Mce371 7

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1-DOF Vibration Characteristics

MCE371: Vibrations

Prof. Richter

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Handout 7
Fall 2011
Free Vibration
1-DOF Vibration Characteristics
Free Vibration with Dry Friction

Free Undamped Vibration

Follow Palm, Sect. 3.2, 3.3 (pp 120-138), 3.5 (pp 144-151), 3.8 (pp.

The equation of motion for unforced (free) and undamped 1-DOF

systems is
mẍ + kx = 0
The general solution has the form x = A sin(wt + φ)
Verify that the above solution fits the differential equation if
k = mw 2
The frequency r
has a key role in vibrations. It’s called the natural frequency
Free Vibration
1-DOF Vibration Characteristics
Free Vibration with Dry Friction

Rayleigh’s Method

Sometimes, we are interested in finding the natural frequency without

having to derive the equations of motion. This can be done using
Rayleigh’s method if there is no friction (energy-conserving vibrations).
By conservation of total energy, the kinetic energy is minimum (zero)
when the potential energy is maximum, and the kinetic energy is
maximum when the potential energy is minimum. This means

Tmax + Vmin = 0 + Vmax

Tmax = Vmax − Vmin
In harmonic motion, the points of zero kinetic energy are reversal points,
where motion amplitude is maximum. If the displacement amplitude is A
and the frequency is wn , the velocity amplitude will be Awn .
Free Vibration
1-DOF Vibration Characteristics
Free Vibration with Dry Friction

Using Rayleigh’s Method

When spring force (and not gravity) is the restoring force causing
oscillation, we can ignore gravity effects and consider oscillations about
the equilibrium position. In these cases, the frequency of oscillation is
independent of g .
Define an origin of coordinates for x at the equilibrium position and
assume x = A sin(wt).
Find expressions for the kinetic energy and the elastic potential
energy as a function of x and ẋ.
Find Tmax , Vmin and Vmax .
Use Tmax = Vmax − Vmin to find the frequency (A should drop out
of the equation)
Free Vibration
1-DOF Vibration Characteristics
Free Vibration with Dry Friction


Mass m hanging from a spring k.

Define the origin at the rest position and assume x = A sin(wt).
Then ẋ = Aw cos(wt).
T = 12 mẋ 2 and V = 12 kx 2 .
Tmax = 21 m(Aw )2 , Vmin = 0, Vmax = 21 kA2
Equation: 2 m(Aw )
= 12 kA2 . A2 cancels out.
We find w 2 = k/m, as expected. The frequency is the same on
earth, the moon or outer space.
Free Vibration
1-DOF Vibration Characteristics
Free Vibration with Dry Friction

Examples: P3.31

Note: In P3.36, gravity is the only restoring force, can’t ignore it!
Free Vibration
1-DOF Vibration Characteristics
Free Vibration with Dry Friction

Free 1-DOF Vibration with Viscous Damping

The equation of motion always has the form
mẍ + c ẋ + kx = 0
In Laplace form
(ms 2 + cs + k)X (s) = 0

The form of the solution depends on the roots (poles) of the

characteristic equation ms 2 + cs + k = 0
From the quadratic formula:

−c ± c 2 − 4mk
If c 2 − 4mk > 0 we get 2 distinct real poles (overdamped case)
If c 2 − 4mk = 0 we get 2 repeated real poles (critically-damped
If c 2 − 4mk < 0 we get a pair of complex-conjugate poles
(underdamped case)
Free Vibration
1-DOF Vibration Characteristics
Free Vibration with Dry Friction

Overdamped Solution

x(t) = A1 e r1 t + A2 e r2 t
where s = r1 and s = r2 are the real and distinct poles.
If at least one pole is positive, the solution grows to infinity (not
regarded a “vibration”)
If both poles are negative, x(t) dies out to zero as t increases.
We can find A1 and A2 if the initial conditions x(0) and ẋ(0) are
known, see Palm p.136.
Free Vibration
1-DOF Vibration Characteristics
Free Vibration with Dry Friction

Critically-Damped Solution

x(t) = A1 e r1 t + tA2 e r1 t
where s = r1 is the real repeated pole (ch. eq. is (s − r1 )2 = 0).
If the pole is positive or zero, the solution grows to infinity.
If the pole is negative, x(t) dies out to zero as t increases.
We can find A1 and A2 if the initial conditions x(0) and ẋ(0) are
known, see Palm p.137.
Free Vibration
1-DOF Vibration Characteristics
Free Vibration with Dry Friction

Underdamped Solution

x(t) = Be rt sin(qt + φ)
where s = r ± qi is the complex-conjugate pole pair (solution of
ms 2 + cs + k = 0).
If the real part of the pole (r ) is positive or zero, the solution grows
to infinity.
If the pole is negative, x(t) dies out to zero as t increases.
We can find B and φ if the initial conditions x(0) and ẋ(0) are
known, see Palm p.137.
Free Vibration
1-DOF Vibration Characteristics
Free Vibration with Dry Friction

The Standard 1-DOF Equation

Assuming viscous damping and free vibration, we’ve seen that the
equation is
mẍ + c ẋ + kx = 0
Dividing through by m:
c k
ẍ + ẋ + x = 0
m m
Define the following constants
ζ = √ the damping ratio
2 mk
wn = the natural frequency
With these definitions the standard equation of motion is

ẍ + 2ζwn ẋ + wn2 x = 0
Free Vibration
1-DOF Vibration Characteristics
Free Vibration with Dry Friction

Solutions According to Damping Ratio

Comparisons of c 2 − 4mk against zero are equivalent to comparisons of ζ

against 1, as follows:
If ζ > 1, the solution is overdamped
If ζ = 1, the solution is critically-damped
If 0 < ζ < 1, the solution is underdamped
If ζ = 0 there is no damping (pure harmonic motion).
If ζ < 0 the solution grows to infinity (unstable).
Free Vibration
1-DOF Vibration Characteristics
Free Vibration with Dry Friction

Underdamped Vibration: The Damped Natural Frequency

The poles in the underdamped case have the form
s = −ζwn ± 1 − ζ 2 i
The free response in the underdamped case is a decaying oscillation
(recall 1st handout)
x(t) = Be −ζwn t sin(wd t + φ)
where wd is the damped natural frequency:
wd = 1 − ζ 2

wd (not wn ) is the frequency that is actually observed in a decaying

We can find wd by measuring the period Td of the oscillation and
wd = T2πd
If wd and ζ are known, we can find wn easily.
Free Vibration
1-DOF Vibration Characteristics
Free Vibration with Dry Friction

Underdamped Vibration: Logarithmic Decrement vs.

Damping Ratio

Logarithmic decrement: δ = ln x(t+T ) , T is the period.

For non-consecutive peaks: δ = n ln BBn+1
(see Palm, p.150)

Relationship to ζ:
4π + δ 2
Free Vibration
1-DOF Vibration Characteristics
Free Vibration with Dry Friction

Coulomb (Dry) Friction

An mass sliding on a surface with Coulomb friction (µN type) is affected

by a force of constant magnitude and changing direction. The direction
of the friction force is always opposite to the direction of travel. We take
the friction force to be µN, where N is the normal force (component of
weight perpendicular to velocity vector). The friction force can be
expressed as
Ff = −µN sign (ẋ)
The equation of motion is then

mẍ + kx = −µN sign (ẋ )

Free Vibration
1-DOF Vibration Characteristics
Free Vibration with Dry Friction

Free Vibration with Coulomb Friction Solutions

Assume the initial conditions are x(0) = x0 > 0 and ẋ(0) = 0. If the
restoring force can overcome friction (kx0 > µN), the block moves with
negative velocity and we have
mẍ + kx = µN
The solution has the form
x(t) = (x0 − µN/k) cos(wn t) + µN/k
which is valid only while ẋ ≤ 0 (until the block reaches zero velocity).
The time for this to happen can be easily calculated: t = π/wn . Then
the block begins moving with positive velocity, and we have
mẍ + kx = −µN
The solution in this case is
x(t) = (x0 − 3µN/k) cos(wn t) − µN/k

which is valid only for π/wn ≤ t ≤ 2π/wn .

Free Vibration
1-DOF Vibration Characteristics
Free Vibration with Dry Friction

Free Vibration with Coulomb Friction Solutions...

Continuing the solution, it is seen that the solution segments are cosine
functions with decreasing amplitudes:
The sequence of amplitudes is Xn+1 = Xn − 4µN/k (the envelope is
a straight line). The initial amplitude is x0 .
The observed frequency in this case is wn .
Motion will continue until x falls below µN/k. Then the mass gets
stuck at this value.
Exercise: Sketch the shape of the oscillations in Prob. 3.70.
Free Vibration
1-DOF Vibration Characteristics
Free Vibration with Dry Friction

Simulating Vibrations with Coulomb Friction

The sign function represents a sharp discontinuity. It is likely to cause

solvers like ode45 to crash. We can use a continuous approximation to
the sign function: the saturation function.
sgn (s) sat( φs )

1 1
s −φ s
−1 −1

Signum function Saturation Function

The idea is to divide ẋ by a small constant φ and then apply the

saturation function. The slope of the approximation is 1/φ. We can
make φ as small as required to achieve a good tradeoff between
numerical solution speed and accuracy.
Free Vibration
1-DOF Vibration Characteristics
Free Vibration with Dry Friction


We simulate the equation of motion for Example 3.70 (take m = 1) in

Simulink using the saturation function. Note the difficulty in obtaining an
accurate stopping point.

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