Learning Objective:: System Layouts
Learning Objective:: System Layouts
Learning Objective:: System Layouts
(Part 6)
No. FP-2014-35 September 2, 2014
Learning Objective: The student will be able to describe the differences among tree (dead-end), looped or gridded sprinkler
system layouts.
The pipe network can be laid out in one of several ways, the most common being:
Common Sprinkler System Layouts
Layout Definition
A sprinkler system in which feed mains, cross mains and branch lines are supplied by and extend from
Tree or Dead-End a single system riser in a pattern in which pipe diameters get progressively smaller and branch lines
are not tied together.
A sprinkler system in which parallel cross mains are connected by multiple branch lines, causing an
Gridded1 operating sprinkler to receive water from both ends of its branch line while other branch lines help
transfer water between cross mains.
A sprinkler system in which multiple cross mains are tied together so as to provide more than one path
for water to flow to an operating sprinkler and branch lines are not tied together.
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