Reasons To Drink Oxygen and Hydrogen Rich Water
Reasons To Drink Oxygen and Hydrogen Rich Water
Reasons To Drink Oxygen and Hydrogen Rich Water
Water structure is not a simple compound as we know it, as a liquid in a glass. Structured water
is not some random arrangement of hydrogen and oxygen (called bulk water). Rather,
structured water has the amazing ability to arrange its hydrogen and oxygen molecules into
repeating, geometric formations, as a crystal, and this is why it is called ordered, or
structured. However, why does this matter for cell health? It is because cells are not made of
random, bulk, liquid water. Cell water is made of ordered, structured, gel form water, which is
a completely different substance from bulk water, with different energy properties and
different functions. Also, 99% of our body molecules (by count) are structured water
molecules, and therefore this fact becomes critically important if we are to understand and
sustain our health and wellbeing.
The key processes in the body are digestion, absorption, assimilation, and elimination. Cells
need to be at an optimal negative charge of about -50mV to enable proper cell regulation and
All living species are regulated by two (2) forces: entropy and syntropy. Entropy (2nd Law of
Thermodynamics) is the natural force that leads to decay or death unless there is a
compensating force, eg. syntropy. Syntropy is a life-affirming force that slows down decay (ie.
aging) and prevents disease. When entropy is the overpowering force, cell charge will change
polarity and move to a positive (+mV) charge, and this is the zone of decay or disease.
The cell’s syntropy forces were used by our ancestors to enable a cell to stay in a healthy range,
and include:
Water is the most critical molecule consumed by people on a daily basis. Some of the health
reasons for consuming structured water are listed below.
1. The brain requires structured water that is high in oxygen and hydrogen to
manufacture hormones and neurotransmitters. Negatively charged hydrogen ions (H+ is
actually negatively charged because in properly structured water it is an electron donor
due to water's most unique design), are the basic building blocks of all ACIDS, including
amino acids and DNA chains. Without amino acids, hormones and neurotransmitters
can never be produced and/or repaired. Moreover, without an abundance of negative
charged H+ ions, the brain is much more susceptible to concussions and trauma
2. Water forms the saliva necessary for digestion. The structured, H+ dense drinking
water also keeps the hydrochloric acid (HCL) in the stomach from becoming buffered (or
too alkaline). If the pH of the hydrochloric acid rises above 3.5 pH, the proteins are not
broken down correctly and a plethora of health issues such as diverticulitis, high
cholesterol, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic indigestion, etc., are the inevitable result
due to the proteins literally rotting inside of you, instead of being properly digested.
3. Water keeps the body's mucosal membranes moist. This is critical for healthy immune
function and in lowering the risk of colds and flus, as well as seasonal allergies.
4. Water regulates body temperature (sweating and respiration). Structured (negative
charge) water is the prime catalyst in many complex chemical reactions at the cellular
level. The most important physiological activity of a cell is actually an acid-producing
process. Carbohydrate substances are broken down into carbon dioxide (CO2) and
carbonic acid. Also, the ingestion of acidic foods, salts and liquids actually make the
body fluids more alkaline. This comes about because the weak organic acids in such
substances are partly in the form of sodium or potassium salts (electrolytes). In order to
maintain charge balance, some of the CO 2 produced by normal metabolism of these
food and liquid acids must be converted into bicarbonate HCO 3–), which is a weak base
5. Water allows body cells to grow, reproduce and survive (ie. regulate and heal).
Without adequate H+ ions via proper hydration, cellular DNA is more apt to mutate and
form various cancers (see image on page 1).
6. Water acts as a shock absorber to brain and spinal cord. That is, a hydrated brain and
spinal cord is much healthier and much less prone to injury and chronic pain.
7. Water flushes body waste, mainly in urine. The body’s amazing lymph system is also
extremely dependent on proper hydration in order to transport cellular waste to the
kidneys and then the urine. Often headaches are result of dehydration and build up of
toxic waste in cells.
8. Water converts food to components needed for survival through digestion absorption,
assimilation, and elimination. Without adequate H+ ions (abundant in structured
water), the stomach acid becomes buffered and alkaline which in turn disrupts the
healthy digestion of proteins.
9. When H+ is scarce (ie. destructured water), the cellular production of Adenisone
TriPhosphate (ATP: the cell's energy molecule) is also limited. Without ATP, cells
become stressed and lose their energy. When that happens, the entire body becomes
depressed and loses its vital energy as well.
10. Water lubricates joints and muscles. This is even more critical as people age and enter
into their golden years when dehydration is often common, yet hydration is essential to
sustain cell syntropy (cell life).
Phi’on research has also proven the beneficial effects of the structured water on plant growth
and productivity, animal, and human health. These results are documented in papers on the
MEA website at
systems in Australia and overseas, the water delivered or accessed for drinking has very few
sediments to filter.
Most people buy filters in the false belief that they are removing all of fluoride, chlorine, heavy
metals, and chemicals from the water. These toxins are either added to the water by
government authorities or are collected by the water through exposure in the environment.
However, the impact of water on human and animal health is primarily not determined by
water chemistry but by the physical structure of the water molecules in structured water.
The natural and physical state of water in a pristine flowing stream is structured with a 6- sided,
crystalline water molecule array, and carries a negative (-mV) charge. Stored or still water that
is delivered from tanks, reservoirs, and straight pipes is not water in its natural state. This
water has a 5 sided-crystalline structure (destructured state) and carries a positive (+mV)
charge. However, every living cell requires a constant supply of negative (-mV) charge from
natural water, fresh food, sunlight, etc. to function in an optimal manner for regulation and
healing. Filters create dead, unnatural water that has adverse effects on cell health.
Natural water is water in a pristine flowing stream, and the water carries a negative (-mV)
charge during to the continuous vortex action of the water. This natural, structured water also
contains beneficial microbes from the environment and minerals from the geology along the
flowing pathway of the water. This is the water that cells thrive on for regulation and healing.
A Phi’on MEA water device ( can produce a natural, structured water
from unstructured water, supplied from a storage system, eg. tank, reservoir, and dam.