Plab 2 Recall 4
Plab 2 Recall 4
Plab 2 Recall 4
What will happen in case of children and old people not having mental
Greet and introduce yourself
Build good rapport and ask about hows his study going , praise him for
coming to learn about something very important to know while practicing
Tell him first what is the meaning of giving consent, a health professional
must take consent from all the patient before providing any treatment , or
performing any procedure or any surgery (for example giving blood sample
, donating organ etc)
Someone has the right to refuse the treatment and you need to respect
that, no matter what will be the outcome of it (even death)
Take the consent orally and in some cases written (while performing
surgery and organ donation etc)
While asking for consent the decision from the patient should come
voluntary without any pressure from doctor, friends or family
Address his concern, a patient can refuse treatment with having full mental
capacity , but if someone lacking mental capacity (like mental health
condition, dementia , learning disability , brain damage, alcohol or on drug
etc) in that case if the patient doesn't have anyone to take decision on
behalf ; a health professional will think what will be the best for him or
otherwise that patient’s next to kin , or power of attorney can make
There is something call advance decisions or living will. This is a decision
to refuse a particular medical treatment for a time in future when the
patient might be unable to take the decision; patient having more than 18
of the age and having full mental capacity can take such (like CPR)
If he patient take a life sustaining treatment in the future , the advance
decision needs to be written down in a form and signed by the heath
professional and a witness
Check his understanding and answer his questions
Thank him and offer him some some links about informed consent to have
more knowledge
Talk to the patient and discuss management
Will the drug effect on my pregnancy?
Examination and investigation:
Take observation , blood pressure, and head to toe
Routine blood , RBS, BMI
Greet and confirm identity
Take focused history, since when she has been hypertensive, which drug
she is taking , does she measure blood pressure regularly? Up to date with
follow ups, any side effects like dizziness , heart racing etc
Now ask about conception , was she ever conceived, when ? when the
miscarriage happen? Any reason? Etc
Verbalize examination and summerise , at first assure her , she is fit to
have a baby , one miscarriage doesn’t mean she can not have a baby
And about the medicine she needs to change it to another medicine for
hypertension (labetalol)
Ask concerns and answer them
Refer her to preconception clinic they will do what is needed for you
Advice her to have folic acid supplements, and maintain healthy diet
Advice her to maintain a stress free lifestyle
Follow up
4.Post MI (video)
You are FY2 in general practice
A 65 year old man has been calling you
He was admitted in the hospital 4days back and was diagnosed with ST
elevated MI
He was discharged with some medication namely statin , ramipril,
ticagrelor, and bisoprolol
Allergic to aspirin
no other medical condition ,father died in heart failure
He smokes when he is stressed, and a social drinker
A bit overweight, eats outside mostly
Talk to him and address his concern and explain the follow up plan
Why they have prescribed so many medicine?
Do I really need them?
Greet and confirm identity
Take focused history about MI , how is he feeling now , any new
symptoms, what was done for him in the hospital? Did they explain you
about the medicine ? any advices?
Now ask about the medicine , is he taking them? Ask about red flags , leg
swelling . breathing problem etc
Ask concerns, and answer ‘well , you need all these medicine to avoid the
complications of MI’
If he asks about the drugs individually open the BNF (there will be one )
and tell him one by one , like bisoprolol will prevent heart racing , and will
make it easier to pump blood for the heart. But the side effect is dizziness ,
if you feel so come back to hospital or call us
Statin will reduce the bad fat from the body, take it at night as it might
make you feel drowsy
Ramipril will prevent heart failure which is complication of heart attack and
ticagrelor is a blood thinner which will prevent blood from clotting, this
medicine is given as he is allergic to aspirin
Advice him to maintain healthy lifestyle , avoid smoking and eat healthy ,
do exercise regularly
Explain the plan of follow up that is measuring blood pressure and U&E 2
Safety netting and follow up
5.Gilbert syndrome
You are FY2 in general practice
A 27year old man has come for follow up
He did some blood test due to yellow discoloration of urine and dark stool
and the result showed increased unconjugated bilirubin and conjugated
bilirubin is normal
6.Heart failure:
You are FY2 in emergency
A 67 year old man has come for follow up
He had a heart attack 6 weeks back, and was admitted for 5days then
discharged on enalapril, Atenolol, Simvastatin and aspirin.
He has been taking his medicine as prescribed.
For last few days he has been experiencing SOB while walking.
He lives on the 2nd floor and he takes rest for about 15 min when he is
halfway through stairs.
His SOB is worse when he lies flat.
Give him plenty of fluids and calpol to lower down the fever,can use salt
water to clear the nose
Keep him feeding good food , and water, check his nappy everyday if he is
passing enough urine
Address her concern that it’s a viral flu , antibiotic wont work
Safety netting and follow up
You are FY2 in general practice
35 years old has come with some concerns
He has been feeling low for few months and can not sleep
After asking he will say he has too much pressure at work
He can not cope up with the work, doing mistakes at work
He works as an accountant, he wakes up early in morning and stay awake
till midnight, can’t sleep due to stress
Mood is 4/10
employer didn’t blame him for anything, it was him feeling stressed, rather
the boss and colleagues are very supportive
He is generally fit and well, MAFTOSA negative, eat food from outside as
no time to cook, don’t do any exercise
He smokes cigarettes and drinks alcohol to cope up with the stress
He haven’t discuss with anyone about this issues
Talk to the patient and discuss management plan
Give me sleeping pills
Examination and investigation:
Takeobservations, thyroid examination and routineblood test, thyroid
function , BMI
greet and confirm identity
Explore presenting complaints, (how long he has been facing this
problem? , did he seek for any help?, does the work give him anxiety? any
support, work environment etc)
ask about the core symptoms of depression, ask mood and rule out suicide
ask about sleep, appetite, lifestyle, psycho social
Do differentials (thyroid) MAFTOSA, DESA
Do ICE, verbalize examination and investigation
summerise he has been suffering from depression,explain that
advice talking to the boss/employer, take a break, givetime to family
counselling session -offer CBT, refer to specialist, offer anti-depressant
Follow up in 2 weeks
You are FY2 in emergency department
A young lady brought her 5 years old son to the hospital after anaphylaxis.
She went to a restaurant and told them her child haspeanut allergy but
they gave him peanut. This is the 2nd time he developed anaphylaxis.
The first time was when he went to his friend’s birthday party and he was
given food with peanut.
He was treated that time and was prescribed Epipen.
She doesn’t know how to use EPIPEN, now she wants know the use of
Talk to the mom , address her concern and teach her how to use the epipen
What If she doesn’t respond to it first time. Should I use it again?
If she develops rash should I use it?
what if I use the PEN and it’s not anaphylaxis?
Greet and confirm identity
Explore anaphylaxis, take history of the incident, and explore symptoms,
do head to toe, BIRDDD, MAF (takefocused and short history)
Now assess knowledge about the Epipen, explain it’sparts.
Explain about the signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis (swelling of throat,
lips, eyes, difficult breathing)
Teach Epipen as taught in academy
Use Epipen when signs/symptoms of anaphylaxis andcall ambulance
Explain she can give epipen even if she is not sure ifeither he is having
signs of anaphylaxis or not
It is not going to be harmful for the kid even if you give itto him and later
realize it is not anaphylaxis. He might experience some heart racing, etc
but it would settle in 15 to 20 minutes.
Always have 2 Epipen, use another one in 5 minutes ifambulance doesn't
Avoid triggers and advice about trigger diary
Offer support and Refer the patient to the allergy clinic. So that we can
know the cause of the reaction and a diagnosis can bemade.
Give the child a bracelet to wear
Safety netting
10.abdominal examination
you are FY2 in in emergency department
A 56 year old patient has brought to the hospital with confusion and
drowsiness by his daughter , he got mild temperature for last few days
He didn’t pass urine for last two days, abdomen is distended and bladder
is palpable, painful, fever present
he was fit and well, but has been facing problems with urine for last few
months , (frequency, urgency, nocturia)
MAFTOSA normal
No significant past history, never happened it before
You are FY2 in general practice
A 35 year old lady has come with rash under her breast,it started with the
left breast and spread to the other breast for last a month
it’s irritating, and itchy, no discharge, oozing , bleeding.
Red in colour , no changes in colour
no other symptoms, FLAWS , MAFTOSA, DESA normal
She used emollient but didn’t work, becoming worse
She works as a school teacher and this rash hasbecome annoying
Task :
Talk to the patient, discuss management
Examination and Investigations:
Take observations, head to toe, rash site, BMI Routine investigation RBS
A picture of the rash will be given
Greet and confirm identity
explore the symptoms, explore rash (size , site, shape , colour,
itchiness,discharge, bleeding) contact, allergies, FLAWS
Ask past history, MAFTOSA, DESA
You are FY2 in general practice
A 55 year old mom has booked an appointment for her 28 year old son
who has been behaving weird for past 2weeks
Son Adam thinks he has no problem at all, he is well, hismother thinks too
He says he is an undercover spy in an international agency
He was anxious all the time , looking here and there
Nothing happened 2 weeks back, he lives alone , momlives far from him
He is looking to the window and saying a car following me
He doesn’t drink or smoke or do drugs
No friends , as he doesn’t want to disclose his identity
His mood is fine, he doesn’t have suicidal tendency
But he mentions about thought withdrawals andbroadcasting
13.Urine problem:
You are FY2 in general practice
A 62 year old man has presented with burning sensation while passing
urine for 7days , also foul smelly urine
He also have nocturia, dribbling , and urgency for peeing for 3months
he feels feverish but didn’t measure it , no flu or headache , FLAWS
He has been diagnosed with hypertension which is well controlled with
He lives with his wife , no other medical condition, or any medication
He works as a clerk sits near the toilet for the frequency
He is allergic to penicillin and worried about cancer
No family history of cancer , bowel fine , no smoking or drinking habit
Talk to the patient and do management
Is it cancer?
Examination and investigation:
Take observation and head to toe , back passage examination (enlarged
Routine blood test and urine R/E , urine dipstick, (leukocytes an nitrites)
inflammatory marker
Greet and confirm identity ,
Take focused history ODPARA of symptoms , urine color smell, blood ,
nocturia , hesitency , urgency , dribbling , fever flu , FLWS , bowel habit etc
Do ICE , verbalize examination and summerise , he has been having
urinary infection secondary to BPH that is enlargement of the prostate ,
which is common with age, as the prostate has enlarged, the bladder holds
an amount of the urine which is a good place for bacterial growth causes
Involve senior , prescribe antibiotic
Advice him to drink plenty of fluid
Prescribe medicine to shrink the prostate
Follow up in 2weeks
Safety netting for cancer , FLAWS , blood in urine
14.Benign Mole:
You are FY2 in general practice
A 25 year old lady has come with a concerns
She has been having a mole on her back for many years , which is black in
color and 4cm by5cm in size, smooth surface
Its not changing the size shape or color , no bleeding or discharge, not
She doesn’t have any other mole on body
FLAWS negative, MAFTOSA DESA normal
She is getting married within 1month
She has tried her wedding gown and sadly the mole looks ugly on her back
She wants to remove it
Task :
Talk to her and discuss management
Can I remove it?
Examination and investigation:
Take observation and head to toe, examine the mole
Routine blood
Greet and confirm identity
Congratulate her for getting married
Take focused history of the mole, size site shape, surface, any bleeding or
discharge , anywhere else, FLAWS , MAFTOSA DESA
Verbalize examination and summerise , explain it’s a benign harmless
mole , nothing to be worried about
As it is not harming you so for cosmetic purpose NHS does not cover this
Advice her to go private clinic
Safety netting
15.Hernia surgery:
You are FY2 in general surgery
A 45year old man has been scheduled to have a inguinal hernia operation
he needs a pre operative assessment
He is hypertensive and takes medicine and blood pressure is under control
He wants to know about the procedure of the surgery , his dad had hernia
and he was wearing a truss
Tell him we need to do some routine blood test and a consent needs to be
The operation takes 45min to and hour if goes smoothly , he will be given
anaesthesia and after recovery pain killer will be given
He can go back to work after 2 to 4weeks depending on his situation
Advice him not to do any heavy work , he can talk to his employer, and
suggest occupational therapist
Tell him truss is a temporary solution for those who can not go through
the surgery
Safety netting
16.Angry son:
You are FY2 in acute medicine unit
A 76 year old lady has been admitted to the hospital as she has been
diagnosed heart failure
Her only son who is very angry has been calling
He lives very far , doesn’t know about the prognosis of his mom
He has phoned the hospital a few times to find out what’s happening with
his mom. But every time he calls the hospital the nurse picks up the phone
and she tells that there is no Dr to speak to you.
Last time when he came to see his mom, he spoke to one of the Doctors
who was very rude.
He is very upset about the situation and don’t want the Dr to be the part of
his mothers care
His mom is receiving water tablets , and a catheter was given , he saw
blood in the urine
Talk to the son and address his concerns
Why the Dr was rude?
My moms care was compromised ,I’m not happy with that
Greet and confirm the identity and relationship, confirm that you are talking
with the right person and start with telephonic conversation
Acknowledge the situation and show empathy , build good rapport
Ask about his moms condition , how much he knows, what happened ,
what treatment has been provided, how is she doing now, any
improvement etc
Now explore why is he upset, ask him like- Has anyone at the hospital
explained her condition to you? what did he say? What is his name? how
many times did you speak to him? What things did he say that made you
upset? Etc
Ask support , care , where does his mom live, who takes care of her ,
appreciate for being so caring son
Now explain his moms situation , Your mom was admitted for heart failure
which is a condition in which the heart is unable to pump blood around the
body properly. Her condition is getting worse because of the heart failure
which is a chronic progressive condition and can be terminal.
Explain if he saw blood in the urine write down in notes and you will look
upon this and apologize what he feels about his mothers care
Mention a specific time when he can contact with the doctor and can know
about his mom
Tell him you will raise this matter that you were upset thinking of the
nurses and doctors were rude
Explain that we try to provide best care to the patient which is our duty and
Tell him if any matter he thinks must be taken care of he can contact on
the given time
Thank him for calling
17.Test result:
You are FY2 in well-man clinic
A 54-year male came for test results as he came 1 week back for check up,
everything is good
No urinary symptoms , abdominal pain or any swellinganywhere on body
He has osteoarthritis and has been taking ibuprofen for it for along time
No other medical condition, medications or family history
Patient is known smoker and drinks a lot alcohol and wine aswell
Talk to patient,discuss test results and address his concerns
Examination and Investigations:
take observation and head to toe
All blood test report normal except eGFR 52
You are FY2 in general practice
An 80 year old lady has been diagnosed with end stage heart failure ,
consultant has explained everything to her , she is not gonna make it , no
aggressive treatment is allowed only palliative care has been given to her
She has full mental capacity to understand everything and giving consent
She doesn’t want any CPR or ventilation if her heart collapse
She has children but she doesn’t live with them
She has carer that come in to help her. She is happy with her life and she
is ready to die. She wants to die at home but doesn’t want to die at the
She has made funeral arrangements.
Talk to the patient about end of life decisions and fill in the documents
Greet and confirm identity
Build good rapport and paraphrase the scenario , I understand you have
been explained everything so far and im here to talk about your future
Acknowledge about her condition , ask how much she knows and confirm
Ask about her concern and explain CPR , and when its given
Access mental capacity, what will be the consequences if CPR not given
when her heart stops
19.Problem colleague:
You are FY2 in medicine
A nurse named Stephens has been calling you with some concern
One of your colleague Henry has posted on social media about a patient
who was discharged yesterday; has given him an expensive gift as a
gratitude of being so caring
Though he didn’t mention the patient name or any details but it was a
public post
Stephens didn’t want to talk to him directly , he wants you to talk to him
instead on this matter
You haven't seen the post
Talk to the nurse and address his concern
Greet and introduce yourself start with telephonic conversation
Build good rapport and ask about his work life
Now listen to him carefully , your colleague Henry is a nice sprightly person
but you know what he has done is not a good medical practice
Tell him a health professional must not encourage patients to give, lend
or bequeath money or gifts that will directly or indirectly benefit him and
also he must not put pressure on patients or their families to make
donations to other people or organizations.
Encourage him to raise the matter directly to Henry , he can even inbox
him to delete the post or change the audience view status
Also you can tell him that you will talk to Henry about this and explain what
is good medical practice about receiving present from the patient and not
to get a penalty from GMC
tell him you can explain to Henry , and convince him to return the presence
explaining that it is against the good medical practice
Thank him for calling and raising this issue
Greet and confirm identity, start with telephonic approach
Confirm the relationship and ask his concern
Before answering ask about how much he knows about her child? Hows
their relationship , who else live in their house , does he know his
daughters friends and close people, about her health etc
Now appreciate him for being such caring father but explain him you can
not tell him anything about his daughter as its against the good medical
practice and will breech the confidentiality of the patient
No matter if he is the father he has no right to n=know without his
daughters consent
Rather advice him to be more friendly and build up a good relationship ,
share more things , she might need support from family specially parents,
try to know by him self
Discuss about what difficulty she has been facing these days
Arrange something so that she can spend more time with family and can
open up
Thank him for calling
22.Acute asthma
you are FY2 in emergency department
A father of 10 years of son has been calling you
His son has been having breathing problem since morning
There is no fever , no rash , no shyness to light , no sign of dehydration
He was fit and well yesterday, wee and poo fine
No changes in color of lips or skin
He has been diagnosed with asthma since childhood , takes inhalers
Father has given inhaler , didn’t work
saturation was not measured
He is alone at home with his boy
Task :
Talk to the father and do immediate management
What is happening?
Greet and confirm identity, start with telephonic approach
You are FY2 in AMU
A 78 years old woman is admitted in the hospital with thecomplaint of
blood with stool and weight loss , anorexia
She has been under treatment and investigations were done
A CT scan was done and diagnosis of colon cancer has been made
Patient has full mental capacity and has been told about her condition
Further treatment plan has been taken
Her only son who is a surgeon in the surgery in another hospitalhas
been calling to know about her mothers condition
He wants to know whats going on and wants talk to the consultant
Consent has not been taken from his mother
Talk to the consultant and address his concern
Greet and introduce yourself
Start with telephonic approach and confirm relationship with the patient
Ask about how much he knows about his mothers condition , how was
she before , whos at home , who mostly takes care of her ‘is he the
power of attorney or not etc , ask about her medical condition and
Now tell him his mother has mental capacity and consent has not been
taken to discuss anything about her , tell him to takeconsent from her
If consultant says im her only son tell him I understand but it is the good
medical practice not to disclose any details without theconsent
If he says to talk to consultant then 37tell him we can do that forsure
Thank him and appreciate for being so caring son
24.Concerned son
You are FY2 in orthopedic department
A 82 year old lady has been brought to the hospital 1week back after a
fall, she developed a fracture in her hand which was treated and a cast
was placed on
She has been treated well , and medicine has been been given now
ready for discharge to go back home
Her only son , in on telephone to know about her mothers condition
He is very concerned about his mother
His mother lives alone at home , she can do her own work by
herself, it was her first fall
She is physically well and fit, not on any medication
Physiotherapist and occupational therapist has been informed
Son doesn’t want his mother to go back home, what if she might
have another fall
He wants her to go to care home
Mother has full mental capacity, and has given consent to talk abouther
Talk to the son and address his concern
What if it happen with her again? 38
Greet and confirm identity start with telephonic approach
Paraphrase the scenario, and ask how much he knows about his
Take focus history of his mom, what happened, has it happened before,
who lives with her, who takes care of her, home condition , medical
history etc
Tell him how she was treated, multidisciplinary team were involved and
she is ready for discharge
Address his concern, and ask why he thinks she needs to send to care
Tell him she has full mental capacity , she can do her own work, if she
send to care home she might not take it happily, as she can take her
Appreciate him for being so caring son and tell him we can offer career
for her to help in house work and herself
Offer support
You are FY2 in GP surgery.
mom calling as her 5weeks old child due for jabs and itis 6 in 1 vaccine
She is worried that her child will be very sick aftervaccination
She is also scared why they can’t be separated ; anddoubtful about
the method of immunisation 39
Baby is healthy , developing well, no symptoms
Setting: vaccine chart in the cubicle
talk to the mom and address her concerns
Worried about vaccines, are these safe?
Why the vaccines are not separated
Approach telephonic conversation
Greet and confirm identity
BIRDDD, head to toe, MAF
address concerns (Vaccination in children is a routine procedure , all of
them are safe and is done to protect the children from serious condition)
Explain the vaccines ( 2 injections (Men B and hexavalent) + 1 oral
(rotavirus) from the chart
Explain side effects of vaccines like arm swelling and redness, pain,
mild fever. Reassure that pain killer can be used and the symptoms go
with a few days
Vaccines are not separated as they are manufactured together also
reduce distress on child
What if vaccine is not taken ; he will be in a higher risk of getting those
infections and later by infecting other will put their lives at a risk
Safety netting
26.Abdominal examination:
you are FY2 in in emergency department
A 55 year old man has come with abdominal swellingand
he had 2 previous MIs with multiple medications. (Hehas a
prescription for that)
He hasn't been taking furosemide because it makeshim go to the loo
more often.
His blood pressure is high. (Hypertensive for 10 years)
No other medical condition, no other symptoms
No smoking or drinking habit
he is not living with anyone else and willing to beadmitted.
Ascites findings elicited on exam.
Chest and cardiac findings on verbalizing
Talk to the patient, take focused history and perform relevant examination
What you are gonna do for me?
Examination and Investigations:
Take observations (BP High, SPO2 low) , head to toe, chest examination
and perform abdominal examination as you were taught in the academy
(Do shifting dullness for ascites)
Routine blood test, chest and abdominal X-ray, LFT,KFT, Urine RE,
ECG ,cardiac enzymes, ABG
Greet and confirm identity 41
Explore symptoms, swelling and breathlessness
Take past history, medical condition and medicationhistory (if he is
compliant with the medicine , if not then ask why)
Do DD, (systemic review) , smoking , alcohol history
Do PPCCE, perform abdominal examination as you were taught in the
academy (Do shifting dullness for ascites), verbalize investigation
Explain your findings and cause of it, he has developed heart failure
(that means heart is not pumping bloodproperly causing swelling of
Explain immediate admission, give oxygen, antihypertensive, IV
frusemide, do catheterisation
Involve senior
involve heart specialist for further appropriate management
Do safety netting
You are FY2 in emergency department
A 54 year old male presented with dizziness, following vomiting blood
3hours back (inside the cubicle there is bucket full of blood)
There is no chest pain,no shortness of breath,no abdominalpain, no
blood in stool
He has no bleeding disorders, medical conditions, nomedication, no
family history, no allergies
He has been drinking alcohol since adulthood, drinks almost16unit per
After 3minutes patient collapse
Examination and Investigations:
ABCDE aproach
Blood pressure 89/59
Heart rate high 120
Respiratory rate normal
Temperature normal
SpO2 normal
What is happening to me?
Greet and confirm identity
Turn the patient to left lateral position
Take focused history ( what happened, has it happenedbefore, medical
history, medications, allergies)
Perform ABCDE
Give oxygen via nasal cannula, fluids after putting cannula,and ‘o’
negative blood
Investigation includes routine blood , LFT KFT, blood groupingand cross
Explain the provisional diagnosis and involve senior
Admission and senior consultation for further assessment and
Safety net
you are FY2 in emergency department
A 35 year old lady presented with headache.
she took Ibuprofen and PCM but they didn’t help.
This is the second time with headaches in 1 week whichstarted
suddenly last night.
Pain is dull, static and severe 8/10, Non-radiating andlight make it
She is Nauseous but didn’t vomit.
Her vision is blurred specially on the left side, no history of fever or
she was given medication the 1st time she had it.
she is a library attendant. Work is not stressful
She is active and sleeps properly, no problem in thefamily or
Fit and well, no smoking, no alcohol
take a history an discuss management with the patient
Could it be brain tumor?
Examination and Investigations:
take Observations , Fundoscopy, Nerves of head andarms ,
Ear and nose
Routine bloods (FBC, LFTs) 44
Greet and confirm identity
Explore the headache, SOCRATES, triggering factors, red flags , ask
differentials (coaster, migraine , tension ,menstrual etc ), ask about aura
Take menstrual history, past history, MAFTOSA , DESA
Do ICE , verbalise examination and summarise that shehas been
experiencing migraine which is a severe to moderate headache felt on
the side of the head.
Tell her unfortunately , there is no cure but we can help her to prevent
those from happening
offer Medications, simple analgesia, antiemetic, sumatriptan
For prophylaxis beta blocker
advice to keep a migraine diary to note the pattern of headache (date,
time, activity at home of onset, duration)
Safety netting: progressive change in pattern, worsening headache,
worse in the morning, suddenonset, weight loss
Follow up
29.Lung cancer
You are FY2 in general practice
A 56 years old middle aged man came to GP, presented with cough
for 2months, non productive, no blood in it.
He also complained of breathing problem , which is more prominent at
He wakes up in the middle of night feeling of losing breath, also
whistling sound coming from the chest
He also complained of tiredness and weight loss forsame duration
(FLAWS positive)
He works as a carpenter , some of his colleagues got the same problem
and under treatment
No family history of cancer, or lung problem, no other medical history or
He is physically fit and maintain good balance diet
No smoking or alcohol habit
address concern and Discuss management plan
is it lung cancer?
Examination and investigations:
examine chest, take observations, lymph node(enlarged on the right side)
routine blood , inflammatory marker,
chest X-ray (round mass in the right upper lobe, intralobular, small,
rounded or branching opacities; fibrosis
sputum culture by bronchoscope
Greet and confirm identity
Address concerns, explain best case worst case scenario “we are
suspecting a condition called asbestosis which is a chronic lung disease
caused by inhaling asbestos fibers. Prolonged exposure to these fibers
can cause lung tissue scarring and shortness of breath
urgent referral to chest specialist
Involve senior
explain if it’s cancer what can be done( specialist will do CT scan chest
, abdomen and pelvis and a special camera test to look into the lungs
and take samples for testing)
low dose steroid after consulting with senior
It can be asbestosis as like his colleague, investigation will confirm
Safety netting
You are FY2 in obstetric ward
36 years old 35 weeks pregnant female has presented withthepremature
rupture of membrane
She was taking regular medicine including Metformin 500mgOD andVit
D supplements
Patient is allergic to penicillin and developed rash
The consultant has prescribed her: Dexamethasone 12 mg,2 doses24
hours apart and Erythromycin 250 mg PO QID for 10 days
There is no patient in the cubicle
Stickers provided for patient identity
BNF present in the cubicle
Write the prescription check the doses from BNF
Greet the examiner
Fill the patient details/Use stickers if available
Fill the allergy details,write your name,date and sign the box
Open BNF to check the interactions of Erythromycin
Prescribe Erythromycin, Dexamethasone and regular medications as
31.Rash on chest:
You are FY2 in general practice
A 60 year old man has presented with chest pain on right side which
has been getting worse for past 1week, it’s gradual in onset, dull in
character, radiating to the back, he tried paracetamol but didn’t help
He is generally fit and well, no past medical condition, medication
history, no allergies
He also developed a rash on the right side, not itching but extremely
painful, no discharge, bleeding , it’s getting bigger
He is lives with his grandson
No smoking or drinking habit
Talk to the patient, assess him and discussmanagement
Is it heart attack?
Will my grandson will be affected too?
Examination and investigations:
Take observations and do general physical examination,examine the rash
, back
routine blood, ECG, chest X-RAY, antibody for chickenpox
Greet and confirm identity
Explore chest pain do SOCRATES, red flags and
differentials (MI, Pericarditis, pulmonary embolism)
Explore rash, take contact history, childhood history ofchicken pox
Verbalize examination and summarise that it’s ashingles, due to
reactivation of previous chicken pox that hide in your body.
It can be passed to other people especially who are not immunized, or
who never had it, pregnant women and immunocompromised patients.
It takes 4 weeks for the rash to heal
Prescribe anti viral for 7 days, and Gabapentine forneuropathic pain
Advice to keep the rash clean and dry, wear loose fitting cloths
Put ice packs, do not cover the rash or put dressing
Offer vaccination, address concern
Safety netting
32. Teaching
You are FY2 in in emergency department
A 5th year medical student who missed the BLSworkshop
He has no idea about it , now he wants to learn
ask him to perform and give him a feedback about it
Set up: adult CPR mannikin, face shield.
Teach the student how to perform basic life support
Greet and build good rapport
paraphrase scenario and appreciate as he has cometo learn
Ask about knowledge and understanding, explain BLS ,when we do it
explain steps removal of danger staff around thevictim/patient
Check for patient’s response
Shout for help , asses airway, check breathing ,circulation, chest
Start chest compressions, perform it as you were taught
After 30 chest compressions give to mouth breathingafter pinching
the nose
Continue the process and reassess
Call ambulance 999
Indication of stoping if ambulance arrives, if patientshows sign of life, if
you are tired
Seek for help, ask for student’s understanding
Tell him to read more from resuscitation UK
You are FY2 in General Practice
A 45 year old man has come with dizziness.
He explained dizziness as if everything was spinningaround him
which started 5 days ago
It happens whenever he is trying to get up from bed, it was sudden in
onset. Lasts seconds to minutes.
He had flu like symptoms 10 days ago.
Triggered by moving head to the right, left and upwards.
Felt sick but didn’t vomit.
Generally Fit and well.
Works as Scaffolder. Lives with his wife.
No fullness of ear, ringing in the ear, discharge , trauma
Please take a focused history, assess patient anddiscuss
Is it treatable?
Examination and investigation:
take observations , Ear, chest , Blood, ECG
Ear exam is normal, Dix-Hallpike maneuver is positive.
Greet the patient and confirm his identity
Take brief history about his dizziness, do ODPARA
Check if he drives.
Verbalise examination, Explain Provisional diagnosis ‘Benign
paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is one of the most common
causes of vertigo where the sudden sensation that you're spinning or
that the inside of your head is spinning, BPPV is thought to be
caused by little calcium carbonate crystals (otoconia) coming loose
within the canals. Discuss Life style, Do and don’ts
Its self-limited , it resolves on its own in few days or weeks; however,
will be giving you, Buccal Prochlorperazine. Anti-histamine to
improve your symptoms.
There is a technique called Epley’s maneuver, it’s very successful in
stopping symptoms with just one treatment sometimes (done by
senior) Specialist (Ear specialist): If symptoms don’t improve or get
worse to exclude other conditions and to do scanning of your brain
Safety netting: Please, don’t drive if you drive, you should inform
Avoid working from heights, discuss with employer to take leave
We can give medical notes if you need after discussing with the
Safety net: Double vision or loss of vision, Hearing loss, Trouble
speaking, Leg or arm weakness, numbness or tingling.
You are FY2 in medicine
85 years old female with advanced dementia
Admitted in hospital with complaints of weight loss
She has advanced dementia and no other options isviable so she has
been put on palliative care
Any other organic /medical cause of weight loss has been ruled out.
Daughter has left her job to look after her mother
She has been having financial difficulty because of her mothers health
She is unable to cope with all the psychological and financial burden
The patient is medically stable and is taking oral feed at this point
The daughter was very polite and co-operative
Talk to the daughter and address her concerns.
What about tube feeding?
Can I take her home?
How am I going to feed her?
Greet and confirm patient identity
Take brief focused history for dementia–Be very politeand empathetic
toward the daughter
Assess how much she knows about dementia and her mother’s
Explain her dementia being the cause for her poor feeding andweight
Discuss management
Address concerns: Feeding tube is not a long term option, she is
stable and she can go home, offer her comfort foods,dine together,
keep reminding her, put alarms or remindersfor food, She can go
home as she is medically stable
Dementia nurses,Home Care providers,Dementia clinic
Financial or psychological support for the daughter
Safety net
you are FY2 in hospice care home
80 years old female is diagnosed with metastatic pancreatic
patient is terminal,palliative care has been prescribed,she has been
referred from hospital to hospice for the continuation of palliative
She can not eat or drink
Her list of medications can be found in the hospital
Handover will be inside the cubicle
no patient only examiner, start writing prescription, BNF, Pen,
36. Simman
you are FY2 in in the obstetrics and gynaecology department
52 year old lady is admitted and had gone through hysterectomy
operation due to dysfunctional uterine bleeding,now in the recovery
Nurse has called you as she has become hypotensive and saturation
has been falling
She is drowsy,not feeling well, no fever, no rash
Talk to the patient,assess her,and discussmanagement with the
Examination and Investigations:
Monitor shows
BP 85/65.
Temp 37 HR 110
O2 sat 92%.
ECG shows sinus rhythm.
Chest clear.
Abdominal bandage covering the scar.
Catheter and urine bag contain clear urine.
Routine bloods(FBC,RBS,LFTs), inflammatory markers,
Blood culture, urine dipstick, ABG, CXR, ECG, Serum lactate
Greet and confirm identity from her bracelet,patient not responding
well,only mumbling
You are FY2 in emergency department
A 26 year old boy has been brought to the hospital as he
consumed 40tablets of paracetamol 6hours back
He took it with water , all together, no vomiting , he is not
making any eye contact not answering to any questions
He is still not got any symptoms
Your senior has asked you to take blood sample to check
paracetamol level in the blood
Task :
Talk to the patient and perform relevant procedure
Greet and confirm identity
Take focused history , when did he take , how many , with what
, why he wanted to commit suicide , who brought you here , do
you feel guilty etc
Any vomiting or induced vomiting after that , any symptoms etc
Now explain the procedure , do PPCCE, and perform the
procedure as you were taught
Label the sample then examiner will give you a paracetamol
Patient needs IV N acetylcysteine
After treatment you need to repeat the blood test
38.Eye examination:
You are FY2 in general practice
A 60 years old presented to with vision problem in right eye which
started suddenly two days ago and unable to see from nasal side
No eye pain, bleeding or discharge, headache or injury, foreign
No problem with other eye
He was complaining of dark patches in his vision
He is hypertensive for 10 years well managed and following up
Has undergone Cataract surgery in the same eye done 2 months
back, doesn’t wear any glasses
No family history of eye problems
Not taking any other medication apart from Ramipril for
Talk to patient,do relevant examination and discuss further
Examination and Investigations:
Am I going to be blind?
What is happening with me?
Greet and confirm identity
Do ICE and examine eye (visual acuity , red reflex , back of eye
via fundoscope)
Praise him for coming early, treatment can protect him from go
39.Medical error:
You are FY2 in respiratory clinic
A 42 years old Middle aged male came for follow up at
respiratory clinic
He came previously with some chest complaints and is feeling
well now, X-ray was done and was diagnosed as pneumonia and
was prescribed antibiotics
He has completed antibiotic course
Today you were told that your colleague misdiagnosed him
His x ray is normal, which was mismatched with some other
patient having pneumonia
Patient is experiencing no side effects of medications
Patient was not that angry when told about the medical error
Take observations and head to toe
Asked about side effects?
What will you do to prevent further errors?
Greet and confirm identity
Take focused history (chest complaint, side effects of medications
like diarrhoea, tummy pain etc)
Start with medical error approach, Explain a medical error has
happened and be very apologetic
40.contraception (phone)
You are FY2 in general practice
A 25 year old lady has been calling you
She wants to know a contraceptive method that is suitable for
her, she has been sexually active for 5years, she used
diaphragm and condom before but she got pregnant
she has one child with a stable partner, no other partner
She wants to know about the failure rate of the contraception
and side effects, she doesn’t want to take child for at least 3-4
She doesn’t have any medical condition but 1year back she
traveled to Australia by air and developed swelling in the leg ,
and she was prescribed blood thinners for about 6months
She is non smoker , and social drinker
Physically fit and active
Talk to the patient and address her concern
I liked the idea of COCP
What are the failure rates? Which method is safe for me?
Greet and confirm identity and start with telephonic approach
Ask her concern, for how long she has been sexually active ,
stable partner or multiple , previous contraceptive methods, side
effects , does she practice safe sex? Etc
Ask about pregnancy , period , does she want any child near
future, for how long she has been planning to use the
Now ask about general health and medication in detail , red
flags , high cholesterol , heart problem , artery disease etc
Now explain different types of contraceptives in short , their
failure rates if she asks
She said she like the idea of COCP and explain in her case this
is not suitable contraceptive , then you can suggest inject-able
or the device
Ask concern and check her understanding
don’t forget to mention none of this contraceptives will prevent
from STI’s ; so its better to use condom in a proper way
Thank her for calling and suggest websites to read for more
She doesn’t like going to the gym,as she feels peopleover there
are thin than her
Talk to the patient and discuss management
Examination and investigation:
take observations,check BMI,head to toe,(mouth and
teeth)abdominal and cardiovascular examination
Greet and confirm identity
Build good rapport
Ask ODPARA of vomiting, if anything significanthappened,
nature of vomitus
Ask about eating habit,if show follows any diet chart,any habit of
binge eating,if yes ask questions of recurrent episodes of binge
anything else does she do for weight loss like
medication,pills,exercise,fasting,using of laxative
ask mood , feeling of guilt, psycho social
take menstrual history, ask about general health, MAFTOSA
Verbalize examination and summarize and explain Bulimia
nervosa which is an eating disorder where someone thinks their
weight is high but actually they are in normal weight range.As
her BMI is 20 which is normal,she is not obese.
Arrange a face to face appointment so that you can examine the
you are FY2 in general practice
A 55 year old man has come to you for check ups
nurse has taken the observations and measured theblood pressure
came 160/80mmHg
He doesn’t have any medical condition, or not taking any medication
he has family history of stroke , father died 2years back with stroke
He is a sedentary worker, can’t maintain healthy lifestyle
he lives with wife, she has been telling him to exerciseand lose
weight, he doesn’t have time, he is very busy
He smokes 10 cigarettes per day and drinks alcohol inthe weekends
he seems stressed and worried he might have strokelike his father
His mood is fine
Talk to the patient and address his concerns
Will I have the stroke like my father?
Examination and investigations:
observations shows blood pressure high , BMI high 35 routine blood, LFT
KFT, urea electrolytes, lipid profile, RBS, TFT
greet and confirm identity
Explore concern, acknowledge his worry, why does he thinks he might
have stroke, check understanding
43.Delayed walking:
you are FY2 in in general practice
a mother of 14month old child has come with some concerns
Her son has not got to walk independently
He can walk with support around the table but can’twalk
independently, whereas other kids of his age groupare walking
Her child can say few words , laugh and smile
He interacts with others too
He plays well with toys and you have no other concernsin terms of
other development.
No medical condition, systemic review normal ,BIRDDD
Talk to her and address her concerns accordingly.
When he will be able to walk?
Examination and investigations:
Take observations, head to toe
Greet and confirm identity
Explore concerns, ask can he able to walk or stand afterthat he fall
down? Is he able to stand without support?
Ask developmental questions, systemic review, BIRDDD, any bone
44.Viral flu
You are FY2 in general practice
A mother of 4year old boy has called you with some concern ,he
developed high fever , runny nose, for last 2days
He was fit and well before that , was going nursery , 4days backhe
suddenly developed fever, she gave calpol but didn’t work , also
cough and lethargy
He is feeding and peeing well
No rash , shyness to light , or other associated symptoms
BIRDDD normal, no medical condition or medication history, or
allergy, up to date with jabs
Due of this year flu vaccine
Mom thinks her son needs antibiotic
Talk to the mom and address his concern
Why you wont give antibiotic to my son?
Greet and confirm identity start with telephonic approach
Take focused history of fever, cough , runny nose, rule out redflags
and differentials , chicken pox, measles. Meningitis , dehydration
Do ICE, and explain her son has got viral flu which is verycommon
in children , and its self limiting
Tell her to give flu vaccine when he becomes okay
Give him plenty of fluids and calpol to lower down the fever,can use
salt water to clear the nose
Keep him feeding good food , and water, check his nappy everyday
if he is passing enough urine
Address her concern that it’s a viral flu , antibiotic wont work
Safety netting and follow up
46.NSAID nephropathy
You are FY2 in general practice
A 49 year male came for test results as he went to well-man clinic
because his wife asked him to go 2week back
He was feeling perfectly alright and did consult just for the sake of
There were no urinary symptoms,abdominal pain or any swelling
anywhere on body
He has been taking ibuprofen for osteo arthritis for 8 years
No other medical condition,medications or family history
He does not smoke or drink and tries to eat healthy
Agreed to stop medication
Examination and Investigations:
Take observation and head to toe
eGFR low
Why are my kidneys not performing well?
What will you give me for pain then?
Greet and confirm identity
Paraphrase the scenario and praise him for the check ups
Take focused history (Kidney problems, medical conditions,
medications, Family history, Urinary symptoms, Signs of renal
Do ICE and verbalize examination and summerise the problemthe
test result shows some changes in kidney function and the probable
cause is taking pain medication for long term
Tell him to stop medicine now and refer to joint specialist for
medication and arthritis review
Refer to kidney specialist for further investigation and management
Safety netting and follow up
47.Head lice
You are FY2 in general practice
A mother of 5years old girl has been calling to you with some
concerns about her daughter
She has been itching her head all day and being irritable all day
She tried to comb her hair and found head lice
She is going to nursery, and she things she got it from there
She wants to know the method of removing all lice
Child is otherwise fit and well, no other physical problem
Talk to the mother , discuss management and address concerns
Does she needs to stop going school?
Greet and confirm identity start with telephonic approach
Take focused history and ask about the concerns , since when , any
other associated problem, any rash on head , what she has done
already etc
Do ICE, summerise , and explain head lice are very common in
children , and it can spread from one person to another
Probably your child got it from nursery and you can not prevent
Address concern, she doesn’t need to stop from going school
Methods of getting rid of head lice and nits (takes 2weeks to
3weeks) is wet combing
At first wet your childs hear and wash with shampoo , then use
conditioner all over the head and buy fine needle thin comb from
pharmacy , comb hair from scalp to bottom for at least 20 minutes ,
repeat it , it will remove all lice and nits
Treat other family members if they complain of lice
Do not need to wash cloths and other stuff with hot water , you can
not prevent lice from that
If wet combing doesn’t work after 17days you can buy medicated
shampoo or lotion from pharmacy that kills all types of lice and
Do not use electric iron comb, permethrin, other medicated
oils ;these wont work
Follow up after 17days
you are FY2 in general practice
A 40 year old man came 6 months ago due to constanttiredness
and GP suggested the cause is not clear.
The Doctor had suggested to perform some blood test but all
came normal
he is still experiencing tiredness. He is not able to do hisnormal daily
activities due to fatigue.
He works as a lawyer, first time you had tirednesswhen he had
a flu like illness,
2 weeks ago, he had another viral illness he has donea COVID
He is not able to have sex with his wife due to tiredness and she
thinks that you are having affair with another woman.
no past medical history, MAFTOSA, smokes and drinks
Don’t do exercise due to tiredness
Talk to the patient and discuss management
Why am I having it?
Examination and Investigations:
49.pre-operative assessment
You are FY2 in surgery
45 years old male came in the hospital for pre-operative assessment
He has been scheduled to remove the screws in her ankle in 2
weeks time under general anaesthesia
He had an ankle fracture twelve months ago and underwent a
surgery because of it
Patient is diabetic and taking insulin for that
He had vomiting after the previous surgery
He lives alone,and has no one to take care of him for the first 48
hours after surgery
Last time his neighbour stayed with him for a day after thesurgery
He lives 15 minutes away from the hospital
His blood sugar levels are under control
He has no other medical conditions apart from diabetes
He checked his sugar levels in the morning before breakfast andit
was 6
He regularly goes for his diabetes checkup
He developed nausea and vomiting in the last procedure
Talk and assess the patient for the daycare surgery
Greet the patient and confirm his identity
50.covid policy
You are FY2 in AMU
A 82 year old lady is on telephone, her husband has been admittedto
the hospital for last 10days, he has diagnosed cancer, he has been
having his end stage
She wants to see her husband and but in visitor list her son’s nameis
She wants to change that on her
She wants to stray with him in his last days, she has been having
hypertension and diabetes for last 20 years
Currently don’t have any symptoms or sickness, vaccinated against
Talk to the patient and address her concern
I want to be with him
Greet and confirm identity
Build good rapport , acknowledge about how much she knows
about him, and her present health condition
Ask her when was the last time she saw him, why she wants to stay
Ask about her health status and explain the covid policy andhospital
visiting policy
Be more empathetic and say she can see her husband via video
call , as her health doesn’t support her to come hospital visit
Be more calm and let the patient talk
Tell her you will talk to senior regarding her concern as you can notgo
against the protocol
(covid policy: all visitors must now be registered with therelevant
department. Only one visitor can be registered and onlyone person
can visit. Patients who have been on the ward less than 10days can’t
be visited. The visitor must plan in advance towhen will they be
visiting. Visitors must wait in a secured visitorwaiting areas. A visitor
will be provided with personal protectionequipment before entering the
ward. People who are aged 70yo can’t visit due to the risk of COVID
infection. But exceptions can be made if agreed by the consultant
and the ward managers.Visitors are expected to wash hands and
wear mask all times)
51. eye infection in child
you are FY2 in general practice
A 22 year old lady has made an appointment to see you.
She delivered a baby 10 days ago, when the child was 7days old.
He was found to have eye infection. The eye swab wastaken which
showed chlamydia infection.
She never gone through STI screening
Child was treated with chloramphenicol eye drops andis now fine
she has been with her partner for the last 2 years. Shedoesn’t use
She never had PID infections.
Her partner never complained of any symptoms of PID.
She has been in unstable relationship for the last 2years.
She doesn’t have any other partner
Take History and address her concerns
How did the child get the eye infection?
Did I get this infection from my partner?
Greet and confirm identity, start with telephonicapproach and
paraphrase the scenario
explore complaints, present symptoms, Head to toe,BIRDDD, MAF ( take
focused history)
Ask sexual history of mother
Do ICE and summarise that child is likely to havecontracted chlamydia
infection from you during delivery.
STI in women can be silent which means you can havethis infection
without having any symptoms
advice her and her partner to GUM clinic as they both need to get
investigated (Endo-cervical Swab) andtreated (with antibiotics )
advice to use barrier method of contraception such ascondoms until
both of them have completed treatment.
Safety netting
Follow up
52.breast examination
History :
You are FY2 in general practice
A 42 year old woman has presented with some concerns , she has
noticed a lump on her right upper quadrant of the breast few days back
She is a bit concerned and worried and come for a visit
Lump is very small , soft , not attached, not increasing in size or shape, no
swelling , changes in the breast , any changes in the nipple or any
discharge, no lumps and bumps anywhere in the body , FLAWS negative
No positive family history of cancer or breast cancer
Her menstruation cycle is fine, LMP was 2weeks back , no use of
contraceptive except condom
Talk to the patient and examine the relevant
Do I have cancer, as my friend got breast cancer and she noticed a lump in
her breast
Examination and investigation:
Take observation and head to toe
Perform breast examination as you were taught
Take routine blood
Greet and confirm identity
Take focused history of lump ODPARA, related history , changes in the
breast , nipple , FLAWS etc
Now verbalize examination and PPCCE, explain the procedure and ask
for chaperone (examiner will be the chaperone)
Now perform breast examination inspection , palpation , inspect the lump ,
and explain finding , its not something harmful from the examination and
Involve senior and arrange a mammogram
Advice for self breast examination
Safety netting FLAWS
53.speculum examination
You are FY2 in obs and gynaecology department
A 3rd year medical student who has been asked to perform pelvic
examination but he has never done it before and wants to know how to
perform speculum examination.
Stem says teach him how to perform, don’t let him do the procedure or
ask to do it
Teach the student how to perform speculum examination (don’task him to do
why do we perform speculum examination?
What are the contraindication for it?
Greet and build good rapport
Introduce and Ask about knowledge
before starting the teaching tell him about indication abnormal discharge,
bleeding, vaginal bulge , when the speculum test is done
Explain the Examination
Explain PPCCE, Exposure below waist to ensure privacy, offer Chaperon,
ask patient to empty bladder
Position: lying on the back (modified lithotomy position) , bring your heels
towards your bottom and then let your kneefall to the sides.
Request student to sit with you ,turn on lamp ,identifyyour equipment ,
wash your hands, put on gloves .
Tell the patient that you are ready to start, gently lookfrom outside, then
enter the speculum and look inside
Perform the task as you were taught
Thank the patient when you finish
Check for understanding and take questions
54. Epilepsy discharge:
You are FY2 in neurology department
A 11 year old girl was admitted 3 days ago as a result ofresult of
generalized tonic clonic seizures.
EEG showed epileptic focus in the brain.
She doesn’t have any other medical condition, or onany medication
No allergies, no family history of seizures
She likes swimming, riding bicycle and dancing
She has been prescribed the med (Na valproate) andthe med has
already been explained to her mother
She is now ready for discharge home
Please talk to the mom and address her concerns.
Will she be able to swim or dance?
Greet and confirm identity
Paraphrase the scenario, take a focused history, explore seizures, is it
the first time happened
Take social history, does she goes school , hobbies etc
Past medical history, BIRDDD, MAF
ask concern , and assess knowledge about themedication, ask if has
been explained the use of medication
Regular use of medications as prescribed to prevent seizures not only
when she has seizures
Advice on activities to avoid: she like riding her bicycle (if necessary she
can wear a helmet and protective stuffto protect her from falls), she can
swim. But under the supervision of someone (life guard) in case
shedevelops seizure.
When bathing it is better to shower than having baths.
Avoid locking the door when bathing so people canreach out in
case she has a seizure.
Avoid watching movies within flashes of light especiallyin a dark room.
Avoid cooking due to the risk of falling on fire or stove ifshe develops a
Safety netting
Follow up
Advice to keep a seizure diary and avoid triggers
Informing her friends when she goes out so they canhelp as long as
she is comfortable to tell them.
You are FY2 in emergency department
A 45 year old man has presented with dizziness, anxiety and shortness
of breathe
It has been happening for the first time , he also complained of some
heaviness in the chest
He doesn’t have any medical condition or any medication , or allergy
He went for jogging in the morning and this happen suddenly
Monitor shows high blood pressure and sinus Arrythmia
Talk to the patient and take focused history and manage him
Examination and investigation:
Do ABCDE, check for vitals , if oxygen is low give oxygen , monitor shows
high blood pressure 150/95mmhg , and pulse is irregular 140
Chest examination finding normal
Routine blood , chest Xray , ECG, ABG, cardiac enzyme, RBS
Greet and confirm identity and introduce yourself
Take focused history of dizziness and ask DD , Medical history and
Look at the monitor and do ABCDE after taking consent
Propped up the patient give oxygen
Do two large bore cannula in the arm and give fluid and checking the
chest and beta blocker and calcium channel blocker
Check the blood pressure and pulse again and finish the rest
Call the senior team and admit the patient , we need to do echo to look
for the heart and further management
56.child had a fall
You are FY2 in in pediatric department
a 30 year old lady who brought her 9 months old Childto the hospital
following a fall.
She was changing nappy of her other kid when she felldown from the
It happened an hour ago.No symptoms after fall,mother didn’t witness
the fall, she was crying after the fall, and there is a bruise on forehead
BIRDDD Normal, She is up to date with her jabs.
No past medical history. MAF normal,no findings head to toe
talk to the mom . Take history and address her concerns
Dr you will not perform a CT scan now?
Why not CT scan?
Examination and Investigations:
take observations and head to toe, examination of thebruise,look for
rashes, ear
Routine bloods
Greet and confirm identity and build good rapport
explore fall,before-during-after,then explore head to toe,and ask
questions for indication of CT scan (any LOC, fits, vomiting, bleeding
from nose ear, drowsiness etc)
Do ICE, verbalize examination and summarize then explain her child got
a mild head injury
Tell her it doesn’t look quite serious and she should be fine.
She doesn’t need a CT scan because we don’t want to expose her to
unnecessary radiation.
Involve senior
Observe her for 4h then sent her home if everything is fine
Safety netting: LOC, Fit , Drowsy, Difficulty in waking herup,
Weakness, Vomiting, Clear fluid nose/ear
57. Prescription
You are FY2 in in AMU
A 50 year old woman has fallen in the ward and in pain
She has been diagnosed with COPD and bipolar mood disorder
She has been taking drugs:
lithium 800 mg BD PO
tiotropium bromide 2 puff in the morning,
sere tide 500 2 puff nocte,
salbutamol 1-2 puff as required, atorvastatine 80 mg nocte
She has allergy in penicillin causes rash
prescribe Ibuprofen and usual medication
Setting, no patient, BNF, pen and prescriptionpaper, sticker, calculator
60.Follow up
You are FY2 in general practice
A 64 year old woman has come for follow up
she came to the GP a month ago with pain I shoulders and hips and
diagnosed with PMR , she was placed onprednisolone OD,
lansoprazole OD, alendronate OD.
She has HTN and take amlodipine.
She has DM which is controlled by diet.
She has a list of meds she takes regularly. Aspirin 75mgdaily.
Amlodipine 10mg daily. And have no symptoms.
She wants to stop steroids because she heard steroidscan cause side
She lives with her husband , and she is a retired primaryschool teacher.
Talk to the patient and address his concern
Why do I need to continue steroid as I’m feeling well?
Examination and Investigations:
Observations, Neurological (upper and lower)and respiratory
examination , do fundoscopy
Routine (FBC, LFTs, KFTs, RBS) and inflammatory markers
blood tests done which showed ESR 55 high CRP 45high
Greet and confirm identity
Paraphrase the scenario, take focused history before explaining the test
result ( ask about symptoms, how she is coping , any challenges)
Explore medication compliance, ask about the side effects of steroids
do MAFTOSA DESA, ask and address concern,verbalise examination
and explain test results whichshows undergoing inflammation
So she can’t stop the steroid, rather we can start reducing the steroids
slowly from today only if symptoms are controlled.
Referral: No need to see specialist now since her symptoms are
Advice Support groups, Occupational therapist and physiotherapist
Safety netting
61.elderly abuse
you are FY2 in in acute medicine unit
A 80 year old lady has been brought to the hospital byher daughter
after a fall
The nurses have examined her and she was found to have bruises of
different ages on her arms.
She has chest pain and now in the radio departmenthaving an X-
she fell down at home, her daughter found her on thefloor. She lives
with her daughter who is the career.
Her daughter also have 2 kids and work sometimes.
There is no one else there to look after her mom.
Initially, she says her mom fell down with the Zimmer frame and she
didn’t witness the fall , immediately brought her to the hospital.
Later after more questions, she admits, it’s sometimes difficult for her to
handle her mom. So, she hit theradiator and fell down. It is difficult to
shower and feed her and then go to work.
These days her mom is slow and she goes late for work every day.
Last week her employer has given her a written notice and she is
stressed out
Take history and discuss management with the daughter. Permission has
been taken from the patient tospeak to her daughter.
greet and confirm identity , build good rapport
Take focused history of fall , before-during- after(did youwitness the fall?
Was there anyone who witnessed the fall? What was she doing when
she fell down? Who elsewas at home? Did she hit her head? )
take past history, MAFTOSA, DESA, psycho social (whocares her
mom, any challenges, how’s everything at home, finances and work life,
any support etc)
Signpost abuse and explore abuse, tell her that you have found bruises
in different part of the body which is unusual in a fall
If she admits explore the incident , if she has beendoing it for a
long time, except pushing her does she been not giving her food or
medications. Ask about most challenging things and struggles
Offer career , support, advice nursing home
involve social services
62.Per rectal exam:
You are FY2 in general practice
50 years old man came for follow up
had frequency of micturition during the day for 6months
Also wakes up night 2times to go to the toilet for peeing
Blood tests were normal except PSA test came a bit high
Recently a friend got prostate cancer that’s why hecame for check up
He has seen a TV advertisement from where you got toknow you can
have PSA test done
Otherwise fit and well
FLAWS negative, no fever, no other urinary symptoms, no past medical
condition (DM , RENAL STONES, BPH)
take focused history, perform examination and do themanagement
take Observations , do head to toe
Perform prostate exam (it is uncomfortable but it wouldhelp to check for any
abnormalities) and abdomen
Greet and confirm the identity
take focused history, urinary symptoms and red flags FLAWS
past medical history and family history
explain examination, take consent, offer chaperone
Perform the Per rectal examination as you were taught
thank the patient and summarize what you have found
As there are symptoms and PSA increased urgentreferral to the
Specialist will carry out more investigation like scan ,biopsy
Safety netting FLAWS
64.Teaching :
You are FY2 in emergency department
A young lady brought her 5 years old son to the hospital afteranaphylaxis.
She went to a restaurant and told them her child h a s p e a n u t allergy
but they gave him peanut. This is the 2nd time he developed anaphylaxis.
The first time was when he went to his friend’s birthday party and he was
given food with peanut.
He was treated that time and was prescribed Epipen.
She doesn’t know how to use EPIPEN, now she wants know the use of
Talk to the mom , address her concern and teach her how to use the epipen
What If she doesn’t respond to it first time. Should I use it again?If she
develops rash should I use it?
what if I use the PEN and it’s not anaphylaxis?
Greet and confirm identity
Explore anaphylaxis, take history of the incident, and explore symptoms,
do head to toe, BIRDDD, MAF (take focused and short history)
Now assess knowledge about the Epipen, explain i t ' s p a r t s .
Explain about the signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis(swelling of throat,
lips, eyes, difficult breathing)
Teach Epipen as taught in academy
Use Epipen when signs/symptoms of anaphylaxis and call ambulance
Explain she can give epipen even if she is not sure if either he is having
signs of anaphylaxis or not
It is not going to be harmful for the kid even if you give it to him and later
realize it is not anaphylaxis. He might experience some heart racing, etc
but it would settle in 15 to 20 minutes.
Always have 2 Epipen, use another one in 5 minutes if ambulance doesn't
Avoid triggers and advice about trigger diary
Offer support
Refer the patient to the allergy clinic. So that we can know the cause of the
reaction and a diagnosis can be made.
Give the child a bracelet to wear
Safety netting
65.Refusal Station:
A 25 year old male in the A&E
He is in the A&E for 2 hours. He was diagnosed with hypoglycemic fit
and was managed, advised to be admitted which he refuses.
He developed LOC and jerky movements.
He was brought to the A&E by ambulance.
This is the 1st time he developed such symptoms.
Diagnosed with type 1 diabetes 10 years ago.
He skips his insulin doses and meals recently, as he'sbusy with work
He’s a truck driver.
take focused history, discuss diagnosis and management.
What are they going to do for me in the hospital?
he wants to go home
Examination and investigation:
take observations, examine tummy
Blood (RBS/ ESR, CRP/ cholesterol/ ABG/ KFT), Urine (dipstick culture +
ketone bodies), chest X-ray for infection, Erect abdominal X-ray, RBS,
ABG (metabolic acidosis)
greet and confirm identity
explore presenting complaints and take full history of diabetes (for how
long, medication, if it’s controlled,complications, check ups, any
challenges, what happened today)
exclude red flags, infection, DESA, MAFTOSA
Do ICE, verbalize examination and explain what is DKA it’s a serious
condition if not treated can be life threatening
tell the patient he needs admission, if patient refuses
use refusal approach
Explain what treatment will be provided in the hospital (insulin via
drip), fluid to reduce dehydration
Address concern of the patient, ask for the reason of
refusal and give solutions
Advice to inform DVLA
66.Skin mole:
You are FY2 in surgery out patient department
A 55 year old man has come with a complaint of a molefor several
He wants to remove it, it is sometimes itching with tingling sensation.
It’s black in colour, bleeds sometimes, no pain
It is increasing in size for the last few months
FLAWS negative, (+/-) family history of cancer
No smoking/ alcohol
No past medical, medication or surgical history
Patient like sunbaths
Talk to the patient ,address his concerns , discussmanagement
What will you do for me?
Do I have a cancer?
Examination and investigation:
Observations , check skin lesion, neck and armpit forlymph nodes
Routine blood test, chest X-ray
Greet and confirm identity
Explore the skin lesion (site, size, shape, duration, margin, colour, any
changes, bleeding, itchiness etc)
Ask psycho social effect
do differentials and FLAWS
Ask about past history, MAFTOSA,12DESA, contact, sun bathing
ask concern and idea then summarize what you are suspecting in a
calm way “ in best case scenario it couldbe some sort of skin infection
or other benign cause butin worst case scenario it could be something
sinister likeskin cancer.”
Urgent referral within 2 weeks to dermatologist
Dermatologist can carry out further examination. Hewould send for a
biopsy to determine its type, assess itsspread also to confirm the
diagnosis. The treatment options will depend on its stage and extent
can betreated with surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy
Address rest of the concerns
Safety netting
67.Allergic rhinitis:
you are FY2 in general practice
A 35 year old man has come with sneezing for two months, it’s getting
worse, he has runny nose , and nasal clear fluid discharge, no blood in
It’s not related to the weather
it becomes worse if he goes out
No other symptoms
No medical condition, no drug history, allergic to dust and pollen
Family history of asthma and hay fever
He smokes cigarettes, and drinks socially
Works in a bank and it’s affecting his
12 work
talk to the patient and assess him , discuss management
what are the side effects of steroids?
Examination and Investigations:
Take observations and examine head to toe, noseroutine blood test
greet and confirm identity
Explore sneezing, ODPARA, associated symptoms (cold, cough, SOB,
FLAWS), exclude DD (polyp, covid, nasal obstruction, sinusitis)
Past medical history, MAFTOSA, DESA , do ICE
verbalize examination and summarize you aresuspecting allergic rhinitis
which is an inflammation of inside of the nose caused by allergen such
as pollen and dust
Avoid triggering factors, smoking , dust , pets, pollens, keep windows
Offer treatment nasal irrigation with saline using a pump or spray, use
anti histamine, steroid nasal spray toreduce swelling and inflammation
Say nasal dryness , irritation, nose bleeds
safety netting
Follow up in 2 weeks
68.Acute back pain
You are FY2 in emergency department
36 year old patient presented with back pain,lifted heavy object 2days
back,took paracetamol but didn’t work.
Severe pain, patient holding his back 8/10 have weak and sensation loss
in the right leg.
Unable to control bowel,have numbness around back passage, urine
retention for the last 8 hours
No past medical condition
FLAWS negative,no other symptoms
take focused history, assess , and discuss themanagement with
the patient
examination and Investigations:
take observations, head to toe Tenderness on the lumbar region
Neurological Examination:
lower 2/5 on Right side
Normal on the left side
Tone reduced on the right and normal on the left Loss of sensation on the
lateral side of the thigh.
SLRT positive and PR exam for tone of anal sphincter.
all blood, Supine X-ray
Greet and confirm the identity
do SOCRATES of pain And differential (AAA, Prostate. Cancer, Cauda
equina syndrome)
Past medical history and MAFTOSA
Verbalize examination and summarize
Explain cauda equina syndrome as you have loss of sensation,inability to
pass urine and SLRT findings positive on examination.Most likely the
cause of your symptoms is slipped disc have caused compression on the
Involve senior
Immediately refer to orthopedic and neurosurgeon
Give proper pain killer,diazepam,catheter
Explain might need operation to relieve the compressed nerve
occupational therapist to readjust the environment of work
safety netting
69. Obstructive sleep apnoea:
You are FY2 in general practice
A 42 years has been presenting with complaint of tiredness forlast
He doesn’t feel refresh in the morning after waking up, he sleepswell ,
doesn’t take naps during the day
He snores at night, wife complaints she can not sleep due to snoring ,
Doses off at times in the day doesn’t have any other symptoms , infection ,
recent flu or fever,weight loss etc , he eats everything and has minimal
physical activity
He is also a smoker and has high alcohol intake
His FLAWS negative
No Medical condition, medication or family history
The patient is a lorry driver
He is overweight and his BMI 35
Talk to the patient and address his concerns
I don’t want to give up driving
Greet and confirm identity
Take focused history (ODIPARA, associated symptoms, FLAWS,medical
conditions, medication, psychological, Occupation, Driving)
Verbalize examination (BMI, GPE, Vitals)
Explain suspected diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnoea
Involve senior and refer to sleep clinic for polysomnography test
Advise on DESA especially weight loss, life style advice, use ofCPAP
Support and advice to inform DVLA.
Ask employer to give another job or contact citizen advisory bureau
Safety net
You are FY2 in pediatric department
A 30year old lady has brought her 18month old baby, as he was having
inconsolable crying for 10min, cries for 5min continuously and then
stops for 1 min and start again for another 5min.
The child cries while pulling legs. To tummy, had 2 episodesof diarrhea
with bloody stool (currant jelly stool)
Vomited twice, contained food particle, not projectile
child is lethargic and is not eating or drinking properly
He born normal vaginal delivery, no complication during or after
birth, no relevant past medical history or hospital admission
Talk to mother asses the baby and discuss management plan
Whats wrong with my child?
Investigation and examination:
Take observation , signs of dehydration
Head to toe
Routine blood, LFT, KFT, Xray of tummy, urea and electrolytes
Greet and confirm identity
Take focused history, explore vomiting, do differentials (pyloric
stenosis), BIRDDD, head to toe questions, MAF, diet, injury , recent
infection ,bowel and bladder
Do ICE, verbalise examination and explain you suspect intussuseption,
when a portion of bowel goes inside of another like a telescope
Explain management plan , need immediate admission, involve senior
Fluids through vein, pain killers, NG tube
There are two types of treatment , one is specialist will try to pushthe
fluid , if fails then surgery
Address concerns and reassure
71.Ear examination:
you are FY2 in in general practice
35 year old man has come with hearing problem andear pain for last
two weeks
he works in the bank,this is affecting his work
He came a week back and was given ear drops due toear wax,but
didn’t work
He is generally fit and well,no other symptoms,no
dizziness,discharge from the ear,no fever
No medical condition,or allergies
take focused history,perform relevant examination and discuss
Examination and investigation:
Take observations and head to toe examination Perform otoscope
examination of the ear Routine blood
greet and confirm identity
paraphrase the scenario and do ODPARA of the presenting
complaint(explore hearing loss and ear pain,cardinal symptoms)
take focused history and rule out differentials
Do ICE and perform ear examination as you weretaught in the
72.Traveler from uganda
You are FY2 in General practice
A 30 year old man presented with fever with chills and rigor, he didn’t
measure the temperature,mostly rises in the evening
He took paracetamol but didn’t help
No other symptoms, no rash, no shyness to light orneck stiffness,no
cough or shortness of breath
he is feeling weak and malaise
No past medical history of medication history
He has travelled to Uganda for business trip few weeks back
He does not receive travel Vaccination, not sure about insect bite
He is only one having this symptoms , no one close to him has
similar symptoms
take focused history and discuss management
Examination and investigation:
Take observations and examination head to toe,look for
rashes,abdomen examination
Routine blood tests,thick and thin film to check malarialparasite,LFT,KFT,
covid test,Inflammatory markers
greet and confirm identity
explore fever, ask about other symptoms, do differentials
(meningitis,infection,TB, covid ,malaria)
ask past history and MAFTOSA
Explore travel history,ask about travel vaccination,purpose of travel,any
you are FY2 in emergency department
40years old man came to the hospital and diagnosedwith DVT
patient is also hypertensive, on regular medication
Prescribe rivaroxaban
amlodipine 10mg
Aspirin 75 mg
Paracetamol 1 gm
Greet the examiner
Setting prescription paper, BNF , pen sticker
Fill up the prescription and check BNF
do not prescribe aspirin
Prescribe Rivaroxaban dose from BNF
74.Speculum combined
You are FY2 in general practice
A 45 yrs old lady coming for routine Pap smear appointment, she has 2
Last pap was 5 years ago, came out normal.
She has no symptoms no bleeding, discharge
Last menstruation 2weeks back
She has been experiencing heavy bleeding for few monthsduring period
Sexually active no use of devices, use condoms
Exclude any contraindication to Pap smear (recentsex, spermicidal gel,
Talk to the patient and collect the Pap smear.
When will the results be ready?
Greet and confirm identity
Paraphrase the scenario, and take focused history and build goodrapport
Ask about previous PAP smear, any concern regarding that, active
bleeding, use of spermicides, last sexual intercourse etc
Explain PAP smear, do PPCCE.Set up the clean area. Gatherthe
Do the procedure
Speculum show white ring around cervix
It was surepath preparation;make sure you detach it properly.
After taking the smear,label it and send it to lab
Thank the patient and address concern, result will be within 2weeks
75.Mom had a fall:
You are FY2 in orthopaedics department
An 80 year old lady has presented in the hospital after a fall
She sustained a fracture of the wrist and which has been fixed the
specialist team
She was admitted to the ward and examined by physiotherapist and
occupational therapist who recommended her to use walking sticks
Social services has recommended her caregivers tocome twice
She is mentally well and capable of understanding information
All her investigations came back normal
She is ready to go home, she is normally fit and welland walks
independently, not on any medications
Her son has been informed , permission has been takenfrom the mom
to talk to him
He thinks his mom is not safe to go back home, and hethinks nursing
home is a better place for her
Son Doesn’t live with the mom, he lives in a different city
Please talk to her son and address his concern.
I don’t want her to go home, she will be safe in carehome. will you
take the responsibility if she has another fall?
Greet and confirm identity , confirm the relationships Paraphrase the
scenario 12
Build a good rapport, Check understanding of his mother’s condition
Explore how much does he know, what happened with her, what test
were done, what was the diagnosis and management,
Has anyone discussed about her management planafter discharge , or
Did he talked to his mother
Ask about medical condition, psycho social, who lives with her, who
mostly takes care , tell him that social services has been confirmed
career visit twice a day
Appreciate him for being so caring son, and explain the multi-
disciplinary approach towards her
Tell him that right now we will follow what the team suggest, nursing
home can be an option if she fails to cope up with her condition
Also assure him we will book an appointment with GP for home visit
after few days of her discharge
Address concerns, assure him we will do the best to make sure she will
not have another fall , but we can’t guarantee that she won’t have a fall.
That’s why we will involve the social service and occupational therapist
to check everything that is suitable for her
Thank him and appreciate him again
76.Breaking bad news
You are FY2 in emergency department
A 77 years old man who has collapsed at home andbrought to the
hospital by an ambulance.
Patient’s wife has come to see her husband
she was watching Football match with his husband when he suddenly
collapsed. She called the ambulance and he was brought to the
hospital. She came to the hospital byher own.
The neurosurgeon has assessed him and have classified the condition
as terminal as they felt an operation wouldn’t resolve the situation.
The CT scan of the head was done and showed massive intracranial
hemorrhage. The neurosurgeon believe it is berry’s aneurysm.
He had a stroke previously few months back
Patient is lying unconscious and breathing independently.
He is hypertensive and on ramipril, diabetic and hasstable angina.
Non smoker, non alcoholic
talk to the patient’s wife, tell her about the patient’scondition and
address her concern
Are you going to send him to ICU?
How much time does have left?
Would he need surgery?
Introduce yourself, greet and confirm identity andrelationships
Assess knowledge and take history about the incident, (before-during-
Ask about bleeding disorder, medical condition, medication history,
blood thinners, DESA
Do breaking bad approach, ‘your husband was brought to the hospital
by an ambulance unconscious. Unfortunately, He is still unconscious
and we have doneCT scan on his head But, the results were not what
we are hoping for.
explain the massive haemorrhage and what specialist has taken
decision. Offer support.
Explain palliative care.
Address concern; Unfortunately, ICU is where we putpatients who
will recover. It won’t be beneficial to him.
It is difficult to say how much time he has left but I willspeak to
surgeons if they can give us a time frame.
explain her the possible cause of this , like hypertension
explain why surgery is not possible
Talk in a very calm voice and comfort her, answer all herquestions.
77. simman
You are FY2 in emergency department
28 year old male has been brought to the hospital
He has vomited a lot of blood (there will be bowl full of
He gastric acidity , heart burn and bloating for few
months and has undergone a endoscopy yesterday
No past medical history, used to take anti ulcer-ant for
the gastric symptoms, no bleeding disorder, not taking
any blood thinners
Patient is feeling dizzy
Talk to the patient, do management
Examination and investigation:
Patients vital in the monitor
O2 94%
BP 80/50
Pulse 110 tachycardia
RR 18
Greet , introduce yourself and confirm identity
Take focused history (vomiting) past medical history,
medication and allergy
Do ABCDE , give oxygen
do X-RAY of the chest , ABG, ECG
Do cannula in both hands
Give fluid Hartman (do fluid challenge), take blood
sample for investigation including blood grouping and
cross matching
Give 2 units of O negative blood right away, until you
receive cross matched blood from the blood bank
Admit the patient for farther management
Involve senior, call for Gastro-enterologist for further
scan and management
You are FY2 in general practice
A 30 year old lady has come for the test result she has
done a week back
She presented with tiredness , and dr has requested
blood test
She still feels tired all the time, no other symptoms, she
works as an accountant and it’s affecting her work.
She decided to be a vegetarian 2 years ago for
religious reasons. she does not eat eggs or redmeat.
Not willing to change her diet because of her religious
she has 2 children and finding it difficult to cope with
caring of them.
No other medical condition , bleeding disorder or
medication use
Period is regular, mood fine
Task :
Talk to the patient and discuss test result and do
Another Dr said I’m anemic but I don’t need injection
Examination and investigation:
Take observation and head to toe
Hb 10.1gm (Low),
MCV 120ft (High),
Ferritin 30gm/ml, Iron 13g/dl,
Folic acid 12mmol/L,
Vit B12 100pg/Dl (200-800).
Greet and confirm identity
Paraphrase the scenario , explore tiredness , recent
condition ,any new symptoms, red flags, tingling and
numbness of hand, problem in balance while walking
Do ICE, verbalize examintaion and explain test result,
she hasbeen having vitamin b12 deficiency, as she is
vegetarian that isthe reason of this
Involve senior, and run special test to check intrinsic factor
toensure that vitB12 can be absorbed in diet, IgA TTG,
a n t i t h y r o i d antibodies
Treatment: injections 3 times weekly for 4 weeks then
injectiononce monthly
Address her concern , she needs injection , otherwise if
its not treated can turn into something serious
Specialist: Blood specialist (anti parietal cells
antibodies,anti-intrinsic factor antibodies)
Advice: DESA: would u consider eating meat, egg ...
etc.?Otherwise it will be a must to take vit B 12 for life
Safety netting: persistence tiredness
You are FY2 in general practice
A 17 year old lady is calling you with some concerns,
she has been experiencing headache which is dull,
continuous, all around the head, not radiating anywhere
,no associated symptoms like blurry vision, nausea,
Her headache usually starts before her period and
stops about 2 days into period
she tried ibuprofen and paracetamol but it didn’t help
No past medical and medication history, or family
history of similarsymptoms
Her menstruation regular,otherwise fit and well
no smoking or alcohol habit, diet normal
Talk to her, address her concerns and discuss
I am worried if I take steroids they would increase my
Examination and investigation:
observations, Fundoscopy, Nerves of headand
arms,Ear and nose
Routine bloods,ESR and CRP
Greet and confirm identity, start with telephonic
Explore the headache,do ODPARA
Do differentials, ask pre-menstrual symptoms questions
(breast tenderness,loss of appetite,mood swing,trouble
sleeping,low sex drive)
ask menstrual history, sexual history, pills, mood
Do ICE; verbalize examination and investigation
Explain menstrual migraine which precipitated by period
Offer sumatriptan during the attack of migraine as
ibuprofen and paracetamol are not working
Advice of keeping a diary of period and headache
Once the relationship between the headache and
menstrual period has been confirmed then she needs
tostart on COCP to be taken continuously.
when she will ask about weight gain,tell her about
dietitian and exercise
Follow up in three months
Safety netting
You are FY2 in emergency department
A 65 years old female has presented with confusion in
themorning,has been brought by her daughter
she had no history of fever,chest infection or urine
infection and nohistory dementia,no additional
symptoms or red flags
She has been diagnosed with depression and is taking
citalopramfor 5 months
She also has hypertension and has been taking anti-
Her daughter is in the cubicle and is very concerned
about hermother
She has the consent to talk about her mother
Talk to daughter and address her concern
examination and Investigations:
Take observations and head to toe Routine
blood,LFT,KFT,CT Scan,ABG
Blood tests shows hyponatremia 122 mmolCT scan is
What happened to her?
Is she going to be alright?
Greet,confirm identity and ask about consent
Take focused history including red flags and risk factors
conditions,medications), ODPARA of tiredness , past
medical andmedication history
Verbalize examination and investigation
Explain test results to the daughter,including
hyponatremia and itsrelation to her mother’s
presentation(Low salt levels can be cause of the
Explain how her medication(Citalopram and
thazide)could be thecause of low salt levels leading to
explain management plan,she needs to be
admitted,and fluids willbe given
Involve senior,Specialist referral and medication review
will be done
ask psycho social questions and if she needs any support