Loan Prediction System
Loan Prediction System
Loan Prediction System
ISSN No:-2456-2165
3 4
Param Shah Naman Limani
Information Technology Computer Engineering
Vasantdada Patil Pratishthan college of Engineering, Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering,
Mumbai,India Mumbai,India
Abstract:- The modern financial world is marked by approval process, lowers the number of defaults, and meets
lending practices that are always getting better and a the needs of both consumers and banks as they grow. [1]
greater reliance on advanced technologies to speed up
the decision-making process. Financial companies put a People are having a harder time getting loans, but
lot of value on the Loan Prediction System because it banks are getting a lot more requests for loans. In the normal
helps them decide which applicants are creditworthy. process, qualifying is carefully checked and judged, which
This study gives an in-depth look at a sophisticated Loan is tough and takes a long time. It costs banks a lot of money
Prediction System that takes into account important when people don't pay back their loans, which makes things
factors, mainly the applicant's and co-applicant's worse. Utilizing a machine learning methodology is seen as
income. the most effective means to mitigate these issues. The
objective of this project is to enhance the efficiency of the
Keywords:- Machine Learning, Loan Prediction. loan approval process through the utilization of machine
learning tools incorporating categorization algorithms. This
I. INTRODUCTION will enhance the precision of decision-making processes and
reduce dependence on human labor. Ultimately, this
In business, it's very important to check someone's approach expedites the loan approval procedure, diminishes
creditworthiness before lending them money. Machine the incidence of defaults, and effectively addresses the
learning methods such as Random Forest and Gradient escalating demands of borrowers and financial institutions
Boosting Regression are used along with Python to make alike. In this study, we aim to investigate the impact of
this happen. This way of making decisions about loan social media usage on mental health.. These algorithms are
acceptance more accurate and automatic by looking at data subjected to rigorous comparison and evaluation using
from past loans. This data includes details about the established metrics. Notably, Logistic Regression emerges
applicant's credit background, income, and other important as the top-performing model, achieving an accuracy rate of
things. Because they use machine learning, these algorithms 92% and outshining its counterparts with an impressive F1-
learn to find complex patterns and links in the information. Score of 96%.[2]
This helps them guess how likely it is that a person who
wants a loan will not pay it back. By using prediction This initiative addresses the crucial challenge of
analysis, banks can make better loan decisions, lower risks, identifying safe loan beneficiaries in response to an increase
and speed up the loan approval process. This is good for in loan applications and limited banking assets. The goal is
traders and people who want to borrow money. These to optimize resource allocation and reduce risk by analyzing
technologies are very important in the loan business because huge data derived from prior loan records. The study hopes
they make things run more easily and save money. to accurately predict loan safety by training a machine
learning model on these prior events. The study is divided
II. LITERATURE REVIEW into four sections: data collection, machine learning model
comparison, training on the most promising model, and
A lot of people are asking for loans, even though a lot testing. To improve the accuracy of loan predictions, various
of them need more money. An important part of the process machine learning methods such as classification, logistic
is carefully checking skills, which makes it hard to do and regression, decision tree, and gradient boosting are used.[3]
takes a long time. Banks lose a lot of money when people
don't pay back their loans. This makes things worse. Making The process of loan approval holds significant
use of machine learning is the best way to fix these importance for banking institutions. The loan applications
problems. The study's goal is to find faster ways to get loans were either approved or refused by the system. The process
by using machine learning tools and sorting methods. This of loan recovery plays a substantial role in the financial
will help people make better decisions with less work on statements of a bank. Predicting the likelihood of debt
their part. On top of that, this method speeds up the loan repayment by customers poses a challenging task. In recent
Fig 4 Result