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The Problem and Its Background

Nowadays, the Philippines is currently experiencing increased police
presence and intensified policing programs. Police officers are currently
dealing with a variety of difficulties involving their personality, behavior,
performance, and the way they interact with others (Canare, Garcia & Caliso,
2018). They face myriad challenges, spanning governance, corruption, and
national security threats. Hence, securing a strong leadership pipeline
equipped not only to face these challenges, but also to strengthen policing
effectiveness and over-all security sector reforms is crucial (Mendoza et al.,
Brown (2015) explained that there is something fundamentally wrong
with the way the policemen think. There is clearly a difference in their minds,
between the official "by the book" way and the "this is how we really do it"
way. Consider the all-too-common reports about a group of cops who abduct
a person, usually under the pretense of making an arrest. The poor guy is
often taken to the police station first, and then carted off to a private
residence, where he is either robbed or held for ransom. In other cases, he
may be held right at the police station and forced to pay the officers, so they
won't file a particular charge against him. Think about how this works. A
policeman, or a group of policemen, makes an arrest, brings the subject to the
station, and locks him up, and then conducts business-style negotiations with
the subject or his relatives, ending with the payment of "bail" and the release
of the

subject. All going on right inside the police station. To make matters worse
when a policeman is arrested for this crime,
the official charge is usually "unlawful detention", which makes it sound more
like an error in procedure than a kidnapping...which is what it really is. This
happens because supervisors are not supervising. Procedures already exist
to prevent this kind of activity, but they are not being followed, and they are
not being enforced. Officially, locking a person up in a police station's
detention cell involves more than one person, and a bit of paperwork. At the
very least, there is always supposed to be a blotter entry and an incident
report, and that means that the station commander or shift supervisor must be
With the article stated above, it defeats the purpose of Republic Act
No. 8551 which states that the Philippine National Police (PNP) shall be a
community and service-oriented agency responsible for the maintenance of
peace and order and public safety. It shall be so organized to ensure
accountability and uprightness in police exercise of discretion as well as to
achieve efficiency and effectiveness of its members and units in the
performance of their functions. One of its four perspectives that are aligned to
its mandates and functions as a safekeeping agency is working in partnership

with a responsive community at the national, regional, and local levels. These
communities must be engaged so that a working partnership can be forged in
reaching a "safer" environment (Deri Ritzelda, 2020).

A central goal of any community is the safety and security of its

members. Police can play an important role in achieving this goal.
Communities need police to be accountable in the ways they serve and
protect, to listen to community needs and recommendations, to hold officers
accountable for wrongdoing and brutality, and to make the right judgment
calls when events get heated or dangerous. In return, police need
communities to invest in them and in their safety. When any of these pieces
are missing, many groups’ people of color, young people, LGBTQ individuals,
low-income people, sex workers, and other communities in marginalized
situations–bear the burden of this breakdown, finding their communities over-‐
or abusively-‐policed and disrupted because of outdated and misguided
policing strategies ([Talking Policing Issues}, 2016)
It is now the intent of the paper to figure out, assess and evaluate the
public perception on the current issues of Philippine National Police Officers.
Doing this will shed light on the problem of low public belief on Philippine
National Police Officers.
Background of the Study
The Philippine National Police (PNP) originated from the Philippine
Constabulary or the PC, which was inaugurated on August 8, 1901,
establishing it as an insular police force under the American regime. On
aaAugust 8, 1975, Presidential Decree no. 765 was issued, establishing the
Philippine Constabulary Integrated National Police or the PC/INP as the

country’s national police force. These fragmented and diverse local police
units were integrated into a national police force with the Philippine
Constabulary as its nucleus.
After the People’s Revolution in 1986, a new Constitution was
promulgated providing for a police force, which is “national in scope and
civilian in character.” Consequently, Republic Act No. 6975 entitled, “An Act
Establishing the Philippine National Police under a Reorganized Department
of the Interior and Local government (DILG),” was signed into law on
December 13, 1990, which took effect on January 1, 1991. Subsequently, the
PNP was operational on January 29, 1991, whose members were formerly
the PC and the INP and the absorption of the selected members from the
major service units of the Armed Forces of the Philippines such as the
Philippine Air Force Security Command, the Philippine Coast Guard,
Philippine Navy, and the Philippine Army.
Thus, to further strengthen the PNP into a highly efficient and
competent police force, Republic Act No. 8551 entitled “PNP Reform and the
Reorganization Act of 1998” was enacted on February 17, 1998, amending

certain provisions of Republic Act No. 6975 ([Article on The Philippine

National Police], n.d.)
Quezon City is a planned city. It covers a total area of 161.11 square
kilometers (62.20 sq mi), making it the largest city in Metro Manila in terms of

land area. It is politically subdivided into Six Congressional Districts, which

represents the city in the Lower House of the Congress of the Philippines. The

city has 142 barangays under the City Government. National government
departments and agencies are mostly situated at the National Government
Center I (NGC I) in Diliman, and the National Government Center II (NGC II)
in Batasan Hills, where the Lower House of the Philippine Congress is
located. Most of the city's northern part lies at the foothills of the Sierra
Madre mountain range, including the La Mesa Watershed Reservation, the
largest watershed in Metro Manila and a designated protected area.
San Roque is a barangay in Quezon City. Its population as determined
by the 2020 Census was 19,093. This represented 0.65% of the total
population of Quezon City. San Roque is situated at approximately 14.6207,
121.0613, in the island of Luzon. Elevation at these coordinates is estimated
at 50.4 meters or 165.4 feet above mean sea level.

Figure 1:
(Geographical Map of Barangay San Roque Cubao Quezon City)

Theoretical Framework
The theoretical framework will present below which will serve as a

guide the researchers throughout the study's conduct. This study will anchor
on the Social Learning Theory by Akers as an extension of Sutherland’s
differential association theory to explain acts that violate social norms. The
basic assumption behind Social Learning Theory is that the same learning
process can produce both conforming and deviant or delinquent behavior.
Akers posits that four variables function to instigate and strengthen attitudes

toward social behavior: differential association, definitions, reinforcement, and

modeling. The balance of these influences determines whether one will be
prone to engage in conforming or deviant behavior. The central variable in
social learning theory is differential association, or the influence of those with
whom one associates frequently. Akers argues that individuals develop
favorable or unfavorable definitions to deviance in interactions with their
peers. The social process theories known as learning theories explain how
and why individuals learn from significant others to engage in criminal rather
conventional act.
This study will also anchor on Predictive Model for Serious Police
Misconduct by Variation of the Theory of Planned Behavior by Timothy
Cubitt, Ken Wooden, Erin Kruger, and Michael Kennedy. They proposed a
prediction model for serious police misconduct by variation of the theory of
planned behavior. Each model demonstrated noteworthy predictive power,
however, the extended model performed particularly well. Prior instances of
minor misconduct amongst officers appeared important in this rate of

prediction, suggesting that remediation of problematic behavior was a

substantial issue amongst misconduct prone officers (Cubitt et al, 2020).
The Predictive Model for Serious Police Misconduct by Variation of the
Theory of Planned Behavior also support the study about the public
perception of the community towards police officers because misconduct and
deviance amongst police officers are substantial issues in policing around the
world. This model supports behavioral prediction amongst deviant police
officers and offer an alternative methodology for understanding these
behaviors. This study is anchored on the theory of reciprocal Responsibility of
the Police Community Relations Manual of 2003 of the Philippine National
Police (PNP) which provides that the police on their own cannot effectively
prevent and control Crime. To ensure the success of Community Oriented
Policing System (COPS), the community must be viewed as the Stakeholder.
It is true that crime is everybody’s business. However, some citizens are not
aware of this responsibility.

Conceptual Framework
In connection with the above-cited theoretical framework, a conceptual
framework will develop and analyze as the model of the study showing the
variable and their implied relation with other variables. The researchers will

use the Input, Process, Output (IPO) Model in the framework to represent
as the outline of the study.
The INPUT variables involve putting information into the system such
as the variables on Effectiveness of Community and Service-Oriented Policing
System to the police and to the residents. It is given by the residents of
Barangay San Roque Cubao Quezon City, which will use to analyze the
significance of the information to the statement of the problem.
The PROCESS involves doing something with the information such as
the use of Survey questions, Interview, Gathering data, Data analysis.
The OUTPUT component refers to an outcome for evaluation of the
Effectiveness of Community and Service-Oriented Policing System in
Barangay San Roque Cubao, Quezon City

Data Gathering
1. Perceive the
performance of the Procedures
police officers in the
implementation of the 1. Survey
Community and Service- Questionnaire.
Oriented Policing
System in Barangay
San Roque Cubao 2. Interview with the
Quezon City in terms of: Repondents. An outcome
evaluation of the
1.1 Community Effectiveness of
Relation, 3. Collection of data Community and
1.2 Public Safety Service-Oriented
1.3 Peace and Order 4. Evaluation of data Policing System in
Collected. Barangay San
1.4 Community Roque Cubao,
Quezon City
2. Problems may be 5. Analysis of data
encountered by the Police Collected.
Officer in handling
Community and Service-
Oriented Policing based on 6. Evaluation of data.
the perspective of the
respondents in Barangay 7. Interpretation of data.
San Roque Cubao, Quezon
8. Statistical Treatmen.
3. difference between the Feedback Mechanism
Figure 2:
Police Officer and the 9. Presentation Conceptual Paradigm
Community in the
perception of the Hypothesis
Community Oriented
Policing in Barangay San There is no significance difference between the two (2) groups of the
Roque Cubao Quezon perspective
city of the Community Oriented Policing in the Barangay San Roque,
of the above-mentioned
Cubao, Quezon City

4. Policy may be proposed

in the effectiveness of the
Community Oriented
Policing in Barangay San

Statement of the Problem

The study will deal in identifying the Effectiveness of Police Officer in
handling Community and Service-Oriented Policing System at Barangay San
Roque Cubao Quezon City. Specifically, the researchers’ aim is to find
answers on the following problem:
1. How do the two (2) groups of respondents perceive the performance of
the police officers in the implementation of the Community and Service-
Oriented Policing System in Barangay San Roque Cubao Quezon City
in terms of:
1. Community Relation;
2. Public Safety;
3. Peace and Order;
4. Community Partnership?
0. What problems may be encountered by the Police Officer in handling
Community and Service-Oriented Policing based on the perspective of the
respondents in Barangay San Roque Cubao, Quezon City?
0. Is there any difference between the Police Officer and the Community
in the perception of the Community Oriented Policing in Barangay San Roque
Cubao Quezon city of the above-mentioned variables?
1. What Policy may be proposed in the effectiveness of the Community
Oriented Policing in Barangay San Roque Cubao Quezon.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The researchers’ study will focus on the following premise:
The Basis of Community and Service-Oriented Policing System in
Barangay San Roque Cubao, Quezon City will use to figure out some issues
and concerns that must be given focus with the end of view to formulate an in
out proactive program.
The researcher will choose one hundred (100) respondents in
Barangay San Roque Cubao Quezon City. The respondents were divided into
(2) groups, fifty (50) Police Officers and fifty (50) Residents.
The researchers will concentrate on Police Officers who stayed in
service up to 35 years and Residents who stayed in the community up to 0-60
years. The locale of the study will be the Barangay San Roque Cubao,
Quezon City. Lastly, the study will cover the period of 2022-2023.
Significance of the Study
This research study will conduct primarily to which the Effectiveness of
Community and Service-Oriented Policing System in Barangay San Roque
Cubao, Quezon City will be the bases for evaluation. Furthermore, this study
will aim to enhance the strategic program and the result of this study may help
the management to know the status in the Effectiveness of Community and
Service-Oriented Policing System Barangay San Roque Cubao, Quezon City
and the reliable data that will gather deems beneficial to the following:

QCPD PS 7. It will be the basis for Barangay San Roque Cubao

Quezon City to develop an implementation of rules and regulation regarding
to the Community Oriented-Policing System.
PNP Quezon Police District It will help the government to preserve
peace and order in every context that may occur including cooperation,
communication, and preparedness as useful in ensuring safety and security.
Barangay. It will serve as a guideline for the residents of Santa
Barangay San Roque Cubao Quezon City to increase their awareness and to
improve their knowledge regarding to the study.
Residents. It will provide valuable information that can be used to
improve public safety and strengthen the relationship between law
enforcement and the community.
Future Researchers. It will serve as a reference and guide for future
research endeavor.
Definition of Terms

Communication System. A collection of individual telecommunications

networks, transmission systems, relay stations, tributary stations, and terminal
equipment usually capable of interconnection and interoperation to form an
integrated whole. (International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Community Groups. Type of group or organization that is created and
functions for a specific purpose or to provide a specific service in a community
and contributes and creates optimum health, human rights, right to life and

shared prosperity and support for members of the community. (National

Council of Nonprofits)
Community Partnerships. Collaborative partnerships between the law
enforcement agency and the individuals and organizations they serve to
develop solutions to problems and increase trust in police officers and other
allied law enforcement agencies. (U.S. Department of Justice)
Community Relations. A function that evaluates public attitudes, shapes the
policies of the organization in the public interest and produces a program of
action to earn community understanding and respect. (Public Relations
Society of America and International Association of Business Communicators
Constituents. Person who stood for politically by a designated government
official or officeholder, especially when the official is one that the person rep
Ko resented has the opportunity to participate in selecting through voting or
perhaps through other methods of indicating political.
(1987 Philippine Constitution)
Crime Prevention. The attempt to reduce and deter crime and criminals. It is
applied specifically to efforts made by governments to reduce crime, enforce
the law, and maintain criminal justice.
(Philippine National Police- Police Operational Procedure)
Decision-making autonomy. The ability to make an informed, uncoerced
decision. Autonomous organizations or institutions are independent or self-
governing. (1987 Philippine Constitution)

Decentralized planning. Type of planning where local organizations and

institutions formulate, adopt, execute actions, and supervise the plan without
interference by the central body.
(Philippine National Police- Police Operational Procedure)
Police-Community Relations. The relationship between the police and the
communities they serve. Good police-community relations are imperative for
developing trust between police and citizens. (Philippine National Police-
Police Operational Procedure)
Prevention. Preventing something, the act or practice of stopping something
bad from happening.

( Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, n.d.,)

Public Safety. Refers to the welfare and protection of the public. It is usually
expressed as a governmental responsibility. Most states have departments for
public safety. The primary goal of the department is prevention and protection
of the public from dangers affecting safety such as crimes or disasters.
(Philippine National Police- Police Operational Procedure)
Security System. It is literally a means or method by which something is
secured through a system of interworking components and devices.
( Retrieved March 17, 2023)
Strategic Programs. Coherent set of programmer activities designed to
achieve a specified goal or set of objectives. (

PNP Philippine National Police
CSOP Community and Service-Oriented Policing

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