Mce371 7
Mce371 7
Mce371 7
MCE371: Vibrations
Prof. Richter
Handout 7
Fall 2011
Free Vibration
1-DOF Vibration Characteristics
Free Vibration with Dry Friction
Follow Palm, Sect. 3.2, 3.3 (pp 120-138), 3.5 (pp 144-151), 3.8 (pp.
Rayleigh’s Method
Tmax = Vmax − Vmin
In harmonic motion, the points of zero kinetic energy are reversal points,
where motion amplitude is maximum. If the displacement amplitude is A
and the frequency is wn , the velocity amplitude will be Awn .
Free Vibration
1-DOF Vibration Characteristics
Free Vibration with Dry Friction
When spring force (and not gravity) is the restoring force causing
oscillation, we can ignore gravity effects and consider oscillations about
the equilibrium position. In these cases, the frequency of oscillation is
independent of g .
Define an origin of coordinates for x at the equilibrium position and
assume x = A sin(wt).
Find expressions for the kinetic energy and the elastic potential
energy as a function of x and ẋ.
Find Tmax , Vmin and Vmax .
Use Tmax = Vmax − Vmin to find the frequency (A should drop out
of the equation)
Free Vibration
1-DOF Vibration Characteristics
Free Vibration with Dry Friction
Examples: P3.31
Note: In P3.36, gravity is the only restoring force, can’t ignore it!
Free Vibration
1-DOF Vibration Characteristics
Free Vibration with Dry Friction
Overdamped Solution
x(t) = A1 e r1 t + A2 e r2 t
where s = r1 and s = r2 are the real and distinct poles.
If at least one pole is positive, the solution grows to infinity (not
regarded a “vibration”)
If both poles are negative, x(t) dies out to zero as t increases.
We can find A1 and A2 if the initial conditions x(0) and ẋ(0) are
known, see Palm p.136.
Free Vibration
1-DOF Vibration Characteristics
Free Vibration with Dry Friction
Critically-Damped Solution
x(t) = A1 e r1 t + tA2 e r1 t
where s = r1 is the real repeated pole (ch. eq. is (s − r1 )2 = 0).
If the pole is positive or zero, the solution grows to infinity.
If the pole is negative, x(t) dies out to zero as t increases.
We can find A1 and A2 if the initial conditions x(0) and ẋ(0) are
known, see Palm p.137.
Free Vibration
1-DOF Vibration Characteristics
Free Vibration with Dry Friction
Underdamped Solution
x(t) = Be rt sin(qt + φ)
where s = r ± qi is the complex-conjugate pole pair (solution of
ms 2 + cs + k = 0).
If the real part of the pole (r ) is positive or zero, the solution grows
to infinity.
If the pole is negative, x(t) dies out to zero as t increases.
We can find B and φ if the initial conditions x(0) and ẋ(0) are
known, see Palm p.137.
Free Vibration
1-DOF Vibration Characteristics
Free Vibration with Dry Friction
ẍ + 2ζwn ẋ + wn2 x = 0
Free Vibration
1-DOF Vibration Characteristics
Free Vibration with Dry Friction
Logarithmic decrement: δ = ln x(t+T ) , T is the period.
For non-consecutive peaks: δ = n ln BBn+1
(see Palm, p.150)
Relationship to ζ:
4π + δ 2
Free Vibration
1-DOF Vibration Characteristics
Free Vibration with Dry Friction
Continuing the solution, it is seen that the solution segments are cosine
functions with decreasing amplitudes:
The sequence of amplitudes is Xn+1 = Xn − 4µN/k (the envelope is
a straight line). The initial amplitude is x0 .
The observed frequency in this case is wn .
Motion will continue until x falls below µN/k. Then the mass gets
stuck at this value.
Exercise: Sketch the shape of the oscillations in Prob. 3.70.
Free Vibration
1-DOF Vibration Characteristics
Free Vibration with Dry Friction
1 1
s −φ s
−1 −1