
furthermore, the rover should have alternative plans in case Rover

ie n

it cannot make contact with the rock despite its best efforts.


While it is performing measurements, the rover should
monitor its energy level to make sure that it will have Planner/Scheduler
enough energy left to send its data to Earth during the next Rover Op
communication event. It should cut short the measurements interface
if it ends up in the shade of a larger rock and cannot charge Ground
its battery enough to complete the task and also

Up que
The technology needed to construct such a rover is within

lin nce
reach using artificial intelligence technology in development

today. requ Resource

We now discuss our rover autonomy architecture, which is

specifically designed to accommodate the particular identification
o n
constraints of planetary rovers while supporting autonomous te ati
sta form
operations. The architecture builds on elements of the in
Remote Agent architecture [24], extending and modifying
Rover real-time
existing elements and adding new elements as needed. system

The Remote Agent has been applied to the problem of Figure 1: Rover autonomy architecture
spacecraft control, in particular a technology experiment on
the Deep Space One mission [25]. The differences between
spacecraft in the relatively predictable environment of space
Contingency Planner/Scheduler
and a rover interacting with an unknown planetary surface
have led to the particular elements of the current Throughout a mission, detailed mission operations plans
architecture. must be constructed, validated, and uplinked to a spacecraft
or rover. Currently a mission operations plan takes the form
The rover autonomy architecture consists of four major of a rigid, time-stamped sequence of low-level commands.
reasoning components (see Figure 1): a contingency Unfortunately, there is uncertainty about many aspects of
planner/scheduler (CPS), a conditional executive (CX), a task execution: exactly how long operations will take, how
resource manager (RM), and a model-based mode much power will be consumed, and how much data storage
identification and reconfiguration system (MIR). In the will be needed. Furthermore, there is uncertainty about
current system, CPS is a ground-based planner, which is environmental factors that influence such things as rate of
given high-level science goals and generates a temporally battery charging or which scientific tasks are possible. In
flexible schedule along with contingency plans for possible order to allow for this uncertainty, current plans are based
execution failures. The planning capabilities will on worst-case estimates and contain fail-safe checks. If tasks
incrementally migrate on board as advances in time- take less time than expected, the spacecraft or rover just
constrained planning and mission-qualified processor power waits for the next time-stamped task. If tasks take longer
allow and as the need for autonomy increases. The than expected, they may be terminated before completion. In
contingent schedule is refined with help from a rover fact, all non-essential operations may be halted until a new
operator and then sent to the on-board executive CX. These command sequence is received. All of these situations result
commands are sent to the real-time control system, with in unnecessary delays and lost science opportunities.
results coming back via state monitors into MIR. MIR’s
mode identification layer infers the system state from the To account for execution uncertainty, CPS can actively plan
monitored information and updates the state for CX. If for, and take advantage of, possible contingencies. Thus, if
commands fail or schedule constraints are violated, CX tries an operation takes longer than a certain amount of time, or
to recover using the contingency plans. In the future, CX the power remaining drops below a specified value, a
will also be able to call MIR’s mode reconfiguration layer to different pre-planned sequence of operations can be
produce a recovery plan for unanticipated failures. performed. Building contingency plans is, in general,
intractable, and so contingency planners tend to be slow
[26,27,28]. To overcome this problem, CPS employs the
Just-in-Case (JIC) planning approach [29], originally
T1 T2 T3 T4 The resulting schedule is then integrated into the existing
contingent schedule and the iteration is complete.
(a) The inital schedule
"T2 used too much time"

T1 T2
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
T6 T7

T1 T5 T2 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10

(b) Building a new contingent branch T11 T12

T1 T5 T2 T3 T4
Figure 3. A plan with a nominal sequence (top) and a set of
contingent branches.
T6 T7
The initial JIC work dealt only with one resource: time. For
(c) The new schedule rover operations, uncertainty about other resources can also
Figure 2: The scheduling process. Initially, the scheduler lead to potential failures in a plan. For example, if a task
builds a straight-line schedule assuming expected outcomes uses more power than expected, or the battery has not
(a). The scheduler then finds a likely breakpoint; in the charged as much as expected, there may be insufficient
example, the task T2 is found to often take too long, power available for the subsequent tasks. However, there
preventing T3 from executing. The schedule up to the may be enough power left to do other useful tasks. Thus, we
offending task, plus the failure condition, is fed back into have extended JIC to also consider power consumption and
the scheduler (b). The output is a new straight-line schedule data production when it is searching for a probable break
that is the contingent alternative. The original and new point. Furthermore, we consider both when a resource is
overdrawn (a task takes too long) and when a resource is
schedules are then merged back into one (c), with an
available in surplus (a task required less power than
explicit test of the contingency added in after task T2.
expected). This ability allows the scheduler to build
contingent plans that take advantage of unexpected surplus.
developed to generate contingent observation schedules for Conditional Executive
automated telescopes.
The conditional executive (CX) is responsible for
The basic idea of JIC is to take an existing schedule and interpreting the command sequence coming from ground
look for the places where it is most likely to fail. The JIC control, checking run-time resource requirements and
scheduler then generates alternative schedules for each of availability, monitoring plan execution, and potentially
those situations. The JIC scheduler starts with a sequence of selecting alternative plan branches if the situation changes.
tasks, where each task must be performed in a certain
temporal window. However, there is uncertainty in how long The input to CX consists of the primary plan and a set of
a particular task may take, and this can lead to potential alternate plans. The primary plan contains a nominal
failures of the schedule. For example, an execution failure sequence and a set of contingent branches (see Figure 3).
could result if one task finished sufficiently late that the next The nominal sequence is the sequence that will be executed
task’s start window has already passed. if there are no deviations from the a priori expectations of
the environment and actions. The contingent branches
CPS operates at two levels. At the lower level, CPS builds specify alternative courses of action. Within any contingent
straight-line (non-contingent) schedules of the tasks that it is branch there may be further contingent branches, hence the
given. It does this by piecing together a schedule, one task at primary plan is a tree of alternative courses of action.
a time. CPS uses a local search strategy to determine which
task should be added to the schedule next, and where. The The alternate plans are not attached to particular points in
local search strategy has the advantage of being an anytime the primary plan but are rather applicable at any time their
algorithm—over time, CPS will produce schedules of conditions are satisfied; in some sense they are global
increasing quality. contingent branches, whereas the contingent branches within
a plan are local to their position in the plan. When enabled,
At the higher level, CPS actually builds the contingent each alternate plan can either replace the executing plan or
schedule using this lower level as a subroutine. An initial insert itself between actions of the executing plan. Enabling
straight-line schedule is built first, then contingent branches events can include unexpected opportunities, plan failures,
are iteratively added (see Figure 2). In each iteration, the or conditions such as resource shortfalls and component
point in the contingent schedule that is most likely to fail is degradation.
selected. Then, the low-level scheduler is called to build a
new straight-line schedule, given the breaking condition and CX starts by executing the nominal sequence of the primary
the schedule prefix up until the breakpoint as an initial seed. plan. At each point in time, CX may have multiple options,
corresponding to the eligible branches of a branch point and As the rover executes the procedure for its action to move
the enabled alternate sequences. CX chooses the option with back down the ridge, the mode identification component of
the highest estimated expected utility, computed over the MIR notices an inconsistency between the commanded
remainder of the plan. The utility of successfully completing speed of the left front wheel and the current draw of its
an atomic action is set by operators on the ground. From this motor, and reports the anomaly to CX. CX invokes the
atomic utility and a model of the probabilities of various procedure’s predefined exception handler for that anomaly,
events (such as a traverse taking longer than anticipated), the which in turn requests a recovery program from the mode
expected utility of an entire branching sequence can be reconfiguration component of MIR. The recovery program
estimated. This expected utility is initially computed by the resets the motor microcontroller and resolves the anomaly.
ground planner CPS; the utility could be updated by an on- The entire MIR cycle has happened within the scope of a
board plan revision component at run time to reflect changes single action of the plan, below the level of abstraction of
in resource availability, system state, or the environment. the off-board planning system CPS.

CX receives state information from the mode identification Returning to the bottom of the ridge, the rover continues
module MIR and resource information from the resource with its uplinked sequence by beginning its traverse to the
manager RM. It uses this information to check action east. An hour before sundown, the vision system picks up an
preconditions and maintenance conditions, as well as to unusual green patch on a nearby rock. The ground operators
check the preconditions of the alternate plan library. The had supplied an alternate plan for this serendipitous science
ability to branch on any state or resource condition provides opportunity and had given it a high priority. After
the sequence writer with a powerful language for describing considering the relative utility estimates for the options of
activities. continuing the current plan or inserting the alternate plan to
examine the rock before the next action, CX chooses to
CX extends its own robust activity mechanism using the examine the rock.
fault recovery mechanisms of MIR. CX may request
recovery commands from MIR and integrate those After sidetracking to the rock, CX returns to the primary
commands into the procedure for the currently executing plan just before sundown. The next two actions, “Travel
action. If MIR cannot suggest a recovery, the action has east” and “Downlink,” both make requests for time and
failed, and depending on instructions in the plan, CX either power from the resource manager RM. It turns out that
ignores the failure or aborts the executing plan and checks because of the sidetrack, the total energy requested by these
for applicable alternate plans. In the case that no alternate actions exceeds the battery energy stored during the day.
plans apply, CX aborts the entire plan set and puts the rover RM reports the conflict to CX. The ground operators had
into a stable standby mode. given a very high priority to the “Downlink” action and
specified that it should run even if previous actions failed, so
As an example of flexible execution, consider the following CX chooses to cancel the lower utility “Travel east” action.
plan for a day’s traverse: the rover is to the south of a small
ridge, trying to head generally north. The uplinked primary After the “Travel east” command has been cancelled, CX is
plan specifies the following course of action: ready to call the downlink action—but since the plan
• Travel north to the top of the ridge requires that the downlink begin at a specific time, CX waits
until the beginning of that window to execute the downlink.
• Choose between the options:
Ground operators can also request that CX wait for an
• Nominal option, highest utility (precondition: there arbitrary predicate to become true, such as the antenna being
must be a path) turned on, before executing an action.
• Continue to the north
• Downlink to ground at sundown Resource Management
• Contingent option, lower utility
Resources on rovers are severely limited and at the same
• Move back down the ridge time critical for mission success. Solar energy is the primary
• Travel east scanning for a pass source of power, but downlink events may be scheduled
• Downlink to ground at sundown when there is little or no sunlight, so the power must be
Because operators have a good view of the slope of the managed such that the on-board battery is sufficiently
ridge, they decide to precisely define the low-level charged to communicate. There are more opportunities to
navigation for that segment. They can upload a time- take pictures and instrument measurements than there is
stamped set of motion commands as a sequence. In this case, space on board or communication bandwidth, thus space
CX is operating like a traditional sequencer. needs to be managed so that the most important data are
stored and sent back.
At the top of the ridge, the rover’s on-board navigation
system judges that there is no safe path to the north. The Command sequences are sent at periodic intervals, usually
nominal plan option is not eligible to execute because its daily. Sequence writers (or automatic planning and
precondition has failed, so the contingent option is selected. scheduling tools) must make conservative estimates of the
resource usage to avoid oversubscribing the resource (for
example, draining the batteries). But overly conservative
estimates may not make full use of the resources, leaving the Interaction between resource management and sequence
rover idle or passing up science opportunities that were in execution—The resource manager RM in the rover
fact possible. Conversely, overly optimistic estimates may autonomy architecture communicates with the sequence
lead to fault conditions that will at best break the plan and at execution component CX. Each step in the nominal
worst damage the rover. sequence has an expected resource profile associated with it.
The ground-based planner/scheduler CPS uses the expected
The underlying problem is that resources cannot be profiles and the expected resource availability to construct
estimated precisely for an entire day since the rover’s the sequence. Under normal conditions, the initial sequence
interactions with the environment are complex. Only during
will respect the resource availability (although this is not
the execution of the sequence will it become clear how much
assumed, in case the resource availability changes before
of each resource is indeed available. If a traverse completes
quickly because of unexpectedly easy terrain or good uplink).
traction, more tasks may be possible with the surplus time
and power. Conversely, if the rover traverses a ridge, slanted CX sends the expected profiles to RM, which records them
away from the sun, the accumulated energy may be and checks for conflicts (see Figure 4). Any conflicts are
insufficient to run all the planned experiments and also signalled to CX. CX in turn can respond in a variety of
communicate with ground. The rover would then have to ways, depending on the severity and immediacy of the
discard some of the experiments to reserve energy for conflict. CX can fail the plan, select an alternate plan from
communication. its plan library, or ignore the conflict (for example, in the
case that it is a future conflict with a low priority task).
We have designed an on-board, run-time resource manager
that receives estimated resource profile information from As the sequence is executing, the estimates of resource
tasks, monitors current and planned resource usage, and usage and availability become concrete. Resource monitors
reacts to changes in resource availability. The resource gather the information about the real usage and availability
manager is largely transparent to sequence writers, while and send that to RM. Based on this new information,
allowing them to take full advantage of the resources conflicts or opportunities may arise, which RM will in turn
available. The following are the primary contributions of the signal to CX.
resource manager:
Conflict detection and recovery—RM stores resource
• On-board resource conflict and opportunity profiles using a timeline-based representation. Each timeline
detection. The resource manager is able to notice when is a set of non-intersecting time intervals over which a
there are differences between predicted and available constant amount of the resource is used (see Figure 5).
resources, both in the present and the future. A
conditional sequencer that branches on resource The predicted resource availability, given by system
conditions can take advantage of changes and run the resource information and models of resource availability
plan that best conforms to the known resource

• On-board resource conflict recovery. The resource

manager has multiple possible strategies for recovering
from resource conflicts. The strategies include rejecting
the conflicting tasks (the simplest and most severe
strategy) or shedding low-priority tasks.

• On-board resource opportunity exploitation. The

resource manager is able to allow low-priority or
background tasks (like heating of the electronic
components) to take advantage of unexpected extra
resources. In conjunction with a conditional sequencer,
resource opportunities can trigger new plan fragments
Figure 4: Communication between resource manager and
that wait for this additional resource availability.
sequence executive.

Note that detection, recovery, and opportunity exploitation over time (for example, solar flux models), defines a
can operate on future resource requirements and predicted timeline of the maximum available resource during any time
availability. This will provide support for more flexible task interval.
scheduling and, in the long term, for further on-board
autonomy such as automatic scheduling, sequence Each resource request includes a profile of predicted
generation, and fault recovery. resource usage. The sum of all the granted resource requests
itself defines a timeline, and this resource request timeline
instance. In the Pathfinder mission, the ground
operations team turned off specific accelerometers
during particular maneuvers, and changed variables that
influence the rover’s reaction to minor faults. While this
is one solution to the context dependence of sensor data,
it is a fairly limited solution.

• Given that appropriate sensor thresholds are context-

dependent, rover engineers must trade the cost of false
alarms against the risk of not responding to failures in
time to prevent damage. On Sojourner, false alarms
Figure 5: Resource management timelines. Resource were quite common, resulting in lost science
availability is shown in the lighter shade, usage in darker opportunities.
shades. Conflicts occur where actual or predicted usage
exceeds availability. • Fault protection systems that rely only on monitoring
individual sensors cannot cope well with multiple faults,
must be less than the resource availability timeline at all and they are limited in the number of faults they can
time points. detect.

A conflict will arise whenever the request timeline exceeds • Simply halting and calling home for help is
the available timeline. This may occur because of unnecessarily conservative for many common faults.
availability changes or because of a new request. In either Often, the rover could recover from the failure and keep
case, the set of tasks using that resource during the time going or else perform actions that do not depend on (or
interval where the conflict occurs forms the conflict set. This affect) the damaged component. Doing so depends on
conflict set is then minimized to find a set of lowest-priority knowing the nature of the fault.
tasks that, when removed, will resolve the conflict. In the
case of a new request, the tasks must be lower priority than To address these problems, the rover autonomy architecture
the new task; if the conflict cannot otherwise be resolved, makes use of diagnosis, using all available sensor data to
the request is refused, thus resolving the conflict. If a infer whether the rover is behaving correctly and, in some
minimal conflict set is found that will resolve the conflict, cases, to infer the specific fault. When it is possible to infer
RM sends that set to the executive CX, which will react to the fault, and that fault is recoverable, the rover can execute
the conflict. For example, CX might remove those tasks the appropriate recovery plan; otherwise, it can always shut
from its planned sequence, potentially even aborting the down and call home for help. Diagnosis, taking into account
sequence if those tasks were necessary for sequence success. the complete state of the rover, allows faults to be detected
earlier and also reduces the number of false alarms.
Resource borrowing—RM has the ability to borrow
resources from tasks to satisfy new resource requests. For We refer to the diagnosis and recovery component of the
tasks that can operate in a number of modes, or background rover autonomy architecture as MIR, for Mode
tasks that can be preempted, the resource profile includes an Recovery actions
indication of how much of the resource requested could be 5
e.g. Stop and back up
given up without aborting the task. For example, an image
could be compressed with quality loss to free up data storage Model-based
for higher priority images, but without completely reactive planner

discarding the image. RM prefers to borrow resources Rover state

before it sheds tasks. 4 e.g. motor is stalled

Diagnosis and Recovery Inference

Conflict Qualitative
The approach that Sojourner used to respond to faults is engine
database models
fairly typical of most fault-protection systems: monitors on
specific sensors check whether given limits have been 3 Qualitative data
e.g. Current is high
exceeded. If so, the rover stops what it’s doing and waits for
the next plan uplinked from Earth. Such monitors look at Best-first search
pitch and roll sensors, accelerometers, and the product of Monitors
current and time in motors. This approach has a number of
Commands sent Quantitative data from
1 to rover 2 rover sensors
• The appropriate thresholds for a given sensor depend e.g. Set motor velocity e.g. Current = 3 amps
greatly on context, not the least of which is the health Figure 6: Information flow in MIR
condition of the sensor itself. Wheel motors will draw
more current when the rover is going uphill, for
Identification and Reconfiguration. MIR is part of the The use of model-based diagnosis algorithms provides a
Remote Agent Experiment flying on board the DS1 number of advantages including sound and complete search
spacecraft [24]. MIR is a discrete, model-based controller algorithms for MI and MR, the ability to handle multiple
that uses a single, declarative model of the rover for both faults, and the ability to reason with explicit fault models if
mode identification (inferring the internal state) and they are available. Alternatively, MIR can infer faults solely
reconfiguration [30] (changing the system to a more on the basis of a model of nominal behavior.
desirable state). Like CX, MIR runs as a concurrent reactive
process. MIR itself contains two components, one for Mode Additionally, the models are modular, which simplifies
Identification (MI) and one for Mode Reconfiguration writing and maintaining them and aids reuse. For example,
(MR). although the Marsokhod has six wheels, each containing a
motor, only one wheel module is needed; furthermore, the
MI is the sensing component of MIR’s model-based module is general enough that it also applies to rovers with
reconfiguration capability. MI eavesdrops on commands different wheel configurations, including Carnegie Mellon
sent by CX to the rover. As each command is executed, MI University’s Nomad rover.
receives observations from low-level monitors, which
extract qualitative information from the rover sensors. For The behavior of each component state is captured using
example, a current monitor may map the continuous-valued abstract, qualitative, models [33,34], which describe
current into the set of qualitative values {low, nominal, qualities of the rover’s structure or behavior without the
high}. MI is informed whenever the qualitative value detail needed for precise numerical prediction. Abstract
returned by a monitor changes. models are much easier to acquire and verify than
quantitative engineering models, and are easier to reuse. For
Based on monitor inputs, the commands executed on the example, the wheels on the Marsokhod and Nomad rovers
rover, and a declarative model of the rover, MI infers the are quantitatively quite different, but they are qualitatively
most likely current state. MI also provides a layer of similar, and thus the wheel module shown in Figure 8 can be
abstraction to the executive, allowing plans to be specified used for both rovers (though the motor modules differ
in terms of component modes, rather than in terms of low- slightly, since Nomad uses brushless motors). The same
level sensor values. applies to the majority of components.

MR serves as a recovery expert to CX, taking as input a

recovery request and returning a sequence of operations that,
when executed starting in the current state, will move the
executive into a state satisfying the properties required for
successful execution of the failed activity.
These recovery actions are determined by a model-based S top

S to
reactive planner (see Figure 6), called Burton [31], which
uses a universal plan compiled from the models to quickly D rive
determine the next action to execute, based on the current

Pow er

state and the recovery request. The time required to generate
a complete recovery plan is linear in the length of the plan. St

MIR uses algorithms adapted from model-based diagnosis Po

[35,32] to provide the above functions. MIR extends the STALLED ro
basic ideas of model-based diagnosis by modeling each P ow er-
component as a finite state machine (see Figure 7), and
modeling the whole rover as a set of concurrent,
synchronous state machines. These finite-state-machine Figure 7: State diagram for motor control component.
models are used to predict state changes resulting from Shaded nodes represent fault modes. In addition to the
executive commands and to identify commands for recovery explicit transitions, indicated by arrows, there are also
that will take the rover to the desired state. Because the
implicit, random transitions to fault nodes, represented in
rover is modeled as a concurrent state machine, MI can track
concurrent changes to the different components of the rover. the model probabilistically.
This methodology is independent of the actual set of
available sensors and commands. Furthermore, it does not
require that all aspects of the rover state are directly
observable, providing an elegant solution to the problem of
limited observability. Following [32], MIR uses a conflict
directed best-first search in MI, to find the most likely set of
state assignments for all components, and in MR, to find the
least-cost sequence of commands needed to achieve the
desired recovery (see Figure 6).
illustrate the contribution of the rover autonomy elements to
the science productivity of the rover. Part of the field test
will be dedicated to technology experiments, and the rover
autonomy architecture will be fully exercised during that
time. Otherwise it will be simply functioning as an integral
part of the overall rover system.

The Marsokhod rover

The Marsokhod is a medium-sized planetary rover built on a
Russian chassis. The rover has six wheels, independently
driven, with three chassis segments that articulate
independently. It is currently configured with imaging
cameras that correspond to those planned for use in near-
term missions and an arm equipped with a spectrometer and
cameras. The on-board computing environment is a
Pentium-based Linux system, for ease of research software

The Marsokhod platform has been demonstrated at field

tests starting with Russian tests in 1993, followed by tests in
the Mojave desert in 1994, at Kilauea in Hawaii in 1995,
and in the Arizona desert in 1996. The field tests were
designed to study user interface issues and science
instrument selection. This field test will have the added
capabilities provided by the rover autonomy architecture.
Figure 8: Partial MIR model of Marsokhod rover. Nested
Objectives for the rover autonomy architecture
boxes indicate sub-modules. Boxes containing state
diagrams are the lowest-level components; the nodes of the The field test will demonstrate the rover autonomy
state diagrams are the possible states, or modes, of the architecture both in specific technology experiments and as
component. Arcs between nodes indicate explicit, part of the integrated rover system during science
deterministic, transitions between nodes. Implicit, random, experiments. We expect to demonstrate and test particular
transitions to failure modes (shaded circles) are also aspects of the rover autonomy architecture in this field test:
possible. The box labeled “Wheel Assembly” shows a
more detailed description of the module used to represent • Description level. The language used to communicate
the six wheels on the rover. with the ground system, as well as the uplinked
sequence language, are designed to be at an appropriate
level of description for the user of that component. The
While such models cannot specify how far to the left the
scientists are expected to interact with the rover
rover will drift if the motor for one of its left wheels has
autonomy system at the level of goals and, in the case of
degraded, it can be used to identify the source of failure,
the principal investigator (PI), conditional schedules.
given evidence of the compass, encoders and ammeters.
The uplinked sequence language is designed to capture
Such inferences are robust, since small changes in the
enough detail to describe the day’s operation without
underlying parameters do not generally affect the high-level
losing the flexibility and conditionality that will
behavior of the rover. In addition, abstract models can be
increase science productivity and reliability.
reduced to a set of clauses in propositional logic, allowing
behavior prediction to use unit propagation, a restricted and
very efficient inference procedure. • Contingency planning and scheduling. The science PI
will be able to specify contingencies under which the
science plan will change. In addition, the rover
4. FIELD TEST operators will be able to add contingencies to handle
rover operational failures such as traversal failure,
The rover autonomy architecture will be demonstrated as instrument deployment failures, or predicted resource
part of a February 1999 field test using the NASA Ames conflicts. In addition, the science team will be able to
Marsokhod rover [5]. The field test is designed to expose add opportunistic sequences to be executed when more
scientists to new technology that is intended for use in near- resources are available than originally predicted. The
term missions, and to give them a chance to interact with contingency planning and scheduling system CPS will
these technologies in a mission-realistic setting. be able to automatically generate contingency branches
at the most likely failure points in the schedule, add or
delete branch points with user direction, and verify that
The role of the rover autonomy architecture will be to enable
reliable operation of the rover during the field test and to
schedules respect resource and time constraints. CPS Interaction with the environment
will generate a conditional sequence as its output.
In the past, MIR has been used to model systems, such as
spacecraft, in which the environment outside the spacecraft
• Conditional execution of flexible plans. The rover
can be effectively ignored. Spacecraft follow known
will be able to execute plans with temporal flexibility
trajectories, free of obstacles, in which the external
and conditional branches. Task decomposition from a
environment can be reduced to a few simple variables, such
higher-level sequence to rover-level commands will be
as the relative position of the Earth. On rovers, interaction
performed interactively during this field test rather than
with the environment is central to many of the possible
automatically on board the rover. The conditional
faults: dust accumulates on the solar panels, the rover passes
execution system CX will accept the rover-level
into the shadow of large rocks, or it gets caught on small
sequence, with contingency branches and additional
ones. In order to handle failures involving external factors,
plan fragments in the plan library, and execute the
we need to add the capability to reason from first principles
sequence until successful completion or failure.
about the rover and its interaction with the environment. We
intend to combine the model-based deduction used by MIR
• Fault identification. The rover will be able to identify with hybrid simulation, to capture factors such as rover
errors that may not yet exceed hard thresholds, but kinematics.
should nonetheless be handled by modifying or aborting
the sequence. In this field test the sensing component
Active sensing and testing—The sensor information that MI
MIR will be passive, based on information supplied by
can passively acquire is not always adequate to allow an
the executive (which commands are executed) and the
unambiguous diagnosis, which may make it impossible for
rover control system via monitors. During the
MR to identify the appropriate recovery actions. In general,
technology experiment, fault identification will be
it may be ambiguous which of two failures has occurred if
tested directly; during the science experiment, this will
both are consistent with observations, and it may be
be tested as fault conditions arise.
ambiguous whether a given component has failed or the
sensor responsible for measuring that component has failed.
• Resource management. The resource manager RM in If an encoder indicates that a wheel drive motor is not
the field test will manage power and data storage turning, or is turning too slowly, that could be a sensor error:
resources. The rover will monitor these resources and the encoder may be skipping counts or entirely dead. While
indicate when more or less resources are available than MI could look at other evidence, such as motor currents, to
predicted. This will be exercised fully in the technology see if the motor appears to be stalled or encountering
experiment phase, and then will be used as needed in unusually high torque, that evidence may not be sufficient to
the science phase. determine the true fault. If the encoder is giving low
readings, the PID controller, which tries to maintain the
5. FUTURE WORK desired encoder values, will tend to speed up the motor,
resulting in higher wheel currents, which could be taken as
evidence of excessive torque. Furthermore, failures such as a
Task decomposition motor stall or excessive torque can reflect a number of
Each of the plan actions is potentially a high-level command different underlying faults, such as seized bearings or a rock
that may be decomposed into a procedure of low-level caught in the wheel.
commands for the rover real-time control system. This
procedure can use constructs for robustly executing The true state of the rover may be determined by performing
commands, including catching failure conditions and experiments designed to eliminate certain candidate
performing local recoveries and retries. Thus low-level diagnoses. For example, if the wheel does not appear to be
conditionality and looping behaviors may be represented at a turning, the rover could try backing up to see if the wheel is
level below the granularity of the planner, reducing the caught on a rock. Or it could try driving with some subset of
computational complexity of the planning problem while the wheels, and use other sensors to determine if the rover is
guaranteeing the correct execution semantics. For example, moving in a manner consistent with the encoder readings.
the seemingly simple action “move to a point 5 meters
straight ahead” may include the ability to pause if a motor To deal with these ambiguities, we are adding the capability
overheats, try multiple routes if obstacles block the path, and to perform active sensing and testing in order to narrow the
switch to alternative control algorithms if a wheel becomes candidate situation assessments (diagnoses) and in order to
blocked. evaluate the utility of alternative recovery plans.

The ability to decompose actions using a rich procedural In support of this active testing, MIR can make use of its
representation is a key point of the Remote Agent models, both to determine when there are multiple
architecture and will help in the rover autonomy architecture competing diagnosis and to identify activities it can perform
to provide robust implementations of sequenced actions. that will rule out or confirm certain hypotheses. Reasoning
about the information to be gained by executing actions
exceeds the ability of the MIR system designed for the
Remote Agent, but we are working to provide that In the future, we would like to see rovers that are capable of
capability. even higher levels of autonomous operations. These rovers
will accept very high-level goals from human operators and
Work in active testing for diagnosis [35] is typically based will be able to achieve those goals with no further
on probe selection for circuit diagnosis, and it relies on supervision, even in dynamic and uncertain environments.
certain simplifying assumptions that are valid for circuits but These rovers will be self-diagnosing and self-repairing; they
not for rovers. Some of the key assumptions are: will be capable of detecting gradual degradation, adjusting
1. Measurements do not affect the state of the system internal parameters accordingly, and performing preventive
being diagnosed. maintenance to avoid catastrophic failure. For example,
2. All measurements have equal cost. solar panels accumulate dust over time and are gradually
3. The goal of making measurements is to eliminate damaged by UV; the ability of the rover to execute a plan
ambiguity as quickly as possible (i.e., to minimize the will be dependent on its gradually decreasing energy
total number of measurements); the order of production, and it may need to perform actions to remove
measurements is otherwise irrelevant. dust periodically when operating over long time intervals. In
These assumptions lead to a minimum entropy measure for addition to expected and predictable degradation, rovers will
probe selection. The next probe selected is the one that be able to automatically replan when unexpected problems
results in the lowest expected entropy of the probability occur or serendipitous opportunities arise.
distribution of diagnoses. This policy tends to minimize the
total cost of measurements, under the assumptions listed We are building toward this vision in our research on robust
above. However, these assumptions do not hold in the rover autonomous rovers. While we are not there yet, it is
domain, for the following reasons, so minimizing entropy is reasonable to expect such capabilities in future generations
not sufficient. of rovers.
1. Any information that can be obtained without changing
the state of the rover, as long as it is not too expensive
to compute, is already continuously available to MI. 7. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Any additional tests involve causal action, such as
spinning a wheel or taking a picture from a camera. We would like to thank the following people for their
2. On a rover, some sensing actions may have very high contributions:
cost, including the possibility of causing some
undesirable side effects, while others are relatively Michael Sims for giving us the opportunity to participate in
cheap. the Marsokhod field test and for his very helpful comments
3. In the rover autonomy architecture, the main purpose of on this paper. Hans Thomas and the rest of the Intelligent
diagnosis is to disambiguate the rover state enough to Mechanisms Group at NASA Ames Research Center for
find an appropriate recovery plan. Thus, not all helping us integrate our architecture with the Marsokhod
ambiguities are equal: the value of information depends user interface and control software.
on the value of the recovery it supports. In the case of
multiple faults, one fault may be more critical and need Katherine Smith for her ongoing work to implement MIR
immediate response, meaning measurements relevant to monitors and models. Barney Pell for his contributions to
that fault have priority. If several candidate faults have the initial resource management ideas. David Miller, the
the same recovery procedure, fully disambiguating the IMG, and the Exec team for their involvement in the
fault may even be unimportant. discussions defining the SCS language. Jim Kurien and
Chris Plaunt for their help in understanding and reusing
We are exploring a modification of the minimum-entropy existing Remote Agent code.
model, which ranks measurements according to the recovery
actions they support and penalizes measurements based on
the cost of the corresponding sensing actions. REFERENCES
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the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and [33] D. S. Weld and J. de Kleer, Readings in Qualitative
Systems (IROS ’92), pp. 1391-1398, 1992. Reasoning About Physical Systems, Morgan Kaufmann
18 Brooks Publishers, Inc., San Mateo, California, 1990.
[19] E. Gat, R. Desai, R. Ivlev, J. Loch, and D. Miller. [34] J. de Kleer and B. C. Williams, Artificial Intelligence,
“Behavior control for robotic exploration of planetary Volume 51, Elsevier, 1991.
surfaces.” IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, [35] J. de Kleer and B. C. Williams, “Diagnosing Multiple
10(4), August 1994. Faults,” Artificial Intelligence, Vol 32, Number 1, 1987.
1996 Pacific Regional ACM programming contest. He is a
Richard Washington is Research Scientist in the member of AAAI.
Computational Sciences Division at NASA Ames Research
Center. He holds a Pd.D. in Computer Science from Trey Smith is a member of the CMU Field Robotics Center.
Stanford University. His research interests include He holds a B.S. in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon
planning, plan execution, reasoning under uncertainty and University. He is working on the CMU Mars Autonomy
autonomous robots. He is a member of AAAI and ACM. Project. His primary research interests are robotics and
artificial intelligence.
Keith Golden is a Research Scientist in the Computational
Sciences Division at NASA Ames Research Center. He
holds a Pd.D. in Computer Science from the University of
Washington. His research interests include planning,
knowledge representation, sensing and information
gathering, software agents and rover autonomy. He is a
member of AAAI.

John L. Bresina is a Senior Research Scientist within the

Autonomous Systems Group of the Computational Sciences
Division at NASA Ames Research Center. He holds a Ph.D.
in Computer Science from Rutgers University, New
Brunswick, NJ. Since 1988, he has been carrying out
artificial intelligence research at NASA Ames. He currently
leads the group’s activities on autonomous planetary
rovers, and he also leads a project on telescope observation
scheduling. His research interests include planning,
scheduling, problem reduction, intelligent execution,
reactive agents, and optimization search. He is a member
of AAAI and ASP.

David E. Smith is a Senior Research Scientist in the

Computational Sciences Division at NASA Ames Research
Center where he is involved in contingency planning for
rover operations, planning and scheduling for the Sofia
airborne observatory, and more basic research on temporal
planning techniques. Prior to joining NASA he was a
Senior Scientist at the Rockwell Science Center where his
work led to a commercially fielded system for newspaper
imposition planning, and the Design Sheet conceptual
design system in use throughout Rockwell and Boeing.
Smith received B.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering and
Physics from Iowa State University in 1978 and received a
Ph.D. in Computer Science from Stanford University in
1985. His current research interests include planning,
scheduling, search, constraint satisfaction, and
optimization. Recently his work has focused on the
boundaries between areas, such as temporal planning,
planning under uncertainty, constraint satisfaction
approaches to planning, and preprocessing techniques for
planning problems. He is a member of AAAI.

Corin Anderson is a Ph.D. student at the University of

Washington. He holds a B.S. and M.S. in Computer Science
from the University of Washington His research interests
include planning, scheduling, software agents and computer
graphics. He was the coach of the first-place team of the

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