NP3 Recalls5
NP3 Recalls5
NP3 Recalls5
1. Respect for autonomy requires individuals to honor 7. The following, except one, are clinical
a patient’s right to self determination. This also involves manifestations of Cushing’s Disease?
allowing patients and families to know all the relevant a. Buffalo hump
information and enabling them to weigh their options. b. Hyperglycemia
What is the most important role that nurses have in such c. Skin hyperpigmentation
situations? d. Hirsutism
6. Cushing’s Syndrome is most likely to be developed a. Decreased vasopressin and decreased kidney water
in which of the following patients? reabsorption
b. Increased vasopressin and increased kidney water
a. A patient with TB infection reabsorption
b. A patient with a pituitary gland tumor, causing c. Decreased insulin and increased serum glucose levels
increased ACTH secretion d. Increased insulin and decreased serum glucose levels
13. Which of the following interventions should not be d. Hypoglycemic crisis
included in the nursing care plan?
20. What is the most appropriate nursing intervention
a. IV infusion of hypotonic saline solution for patient B?
b. Fluid restriction
c. IM administration of ADH a. Give a bedtime snack
d. Skin care b. Give the insulin at 10PM
c. Increase insulin dose
14. Diabetes insipidus may be nephrogenic in form d. This is normal in patients with DM
when there is failure in the renal tubules’ response to
ADH. All but one may cause this condition: Situation
Thyroid disorders can range from a small, harmless
a. Hypokalemia goiter (enlarged gland) that needs no treatment, to life-
b. Hypercalcemia threatening cancer.
c. Intake of declomycin
21. What is the most common type of
d. Meningitis
15. The patient with DI is given Desmopressin IV.
Which of the following nurse findings require a. Grave’s Disease
intervention? b. Hyperaldosteronism
c. Hashimoto’s Disease HYPOTHYRODISM
a. Clear breath sounds d. Adrenal Insufficiency ADDISONS
b. Decreased urine output
22. All but one may be expected in a patient with
c. Sodium level of 136 mEq/L
d. Potassium level of 5.4 mEq/L
28. Non-pharmacological techniques can also help 34. Which medication ordered by the physician will
lower blood pressure. All but one are examples of these help treat the patient's uncontrolled hypertension along
techniques: with providing a protective mechanism to the kidneys?
a. Smoking cessation
b. Taking multivitamins a. Metoprolol
c. Dietary changes b. Amlodipine
d. Caffeine limitation c. Verapamil
d. Lisinopril
29. The patient is being discharged home on
Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) for treatment of 35. Maria is now experiencing extreme pruritus and
hypertension. Which of the following statements by the has several areas of crystallized white deposits on the
patient indicates they understood your discharge skin. As the nurse, you explain that this is due to
teaching about this medication? excessive amounts of what substance found in the blood?
a. Calcium
a. I will make sure I consume foods high in potassium. b. Urea
b. I understand a dry cough is a common side effect with c. Phosphate
this medication. d. Erythropoietin
c. I will only take this medication if my blood pressure is
high. Situation
d. I will monitor my glucose levels closely because this The mortality from stroke during the last 10 years has an
medication may mask symptoms of hypoglycemia. average of 63,804 deaths per year. Despite the COVID
pandemic, the recorded annual Philippine stroke death
30. Which of the following patients does not have a increased from 64,381 in 2020 to 68,180 in 2021
risk factor for hypertension? (Collantes et al., 2022).
a. A 25 year old male with a BMI of 35. 36. Denver, 30 year-old male, is admitted with
b. A 35 year old female with a total cholesterol level of decreased level of consciousness and uncontrolled atrial
100. fibrillation. His pulse rate and blood pressure has
c. A 68 year old male who reports smoking 2 packs of increased. The patient’s medication history includes
cigarettes a day. vitamin D supplements and calcium. What type of stroke
d. A 40 year old female with a family history of is this patient at MOST risk for?
hypertension and diabetes a. Ischemic thrombosis
b. Ischemic embolism
Situation c. Hemorrhagic
Maria is a 65-year old female diagnosed with Chronic d. Ischemic stenosis
Kidney Disease, Type 2 diabetes mellitus, uncontrolled
hypertension and acute dermatitis. She was admitted to 37. MRI shows damage to the cerebellum. What
the hospital with chief complaint of “ang lakas ng kabog assessment findings should you expect to find?
ng dibdib ko.”
a. Vision problems
31. Maria’s potassium level was noted to be 5.7 b. Balance impairment
mmol/L. Her doctor ordered an ECG reading. Which of c. Language difficulty
the following is not expected? d. Impaired short-term memory
a. Peaked T wave
b. Prominent U wave 38. Another patient, Tokyo, has been admitted with
c. Prolonged PR interval right side brain damage due to stroke. What can you
d. Wide QRS expect to observe in the patient? Select all that apply:
32. Maria was also identified to have low serum i. Right side hemiplegia
sodium level. Nursing intervention for a patient with a ii. Confusion on date, time, and place
diagnosis of hyponatremia includes all of the following iii. Aphasia
except: iv. Unilateral neglect
a. Assessing for symptoms of nausea and malaise. v, Aware of limitations
vi. Impulsive
vii. Short attention span a. Assent
viii. Agraphia b. Consent of a minor
c. Minor agreement
a. i, iii, iv, vi, vii d. None of the above
b. ii, iii, iv, viii
c. ii, iv, vi, vii 45. Once Nurse Bon collected all necessary data via
d. All of the above interviews, what technique can he use to analyze these
39. Tokyo was prescribed Mannitol for increased ICP.
Which statement is INCORRECT about this medication? a. Chi-Square test
b. Measures of variation
a. Mannitol will remove water from the brain and place it c. Content analysis
in the blood to be removed from the body. d. Pearson r correlation
b. Mannitol will cause water and electrolyte
reabsorption in the renal tubules. 46. In the study “The effect of a supportive home care
c. When a patient receives Mannitol, the nurse must program on caregiver burden with stroke patients in Iran:
monitor the patient for both fluid volume overload and an experimental study” by Farahani et al. (2021), what is
depletion. the independent variable?
d. Mannitol is not for patients who are experiencing
anuria. a. Supportive home care program
b. Caregiver burden
40. What assessment finding requires immediate c. Stroke patients in Iran
intervention if found while Tokyo is receiving Mannitol? d. An experimental study
61. Nurse Jen is assigned to patient Cynthia. The nurse 67. Prophylthiouracil (PTU) is prescribed to Mrs. Ehe.
should expect which signs/symptoms Ms. Cynthia may The nurse should inform the client to report ______
exhibit? immediately.
a. abcd
b. bcde
64. Which findings indicate the presence of side effects c. acd
associated with levothyroxine? Select all the apply. d. be
a. Weight loss
b. Bradycardia 69. Which signs/symptoms should make the nurse
c. Mild heat intolerance suspect the client is experiencing a thyroid storm?
d. Constipation
e. Insomnia a. Extreme tachycardia and hypothermia
b. Hypotension and tachycardia
a. a,b,c c. Decreased respirations and hypoxia
b. a,c,d,e d. Hyperpyrexia and extreme tachycardia
c. b,c,d,e
d. a,c,e
65. After several weeks from the follow-up check-up 70. In advance cases of hyperthyroidism, the diagnosis is
patient Jen was admitted to the ICU diagnosed with made on the basis of the symptoms and which of the
myxedema coma. Immediate nursing intervention is following laboratory result?
warranted with which assessment data?
a. Increase in serum TSH
a. Serum blood glucose level of 60-mg/dl b. Decreased free T4
b. Pulse oximeter reading of 90% c. Decrease in radioactive iodine uptake
c. Telemetry reading showing sinus bradycardia d. Decreased in serum TSH
d. The client is lethargic and sleeps all the time.
Situation Nurse John has just passed the board exam and is
Mrs. Ehe, 42 years old was diagnosed with Grave’s planning to work in a tertiary hospital in his province.
disease. Nurse John should be encouraged to abide with the laws
that govern the nursing practice in the Philippines.
74. According to the Code of ethics for Nurses, the f. Use a gauge 22 catheter for optimal flow of a blood
hallmark of nursing accountability focuses on _____? transfusion.
77. In the situation above, nurse Jeremy should assess the Situation
patient with what signs/symptoms? Ms. Serena, 25 years old, has been recently diagnosed
with HIV. She has been so distressed about her
a. Fever and chills diagnosis.
b. Flushing and urticaria
c. Dyspnea and stridor 81. A year after her diagnosis, she went back to the
d. Dyspnea and hypotension laboratory for her follow up CD4 counting. Her CD4
count has been noted to be 120 cell/mm^3. The nurse c. Oozing blood from the IV catheter site
should be aware that which symptom/s should be present d. A reddened, inflamed central line catheter site.
aside from the laboratory report would indicate her
condition has already progressed to AIDS? 88. A patient asks the primary nurse, “How does
someone get hemophilia A?” Which statement would be
a. Malaise,fever, anorexia, and weight loss the primary nurse’s best response?
b. Leukopenia
c. Fatigue a. “ it is an inherited A-linked recessive disorder
d. Mucopurulent greenish-yellowish cough b. “It is an inherited X-linked recessive disorder”
c. “The person is born with hemophilia A”
d. “The mother carries the gene and gives it to the
82. The nurse is assigned to care for Ms. Serene who has son”
developed a cutaneous Kaposi’s sarcoma. The nurse is
about to give the patient a bath, change the bed linens.
The lesions are open and drains a small amount of serous 89. The student nurse asks the nurse, “What is sickle cell
fluid. What PPE should the nurse use to bath the patient? anemia?” Which statement by the nurse would be the
best answer to the student’s question?
a. Gloves only
b. Gown and gloves for both procedures a. “Bakit nag tatanong ang beshy ko?”
c. Gown, gloves and a mask for both procedures b. “It is a congenital disease of the blood in which the
d. Gown and gloves to change the bed linens,and gloves blood does not clot”
only for the bath c. “The client has decreased synovial fluid that causes
joint pain.”
d. “The blood becomes thick when the client is
83. In the first few months of her diagnosis, Ms. Serena deprived of oxygen”
was encouraged to continue taking zidovudine (AZT).
The expected outcome of AZT is to: 90. Which is a potential complication that occurs
specifically to a male client diagnosed with sickle cell
a. Destroy the virus anemia during a sickle cell crisis?
b. Slow replication of the virus
c. Enhance the body’s antibody reaction a. ejaculation
d. Neutralize toxins produced by the virus b. Inflammation of the clitoris`
c. Priapism
84. How long is the window period of HIV?
d. Hypertensive crisis
a. 1-3 months
b. 4-5 months Situation
c. 6-7 months
d. 8-9 months Quality nursing practice impact patient care, patient
outcomes, patient and clinical satisfaction, and resource
utilization. The nursing management plays a vital role in
85. What is the confirmatory test for HIV? achieving a quality nursing practice.
b. Soberano 91. Nurse Laida is the chief nurse of Mariano Marcos
c. Western Blot Memorial Hospital and Medical Center. The ER
d. Rumpel Leads test Department has been receiving feedback regarding long
waiting times for treatment. Nurse Laida has formed a
committee to resolve the issue. The leader of the
86. The nurse is admitting a 28-year-old college committee should first consider what task to solve the
instructor with a diagnosis of rule-out anemia. The client problem?
has undergone a gastric bypass surgery for obesity 3
years ago. Current assessment findings include height of a. Reassess the emergency waiting times.
5’5”; weight 75 kg; P110, R27, and BP 104/66; pale b. Consult the director of operations for possible
mucous membranes and dyspnea on exertion. The nurse solutions
should suspect the client to have which type of anemia? c. Collect baseline data to determine if a problem exists
d. A continuous quality improvement team should be
a. Sickle cell anemia established to define the desired outcome
b. Folic acid anemia d. A continuous quality improvement team should be
c. Iron deficiency anemia established to define the desired outcome
d. Vitamin B12 deficiency
92. A staff nurse in the pediatric department had a
87. A client is admitted with full-thickness burns and medication error and had immediately reported to the
may be developing DIC. Which findings would support unit supervisor. The pediatric department is known to
the diagnosis of DIC? promote quality nursing practice. Which response should
the staff expect from the supervisor?
a. Sudden onset of chest pain and frothy sputum
b. Foul-smelling, concentrated urine
a. "Why are you reporting that to me without completing a. Interval
an incident report?" b. Ordinal
b. "You need to report directly to the Chief Nursing c. Ratio
Officer." d. Nominal
c. "We have a blame-free environment so you can
report errors without fearing punishment."
98. A nurse researcher wants to study the response of
d. "You have reported this to me, so you do not need to patients who suffer from dysrhythmia to pacemaker. The
file an incident report." appropriate research design would be?
a. A client with a white blood cell count of 14, 000 99. Which of the following are qualitative data sources?
mm3 (14x109/L) and a temperature of 38.4oC
b. A client who is ambulatory demonstrating steady gait a. Interview and observation.
c. A postoperative client who has just received an opioid b. Primary sources and secondary sources
pain medication. c. Books and journals
d. A client scheduled for physical therapy for the first d. Questionnaires and survey
crutch-walking session.
100. All of the following are advantages of using
questionnaires EXCEPT:
94. The nurse is giving a bed bath to an assigned client
when an assistive personnel (AP) enters the client’s room a. Easy to test data for reliability and validity
and tells the nurse that another assigned client is in pain b. Facilitates data gathering
and needs pain medication. Which is the most c. Less time consuming than interview and observation
appropriate nursing action? d. Respondents may provide socially acceptable
a. Ask the AP to find out when the last pain medication
was given to the client
b. Ask the AP to tell the client in pain that medication
will be administered as soon as the bed bath is complete
c. Finish the bed bath and then administer the pain
medication to the other client
d. Cover the client, raise the side rails, tell the client
that you will come back shortly, and administer the
pain medication to the other client.
Nursing research is considered essential to the
achievement of high-quality patient care and outcomes.
a. Cluster sampling
b. Snowball sampling
c. Simple random sampling
d. stratified random sampling