Organizational Design - G
Organizational Design - G
Organizational Design - G
Describes your business activity, how you conduct your operations and where.
VIVA GyM, the company of the Graña y Montero Group, dedicated to the promotion and
management of real estate projects.
The real estate business of the Graña y Montero Group began in 1987, with the company GME
S.A., whose main line of business was the management and promotion of real estate investment
It is in this way that our developed projects have been able to differentiate themselves from existing
projects in the market, which has allowed us to consolidate our position as a leading company in
the high and middle socioeconomic segments. With the positioning achieved, not only multi-family
housing was developed, but also single-family homes such as condominiums, private homes,
beach and country houses, offices and shopping centers (Larcomar).
In 2002, GyM absorbed GME's business, creating the Real Estate Division, which maintained
GME's organic structure, which has lasted until the present day with its project managers,
developing different real estate products with specialized criteria.
VIVA GyM offers an innovative alternative in the real estate sector focused on building wellbeing for
its clients and equal access to healthy and safe housing conditions.
VIVA GyM, the company of the Graña y Montero Group, dedicated to the promotion and
management of real estate projects, with values of Compliance, Quality, Reliability and Efficiency is
recognized by our clients and opens the doors to new projects. Having presence in different parts
of Peru, Lima, Callao, Huancayo, Puira.
Describe the dimensions developed in the subject and correlate the descriptions and then draw
a conclusion.
Dimension Description
▪ Marketing 5%.
Describe the dimensions developed in the subject and correlate the descriptions and then draw
a conclusion. at least two dimensions.
Dimension Description
4. Goals and Viva GyM ,the real estate company of the Graña y
Strategy Montero group, has the following objectives.
5. culture VISION:
VIVA GyM's VISION is to be the leading Real Estate
Development Company in the Peruvian market,
recognized as the most innovative in terms of service
standards to its customers.
Perform the external analysis, describe two variables for each force and at the end make a
conclusion correlating the described variables.
Force Description O A
also in industrial and rural areas, having care raise the cost considered
especially where mining is located, and respect for in the waste management
demonstrating that there is no good the budget.
environmental management and that it environment,
has not been possible through having a better
mechanisms and policies to care for participation in
and preserve the natural heritage. bidding for the
execution of
The construction sector generates works.
waste that affects the environment, so
the ministry in charge regulates the
proper management of waste to avoid
negative impact on the ecology, for
which the budget must be included in
the execution of the works.
In conclusion, these forces allow us to know and make a more detailed study of the current
situation or macro-environment of the company in order to evaluate and make a decision or be
prepared for any situation that may arise. Thanks to this tool GyM has improved its situation in
recent years and has increased and expanded its territory not only in Peru but also in other
countries. It is worth mentioning that the company has had risks such as the Odebrecht case in
which the company has been involved.
• Aggressive business diversification • Learning from the incursion into
strategy foreign markets
3. Organizational Purpose
3. Organizational Purpose
3.4. Organizational Objectives (Make a proposal of three strategic objectives for the
Viva GyM obtains its competitive advantage It has 3 sustainable competitive advantages
through a differentiation strategy, the in the execution of its works completed
company knows how to integrate its before the deadline, in the good working
processes well, generating value to satisfy itsenvironment with its workers and in the
customers, shareholders and personnel. capacity to take on large-scale works due to
the company's own assets that can support
It has superior innovation because it must these projects.
possess state-of-the-art technologies, as well
as the necessary training and knowledge to
carry out construction projects.
4. Proposals
Informative summary
The functions and procedures manual is a document that guides the members of the
organizations in the execution of their work and are instruments that facilitate the evaluation of
the management within the entity by the control agencies.
Every organization requires at some point in time to document the work performed by officers
or employees in order to keep track of the activities carried out in the industry and the person
responsible for each activity.
Those who lead the development of a manual of functions and procedures assume the
challenge of transmitting to the employees in a clear and simple way, the way in which they
must perform their work and the importance of doing it well in terms of efficiency,
effectiveness, economy and speed. The elaboration of a functions and procedures manual is
not subject to a rigid structure, but on the contrary, its structure is flexible and creative.
The realization of the practice starts from the question: What is the importance of having an
organizational structure and a manual of functions in the organizations? Every organization
seeks continuous improvement and growth. Organizations need to approach things in an
innovative way in order to improve the standard of living of their employees and use the
necessary administrative and operational tools that contribute adequately to the proper
performance of their employees' job duties. To improve the work environment it was
necessary to implement in the company "VIVA GRAÑA Y MONTERO" manuals of
Procedures and Functions, which highlights the functions of each position and achieve a
measurement and evaluation for them in a quick and easy way, minimizing labor conflicts in
the organization.
General Objective
To prepare the company's functions and procedures manual as a support instrument that
defines and establishes control sections, communication channels between departments,
responsibilities and functions. In order to standardize all the activities and procedures that
exist within it, so as to allow an efficient administration and achieve all its goals.
Research and diagnose existing information to define the procedures
Perform a job analysis to establish the functions performed by each of the
members of the company, level of responsibility and commitment.
Build the functions manual and identify the different processes that are
developed within the organization.
Theoretical Reference
In this section we will point out the different conceptual contributions in order to analyze all
the components of the organization it is necessary to mention the following concepts.
The organizational structure allows us to know how the organization is divided and the
direction of command.
Job Specialization
It defines work specialization as: "the degree to which tasks in an organization are divided
into separate jobs, allowing for greater efficiency in the tasks to be performed" and also allows
each worker to specialize in a single activity and provide greater performance.
"Allows you to group and classify the work activities of your employees."
Fulfillment of objectives
List of activities that made it possible to achieve specific objectives
For the elaboration of the Manual of functions and procedures was made as a primary
source a collection of data on each of the activities performed by the staff of the company
"VIVA GRAÑA Y MONTERO", given by each employer and also as a secondary source
information was obtained from the contracts of the company where they specify some
functions of its employees, other secondary sources were: books, web sites to obtain the
information theory of the theoretical framework and guides for the elaboration of the process
First Objective: Research and diagnose the existing information to define the
procedures manual.
Based on the first objective, we obtained as a result the primary and secondary collection of
secondary information of the company "VIVA GRAÑA Y MONTERO".
Second objective: To carry out the analysis of the positions to establish the
functions performed by each of the members of the company, level of responsibility
and commitment.
In relation to the analysis and collection of information for each position, it was possible to
determine each of the activities to be carried out with the purpose of strengthening the
functions of each position in the organization and to ensure that the functions manual is
apply and have the expected results.
Third objective: To build the functions manual and identify the different processes
that are developed within the organization.
As a result, the functions and procedures manual was prepared.
Contributions of the practice to the company.
The contributions made to the company were as follows:
the elaboration of the Function Manuals where each employee's
function is specifically structured.
An organizational structure was created with the purpose of obtaining a graphic
representation that allows to know the company and to be able to establish the
levels of hierarchy, lines of authority, responsibility and communication.
Establish procedures for the recognition of new customer acquisition,
leasing and sales of a property.
Basic Knowledge
• Knowledge of Business Administration.
• General knowledge of State Administrative Systems, Public Management and Organizational
• Windows Office and application management.
o Commitment
o Communication
o Integrity
o Ethics
o Organization and planning Results orientation
o Internal and external customer orientation
o Teamwork
1. Coordinate, evaluate, program, plan, formulate, execute the activities that make up
the Investment Budget of Viva GYM or any other activity under its administration or
2. To propose to the General Management, the formulation of the Investment Budget
and the Investment Projects Portfolio, in order to optimize the use of the resources
allocated for this purpose.
3. Identify the existing needs of Viva GYM and the managed entities, and propose the
best alternative solution in a comprehensive manner, regardless of the programming
of its execution in stages in more than one budget period.
4. Execute the Investment Projects in its three phases: Pre Investment, Investment and
Post Investment.
5. Formulate the programming of projects and the requirements for contracting studies,
technical files, works, materials and goods for their execution.
6. Formulate the requirements for the contracting of professionals for the supervision,
residence, coordination and technical liquidation of project studies and works.
7. Ensure the proper execution of public and/or private investment projects.
8. Submit the corresponding reports and documents of the technical inspections and
evaluations of the infrastructure and facilities of Viva GyM's real estate assets,
9. Metropolitan Municipality of Lima, and third parties under administration
10. Review the Terms of Reference and Work Plans submitted by the Deputy Managers
in charge.
Educational level Licensed and authorized professional in Architecture and
achieved Engineering.
With specialization studies in Public Investment Project
Management or related field.
Experience (minimum) Not less than 10 years of work experience.
Specific experience
Preferably not less than 08 years in the public administration.
Basic Knowledge
• Management of Public Investment Projects.
• Windows Office and computer applications.
Generic Competencies:
1. Commitment
2. Communication
3. Integrity
4. Ethics
5. Organization and planning
6. Results oriented
7. Internal and external customer orientation
8. Teamwork
9. Confidentiality
Specific Competencies:
1. Development of your team
2. Negotiation
3. Analytical Skills
4. Leadership
5. Strategic thinking
Complementary -
Experience (minimum) Not less than 02 years of work experience.
Specific experience Not less than 01 years of driving experience.
Basic Knowledge
Driver's license with category related to the type of vehicle to be driven.
Have a good driving record.
o Commitment
o Integrity
o Ethics
o Discretion
o Teamwork
o Responsibility
o Working under pressure
o Dynamism - Energy
o Cooperation
Improve the current channels of communication between the areas, since currently they do
not favor the usual development of the common activities of the area in most cases they
become very bureaucratic and consequently the initiation, development and closing of
projects is slower than necessary.
The company's mission, vision and objectives support this set of elements mentioned above,
which in turn allow unifying the direction to be taken by the company and achieving the
commitment of the collaborators.
Trust and autonomy = higher performance giving employees the freedom to perform their
work along with confidence in their abilities is the key to avoiding the temptation for
managers to control and monitor every task performed by team members.
Ethical values:
Homogeneous and aligned behavior, with the objective of protecting, dignifying and honoring
our profession. And by complying with well-established principles and regulations, avoid
situations that compromise the image of the institution.
New methods and organizational designs are created, whether in company practices,
workplace organization or external relations. It is through new practices that the
organizational culture is improved and, as a result, the productivity and competitiveness of
human resources is increased.
The virtual reality method is another technology to keep an eye on in the real estate sector.
With this method, future owners of a property can put on 3D glasses that show them the
design or environment of their new home. This technique can provide a great advantage to
visionary real estate consultants, especially when marketing construction projects. Potential
customers who do not have the opportunity to attend site visits can also get closer to reality
with the new 3D glasses than ever before. The wearer can move freely in the virtual
environment, interact with it and even "feel" it, for example the lighting or the spaciousness
of a room.